sum(DB::raw('CAST("rencana_biaya" AS DOUBLE PRECISION)')); } else { $totalBudgets = Project::where('created_by_id', $hierarchy) ->sum(DB::raw('CAST("rencana_biaya" AS DOUBLE PRECISION)')); } $projects = null; if ($role === "Super Admin") { $projects = Project::get(); } elseif (!empty($all_project)) { $projects = Project::where('company_id', $company_id) ->get(); } else { $projects = Project::where('created_by_id', $hierarchy) ->get(); } foreach ($projects as $project) { $project->expenses = 0; $resp = null; if ($project->kode_sortname != "") { // $resp = $this->getInvoiceIntegration($project->kode_sortname); // $cost = $resp->data->total_cost ?? 0; // $cost = substr($cost, 0, strpos($cost, ".")); $cost = 0; $totalExpenditure = 0; $totalInvoice = 0; $totalPaidInvoice = 0; // $totalExpenditure += (int) $cost; // $totalInvoice += $resp->data->total_invoice_amount ?? 0; // $totalPaidInvoice += $resp->data->total_invoice_paid_amount ?? 0; } } return response()->json([ 'data' => [ 'total_budget' => (int) $totalBudgets ?? 0, 'total_expenditure' => $totalExpenditure, 'total_invoice' => $totalInvoice, 'total_paid_invoice' => $totalPaidInvoice, ] ], 200); } public function getDetailExpenditureColor($role_name, $company_id) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $query = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $query = ProjectExpenditure::get(); } else { $query = ProjectExpenditure::where('company_id', $company_id)->get(); } $data = []; foreach ($query as $value) { if ($value['name'] === 'Total Budget') { $data['total_budget'] = $value['color']; } if ($value['name'] === 'Expenditure') { $data['total_expenditure'] = $value['color']; } if ($value['name'] === 'Invoice') { $data['total_invoice'] = $value['color']; } if ($value['name'] === 'Cash In') { $data['total_paid_invoice'] = $value['color']; } } return response()->json([ 'data' => [ 'total_budget' => $data['total_budget'] ?? '', 'total_expenditure' => $data['total_expenditure'] ?? '', 'total_invoice' => $data['total_invoice'] ?? '', 'total_paid_invoice' => $data['total_paid_invoice'] ?? '', ] ], 200); } public function getDetailFinancialHealthColor($role_name, $company_id) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $query = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $query = ProjectFinancialHealth::get(); } else { $query = ProjectFinancialHealth::where('company_id', $company_id)->get(); } $data = []; foreach ($query as $value) { if ($value['name'] === 'Cost Overrun') { $data['overrun'] = $value['color']; } if ($value['name'] === 'Early Warning') { $data['warning'] = $value['color']; } if ($value['name'] === 'On Budget') { $data['on-budget'] = $value['color']; } } return response()->json([ 'data' => [ 'overrun' => $data['overrun'] ?? '', 'warning' => $data['warning'] ?? '', 'on-budget' => $data['on-budget'] ?? '', ] ], 200); } public function getDetailScheduleHealthColor($role_name, $company_id) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $query = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $query = ProjectScheduleHealth::get(); } else { $query = ProjectScheduleHealth::where('company_id', $company_id)->get(); } $data = []; foreach ($query as $value) { if ($value['name'] === 'Behind Schedule') { $data['behind-schedule'] = $value['color']; } if ($value['name'] === 'Early Warning') { $data['warning'] = $value['color']; } if ($value['name'] === 'On Schedule') { $data['on-schedule'] = $value['color']; } } return response()->json([ 'data' => [ 'behind-schedule' => $data['behind-schedule'] ?? '', 'warning' => $data['warning'] ?? '', 'on-schedule' => $data['on-schedule'] ?? '', ] ], 200); } public function getDetailInvoiceColor($role_name, $company_id) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $query = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $query = ProjectInvoice::get(); } else { $query = ProjectInvoice::where('company_id', $company_id)->get(); } $data = []; foreach ($query as $value) { if ($value['name'] === 'Invoiced') { $data['invoiced'] = $value['color']; } if ($value['name'] === 'Cash In') { $data['paid'] = $value['color']; } } return response()->json([ 'data' => [ 'invoiced' => $data['invoiced'] ?? '', 'paid' => $data['paid'] ?? '' ] ], 200); } // integrasi public function getInvoiceOutstanding($role_name, $company_id, $all_project, $hierarchy) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $projects = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $projects = Project::get(); } elseif (!empty($all_project)) { $projects = Project::where('company_id', $company_id) ->get(); } else { $projects = Project::where('created_by_id', $hierarchy) ->get(); } $return = []; foreach ($projects as $project) { if ($project->kode_sortname != "") { array_push($return, [ 'project' => $project->nama, 'project_code' => $project->kode_sortname, 'invoiced' => 0, 'paid' => 0, ]); } } return response()->json([ 'data' => $return ], 200); } public function getTotalProjectPerScheduleHealth($role_name, $company_id, $all_project, $hierarchy) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $replaceHierarchy = preg_replace('/[\[\]]/', '', $hierarchy); $return = [ 'behind-schedule' => 0, 'warning' => 0, 'on-schedule' => 0, ]; $divisi = Divisi::query() ->where('company_id', $company_id) ->pluck('id'); $projects = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $projects = Project::get(); } elseif ($all_project == 'true') { $projects = Project::whereIn('divisi_id', $divisi) ->where('company_id', $company_id) ->get(); } else { $projects = Project::whereIn('divisi_id', $divisi) ->where('created_by_id', $replaceHierarchy) ->get(); } foreach ($projects as $index => $project) { $project->scurve = MasterFunctionsHelper::getSCurve($project->id); $selisihProgress = 0; $planningProgress = 0; $actualProgress = 0; if ($project->scurve && $project->scurve[0]) { $planningArray = $project->scurve[0]['data']['percentagePlan']; $actualArray = $project->scurve[0]['data']['percentageReal']; $planningProgress = !empty($planningArray) ? $planningArray[count($planningArray) - 1] : 0; $actualProgress = !empty($actualArray) ? $actualArray[count($actualArray) - 1] : 0; } $selisihProgress = $planningProgress - $actualProgress; try { if ($selisihProgress > 0 && $selisihProgress <= 20) { $return['warning'] += 1; $projects[$index]->status = 'warning'; } elseif ($selisihProgress == 0) { $return['on-schedule'] += 1; $projects[$index]->status = 'on-schedule'; } else { $return['behind-schedule'] += 1; $projects[$index]->status = 'behind-schedule'; } } catch (\Error $e) { return response()->json(['msg' => $e->getMessage(), 'data' => $project], 200); } } return response()->json(['data' => $return, 'q' => $projects], 200); } public function getTotalProjectScheduleHealthPerDivision($role_name, $company_id) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $divisions = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $divisions = Divisi::whereNull('parent') ->get(); } else { $divisions = Divisi::whereNull('parent') ->where('company_id', $company_id) ->get(); } foreach ($divisions as $index => $division) { $scheduleData = new Collection(); $behindSchedule = $warning = $onSchedule = 0; $projects = Project::where('divisi_id', $division->id)->get(); foreach ($projects as $project) { $project->scurve = MasterFunctionsHelper::getSCurve($project->id); $selisihProgress = 0; $planningProgress = 0; $actualProgress = 0; if ($project->scurve && $project->scurve[0]) { $planningArray = $project->scurve[0]['data']['percentagePlan']; $actualArray = $project->scurve[0]['data']['percentageReal']; $planningProgress = !empty($planningArray) ? $planningArray[count($planningArray) - 1] : 0; $actualProgress = !empty($actualArray) ? $actualArray[count($actualArray) - 1] : 0; } $selisihProgress = $planningProgress - $actualProgress; if ($selisihProgress > 0 && $selisihProgress <= 5) { $warning++; } elseif ($selisihProgress == 0) { $onSchedule++; } else { $behindSchedule++; } } $scheduleData->prepend($behindSchedule, 'behindSchedule'); $scheduleData->prepend($warning, 'warning'); $scheduleData->prepend($onSchedule, 'onSchedule'); $divisions[$index]->scheduleData = $scheduleData; } return response()->json([ 'data' => [ $divisions ] ], 200); } public function getTotalProjectPerBudgetHealth($role_name, $company_id, $all_project, $hierarchy) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $replaceHierarchy = preg_replace('/[\[\]]/', '', $hierarchy); $response = [ 'data' => [ 'overrun' => 0, 'warning' => 0, 'on-budget' => 0, ] ]; $divisi = Divisi::query() ->where('company_id', $company_id) ->pluck('id'); // arr overrun if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $response['data']['overrun'] = Project::where('budget_health', 'overrun') ->count(); } elseif ($all_project == 'true') { $response['data']['overrun'] = Project::whereIn('divisi_id', $divisi) ->where([['budget_health', 'overrun'], ['company_id', $company_id]]) ->count(); } else { $response['data']['overrun'] = Project::whereIn('divisi_id', $divisi) ->where([['budget_health', 'overrun'], ['created_by_id', $replaceHierarchy]]) ->count(); } // arr warning if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $response['data']['warning'] = Project::where('budget_health', 'warning') ->count(); } elseif ($all_project == 'true') { $response['data']['warning'] = Project::whereIn('divisi_id', $divisi) ->where([['budget_health', 'warning'], ['company_id', $company_id]]) ->count(); } else { $response['data']['warning'] = Project::whereIn('divisi_id', $divisi) ->where([['budget_health', 'warning'], ['created_by_id', $replaceHierarchy]]) ->count(); } // arr on-budget if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $response['data']['on-budget'] = Project::where('budget_health', 'on-budget') ->count(); } elseif ($all_project == 'true') { $response['data']['on-budget'] = Project::whereIn('divisi_id', $divisi) ->where([['company_id', $company_id], ['budget_health', 'on-budget']]) ->count(); } else { $response['data']['on-budget'] = Project::whereIn('divisi_id', $divisi) ->where([['budget_health', 'on-budget'], ['created_by_id', $replaceHierarchy]]) ->count(); } return response()->json($response, 200); } private function