2 years ago
4 changed files with 2030 additions and 1829 deletions
@ -1,377 +1,394 @@
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx'; |
import DialogForm from './DialogForm'; |
import DialogInitialGantt from './DialogInitialGantt'; |
import React, { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import SweetAlert from 'react-bootstrap-sweetalert'; |
import axios from "../../../const/interceptorApi" |
import moment from 'moment' |
import { Card, CardBody, CardHeader, Col, Row, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { DownloadOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import { Pagination, Button, Tooltip, Table} from 'antd'; |
const url = ""; |
const proyek_id = localStorage.getItem('proyek_id'); |
const role_id = localStorage.getItem('role_id'); |
const format = "DD-MM-YYYY"; |
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('token'); |
const config = { |
headers: |
{ |
Authorization : `Bearer ${token}`, |
"Content-type" : `application/json` |
} |
}; |
const column = [ |
{ name: "Nama" }, |
{ name: "Deskripsi" }, |
] |
const ProjectType = ({params}) => { |
const token = localStorage.getItem("token") |
const HEADER = { |
headers: { |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
"Authorization": `Bearer ${token}` |
} |
} |
const pageName =; |
const [alertDelete, setAlertDelete] = useState(false) |
const [allDataMenu, setAllDataMenu] = useState([]) |
const [clickOpenModal, setClickOpenModal] = useState(false) |
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1) |
const [dataEdit, setDataEdit] = useState([]) |
const [dataExport, setDataExport] = useState([]) |
const [dataTable, setDatatable] = useState([]) |
const [idDelete, setIdDelete] = useState(0) |
const [idTypeProject, setIdTypeProject] = useState(0) |
const [openDialog, setOpenDialog] = useState(false) |
const [openDialogIG, setOpenDialogIG] = useState(false) |
const [rowsPerPage, setRowsPerPage] = useState(10) |
const [search, setSearch] = useState('') |
const [totalPage, setTotalPage] = useState(0) |
const [typeDialog, setTypeDialog] = useState('Save') |
useEffect(() => { |
getDataProjectType() |
}, [currentPage, rowsPerPage, search]) |
useEffect(() => { |
const cekData = dataExport || [] |
if (cekData.length > 0) { |
exportExcel() |
} |
}, [dataExport]) |
const getDataProjectType = async () => { |
let start = 0; |
if (currentPage !== 1 && currentPage > 1) { |
start = (currentPage * rowsPerPage) - rowsPerPage |
} |
const payload = { |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name":"name", |
"logic_operator":"like", |
"value":search, |
"operator":"AND" |
} |
], |
"orders": { |
"ascending": true, |
"columns": [ |
'id' |
] |
}, |
"paging": { |
"length": rowsPerPage, |
"start": start |
} |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(PROJECT_TYPE_SEARCH, payload, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && && == 200){ |
setDatatable(; |
setTotalPage(; |
}else{ |
NotificationManager.error('Gagal Mengambil Data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
const handleSearch = e => { |
const value = |
setSearch(value); |
setCurrentPage(1) |
}; |
const handleOpenDialog = (type) => { |
setOpenDialog(true) |
setTypeDialog(type) |
} |
const handleExportExcel = async () => { |
let start = 0; |
const payload = { |
"paging": { "start": start, "length": -1 }, |
"columns": [ |
{ "name": "name", "logic_operator": "ilike", "value": search, "operator": "AND" } |
], |
"joins": [], |
"orders": { "columns": ["id"], "ascending": false } |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(PROJECT_TYPE_SEARCH, payload) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && == 200) { |
let resData =; |
const excelData = []; |
||||, index) => { |
let dataRow = { |
"Nama":, |
"Deskripsi": val.description, |
} |
excelData.push(dataRow) |
}) |
await setDataExport(excelData); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Gagal Export Data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
const exportExcel = () => { |
const dataExcel = dataExport || []; |
const fileName = `Data ${pageName}.xlsx`; |
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(dataExcel); |
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); |
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, `Data ${pageName}`); |
XLSX.writeFile(wb, fileName); |
setDataExport([]) |
} |
const handleEdit = (data) => { |
setDataEdit(data) |
handleOpenDialog('Edit'); |
} |
const handleDelete = async (id) => { |
await setAlertDelete(true) |
await setIdDelete(id) |
} |
const handleCloseDialog = (type, data) => { |
if (type === "save") { |
saveProjectType(data); |
} else if (type === "edit") { |
editMaterialR(data); |
} |
setDataEdit([]) |
setOpenDialog(false) |
} |
const saveProjectType = async (data) => { |
const formData = data |
const result = await, formData, HEADER) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === 200) { |
getDataProjectType() |
