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// Device server which handle communication to various devices (currently implements RUPTELA)
package main
import (
_ ""
_ ""
var exPath = "";
func startServer(options *opt.Options) {
//---options ---------------------------------------------------------
//start server according to mode
svcNet := &server.DevicePrsServerNet{
Options: options,
func main() {
//maximum cpu
ex, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
exPath = filepath.Dir(ex) + "/"
confPath := exPath + "config.hjson"
// re-open file
file, err := os.Open(confPath)
if err != nil {
confPath = "config.hjson"
defer file.Close()
//parse configurationf file
cfgFile := flag.String("conf", confPath, "Configuration file")
//load options
config, err := opt.FromFile(*cfgFile, opt.FormatAuto)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error while loading configuration file %v -> %v\n", *cfgFile, err)
//display server ID (displayed in console)
log.Printf("Server ID: %v\n", config.Get("server").GetString("id", "undefined (check configuration)"))
//setup log
//lw, err := utility.NewLogWriter(config)
//if err != nil {
// log.Printf("Error while setup logging: %v\n", err)
// return
log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile | log.Ldate | log.Ltime)
logName := config.Get("log").Get("file").GetString("name", "")
Filename: logName,
MaxSize: 10, // megabytes
MaxBackups: 3,
MaxAge: 3, //days
Compress: true, // disabled by default
//defer lw.Close()
pidFilePath := exPath + "receiver-" + config.Get("server").GetString("id", "undefined (check configuration)") + "-pid"
errRemoveFile := os.Remove(pidFilePath)
if errRemoveFile != nil {
log.Printf("PID file will be created")
pidStr := strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid())
log.Printf("PID: %v\n", pidStr)
d1 := []byte(pidStr)
errCreateFile := ioutil.WriteFile(pidFilePath, d1, 0644)
if errCreateFile != nil {
log.Printf("Error while setup write PID file: %v\n", errCreateFile)
} else{
log.Printf("PID file created")
//Run application