import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:connectivity_plus/connectivity_plus.dart';
import 'package:internet_connection_checker/internet_connection_checker.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import '../../../connection/connection.dart';
import '../../../migrations/databasehelper.dart';
import '../../../models/asset_status_model.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class SyncronizationPeminjamanData {
Future<int> addData(AssetStatusModel assetStatusModel) async {
final dbClient = await conn.db;
late int result;
try {
result = await dbClient!.insert(
SqfliteDatabaseHelper.peminjamanTable, assetStatusModel.toJson());
} catch (e) {
print('Error adding data to local SQLite: $e');
result = 0; // Handle the error appropriately
return result;
Future<List> fetchData() async {
var dbclient = await conn.db;
List assetStatusList = [];
try {
List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await dbclient!
.query(SqfliteDatabaseHelper.peminjamanTable, orderBy: 'id DESC');
for (var item in maps) {
} catch (e) {
return assetStatusList;
static Future<bool> isInternet() async {
var connectivityResult = await (Connectivity().checkConnectivity());
if (connectivityResult == ConnectivityResult.mobile) {
if (await InternetConnectionChecker().hasConnection) {
print("Mobile data detected & internet connection confirmed.");
return true;
} else {
print('No internet :( Reason:');
return false;
} else if (connectivityResult == ConnectivityResult.wifi) {
if (await InternetConnectionChecker().hasConnection) {
print("wifi data detected & internet connection confirmed.");
return true;
} else {
print('No internet :( Reason:');
return false;
} else {
"Neither mobile data or WIFI detected, not internet connection found.");
return false;
final conn = SqfliteDatabaseHelper.instance;
Future<List<AssetStatusModel>> fetchAllInfo() async {
final dbClient = await conn.db;
List<AssetStatusModel> assetStatusList = [];
try {
final maps = await dbClient!.query(SqfliteDatabaseHelper.peminjamanTable);
for (var item in maps) {
} catch (e) {
return assetStatusList;
Future<void> deleteAllAssetStatusData() async {
var dbClient = await conn.db;
await dbClient!.delete(SqfliteDatabaseHelper.peminjamanTable);
// Future saveToPeminjamanWith(
// List<AssetStatusModel> assetStatusesLocalList) async {
// for (var i = 0; i < assetStatusesLocalList.length; i++) {
// DateTime? parseDateTime(String? dateTimeString) {
// if (dateTimeString == null || dateTimeString.isEmpty) {
// return null;
// }
// try {
// return DateTime.parse(dateTimeString);
// } catch (e) {
// print('Error parsing DateTime: $e');
// return null;
// }
// }
// // Format tanggal sesuai kebutuhan
// String formattedCreatedAt = assetStatusesLocalList[i].created_at != null
// ? DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS')
// .format(assetStatusesLocalList[i].created_at!)
// : DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS').format(DateTime.now());
// Map<String, dynamic> data = {
// "mobile_id": assetStatusesLocalList[i].mobile_id.toString(),
// "peti_id": assetStatusesLocalList[i].peti_id.toString(),
// "customer_id": assetStatusesLocalList[i].customer_id.toString(),
// "warehouse_id": assetStatusesLocalList[i].warehouse_id.toString(),
// "exit_at": assetStatusesLocalList[i].exit_at.toString(),
// "est_pengembalian":
// assetStatusesLocalList[i].est_pengembalian.toString(),
// "exit_pic": assetStatusesLocalList[i].exit_pic.toString(),
// "exit_warehouse": assetStatusesLocalList[i].exit_warehouse.toString(),
// "created_by": assetStatusesLocalList[i].created_by.toString(),
// "created_at": formattedCreatedAt,
// };
// final response = await http.post(
// Uri.parse(await getBaseUrl() + '/asset-status/store'),
// body: data,
// );
// if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// // print("Data uploaded successfully for index $i:");
// // print("Response body: ${response.body}");
// print("Saving Data saveToMysqlWith");
// } else {
// print(
// "Failed to upload data for index $i. Status code: ${response.statusCode}");
