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"start_location": { |
"lat": -6.2493628, |
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106.81543350219727, |
-6.215817763782759 |
] |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "sales.5", |
"geometry_name": "the_geom", |
"type": "Feature", |
"properties": { |
"id": "sales.5", |
"name": "Sales 5" |
}, |
"geometry": { |
"type": "Point", |
"coordinates": [ |
106.80745124816895, |
-6.2746041510497355 |
] |
} |
} |
] |
} |
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
const ChatDashboard = (props) => { |
const { dataParams } = props; |
const renderComment = (items) => { |
return, idx) => { |
return ( |
<div className="chat-content" key={idx}> |
<div className='chat-body'> |
<div className='chat-header'> |
{item.comment_by} |
</div> |
<div className='chat-body-content'> |
{item.comment} |
</div> |
<div className='chat-footer'> |
{item.comment_created} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
}) |
} |
return ( |
<div style={{ margin: '0 5px' }} className="box-header-dashboard-project"> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> |
<div style={{ marginBottom: '5px', fontSize: '0.8rem', fontWeight: '500' }}>COMMUNICATION</div> |
</div> |
<div className='chat'> |
{renderComment(dataParams)} |
</div> |
</div> |
); |
} |
export default ChatDashboard; |
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; |
import Timeline from 'react-calendar-timeline' |
// make sure you include the timeline stylesheet or the timeline will not be styled
import 'react-calendar-timeline/lib/Timeline.css' |
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'; |
// import moment from 'moment';
// import { USER_VERSION_GANTT_SEARCH, BASE_SIMPRO_LUMEN } from '../../../const/ApiConst';
// import axios from "../../../const/interceptorApi"
const token = localStorage.getItem("token") |
const Gantt = (props) => { |
const { ID } = useParams(); |
const { GANTTID } = useParams(); |
const url = `${BASE_OSPRO}/api&gantt_id=${GANTT_ID}&proyek_id=${PROJECT_ID}&token=${token}&ro=1` |
const RenderGantt = () => ( |
<iframe |
id="frame-gantt" |
src={url} |
style={{ |
width: '100%', |
height: '50vh', |
}} |
scrolling="no" |
frameBorder="0" |
></iframe> |
) |
return ( |
<div> |
<RenderGantt /> |
</div> |
); |
} |
export default Gantt; |
@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; |
import { Row, Col, Select, Divider } from 'antd'; |
import moment from 'moment' |
import Gantt from './ganttDashboard'; |
import ChatDashboard from './chatDashboard'; |
import axios from 'axios' |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'; |
import { Badge } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { BASE_OSPRO, BASE_INTEGRATION_V1, TOKEN_ADW } from '../../const/ApiConst'; |
import {formatRibuanDecimal} from "../../const/CustomFunc"; |
import ProgressBar from "./progressBar"; |
import numeral from 'numeral'; |
function BoxDashboard({ value, title, secondaryTitle, icon, bgColor }) { |
return ( |
<div style={{ backgroundColor: bgColor }} className='box-header-dashboard-project'> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div style={{ fontSize: '0.8rem', fontWeight: 500, color: '#fff', textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>{title}</div> |
<div>{icon}</div> |
</div> |
<div style={{ fontSize: '1rem', fontWeight: 500, color: '#fff' }}>{value}</div> |
</div> |
) |
} |
function RenderHealthProject({params}){ |
if (params == "on-budget") { |
return (<Badge style = {{fontSize:"18px"}} color="success">On Budget</Badge>) |
} else if (params == "warning") { |
return (<Badge style = {{fontSize:"18px"}} color="warning">Warning</Badge>) |
} else { |
return (<Badge style = {{fontSize:"18px"}} color="danger">Danger</Badge>) |
} |
} |
const DashboardProject = () => { |
const { ID } = useParams(); |
const [PROJECTMGR, SET_PROJECTMGR] = useState([]) |
const [RO, SET_RO] = useState([]) |
// Schedule
const [STARTDATE, SET_STARTDATE] = useState([]) |
// Financials
const [BCWP, SET_BCWP] = useState([]) |
const [ACWP, SET_ACWP] = useState([]) |
const [VARIANCE, SET_VARIANCE] = useState([]) |
const [PROGRESS, SET_PROGRESS] = useState([]) |
const [BUDGET, SET_BUDGET] = useState([]) |
const [PROJECTNAME, SET_PROJECTNAME] = useState([]) |
const [COMMENT, SET_COMMENT] = useState([]) |
const [MANPOWER, SET_MANPOWER] = useState([0]) |
const token = localStorage.getItem("token") |
const HEADER = { |
headers: { |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
"Authorization": `Bearer ${token}` |
} |
} |
headers: { |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
"Authorization": `${TOKEN_ADW}` |
} |
} |
const getProjectDetail = async () => { |
const URL = `${BASE_OSPRO}/api/project/dashboard/${ID}` |
const result = await axios.get(URL, HEADER).then(res => res).catch(err => err.response) |
if ( !== 200) { |
NotificationManager.error(, 'Failed'); |
} |
if( == 200) { |
let resData =; |
SET_BUDGET(resData.rencana_biaya) |
SET_PROJECTNAME(resData.name_project) |
SET_STARTDATE(resData.start) |
SET_CURRENCYSYMBOL(resData.currency_symbol) |
SET_BUDGETHEALTH(resData.budget_health) |
SET_ACWP(resData.actual_cost) |
SET_PROGRESS(resData.progress) |
SET_COMMENT(resData.comment) |
SET_MANPOWER(resData.man_power) |
getDataCostActual(resData.kode_sortname); |
} |
} |
const getDataCostActual = async (kode_project) => { |
const URL = `${BASE_INTEGRATION_V1}/api/project_cost?project_no=${kode_project}` |
const result = await axios.get(URL, HEADER_INTEGRASI).then(res => res).catch(err => err.response) |
if (! { |
NotificationManager.error('Integrasi Cost Actual Failed', 'Failed'); |
}else { |
} |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
getProjectDetail(); |
}, []) |
return ( |
<div style={{ margin: "10px" }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={9}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', margin: '0 5px' }} className="box-header-dashboard-project"> |
<div><i style={{ color: 'teal' }} class="zmdi zmdi-assignment zmdi-hc-lg"></i></div> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>Project </div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#404040', textTransform: 'uppercase' }}> {PROJECTNAME}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={4}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', margin: '0 5px' }} className="box-header-dashboard-project"> |
<div><i style={{ color: '#0284c7' }} class="zmdi zmdi-account zmdi-hc-lg"></i></div> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>PM</div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#404040', textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>{PROJECTMGR}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={7}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', margin: '0 5px' }} className="box-header-dashboard-project"> |
<div><i style={{ color: '#b91c1c' }} class="zmdi zmdi-home zmdi-hc-lg"></i></div> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>Customer</div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#404040', textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>{RO}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={4}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', margin: '0 5px' }} className="box-header-dashboard-project"> |
