1 changed files with 296 additions and 296 deletions
@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'; |
import { Badge, Nav, NavItem } from 'reactstrap'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Menu, Dropdown } from 'antd' |
import { AppAsideToggler, AppNavbarBrand, AppSidebarToggler } from '@coreui/react'; |
import logo_ospro from '../../assets/img/OSPRO.png' |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import './Default.css' |
const propTypes = { |
children: PropTypes.node, |
}; |
const defaultProps = {}; |
class DefaultHeader extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props); |
this.state = { |
fullname: localStorage.getItem('fullname'), |
u_group: localStorage.getItem('u_group'), |
dataAlert: [], |
totalAlert: 0, |
listReadNotif: [] |
} |
this.callAlert = ""; |
} |
componentDidMount() { |
this.getHeaderMenu(); |
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('token'); |
const role = window.localStorage.getItem('role_name'); |
if (role !== 'Super Admin') { |
this.setState({ |
configApp: JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('configApp')), |
}); |
} |
this.setState({ |
config: { |
headers: { |
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, |
'Content-type': `application/json`, |
}, |
}, |
}); |
} |
getLogoHeaderContent = () => { |
const { configApp } = this.state; |
const logoHeaderContent = configApp && configApp.logo_header ? configApp.logo_header.content : null; |
return logoHeaderContent |
? `${BASE_SIMPRO_LUMEN_IMAGE}/${logoHeaderContent}` |
: logo_ospro; |
}; |
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { |
if (this.state.listReadNotif !== prevState.listReadNotif) { |
if (this.state.listReadNotif.length > 0) { |
this.markAsRead(); |
} |
} |
} |
componentWillUnmount() { |
clearInterval(this.callAlert); |
} |
getDataAlert = async () => { |
let url = ''; |
let payload = ''; |
if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('role_id')) === 1) { |
payload = { |
"paging": { "start": 0, "length": -1 }, |
"columns": [ |
{ "name": "status_view", "logic_operator": "=", "value": "false", "operator": "AND" }, |
], |
"joins": [ |
{ "name": "config_alert", "column_join": "config_alert_id", "column_results": ["nama", "keterangan"] }, |
{ "name": "laporan_planning", "column_join": "laporan_planning_id", "column_results": ["deskripsi", "status", "jumlah_pekerjaan"] }, |
{ "name": "m_satuan", "column_join": "satuan_id", "column_results": ["name", "description"] } |
], |
"orders": { "columns": ["created_at"], "ascending": false } |
} |
} else { |
payload = { |
"paging": { "start": 0, "length": -1 }, |
"columns": [ |
{ "name": "status_view", "logic_operator": "=", "value": "false", "operator": "AND" }, |
{ "name": "user_id", "logic_operator": "=", "value": localStorage.getItem('user_id'), "operator": "AND" }, |
], |
"joins": [ |
{ "name": "alert", "column_join": "alert_id", "column_results": ["nama", "keterangan"] }, |
{ "name": "config_alert", "column_join": "config_alert_id", "column_results": ["nama", "keterangan"] }, |
{ "name": "laporan_planning", "column_join": "laporan_planning_id", "column_results": ["deskripsi", "status", "jumlah_pekerjaan"] }, |
{ "name": "m_satuan", "column_join": "satuan_id", "column_results": ["name", "description"] }, |
{ "name": "m_users", "column_join": "user_id", "column_results": ["name", "username", "email", "phone_number", "gender"] } |
], |
"orders": { "columns": ["created_at"], "ascending": false } |
} |
} |
if (localStorage.getItem('userConfigAlert')) { |
if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('role_id')) === 1) { |
