650 lines
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650 lines
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<?php |
namespace App\Http\Controllers; |
use App\Models\HumanResource; |
use Log; |
use Illuminate\Http\Request; |
use App\Models\Presence; |
use App\Models\ReportK3; |
use Carbon\Carbon; |
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; |
class PresenceController extends Controller |
{ |
public function add(Request $request) |
{ |
$this->validate($request, [ |
'user_id' => 'required' |
]); |
$checkLocation = $this->checkLocation($request); |
$statusBoundary = false; |
$date = date_create($request->clock_time); |
// assign and in boundary |
if(count($checkLocation) > 0 && $checkLocation[0]['boundary']){ |
$statusBoundary = true; |
} |
$statusRestriction = HumanResource::select('status_boundary')->where('id', $request->user_id)->first(); |
if (!$statusRestriction->status_boundary) { |
$statusBoundary = true; |
} |
// not assign |
if(!$checkLocation[0]['status_assign'] && $checkLocation[0]['boundary'] == false && $statusBoundary == false){ |
$data=array( |
'id' => null, |
'boundary' => $statusBoundary |
); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed', 'data'=>$data, 'message'=>'Tidak dapat melakukan presensi. Anda belum di assign ke area kerja.','code'=>200], 200); |
} |
// assign and not in boundary |
if($checkLocation[0]['status_assign'] && $checkLocation[0]['boundary'] == false && $statusBoundary == false){ |
$data=array( |
'id' => null, |
'boundary' => true |
); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed', 'data'=>$data, 'message'=>'Tidak dapat melakukan presensi. Anda berada di luar area kerja.','code'=>200], 200); |
} |
if($request->type=="out"){ |
$clock_out_loc = $this->getLoc($request->clock_out_lat, $request->clock_out_lng)->display_name; |
$dataUpdate = array( |
"clock_out"=>$request->clock_time, |
"clock_out_lat" => $request->clock_out_lat, |
"clock_out_lng" => $request->clock_out_lng, |
"updated_by"=>$this->currentName, |
"clock_out_loc" => $clock_out_loc, |
"clock_out_boundary" => $statusBoundary |
); |
$resultUpdate = $this->updateFormAdd($dataUpdate, $request->user_id); |
if($resultUpdate && $resultUpdate > 0){ |
if($statusBoundary){ |
for ($i=0; $i < count($checkLocation); $i++) { |
# code... |
DB::table('clock_in_out_boundary')->insert([ |
"clock_in_out_id" => $resultUpdate, |
"user_id" => $request->user_id, |
"activity_id" => $checkLocation[$i]['activity_id'] ? $checkLocation[$i]['activity_id'] : 0, |
"type" => $request->type, |
"created_at" => $date, |
"created_by" => $this->currentName |
]); |
}; |
}; |
$data=array( |
'id' => $resultUpdate, |
'boundary' => $statusBoundary |
); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success', 'data'=>$data,'message'=>'clock out success!','code'=>200], 200); |
} |
else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'clock out failed please try again!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
die(); |
} |
$onlyDate = date_format($date,"Y-m-d"); |
// $clock_in_loc = $this->getLoc($request->clock_in_lat, $request->clock_in_lng)->display_name; |
$clock_in_loc = "test"; |
$dataAdd = array( |
'user_id'=> $request->user_id, |
'clock_in'=> $request->clock_time, |
'date_presence'=> $onlyDate, |
'created_by' => $this->currentName, |
'clock_in_lat' => $request->clock_in_lat, |
'clock_in_lng' => $request->clock_in_lng, |
'clock_in_loc' => $clock_in_loc, |
'clock_in_boundary' => $statusBoundary |
); |
$result = Presence::create($dataAdd); |
$data=array( |
'id' => $result->id, |
'boundary' => $statusBoundary |
); |
if($result){ |
if($statusBoundary){ |
for ($i=0; $i < count($checkLocation); $i++) { |
# code... |
DB::table('clock_in_out_boundary')->insert([ |
"clock_in_out_id" => $result->id, |
"user_id" => $request->user_id, |
"activity_id" => $checkLocation[$i]['activity_id'], |
"type" => $request->type, |
"created_at" => $date, |
"created_by" => $this->currentName |
]); |
}; |
}; |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success', 'data' => $data,'message'=>'clock in successfully!','code'=>200], 200); |
}else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'clock in failed!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
} |
public function reportK3(Request $request){ |
// return response()->json(['status'=>'success', 'message'=>$request->report_k3['detail'],'code'=>200], 200); |
