1 year ago
1 changed files with 977 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,977 @@
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react"; |
import axios from "axios"; |
import { Row, Col, Button, Input,Spin } from "antd"; |
import { |
CardDashboard, |
CardExpenditure, |
CardScheduleHealthPerDivision, |
} from "../../components/CardDashboard/CardDashboard"; |
import L from "leaflet"; |
import "../../assets/css/customscroll.css"; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import { renderFormatRupiah } from "../../const/CustomFunc"; |
import { BASE_OSPRO, BASE_OSPRO_FE, VERSION_GANTT_SEARCH } from "../../const/ApiConst"; |
import { SendOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons"; |
import { |
NotificationContainer, |
NotificationManager, |
} from "react-notifications"; |
import { |
Carousel, |
CarouselItem, |
CarouselControl, |
CarouselIndicators, |
CarouselCaption, |
} from 'reactstrap'; |
import ContentLoader from "react-content-loader"; |
import { |
BehindTaskItem, |
Comment, |
HealthByBudget, |
HealthBySchedule, |
ListLoader, |
PopupContent, |
ProgressActualBar, |
ProgressPlanningBar, |
SingleTextLoader, |
} from "./Components"; |
import { Fab, Action } from "react-tiny-fab"; |
import "react-tiny-fab/dist/styles.css"; |
import { useHistory, useLocation, useParams } from "react-router-dom"; |
const { TextArea } = Input; |
const styles = { |
cardContainer: { |
backgroundColor: "#F8F8F8", |
margin: 2, |
paddingLeft: 20, |
paddingRight: 20, |
paddingTop: 10, |
}, |
cardHeaderContainer: { |
display: "flex", |
flexDirection: "row", |
marginBottom: 10, |
}, |
cardChartContainer: { |
position: "relative", |
height: "21vh", |
margin: "auto", |
paddingBottom: 10, |
justifyContent: "center", |
}, |
cardTitle: { color: "#444444", fontSize: 16, fontWeight: "bold" }, |
cardSubtitle: { color: "#888888", fontSize: 12 }, |
}; |
const center = { |
lat: -6.2, |
lng: 106.816666, |
}; |
const DashboardProject = (args) => { |
const token = localStorage.getItem("token"); |
const HEADER = { |
headers: { |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, |
}, |
}; |
const { PROJECT_ID } = useParams(); |
const mapRef = useRef(); |
const [mymap, setMymap] = useState(null); |
const [activeTabIdx, setActiveTabIdx] = useState(0); |
const [activeTabCommentIdx, setActiveTabCommentIdx] = useState(0); |
const [planningProgress, setPlanningProgress] = useState(0); |
const [actualProgress, setActualProgress] = useState(0); |
const [isReadyComments, setIsReadyComments] = useState(false); |
const [isSendingComment, setIsSendingComment] = useState(false); |
const [isReadyProjectDetail, setIsReadyProjectDetail] = useState(false); |
const [isReadySCurve, setIsReadySCurve] = useState(false); |
const [isReadyGantt, setIsReadyGantt] = useState(false); |
const [reportDistribution, setReportDistribution] = useState([]); |
const [isReadyOverdueActivities, setIsReadyOverdueActivities] = |
useState(false); |
const [healthBySchedule, setHealthBySchedule] = useState("-"); |
const [allDataMaster, sourceData] = useState([]); |
const [isHierarchy, setIsHierarchy] = useState(false); |
let history = useHistory(); |
// Carousell
const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0); |
const [animating, setAnimating] = useState(false); |
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); |
useEffect(() => { |
setLoading(true); |
getAllData(); |
},[]); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (activeTabIdx === 1) { |
initMap(); |
} |
}, [activeTabIdx]); |
const getAllData = async () => { |
setIsReadyProjectDetail(false); |
setIsReadySCurve(false) |
setIsReadySCurve(false); |
const URL = `${BASE_OSPRO}/api/project-carausell`; |
const result = await axios |
.get(URL, HEADER) |
.then((res) => res) |
.catch((err) => err.response); |
if (!result) { |
NotificationManager.error(`Could not connect to internet.`, "Failed"); |
setIsReadyProjectDetail(true); |
setIsReadySCurve(true); |
setLoading(false); |
return; |
} |
if (result.status !== 200) { |
NotificationManager.error( |
`Get project detail failed, ${result.data.message}`, |
"Failed" |
); |
setIsReadyProjectDetail(true); |
setIsReadySCurve(true); |
setLoading(false); |
return; |
} else if (result.status == 200 && result.data.data) { |
