8 months ago
2 changed files with 634 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
import { TouchableRipple, Button, Card, Text, Avatar, List, Appbar } from 'react-native-paper'; |
import { View, StyleSheet, ScrollView } from 'react-native'; |
import React, { useState } from 'react'; |
import { colors } from '../../../utils/color' |
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import 'moment/locale/id'; |
import person from '../../../assets/images/courier_man.png' |
import { strings } from '../../../utils/i18n'; |
moment.locale('id'); |
export default function PersonelScreen({ route, navigation }) { |
const role = 'Danru' |
const dummyData = [ |
{ id: '2', status: "Sakit", position: "Guard", name: "ibnu", date: '2024-02-10', timeIn: '08:15', timeOut: '17:30' }, |
{ id: '3', status: "Cuti", position: "Guard", name: "ardhi", date: '2024-02-11', timeIn: '08:10', timeOut: '17:20' }, |
{ id: '4', status: "", position: "Admin", name: "hana", date: '2024-02-12', timeIn: '08:10', timeOut: '17:20' }, |
{ id: '5', status: "", position: "Guard", name: "satori", date: '2024-02-13', timeIn: '08:10', timeOut: '17:20' }, |
{ id: '6', status: "", position: "Guard", name: "khaidir", date: '2024-02-14', timeIn: '08:10', timeOut: '17:20' }, |
]; |
const getCardColor = (status) => { |
switch (status) { |
case 'Sakit': |
return colors.mistBlue; |
case 'Alpa': |
return colors.semiRed; |
case 'Izin': |
return colors.semiYellow; |
case 'Cuti': |
return colors.amethystSmoke; |
default: |
return colors.mercury; |
} |
}; |
const getTextColor = (status) => { |
switch (status) { |
case 'Sakit': |
return colors.white; |
case 'Alpa': |
return colors.beanRed; |
case 'Izin': |
return colors.orange; |
case 'Cuti': |
return colors.white; |
default: |
return colors.mistBlue; |
} |
}; |
const getTextStatusColor = (status) => { |
switch (status) { |
case 'Sakit': |
return colors.mistBlue; |
case 'Alpa': |
return colors.beanRed; |
case 'Izin': |
return colors.orange; |
case 'Cuti': |
return colors.amethystSmoke; |
default: |
return colors.mercury; |
} |
}; |
return ( |
<View style={styles.container}> |
<Appbar.Header mode='center-aligned' style={{ backgroundColor: colors.blue, elevation: 4 }}> |
<Appbar.BackAction color={colors.pureWhite} onPress={() => { navigation.goBack() }} /> |
<Appbar.Content titleStyle={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }} color={colors.pureWhite} title={strings('activity.personel')} /> |
</Appbar.Header> |
{role === 'Danru' ? |
<ScrollView style={{ flex: 1, marginHorizontal: 5 }}> |
{dummyData.map((item) => ( |
<List.Section> |
<List.Accordion |
titleStyle={{ color: getTextColor(item.status) }} |
title={`${item.name} - ${item.position} ${item.status}`} // Added status to the title
style={{ backgroundColor: getCardColor(item.status), borderRadius: 10 }} |
left={() => <Avatar.Image size={28} source={person} style={{ marginRight: 5, marginLeft: 10 }} />}> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<Button mode="contained" compact={true} style={{ marginHorizontal: 1, backgroundColor: colors.black, borderRadius: 5, flex: 1, }} onPress={() => console.log('Handle Saved')}> |
sakit |
</Button> |
<Button mode="contained" compact={true} textColor={colors.orange} style={{ marginHorizontal: 1, backgroundColor: colors.semiYellow, borderRadius: 5, flex: 1, }} onPress={() => console.log('Handle Saved')}> |
Izin |
</Button> |
<Button mode="contained" compact={true} style={{ marginHorizontal: 1, backgroundColor: colors.amethystSmoke, borderRadius: 5, flex: 1, }} onPress={() => console.log('Handle Saved')}> |
Cuti |
</Button> |
<Button mode="contained" compact={true} style={{ marginHorizontal: 1, backgroundColor: colors.beanRed, borderRadius: 5, flex: 1, }} onPress={() => console.log('Handle Saved')}> |
Alpa |
</Button> |
