You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
753 lines
23 KiB
753 lines
23 KiB
import 'dart:async'; |
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter_easyloading/flutter_easyloading.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter_slidable/flutter_slidable.dart'; |
import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_local.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/models/customer_model.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/models/disposal_model.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/models/m_asset_status_model.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/models/transfer_peti_model.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/models/type_peti_model.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/models/warehouse_mode.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/pages/transfer_peti/controller/transfer_peti_controller.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/services/controllerApi.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/pages/peminjaman_barang/controller/peminjaman_controller.dart'; |
import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; |
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; |
import 'package:siopas/models/asset_status_model.dart'; |
import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; |
import '../../models/condition_peti_model.dart'; |
import '../../widget/loading_shimmer_show.dart'; |
import '../home/controller/home_controller.dart'; |
import 'show.dart'; |
class TransferPetiPage extends StatefulWidget { |
TransferPetiPage({super.key}); |
final ControllerHome controllerHome = ControllerHome(); // Declare here |
@override |
State<TransferPetiPage> createState() => TransferPetiPageState(); |
} |
class TransferPetiPageState extends State<TransferPetiPage> { |
String? token; |
bool loading = true; |
// Reinit atau Upload Only |
WarehouseModel? warehouseSqfliteApi; |
WarehouseModel? warehouseTujuanSqfliteApi; |
List<CustomerModel>? customerSqfliteApi; |
PetiAssetModel? petiSqfliteApi; |
ConditionPetiModel? conditionPetiSqfliteApi; |
DisposalPetiModel? disposalSqfliteApi; |
List<PetiAssetModel>? _valpeti; |
List<WarehouseModel>? _valwarehouse; |
List<ConditionPetiModel>? _valconditionPeti; |
List<DisposalPetiModel>? _valdisposal; |
// Datatable |
int _currentPage = 1; |
int _pageSize = 10; |
List<TransferPetiModel>? _data; |
List<PetiAssetModel>? _petiData; |
List<TypePetiModel>? _tipePetiData; |
List<CustomerModel>? _customerData; |
List<WarehouseModel>? _warehouseData; |
List<ConditionPetiModel>? _conditionData; |
Timer? _timer; |
bool _isLoading = false; |
int _transferPetiCount = 0; |
String _searchQuery = ''; |
@override |
void initState() { |
super.initState(); |
_getUserToken(); |
// Memulai loading |
setState(() { |
_isLoading = true; |
}); |
Future.wait([ |
_initData(), |
warehouseListAPI(), |
customerListAPI(), |
petiListAPI(), |
datatablesTransferPetiList(), |
datatablesPetiList(), |
datatablesCustomerList(), |
datatablesWarehouseList(), |
initializeDateFormatting('id_ID', null), |
]).then((_) { |
// Mengakhiri loading setelah semua tugas selesai |
setState(() { |
_isLoading = false; |
}); |
}); |
// Inisialisasi _data di sini jika diperlukan |
_data = <TransferPetiModel>[]; |
} |
Future<void> _initData() async { |
try { |
_transferPetiCount = await widget.controllerHome.getTransferCount(); |
} catch (error) { |
print('Error fetching pengembalianCount: $error'); |
} |
// ... tambahkan inisialisasi lainnya |
} |
void _getUserToken() async { |
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); |
if (mounted) { |
setState(() { |
token = prefs.getString('token'); |
}); |
} |
} |
// Reinit atau Upload Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Future warehouseListAPI() async { |
if (mounted) { |
await ControllerApi().fetchWarehouseDataAPI().then((value) { |
setState(() { |
_valwarehouse = (value as List<dynamic>) |
.map((item) => WarehouseModel.fromJson(item)) |
.toList(); |
loading = false; |
}); |
}); |
} |
} |
Future customerListAPI() async { |
if (mounted) { |
await ControllerApi().fetchCustomerDataAPI().then((value) { |
setState(() { |
customerSqfliteApi = (value as List<dynamic>) |
.map((item) => CustomerModel.fromJson(item)) |
.toList(); |
loading = false; |
}); |
}); |
} |
} |
Future petiListAPI() async { |