$this->validate($request, [ |
'user_id' => 'required' |
]); |
$checkLocation = $this->checkLocation($request); |
$statusBoundary = false; |
$date = date_create($request->time); |
$statusRestriction = HumanResource::select('status_boundary')->where('id', $request->user_id)->first(); |
// assign and in boundary |
if (count($checkLocation) > 0 && $statusRestriction->status_boundary == true) |
{ |
if ($checkLocation[0]['boundary'] == true) |
{ |
$statusBoundary = true; |
} else { |
$statusBoundary = false; |
} |
} |
// assign and not in boundary or in boundary |
else { |
if ($checkLocation[0]['boundary'] == true || $checkLocation[0]['boundary'] == false) |
{ |
$statusBoundary = true; |
} |
} |
// not assign |
if(!$checkLocation[0]['status_assign'] && $checkLocation[0]['boundary'] == false && $statusBoundary == false){ |
$data=array( |
'id' => null, |
'boundary' => $statusBoundary |
); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed', 'data'=>$data, 'message'=>'Tidak dapat melakukan presensi. Anda belum di assign ke area kerja.','code'=>200], 200); |
} |
// assign and not in boundary |
if($checkLocation[0]['status_assign'] && $checkLocation[0]['boundary'] == false && $statusBoundary == false){ |
$data=array( |
'id' => null, |
'boundary' => true |
); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed', 'data'=>$data, 'message'=>'Tidak dapat melakukan presensi. Anda berada di luar area kerja.','code'=>200], 200); |
} |
if($request->clock_in_out['type']=="out"){ |
$clock_out_loc = $this->getLoc($request->clock_in_out['clock_out_lat'], $request->clock_in_out['clock_out_lng'])->display_name; |
$dataUpdate = array( |
"clock_out"=>$request->time, |
"clock_out_lat" => $request->clock_in_out['clock_out_lat'], |
"clock_out_lng" => $request->clock_in_out['clock_out_lng'], |
"updated_by"=>$this->currentName, |
"clock_out_loc" => $clock_out_loc, |
"clock_out_boundary" => $statusBoundary |
); |
$resultUpdate = $this->updateFormAdd($dataUpdate, $request->user_id); |
if($resultUpdate && $resultUpdate > 0){ |
if($statusBoundary){ |
for ($i=0; $i < count($checkLocation); $i++) { |
# code... |
DB::table('clock_in_out_boundary')->insert([ |
"clock_in_out_id" => $resultUpdate, |
"user_id" => $request->user_id, |
"activity_id" => $checkLocation[$i]['activity_id'] ? $checkLocation[$i]['activity_id'] : 0, |
"type" => $request->clock_in_out['type'], |
"created_at" => $date, |
"created_by" => $this->currentName |
]); |
}; |
}; |
$data=array( |
'presence_id' => $resultUpdate, |
'boundary' => $statusBoundary |
); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success', 'data'=>$data,'message'=>'clock out success!','code'=>200], 200); |
} |
else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'clock out failed please try again!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
die(); |
} |
$onlyDate = date_format($date,"Y-m-d"); |
$clock_in_loc = $this->getLoc($request->clock_in_out['clock_in_lat'], $request->clock_in_out['clock_in_lng'])->display_name; |
$dataFormK3 = array( |
"user_id" => $request->user_id, |
"proyek_id" => $request->report_k3['proyek_id'], |
"report_date" => $request->time, |
"description" => $request->report_k3['description'] |
); |
$dataFormPresence = array( |
'user_id' => $request->user_id, |
'clock_in' => $request->time, |
'date_presence' => $onlyDate, |
'created_by' => $this->currentName, |
'clock_in_lat' => $request->clock_in_out['clock_in_lat'], |
'clock_in_lng' => $request->clock_in_out['clock_in_lng'], |
'clock_in_loc' => $clock_in_loc, |
'clock_in_boundary' => $statusBoundary |
); |
$result = Presence::create($dataFormPresence); |
$data=array( |
'presence_id' => $result->id, |
'boundary' => $statusBoundary |
); |
if($result){ |
if($statusBoundary){ |
$insertk3 = $this->insertK3($dataFormK3, $request->report_k3['detail']) ; |
for ($i=0; $i < count($checkLocation); $i++) { |
# code... |
DB::table('clock_in_out_boundary')->insert([ |
"clock_in_out_id" => $result->id, |
"user_id" => $request->user_id, |
"activity_id" => $checkLocation[$i]['activity_id'] ? $checkLocation[$i]['activity_id'] : 0, |
"type" => $request->type, |
"created_at" => $date, |
"created_by" => $this->currentName |
]); |
}; |
$data['report_id'] = $insertk3->id; |
}; |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success', 'data'=> $data, 'message'=>'clock in successfully!','code'=>200], 200); |