<Button mode="contained" compact={true} style={{ marginHorizontal: 1, backgroundColor: colors.mercury, borderRadius: 5, flex: 1, }} onPress={() => console.log('Handle Saved')}> |
Batal |
</Button> |
</View> |
</List.Accordion> |
</List.Section> |
))} |
</ScrollView> |
: <ScrollView style={{ flex: 1, marginHorizontal: 5 }}> |
{dummyData.map((item) => ( |
<List.Section> |
<List.Item |
titleStyle={{ color: getTextColor(item.status) }} |
title={`${item.name} - ${item.position} ${item.status}`} // Added status to the title
style={{ backgroundColor: getCardColor(item.status), borderRadius: 10 }} |
left={() => <Avatar.Image size={28} source={person} style={{ marginRight: 5, marginLeft: 10 }} />} |
right={() => { |
if (item.status !== "") { |
return ( |
<View style={[styles.status, { backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite }]}> |
<Text style={{ color: getTextStatusColor(item.status), fontWeight: 'bold', paddingLeft: 3 }}> |
{item.status} |
</Text> |
</View> |
); |
} else { return null; } |
}} |
> |
</List.Item> |
</List.Section> |
))} |
</ScrollView>} |
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}> |
<Button mode="outlined" style={styles.button} textColor={colors.mistBlue} onPress={() => { navigation.goBack() }} > |
Kembali |
</Button> |
<Button mode="contained" style={[styles.button, { backgroundColor: colors.blue }]} onPress={() => console.log('Handle Saved')}> |
Simpan |
</Button> |
</View> |
</View > |
) |
} |
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ |
container: { |
flex: 1, |
marginTop: 20, |
backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite |
}, |
status: { |
backgroundColor: colors.semiBlue, |
borderRadius: 10, |
padding: 5, |
}, |
row: { |
flexDirection: 'row', |
paddingLeft: 0, |
marginVertical: 5, |
}, |
card: { |
marginHorizontal: 10, |
marginVertical: 4, |
elevation: 4, |
}, |
button: { |
flex: 1, |
margin: 5, |
borderRadius: 5 |
}, |
buttonContainer: { |
flexDirection: 'row', |
justifyContent: 'space-between', |
padding: 10, |
paddingBottom: 20, |
backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite, |
}, |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useMemo, useState, useRef } from 'react'; |
import { StatusBar } from 'react-native'; |
import { Button, IconButton, Text, Appbar, TextInput, TouchableRipple, Card, List, Searchbar, RadioButton } from 'react-native-paper'; |
import { StyleSheet, View, ScrollView, PermissionsAndroid, Image } from 'react-native'; |
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign'; |
import { colors } from '../../../../utils/color'; |
import { strings } from '../../../../utils/i18n'; |
import { launchCamera } from 'react-native-image-picker'; |
import { requestAccessStoragePermission } from '../../../../utils/storage'; |
import { getCoords } from '../../../../utils/geolocation'; |
import { |
BottomSheetModal, |
BottomSheetModalProvider, |
BottomSheetView, |
BottomSheetScrollView |
} from '@gorhom/bottom-sheet'; |
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs'; |
import ImageMarker, { Position, TextBackgroundType } from 'react-native-image-marker'; |
import DateTimePicker from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
export default function DialogForm({ route, navigation }) { |
const [images, setImages] = useState([]); |
const [equipment, setEquipment] = useState([]); |
const [selectedImageUri, setSelectedImageUri] = useState(null); |
const [filter, setFilter] = useState('') |
const bottomSheetModal = useRef(null); |
const bottomSheetImage = useRef(null); |
const [showDamageDatePicker, setShowDamageDatePicker] = useState(false); |
const dummyData = [ |
{ name: 'HT', description: "", status: "", damageDate: "" }, |
{ name: 'Borgol', description: "", status: "", damageDate: "" }, |
{ name: 'Mobil', description: "", status: "", damageDate: "" }, |