<div><i style={{ color: '#e68a00' }} class="zmdi zmdi-calendar-alt zmdi-hc-lg"></i></div> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>Date</div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#404040' }}>{moment().format("DD-MM-YYYY")}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<div style={{ paddingTop: 20 }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={9}> |
<div style={{ margin: '0 5px' }} className="box-header-dashboard-project"> |
<div style={{ margin: '5px 0' }}><h6>SCHEDULE</h6></div> |
<div style={{ padding: '5px 0' }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={2}><i style={{ color: 'teal' }} class="zmdi zmdi-calendar-alt zmdi-hc-lg"></i></Col> |
<Col span={22}> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div>Start Date</div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#8c8c8c' }}>{moment(STARTDATE).format("LL")}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
<div style={{ padding: '5px 0' }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={2}><i style={{ color: 'teal' }} class="zmdi zmdi-calendar-alt zmdi-hc-lg"></i></Col> |
<Col span={22}> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div>Baseline Finish Date</div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#8c8c8c' }}>{moment(BASELINEFINISHDATE).format("LL")}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
<div style={{ padding: '5px 0' }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={2}><i style={{ color: 'teal' }} class="zmdi zmdi-calendar-alt zmdi-hc-lg"></i></Col> |
<Col span={22}> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div>Estimated Finish Date</div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#8c8c8c' }}>{moment(ESTFINISHDATE).format("LL")}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={10}> |
<div style={{ margin: '0 5px' }} className="box-header-dashboard-project"> |
<div style={{ margin: '5px 0' }}><h6>FINANCIALS</h6></div> |
<div style={{ padding: '5px 0' }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={2}><i style={{ color: '#059669' }} class="zmdi zmdi-money zmdi-hc-lg"></i></Col> |
<Col span={22}> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div>Budget Proyek</div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#8c8c8c' }}>{`${formatRibuanDecimal(BUDGET)}`}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
<div style={{ padding: '5px 0' }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={2}><i style={{ color: '#059669' }} class="zmdi zmdi-money zmdi-hc-lg"></i></Col> |
<Col span={22}> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div>Actual Cost</div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#8c8c8c' }}>{`${formatRibuanDecimal(ACWP)}`}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
<div style={{ padding: '5px 0' }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={2}><i style={{ color: '#059669' }} class="zmdi zmdi-money zmdi-hc-lg"></i></Col> |
<Col span={22}> |
<div style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div>Variance</div> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#8c8c8c' }}>{`${formatRibuanDecimal(BUDGET - ACWP)}`}</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={5}> |
<div style={{ backgroundColor: "#059669" }} className='box-header-dashboard-project'> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> |
<div style={{ fontSize: '0.8rem', fontWeight: 500, color: '#fff', textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>Progress</div> |
</div> |
<ProgressBar bgcolor="#ffc355" completed={PROGRESS} /> |
</div> |
<Row> |
<Col span={12}> |
<div style={{ margin: '5px 0' }} className="box-header-dashboard-project"> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> |
<div style={{ marginBottom: '5px', fontSize: '0.7rem', fontWeight: '500' }}>HEALTH PROJECT</div> |
</div> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-evenly', }}> |
<RenderHealthProject params = {`${BUDGETHEALTH}`}/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
<Col span={12}> |
<div style={{ margin: '5px 0' }} className="box-header-dashboard-project"> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> |
<div style={{ marginBottom: '5px', fontSize: '0.7rem', fontWeight: '500' }}>MANPOWER</div> |
</div> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-evenly', }}> |
<div style={{ fontWeight: 500, color: '#404040', fontSize: '18px', textTransform: 'uppercase' }}>{MANPOWER}</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
{/* </div> */} |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
<div style={{ paddingTop: 20 }}> |
<Row> |
<Col span={19}> |
</Col> |
<Col span={5}> |
<ChatDashboard |
dataParams = {COMMENT}/> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</div> |
</div> |
); |
} |
export default DashboardProject; |
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ |
import React from "react"; |
const ProgressBar = (props) => { |
const { bgcolor, completed } = props; |
const containerStyles = { |
height: 25, |
width: '100%', |
backgroundColor: "#e0e0de", |
borderRadius: 50, |
margin: 0 |
} |
const fillerStyles = { |
height: '100%', |
width: `${completed}%`, |
backgroundColor: bgcolor, |
borderRadius: 'inherit', |
textAlign: 'right' |
} |
const labelStyles = { |
padding: 5, |
color: 'white', |
fontWeight: 'bold' |
} |
return ( |
<div style={containerStyles}> |
<div style={fillerStyles}> |
<span style={labelStyles}>{`${completed}%`}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
); |
}; |
export default ProgressBar; |
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import { Table, Tag, Space } from 'antd'; |
const columns = [ |
{ |
title: 'No', |
dataIndex: 'carNo', |
key: 'carNo', |
fixed: 'left', |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Description', |
dataIndex: 'description', |
key: 'description', |
width: 350 |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Severity', |
dataIndex: 'severity', |
key: 'severity', |
render: text => { |
return text == 'low' ? <div className="badge" style={{ backgroundColor: '#e6e600' }}>LOW</div> : |
text == 'medium' ? <div className="badge badge-orange" style={{ backgroundColor: 'orange' }}>MEDIUM</div> : |
<div className="badge badge-danger">HIGH</div> |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Status', |
dataIndex: 'status', |
key: 'status', |
render: text => { |
return text == 'open' ? <div className="badge badge-primary">OPEN</div> : |
text == 'on-progress' ? <div className="badge badge-warning">ON PROGRESS</div> : |
<div className="badge badge-success">DONE</div> |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Assigned', |
dataIndex: 'assigned', |
key: 'assigned', |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Due', |
dataIndex: 'due', |
key: 'due', |
} |
]; |
const data = [ |
{ |
key: '1', |
carNo: 'RIS001', |
description: 'Test Analyst on unplanned leave, risk to project if leave extends pas 5/20', |
severity: 'medium', |
status: 'on-progress', |
due: '05/04/2022', |
assigned: 'John Lennon' |
}, |
{ |
key: '2', |
carNo: 'RIS002', |
