@extends('layouts.main') @section('title', 'Setting Platform') @section('content')

Tabel Barang

DataTables is a third party plugin that is used to generate the demo table below. For more information about DataTables, please visit the

+ Tambah data
DataTables Example
{{-- @php $no_product = 1; @endphp --}} @foreach ($product as $data) @endforeach
Kode Barang Nama Barang Stok Harga Deskripsi Barang Action
Kode Barang Nama Barang Stok Harga Deskripsi Barang Action
{{ $data->kode_barang }} {{ $data->nama_barang }} {{ $data->stok }} Rp {{ number_format($data['harga'], 0, ',', '.') }} {{ $data->deskripsi }}
@foreach ($product as $data) @endforeach @endsection