Custom Backend OSPRO Surveyor Indonesia
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

864 lines
34 KiB

2 years ago
3 years ago
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\Activity;
3 years ago
use App\Models\CommentActivity;
use App\Models\Link;
use App\Models\Project;
use App\Models\TemplateGantt;
use App\Models\TmpImport;
use App\Models\VersionGantt;
3 years ago
use App\Models\UserToActivity;
2 years ago
use App\Models\UserToProyek;
use App\Models\User;
3 years ago
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
2 years ago
use DateTime;
3 years ago
class ActivityController extends Controller
3 years ago
public function getByGanttId($id, $proyek_id)
$gantt = VersionGantt::find($id);
if (Activity::where('proyek_id', $proyek_id)->where("version_gantt_id", $id)->count() == 0) {
if (!$gantt->hierarchy_ftth_id) {
$this->cloneTemplate($id, $proyek_id);
} else {
$this->cloneTemplate($id, $proyek_id, $gantt->hierarchy_ftth_id);
3 years ago
$dataGantt = $this->getDataActivity($id);
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'data' => $dataGantt, 'code' => 200], 200);
3 years ago
private function getDataActivity($id)
$checkHeader = Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $id)->where('type_activity', 'header')->count();
$finalData = [];
if ($checkHeader > 0) {
$dataHeader = Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $id)->where('type_activity', 'header')->first();
$startDate = date_create($dataHeader->start_date);
$endDate = date_create($dataHeader->end_date);
$dataHeader->start_date = date_format($startDate, "Y-m-d H:i:s");
$dataHeader->end_date = date_format($endDate, "Y-m-d H:i:s");
$dataHeader->progress = $dataHeader->persentase_progress / 100;
$dataHeader->planned_start = isset($dataHeader->planned_start) ? date_format(date_create($dataHeader->planned_start), "Y-m-d H:i:s") : NULL;
$dataHeader->planned_end = isset($dataHeader->planned_end) ? date_format(date_create($dataHeader->planned_end), "Y-m-d H:i:s") : NULL;
$actualStart = $this->getActivityFirst($dataHeader->id);
$dataHeader->actual_start = date_format(date_create($actualStart), "Y-m-d");
$actualEnd = $this->getActivityLast($dataHeader->id);
$dataHeader->actual_end = isset($actualEnd) ? date_format(date_create($actualEnd), "Y-m-d") : NULL;
$dataHeader->type = "header";
$dataHeader->text = $dataHeader->name;
$finalData[] = $dataHeader;
$data = Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $id)->where('parent_id', $dataHeader->id)->orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->get();
} else {
$data = Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $id)->whereNull('parent_id')->orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->get();
3 years ago
3 years ago
foreach ($data as $objRow) {
3 years ago
$type = "project";
$dataChildren = $this->getChildren($id, $objRow->id);
$startDate = date_create($objRow->start_date);
$endDate = date_create($objRow->end_date);
if ($objRow->type_activity == "milestone")
3 years ago
$type = $objRow->type_activity;
if (empty($dataChildren))
3 years ago
$type = "task";
3 years ago
$objRow->text = $objRow->name;
$objRow->parent = $objRow->parent_id ? $objRow->parent_id : null;
$objRow->start_date = date_format($startDate, "Y-m-d H:i:s");
$objRow->end_date = date_format($endDate, "Y-m-d H:i:s");
$objRow->planned_start = isset($objRow->planned_start) ? date_format(date_create($objRow->planned_start), "Y-m-d H:i:s") : NULL;
$objRow->planned_end = isset($objRow->planned_end) ? date_format(date_create($objRow->planned_end), "Y-m-d H:i:s") : NULL;
$actualStart = $this->getActivityFirst($objRow->id);
$objRow->actual_start = isset($actualStart) ? date_format(date_create($actualStart), "Y-m-d") : NULL;
$actualEnd = $this->getActivityLast($objRow->id);
$objRow->actual_end = isset($actualEnd) ? date_format(date_create($actualEnd), "Y-m-d") : NULL;
$objRow->progress = $objRow->persentase_progress / 100;
3 years ago
$objRow->type = $type;