payload['columns'].push({ "name": "config_alert_id", "logic_operator": "IN", "value": localStorage.getItem('userConfigAlert'), "operator": "AND" }) |
} else { |
payload['columns'].push({ "name": "config_alert_id", "logic_operator": "IN", "value": localStorage.getItem('userConfigAlert'), "operator": "AND", "table_name": "alert" }) |
} |
} else { |
if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('role_id')) === 1) { |
payload['columns'].push({ "name": "config_alert_id", "logic_operator": "IN", "value": "0", "operator": "AND" }) |
} else { |
payload['columns'].push({ "name": "config_alert_id", "logic_operator": "IN", "value": "0", "operator": "AND", "table_name": "alert" }) |
} |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(url, payload, this.state.config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && result.data && result.data.code == 200) { |
this.setState({ dataAlert: result.data.data, totalAlert: result.data.totalRecord }); |
} |
} |
dropDownMenu = () => { |
const { dataAlert, totalAlert } = this.state |
let dataAlertLength = dataAlert.length |
let currentLoop = 0; |
return ( |
<Menu style={{ width: "300px", paddingTop: 0, borderRadius: "10px" }}> |
<Menu.Item key="201" style={{ backgroundColor: "lightgray", fontWeight: 'bold', borderBottom: "1px solid black", borderRadius: "10px 10px 0 0", cursor: 'default' }}> |
Notifications |
</Menu.Item> |
{dataAlert.map((n, index) => { |
currentLoop++; |
if (currentLoop < 6) { |
return ( |
<Menu.Item onClick={this.gotoReportAlert} key={index}> |
<p style={{ whiteSpace: 'normal', textAlign: 'flex-start' }}>{n.keterangan ? n.keterangan : n.join.alert_keterangan ? n.join.alert_keterangan : "-"}</p> |
</Menu.Item> |
) |
} |
})} |
{totalAlert > 5 ? |
<> |
<Menu.Divider></Menu.Divider> |
<Menu.Item onClick={this.gotoReportAlert} key="202" style={{ textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: 'bold' }}> |
Lihat Selengkapnya |
</Menu.Item></> : null} |
{totalAlert === 0 ? <Menu.Item key="202" style={{ textAlign: 'center', cursor: 'default' }}> |
Tidak ada notifikasi untuk saat ini! |
</Menu.Item> : null} |
</Menu> |
) |
} |
gotoReportAlert = () => { |
this.props.history.replace('/laporan-alert') |
} |
onReadNotif = (visible) => { |
if (!visible) { |
const { dataAlert } = this.state |
let currentLoop = 0; |
let listId = [] |
dataAlert.map((val, index) => { |
currentLoop++; |
if (currentLoop < 6) { |
listId.push(val.id); |
} |
}); |
this.setState({ listReadNotif: listId }); |
} |
} |
markAsRead = async () => { |
let data = this.state.listReadNotif |
const payload = { |
"status_view": true |
} |
let promises = [] |
let result = [] |
if (data.length > 0) { |
if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('role_id')) === 1) { |
data.map((val, index) => { |
let url = ALERT_STATUSVIEW(val) |
promises.push(axios.put(url, payload, this.state.config) |
.then(res => result.push(res))); |
}); |
} else { |
data.map((val, index) => { |
promises.push(axios.put(url, payload, this.state.config) |
.then(res => result.push(res))) |
}); |
} |
await Promise.all(promises); |
} |
this.setState({ listReadNotif: [] }, () => { |
}); |
} |
getLogo = () => { |
return ( |
<div style={{ width: '10%', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> |
<img |
style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }} |
src={this.getLogoHeaderContent()} |
/> |
</div> |
) |
} |
// logo_ospro
getHeaderMenu = () => { |
const { fullname, u_group } = this.state; |
if (u_group == 'kominfo') { |
/*return ( |
<Nav className="d-md-down-none" navbar> |
<NavItem className="px-3"> |
