@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import "react-loader-spinner/dist/loader/css/react-spinner-loader.css";
import { ToastContainer, toast } from "react-toastify"; |
import "react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css"; |
import './MapMonitoring.css'; |
import { BASE_SIMPRO_LUMEN_IMAGE } from '../../const/ApiConst'; |
import DEFAULT_USER_ICON from '../../assets/img/avatars/user.png'; |
const MapMonitoring = () => { |
@ -53,7 +55,8 @@ const MapMonitoring = () => {
if (userPoints) { |
let userPointLayer = L.geoJson(userPoints, { |
name: 'userPointLayer', |
onEachFeature: onEachFeatureUserPoints |
onEachFeature: onEachFeatureUserPoints, |
pointToLayer: pointToLayerUserPoints |
}); |
userPointLayer.addTo(mymap); |
mymap.fitBounds(userPointLayer.getBounds()); |
@ -78,7 +81,8 @@ const MapMonitoring = () => {
const initMap = () => { |
let mymap = L.map('map-area', { |
center: center, |
zoom: 5 |
zoom: 5, |
// maxZoom: 20
}); |
store.dispatch(setMymap(mymap)); |
// setMymap(mymap);
@ -125,23 +129,105 @@ const MapMonitoring = () => {
L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(e); |
if (!store.getState().mapReducer.routingBarVisible) { |
// proceed only when routing mode is not visible
showHighLight(feature); |
showHighLight(feature, e); |
} |
}); |
} |
function showHighLight(feature) { |
const pointToLayerUserPoints = (feature, latlng) => { |
// console.log('feature', feature);
// create a marker style
// let logoMarkerStyle = L.Icon.extend({
// options: {
// iconSize: [85, 90],
// iconAnchor: [38, 86],
// popupAnchor: [0, -80]
// }
// });
// let logoMarker = new logoMarkerStyle({iconUrl: `${BASE_SIMPRO_LUMEN_IMAGE}/${feature.properties.image}`});
let imgSrc = DEFAULT_USER_ICON; |
if (feature && feature.properties && feature.properties.image && feature.properties.image !== '') { |
imgSrc = `${BASE_SIMPRO_LUMEN_IMAGE}/${feature.properties.image}` |
} |
let img = `<img src="${imgSrc}" />` |
let logoMarker = L.divIcon({ |
html: img, |
className: 'image-marker', |
iconSize: [40, 40], |
iconAnchor: [20, 50], |
popupAnchor: [0, -80] |
}); |
// let logoMarkerActive = L.divIcon({
// html: img,
// className: 'image-marker-active',
// iconSize: [40, 40],
// iconAnchor: [20, 50],
// popupAnchor: [0, -80]
// });
// read the coordinates from your marker
let lat = feature.geometry.coordinates[1]; |
let lon = feature.geometry.coordinates[0]; |
// create a new marker using the icon style
let marker = new L.Marker([lat,lon],{icon: logoMarker}); |
return marker; |
} |
function showHighLight(feature, e) { |
// console.log('showHighLight feature', feature);
// console.log('showHighLight e', e);
removeLayerByName('popupTemp'); |
// let selectedIcon = e.target.options.icon;
// let classIcon = e.target.options.icon.options.className;
// let newClassIcon = 'image-marker-active';
// if (classIcon === 'image-marker-active') {
// newClassIcon = 'image-marker';
// }
// build new icon
// selectedIcon.options.className = newClassIcon;
// e.setIcon(selectedIcon);
// L.divIcon(selectedIcon);
// L.divIcon({
// html: img,
// className: 'image-marker',
// iconSize: [40, 40],
// iconAnchor: [20, 50],
// popupAnchor: [0, -80]
// });
// add highlight
L.geoJSON(feature, { |
style: function(feature) { |
return {color: 'blue'} |
}, |
name: 'popupTemp', |
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { |
layer.name = 'popupTemp' |
}, |
}).addTo(mymap); |
// console.log('selectedIcon', selectedIcon);
// console.log('classList', e.target.options.icon.options.classList);
// if (!openRight) {
// console.log('e.target.options.icon.options.className', e.target.options.icon.options.className)
// e.target.options.icon.options.className.replace('image-marker','image-marker-active');
// }
// else {
// console.log('e.target.options.icon.options.className', e.target.options.icon.options.className)
// e.target.options.icon.options.className.replace('image-marker-active','image-marker');
// }
// kalo bukan point bikin hightlight jadi biru
if (feature && feature.geometry && feature.geometry.type !== 'Point') { |
L.geoJSON(feature, { |
style: function(feature) { |
return {color: 'blue'} |
}, |
name: 'popupTemp', |
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { |
layer.name = 'popupTemp' |
}, |
}).addTo(mymap); |
} |
// let marker = new L.Marker([feature.geometry.coordinates[1], feature.geometry.coordinates[0]],{icon: selectedIcon});
// return marker;
// opening right panel
store.dispatch(setOpenRight(!openRight)); |