$finalData[] = $objRow;
$finalData = array_merge($finalData, $dataChildren);
$dataLink = Link::where('version_gantt_id', $id)->get();
$finalLink = [];
foreach ($dataLink as $objRow) {
3 years ago
$dataRow = array(
'id' => $objRow->id,
'source' => $objRow->s_activity_id,
'target' => $objRow->t_activity_id,
'type' => $objRow->type_link,
'code' => $objRow->code_link
3 years ago
if ($objRow->lag)
3 years ago
$dataRow['lag'] = $objRow->lag;
$finalLink[] = $dataRow;
$resultData = array(
"data" => $finalData,
"links" => $finalLink
3 years ago
return $resultData;
private function getChildren($gantt_id, $parent_id)
$finalData = [];
$data = Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $gantt_id)->where('parent_id', $parent_id)->orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->get();
foreach ($data as $objRow) {
3 years ago
$objRow->parent = $parent_id;
$objRow->text = $objRow->name;
$objRow->progress = (float) $objRow->persentase_progress / 100;
3 years ago
$startDate = date_create($objRow->start_date);
$endDate = date_create($objRow->end_date);
$objRow->start_date = date_format($startDate, "Y-m-d H:i:s");
$objRow->end_date = date_format($endDate, "Y-m-d H:i:s");
$objRow->planned_start = isset($objRow->planned_start) ? date_format(date_create($objRow->planned_start), "Y-m-d H:i:s") : NULL;
$objRow->planned_end = isset($objRow->planned_end) ? date_format(date_create($objRow->planned_end), "Y-m-d H:i:s") : NULL;
3 years ago
$dataChildren = $this->getChildren($gantt_id, $objRow->id);
if ($objRow->type_activity == "milestone") {
3 years ago
$objRow->type = $objRow->type_activity;
$objRow->actual_start = isset($objRow->actual_start) ? date_format(date_create($objRow->actual_start), "Y-m-d") : NULL;
} elseif (empty($dataChildren)) {
3 years ago
$objRow->type = "task";
$objRow->actual_start = isset($objRow->actual_start) ? date_format(date_create($objRow->actual_start), "Y-m-d") : NULL;
$objRow->actual_end = isset($objRow->actual_end) ? date_format(date_create($objRow->actual_end), "Y-m-d") : NULL;
} else {
3 years ago
$objRow->type = "project";
$actualStart = $this->getActivityFirst($objRow->id);
$objRow->actual_start = isset($actualStart) ? date_format(date_create($actualStart), "Y-m-d") : NULL;
$actualEnd = $this->getActivityLast($objRow->id);
$objRow->actual_end = isset($actualEnd) ? date_format(date_create($actualEnd), "Y-m-d") : NULL;
3 years ago
$finalData[] = $objRow;
$finalData = array_merge($finalData, $dataChildren);
return $finalData;
public function getActivityFirst($parentId){
$activity = Activity::where('parent_id', $parentId)->orderByRaw('actual_start ASC')->first();
if (!isset($activity)) {
return null;
if($activity->type_activity == "task"){
// Log::info("activity ", [$activity]);
return $activity->actual_start;
return $this->getActivityFirst($activity->id);
public function getActivityLast($parentId){
$activity = Activity::where('parent_id', $parentId)->orderByRaw('actual_end DESC')->first();
if (!isset($activity)) {
return null;
if($activity->type_activity == "task"){
// Log::info("activity ", [$activity]);
return $activity->actual_end;
return $this->getActivityLast($activity->id);
private function cloneTemplate($id, $proyek_id, $hierarchy_ftth_id = null)
$project = Project::find($proyek_id);
if ($hierarchy_ftth_id) {
$gantt = VersionGantt::find($id);
$rootActivity = Activity::create([
'version_gantt_id' => $id,
'proyek_id' => $proyek_id,
'name' => $gantt->name_version,
'start_date' => $project->mulai_proyek,
'end_date' => $project->akhir_proyek,
'rencana_biaya' => $project->rencana_biaya,
'type_activity' => 'project',
'created_by' => $this->currentName,
'sortorder' => 1
} else {
$rootActivity = Activity::create([
'version_gantt_id' => $id,
'proyek_id' => $proyek_id,
'name' => $project->nama,
'kode_sortname' => $project->kode_sortname,
'start_date' => $project->mulai_proyek,
'end_date' => $project->akhir_proyek,
'rencana_biaya' => $project->rencana_biaya,