const dataResault = result.data.data; |
console.log("Resault Data",dataResault); |
sourceData(dataResault); |
setIsReadyGantt(true); |
setIsReadyProjectDetail(true); |
// // SCurve
// let statusHealthBySchedule = "on-schedule";
// let selisihProgress = 0;
// dataResault.map((item, idx) => {
// item.SCurve.map((itemSCurve, idx) => {
// let planningProgress = 0;
// let actualProgress = 0;
// let now = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10);
// let dates = itemSCurve.data?.date;
// let n = dates.findIndex(
// (element) => new Date(now) < new Date(element)
// );
// if (
// itemSCurve.length > 0 &&
// itemSCurve.data?.percentagePlan &&
// itemSCurve.data?.percentagePlan.length > 0
// ) {
// planningProgress = itemSCurve.data?.percentagePlan[n];
// if (n < 0) {
// planningProgress = 100;
// }
// setPlanningProgress(planningProgress);
// }
// if (
// itemSCurve.length > 0 &&
// itemSCurve.data?.percentageReal &&
// itemSCurve.data?.percentageReal.length > 0
// ) {
// actualProgress =
// itemSCurve.data?.percentageReal[
// itemSCurve.data?.percentageReal.length - 1
// ];
// setActualProgress(actualProgress);
// }
// });
// });
// selisihProgress = planningProgress - actualProgress;
// if (selisihProgress > 0 && selisihProgress <= 5) {
// statusHealthBySchedule = "warning";
// } else if (selisihProgress > 5) {
// statusHealthBySchedule = "danger";
// }
// setHealthBySchedule(statusHealthBySchedule);
setIsReadySCurve(true); |
// setHierarchy
setIsHierarchy(true); |
// Get Overdue
setIsReadyOverdueActivities(true); |
// Distribution
setReportDistribution(dataResault); |
// loading
setLoading(false); |
} |
}; |
const initMap = () => { |
let mymap = L.map("map-area", { |
center: center, |
zoom: 13, |
}); |
setMymap(mymap); |
L.tileLayer("https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", { |
attribution: |
'© <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors', |
}).addTo(mymap); |
}; |
useEffect(() => { |
if (mymap) { |
reportDistribution.map((item, idx) => { |
if (item.report_distribution.length > 0) { |
item.report_distribution.map((itemDistribution, idx) => { |
L.marker([itemDistribution.lat, itemDistribution.lon]) |
.addTo(mymap) |
.bindPopup(PopupContent(itemDistribution)); |
}) |
} |
}); |
} |
}, [mymap, reportDistribution]); |
useEffect(() => { |
// Add event listener for receiving messages from the iframe
window.addEventListener("message", handleIframeMessage); |
// Clean up the event listener on component unmount
return () => { |
window.removeEventListener("message", handleIframeMessage); |
}; |
}, []); |
const handleIframeMessage = (event) => { |
if (event.data && event.data.action === "getUrl") { |
const childUrl = window.location.href; |
// Send the URL back to the iframe
event.source.postMessage( |
{ action: "sendUrl", url: childUrl, isHierarchy: isHierarchy }, |
event.origin |
); |
} |
}; |
const next = () => { |
if (animating) return; |
const nextIndex = activeIndex === allDataMaster.length - 1 ? 0 : activeIndex + 1; |
setActiveIndex(nextIndex); |
}; |
const previous = () => { |
if (animating) return; |
const nextIndex = activeIndex === 0 ? allDataMaster.length - 1 : activeIndex - 1; |
setActiveIndex(nextIndex); |
}; |
const goToIndex = (newIndex) => { |
if (animating) return; |
setActiveIndex(newIndex); |
}; |
const slides = allDataMaster.map((item, index) => { |
let URL_GANTT = ""; |
let version_gantt = ""; |
item.project.gantt.map((itemGantt, index) => { |
URL_GANTT = `http://localhost:8444/adw-gantt/view-mode/index.html?base_url=${BASE_OSPRO}/api&gantt_id=${itemGantt.gantt_id}&proyek_id=${itemGantt.proyek_id}&token=${token}&ro=1`; |
version_gantt = itemGantt.name_version |
}); |
const today = moment(); |
const assignedList = item.assigned |
.filter((itemAssigned) => |
today.isBetween(moment(itemAssigned.start_date), moment(itemAssigned.end_date)) |
) |
.map((itemMap) => itemMap.user_id); |
// SCurve
let statusHealthBySchedule = "on-schedule"; |
let selisihProgress = 0; |
let SetplanningProgress = 0; |
let SetactualProgress = 0; |
let now = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10); |
let dates = item.SCurve[0].data?.date; |
let n = dates.findIndex( |
(element) => new Date(now) < new Date(element) |
); |
if ( |
item.SCurve[0].length > 0 && |