<NavLink to="/dashboard-kominfo" className="nav-link" >Dashboard</NavLink> |
</NavItem> |
<NavItem className="px-3"> |
<Link to="/map/view" className="nav-link">Map</Link> |
</NavItem> |
</Nav> |
)*/ |
return ( |
<div className="dashboard-title"> |
<h5>Layanan Telekomunikasi</h5> |
</div> |
) |
} |
else { |
return ( |
<Nav className="d-md-down-none" navbar> |
{/* <NavItem className="px-3"> |
<NavLink to="/dashboard" className="nav-link" >Dashboard</NavLink> |
</NavItem> */} |
{/*<NavItem className="px-3"> |
<NavLink to="/dashboardb2b" className="nav-link" >Dashboard B2B</NavLink> |
</NavItem> |
<NavItem className="px-3"> |
<NavLink to="/dashboardb2c" className="nav-link" >Dashboard B2C</NavLink> |
</NavItem>*/} |
{/* <NavItem className="px-3"> |
<Link to="/user" className="nav-link">Users</Link> |
</NavItem> */} |
{/* <NavItem className="px-3"> |
<Link to="/map/view" className="nav-link">Map</Link> |
</NavItem> */} |
</Nav> |
) |
} |
} |
render() { |
const { children, ...attributes } = this.props; |
return ( |
<React.Fragment> |
<AppSidebarToggler className="d-lg-none" display="md" mobile /> |
{this.getLogo()} |
<AppSidebarToggler className="d-md-down-none" display="lg" /> |
<Nav className="ml-auto" navbar> |
{/* <Dropdown onVisibleChange={(visible) => this.onReadNotif(visible)} overlay={this.dropDownMenu} trigger={['click']}> |
<NavItem className="d-md-down-none"> |
<NavLink to="#" className="nav-link"><i className="icon-bell"></i><Badge pill color={this.state.totalAlert > 0 ? "danger" : "default"}>{this.state.totalAlert > 0 ? this.state.totalAlert : null}</Badge></NavLink> |
</NavItem> |
</Dropdown> */} |
</Nav> |
</React.Fragment> |
); |
} |
} |
DefaultHeader.propTypes = propTypes; |
DefaultHeader.defaultProps = defaultProps; |
export default DefaultHeader; |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'; |
import { Badge, Nav, NavItem } from 'reactstrap'; |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; |
import { Menu, Dropdown } from 'antd' |
import { AppAsideToggler, AppNavbarBrand, AppSidebarToggler } from '@coreui/react'; |
import logo_ospro from '../../assets/img/OSPRO.png' |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import './Default.css' |
const propTypes = { |
children: PropTypes.node, |
}; |
const defaultProps = {}; |
class DefaultHeader extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props); |
this.state = { |
fullname: localStorage.getItem('fullname'), |
u_group: localStorage.getItem('u_group'), |
dataAlert: [], |
totalAlert: 0, |
listReadNotif: [] |
} |
this.callAlert = ""; |
} |
componentDidMount() { |
this.getHeaderMenu(); |
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('token'); |
const role = window.localStorage.getItem('role_name'); |
if (role !== 'Super Admin') { |
this.setState({ |
configApp: JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('configApp')), |
}); |
} |
this.setState({ |
config: { |
headers: { |
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, |
'Content-type': `application/json`, |
}, |
}, |
}); |
} |
getLogoHeaderContent = () => { |
const { configApp } = this.state; |
const logoHeaderContent = configApp && configApp.logo_header ? configApp.logo_header.content : null; |
return logoHeaderContent |
? `${BASE_SIMPRO_LUMEN_IMAGE}/${logoHeaderContent}` |
: logo_ospro; |
}; |
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { |
if (this.state.listReadNotif !== prevState.listReadNotif) { |
if (this.state.listReadNotif.length > 0) { |
this.markAsRead(); |
} |
} |
} |
componentWillUnmount() { |
clearInterval(this.callAlert); |
} |