{ name: 'Senter', description: "", status: "", damageDate: "" }, |
{ name: 'Traffic cone (stick)', description: "", status: "", damageDate: "" }, |
{ name: 'Laptop', description: "", status: "", damageDate: "" }, |
]; |
const handleSelectEquipment = (data) => { |
setEquipment(prevEquipment => { |
if (prevEquipment.some(item => item.name === data.name)) { |
return prevEquipment; |
} |
return [...prevEquipment, data]; |
}); |
setFilter('') |
bottomSheetModal.current?.dismiss(); |
}; |
const handleStatus = (data, newStatus) => { |
setEquipment(prevEquipment => { |
return prevEquipment.map(item => { |
if (item.name === data) { |
return { ...item, status: newStatus }; |
} |
return item; |
}); |
}); |
} |
const handleDamageDateChange = (data, selectedDate) => { |
const currentDate = selectedDate; |
setShowDamageDatePicker(false); |
setEquipment(prevEquipment => { |
return prevEquipment.map(item => { |
if (item.name === data) { |
return { ...item, damageDate: currentDate }; |
} |
return item; |
}); |
}); |
}; |
const showDamageDatePickerFunc = () => { |
setShowDamageDatePicker(true); |
}; |
console.log("equipment", equipment); |
const handleSetImageUri = (uri, description) => { |
const newImage = { uri: uri, description: description || "" }; |
setImages(prevImages => [...prevImages, newImage]); |
} |
const handleDeleteImage = (index) => { |
const updatedImages = [...images]; |
updatedImages.splice(index, 1); |
setImages(updatedImages); |
}; |
const handleOpenSheet = useCallback(() => { |
bottomSheetModal.current?.present(); |
}, []); |
const handleOpenSheetImage = useCallback((uri) => { |
setSelectedImageUri(uri); |
bottomSheetImage.current?.present(); |
}, []); |
const handleTakePicture = async () => { |
try { |
const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( |
PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.CAMERA, |
{ |
title: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionTitle'), |
message: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionMessage'), |
buttonNeutral: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionBtnNeutral'), |
buttonNegative: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionBtnCancel'), |
buttonPositive: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionBtnPositive'), |
}, |
); |
if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) { |
handleLaunchCamera() |
} else { |
} |
} catch (err) { |
console.warn(err); |
} |
}; |
const handleLaunchCamera = () => { |
let options = { |
storageOptions: { |
skipBackup: true, |
path: 'images', |
}, |
cameraType: 'front', |
maxWidth: 768, |
maxHeight: 1024, |
saveToPhotos: false, |
includeBase64: true |
}; |
launchCamera(options, (response) => { |
if (response.didCancel) { |
} else if (response.error) { |
} else if (response.customButton) { |
} else { |
if (response.assets && response.assets.length > 0) { |
handleSetImageUri(response.assets[0].uri); |
getCoords(loc => { |
if (loc) { |
let imageObject = { |
"image_uri": response.assets[0].uri, |
"image_blob": response.assets[0].base64, |
"lat": loc.lat, |
"lon": loc.lon |
} |
addOverlay(imageObject) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
const addOverlay = async (imageObject) => { |
try { |
const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString(); |
const location = { latitude: imageObject.lat, longitude: imageObject.lon }; |
const overlayText = `${timestamp}\nLatitude: ${location.latitude}\nLongitude: ${location.longitude}`; |
if (imageObject.image_uri) { |
const markedImage = await ImageMarker.markText({ |
backgroundImage: { |
src: { uri: imageObject.image_uri } |
}, |
watermarkTexts: [{ |
text: overlayText, |
positionOptions: { |
position: Position.bottomLeft, |
}, |
style: { |
color: '#ffffff', |
fontSize: 8, |
fontName: 'Arial', |
textBackgroundStyle: { |
padding: 10, |
type: TextBackgroundType.none, |
color: '#00000080' |