item.SCurve[0].data?.percentagePlan && |
item.SCurve[0].data?.percentagePlan.length > 0 |
) { |
SetplanningProgress = item.SCurve[0].data?.percentagePlan[n]; |
if (n < 0) { |
SetplanningProgress = 100; |
} |
} |
if ( |
item.SCurve[0].length > 0 && |
item.SCurve[0].data?.percentageReal && |
item.SCurve[0].data?.percentageReal.length > 0 |
) { |
SetactualProgress = |
item.SCurve[0].data?.percentageReal[ |
item.SCurve[0].data?.percentageReal.length - 1 |
]; |
} |
selisihProgress = SetplanningProgress - SetactualProgress; |
if (selisihProgress > 0 && selisihProgress <= 5) { |
statusHealthBySchedule = "warning"; |
} else if (selisihProgress > 5) { |
statusHealthBySchedule = "danger"; |
} |
return ( |
<CarouselItem |
onExiting={() => setAnimating(true)} |
onExited={() => setAnimating(false)} |
key={parseInt(item.key)}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={18}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={8}> |
<div |
style={{ |
border: "solid", |
borderWidth: 1, |
borderColor: "#DDDDDD", |
padding: 10, |
margin: 2, |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
display: "flex", |
flexDirection: "row", |
marginBottom: 10, |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
flex: 20, |
display: "flex", |
flexDirection: "column", |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
fontSize: 16, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
marginBottom: 10, |
}} |
> |
Project |
</div> |
<div style={{ fontSize: 14 }}> |
{isReadyProjectDetail && |
isReadyGantt ? ( |
(() => { |
let parentNames = ""; |
if (item.hierarchy.length > 0) |
{ |
for ( let i = item.hierarchy.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
parentNames += " - "; |
parentNames += item.hierarchy[i].name; |
} |
} |
return item.project.nama + |
parentNames + |
" - " + |
version_gantt |
})() |
) : ( |
<SingleTextLoader /> |
)} |
</div> |
</div> |
<div> |
<i |
className="fa fa-check-square" |
style={{ fontSize: 28 }} |
></i> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={8}> |
<div |
style={{ |
border: "solid", |
borderWidth: 1, |
borderColor: "#DDDDDD", |
padding: 10, |
margin: 2, |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
display: "flex", |
flexDirection: "row", |
marginBottom: 10, |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
flex: 20, |
display: "flex", |
flexDirection: "column", |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
fontSize: 16, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
marginBottom: 10, |
}} |
> |
Project Manager |
</div> |
<div style={{ fontSize: 14 }}> |
{isReadyProjectDetail ? ( |
item.project_manager |
) : ( |
<SingleTextLoader /> |
)} |
</div> |
</div> |
<div> |
<i className="fa fa-user" style={{ fontSize: 28 }}></i> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={8}> |
<div |
style={{ |
border: "solid", |
borderWidth: 1, |
borderColor: "#DDDDDD", |
padding: 10, |
margin: 2, |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
display: "flex", |
flexDirection: "row", |
marginBottom: 10, |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
flex: 20, |
display: "flex", |
flexDirection: "column", |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
fontSize: 16, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
marginBottom: 10, |
}} |
> |
Customer |
</div> |
<div style={{ fontSize: 14 }}> |
{isReadyProjectDetail ? ( |
item.project.company |
) : ( |
<SingleTextLoader /> |
)} |
</div> |
</div> |
<div> |
<i className="fa fa-home" style={{ fontSize: 28 }}></i> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col span={10}> |
<div |
style={{ |
border: "solid", |
borderWidth: 1, |
borderColor: "#DDDDDD", |
padding: 10, |
margin: 2, |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
display: "flex", |
flexDirection: "column", |
marginBottom: 10, |
}} |
> |
<div> |
<div |
style={{ |
fontSize: 16, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
marginBottom: 10, |
}} |
> |
Schedule |
</div> |
</div> |
<div> |
<Row> |
<Col |
span={12} |
style={{ fontSize: 11, fontWeight: "bold" }} |
> |
<i |
className="fa fa-calendar" |
style={{ marginRight: 8 }} |
></i> |
Planned Start |
</Col> |
<Col span={12} style={{ fontSize: 11 }}> |
{isReadyProjectDetail ? ( |
item.activity.planned_start ? ( |