NotificationManager.success(`Data project type berhasil ditambah`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
const editMaterialR = async (data) => { |
let urlEdit = PROJECT_TYPE_EDIT( |
const formData = data |
const result = await axios.put(urlEdit, formData, HEADER) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === 200) { |
getDataProjectType(); |
NotificationManager.success(`Data project type berhasil diedit`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`Data project type gagal di edit`, `Failed!!`); |
} |
} |
const toggleAddDialog = () => { |
setOpenDialog(!openDialog) |
} |
const handleDialogIg = (id) => { |
setIdTypeProject(id) |
setOpenDialogIG(true) |
} |
const closeDialogIG = () => { |
setIdTypeProject(0) |
setOpenDialogIG(false) |
} |
const toggleDialogIG = () => { |
if(openDialogIG){ |
setIdTypeProject(0) |
} |
setOpenDialogIG(!openDialogIG); |
} |
const onConfirmDelete = async () => { |
let url = PROJECT_TYPE_DELETE(idDelete); |
const result = await axios.delete(url,config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === 200) { |
getDataProjectType() |
setIdDelete(0) |
setAlertDelete(false) |
NotificationManager.success(`Data project type berhasil dihapus!`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
setIdDelete(0) |
setAlertDelete(false) |
NotificationManager.error(`Data project type gagal dihapus!}`, 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
const cancelDelete = () => { |
setAlertDelete(false) |
setIdDelete(0) |
} |
const onShowSizeChange = (current, pageSize) => { |
setRowsPerPage(pageSize) |
} |
const onPagination = (current, pageSize) => { |
setCurrentPage(current) |
} |
const dataNotAvailable = () => { |
if(dataTable.length===0){ |
return ( |
<tr> |
<td align="center" colSpan="3">Tidak ada data project type</td> |
</tr> |
) |
} |
} |
const renderTable = useMemo(() => { |
const columns = [ |
{ |
title: 'Action', |
dataIndex: '', |
key: 'x', |
className:'nowrap', |
render: (text, record) => <> |
<Tooltip title="Delete"> |
<i className="fa fa-trash" style={{ color: 'red', marginRight: '10px', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => handleDelete(}></i> |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip title="Edit"> |
<i className="fa fa-edit" style={{ color: 'green', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => handleEdit(text)}></i> |
</Tooltip>{" "} |
<Tooltip title="Template Gantt"> |
<i className="fa fa-gears" style={{ color: 'blue', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => handleDialogIg(}></i> |
</Tooltip> |
</>, |
}, |
{ title: 'Nama Role', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name', className:"nowrap" }, |
{ title: 'Description', dataIndex: 'description', key: 'description' }, |
]; |
return ( |
<Table |
rowKey="id" |
size="small" |
columns={columns} |
dataSource={dataTable} |
pagination={false} |
/> |
) |
}, [dataTable]) |
return ( |
<div> |
<NotificationContainer /> |
<SweetAlert |
show={alertDelete} |
warning |
showCancel |
confirmBtnText="Delete" |
confirmBtnBsStyle="danger" |
title={`Are you sure?`} |
onConfirm={onConfirmDelete} |
onCancel={() => cancelDelete()} |
focusCancelBtn |
> |
Delete this data |
</SweetAlert> |
<DialogForm |
openDialog={openDialog} |
closeDialog={handleCloseDialog} |
toggleDialog={() => toggleAddDialog} |
typeDialog={typeDialog} |
dataEdit={dataEdit} |
clickOpenModal={clickOpenModal} |
dataParent={allDataMenu} |
/> |
<DialogInitialGantt |
openDialog={openDialogIG} |
closeDialog={closeDialogIG} |
toggleDialog={toggleDialogIG} |
idTypeProject={idTypeProject} |
/> |
<Card> |
<CardHeader style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}> |
<h4 className="capitalize">{pageName}</h4> |
<Row> |
<Col> |
<Input onChange={handleSearch} value={search} type="text" name="search" id="search" placeholder={`Search project type...`} /> |
</Col> |
<Col> |
<Tooltip title="Add Material Resource"> |
<Button style={{ background: "#4caf50", color: "#fff" }} onClick={() => handleOpenDialog('Save')}><i className="fa fa-plus"></i></Button> |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip title="Export Excel"> |
<Button style={{ marginLeft: "5px" }} onClick={() => handleExportExcel()}><i className="fa fa-print"></i></Button> |
</Tooltip> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</CardHeader> |
<CardBody> |
{renderTable} |
<Pagination |
style={{marginTop:"25px"}} |
showSizeChanger |
onShowSizeChange={onShowSizeChange} |
onChange={onPagination} |
defaultCurrent={currentPage} |
pageSize={rowsPerPage} |
total={totalPage} |
pageSizeOptions={["10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40"]} |
/> |
</CardBody> |
</Card> |
</div> |
) |
} |
export default ProjectType; |
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx'; |
import DialogForm from './DialogForm'; |
import DialogInitialGantt from './DialogInitialGantt'; |
import React, { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import SweetAlert from 'react-bootstrap-sweetalert'; |