} |
}, |
}], |
position: 'bottomLeft', |
color: '#ffffff', |
fontName: 'Arial-BoldMT', |
fontSize: 16, |
scale: 1, |
}); |
await saveToTemporaryFolder(markedImage, imageObject); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error adding overlay:', error); |
} |
} |
const saveToTemporaryFolder = async (markedImage, imageObject) => { |
try { |
const tempPath = `file://${RNFS.TemporaryDirectoryPath}/equipment/${moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss')}.jpg`; |
if (!requestAccessStoragePermission()) { |
return; |
} |
await RNFS.copyFile(markedImage, tempPath); |
const imageBase64 = await RNFS.readFile(tempPath, 'base64'); |
storePhoto(imageObject.user_id, imageObject.drop_point_id, tempPath, imageBase64, imageObject.lat, imageObject.lon) |
reloadPhotos(); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error saving image to temporary folder:', error); |
} |
} |
const renderImages = useMemo(() => images.map((image, index) => ( |
<> |
<View key={index} style={styles.imageBlock}> |
<TouchableRipple onPress={() => { handleOpenSheetImage(image.uri) }}> |
<View style={styles.imageContainer}> |
<Image |
source={{ uri: image.uri }} |
style={styles.image} |
resizeMode="cover" |
/> |
</View> |
</TouchableRipple> |
</View> |
<Button icon="delete" style={{ borderRadius: 10, backgroundColor: colors.semiRed, marginHorizontal: 5, marginBottom: 10 }} textColor={colors.beanRed} mode="contained-tonal" onPress={() => handleDeleteImage(index)}> |
{strings('global.delete')} |
</Button> |
</> |
)), [images]); |
const renderEquipment = (data) => ( |
<View> |
<TouchableRipple key={data.name} onPress={() => handleSelectEquipment(data)}> |
<List.Item |
title={data.name} |
/> |
</TouchableRipple> |
</View> |
); |
const filteredData = dummyData.filter(item => item.name.toLowerCase().includes(filter.toLowerCase())); |
return ( |
<> |
<StatusBar backgroundColor={colors.blue} barStyle='light-content' translucent={true} /> |
<Appbar.Header mode='center-aligned' style={{ backgroundColor: colors.blue, elevation: 4 }}> |
<Appbar.BackAction color={colors.pureWhite} onPress={() => { navigation.goBack() }} /> |
<Appbar.Content titleStyle={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }} color={colors.pureWhite} title={strings('activity.ppe')} /> |
</Appbar.Header> |
<View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite }}> |
<View style={styles.container}> |
<TouchableRipple onPress={handleOpenSheet}> |
<TextInput |
style={{ marginTop: 10 }} |
dense={true} |
editable={false} |
underlineColor={colors.amethystSmoke} |
activeOutlineColor={colors.blue} |
label="Pilih Perlengkapan Personel" |
mode="outlined" |
/> |
</TouchableRipple> |
<Text variant="titleSmall" style={{ marginTop: 10, marginLeft: 10 }}>{strings('activity.ppeUse')}</Text> |
<ScrollView style={[styles.scrollViewContainer, { backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite }]}> |
{equipment.map(item => |
<List.Accordion |
titleStyle={{ color: colors.blue }} |
rippleColor={colors.semiBlue} |
title={item.name} |
style={styles.accordion} |
> |
<View style={{ marginHorizontal: 10, marginVertical: 5 }}> |
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', marginHorizontal: 10, marginVertical: 5 }}> |
<RadioButton |
status={item.status === 'Baik' ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'} |
onPress={() => handleStatus(item.name, 'Baik')} |
color={colors.blue} |
uncheckedColor={colors.amethystSmoke} |
/> |
<TouchableRipple rippleColor={colors.pureWhite} onPress={() => handleStatus(item.name, 'Baik')}> |
<Text variant="bodySmall" style={{ color: colors.black, fontSize: 14, marginBottom: 6, marginTop: 10 }}> |
Baik |
</Text> |
</TouchableRipple> |
<RadioButton |
status={item.status === 'Rusak' ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'} |
onPress={() => handleStatus(item.name, 'Rusak')} |