'type_activity' => 'project',
'created_by' => $this->currentName,
'sortorder' => 1
3 years ago
$resultTypeProject = TemplateGantt::where('proyek_type_id', $project->type_proyek_id)
3 years ago
->orderByRaw('id ASC')
2 years ago
foreach ($resultTypeProject as $objRow) {
3 years ago
$childActivities = TemplateGantt::where("parent_id", $objRow->id)->count();
$max = Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $id)->max('sortorder');
3 years ago
$resultNew = Activity::create([
'type_activity' => $childActivities > 0 ? "project" : "task",
'version_gantt_id' => $id,
'parent_id' => $rootActivity->id,
'proyek_id' => $proyek_id,
'name' => $objRow->name_activity,
'start_date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'end_date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'created_by' => $this->currentName,
'sortorder' => $max + 1
3 years ago
$this->getChildrenTemplate($id, $objRow->id, $project->type_project_id, $proyek_id, $resultNew->id, $project->mulai_proyek);
3 years ago
private function getChildrenTemplate($id, $parent_id, $type_proyek_id, $proyek_id, $parent_new, $firstDay)
$data = TemplateGantt::where('parent_id', $parent_id)->orderByRaw('id ASC')->get();
foreach ($data as $objRow) {
3 years ago
$childActivities = TemplateGantt::where("parent_id", $objRow->id)->count();
$max = Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $id)->max('sortorder');
3 years ago
$resultNew = Activity::create([
'type_activity' => $childActivities > 0 ? "project" : "task",
'version_gantt_id' => $id,
'parent_id' => $parent_new,
'proyek_id' => $proyek_id,
'name' => $objRow->name_activity,
'start_date' => $firstDay,
'end_date' => $firstDay,
'created_by' => $this->currentName,
'sortorder' => $max + 1
3 years ago
$this->getChildrenTemplate($id, $objRow->id, $type_proyek_id, $proyek_id, $resultNew->id, $firstDay);
public function add(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'version_gantt_id' => 'required'
3 years ago
$data = $request->all();
$data['name'] = $request->text;
$data['persentase_progress'] = $request->progress;
$data['created_by'] = $this->currentName;
$max = Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $request->version_gantt_id)->max('sortorder');
$data['sortorder'] = $max + 1;
if (!isset($data['type_activity'])) {
$data['type_activity'] = "task";
3 years ago
$parent = $data['parent_id'] ?? null;
if ($parent) {
$parentData = Activity::find($parent);
if ($parentData->parent_id) {
$parentData->update(["type_activity" => "project"]);
3 years ago
CommentActivity::where('activity_id', $parent)->delete();
UserToActivity::where('activity_id', $parent)->delete();
if (!$result = Activity::create($data))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'action' => 'error', 'code' => 500], 500);
3 years ago
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'action' => 'inserted', 'tid' => $result->id, 'code' => 200], 200);
3 years ago
public function edit($id)
if (empty($id) || !is_int((int) $id))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'id is required!', 'code' => 400], 400);
3 years ago
if (!$result = Activity::find($id))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Data not found!', 'code' => 404], 404);
3 years ago
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'code' => 200, 'data' => $result], 200);
3 years ago
public function update(Request $request, $id)
if (empty($id) || !is_int((int) $id))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'action' => 'error', 'message' => 'id is required!', 'code' => 400], 400);
3 years ago
2 years ago
$updateBobot = true;
if (!$data = Activity::find($id))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'action' => 'error', 'message' => 'Data not found!', 'code' => 404], 404);
3 years ago
$dataUpdate = $request->all();
$dataUpdate['name'] = $request->text;
$dataUpdate['persentase_progress'] = $request->progress * 100;
3 years ago
$dataUpdate['updated_by'] = $this->currentName;