import axios from "../../../const/interceptorApi" |
import moment from 'moment' |
import { Card, CardBody, CardHeader, Col, Row, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { DownloadOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import { Pagination, Button, Tooltip, Table } from 'antd'; |
const url = ""; |
const proyek_id = localStorage.getItem('proyek_id'); |
const role_id = localStorage.getItem('role_id'); |
const format = "DD-MM-YYYY"; |
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('token'); |
const config = { |
headers: |
{ |
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, |
"Content-type": `application/json` |
} |
}; |
const column = [ |
{ name: "Nama" }, |
{ name: "Deskripsi" }, |
] |
const ProjectType = ({ params }) => { |
const token = localStorage.getItem("token") |
const HEADER = { |
headers: { |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
"Authorization": `Bearer ${token}` |
} |
} |
const pageName =; |
const [alertDelete, setAlertDelete] = useState(false) |
const [allDataMenu, setAllDataMenu] = useState([]) |
const [clickOpenModal, setClickOpenModal] = useState(false) |
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1) |
const [dataEdit, setDataEdit] = useState([]) |
const [dataExport, setDataExport] = useState([]) |
const [dataTable, setDatatable] = useState([]) |
const [idDelete, setIdDelete] = useState(0) |
const [idTypeProject, setIdTypeProject] = useState(0) |
const [openDialog, setOpenDialog] = useState(false) |
const [openDialogIG, setOpenDialogIG] = useState(false) |
const [rowsPerPage, setRowsPerPage] = useState(10) |
const [search, setSearch] = useState('') |
const [totalPage, setTotalPage] = useState(0) |
const [typeDialog, setTypeDialog] = useState('Save') |
useEffect(() => { |
getDataProjectType() |
}, [currentPage, rowsPerPage, search]) |
useEffect(() => { |
const cekData = dataExport || [] |
if (cekData.length > 0) { |
exportExcel() |
} |
}, [dataExport]) |
const getDataProjectType = async () => { |
let start = 0; |
if (currentPage !== 1 && currentPage > 1) { |
start = (currentPage * rowsPerPage) - rowsPerPage |
} |
const payload = { |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "name", |
"logic_operator": "like", |
"value": search, |
"operator": "AND" |
} |
], |
"orders": { |
"ascending": true, |
"columns": [ |
'id' |
] |
}, |
"paging": { |
"length": rowsPerPage, |
"start": start |
} |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(PROJECT_TYPE_SEARCH, payload, config, HEADER) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && == 200) { |
setDatatable(; |
setTotalPage(; |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Gagal Mengambil Data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
const handleSearch = e => { |
const value = |
setSearch(value); |
setCurrentPage(1) |
}; |
const handleOpenDialog = (type) => { |
setOpenDialog(true) |
setTypeDialog(type) |
} |
const handleExportExcel = async () => { |
let start = 0; |
if (currentPage !== 1 && currentPage > 1) { |
start = (currentPage * rowsPerPage) - rowsPerPage |
} |
const payload = { |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "name", |
"logic_operator": "like", |
"value": search, |
"operator": "AND" |
} |
], |
"orders": { |
"ascending": true, |
"columns": [ |
'id' |
] |
}, |
"paging": { |
"length": rowsPerPage, |
"start": start |
} |
} |
const result = await axios |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && == 200) { |
let resData =; |
const excelData = []; |
||||, index) => { |
let dataRow = { |
"Nama":, |
"Deskripsi": val.description, |
} |
excelData.push(dataRow) |
}) |
await setDataExport(excelData); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Gagal Export Data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
const exportExcel = () => { |
const dataExcel = dataExport || []; |
const fileName = `Data ${pageName}.xlsx`; |
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(dataExcel); |
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); |
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, `Data ${pageName}`); |
XLSX.writeFile(wb, fileName); |
setDataExport([]) |
} |
const handleEdit = (data) => { |
setDataEdit(data) |
handleOpenDialog('Edit'); |
} |
const handleDelete = async (id) => { |
await setAlertDelete(true) |
await setIdDelete(id) |
} |
const handleCloseDialog = (type, data) => { |
if (type === "save") { |
saveProjectType(data); |
} else if (type === "edit") { |
editMaterialR(data); |
} |
setDataEdit([]) |
setOpenDialog(false) |
} |
const saveProjectType = async (data) => { |
const formData = data |
const result = await, formData, HEADER) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === 200) { |
getDataProjectType() |
NotificationManager.success(`Data project type berhasil ditambah`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
const editMaterialR = async (data) => { |