description: 'Coffee machine broken, result in extra long breaks to find coffee', |
severity: 'low', |
status: 'open', |
due: '14/011/2022', |
assigned: 'Robert William' |
}, |
]; |
const TableDashboard = () => { |
return ( |
<Table size="small" columns={columns} dataSource={data} scroll={{ y: 300 }} /> |
); |
} |
export default TableDashboard; |
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import DataTable from '../../../components/DataTable' |
const columns = [{ |
dataField: 'id', |
alias: "Id", |
showInput: false, |
type: "number", |
state: 0 |
}, { |
dataField: 'country_name', |
alias: "Country Name", |
showInput: true, |
type: "text", |
state: "" |
}, { |
dataField: 'last_updated', |
alias: "Last Updated", |
showInput: false, |
type: "text", |
state: "" |
}]; |
class MasterCountry extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = {} |
} |
componentDidMount() {} |
render() { |
return ( |
<div> |
<DataTable |
title="Country" |
columns={columns} |
/> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
export default MasterCountry; |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"name": "MasterCountry", |
"version": "0.0.0", |
"private": true, |
"main": "./MasterCountry.js" |
} |
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import { Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Col, Row, Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import axios from 'axios' |
const BASE_URL = ""; |
const formState = { |
dataTable: [], |
openDialog: false, |
name: '', |
description: '', |
id: 0, |
idData: 0, |
nameMessage: "", |
} |
const ERROR_NAME = "name cannot be empty" |
export default class DialogForm extends Component { |
state = { |
...formState |
} |
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { |
const { dataEdit, methodAct } = this.props |
if ((prevProps.dataEdit !== dataEdit) && (methodAct == "Edit" || methodAct == "View")) { |
this.setState({ |
idData:, |
name:, |
description: dataEdit.description, |
}) |
} |
} |
handleSave = async () => { |
const err = this.handleValidation(); |
let url = BASE_URL + "group-sales/add" |
const { name, description, idData } = this.state |
const { methodAct } = this.props |
console.log(`methodAct`, methodAct) |
if (methodAct === "Add") { |
if (!err) { |
const payload = { |
name, |
description, |
} |
const result = await, payload) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
console.log(`result`, result) |
if ( === "OK") { |
this.props.closeDialog() |
this.setState({ |
...formState, |
}) |
NotificationManager.success('Data group sales berhasil ditambahkan!!', 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(; |
} |
} |
} else if (methodAct === "Edit") { |
if (!err) { |
let urlEdit = BASE_URL + `group-sales/${idData}/edit`; |
const payload = { |
name, |
description, |
} |
const result = await axios.put(urlEdit, payload) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
console.log(`result edit`, result) |
if ( === "OK") { |
this.props.closeDialog() |
this.setState({ |
...formState, |
}) |
NotificationManager.success('Data group sales berhasil diedit!!', 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
handleCancel = () => { |
this.props.closeDialog() |
this.setState({ |
...formState |
}) |
} |
handleValidation = () => { |
const { name } = this.state |
let isError = false; |
const errors = { |
nameMessage: "", |
} |
if (name === "") { |
isError = true |
errors.nameMessage = ERROR_NAME |
} |
this.setState({ |
nameMessage: "", |
...errors, |
}); |
return isError; |
} |
renderForm = () => { |
const { name, description, nameMessage } = this.state |
return ( |
<Row form> |
<Col md={12}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label for="exampleEmail">Name</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={name} onChange={ |
(e) => this.setState({ |
name:, |
nameMessage: !== "" ? "" : ERROR_NAME |
})} placeholder="name" invalid={nameMessage} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={12}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Description</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={description} onChange={(e) => this.setState({ description: })} placeholder="description " /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
) |
} |
render() { |
const { openDialog, closeDialog, methodAct } = this.props |
return ( |
<Modal isOpen={openDialog} toggle={openDialog} size="md"> |
<ModalHeader toggle={closeDialog}>{methodAct} Group Sales</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
<Form> |
{this.renderForm()} |
</Form> |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={this.handleSave}>{methodAct}</Button>{' '} |
<Button color="secondary" onClick={this.handleCancel}>Cancel</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,291 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { Card, CardBody, CardHeader, Col, Row, Table, Input, InputGroupButtonDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownItem, DropdownMenu, InputGroup } from 'reactstrap'; |
import BootstrapTable from 'react-bootstrap-table-next'; |
import { Button } from 'reactstrap'; |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import SweetAlert from 'react-bootstrap-sweetalert'; |
import DialogForm from './DialogForm'; |
import paginationFactory from 'react-bootstrap-table2-paginator'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import ToolkitProvider, { Search } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit'; |
import { Pagination } from 'antd'; |
import { Tooltip } from 'reactstrap'; |
const BASE_URL = ""; |
const { SearchBar } = Search; |
const NoDataIndication = () => ( |
<div className="spinner"> |
<div className="rect1" /> |
<div className="rect2" /> |
<div className="rect3" /> |
</div> |
); |
const column = [ |
{ name: "Name" }, |
{ name: "Description" }, |
] |
const LENGTH_DATA = 10 |
export default class index extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
data: [], |
openDialog: false, |
typeDialog: 'Save', |
dataEdit: null, |
alertDelete: false, |
idDelete: 0, |
search: "", |
alert: false, |
methodAct: "Add", |
page: 0, |
totalPage: 0, |
rowsPerPage: LENGTH_DATA, |
currentPage: 1, |
splitButtonOpen: false, |
searchDetail: "All", |
searchDetailField: "name", |
tooltipDelete: false, |
tooltipEdit: false |
} |
} |
async componentDidMount() { |
const { page, rowsPerPage } = this.state |
this.getDataGroupSales(page, rowsPerPage); |
} |
async componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { |
const { search, rowsPerPage, page } = this.state |
if (page !== { |
this.getDataGroupSales(page, rowsPerPage) |
} |
if (rowsPerPage !== prevState.rowsPerPage) { |
this.getDataGroupSales(0, rowsPerPage) |
this.setState({ page: 0 }) |
} |
if (search !== { |
this.getDataGroupSales(0, rowsPerPage) |
this.setState({ page: 0 }) |
} |
}; |
handleSearch = e => { |
const value = |
this.setState({ search: value, page: 0 }) |
}; |
getDataGroupSales = async (start, length) => { |
const { search, rowsPerPage, searchDetail, searchDetailField } = this.state |
let url = BASE_URL + "group-sales/search"; |
const obj = { |
"paging": { "start": start, "length": length }, |
...searchDetail === "All" && |
{ |
"filter_columns": [ |