if ($data->type_activity != 'header')
3 years ago
$dataUpdate['type_activity'] = $request->type;
if ($request->has("target")) {
$this->updateOrder($id, $request->target);
2 years ago
3 years ago
if (!$data->update($dataUpdate))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'action' => 'error', 'message' => 'data activity failed updated!', 'code' => 400], 400);
3 years ago
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'update_bobot' => $updateBobot, 'data' => $dataUpdate, 'action' => 'updated', 'message' => 'Activity updated!', 'code' => 200], 200);
3 years ago
private function updateOrder($taskId, $target)
$nextTask = false;
$targetId = $target;
if (strpos($target, "next:") === 0) {
$targetId = substr($target, strlen("next:"));
$nextTask = true;
if ($targetId == "null")
$targetOrder = Activity::find($targetId)->sortorder;
if ($nextTask)
Activity::where("sortorder", ">=", $targetOrder)->increment("sortorder");
$updatedTask = Activity::find($taskId);
$updatedTask->sortorder = $targetOrder;
public function updateRegular(Request $request, $id)
if (empty($id) || !is_int((int) $id))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'id is required!', 'code' => 400], 400);
3 years ago
$data = Activity::find($id);
if (!$data = Activity::find($id))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Data not found!', 'code' => 404], 404);
3 years ago
if (!$data->update($request->all()))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Failed to update!', 'code' => 500], 500);
3 years ago
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Activity Updated!', 'code' => 200], 200);
3 years ago
public function batchUpdate(Request $request, $ganttId)
$entities = $request->all();
if (empty($ganttId) || !is_int((int) $ganttId))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'id is required!', 'code' => 400], 400);
$activity = Activity::where('version_gantt_id',$ganttId)->get();
$link = Link::where('version_gantt_id', $ganttId)->get();
if (!$activity)
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Activity not found!', 'code' => 404], 404);
if (!$link)
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Link not found!', 'code' => 404], 404);
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
if ($entity['entity'] == "task") {
$activityToUpdate = $activity->firstWhere('id', $entity['data']['id']);
$entity['data']['name'] = $entity['data']['text'];
$entity['data']['persentase_progress'] = $entity['data']['progress'] * 100;
if (isset($entity['data']['target'])) {
$this->updateOrder($entity['data']['id'], $entity['data']['target']);
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Failed to update activity !', 'code' => 500], 500);
$updatedJobsDone = $activityToUpdate->jobs_done;
} else if ($entity['entity'] == "link"){
$linkToUpdate = $link->firstWhere('id', $entity['data']['id']);
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Failed to update link !', 'code' => 500], 500);
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Activity Updated!', 'code' => 200], 200);
3 years ago
public function delete($id)
if (!$data = Activity::find($id))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'action' => 'error', 'message' => 'Data not found!', 'code' => 404], 404);
3 years ago
if (!$data->delete())
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'action' => 'error', 'message' => 'data activity failed deleted!', 'code' => 500], 500);
3 years ago
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', "action" => "deleted", 'message' => 'data activity successfully deleted!', 'code' => 200], 200);
3 years ago
public function getUpdate($id)
if (!$data = Activity::find($id))
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'action' => 'error', 'message' => 'Data not found!', 'code' => 400], 400);
3 years ago
$data->progress = (float) $data->persentase_progress / 100;
3 years ago
$data->rencana_biaya = str_replace(".", ",", $data->rencana_biaya);