let urlEdit = PROJECT_TYPE_EDIT( |
const formData = data |
const result = await axios.put(urlEdit, formData, HEADER) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === 200) { |
getDataProjectType(); |
NotificationManager.success(`Data project type berhasil diedit`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`Data project type gagal di edit`, `Failed!!`); |
} |
} |
const toggleAddDialog = () => { |
setOpenDialog(!openDialog) |
} |
const handleDialogIg = (id) => { |
setIdTypeProject(id) |
setOpenDialogIG(true) |
} |
const closeDialogIG = () => { |
setIdTypeProject(0) |
setOpenDialogIG(false) |
} |
const toggleDialogIG = () => { |
if (openDialogIG) { |
setIdTypeProject(0) |
} |
setOpenDialogIG(!openDialogIG); |
} |
const onConfirmDelete = async () => { |
let url = PROJECT_TYPE_DELETE(idDelete); |
const result = await axios.delete(url, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === 200) { |
getDataProjectType() |
setIdDelete(0) |
setAlertDelete(false) |
NotificationManager.success(`Data project type berhasil dihapus!`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
setIdDelete(0) |
setAlertDelete(false) |
NotificationManager.error(`Data project type gagal dihapus!}`, 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
const cancelDelete = () => { |
setAlertDelete(false) |
setIdDelete(0) |
} |
const onShowSizeChange = (current, pageSize) => { |
setRowsPerPage(pageSize) |
} |
const onPagination = (current, pageSize) => { |
setCurrentPage(current) |
} |
const dataNotAvailable = () => { |
if (dataTable.length === 0) { |
return ( |
<tr> |
<td align="center" colSpan="3">Tidak ada data project type</td> |
</tr> |
) |
} |
} |
const renderTable = useMemo(() => { |
const columns = [ |
{ |
title: 'Action', |
dataIndex: '', |
key: 'x', |
className: 'nowrap', |
render: (text, record) => <> |
<Tooltip title="Delete"> |
<i className="fa fa-trash" style={{ color: 'red', marginRight: '10px', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => handleDelete(}></i> |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip title="Edit"> |
<i className="fa fa-edit" style={{ color: 'green', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => handleEdit(text)}></i> |
</Tooltip>{" "} |
<Tooltip title="Template Gantt"> |
<i className="fa fa-gears" style={{ color: 'blue', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => handleDialogIg(}></i> |
</Tooltip> |
</>, |
}, |
{ title: 'Nama Role', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name', className: "nowrap" }, |
{ title: 'Description', dataIndex: 'description', key: 'description' }, |
]; |
return ( |
<Table |
rowKey="id" |
size="small" |
columns={columns} |
dataSource={dataTable} |
pagination={false} |
/> |
) |
}, [dataTable]) |
return ( |
<div> |
<NotificationContainer /> |
<SweetAlert |
show={alertDelete} |
warning |
showCancel |
confirmBtnText="Delete" |
confirmBtnBsStyle="danger" |
title={`Are you sure?`} |
onConfirm={onConfirmDelete} |
onCancel={() => cancelDelete()} |
focusCancelBtn |
> |
Delete this data |
</SweetAlert> |
<DialogForm |
openDialog={openDialog} |
closeDialog={handleCloseDialog} |
toggleDialog={() => toggleAddDialog} |
typeDialog={typeDialog} |
dataEdit={dataEdit} |
clickOpenModal={clickOpenModal} |
dataParent={allDataMenu} |
/> |
<DialogInitialGantt |
openDialog={openDialogIG} |
closeDialog={closeDialogIG} |
toggleDialog={toggleDialogIG} |
idTypeProject={idTypeProject} |
/> |
<Card> |
<CardHeader style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}> |
<h4 className="capitalize">{pageName}</h4> |
<Row> |
<Col> |
<Input onChange={handleSearch} value={search} type="text" name="search" id="search" placeholder={`Search project type...`} /> |
</Col> |
<Col> |
<Tooltip title="Add Material Resource"> |
<Button style={{ background: "#4caf50", color: "#fff" }} onClick={() => handleOpenDialog('Save')}><i className="fa fa-plus"></i></Button> |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip title="Export Excel"> |
<Button style={{ marginLeft: "5px" }} onClick={() => handleExportExcel()}><i className="fa fa-print"></i></Button> |
</Tooltip> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</CardHeader> |
<CardBody> |
{renderTable} |
<Pagination |
style={{ marginTop: "25px" }} |
showSizeChanger |
onShowSizeChange={onShowSizeChange} |
onChange={onPagination} |
defaultCurrent={currentPage} |
pageSize={rowsPerPage} |
total={totalPage} |
pageSizeOptions={["10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40"]} |
/> |
</CardBody> |
</Card> |
</div> |
) |
} |
export default ProjectType; |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,379 +1,379 @@
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { |
Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter, |
Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input, Col, Row |
} from 'reactstrap'; |
import { DatePicker, Tooltip, Select, Input as InputAntd } from 'antd'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; |
