199 lines
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199 lines
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<?php |
namespace App\Http\Controllers; |
use Illuminate\Http\Request; |
use App\Models\ReportActivityMaterial; |
use App\Models\Activity; |
use App\Models\AssignMaterial; |
use Datatables; |
class ReportActivityMaterialController extends Controller |
{ |
private function sanitizeDecimal($number) { |
$number = str_replace(".","",$number); |
$number = str_replace(",",".",$number); |
return $number; |
} |
public function add(Request $request){ |
$this->validate($request, [ |
'activity_id' => 'required', |
'qty' => 'required' |
]); |
$data = $request->all(); |
$data['created_by'] = $this->currentName; |
$data['assign_material_id'] = AssignMaterial::where('activity_id', $request->activity_id)->pluck('id')->first(); |
$data['qty'] = $this->sanitizeDecimal($data['qty']); |
if(!ReportActivityMaterial::create($data)) |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'Input progress report activity failed created','code'=>400]); |
$this->countForProgress($request->activity_id); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','message'=>'Input progress report activity created','code'=>200]); |
} |
public function updateStatusStartFinish(Request $request){ |
$payloadUpdate = array( |
'start_activity' => $request->start_activity, |
'finish_activity' => $request->finish_activity, |
'status_activity' => $request->status_activity |
); |
$updateData = AssignMaterial::where('activity_id',$request->activity_id) |
->update($payloadUpdate); |
if($updateData){ |
if($request->status_activity == 'done'){ |
$dataUpdate = array( |
"persentase_progress" => 100, |
"updated_by" => $this->currentName |
); |
Activity::where('id', $request->activity_id)->update($dataUpdate); |
} |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','message'=>'Update data status successfully ', 'code'=>200]); |
} |
else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'Update data status failed', 'code'=>400]); |
} |
} |
public function delete($id) |
{ |
if(!ReportActivityMaterial::findOrFail($id)->delete()) |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'Failed to deleted the data!','code'=> 500], 500); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','message'=> 'Data deleted!','code'=>200], 200); |
} |
private function countForProgress($id) |
{ |
$dataActivity = Activity::find($id); |
$dataPlan = AssignMaterial::where('activity_id', $id)->get(); |
$tmpPercentage1 = []; |
if(!$dataPlan->isEmpty()){ |
foreach ($dataPlan as $value) { |
# code... |
$price = $value->material_id; |
$qty_plan = $value->qty_planning; |
$status_activity = $value->status_activity; |
$getDataVolActual = ReportActivityMaterial::where('assign_material_id', '=', $value->id)->sum("qty"); |
$percentage1 = ($getDataVolActual * 100) / $qty_plan; |
if($status_activity == 'done'){ |
$tmpPercentage1[] = $percentage1 > 100 ? 100 : $percentage1; |
}else if($status_activity == 'on-progress'){ |
$tmpPercentage1[] = $percentage1 >= 100 ? 90 : $percentage1; |
}else{ |
$tmpPercentage1[] = $percentage1 >= 100 ? 90 : $percentage1; |
} |
} |
$totalPercentage = array_sum($tmpPercentage1) / count($tmpPercentage1); |
}else{ |
$totalPercentage = 0; |
} |
$dataUpdate = array( |
"persentase_progress" => $totalPercentage, |
"updated_by" => $this->currentName |
); |
return $dataActivity->update($dataUpdate); |
} |
public function countForProgressTest() |
{ |
$dataPlan = AssignMaterial::where('activity_id', 807)->get(); |
$tmpPercentage1 = []; |
if(!$dataPlan->isEmpty()){ |
foreach ($dataPlan as $value) { |
# code... |
$price = $value->material_id; |
$qty_plan = $value->qty_planning; |
$status_activity = $value->status_activity; |
$getDataVolActual = ReportActivityMaterial::where('assign_material_id', '=', $value->id)->sum("qty"); |
$percentage1 = ($getDataVolActual * 100) / $qty_plan; |
$percentage1 = ($getDataVolActual * 100) / $qty_plan; |
if($status_activity == 'done'){ |
$tmpPercentage1[] = $percentage1 > 100 ? 100 : $percentage1; |
}else if($status_activity == 'on-progress'){ |
$tmpPercentage1[] = $percentage1 >= 100 ? 90 : $percentage1; |
}else{ |
$tmpPercentage1[] = $percentage1 >= 100 ? 90 : $percentage1; |
} |
} |
$totalPercentage = array_sum($tmpPercentage1) / count($tmpPercentage1); |
}else{ |
$totalPercentage = 0; |
} |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','code'=>200,'data'=>$dataPlan, 'tmpPercentage1'=> $tmpPercentage1, 'totalPercentage'=> $totalPercentage], 200); |
} |
public function search(Request $request) |
{ |
$payload = $request->all(); |
$dataBuilder = $this->setUpPayload($payload, 'report_activity_material'); |
$builder = $dataBuilder['builder']; |
$countBuilder = $dataBuilder['count']; |
$dataGet = $builder->get(); |
$totalRecord = $countBuilder->count(); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','code'=>200,'data'=>$dataGet, 'totalRecord'=>$totalRecord], 200); |
} |
public function list() |
{ |
$data = ReportActivityMaterial::all(); |
$countData = $data->count(); |
if($data){ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','code'=>200,'data'=>$data, 'totalRecord'=>$countData], 200); |
}else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'failed get Repport Activity material, please try again later!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
} |
public function datatables(Request $request){ |
$id_activity = $request->query('idAct'); |
$id_assign_material_id= $request->query('idAmi'); |
$type = $request->query('type'); |
if($type == 'plan'){ |
$data = AssignMaterial::select("assign_material_to_activity.*","m.description as material_name", "m.uom as uom") |
->join("m_req_material as m", "m.id", "=", "assign_material_to_activity.material_id") |
->where('assign_material_to_activity.activity_id', $id_activity) |
->orderBy('assign_material_to_activity.id', 'asc') |
->get(); |
return Datatables::of($data) |
->addIndexColumn() |
->addColumn('action', function($row){ |
$actionBtn = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-id="'.$row->id.'" class="delete btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-ram-delete"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></a>'; |
return $actionBtn; |
}) |
->rawColumns(['action'])->make(true); |
}else{ |
$data = ReportActivityMaterial::select("report_activity_material.*", "u.name as human_resource") |
->join("m_users as u", "u.id", "=", "report_activity_material.user_id") |
->where('report_activity_material.activity_id', $id_activity) |
->orderBy('report_activity_material.report_date', 'asc') |
->get(); |
return Datatables::of($data) |
->addIndexColumn() |
->addColumn('action', function($row){ |
$actionBtn = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-id="'.$row->id.'" class="delete btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-ram-delete"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></a>'; |
return $actionBtn; |
}) |
->rawColumns(['action'])->make(true); |
} |
} |