if (mounted) { |
await ControllerApi().fetchPetiDataAPI().then((value) { |
setState(() { |
_valpeti = (value as List<dynamic>) |
.map((item) => PetiAssetModel.fromJson(item)) |
.toList(); |
loading = false; |
}); |
}); |
} |
} |
// Datatables ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Future datatablesTransferPetiList() async { |
await ControllerTransferPeti() |
.fetchTransferPetiLocalController() |
.then((value) { |
setState(() { |
_data = (value as List<dynamic>) |
.map((e) => TransferPetiModel.fromJson(e)) |
.toList(); |
loading = false; |
}); |
}); |
} |
Future datatablesPetiList() async { |
await Controller().fetchPetiData().then((value) { |
setState(() { |
_petiData = (value as List<dynamic>) |
.map((e) => PetiAssetModel.fromJson(e)) |
.toList(); |
loading = false; |
}); |
}); |
} |
Future datatablesCustomerList() async { |
await Controller().fetchCustomerData().then((value) { |
setState(() { |
_customerData = (value as List<dynamic>) |
.map((e) => CustomerModel.fromJson(e)) |
.toList(); |
loading = false; |
}); |
}); |
} |
Future datatablesWarehouseList() async { |
await Controller().fetchWarehouseData().then((value) { |
setState(() { |
_warehouseData = (value as List<dynamic>) |
.map((e) => WarehouseModel.fromJson(e)) |
.toList(); |
loading = false; |
}); |
}); |
} |
String _formatDate(String? date) { |
if (date != null) { |
DateTime parsedDate = DateTime.parse(date); |
String formattedDate = |
DateFormat('EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy', 'id_ID').format(parsedDate); |
return formattedDate; |
} else { |
return ''; |
} |
} |
List<TransferPetiModel> get _filteredData { |
return _data != null |
? _data!.where((item) { |
// Sesuaikan dengan properti yang ingin Anda cari |
return (_customerData |
?.firstWhere( |
(customer) => == item.name_customer, |
orElse: () => CustomerModel(name: '')) |
?.name ?? |
'') |
.toLowerCase() |
.contains(_searchQuery.toLowerCase()) || |
_formatDate( |
.toLowerCase() |
.contains(_searchQuery.toLowerCase()) || |
(_petiData?.firstWhere((peti) => == item.peti_id, orElse: () => PetiAssetModel(fix_lot: ''))?.fix_lot ?? '') |
.toLowerCase() |
.contains(_searchQuery.toLowerCase()) || |
(_warehouseData |
?.firstWhere((warehouse) => == item.source_warehouse, |
orElse: () => WarehouseModel(name: '')) |
?.name ?? |
'') |
.toLowerCase() |
.contains(_searchQuery.toLowerCase()) || |
(_warehouseData |
?.firstWhere( |
(warehouse) => == item.destination_warehouse, |
orElse: () => WarehouseModel(name: '')) |
?.name ?? |
'') |
.toLowerCase() |
.contains(_searchQuery.toLowerCase()); |
}).toList() |
: []; |
} |
@override |
Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
return WillPopScope( |
onWillPop: () async { |
// Mencegah kembali ke halaman sebelumnya |
return false; |
}, |
child: DefaultTabController( |
length: 1, |
child: Scaffold( |
appBar: appBar(context), |
body: _isLoading |
? Column( |
children: [ |
// shimmerSearch(), |
Expanded( |
child: ListView.builder( |
itemCount: |
4, // Set the number of shimmer cards based on your data count |
itemBuilder: (context, index) { |
return ShimmerLoadingAssetStatusCard(); |
}, |
), |
), |
], |
) |
: bodyTransferPeti(), |
bottomNavigationBar: bottomAppBar(context), |
), |
), |
); |
} |
AppBar appBar(BuildContext context) { |
return AppBar( |
backgroundColor: Colors.indigo[700], |
elevation: 0, |
title: Text('Data Transfer Peti', |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 16, |
)), |
leading: IconButton( |
icon: Icon(Icons.arrow_back, color: Colors.white), |
onPressed: () { |
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/home'); |
}, |
), |
bottom: TabBar( |
indicator: BoxDecoration( |
color: Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 165, 9), |
), |
tabs: [ |
Tab( |
height: 65, |
child: Container( |
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16), |
decoration: BoxDecoration( |
color: Colors.white, |
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(0), |
border: Border.all(color: Colors.grey, width: 1.0), |
), |
child: Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
children: [ |
Expanded( |
child: TextField( |
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18), |
decoration: InputDecoration( |
hintText: 'Masukkan data pencarian...', |
prefixIcon: Icon(, |
border: InputBorder.none, |
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(10), |