getDataAlert = async () => { |
let url = ''; |
let payload = ''; |
if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('role_id')) === 1) { |
payload = { |
"paging": { "start": 0, "length": -1 }, |
"columns": [ |
{ "name": "status_view", "logic_operator": "=", "value": "false", "operator": "AND" }, |
], |
"joins": [ |
{ "name": "config_alert", "column_join": "config_alert_id", "column_results": ["nama", "keterangan"] }, |
{ "name": "laporan_planning", "column_join": "laporan_planning_id", "column_results": ["deskripsi", "status", "jumlah_pekerjaan"] }, |
{ "name": "m_satuan", "column_join": "satuan_id", "column_results": ["name", "description"] } |
], |
"orders": { "columns": ["created_at"], "ascending": false } |
} |
} else { |
payload = { |
"paging": { "start": 0, "length": -1 }, |
"columns": [ |
{ "name": "status_view", "logic_operator": "=", "value": "false", "operator": "AND" }, |
{ "name": "user_id", "logic_operator": "=", "value": localStorage.getItem('user_id'), "operator": "AND" }, |
], |
"joins": [ |
{ "name": "alert", "column_join": "alert_id", "column_results": ["nama", "keterangan"] }, |
{ "name": "config_alert", "column_join": "config_alert_id", "column_results": ["nama", "keterangan"] }, |
{ "name": "laporan_planning", "column_join": "laporan_planning_id", "column_results": ["deskripsi", "status", "jumlah_pekerjaan"] }, |
{ "name": "m_satuan", "column_join": "satuan_id", "column_results": ["name", "description"] }, |
{ "name": "m_users", "column_join": "user_id", "column_results": ["name", "username", "email", "phone_number", "gender"] } |
], |
"orders": { "columns": ["created_at"], "ascending": false } |
} |
} |
if (localStorage.getItem('userConfigAlert')) { |
if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('role_id')) === 1) { |
payload['columns'].push({ "name": "config_alert_id", "logic_operator": "IN", "value": localStorage.getItem('userConfigAlert'), "operator": "AND" }) |
} else { |
payload['columns'].push({ "name": "config_alert_id", "logic_operator": "IN", "value": localStorage.getItem('userConfigAlert'), "operator": "AND", "table_name": "alert" }) |
} |
} else { |
if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('role_id')) === 1) { |
payload['columns'].push({ "name": "config_alert_id", "logic_operator": "IN", "value": "0", "operator": "AND" }) |
} else { |
payload['columns'].push({ "name": "config_alert_id", "logic_operator": "IN", "value": "0", "operator": "AND", "table_name": "alert" }) |
} |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(url, payload, this.state.config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && result.data && result.data.code == 200) { |
this.setState({ dataAlert: result.data.data, totalAlert: result.data.totalRecord }); |
} |
} |
dropDownMenu = () => { |
const { dataAlert, totalAlert } = this.state |
let dataAlertLength = dataAlert.length |
let currentLoop = 0; |
return ( |
<Menu style={{ width: "300px", paddingTop: 0, borderRadius: "10px" }}> |
<Menu.Item key="201" style={{ backgroundColor: "lightgray", fontWeight: 'bold', borderBottom: "1px solid black", borderRadius: "10px 10px 0 0", cursor: 'default' }}> |
Notifications |
</Menu.Item> |
{dataAlert.map((n, index) => { |
currentLoop++; |
if (currentLoop < 6) { |
return ( |
<Menu.Item onClick={this.gotoReportAlert} key={index}> |
<p style={{ whiteSpace: 'normal', textAlign: 'flex-start' }}>{n.keterangan ? n.keterangan : n.join.alert_keterangan ? n.join.alert_keterangan : "-"}</p> |
</Menu.Item> |
) |
} |
})} |
{totalAlert > 5 ? |
<> |
<Menu.Divider></Menu.Divider> |