{ "name": "name", "value": search.toString() }, |
{ "name": "description", "value": search.toString() }, |
], |
}, |
...searchDetail !== "All" && |
{ |
"columns": [ |
{ "name": searchDetailField, "logic_operator": "ilike", "operator": "and", "value": search.toString() } |
] |
}, |
"orders": { "columns": ["created_date"], "ascending": false } |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(url, obj) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if ( == "OK") { |
console.log(`result data`, |
this.setState({ data:, totalPage: }); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Failed retreiving data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
handleOpenDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ openDialog: true, methodAct: "Add" }) |
} |
handleCloseDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ openDialog: false }) |
this.getDataGroupSales() |
} |
handleEditData = (data) => { |
this.setState({ dataEdit: data, openDialog: true, methodAct: "Edit" }) |
} |
onDelete = (id) => { |
this.setState({ |
alertDelete: true, |
idDelete: id |
}) |
} |
handleDeleted = async (param) => { |
const { idDelete } = this.state |
if (param === "delete") { |
const result = await axios.delete(`${BASE_URL}/group-sales/${idDelete}/delete`) |
.then((response) => response) |
.catch((error) => error.response) |
this.setState({ |
alertDelete: false, |
alert: true |
}) |
await this.getDataGroupSales() |
} else { |
this.setState({ |
alertDelete: false |
}) |
} |
} |
onShowSizeChange = (current, pageSize) => { |
this.setState({ rowsPerPage: pageSize }) |
} |
onPagination = (current, pageSize) => { |
this.setState({ currentPage: current, page: (current - 1) * pageSize }) |
} |
toggleDropDown = () => { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ splitButtonOpen: !prevState.splitButtonOpen })) |
} |
toggle = (param) => { |
if (param === "edit") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipEdit: !prevState.tooltipEdit })) |
} else if (param === "delete") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipDelete: !prevState.tooltipDelete })) |
} |
} |
render() { |
const { openDialog, data, search, alert, page, totalPage, rowsPerPage, currentPage, searchDetail, searchDetailField, splitButtonOpen, tooltipEdit, tooltipDelete } = this.state |
let noSeq = 0; |
return ( |
<div> |
<NotificationContainer /> |
<SweetAlert show={alert} success title="deleted successfully!" onConfirm={() => this.setState({ alert: false })} onCancel={() => this.setState({ alert: false })}> |
You clicked the button! |
</SweetAlert> |
<SweetAlert |
show={this.state.alertDelete} |
warning |
showCancel |
confirmBtnText="Delete" |
confirmBtnBsStyle="danger" |
title="Are you sure?" |
onConfirm={() => this.handleDeleted("delete")} |
onCancel={() => this.handleDeleted("cancel")} |
focusCancelBtn |
> |
Data group sales akan terhapus!! |
</SweetAlert> |
<DialogForm |
openDialog={openDialog} |
closeDialog={this.handleCloseDialog} |
dataEdit={this.state.dataEdit} |
methodAct={this.state.methodAct} |
/> |
<Card> |
<CardHeader style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}> |
<h4>Group Sales</h4> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => this.handleOpenDialog('Save')}>Add Group Sales</Button> |
</CardHeader> |
<CardBody> |
<InputGroup style={{ maxWidth: "200px", marginBottom: "20px" }}> |
<Input onChange={this.handleSearch} value={search} type="text" name="search" id="search" placeholder={`Search ${searchDetail}`} /> |
<InputGroupButtonDropdown addonType="prepend" |
isOpen={splitButtonOpen} |
toggle={this.toggleDropDown} |
> |
<DropdownToggle split outline /> |
<DropdownMenu> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "All", |
searchDetailField: "name" |
})}>All</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Name", |
searchDetailField: "name" |
})}>Name</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Description", |
searchDetailField: "description" |
})}>Description</DropdownItem> |
</DropdownMenu> |
</InputGroupButtonDropdown> |
</InputGroup> |
<Table responsive striped hover> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Actions</th> |
{ => { |
return ( |
<th scope="row">{}</th> |
) |
})} |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
{ => { |
return ( |
<tr key={}> |
<td> |
{/* delete */} |
<i id="TooltipDelete" class="cil-trash fa-lg" style={{ color: 'red', marginRight: '10px', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => this.onDelete(}></i> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipDelete} target="TooltipDelete" toggle={() => this.toggle("delete")}> |
Delete |
</Tooltip> |
{/* edit */} |
<i id="TooltipEdit" class="cil-pencil fa-lg" style={{ color: 'green', cursor: "pointer", marginRight: '10px', }} onClick={() => this.handleEditData(n)}></i> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipEdit} target="TooltipEdit" toggle={() => this.toggle("edit")}> |
Edit |
</Tooltip> |
{/* <i class="cil-search fa-lg" style={{ color: 'blue', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => this.handleDetail(n)}></i> */} |
</td> |
<td>{}</td> |
<td>{n.description}</td> |
</tr> |
) |
})} |
</tbody> |
</Table> |
<Pagination |
showSizeChanger |
onShowSizeChange={this.onShowSizeChange} |
onChange={this.onPagination} |
defaultCurrent={currentPage} |
pageSize={rowsPerPage} |
total={totalPage} |
pageSizeOptions={["10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40"]} |
/> |
</CardBody> |
</Card> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,581 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import { Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Col, Row, Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input, FormText } from 'reactstrap'; |
import Select from 'react-select' |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import { DatePicker } from 'antd'; |
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; |
import { BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2 } from '../../../const/ApiConst' |
import '../MasterDataStyles.css' |
import SweetAlert from 'react-bootstrap-sweetalert'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
const format = 'YYYY-MM-DD'; |
let countError = 0; |
const listGender = [ |
{ |
"value": "L", |
"label": "Laki-laki" |
}, |
{ |
"value": "P", |
"label": "Perempuan" |
}] |
const listBlood = [ |
{ |
"value": "A", |
"label": "A" |
}, |
{ |
"value": "AB", |
"label": "AB" |
}, |
{ |
"value": "B", |
"label": "B" |
}, |
{ |
"value": "O", |
"label": "O" |
}] |
const API = `` |
export default class DialogForm extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
id: 0, |
idDivision:0, |
idRoles:0, |
name:"", |
email:"", |
phoneNumber:"", |
username:"", |
password:"", |
address:"", |
birthPlace: "", |
birthDate: null, |
currentSelectGender: null,
hobby: "", |
openDialog: false, |
isParentClick: false, |
currentSelectVal: null, |
dataDivision:[], |
listDivisionSelect:[], |
selectDisable: false, |
dataRoles:[], |
listRolesSelect:[], |
selectDisableRoles: false, |
currentSelectRoles: null, |
currentSelectBlood: null, |
selectDisableBlood: false, |
nik: "", |
files: [], |
showImg: false, |
getUrl: "", |
namePhoto: "", |