}else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'clock in failed!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
} |
private function insertK3($params, $details){ |
$insert = ReportK3::create($params); |
if($insert && $details){ |
$this->addDetailK3($details, $insert->id); |
} |
return $insert; |
} |
private function checkLocation($params){ |
// cek user tersebut apakah punya assign task yang ada bondary nya |
// geom ada di table activity |
// $clock_time = |
$user = HumanResource::find($params->user_id); |
$geomQuery = DB::table("assign_hr_to_activity as ahta")->select("ma.geom", "ma.id") |
->join("m_activity as ma", "ma.id", "=", "ahta.activity_id") |
->where("ahta.user_id", $params->user_id) |
->whereNotNull("ma.geom") |
->whereDate("ma.start_date", "<=", $params->time) |
->whereDate("ma.end_date", ">=", $params->time); |
if (isset($params->report_k3['proyek_id'])) { |
$geom = $geomQuery->where("ma.proyek_id", $params->report_k3['proyek_id'])->get(); |
} else { |
$geom = $geomQuery->get(); |
} |
$temp = []; |
if (count($geom) > 0) { |
foreach($geom as $dataGeom){ |
$valGeom = json_decode($dataGeom->geom); |
if($params->clock_in_out['type']=="out"){ |
if($valGeom->type == "FeatureCollection"){ |
$multiArea = $valGeom->features; |
foreach($multiArea as $area){ |
if ($area->geometry->type === "Point") { |
$pointCoordinates = $area->geometry->coordinates; |
$pointLng = $pointCoordinates[0]; |
$pointLat = $pointCoordinates[1]; |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Distance( |
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('" . json_encode($area->geometry) . "'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(" . $params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lng'] . " " . $params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lat'] . ")', 4326) |
) <= " . $area->properties->radius . " as within_radius")); |
if ($check[0]->within_radius) { |
break; |
} |
} |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('".json_encode($area->geometry)."'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(".$params->clock_in_out['clock_out_lng']." ".$params->clock_in_out['clock_out_lat'].")', 4326)) as boundary")); |
if($check[0]->boundary){ |
break; |
} |
} |
}else{ |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('".json_encode($valGeom->geometry)."'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(".$params->clock_in_out['clock_out_lng']." ".$params->clock_in_out['clock_out_lat'].")', 4326)) as boundary")); |
} |
}else{ |
if($valGeom->type == "FeatureCollection"){ |
$multiArea = $valGeom->features; |
foreach($multiArea as $area){ |
if ($area->geometry->type === "Point") { |
$pointCoordinates = $area->geometry->coordinates; |
$pointLng = $pointCoordinates[0]; |
$pointLat = $pointCoordinates[1]; |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Distance( |
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('" . json_encode($area->geometry) . "'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(" . $params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lng'] . " " . $params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lat'] . ")', 4326) |
) <= " . $area->properties->radius . " as within_radius")); |
if ($check[0]->within_radius) { |
break; |
} |
} |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('".json_encode($area->geometry)."'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(".$params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lng']." ".$params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lat'].")', 4326)) as boundary")); |
if($check[0]->boundary){ |
break; |
} |
} |
}else{ |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('".json_encode($valGeom->geometry)."'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(".$params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lng']." ".$params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lat'].")', 4326)) as boundary")); |
} |
} |
if(!$user->status_boundary || count($check)>0){ |
if(!$user->status_boundary || (isset($check[0]->boundary) && $check[0]->boundary)){ |
$temp[]=array( |
"activity_id" => $dataGeom->id, |
"boundary" => $check[0]->boundary, |
"status_assign" => true |
); |
} else if (!$user->status_boundary || (isset($check[0]->within_radius) && $check[0]->within_radius)) { |
$temp[]=array( |