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', "data" => $data, 'code' => 200], 200);
3 years ago
public function search(Request $request)
$dataBuilder = $this->setUpPayload($request->all(), 'm_activity');
$builder = $dataBuilder['builder'];
$countBuilder = $dataBuilder['count'];
$dataGet = $builder->get();
$totalRecord = $countBuilder->count();
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'code' => 200, 'data' => $dataGet, 'totalRecord' => $totalRecord], 200);
// before upload file
public function importOld(Request $request)
$data = $request->all();
$data['created_by'] = $this->currentName;
Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $data['ganttId'])->delete();
$projectId = VersionGantt::where('id', $data['ganttId'])->first()->proyek_id;
2 years ago
$dayOffs = VersionGantt::where('id', $data['ganttId'])->first()->config_dayoff;
$activityStack = [];
$hasWeight = false;
foreach ($data['activities'] as $key => $value) {
if (isset($value['weight']) && $value['weight'] != null && $value['weight'] != 0) {
$hasWeight = true;
if (!$hasWeight) {
foreach ($data['activities'] as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 0) {
$data['activities'][$key]['weight'] = 100;
} else {
$parentWeight = 0;
$siblingsCount = 1;
$i = $key;
while ($i > 0) {
if ($data['activities'][$i - 1]['level'] == $data['activities'][$key]['level'] - 1) {
$parentWeight = $data['activities'][$i - 1]['weight'];
if ($data['activities'][$key]['level'] == $data['activities'][$i]['level']) {
$i = $key + 1;
while ($i < count($data['activities'])) {
if ($data['activities'][$i]['level'] == $data['activities'][$key]['level'] - 1) {
// Log::info('level '.$data['activities'][$key]['level'].' i level '.$data['activities'][$i]['level']);
if ($data['activities'][$key]['level'] == $data['activities'][$i]['level']) {
$data['activities'][$key]['weight'] = $parentWeight / $siblingsCount;
$projectStart = Project::select('mulai_proyek')->where('id', $projectId)->first();
foreach ($data['activities'] as $i => $activity_row) {
$startDate = new \DateTime($projectStart->mulai_proyek);
$endDate = clone $startDate;
$endDate->modify('-1 day');
$daysRemaining = $activity_row['duration'];
// Loop until the remaining days become zero
while ($daysRemaining > 0) {
$endDate->modify('+1 day');
// Check if the current day is a day off (Sunday or Saturday)
$currentDayOfWeek = (int) $endDate->format('w');
if (strpos($dayOffs, (string) $currentDayOfWeek) !== false) {
continue; // Skip the day off and continue to the next day
$daysRemaining--; // Decrease the remaining days by one
$endDate->setTime(23, 59, 59);
$input['name'] = $activity_row['name'];
$input['proyek_id'] = $projectId;
$input['version_gantt_id'] = $data['ganttId'];
$input['parent_id'] = null;
$input['start_date'] = $startDate->format('Y-m-d');
$input['end_date'] = $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:sO');
$input['duration'] = $activity_row['duration'];
$input['bobot_planning'] = $activity_row['weight'];
$input['persentase_progress'] = 0;
$input['type_activity'] = $i == 0 ? "header" : "task";
$input['created_by'] = $this->currentName;
$input['sortorder'] = $activity_row['no'];
if (!$activity = Activity::create($input)) {
Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $data['ganttId'])->delete();
return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Input failed on ' . $activity['name'], 'code' => 500], 500);
3 years ago
$data['activities'][$i]['activity_id'] = $activity->id;
if ($i == 0) {
$activity->type_activity = "project";
$activity->level = $activity_row['level'];
array_push($activityStack, $activity);
$activity->level = $activity_row['level'];
if ($lastStack = end($activityStack)) {
$levelLowerThanLastStack = $activity->level < $lastStack->level;
$levelEqualWithLastStack = $activity->level == $lastStack->level;
if ($levelLowerThanLastStack) {
$lastStackIsNotRight = $levelLowerThanLastStack;
do {
$lastStack = end($activityStack);