color={colors.blue} |
uncheckedColor={colors.amethystSmoke} |
/> |
<TouchableRipple rippleColor={colors.pureWhite} onPress={() => handleStatus(item.name, 'Rusak')}> |
<Text variant="bodySmall" style={{ color: colors.black, fontSize: 14, marginBottom: 6, marginTop: 10 }}> |
Rusak |
</Text> |
</TouchableRipple> |
</View> |
{item.status === 'Rusak' && |
<> |
<TouchableRipple rippleColor={colors.pureWhite} onPress={showDamageDatePickerFunc}> |
<TextInput |
value={item.damageDate ? moment(item.damageDate).format("DD-MM-YYYY") : ''} |
dense={true} |
editable={false} |
underlineColor={colors.amethystSmoke} |
activeOutlineColor={colors.blue} |
label="Tanggal kerusakan" |
mode="outlined" |
/> |
</TouchableRipple> |
<TextInput |
style={{ marginTop: 10 }} |
dense={true} |
underlineColor={colors.amethystSmoke} |
activeOutlineColor={colors.blue} |
label="Deskripsi" |
mode="outlined" |
multiline={true} |
numberOfLines={5} |
/> |
</> |
} |
{showDamageDatePicker && ( |
<DateTimePicker |
value={item.damageDate || new Date()} |
mode="date" |
display="default" |
onChange={handleDamageDateChange(item.name)} |
/> |
)} |
{renderImages} |
</View> |
</List.Accordion> |
)} |
</ScrollView> |
<Button icon="camera-plus" style={{ borderRadius: 10, backgroundColor: colors.semiBlue, marginVertical: 10, marginHorizontal: 5, }} textColor={colors.blue} mode="contained-tonal" onPress={handleTakePicture}> |
{strings('global.addImage')} |
</Button> |
</View > |
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}> |
<Button mode="outlined" style={styles.button} textColor={colors.mistBlue} onPress={() => { navigation.goBack() }} > |
Kembali |
</Button> |
<Button mode="contained" style={[styles.button, { backgroundColor: colors.blue }]} onPress={() => console.log('Handle Saved')}> |
Simpan |
</Button> |
</View> |
</View > |
<BottomSheetModalProvider> |
<BottomSheetModal |
ref={bottomSheetModal} |
index={0} |
snapPoints={['50%']} |
bottomInset={10} |
detached={true} |
keyboardBehavior="fillParent" |
style={{ marginHorizontal: 15 }} |
> |
<Searchbar |
mode='bar' |
placeholder="Cari Peralatan" |
onChangeText={text => setFilter(text)} |
value={filter} |
traileringIconColor={colors.white} |
style={{ backgroundColor: colors.white }} |
showDivider={true} |
elevation={1} |
/> |
<BottomSheetScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.scrollView}> |
{filteredData.map(item => renderEquipment(item))} |
</BottomSheetScrollView> |
</BottomSheetModal> |
<BottomSheetModal |
ref={bottomSheetImage} |
index={0} |
snapPoints={['50%']} |
> |
<BottomSheetView style={{ alignItems: 'center' }} > |
<Image |
source={{ uri: selectedImageUri }} |
style={styles.imageDetail} |
resizeMode="cover" |
/> |
</BottomSheetView> |
</BottomSheetModal> |
</BottomSheetModalProvider> |
</> |
) |
} |
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ |
container: { |
flex: 1, |
marginHorizontal: 10 |
}, |
scrollViewContainer: { |
flex: 1, |
marginVertical: 10, |
}, |
card: { |
flex: 1, |
marginHorizontal: 8, |
marginVertical: 5, |
backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite, |
}, |
subText: { |
fontSize: 12, |
color: colors.blue |
}, |
button: { |
flex: 1, |
margin: 5, |
borderRadius: 5 |
}, |
buttonContainer: { |
flexDirection: 'row', |
justifyContent: 'space-between', |
padding: 10, |
paddingBottom: 20, |
backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite, |
}, |
imageBlock: { |
marginVertical: 10, |
alignItems: 'center', |
}, |
imageContainer: { |
flexDirection: 'row', |
alignItems: 'center', |
}, |
image: { |
width: 330, |
height: 150, |
borderRadius: 7 |
}, |
imageDetail: { |
width: 330, |
height: 300, |
borderRadius: 7 |
}, |
accordion: { |
backgroundColor: colors.semiBlue, |
color: colors.blue, |
marginHorizontal: 10, |
marginTop: 10, |
borderRadius: 5 |
}, |
}) |
Reference in new issue