alertDelete: false, |
idDelete: 0 , |
dataPhoto: null |
} |
} |
fileSelectedHandler = (e) => { |
this.setState({ files: [...this.state.files,] }, () => { |
console.log('test data foto', this.state.files) |
}) |
} |
async componentDidMount(){ |
this.getDataRoles() |
this.props.showDialog(this.showDialog); |
} |
async componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState){ |
const { dataEdit } = this.props |
if(this.state.isParentClick===true){ |
if(this.props.typeDialog==="Edit" || this.props.typeDialog==="View"){ |
if(dataEdit.role_id!=="" && dataEdit.role_id!==null && dataEdit.role_id!==undefined){ |
this.searchRoles(dataEdit.role_id); |
this.getUrlImagery( |
||||||, |
idRoles: dataEdit.role_id, |
idDivision:dataEdit.employee_division_id, |
username:dataEdit.username || "", |
|||||| || "", |
|||||| || "", |
password:"", |
phoneNumber:dataEdit.phone_number || "", |
address:dataEdit.address || "", |
birthPlace: dataEdit.birth_place || "", |
birthDate: dataEdit.birth_date || null, |
currentSelectGender: dataEdit.gender ? listGender.find((x) => x.value === dataEdit.gender) : null,
hobby: dataEdit.hobby || "", |
nik: dataEdit.ktp_number || "", |
currentSelectBlood: dataEdit.blood_type ? listBlood.find((x) => x.value === dataEdit.blood_type) : null,
}) |
}else{ |
id:0, |
idDivision:0, |
idRoles:0, |
name:"", |
email:"", |
password:"", |
phoneNumber:"", |
address:"", |
username:"", |
birthPlace: "", |
birthDate: null, |
currentSelectGender: null,
hobby: "", |
currentSelectVal:null, |
currentSelectRoles:null, |
nik: "", |
currentSelectBlood: null, |
files: [] |
}) |
} |
this.setState({isParentClick:false}); |
} |
} |
closeImg = () => { |
this.setState({ showImg: false }) |
} |
getUrlImagery = async (param) => { |
const payload = { |
"paging": { "start": 0, "length": -1 }, |
"columns": [ |
{ "name": "category", "logic_operator": "=", "value": "employee", "operator": "and" }, |
{ "name": "ref_id", "logic_operator": "=", "value": param.toString(), "operator": "and" } |
], |
"orders": { "columns": ["id"], "ascending": true } |
} |
const resultUrl = await`${API}/image/search`, payload).then(response => response).catch(err => err.response) |
this.setState({ files: }) |
console.log(`resultUrl`, |
} |
getDataDivision = async () => { |
countError++; |
let url = BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2+`/employee_devision.php?act=get_data`; |
const result = await axios |
.get(url) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response ); |
console.log('cek', result) |
if(result && && === 200){ |
this.setState({ },()=>{ |
this.setDataDivision(); |
}) |
}else{ |
if(countError<6){ |
this.getDataDivision(); |
} |
} |
} |
getDataRoles = async () => { |
countError++; |
let url = BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2+`/roles.php?act=get_data`; |
const result = await axios |
.get(url) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response ); |
console.log('cek', result) |
if(result && && === 200){ |
this.setState({ },()=>{ |
this.setDataRoles(); |
}) |
}else{ |
if(countError<6){ |
this.getDataRoles(); |
} |
} |
} |
setDataDivision = () => { |
const { dataDivision } = this.state |
const listDivision = [] |
||||||, index)=> { |
listDivision.push({ |
||||||, |
|||||| |
}) |
}) |
this.setState({ listDivisionSelect:listDivision }) |
} |
setDataRoles = () => { |
const { dataRoles } = this.state |
const listRoles = [] |
||||||, index)=> { |
listRoles.push({ |
||||||, |
|||||| |
}) |
}) |
this.setState({ listRolesSelect:listRoles }) |
} |
searchDivision = (id) => { |
let getIndex = this.getIndexDataDivision(id); |
let data = this.state.dataDivision[getIndex] |
this.setState({,currentSelectVal:{,} }) |
} |
getIndexDataDivision = (val) => { |
let index = this.state.dataDivision.findIndex(obj => === val); |
return index |
} |
searchRoles = (id) => { |
let getIndex = this.getIndexDataRoles(id); |
let data = this.state.dataRoles[getIndex] |
this.setState({,currentSelectRoles:{,} }) |
} |
getIndexDataRoles = (val) => { |
let index = this.state.dataRoles.findIndex(obj => === val); |
return index |
} |
showDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ isParentClick : true }); |
} |
handleDeletePhoto = (data) => { |
this.setState({ alertDelete: true, dataPhoto: data }, () => { |
console.log('data photo', this.state.dataPhoto) |
}); |
} |
handleSave = async () => { |
const {
id, |
idDivision, |
username, |
name, |
email, |
password, |
address, |
phoneNumber, |
idRoles, |
birthPlace, |
birthDate, |
currentSelectGender, |
hobby, |
currentSelectBlood, |
nik, |
files, |
currentSelectRoles |
} = this.state |
let data = ''; |
if(this.props.typeDialog==="Save"){ |
data = { |
idDivision, |
username, |
name, |
email, |
password, |
address, |
phoneNumber, |
idRoles, |
birthPlace, |
birthDate, |
currentSelectGender, |
hobby, |
nik, |
currentSelectBlood, |
files, |
currentSelectRoles |
} |
this.props.closeDialog('save', data); |
}else{ |
data = { |
id, |
username, |
name, |
email, |
password, |
address, |
phoneNumber, |
idDivision, |
idRoles, |
birthPlace, |
birthDate, |
currentSelectGender, |
hobby, |
currentSelectBlood, |
currentSelectRoles |
} |
console.log('test log data', data) |
if (files.length > 0) { |
const formData = new FormData() |
|||||| => { |
if (res) |
formData.append("ref_id", id); |
formData.append("files", res); |
}) |
await`${API}/image/employee/upload`, formData).then(response => response).catch(err => err.response) |
} |
this.props.closeDialog('edit', data); |
} |
this.setState({ id:0,idDivision:0,currentSelectVal:null, currentSelectRoles: null, currentSelectGender: null, currentSelectBlood: null }); |
} |
handleCancel = () => { |
this.setState({ id:0,currentSelectVal:null, currentSelectRoles: null, currentSelectGender: null, currentSelectBlood: null }); |
this.props.closeDialog('cancel', 'none') |
} |
handleSelectGs = (inputValue, actionMeta) => { |
this.setState({ idDivision:inputValue.value,currentSelectVal:{ value:inputValue.value,label:inputValue.label } }) |
} |
handleSelectRoles = (inputValue, actionMeta) => { |
this.setState({ idRoles:inputValue.value,currentSelectRoles:{ value:inputValue.value,label:inputValue.label } }, ()=> { |
console.log("test select role", this.state.currentSelectRoles) |
}) |
} |
onConfirmDeletePhoto = async () => { |
const { id, dataPhoto } = this.state |
let url = `${id}/delete?files=${dataPhoto.image}` |
let result = await axios.delete(url) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result.message!==undefined){ |
}else{ |
} |
console.log("test data photooo", result) |
if (result) { |
this.getUrlImagery(id) |
this.setState({ dataPhoto: null, alertDelete: false }) |
NotificationManager.success('Foto berhasil dihapus!!', 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
this.getUrlImagery(id) |
this.setState({ dataPhoto: null, alertDelete: false }) |
NotificationManager.error('Foto gagal dihapus!!', 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
renderForm = () => { |
const {files} = this.state |
const {typeDialog} = this.props |
let typeRole = localStorage.getItem('role_name') |
return( |
<Form> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6} xs={12}> |