if ($lastStack) {
if ($activity->level > $lastStack->level)
$lastStackIsNotRight = false;
} else {
$lastStackIsNotRight = false;
} while ($lastStackIsNotRight);
if ($levelEqualWithLastStack) {
$activity->parent_id = $activityStack[count($activityStack) - 1]->id ?? null;
array_push($activityStack, $activity);
// there should be better way to except / filter attribute level before save because it's cause error
// cant use except() / filter() on $activity collection somehow
$activity->level = $activity_row['level'];
if (@$activityStack[count($activityStack) - 1]->level != $activity->level && $activity->level != $data['activities'][$i - 1]['level']) {
array_push($activityStack, $activity);
if ($activity->level < @$data['activities'][$i + 1]['level']) {
$activity->type_activity = "project";
$activity->level = $activity_row['level'];
if (isset($data['activities'][$i]['nik']) && $data['activities'][$i]['nik'] != '') {
$user = User::where("ktp_number", $data['activities'][$i]['nik'])->first();
$userProyek = UserToProyek::where("user_id", $user->id)
->where("proyek_id", $projectId)
$dataInsert = array(
"user_id" => $user->id,
"activity_id" => $activity->id,
"role_proyek_id" => $userProyek->project_role,
"proyek_id" => $projectId,
"created_by" => $this->currentName,
"version_gantt_id" => $data['ganttId']
if (!empty($activity_row['predecessor'])) {
$key = array_search($activity_row['predecessor'], array_column($data['activities'], 'no'));
if (!isset($data['activities'][$key]['activity_id']) || !$predecessorActivity = Activity::find($data['activities'][$key]['activity_id']))
$predecessorFinishDate = new \DateTime($predecessorActivity->end_date);
$interval = $predecessorFinishDate->diff(new \DateTime($activity->start_date));
$diff = $interval->days;
'created_by' => $this->currentName,
's_activity_id' => $predecessorActivity->id,
't_activity_id' => $activity->id,
'type_link' => 0,
'code_link' => 'FS',
'version_gantt_id' => $data['ganttId'],
2 years ago
'lag' => null,
3 years ago
return response()->json(['stack' => $activityStack, 'status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Data imported!', 'projectId' => $projectId, 'code' => 200], 200);
private function getLatestGantt($id)
$maxGanttId = VersionGantt::where("proyek_id", $id)->max("id");
$data = array(
"last_gantt_id" => $maxGanttId,
"proyek_id" => $id
return $data;
public function getCalculateCurvaS(Request $request) // for adw (plan & actual == date)
$dataPayload = $request->all();
$allGantt = [];
if (isset($dataPayload['gannt_id'])) {
$allGantt = $dataPayload['gannt_id'];
} else {
foreach ($dataPayload['project_id'] as $val) {
$allGantt[] = $this->getLatestGantt($val);
$dataFinal = [];
foreach ($allGantt as $keyGantt) {
$dataProject = Project::find($keyGantt['proyek_id']);
$dataHeader = Activity::where('type_activity', 'header')->where("proyek_id", $keyGantt['proyek_id'])->where("version_gantt_id", $keyGantt['last_gantt_id'])->first();
if ($dataHeader) {
$totalRencanaBudget = Activity::where('parent_id', $dataHeader->id)->where("proyek_id", $keyGantt['proyek_id'])->where("version_gantt_id", $keyGantt['last_gantt_id'])->sum("rencana_biaya");
} else {
$totalRencanaBudget = Activity::whereNull('parent_id')->where("proyek_id", $keyGantt['proyek_id'])->where("version_gantt_id", $keyGantt['last_gantt_id'])->sum("rencana_biaya");
$minDate = DB::table('assign_material_to_activity as ama')
->where("ama.proyek_id", $keyGantt['proyek_id'])
->join('m_activity as a', '', '=', 'ama.activity_id')
->where('a.version_gantt_id', '=', $keyGantt['last_gantt_id'])
$maxDate = DB::table('assign_material_to_activity as ama')
->where("ama.proyek_id", $keyGantt['proyek_id'])
->join('m_activity as a', '', '=', 'ama.activity_id')
->where('a.version_gantt_id', '=', $keyGantt['last_gantt_id'])
$begin = new \DateTime($minDate);
$end = new \DateTime($maxDate);
$end2 = new \DateTime($maxDate);
$interval = \DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 day');