import { formatRupiah, formatNumber } from '../../../const/CustomFunc' |
import { ROLE_SEARCH } from '../../../const/ApiConst' |
const { Option } = Select |
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('token'); |
const config = { |
headers: |
{ |
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, |
"Content-type": `application/json` |
} |
}; |
const DialogForm = ({ openDialog, closeDialog, toggleDialog, typeDialog, dataEdit, roleList, divisiList }) => { |
const [openDialogMap, setOpenDialogMap] = useState(false) |
const [id, setId] = useState(0) |
const [resourceName, setResourceName] = useState('') |
const [username, setUsername] = useState('') |
const [password, setPassword] = useState('') |
const [retryPassword, setRetryPassword] = useState('') |
const [employeeType, setEmployeeType] = useState('') |
const [phoneNo, setPhoneNo] = useState('') |
const [email, setEmail] = useState('') |
const [gender, setGender] = useState('') |
const [birthDate, setBirthDate] = useState('') |
const [birthPlace, setBirthPlace] = useState('') |
const [bloodType, setBloodType] = useState('') |
const [ktpNumber, setKtpNumber] = useState('') |
const [biayaPerJam, setBiayaPerJam] = useState('') |
const [roleId, setRoleId] = useState('')
const [address, setAddress] = useState('') |
const [divisionId, setDivisionId] = useState('') |
const [statusResource, setStatusResource] = useState('active') |
useEffect(() => { |
if (typeDialog === "Edit" || typeDialog === "Set") { |
console.log("cel data Edit", dataEdit) |
setId( |
setResourceName( |
setUsername(dataEdit.username) |
setPassword('') |
setRetryPassword('') |
setEmployeeType(dataEdit.employee_type) |
setPhoneNo(dataEdit.phone_number) |
setEmail( |
setGender(dataEdit.gender) |
setBirthDate(dataEdit.birth_date ? moment(dataEdit.birth_date) : "") |
setBirthPlace(dataEdit.birth_place) |
setBloodType(dataEdit.blood_type) |
setKtpNumber(dataEdit.ktp_number ? dataEdit.ktp_number : '') |
setBiayaPerJam(dataEdit.biaya_per_jam ? formatNumber(dataEdit.biaya_per_jam) : '') |
setRoleId(dataEdit.role_id) |
setDivisionId(dataEdit.divisi_id) |
setAddress(dataEdit.address) |
} else { |
setId(0) |
setResourceName('') |
setUsername('') |
setPassword('') |
setRetryPassword('') |
setEmployeeType('') |
setPhoneNo('') |
setEmail('') |
setGender('') |
setBirthDate('') |
setBirthPlace('') |
setBloodType('') |
setKtpNumber('') |
setBiayaPerJam('') |
setRoleId('') |
setDivisionId('') |
setAddress('') |
setStatusResource('active') |
} |
}, [dataEdit, openDialog]) |
const handleSave = () => { |
let data = ''; |
if (!ktpNumber && ktpNumber === "") { |
alert("Please input NIK (KTP/ ID Card)"); |
return; |
} |
if (!roleId && roleId === "") { |
alert("Please select the role"); |
return; |
} |
if (!divisionId && divisionId === "") { |
alert("Please select the division"); |
return; |
} |
if (typeDialog === "Save") { |
console.log("divisionId ", divisionId) |
data = { |
name: resourceName, |
employee_type: employeeType, |
phone_number: phoneNo, |
email, |
gender, |
birth_place: birthPlace, |
ktp_number: ktpNumber, |
role_id: roleId, |
divisi_id: divisionId, |
address, |
status_resource: statusResource |
} |
if(birthDate && birthDate!=""){ |
data['birth_date'] = birthDate; |
} |
closeDialog('save', data); |
} else if (typeDialog === "Set") { |
if (!password && password === "") { |
alert("Please fill password"); |
return; |
} |
if (password !== retryPassword) { |
alert("Password doesn't match"); |
return; |
} |
data = { |
id, |
username, |
password, |
email, |
} |
closeDialog('edit', data); |
} else { |
data = { |
id, |
name: resourceName, |
username, |
employee_type: employeeType, |
phone_number: phoneNo, |
email, |
gender, |
birth_place: birthPlace, |
blood_type: bloodType, |
ktp_number: ktpNumber, |
biaya_per_jam: biayaPerJam.replace('.', ''), |
role_id: roleId, |
divisi_id: divisionId, |
address, |
status_resource: statusResource |
} |
if(birthDate && birthDate!=""){ |
data['birth_date'] = birthDate; |
} |
closeDialog('edit', data); |
} |
} |
const handleCancel = () => { |
closeDialog('cancel', 'none') |
} |
const setupSelectRole = () => { |
return ( |
<> |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<Option key={index} value={}>{}</Option> |
) |
})} |
</> |
) |
} |
const setupSelectDivisi = () => { |
return ( |
<> |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<Option key={index} value={}>{}</Option> |
) |
})} |
</> |
) |
} |
const renderForm = () => { |
return ( |
<Form> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">NIK (KTP / ID Card) *</Label> |
{/* <Input type="text" value={ktpNumber} onChange={(e) => setKtpNumber([^0-9]/g, ''))} placeholder={`Input NIK (KTP)...`} maxLength="16" /> */} |
<Input type="text" value={ktpNumber} onChange={(e) => setKtpNumber(} placeholder={`Input NIK (KTP)...`} maxLength="16" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Resource Name *</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={resourceName} onChange={(e) => setResourceName(} placeholder={`Input resource name...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