{/* <FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Divisi</Label> |
<Select options={this.state.listDivisionSelect} onChange={this.handleSelectGs} value={this.state.currentSelectVal} isDisabled={typeDialog === "View"} /> |
</FormGroup> */} |
<Row> |
<Col md={6} xs={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Nama Pengguna</Label> |
<Input readOnly={typeDialog === "View"} type="text" value={this.state.username} onChange={(e) => this.setState({})} placeholder="" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6} xs={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Kata Sandi</Label> |
<Input readOnly={typeDialog === "View"} type="password" value={this.state.password} onChange={(e) => this.setState({})} placeholder="" /> |
{this.props.typeDialog==="Save" ? "" : <p>*Kosongkan jika tidak ada perubahaan</p>} |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">NIK (KTP)</Label> |
<Input readOnly={typeDialog === "View"} type="text" value={this.state.nik} onChange={(e) => this.setState({})} placeholder="" /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Nama</Label> |
<Input readOnly={typeDialog === "View"} type="text" value={} onChange={(e) => this.setState({})} placeholder="" /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Email</Label> |
<Input readOnly={typeDialog === "View"} type="email" value={} onChange={(e) => this.setState({})} placeholder="" /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Nomor Telepon</Label> |
<Input readOnly={typeDialog === "View"} type="number" value={this.state.phoneNumber} onChange={(e) => this.setState({})} placeholder="" /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
{typeDialog !== "View" && ( |
<> |
<Label for="exampleFile">File</Label> |
<Input type="file" name="file" id="exampleFile" multiple onChange={this.fileSelectedHandler} /> |
<FormText>Max Size 1Mb</FormText> |
</> |
)} |
{files && ( |
<div style={{ maxHeight: "300px", maxWidth: "100%", overflowY: "auto",display: "flex", flexDirection: "row" }}> |
{ => { |
let checkImg = null |
if (item.image) { |
checkImg = `${API}/assets/images/employee/${item.image}` |
} else { |
checkImg = URL.createObjectURL(item) |
} |
return ( |
<div> |
{typeDialog === "Edit" && ( |
<div onClick={() => this.handleDeletePhoto(item)} style={{cursor: "pointer", position: "absolute", width: 30, height: 30, borderRadius: 30 / 2, backgroundColor: "grey", marginTop: 10, marginLeft: 10, justifyContent: "center", alignContent: "center", paddingTop: 4, paddingLeft: 5 }}> |
<i className="cil-trash fa-lg" style={{ color: 'red'}}></i> |
</div> |
) |
} |
<img key={} src={checkImg} alt="..." style={{ maxWidth: "150px", maxHeight: "150px" }} /> |
</div> |
) |
})} |
</div> |
) |
} |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6} xs={12}> |
{typeRole === "Superadmin" && ( |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Roles</Label> |
<Select options={this.state.listRolesSelect} onChange={this.handleSelectRoles} value={this.state.currentSelectRoles} isDisabled={typeDialog === "View"} /> |
</FormGroup> |
) |
} |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Jenis Kelamin</Label> |
<Select options={listGender} onChange={(inputValue, actionMeta) => this.setState({currentSelectGender: {value: inputValue.value, label: inputValue.label}})} value={this.state.currentSelectGender} isDisabled={typeDialog === "View"} /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup style={{ marginTop: 30 }}> |
<Label className="formLabel">Golongan Darah</Label> |
<Select options={listBlood} onChange={(inputValue, actionMeta) => this.setState({currentSelectBlood: {value: inputValue.value, label: inputValue.label}})} value={this.state.currentSelectBlood} isDisabled={typeDialog === "View"} /> |
</FormGroup> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6} xs={12}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Tempat Lahir</Label> |
<Input readOnly={typeDialog === "View"} type="text" value={this.state.birthPlace} onChange={(e) => this.setState({})} placeholder="" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6} xs={12}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Tanggal Lahir</Label> |
<Row> |
<Col md={12}> |
<DatePicker disabled={typeDialog === "View"} style={{width: "100%"}} onChange={(e, val) => this.setState({birthDate: val})} defaultValue={this.state.birthDate ? moment(this.state.birthDate, format) : null} /> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Alamat</Label> |
<Input readOnly={typeDialog === "View"} type="text" value={this.state.address} onChange={(e) => this.setState({})} placeholder="" /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="formLabel">Hobby</Label> |
<Input readOnly={typeDialog === "View"} type="text" value={this.state.hobby} onChange={(e) => this.setState({})} placeholder="" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
render() { |
const {typeDialog} = this.props |
return ( |
<Modal size="xl" isOpen={this.props.openDialog} toggle={this.props.toggleDialog}> |
<NotificationContainer /> |
<SweetAlert |
show={this.state.alertDelete} |
warning |
showCancel |
confirmBtnText="Delete" |
confirmBtnBsStyle="danger" |
title="Are you sure?" |
onConfirm={this.onConfirmDeletePhoto} |
onCancel={() => this.setState({ alertDelete: false, dataPhoto: null})} |
focusCancelBtn |
> |
Foto Akan Terhapus!! |
</SweetAlert> |
<ModalHeader toggle={() => this.handleCancel()}>{this.props.typeDialog} Karyawan</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{this.renderForm()} |
</ModalBody> |
{typeDialog !== "View" && ( |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => this.handleSave()}>{this.props.typeDialog}</Button>{' '} |
<Button color="secondary" onClick={() => this.handleCancel()}>Cancel</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
)} |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import { Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Col, Row, Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; |
export default class DialogImport extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
dataImport:null, |
openDialog: false, |
isParentClick: false, |
disable: false |
} |
} |
async componentDidMount(){ |
this.props.showDialog(this.showDialog); |
} |
async componentDidUpdate (){ |
if(this.state.isParentClick===true){ |
this.setState({isParentClick:false}); |
} |
} |
showDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ isParentClick : true }); |
} |
handleSave = () => { |
const {
dataImport |
} = this.state |
this.props.closeDialog('import', dataImport); |
this.setState({ dataImport:null }); |
} |
handleCancel = () => { |
this.props.closeDialog('cancel', 'none') |
} |
importExcel = (e) => { |
e.preventDefault(); |
let file =[0]; |
this.setState({dataImport:file}); |
} |
renderForm = () => { |
return( |
<Form> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Excel</Label> |
<Input type="file" onChange={this.importExcel} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
render() { |
return ( |
<Modal isOpen={this.props.openDialog} toggle={this.props.toggleDialog}> |