"activity_id" => $dataGeom->id, |
"boundary" => $check[0]->within_radius, |
"status_assign" => true |
); |
} |
} else { |
// bypass work area restriction |
$temp[]=array( |
"activity_id" => null, |
"boundary" => true, |
"status_assign" => true |
); |
} |
} |
// assign and not in boundary |
if(count($temp) < 1){ |
$temp[]=array( |
"activity_id" => null, |
"boundary" => false, |
"status_assign" => true |
// "geom" => $geom, |
// "cek" => $check[0]->boundary |
); |
} |
} |
else{ |
if ($user->status_boundary) { |
// bypass work area restriction |
$temp[]=array( |
"activity_id" => null, |
"boundary" => true, |
"status_assign" => true |
); |
} else { |
// not assign |
$temp[]=array( |
"activity_id" => null, |
"boundary" => false, |
"status_assign" => false |
); |
} |
} |
return $temp; |
} |
public function checkLocationTest(Request $request){ |
// cek user tersebut apakah punya assign task yang ada bondary nya |
// geom ada di table activity |
// $clock_time = |
$params = $request; |
$geom = DB::table("assign_hr_to_activity as ahta")->select("ma.geom", "ma.id") |
->join("m_activity as ma", "ma.id", "=", "ahta.activity_id") |
->where("ahta.user_id", $params->user_id) |
->whereNotNull("ma.geom") |
->whereDate("ma.start_date", "<=", $params->time) |
->whereDate("ma.end_date", ">=", $params->time) |
->get(); |
$temp = []; |
// return json_encode($geom); |
if (count($geom) > 0) { |
foreach($geom as $dataGeom){ |
$valGeom = json_decode($dataGeom->geom); |
if($params->clock_in_out['type']=="out"){ |
if($valGeom->type == "FeatureCollection"){ |
// return count($valGeom->features); |
$multiArea = $valGeom->features; |
foreach($multiArea as $area){ |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('".json_encode($area->geometry)."'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(".$params->clock_in_out['clock_out_lng']." ".$params->clock_in_out['clock_out_lat'].")', 4326)) as boundary")); |
if($check[0]->boundary){ |
break; |
} |
} |
}else{ |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('".json_encode($valGeom->geometry)."'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(".$params->clock_in_out['clock_out_lng']." ".$params->clock_in_out['clock_out_lat'].")', 4326)) as boundary")); |
} |
}else{ |
if($valGeom->type == "FeatureCollection"){ |
// return count($valGeom->features); |
$multiArea = $valGeom->features; |
foreach($multiArea as $area){ |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('".json_encode($area->geometry)."'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(".$params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lng']." ".$params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lat'].")', 4326)) as boundary")); |
if($check[0]->boundary){ |
break; |
} |
} |
}else{ |
$check = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('".json_encode($valGeom->geometry)."'), |
ST_GeomFromText('POINT(".$params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lng']." ".$params->clock_in_out['clock_in_lat'].")', 4326)) as boundary")); |
} |
} |
if(count($check)>0){ |
if($check[0]->boundary){ |
$temp[]=array( |
"activity_id" => $dataGeom->id, |
"boundary" => $check[0]->boundary, |
"status_assign" => true |
); |
} |
} |
} |
// assign and not in boundary |
if(count($temp) < 1){ |
$temp[]=array( |
"activity_id" => null, |
"boundary" => false, |
"status_assign" => true |
// "geom" => $geom, |
// "cek" => $check[0]->boundary |
); |
} |
} |
else{ |
// not assign |
$temp[]=array( |
"activity_id" => null, |
"boundary" => false, |
"status_assign" => false |
); |
} |
return $temp; |
} |
public function edit($id){ |
if(!$id || (int) $id < 0 || $id==""){ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'id is required!','code'=>400], 400); |
die(); |
} |
$result = Presence::find($id); |
if($result){ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','code'=>200,'data'=>$result], 200); |
}else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'failed get data project, please try again later!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
} |
public function clockinout($id) { |
$dateTimeNow = Carbon::now()->addHour(7); |
$dataPresence = Presence::where('user_id', $id)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->first(); |
if($dataPresence){ |
$dateNow = date("Y-m-d"); |
$dateA = strtotime($dataPresence->clock_in); |
$dayClockin = date("Y-m-d", $dateA); |