{/* {typeDialog === 'Save' && |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Password</Label> |
<Input type="password" value={password} onChange={(e)=> setPassword(} placeholder={`Password...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Retry Password</Label> |
<Input type="password" value={retryPassword} onChange={(e)=> setRetryPassword(} placeholder={`Retry password...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
} */} |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Employee Type *</Label> |
<Select showSearch value={employeeType} defaultValue={employeeType} onChange={(val) => setEmployeeType(val)} placeholder="Select Employee Type" style={{ width: '100%' }}> |
<Option value={'employee'}>Employee</Option> |
<Option value={'subcon'}>Subcon</Option> |
<Option value={'freelance'}>Freelance</Option> |
</Select> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Phone No.</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={phoneNo} onChange={(e) => setPhoneNo([^0-9]/g, ''))} placeholder={`Input phone number...`} maxLength="15" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Email</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={email} onChange={(e) => setEmail(} placeholder={`Input email...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Gender</Label> |
<Select showSearch value={gender} defaultValue={gender} onChange={(val) => setGender(val)} placeholder="Select Gender" style={{ width: '100%' }}> |
<Option value="Male">Male</Option> |
<Option value="Female">Female</Option> |
{/* <Option value="Other">Other</Option> */} |
</Select> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Birth Place</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={birthPlace} onChange={(e) => setBirthPlace(} placeholder={`Input birth place...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Birth Date</Label> |
<DatePicker style={{ width: "100%" }} value={birthDate} onChange={(date, dateString) => setBirthDate(date)} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Role *</Label> |
<Select showSearch defaultValue={roleId} onChange={(val) => setRoleId(val)} placeholder="Select Role" style={{ width: '100%' }}> |
{setupSelectRole()} |
</Select> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Division *</Label> |
{/* <Select style={{ width: "100%" }} defaultValue={statusResource} onChange={(e) => setStatusResource(e)}> |
<Option value={'active'}>Active</Option> |
<Option value={'inactive'}>Inactive</Option> |
</Select> */} |
<Select showSearch defaultValue={divisionId} onChange={(val) => setDivisionId(val)} placeholder="Select Division" style={{ width: '100%' }}> |
{setupSelectDivisi()} |
</Select> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<Label className="capitalize">Status Resource</Label> |
<Select style={{ width: "100%" }} defaultValue={statusResource} onChange={(e) => setStatusResource(e)}> |
<Option value={'active'}>Active</Option> |
<Option value={'inactive'}>Inactive</Option> |
</Select> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Address</Label> |
<Input type="textarea" value={address} onChange={(e) => setAddress(} placeholder="Input address..." /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
const renderForm2 = () => { |
return ( |
<Form> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Email</Label> |
<Input type="text" defaultValue={""} value={email} onChange={(e) => setEmail(} placeholder={`Email...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Username</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={username} onChange={(e) => setUsername(} placeholder={`Username...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Password</Label> |
<Input type="password" value={password} onChange={(e) => setPassword(} placeholder={`Password...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Retry Password</Label> |
<Input type="password" value={retryPassword} onChange={(e) => setRetryPassword(} placeholder={`Retry password...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<Modal size="lg" isOpen={openDialog} toggle={toggleDialog}> |
<ModalHeader className="capitalize" toggle={closeDialog}>{typeDialog == "Save" ? `Add` : "Edit"} Human Resource</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{typeDialog !== "Set" ? renderForm() : renderForm2()} |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => handleSave()}>{typeDialog}</Button>{' '} |
<Button className="capitalize" color="secondary" onClick={() => handleCancel()}>Batal</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
</> |
) |
} |
export default DialogForm; |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { |
Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter, |
Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input, Col, Row |