<Menu.Item onClick={this.gotoReportAlert} key="202" style={{ textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: 'bold' }}> |
Lihat Selengkapnya |
</Menu.Item></> : null} |
{totalAlert === 0 ? <Menu.Item key="202" style={{ textAlign: 'center', cursor: 'default' }}> |
Tidak ada notifikasi untuk saat ini! |
</Menu.Item> : null} |
</Menu> |
) |
} |
gotoReportAlert = () => { |
this.props.history.replace('/laporan-alert') |
} |
onReadNotif = (visible) => { |
if (!visible) { |
const { dataAlert } = this.state |
let currentLoop = 0; |
let listId = [] |
dataAlert.map((val, index) => { |
currentLoop++; |
if (currentLoop < 6) { |
listId.push(val.id); |
} |
}); |
this.setState({ listReadNotif: listId }); |
} |
} |
markAsRead = async () => { |
let data = this.state.listReadNotif |
const payload = { |
"status_view": true |
} |
let promises = [] |
let result = [] |
if (data.length > 0) { |
if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('role_id')) === 1) { |
data.map((val, index) => { |
let url = ALERT_STATUSVIEW(val) |
promises.push(axios.put(url, payload, this.state.config) |
.then(res => result.push(res))); |
}); |
} else { |
data.map((val, index) => { |
promises.push(axios.put(url, payload, this.state.config) |
.then(res => result.push(res))) |
}); |
} |
await Promise.all(promises); |
} |
this.setState({ listReadNotif: [] }, () => { |
}); |
} |
getLogo = () => { |
return ( |
<div style={{ width: '10%', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', paddingLeft:'10px' }}> |
<img |
style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }} |
src={this.getLogoHeaderContent()} |
/> |
</div> |
) |
} |
// logo_ospro
getHeaderMenu = () => { |
const { fullname, u_group } = this.state; |
if (u_group == 'kominfo') { |
/*return ( |
<Nav className="d-md-down-none" navbar> |
<NavItem className="px-3"> |
<NavLink to="/dashboard-kominfo" className="nav-link" >Dashboard</NavLink> |
</NavItem> |
<NavItem className="px-3"> |
<Link to="/map/view" className="nav-link">Map</Link> |
</NavItem> |
</Nav> |
)*/ |
return ( |
<div className="dashboard-title"> |
<h5>Layanan Telekomunikasi</h5> |
</div> |
) |
} |
else { |
return ( |
<Nav className="d-md-down-none" navbar> |
{/* <NavItem className="px-3"> |
<NavLink to="/dashboard" className="nav-link" >Dashboard</NavLink> |
</NavItem> */} |
{/*<NavItem className="px-3"> |
<NavLink to="/dashboardb2b" className="nav-link" >Dashboard B2B</NavLink> |
</NavItem> |
<NavItem className="px-3"> |
<NavLink to="/dashboardb2c" className="nav-link" >Dashboard B2C</NavLink> |
</NavItem>*/} |
{/* <NavItem className="px-3"> |
<Link to="/user" className="nav-link">Users</Link> |
</NavItem> */} |
{/* <NavItem className="px-3"> |
<Link to="/map/view" className="nav-link">Map</Link> |
</NavItem> */} |
</Nav> |
) |
} |
} |
render() { |
const { children, ...attributes } = this.props; |
return ( |
<React.Fragment> |
<AppSidebarToggler className="d-lg-none" display="md" mobile /> |
{this.getLogo()} |
<AppSidebarToggler className="d-md-down-none" display="lg" /> |
<Nav className="ml-auto" navbar> |
{/* <Dropdown onVisibleChange={(visible) => this.onReadNotif(visible)} overlay={this.dropDownMenu} trigger={['click']}> |
<NavItem className="d-md-down-none"> |
<NavLink to="#" className="nav-link"><i className="icon-bell"></i><Badge pill color={this.state.totalAlert > 0 ? "danger" : "default"}>{this.state.totalAlert > 0 ? this.state.totalAlert : null}</Badge></NavLink> |
</NavItem> |
</Dropdown> */} |
</Nav> |
</React.Fragment> |
); |
} |
} |
DefaultHeader.propTypes = propTypes; |
DefaultHeader.defaultProps = defaultProps; |
export default DefaultHeader; |
Reference in new issue