$period = new \DatePeriod($begin, $interval, $end);
$arr_ActualM = [];
$tempDate = [];
$tempPercentage = [];
$tempTtlPercentPlan = 0;
$tempTtlPercentActual = 0;
$currentACWP = 0;
$budgetControlACWP = 0;
$currentProgressActivity = 0;
$currentBCWP = 0;
$budgetControlBCWP = 0;
foreach ($period as $dt) {
$dataPlanM = DB::table('assign_material_to_activity as ama')
->select('ama.activity_id', 'ama.qty_planning', 'ama.plan_date', 'ama.start_activity', 'a.bobot_planning', 'a.biaya_actual', 'a.duration', 'a.persentase_progress')
->join('m_activity as a', '', '=', 'ama.activity_id')
->where('ama.proyek_id', '=', $keyGantt['proyek_id'])
->where('a.version_gantt_id', '=', $keyGantt['last_gantt_id'])
->whereDate('ama.plan_date', $dt->format("Y-m-d"))
$dataActualM = DB::table('report_activity_material as ram')
->select('ram.activity_id', 'ram.qty', 'ram.report_date', 'a.bobot_planning', 'a.biaya_actual', 'a.duration', 'a.persentase_progress')
->join('m_activity as a', '', '=', 'ram.activity_id')
->where('a.version_gantt_id', '=', $keyGantt['last_gantt_id'])
->where('a.proyek_id', '=', $keyGantt['proyek_id'])
->whereDate('ram.report_date', $dt->format("Y-m-d"))
$dataTempPlan = [];
$x = 0;
$sumPercentagePlan = 0;
$totalACWP = isset($totalACWP) ? $totalACWP : 0;
$totalBCWP = isset($totalBCWP) ? $totalBCWP : 0;
foreach ($dataPlanM as $keyPlanM) {
$sumVolPlan = DB::table('assign_material_to_activity')
->select('activity_id', DB::raw('SUM(qty_planning) as ttl_qty_plan'))
->where('activity_id', '=', $keyPlanM->activity_id)
$dataTempPlan[$x]['activity_id'] = $keyPlanM->activity_id;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['qty_plan'] = $keyPlanM->qty_planning;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['plan_date'] = $keyPlanM->plan_date;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['start_activity'] = $keyPlanM->start_activity;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['bobot_planning'] = $keyPlanM->bobot_planning;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['ttl_plan'] = $sumVolPlan->ttl_qty_plan;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['biaya_actual'] = $keyPlanM->biaya_actual;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['duration'] = $keyPlanM->duration;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['persentase_progress'] = $keyPlanM->persentase_progress;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['percentage'] = ($keyPlanM->qty_planning / $sumVolPlan->ttl_qty_plan) * $keyPlanM->bobot_planning;
$sumPercentagePlan += ($keyPlanM->qty_planning / $sumVolPlan->ttl_qty_plan) * $keyPlanM->bobot_planning;
$totalBCWP += (((($keyPlanM->persentase_progress * $keyPlanM->bobot_planning) / 100) / $keyPlanM->duration) * $totalRencanaBudget) / 100;
$dataTempPlan[$x]['totalBCWP'] = $totalBCWP;
$w = 0;
$dataTempReport = [];
$sumPercentageActual = 0;
foreach ($dataActualM as $keyActualM) {
$sumVolActual = DB::table('assign_material_to_activity')
->select('activity_id', DB::raw('SUM(qty_planning) as ttl_qty_plan'))
->where('activity_id', '=', $keyActualM->activity_id)
$dataTempReport[$w]['activity_id'] = $keyActualM->activity_id;
$dataTempReport[$w]['qty'] = $keyActualM->qty;
$dataTempReport[$w]['report_date'] = $keyActualM->report_date;
$dataTempReport[$w]['bobot_planning'] = $keyActualM->bobot_planning;
$dataTempReport[$w]['ttl_plan'] = $sumVolActual->ttl_qty_plan;
$dataTempReport[$w]['biaya_actual'] = $keyActualM->biaya_actual;
$dataTempReport[$w]['duration'] = $keyActualM->duration;
$dataTempReport[$w]['persentase_progress'] = $keyActualM->persentase_progress;
$dataTempReport[$w]['percentage'] = ($keyActualM->qty / $sumVolActual->ttl_qty_plan) * $keyActualM->bobot_planning;
$sumPercentageActual += ($keyActualM->qty / $sumVolActual->ttl_qty_plan) * $keyActualM->bobot_planning;
$totalACWP += $keyActualM->biaya_actual / $keyActualM->duration;
$dataTempReport[$w]['totalacwp'] = $totalACWP;
$arr_ActualM[] = array(