labelStyle: TextStyle( |
color: Colors.grey, |
fontSize: 12, |
), |
hintStyle: TextStyle( |
color: Colors.grey, |
fontSize: 12, |
), |
), |
onChanged: (value) { |
setState(() { |
_searchQuery = value.isNotEmpty |
? value |
: ''; // Memperbarui dengan null jika value kosong |
}); |
}, |
), |
), |
Text( |
'Total: $_transferPetiCount', |
style: TextStyle(color:, |
), |
], |
), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
); |
} |
BottomAppBar bottomAppBar(BuildContext context) { |
return BottomAppBar( |
color: Color.fromARGB(255, 5, 28, 158), // Warna latar belakang |
child: Container( |
height: 65.0, |
child: Row( |
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, |
mainAxisAlignment:, |
children: <Widget>[ |
InkWell( |
customBorder: CircleBorder(), |
onTap: () { |
// Aksi ketika ikon diklik |
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/transfer-peti/edit'); |
}, |
child: Container( |
width: 45, |
height: 45, |
decoration: BoxDecoration( |
shape:, |
color: Colors.greenAccent[700], |
), |
child: Icon( |
Icons.add, |
size: 30, |
color: Colors.white, |
), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
); |
} |
Column bodyTransferPeti() { |
return Column( |
children: [ |
Expanded( |
child: TabBarView( |
children: [ |
SingleChildScrollView( |
child: Column( |
children: _filteredData.isNotEmpty |
? _filteredData.asMap() { |
final index = entry.key + 1; |
final item = entry.value; |
return TransferPetiCard( |
transferPeti: item, |
petiData: _petiData ?? [], |
tipePetiData: _tipePetiData ?? [], |
customerData: _customerData ?? [], |
warehouseData: _warehouseData ?? [], |
conditionData: _conditionData ?? [], |
index: index, |
); |
}).toList() |
// : [Text('No results')], |
: [ |
Center( |
child: Column( |
children: [ |
Image.asset( |
'assets/item/empty.png', |
width: 250, // Set the width as needed |
height: 250, // Set the height as needed |
), |
Text( |
'Tidak ada data ditemukan', |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 16, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
], |
); |
} |
} |
class TransferPetiCard extends StatelessWidget { |
final TransferPetiModel transferPeti; |
final List<PetiAssetModel> petiData; |
final List<TypePetiModel> tipePetiData; |
final List<CustomerModel> customerData; |
final List<WarehouseModel> warehouseData; |
final List<ConditionPetiModel> conditionData; |
final int index; // Tambahkan parameter nomor urutan |
TransferPetiCard({ |
required this.transferPeti, |
required this.petiData, |
required this.tipePetiData, |
required this.customerData, |
required this.warehouseData, |
required this.conditionData, |
required this.index, // Inisialisasi parameter nomor urutan |
}); |
@override |
Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
PetiAssetModel? petiSqfliteApi = petiData.firstWhereOrNull( |
(peti) => == transferPeti.peti_id, |
); |
WarehouseModel? warehouseSqfliteApi = warehouseData.firstWhereOrNull( |
(warehouse) => == transferPeti.source_warehouse, |
); |
WarehouseModel? warehouseTujuanSqfliteApi = warehouseData.firstWhereOrNull( |
(warehouse) => == transferPeti.destination_warehouse, |
); |
CustomerModel? customerSqfliteApi = customerData.firstWhereOrNull( |
(customer) => == transferPeti.name_customer, |
); |
String _formatDate(String? date) { |
if (date != null) { |
DateTime parsedDate = DateTime.parse(date); |
String formattedDate = |
DateFormat('EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy', 'id_ID').format(parsedDate); |
return formattedDate; |
} else { |
return ''; |
} |
} |
Future<void> _deleteTransferPeti() async { |
try { |
// Panggil fungsi untuk menghapus Pengembalian berdasarkan ID |
await ControllerTransferPeti() |
.deleteTransferPetiById(; |
// Navigasi kembali ke halaman sebelumnya atau halaman yang sesuai |
Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, '/transfer-peti'); |
} catch (e) { |
// Tangani kesalahan jika terjadi |
print('Gagal menghapus transfer peti: $e'); |
} |
} |
Future<void> _showDeleteConfirmationDialog() async { |
return showDialog<void>( |
context: context, |
builder: (BuildContext context) { |
return AlertDialog( |
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( |
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(16.0), |
), |
title: Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
children: [ |
Row( |
children: [ |
Icon( |
|, |
