8 months ago
7 changed files with 180 additions and 49 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useMemo, useState, useRef } from 'react'; |
import { StatusBar } from 'react-native'; |
import { Button, Text, Appbar, } from 'react-native-paper'; |
import { StyleSheet, View, } from 'react-native'; |
import { colors } from '../../utils/color'; |
import { strings } from '../../utils/i18n'; |
import StepIndicator from 'react-native-step-indicator'; |
import TimeComponent from './stepComponent/time' |
import LocationScreen from './stepComponent/location'; |
import ReportScreen from './stepComponent/report'; |
import IncidentScreen from './stepComponent/incident'; |
import ChronologyScreen from './stepComponent/chronology'; |
import MediaScreen from './stepComponent/media'; |
export default function DialogForm({ route, navigation }) { |
const [active, setActive] = useState(0); |
const labels = ["Waktu", "Lokasi", "Pelapor", "Kejadian", "Kronologis", "Media"]; |
const renderStepContent = useMemo(() => { |
switch (active) { |
case 0: |
return <TimeComponent />; |
case 1: |
return <LocationScreen />; |
case 2: |
return <ReportScreen />; |
case 3: |
return <IncidentScreen />; |
case 4: |
return <ChronologyScreen navigation={navigation} />; |
case 5: |
return <MediaScreen />; |
default: |
return null; |
} |
}, [active]); |
const handleBack = () => { |
if (active > 0) { |
setActive(active - 1); |
} |
}; |
const handleNext = () => { |
if (active < labels.length - 1) { |
setActive(active + 1); |
} |
}; |
return ( |
<View style={styles.container}> |
<StatusBar backgroundColor={colors.beanRed} barStyle="light-content" /> |
<Appbar.Header mode='center-aligned' style={{ backgroundColor: colors.beanRed }}> |
<Appbar.BackAction color={colors.pureWhite} onPress={() => { navigation.goBack() }} /> |
<Appbar.Content titleStyle={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }} color={colors.pureWhite} title={strings('incidentReport.title')} /> |
</Appbar.Header> |
<View style={{ width: '100%', marginTop: 15, marginBottom: 2, backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite }}> |
<StepIndicator |
stepCount={labels.length} |
customStyles={stepIndicatorStyles} |
currentPosition={active} |
labels={labels} |
onPress={(position) => setActive(position)} |
/> |
</View> |
<View style={styles.contentContainer}> |
{renderStepContent} |
</View> |
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}> |
<Button mode="outlined" style={styles.button} textColor={colors.mistBlue} onPress={handleBack} disabled={active === 0}> |
Kembali |
</Button> |
{active === labels.length - 1 ? |
( |
<Button mode="contained" style={[styles.button, { backgroundColor: colors.beanRed }]} onPress={() => console.log('Handle Saved')}> |
Simpan |
</Button> |
) |
: ( |
<Button mode="contained" style={[styles.button, { backgroundColor: colors.beanRed }]} onPress={handleNext}> |
Lanjut |
</Button> |
)} |
</View> |
</View > |
) |
} |
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ |
container: { |
flex: 1, |
marginTop: 20, |
backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite |
}, |
cardView: { |
marginTop: 10, |
}, |
card: { |
marginTop: 10, |
marginHorizontal: 10, |
backgroundColor: '#1C1B40', |
}, |
button: { |
flex: 1, |
margin: 5, |
borderRadius: 5 |
}, |
contentContainer: { |
flex: 1, |
}, |
buttonContainer: { |
flexDirection: 'row', |
justifyContent: 'space-between', |
padding: 10, |
paddingBottom: 20, |
}, |
}) |
const stepIndicatorStyles = { |
stepIndicatorSize: 25, |
currentStepIndicatorSize: 30, |
separatorStrokeWidth: 2, |
currentStepStrokeWidth: 2, |
stepIndicatorCurrentColor: colors.beanRed, |
stepStrokeCurrentColor: colors.beanRed, |
stepStrokeWidth: 1, |
stepStrokeFinishedColor: colors.beanRed, |
stepStrokeUnFinishedColor: colors.semiRed, |
separatorFinishedColor: colors.beanRed, |
separatorUnFinishedColor: colors.semiRed, |
stepIndicatorFinishedColor: colors.beanRed, |
stepIndicatorUnFinishedColor: colors.semiRed, |
stepIndicatorCurrentColor: colors.beanRed, |
stepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 12, |
currentStepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 12, |
stepIndicatorLabelCurrentColor: colors.pureWhite, |
stepIndicatorLabelFinishedColor: colors.pureWhite, |
stepIndicatorLabelUnFinishedColor: colors.beanRed, |
labelColor: colors.semiRed, |
labelSize: 12, |
currentStepLabelColor: colors.beanRed |
} |
Reference in new issue