@ -391,9 +391,10 @@ class ProjectController extends Controller
/* ->max("plan_date"); */ // plan date overlapped with assign_material_to_activity's, it should be m_activity's |
/* print_r($maxDate); exit(); */ |
$begin = new \DateTime($minDate.' Monday'); |
$end = new \DateTime($maxDate. ' Friday'); |
$interval = new \DateInterval('P7D'); |
$begin = new \DateTime($minDate.' Friday'); |
/* print_r($begin); exit(); */ |
$end = new \DateTime($maxDate); |
$interval = new \DateInterval('P1W'); |
// timezone problems in KIT case also occurs in here |
$period = new \DatePeriod($begin, $interval, $end); |
/* $period = new \DatePeriod($begin->modify('-1 days'), $interval, $end); */ |
@ -417,14 +418,16 @@ class ProjectController extends Controller
->join('m_activity as a', 'a.id', '=', 'ama.activity_id') |
->where('ama.proyek_id', '=', $keyGantt['proyek_id']) |
->where('a.version_gantt_id', '=', $keyGantt['last_gantt_id']) |
->whereDate('ama.plan_date', $dt->format("Y-m-d")) |
/* ->whereDate('ama.plan_date', $dt->format("Y-m-d")) */ |
->whereDate('ama.plan_date', '<=',$dt->format("Y-m-d")) |
->whereDate('ama.plan_date', '>',$dt->modify('-7 day')->format("Y-m-d")) |
->get(); |
$dataActualM = DB::table('report_activity_material as ram') |
->select('ram.activity_id', 'ram.qty', 'ram.report_date', 'a.bobot_planning', 'a.biaya_actual', 'a.duration', 'a.persentase_progress') |
->join('m_activity as a', 'a.id', '=', 'ram.activity_id') |
->where('a.version_gantt_id', '=', $keyGantt['last_gantt_id']) |
->where('a.proyek_id', '=', $keyGantt['proyek_id']) |
->whereDate('ram.report_date', '<',$dt->format("Y-m-d")) |
->whereDate('ram.report_date', '<=',$dt->format("Y-m-d")) |
->whereDate('ram.report_date', '>',$dt->modify('-7 day')->format("Y-m-d")) |
->get(); |
$dataTempPlan = []; |