} from 'reactstrap'; |
import { DatePicker, Tooltip, Select, Input as InputAntd } from 'antd'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; |
import { formatRupiah, formatNumber } from '../../../const/CustomFunc' |
import { ROLE_SEARCH } from '../../../const/ApiConst' |
const { Option } = Select |
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('token'); |
const config = { |
headers: |
{ |
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, |
"Content-type": `application/json` |
} |
}; |
const DialogForm = ({ openDialog, closeDialog, toggleDialog, typeDialog, dataEdit, roleList, divisiList }) => { |
const [openDialogMap, setOpenDialogMap] = useState(false) |
const [id, setId] = useState(0) |
const [resourceName, setResourceName] = useState('') |
const [username, setUsername] = useState('') |
const [password, setPassword] = useState('') |
const [retryPassword, setRetryPassword] = useState('') |
const [employeeType, setEmployeeType] = useState('') |
const [phoneNo, setPhoneNo] = useState('') |
const [email, setEmail] = useState('') |
const [gender, setGender] = useState('') |
const [birthDate, setBirthDate] = useState('') |
const [birthPlace, setBirthPlace] = useState('') |
const [bloodType, setBloodType] = useState('') |
const [ktpNumber, setKtpNumber] = useState('') |
const [biayaPerJam, setBiayaPerJam] = useState('') |
const [roleId, setRoleId] = useState('') |
const [address, setAddress] = useState('') |
const [divisionId, setDivisionId] = useState('') |
const [statusResource, setStatusResource] = useState('active') |
useEffect(() => { |
if (typeDialog === "Edit" || typeDialog === "Set") { |
console.log("cel data Edit", dataEdit) |
setId( |
setResourceName( |
setUsername(dataEdit.username) |
setPassword('') |
setRetryPassword('') |
setEmployeeType(dataEdit.employee_type) |
setPhoneNo(dataEdit.phone_number) |
setEmail( |
setGender(dataEdit.gender) |
setBirthDate(dataEdit.birth_date ? moment(dataEdit.birth_date) : "") |
setBirthPlace(dataEdit.birth_place) |
setBloodType(dataEdit.blood_type) |
setKtpNumber(dataEdit.ktp_number ? dataEdit.ktp_number : '') |
setBiayaPerJam(dataEdit.biaya_per_jam ? formatNumber(dataEdit.biaya_per_jam) : '') |
setRoleId(dataEdit.role_id) |
setDivisionId(dataEdit.divisi_id) |
setAddress(dataEdit.address) |
} else { |
setId(0) |
setResourceName('') |
setUsername('') |
setPassword('') |
setRetryPassword('') |
setEmployeeType('') |
setPhoneNo('') |
setEmail('') |
setGender('') |
setBirthDate('') |
setBirthPlace('') |
setBloodType('') |
setKtpNumber('') |
setBiayaPerJam('') |
setRoleId('') |
setDivisionId('') |
setAddress('') |
setStatusResource('active') |
} |
}, [dataEdit, openDialog]) |
const handleSave = () => { |
let data = ''; |
if (!ktpNumber && ktpNumber === "") { |
alert("Please input NIK (KTP/ ID Card)"); |
return; |
} |
if (!roleId && roleId === "") { |
alert("Please select the role"); |
return; |
} |
if (!divisionId && divisionId === "") { |
alert("Please select the division"); |
return; |
} |
if (typeDialog === "Save") { |
console.log("divisionId ", divisionId) |
data = { |
name: resourceName, |
employee_type: employeeType, |
phone_number: phoneNo, |
email, |
gender, |
birth_place: birthPlace, |
ktp_number: ktpNumber, |
role_id: roleId, |
divisi_id: divisionId, |
address, |
status_resource: statusResource |
} |
if (birthDate && birthDate != "") { |
data['birth_date'] = birthDate; |
} |
closeDialog('save', data); |
} else if (typeDialog === "Set") { |
if (!password && password === "") { |
alert("Please fill password"); |
return; |
} |
if (password !== retryPassword) { |
alert("Password doesn't match"); |
return; |
} |
data = { |
id, |
username, |
password, |
email, |
} |
closeDialog('edit', data); |
} else { |
data = { |
id, |
name: resourceName, |
username, |
employee_type: employeeType, |
phone_number: phoneNo, |
email, |
gender, |
birth_place: birthPlace, |
blood_type: bloodType, |
ktp_number: ktpNumber, |
biaya_per_jam: biayaPerJam.replace('.', ''), |
role_id: roleId, |
divisi_id: divisionId, |
address, |
status_resource: statusResource |
} |
if (birthDate && birthDate != "") { |
data['birth_date'] = birthDate; |
} |
closeDialog('edit', data); |
} |
} |
const handleCancel = () => { |
closeDialog('cancel', 'none') |
} |
const setupSelectRole = () => { |
return ( |
<> |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<Option key={index} value={}>{}</Option> |
) |
})} |
</> |
) |
} |
const setupSelectDivisi = () => { |
return ( |
<> |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<Option key={index} value={}>{}</Option> |
) |
})} |
</> |
) |
} |
const renderForm = () => { |
return ( |
<Form> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">NIK (KTP / ID Card) *</Label> |
{/* <Input type="text" value={ktpNumber} onChange={(e) => setKtpNumber([^0-9]/g, ''))} placeholder={`Input NIK (KTP)...`} maxLength="16" /> */} |