color:, |
), |
SizedBox(width: 8), |
Text( |
'Konfirmasi Hapus', |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 18, |
), |
), |
], |
), |
IconButton( |
icon: Icon( |
Icons.close, |
color: Colors.black54, |
), |
onPressed: () { |
Navigator.of(context).pop(); |
}, |
), |
], |
), |
content: SingleChildScrollView( |
child: ListBody( |
children: <Widget>[ |
Text( |
'Anda yakin ingin menghapus transfer peti ini? ${petiSqfliteApi!.fix_lot.toString()}', |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 16, |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
actions: <Widget>[ |
Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 3.0), |
child: ElevatedButton( |
child: Text('Hapus'), |
onPressed: () { |
// Panggil fungsi untuk menghapus transfer peti berdasarkan ID |
_deleteTransferPeti(); |
EasyLoading.showSuccess( |
'Berhasil menghapus data transfer peti'); |
}, |
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom( |
primary:, |
), |
), |
), |
], |
); |
}, |
); |
} |
return WillPopScope( |
onWillPop: () async { |
// Mencegah kembali ke halaman sebelumnya |
return false; |
}, |
child: Slidable( |
key: Key(, |
endActionPane: ActionPane( |
motion: ScrollMotion(), |
children: [ |
SlidableAction( |
onPressed: (context) { |
_showDeleteConfirmationDialog(); |
}, |
backgroundColor: Color(0xFFFE4A49), |
foregroundColor: Colors.white, |
icon: Icons.delete, |
label: 'Hapus', |
), |
], |
), |
child: GestureDetector( |
onTap: () { |
// Tindakan yang dilakukan saat card diklik |
if (transferPeti != null) { |
Navigator.push( |
context, |
MaterialPageRoute( |
builder: (context) => DetailTransferPetiPage( |
transferPetiId: int.parse(, |
), |
), |
); |
} |
}, |
child: Card( |
color: Colors.white60, |
elevation: 0.0, |
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( |
side: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey, width: 1.0), |
), |
child: Padding( |
padding: const EdgeInsets.only( |
top: 8.0, |
bottom: 8.0, |
left: 16.0, |
right: 16.0, |
), |
child: Column( |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
_buildAvatarAndIndex(index), |
Divider(), |
_buildInfoRow( |
'Nama Customer:', |
'${customerSqfliteApi?.name ?? '-'}', |
'Tanggal Transfer Peti:', |
'${_formatDate(}', |
13, |
), |
_buildInfoRow( |
'Asal Gudang:', |
'${warehouseSqfliteApi?.name ?? '-'}', |
'Tujuan Gudang', |
'${warehouseTujuanSqfliteApi?.name ?? '-'}', |
13), |
], |
), |
), |
), |
), |
), |
); |
} |
Widget _buildAvatarAndIndex(int index) { |
PetiAssetModel? petiSqfliteApi = petiData.firstWhereOrNull( |
(peti) => == transferPeti.peti_id, |
); |
return Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
_buildAvatar(index), |
Expanded( |
child: Padding( |
padding: const EdgeInsets.only( |
left: 8.0, |
top: 8.0, |
), |
child: Column( |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Text( |
'${petiSqfliteApi?.fix_lot ?? '-'}', |
style: TextStyle( |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
fontSize: 14.5, |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
), |
], |
); |
} |
Widget _buildAvatar(int index) { |
return Container( |
child: CircleAvatar( |
radius: 11, |
backgroundColor: Colors.indigo[700], |
child: Text( |
'$index', |
style: TextStyle( |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
fontSize: 13, |
color: Colors.white, |
), |
), |
), |
); |
} |
Widget _buildInfoRow(String title1, String content1, String title2, |
String content2, double fontSize) { |
return Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Expanded( |
child: Column( |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Text( |
title1, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
fontSize: fontSize, |
), |
), |
SizedBox(height: 3), |
Text( |
content1, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: fontSize - |
0.5, // Mengurangkan ukuran font agar cocok dengan judul |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
SizedBox(width: 10), // Memberi jarak antara dua kolom |
Expanded( |
child: Column( |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Text( |
title2, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
fontSize: fontSize, |
), |
), |
SizedBox(height: 3), |
Text( |
content2, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: fontSize - |
0.5, // Mengurangkan ukuran font agar cocok dengan judul |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
], |
); |
} |