'date' => $dt->format("Y-m-d"),
'percentPlan' => $sumPercentagePlan,
'percentActual' => $sumPercentageActual,
'plan' => $dataTempPlan,
'actual' => $dataTempReport,
if (isset($dataPayload['period']) && $dataPayload['period'] == 'week') {
if ($dt->format("w") == 1) {
if ($totalACWP > 0) {
$budgetControlACWP = $currentACWP + $totalACWP;
if ($totalBCWP > 0) {
$budgetControlBCWP = $currentBCWP + $totalBCWP;
$tempTtlPercentPlan += $sumPercentagePlan;
$tempTtlPercentActual += $sumPercentageActual;
$currentACWP += $totalACWP;
$currentBCWP += $totalBCWP;
$tempPercentage[] = array(round($tempTtlPercentPlan, 2), round($tempTtlPercentActual, 2));
$tempDate[] = array($dt->format("Y-m-d"), 0, 0);
} else if ($dt->format("Y-m-d") == $end2->format("Y-m-d")) {
$tempTtlPercentPlan += $sumPercentagePlan;
$tempTtlPercentActual += $sumPercentageActual;
$currentACWP += $totalACWP;
$currentBCWP += $totalBCWP;
$tempPercentage[] = array(round($tempTtlPercentPlan, 2), round($tempTtlPercentActual, 2));
$tempDate[] = array($dt->format("Y-m-d"), 0, 0);
$tempTtlPercentPlan = 0;
$tempTtlPercentActual = 0;
} else {
$tempPercentage[] = array(round($sumPercentagePlan, 2), round($sumPercentageActual, 2));
$tempDate[] = array($dt->format("Y-m-d"), 0, 0);
if (round($totalACWP, 0) > $totalRencanaBudget) {
$estimatedCost = round($totalACWP, 0) + 0;
} else {
$estimatedCost = ($totalRencanaBudget + 0);
$costDeviation = $totalRencanaBudget - $estimatedCost;
if ($costDeviation > 0) {
$potential = "SAVING";
} else {
$potential = $costDeviation == 0 ? "ON BUDGET" : "OVERRUN";
$dataResponse = array(
"date" => $tempDate,
"percentage" => $tempPercentage,
"data_details" => $arr_ActualM,
"budget_control" => array(
"current_budget" => $totalRencanaBudget,
"acwp" => round($totalACWP, 0),
"bcwp" => round($totalBCWP, 0),
"rem_to_complete" => ($totalRencanaBudget - round($totalACWP, 0)),
"add_cost_to_complete" => 0,
"estimated_at_completion" => $estimatedCost,
"cost_deviation" => $costDeviation,
"potential" => $potential,
$dataFinal[] = array(
"proyek_name" => $dataProject->nama,
"data" => $dataResponse,
"allGant" => $allGantt
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'code' => 200, 'data' => $dataFinal], 200);
public function import(Request $request)
$data = $request->all();
$data['created_by'] = $this->currentName;
Activity::where('version_gantt_id', $data['gantt_id'])->delete();
$projectId = VersionGantt::where('id', $data['gantt_id'])->first()->proyek_id;
// get data excel
$excel = TmpImport::latest('id')->first();
return response()->json(['stack' => $excel, 'status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Data imported!', 'data' => $data, 'code' => 200], 200);
public function uploadTmpImport(Request $request)
if ($request->hasFile('dokumen')) {
$document = $request->file('dokumen');
$gantt_id = $request->gantt_id;
$name = $document->getClientOriginalName();
$result = $document->move($this->pathTmpImport, $name);
if ($result) {
$data = [
'gantt_id' => (int) $gantt_id,
'file' => $name,
'type_dokumen' => $request->type_dokumen
$result = TmpImport::create($data);
if (!$result) {
unlink($this->pathTmpImport . $name);
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Upload failed!', 'code' => 500], 500);
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Upload successful!', 'code' => 200], 200);
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Upload failed!', 'code' => 500], 500);
return response()->json(['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'File is required!', 'code' => 400], 400);
public function importUpdate(Request $request)
$data = $request->all();
foreach ($data as $value) {
$activity = Activity::find($value['id']);
$activity->duration = $value['duration'];
$activity->start_date = $value['start_date'];
$activity->end_date = $value['end_date'];
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'data' => $request, 'message' => 'Update successful!', 'code' => 200], 200);