<ModalHeader toggle={this.props.closeDialog}>Import Data Karyawan</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{this.renderForm()} |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => this.handleSave()}>Import</Button>{' '} |
<Button color="secondary" onClick={() => this.handleCancel()}>Cancel</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,607 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { Card, CardBody, CardHeader, Col, Row, Table, Input,InputGroup, InputGroupButtonDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownItem, DropdownMenu,ButtonDropdown } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Button } from 'reactstrap'; |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import SweetAlert from 'react-bootstrap-sweetalert'; |
import DialogForm from './DialogForm'; |
import DialogImport from './DialogImport'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import { Pagination } from 'antd'; |
import { Tooltip } from 'reactstrap'; |
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx'; |
import { BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2 } from '../../../const/ApiConst' |
import { Icon, InlineIcon } from '@iconify/react'; |
import eyeFilled from '@iconify/icons-ant-design/eye-filled'; |
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; |
const id_org = window.localStorage.getItem('id_org'); |
const roleName = window.localStorage.getItem('role_name'); |
const momentFormat = 'HH:mm'; |
const column = [ |
{ name: "Organasi" }, |
{ name: "Nama" },
{ name: "Email" },
{ name: "Nomor Handphone" },
] |
const LENGTH_DATA = 10 |
const API = `` |
export default class index extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
dataTable: [], |
finalData: [], |
openDialog: false, |
typeDialog: 'Save', |
dataEdit: null, |
alertDelete: false, |
idDelete: 0, |
dataGs: [], |
dataIdHo: [], |
search: "", |
page: 0, |
rowsPerPage: LENGTH_DATA, |
currentPage: 1, |
totalPage: 0, |
tooltipEdit: false, |
tooltipDelete: false, |
splitButtonOpen:false, |
searchDetail: "Nama", |
searchDetailField: "name", |
tooltipDetail: false, |
tooltipTambah:false, |
tooltipImport:false, |
tooltipExport:false, |
dataImport: null, |
aksiDropdown:false, |
openDialogImport:false, |
dataExport:false, |
} |
} |
async componentDidMount() { |
this.getDataEmployee(); |
} |
async componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { |
const { search } = this.state |
if (search !== this.getDataEmployee() |
} |
toggleAksiDropdown = () => { |
this.setState({aksiDropdown:!this.state.aksiDropdown}); |
} |
handleSearch = e => { |
const value = |
this.setState({ search: value, currentPage: 1 }) |
}; |
getDataEmployee = async () => { |
let start = 0; |
if (this.state.currentPage !== 1) { |
start = (this.state.currentPage * this.state.rowsPerPage) - this.state.rowsPerPage |
} |
let url = BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2 + `/employee.php?act=get_data&start=${start}&length=${this.state.rowsPerPage}&role_name=${roleName}`; |
const formData = new FormData(); |
formData.append("id_org", id_org); |
formData.append('field', this.state.searchDetailField); |
formData.append('value',; |
const result = await axios |
.post(url,formData) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && result.statusText == "OK") { |
this.setState({ dataTable:, totalPage: }); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Failed retreiving data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
setListIdHo = (data) => { |
let list = []; |
||||||, index) => { |
list.push(val.sales) |
}) |
this.setState({ dataIdHo: list }, () => { |
}) |
} |
handleOpenDialog = (type) => { |
this.setState({ openDialog: true, typeDialog: type }) |
this.showChildDialog(); |
} |
handleCloseDialog = async (type, data) => { |
let result = false; |
if (type === "save") { |
result = await this.saveEmployee(data); |
} else if (type === "edit") { |
result = await this.editEmployee(data); |
} |
else if (type === "cancel") { |
result = true; |
} |
if (result) { |
this.setState({ openDialog: false }) |
} |
} |
toggleAddDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ openDialog: !this.state.openDialog }) |
} |
onConfirmDelete = async () => { |
const { idDelete } = this.state |
let url = BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2 + `/employee.php?act=delete&id=${idDelete}`; |
let result = await axios.get(url) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result.message!==undefined){ |
}else{ |
} |
if ( === "Data Has Been Deleted") { |
this.getDataEmployee() |
this.setState({ idDelete: 0, alertDelete: false }) |
NotificationManager.success('Data employee berhasil dihapus!!', 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
this.setState({ idDelete: 0, alertDelete: false }) |
NotificationManager.error('Data employee gagal dihapus!!', 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
saveEmployee = async (data) => { |
let url = BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2 + "/employee.php?act=input"; |
const formData = new FormData(); |
formData.append('name',; |
formData.append('username', data.username); |
formData.append('phone_number', data.phoneNumber); |
formData.append('email',; |
formData.append('address',; |
formData.append('password', data.password); |
formData.append('birth_place', data.birthPlace); |
formData.append('birth_date', data.birthDate); |
formData.append('gender', data.currentSelectGender ? data.currentSelectGender.value : ""); |
formData.append('hobby', data.hobby); |
formData.append('blood_type', data.currentSelectBlood ? data.currentSelectBlood.value: ""); |
formData.append('ktp_number', data.nik); |
formData.append('role_id', data.currentSelectRoles ? data.currentSelectRoles.value: ""); |
if(data.idRoles!==undefined && data.idRoles!==0 && data.idRoles!==null){ |
formData.append('roles_id', data.idRoles); |
} |
let result = await, formData) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (!result) { |
return false; |
} |
if(result && result.message!==undefined){ |
if (result.message === "Data Has Been Saved") { |
this.getDataEmployee(); |
NotificationManager.success('Data employee berhasil ditambahkan!!', 'Success!!'); |
return true; |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, 'Failed!!'); |
return false; |
} |
}else{ |
if ( === "Data Has Been Saved") { |
this.getDataEmployee(); |
NotificationManager.success('Data employee berhasil ditambahkan!!', 'Success!!'); |
return true; |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, 'Failed!!'); |
return false; |
} |
} |
let ref_id = parseInt( |
if (ref_id) { |
if (data.files.length > 0) { |
const formData = new FormData() |
|||||| => { |
console.log('test data upload photo', res) |
if (res) |
formData.append("ref_id", ref_id); |
formData.append("files", res); |
}) |
await`${API}/image/employee/upload`, formData).then(response => response).catch(err => err.response) |
} |
} |
} |
editEmployee = async (data) => { |
let url = BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2 + `/employee.php?act=edit&id=${}&role_name=${roleName}`; |
const formData = new FormData(); |
formData.append('name',; |
formData.append('username', data.username); |
formData.append('phone_number', data.phoneNumber); |
formData.append('email',; |
