You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
186 lines
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186 lines
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@extends('layouts.main') |
@section('title', 'Tambah Peminjaman') |
@section('content') |
@include('layouts.components.alert-prompt') |
<!-- Cara Baru --> |
<div class="card shadow mb-4"> |
<div class="card-header py-3"> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-6"> |
<h5 class="m-0 font-weight-bold text-primary mt-2">Tambah Peminjaman</h5> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="card-body"> |
<form action="{{ route('') }}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" |
id="peminjamanForm"> |
@csrf |
<div class="form-group"> |
<label for="peti_id" class="col-form-label">Pilih Detail Peti: <span |
class="text-danger">*</span></label> |
<select class="form-control" id="searchPeti" name="peti_id"></select> |
<label for="customer_id" class="col-form-label">Nama Customer:<span class="text-danger">*</span></label> |
<select class="form-control" id="searchCustomer" name="customer_id"></select> |
<label for="exit_at" class="col-form-label">Tanggal Peminjaman: <span |
class="text-danger">*</span></label> |
<input class="form-control" name="exit_at" type="date" id="exit_at" value="{{ old('exit_at') }}" |
required> |
<label for="est_pengembalian" class="col-form-label">Estimasi Pengembalian: <span |
class="text-danger">*</span></label> |
<input class="form-control" name="est_pengembalian" type="date" id="est_pengembalian" required> |
<label for="warehouse_id" class="col-form-label">Asal Gudang:</label> |
<select class="form-control" id="searchWarehouse" name="warehouse_id"></select> |
</div> |
<div class="modal-footer d-flex justify-content-center"> |
<a href="{{ route('dashboard.peminjaman.index') }}" class="btn btn-secondary">Kembali</a> |
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="submitButton">Simpan</button> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
</div> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> |
<script src=""></script> |
<script src=""></script> |
{{-- <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> --}} |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var path = "{{ route('dashboard.peminjaman.autoCompleteSearch') }}"; |
var searchCustomersPath = "{{ route('dashboard.peminjaman.searchCustomers') }}"; |
var searchWarehousesPath = "{{ route('dashboard.peminjaman.searchWarehouses') }}"; |
// Inisialisasi dropdown peti |
$('#searchPeti').select2({ |
placeholder: 'Pilih Detail Peti', |
ajax: { |
url: path, |
dataType: 'json', |
delay: 250, |
processResults: function(data) { |
return { |
results: $.map(data.peti, function(item) { |
return { |
text: item.fix_lot, |
id: |
} |
}) |
}; |
}, |
cache: true |
} |
}); |
// Inisialisasi dropdown pelanggan dengan Select2 |
$('#searchCustomer').select2({ |
placeholder: 'Cari atau Pilih Pelanggan', |
ajax: { |
url: searchCustomersPath, |
dataType: 'json', |
delay: 250, |
processResults: function(data) { |
return { |
results: $.map(data.customers, function(customer) { |
return { |
text:, |
id: |
} |
}) |
}; |
}, |
cache: true |
} |
}); |
// Inisialisasi dropdown gudang |
$('#searchWarehouse').select2({ |
placeholder: 'Pilih data gudang', |
ajax: { |
url: searchWarehousesPath, |
dataType: 'json', |
delay: 250, |
processResults: function(data) { |
return { |
results: $.map(data.warehouses, function(warehouse) { |
return { |
text:, |
id: |
} |
}) |
}; |
}, |
cache: true |
} |
}); |
// Tambahkan listener perubahan pada dropdown peti |
$('#searchPeti').on('change', function() { |
var selectedPetiId = $(this).val(); |
// Bersihkan dan reset dropdown pelanggan dan gudang |
$('#searchCustomer').empty().val(null).trigger('change'); |
$('#searchWarehouse').empty().val(null).trigger('change'); |
// Ambil dan perbarui data pelanggan dan gudang berdasarkan peti yang dipilih |
$.ajax({ |
url: "{{ route('dashboard.peminjaman.getCustomerAndWarehouseByPeti') }}", |
type: 'GET', |
data: { |
peti_id: selectedPetiId |
}, |
dataType: 'json', |
success: function(data) { |
$.each(data.customers, function(index, customer) { |
// Tambahkan opsi ke dropdown pelanggan |
$('#searchCustomer').append('<option value="' + + '">' + |
| + '</option>'); |
}); |
$.each(data.warehouses, function(index, warehouse) { |
// Tambahkan opsi ke dropdown gudang |
$('#searchWarehouse').append('<option value="' + + '">' + |
| + '</option>'); |
}); |
// Pilih pelanggan dan gudang berdasarkan data yang diterima |
$('#searchCustomer').val(data.selectedCustomer).trigger('change'); |
$('#searchWarehouse').val(data.selectedWarehouse).trigger('change'); |
}, |
error: function(error) { |
console.error('Error fetching customer and warehouse data:', error); |
} |
}); |
}); |
</script> |
<!-- auto disable form pada saat sudah di simpan--> |
<script> |
document.getElementById('peminjamanForm').addEventListener('submit', function() { |
document.getElementById('submitButton').setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); |
}); |
</script> |
<!-- otomatis tgl otomatis 1 minggu setelah pembuatan peminjaman --> |
<script> |
// Mendapatkan elemen input tanggal peminjaman |
const exitDateInput = document.getElementById('exit_at'); |
// Mendapatkan elemen input estimasi tanggal pengembalian |
const estimatedReturnDateInput = document.getElementById('est_pengembalian'); |
// Menambahkan event listener ke input tanggal peminjaman |
exitDateInput.addEventListener('input', function() { |
// Mendapatkan tanggal peminjaman dalam format tanggal JavaScript |
const exitDate = new Date(this.value); |
// Menghitung tanggal estimasi pengembalian (7 hari setelah tanggal peminjaman) |
const estimatedReturnDate = new Date(exitDate); |
estimatedReturnDate.setDate(exitDate.getDate() + 7); |
// Mengisi nilai estimasi tanggal pengembalian |
estimatedReturnDateInput.valueAsDate = estimatedReturnDate; |
}); |
</script> |