moment(item.activity.planned_start).format("D MMMM YYYY") |
) : ( |
"-" |
) |
) : ( |
<SingleTextLoader width={100} height={10} /> |
)} |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col |
span={12} |
style={{ fontSize: 11, fontWeight: "bold" }} |
> |
<i |
className="fa fa-calendar" |
style={{ marginRight: 8 }} |
></i> |
Actual Start |
</Col> |
<Col span={12} style={{ fontSize: 11 }}> |
{isReadyProjectDetail ? ( |
item.activity.start_date ? ( |
moment(item.activity.start_date).format("D MMMM YYYY") |
) : ( |
"-" |
) |
) : ( |
<SingleTextLoader width={100} height={10} /> |
)} |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col |
span={12} |
style={{ fontSize: 11, fontWeight: "bold" }} |
> |
<i |
className="fa fa-calendar" |
style={{ marginRight: 8 }} |
></i> |
Planned Finish |
</Col> |
<Col span={12} style={{ fontSize: 11 }}> |
{isReadyProjectDetail ? ( |
item.activity.planned_end ? ( |
moment(item.activity.planned_end).format("D MMMM YYYY") |
) : ( |
"-" |
) |
) : ( |
<SingleTextLoader width={100} height={10} /> |
)} |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col |
span={12} |
style={{ fontSize: 11, fontWeight: "bold" }} |
> |
<i |
className="fa fa-calendar" |
style={{ marginRight: 8 }} |
></i> |
Estimated Finish |
</Col> |
<Col span={12} style={{ fontSize: 11 }}> |
{isReadyProjectDetail ? ( |
item.activity.end_date ? ( |
moment(item.activity.end_date).format("D MMMM YYYY") |
) : ( |
"-" |
) |
) : ( |
<SingleTextLoader width={100} height={10} /> |
)} |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<div |
style={{ |
margin: 2, |
border: "solid", |
borderWidth: 1, |
borderColor: "#DDDDDD", |
}} |
> |
<Row> |
<Col span={12}> |
<div |
style={{ |
backgroundColor: activeTabIdx === 0 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#D9D9D9", |
padding: 8, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
cursor: "pointer", |
color: activeTabIdx === 0 ? "#000000" : "#4E4C4C", |
}} |
onClick={() => setActiveTabIdx(0)} |
> |
S Curve |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={12}> |
<div |
style={{ |
backgroundColor: activeTabIdx === 1 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#D9D9D9", |
padding: 8, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
cursor: "pointer", |
color: activeTabIdx === 1 ? "#000000" : "#4E4C4C", |
}} |
onClick={() => setActiveTabIdx(1)} |
> |
Maps |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col span={24}> |
<div style={{ maxHeight: "55vh" }}> |
<div |
style={{ |
height: "56vh", |
width: "100%", |
display: activeTabIdx === 0 ? "block" : "none", |
}} |
> |
<iframe |
id="frame-gantt" |
src={URL_GANTT} |
style={{ |
width: "100%", |
height: "100%", |
}} |
scrolling="no" |
frameBorder="0" |
allow="fullscreen" |
></iframe> |
</div> |
{activeTabIdx === 1 && ( |
<div |
id="map-area" |
style={{ height: "56vh" }} |
ref={mapRef} |
></div> |
)} |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={6}> |
<div style={{ margin: 2 }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={24}> |
<div |
style={{ |
backgroundColor: "#222222", |
padding: 10, |
marginBottom: 5, |
}} |
> |
<div |
style={{ |
color: "#FFFFFF", |
textAlign: "center", |
marginBottom: 10, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
}} |
> |
Progress |
</div> |
{isReadySCurve ? ( |
<ProgressPlanningBar |
progress={SetplanningProgress > 100 ? 100 : SetplanningProgress} |
/> |
) : ( |
<SingleTextLoader width={"100%"} height={30} /> |
)} |
<div style={{ marginTop: 10, marginBottom: 10 }}></div> |
{isReadySCurve ? ( |
<ProgressActualBar |
progress={ |
SetplanningProgress > 100 || SetactualProgress > 100 |
? parseFloat( |
(SetactualProgress / SetplanningProgress) * 100 |
).toFixed(0) |
: SetactualProgress |
} |
/> |
) : ( |
<SingleTextLoader width={"100%"} height={30} /> |
)} |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col span={12}> |
<div |
style={{ |
background: "#FFF", |
padding: 10, |
border: "1px solid #DDD", |
marginRight: 2, |
}} |
> |
{isReadyOverdueActivities && ( |
<HealthByBudget status={item.project.budget_health} /> |
)} |
{isReadySCurve && ( |
<HealthBySchedule status={statusHealthBySchedule} /> |
)} |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={12}> |
<Row style={{ height: "50%" }}> |
<Col span={24}> |
<div |
style={{ |