countTotalProjectByBudgetHealthInDivision($divisi, $health) { $project = Project::where([['divisi_id', $divisi], ['budget_health', $health]])->count(); return $project; } public function getTotalProjectBudgetHealthPerDivision($role_name, $company_id) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $divisions = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $divisions = Divisi::select('id', 'name') ->with('children') ->whereNull('parent') ->get(); } else { $divisions = Divisi::select('id', 'name') ->with('children') ->whereNull('parent') ->where('company_id', $company_id) ->get(); } // to do : count in more than 1 level child foreach ($divisions as $division) { $budgetData = new Collection(); $budgetData->prepend($this->countTotalProjectByBudgetHealthInDivision($division->id, 'overrun'), 'overrun'); $budgetData->prepend($this->countTotalProjectByBudgetHealthInDivision($division->id, 'warning'), 'warning'); $budgetData->prepend($this->countTotalProjectByBudgetHealthInDivision($division->id, 'on-budget'), 'on-budget'); foreach ($division->children as $d) { $budgetData['overrun'] += $this->countTotalProjectByBudgetHealthInDivision($d->id, 'overrun'); $budgetData['warning'] += $this->countTotalProjectByBudgetHealthInDivision($d->id, 'warning'); $budgetData['on-budget'] += $this->countTotalProjectByBudgetHealthInDivision($d->id, 'on-budget'); } unset($division->children); $division->budgetData = $budgetData; } return response()->json([ 'data' => [ $divisions ] ], 200); } public function getTotalProjectPerPhase($role_name, $company_id, $all_project, $hierarchy) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $projectPhases = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $projectPhases = ProjectPhase::orderBy('order')->get(); } else { $projectPhases = ProjectPhase::where('company_id', $company_id)->orderBy('order')->get(); } foreach ($projectPhases as $phase) { if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $phase->totalProject = Project::where('phase_id', $phase->id) ->count(); } elseif ($all_project) { $phase->totalProject = Project::where('phase_id', $phase->id) ->where('company_id', $company_id) ->count(); } else { $phase->totalProject = Project::where('phase_id', $phase->id) ->where('created_by_id', $hierarchy) ->count(); } } return response()->json([ 'data' => [ $projectPhases ] ], 200); } private function countTotalProjectInDivision($id) { return Project::where('divisi_id', $id) ->count(); } public function getTotalProjectPerDivision($role_name, $company_id) { $role = urldecode($role_name); $divisions = null; if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $divisions = Divisi::select('id', 'name', 'parent', 'color') ->with('children') ->whereNull('parent') ->get(); } else { $divisions = Divisi::select('id', 'name', 'parent', 'color') ->with('children') ->whereNull('parent') ->where('company_id', $company_id) ->get(); } // to do : count in more than 1 level child foreach ($divisions as $v) { $v->total = $this->countTotalProjectInDivision($v->id); foreach ($v->children as $d) { $v->total += $this->countTotalProjectInDivision($d->id); } unset($v->children); } return response()->json([ 'data' => $divisions ], 200); } private function countTotalProjectValueInDivision($id) { return Project::select(DB::raw('SUM(CAST("rencana_biaya" AS DOUBLE PRECISION))')) ->where('divisi_id', $id) ->pluck('sum') ->first(); } public function getTotalProjectValuePerDivision($role_name, $company_id) { $role = urldecode($role_name); if ($role === 'Super Admin') { $divisions = Divisi::select('id', 'name', 'color') ->with('children') ->whereNull('parent') ->get(); } else { $divisions = Divisi::select('id', 'name', 'color') ->with('children') ->whereNull('parent') ->where('company_id', $company_id) ->get(); } foreach ($divisions as $v) { $v->total = $this->countTotalProjectValueInDivision($v->id); foreach ($v->children as $d) { $v->total += $this->countTotalProjectValueInDivision($d->id); } unset($v->children); } return response()->json([ 'data' => $divisions ], 200); } public function getDetailExpenditure($year = '%', $company_id, $all_project, $hierarchy) { $year = $this->interpolateYear($year); $projects = null; if ($all_project) { $projects = Project::where('mulai_proyek', 'like', $year) ->where('company_id', $company_id) ->orderBy('id', 'desc') ->get(); } else { $projects = Project::where('mulai_proyek', 'like', $year) ->where('created_by_id', $hierarchy) ->orderBy('id', 'desc') ->get(); } foreach ($projects as $project) { $lastGantt = MasterFunctionsHelper::getLatestGantt($project->id); if ($project->kode_sortname != "") { $project->invoice = [ 'invoiced' => 0, 'paid' => 0, ]; } $project->pm = User::find($project->pm_id); if (!isset($lastGantt['last_gantt_id'])) { $project->manPowers = 0; } else { $project->manPowers = UserToVersionGantt::where('version_gantt_id', $lastGantt['last_gantt_id'])->count(); $project->scurve = MasterFunctionsHelper::getSCurve($project->id); } $project->lastGanttId = MasterFunctionsHelper::getLatestGantt($project->id); } return response()->json([ 'data' => $projects, 'total_manpowers' => User::count() ], 200); } }