if($dayClockin == $dateNow){ |
$clock_in = $dataPresence->clock_in; |
$clock_out = $dataPresence->clock_out; |
}else{ |
$clock_in = null; |
$clock_out = null; |
} |
$res_data = array( |
"id" => $dataPresence->id, |
"at" => $dateTimeNow, |
"user_id"=> $id, |
"clock_in"=> $clock_in, |
"clock_out"=> $clock_out, |
"last_clock_in"=> $dataPresence->clock_in, |
"last_clock_out"=> $dataPresence->clock_out, |
"in_working_time"=> true |
); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','data'=>$res_data,'code'=>200], 200); |
} |
$res_data = array( |
"id" => null, |
"at" => $dateTimeNow, |
"user_id"=> $id, |
"clock_in"=> null, |
"clock_out"=> null, |
"last_clock_in"=> null, |
"last_clock_out"=> null, |
"in_working_time"=> true |
); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','data'=>$res_data,'code'=>200], 200); |
} |
private function updateFormAdd($data, $id){ |
$date = date_create($data['clock_out']); |
$onlyDate = date_format($date,"Y-m-d"); |
$dataPresence = Presence::where('user_id',$id) |
->where("clock_in", "<=", $data["clock_out"]) |
->orderByDesc("id") |
->first(); |
if($dataPresence){ |
$queryUpdate = $dataPresence->update($data); |
if($queryUpdate){ |
$getDataUpdate = Presence::where('user_id', $id)->where("date_presence", $onlyDate)->first(); |
return $getDataUpdate->id; |
}else{ |
return false; |
} |
}else{ |
return false; |
} |
die(); |
} |
public function update(Request $request, $id) |
{ |
if(!$id || (int) $id < 0 || $id==""){ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'id is required!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
$data = Presence::find($id); |
if($data){ |
$result = $data->update($request->all()); |
}else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'data presence not found!','code'=>400], 400); |
die(); |
} |
if($result){ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','message'=>'data presence successfully updated!','code'=>200], 200); |
}else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'data presence failed updated!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
} |
public function delete($id) |
{ |
$data = Presence::find($id); |
if($data){ |
$delete = $data->delete(); |
}else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'data presence not found!','code'=>400], 400); |
die(); |
} |
if($delete){ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','message'=>'data presence successfully deleted!','code'=>200], 200); |
}else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'data presence failed deleted!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
} |
public function search(Request $request) |
{ |
$payload = $request->all(); |
$dataBuilder = $this->setUpPayload($payload, 't_clock_in_out'); |
$builder = $dataBuilder['builder']; |
$countBuilder = $dataBuilder['count']; |
$dataGet = $builder->get(); |
$totalRecord = $countBuilder->count(); |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','code'=>200,'data'=>$dataGet, 'totalRecord'=>$totalRecord], 200); |
} |
public function list() |
{ |
$data = Presence::all(); |
$countData = $data->count(); |
if($data){ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','code'=>200,'data'=>$data, 'totalRecord'=>$countData], 200); |
}else{ |
return response()->json(['status'=>'failed','message'=>'failed get list presence, please try again later!','code'=>400], 400); |
} |
} |
public function bulkUpdateLocation() |
{ |
$data = Presence::all(); |
$finalData = []; |
foreach($data as $objRow) { |
$presence = Presence::find($objRow->id); |
$clock_in_lat = $objRow->clock_in_lat; |
$clock_in_lng = $objRow->clock_in_lng; |
$objRow->clock_in_loc = ""; |
if (isset($clock_in_lat) && isset($clock_in_lng)) { |
$objRow->clock_in_loc = $this->getLoc($clock_in_lat, $clock_in_lng)->display_name; |
} |
$clock_out_lat = $objRow->clock_out_lat; |
$clock_out_lng = $objRow->clock_out_lng; |
$objRow->clock_out_loc = ""; |
if (isset($clock_out_lat) && isset($clock_out_lng) && $clock_out_lng != null) { |
$locAddress = $this->getLoc($clock_out_lat, $clock_out_lng); |
$objRow->clock_out_loc = isset($locAddress->display_name) ? $locAddress->display_name : "-"; |
} |
$presence->clock_in_loc = $objRow->clock_in_loc; |
$presence->clock_out_loc = $objRow->clock_out_loc; |
$presence->save(); |
} |
return response()->json(['status'=>'success','message'=>'success update!','code'=>200], 200); |
} |