display: "flex", |
alignItems: "center", |
justifyContent: "center", |
height: "100%", |
background: "#FFF", |
padding: 10, |
border: "1px solid #DDD", |
marginBottom: 5, |
marginRight: 2, |
}} |
> |
Manpower : {item.manpower} |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row style={{ height: "50%" }}> |
<Col span={12}> |
<div |
style={{ |
display: "flex", |
alignItems: "center", |
justifyContent: "center", |
height: "100%", |
background: "#FFF", |
padding: 10, |
border: "1px solid #DDD", |
marginBottom: 5, |
marginRight: 2, |
}} |
> |
Assigned: {item.assigned && assignedList.length} |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={12}> |
<div |
style={{ |
display: "flex", |
alignItems: "center", |
justifyContent: "center", |
height: "100%", |
background: "#FFF", |
padding: 10, |
border: "1px solid #DDD", |
marginBottom: 5, |
marginRight: 2, |
}} |
> |
Actual : {item.actual} |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row> |
<Col span={24}> |
<div |
style={{ |
border: "solid", |
borderWidth: 1, |
borderColor: "#DDDDDD", |
}} |
> |
<Row style={{ alignItems: "center", marginBottom: 5 }}> |
<Col span={12}> |
<div |
style={{ |
backgroundColor: |
activeTabCommentIdx === 0 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#D9D9D9", |
fontWeight: 500, |
textAlign: "center", |
fontSize: 12, |
padding: 2, |
cursor: "pointer", |
color: |
activeTabCommentIdx === 0 ? "#000000" : "#4E4C4C", |
}} |
onClick={() => setActiveTabCommentIdx(0)} |
> |
Behind Task |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={12}> |
<div |
style={{ |
backgroundColor: |
activeTabCommentIdx === 1 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#D9D9D9", |
fontWeight: 500, |
textAlign: "center", |
fontSize: 12, |
padding: 2, |
cursor: "pointer", |
color: |
activeTabCommentIdx === 1 ? "#000000" : "#4E4C4C", |
}} |
onClick={() => setActiveTabCommentIdx(1)} |
> |
Comment From Customer |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<div |
className="custom-scroll" |
style={{ maxHeight: "37vh", overflow: "auto" }} |
> |
{activeTabCommentIdx === 0 && ( |
<div> |
{isReadyOverdueActivities && item.overdueActivities != [] && item.overdueActivities.length > 0 ? ( |
item.overdueActivities.map((overdueItem, idx) => { |
let end_date; |
let planned_end; |
let diffDays = 0; |
let message = ""; |
if (overdueItem.end_date && overdueItem.end_date !== null) { |
end_date = moment(overdueItem.end_date); |
planned_end = moment(overdueItem.planned_end); |
diffDays = end_date.diff(planned_end, "days"); |
if (isNaN(diffDays)) { |
return null; |
} else { |
if (diffDays > 0) { |
message = `Overdue by ${diffDays + 1} days`; |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
} |
} |
return <BehindTaskItem key={idx} name={overdueItem.name} message={message} />; |
}) |
) : ( |
<div |
style={{ |
flex: 1, |
textAlign: "center", |
color: "#E80053", |
marginTop: 50, |
marginBottom: 50, |
}} |
> |
No overdue activity found. |
</div> |
)} |
</div> |
)} |
{activeTabCommentIdx === 1 &&( |
<div> |
{item.project_comment && item.project_comment != [] ? ( |
item.project_comment.map((commentItem, idx) => { |
return <Comment |
key={idx} |
name={""} |
comment={commentItem.comment} |
created_at={commentItem.created_at} |
/> |
}) |
) : ( |
<div |
style={{ |
flex: 1, |
textAlign: "center", |
color: "#E80053", |
marginTop: 50, |
marginBottom: 50, |
}} |
> |
No comments found. |
</div> |
)} |
</div> |
)} |
</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<CarouselCaption/> |
</CarouselItem> |
); |
}); |
return ( |
<div style={{ marginLeft: -25, marginRight: -25 }}> |
<NotificationContainer /> |
<Row> |
<Col span={24}> |
<Spin tip="Loading..." spinning={loading} style={{ marginTop:120 }}> |
<Carousel |
activeIndex={activeIndex} |
next={next} |
previous={previous} |
{...args} |
> |
<CarouselIndicators |
items={allDataMaster} |
activeIndex={activeIndex} |
onClickHandler={goToIndex} |
/> |
{slides} |
<CarouselControl |
direction="prev" |
directionText="Previous" |
onClickHandler={previous} |
/> |
<CarouselControl |
direction="next" |
directionText="Next" |
onClickHandler={next} |
/> |
</Carousel > |
</Spin> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
); |
}; |
export default DashboardProject; |
Reference in new issue