// print("Response body: ${response.body}");
// }
// }
// return true; // Pengunggahan berhasil
// }
Future<bool> saveToPeminjamanWith(
List<AssetStatusModel> assetStatusesLocalList) async {
const maxRequestsBeforeDelay = 25;
const delayDuration = Duration(seconds: 3);
int requestCounter = 0;
await Future.forEach(assetStatusesLocalList, (assetStatus) async {
DateTime? parseDateTime(String? dateTimeString) {
if (dateTimeString == null || dateTimeString.isEmpty) {
return null;
try {
return DateTime.parse(dateTimeString);
} catch (e) {
print('Error parsing DateTime: $e');
return null;
// Format tanggal sesuai kebutuhan
String formattedCreatedAt = assetStatus.created_at != null
? DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS')
: DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS').format(DateTime.now());
Map<String, dynamic> data = {
"mobile_id": assetStatus.mobile_id.toString(),
"peti_id": assetStatus.peti_id.toString(),
"customer_id": assetStatus.customer_id.toString(),
"warehouse_id": assetStatus.warehouse_id.toString(),
"exit_at": assetStatus.exit_at.toString(),
"est_pengembalian": assetStatus.est_pengembalian.toString(),
"exit_pic": assetStatus.exit_pic.toString(),
// "exit_warehouse": assetStatus.exit_warehouse.toString(),
"created_by": assetStatus.created_by.toString(),
"created_at": formattedCreatedAt,
final response = await http.post(
Uri.parse(await getBaseUrl() + '/asset-status/store'),
body: data,
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
print("Saving Data saveToMysqlWith");
} else {
print("Failed to upload data. Status code: ${response.statusCode}");
print("Response body: ${response.body}");
// Increment counter
// Jeda 2 detik setiap 30 permintaan
if (requestCounter % maxRequestsBeforeDelay == 0 &&
requestCounter != assetStatusesLocalList.length) {
await Future.delayed(delayDuration);
return true; // Pengunggahan berhasil
Future<List> fetchAllCustomerInfo() async {
final dbClient = await conn.db;
List contactList = [];
try {
final maps = await dbClient!.query(SqfliteDatabaseHelper.peminjamanTable);
for (var item in maps) {
} catch (e) {
return contactList;
Future saveToMysql(List assetStatusesLocalList) async {
DateTime? parseDateTime(String? dateTimeString) {
if (dateTimeString == null || dateTimeString.isEmpty) {
return null;
try {
return DateTime.parse(dateTimeString);
} catch (e) {
print('Error parsing DateTime: $e');
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < assetStatusesLocalList.length; i++) {
// Format tanggal sesuai kebutuhan
String formattedCreatedAt =
assetStatusesLocalList[i]['created_at'] != null
? DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS')
: DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS').format(DateTime.now());
Map<String, dynamic> data = {
"mobile_id": assetStatusesLocalList[i]['mobile_id'].toString(),
"peti_id": assetStatusesLocalList[i]['peti_id'].toString(),
"customer_id": assetStatusesLocalList[i]['customer_id'].toString(),
"warehouse_id": assetStatusesLocalList[i]['warehouse_id'].toString(),
"exit_at": assetStatusesLocalList[i]['exit_at'].toString(),
"exit_pic": assetStatusesLocalList[i]['exit_pic'].toString(),
// "exit_warehouse":
// assetStatusesLocalList[i]['exit_warehouse'].toString(),
"status": assetStatusesLocalList[i]['status'].toString(),
"created_by": assetStatusesLocalList[i]['created_by'].toString(),
"created_at": formattedCreatedAt,
final response = await http.post(
Uri.parse(await getBaseUrl() + '/asset-status/store'),
body: data);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
print("Saving Data saveToMysql");
} else {
Future<List<AssetStatusModel>> fetchFromApi() async {
final response = await http.get(
Uri.parse(await getBaseUrl() + '/asset-status'),
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
List<dynamic> data = json.decode(response.body)['data']['asset_status'];
List<AssetStatusModel> contactDBList = data
(item) => AssetStatusModel.fromJson(item as Map<String, dynamic>))
return contactDBList;
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to fetch data from API Asset Status');