<Input type="text" value={ktpNumber} onChange={(e) => setKtpNumber(} placeholder={`Input NIK (KTP)...`} maxLength="16" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Resource Name *</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={resourceName} onChange={(e) => setResourceName(} placeholder={`Input resource name...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
{/* {typeDialog === 'Save' && |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Password</Label> |
<Input type="password" value={password} onChange={(e)=> setPassword(} placeholder={`Password...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Retry Password</Label> |
<Input type="password" value={retryPassword} onChange={(e)=> setRetryPassword(} placeholder={`Retry password...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
} */} |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Employee Type *</Label> |
<Select showSearch value={employeeType} defaultValue={employeeType} onChange={(val) => setEmployeeType(val)} placeholder="Select Employee Type" style={{ width: '100%' }}> |
<Option value={'employee'}>Employee</Option> |
<Option value={'subcon'}>Subcon</Option> |
<Option value={'freelance'}>Freelance</Option> |
</Select> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Phone No.</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={phoneNo} onChange={(e) => setPhoneNo([^0-9]/g, ''))} placeholder={`Input phone number...`} maxLength="15" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Email</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={email} onChange={(e) => setEmail(} placeholder={`Input email...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Gender</Label> |
<Select showSearch value={gender} defaultValue={gender} onChange={(val) => setGender(val)} placeholder="Select Gender" style={{ width: '100%' }}> |
<Option value="Male">Male</Option> |
<Option value="Female">Female</Option> |
{/* <Option value="Other">Other</Option> */} |
</Select> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Birth Place</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={birthPlace} onChange={(e) => setBirthPlace(} placeholder={`Input birth place...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Birth Date</Label> |
<DatePicker style={{ width: "100%" }} value={birthDate} onChange={(date, dateString) => setBirthDate(date)} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Role *</Label> |
<Select showSearch defaultValue={roleId} onChange={(val) => setRoleId(val)} placeholder="Select Role" style={{ width: '100%' }}> |
{setupSelectRole()} |
</Select> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Division *</Label> |
{/* <Select style={{ width: "100%" }} defaultValue={statusResource} onChange={(e) => setStatusResource(e)}> |
<Option value={'active'}>Active</Option> |
<Option value={'inactive'}>Inactive</Option> |
</Select> */} |
<Select showSearch defaultValue={divisionId} onChange={(val) => setDivisionId(val)} placeholder="Select Division" style={{ width: '100%' }}> |
{setupSelectDivisi()} |
</Select> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<Label className="capitalize">Status Resource</Label> |
<Select style={{ width: "100%" }} defaultValue={statusResource} onChange={(e) => setStatusResource(e)}> |
<Option value={'active'}>Active</Option> |
<Option value={'inactive'}>Inactive</Option> |
</Select> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Address</Label> |
<Input type="textarea" value={address} onChange={(e) => setAddress(} placeholder="Input address..." /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
const renderForm2 = () => { |
return ( |
<Form> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Email</Label> |
<Input type="text" defaultValue={""} value={email} onChange={(e) => setEmail(} placeholder={`Email...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Username</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={username} onChange={(e) => setUsername(} placeholder={`Username...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Password</Label> |
<Input type="password" value={password} onChange={(e) => setPassword(} placeholder={`Password...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Retry Password</Label> |
<Input type="password" value={retryPassword} onChange={(e) => setRetryPassword(} placeholder={`Retry password...`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<Modal size="lg" isOpen={openDialog} toggle={toggleDialog}> |
<ModalHeader className="capitalize" toggle={closeDialog}>{typeDialog == "Save" ? `Add` : "Edit"} Human Resource</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{typeDialog !== "Set" ? renderForm() : renderForm2()} |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => handleSave()}>{typeDialog}</Button>{' '} |
<Button className="capitalize" color="secondary" onClick={() => handleCancel()}>Batal</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
</> |
) |
} |
export default DialogForm; |
Reference in new issue