formData.append('address', data.address); |
formData.append('birth_place', data.birthPlace); |
formData.append('birth_date', data.birthDate); |
formData.append('gender', data.currentSelectGender ? data.currentSelectGender.value : ""); |
formData.append('hobby', data.hobby); |
formData.append('blood_type', data.currentSelectBlood ? data.currentSelectBlood.value: ""); |
formData.append('role_id', data.currentSelectRoles ? data.currentSelectRoles.value: ""); |
formData.append('ktp_number', data.nik); |
if(data.password!==""){ |
formData.append('password', data.password); |
} |
if(data.idRoles!==undefined && data.idRoles!==0 && data.idRoles!==null){ |
formData.append('role_id', data.idRoles); |
} |
let result = await, formData) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (!result) { |
return false; |
} |
if(result && result.message!==undefined){ |
if (result.message === "Data Has Been Edited") { |
this.getDataEmployee(); |
NotificationManager.success('Data karyawan berhasil diedit!!', 'Success!!'); |
return true; |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Data karyawan gagal diedit!!', 'Failed!!'); |
return false |
} |
}else{ |
if ( === "Data Has Been Edited") { |
this.getDataEmployee(); |
NotificationManager.success('Data karyawan berhasil diedit!!', 'Success!!'); |
return true; |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Data karyawan gagal diedit!!', 'Failed!!'); |
return false; |
} |
} |
} |
handleEdit = (data) => { |
this.setState({ dataEdit: data }); |
this.handleOpenDialog('Edit'); |
} |
handleDetail = (data) => { |
this.setState({ dataEdit: data }) |
this.handleOpenDialog('View'); |
} |
handleDelete = (id) => { |
this.setState({ alertDelete: true, idDelete: id }); |
} |
onShowSizeChange = (current, pageSize) => { |
this.setState({ rowsPerPage: pageSize }, () => { |
this.getDataEmployee(); |
}) |
} |
onPagination = (current, pageSize) => { |
this.setState({ currentPage: current, page: (current - 1) * pageSize }, () => { |
this.getDataEmployee(); |
}) |
} |
toggle = (param) => { |
if (param === "edit") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipEdit: !prevState.tooltipEdit })) |
} else if (param === "delete") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipDelete: !prevState.tooltipDelete })) |
} else if (param === "detail") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipDetail: !prevState.tooltipDetail })) |
} else if (param === "tambah") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipTambah: !prevState.tooltipTambah })) |
} else if (param === "import") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipImport : !prevState.tooltipImport })) |
} else if (param === "export") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipExport: !prevState.tooltipExport })) |
} |
} |
toggleDropDown = () => { |
this.setState({splitButtonOpen:!this.state.splitButtonOpen}) |
} |
handleDialogImport = () => { |
this.setState({ openDialogImport: true}) |
this.showImportDialog(); |
} |
handleCloseImport = (type, file) => { |
if(type==="import"){ |
if(!file){ |
NotificationManager.error('Silahkan masukan file excel!!', 'Failed!!'); |
return false |
} |
if (/\.(xls?x)$/i.test( === false ) {
NotificationManager.error('File yang dimasukan bukan format excel (.xsl/.xslx)!!', 'Failed!!'); |
return false |
} |
this.importExcel(file); |
}else{ |
this.setState({ openDialogImport:false }); |
} |
} |
toggleImportDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ openDialogImport:!this.state.openDialogImport }) |
} |
importExcel = async (file) => { |
const url = `${BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2}/employee.php?act=import`;
const formData = new FormData(); |
formData.append('file', file); |
const result = await axios |
.post(url, formData) |
.then((res) => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && result.code_status){ |
if (result.code_status === 200) { |
NotificationManager.success('File imported successfully', 'Success Message'); |
this.getDataEmployee(); |
this.setState({openDialogImport: false}); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(, "error message"); |
} |
}else{ |
NotificationManager.error("Import data karyawan gagal!!", "error message"); |
} |
} |
getTemplateExcel = async (event) => { |
event.preventDefault(); |
const url = `${BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2}/dok/template-import-karyawan.xlsx`; |
||||||, "_blank"); |
}; |
handleExportExcel = async () => { |
let start = 0; |
let end = "ALL";
let url = BASE_URL_GEOHR_API2 + `/employee.php?act=get_data&start=${start}&length=${end}&role_name=${roleName}`; |
const formData = new FormData(); |
formData.append('field', this.state.searchDetailField); |
formData.append('value',; |
const result = await axios |
.post(url,formData) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && result.statusText == "OK") { |
const dataRes =|| []; |
const dataExport = []; |
||||||,index)=> { |
let row = { |
||||||, |
Organisasi:val.organization_name || "-", |
Nik:val.ktp_number, |
Username:val.username, |
||||||, |
"Nomor Handphone":val.phone_number, |
"Tanggal Lahir":val.birth_date, |
"Tempat Lahir":val.birth_place, |
"Hobby":val.hobby, |
"Jenis Kelamin":val.gender, |
"Golongan Data":val.blood_type, |
} |
dataExport.push(row); |
}) |
this.setState({ dataExport:dataExport },()=> { |
this.exportExcel(); |
}); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Failed retreiving data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
exportExcel = () => { |
const dataExcel = this.state.dataExport || []; |
const fileName = "Data Karyawan.xlsx"; |
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(dataExcel); |
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); |
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, 'Data Karyawan'); |
XLSX.writeFile(wb, fileName); |
} |
render() { |
const { tooltipTambah,tooltipImport,tooltipExport,tooltipDetail, dataTable, searchDetail, splitButtonOpen, openDialog, currentPage, rowsPerPage, totalPage, search, tooltipEdit, tooltipDelete } = this.state |
let dataTable2 = dataTable || []; |
return ( |
<div> |
<NotificationContainer /> |
<SweetAlert |
show={this.state.alertDelete} |
warning |
showCancel |
confirmBtnText="Delete" |
confirmBtnBsStyle="danger" |
title="Are you sure?" |
onConfirm={this.onConfirmDelete} |
onCancel={() => this.setState({ alertDelete: false, idDelete: 0 })} |
focusCancelBtn |
> |
Data karyawan akan terhapus!! |
</SweetAlert> |
<DialogForm |
openDialog={openDialog} |
closeDialog={this.handleCloseDialog} |
toggleDialog={() => this.toggleAddDialog} |
typeDialog={this.state.typeDialog} |
dataEdit={this.state.dataEdit} |
showDialog={showDialog => this.showChildDialog = showDialog} |
dataHs={this.state.dataIdHo} |
/> |
<DialogImport |
openDialog={this.state.openDialogImport} |
closeDialog={this.handleCloseImport} |
toggleDialog={() => this.toggleImportDialog} |
showDialog={showDialog => this.showImportDialog = showDialog} |
/> |
<Card> |
<CardHeader style={{margin:0}}> |
<Row style={{padding:0,margin:0}}> |
<Col md={7} xs={7}> |
<h4>Karyawan</h4> |
</Col> |
<Col md={3} xs={3}> |
<InputGroup> |
<Input onChange={this.handleSearch} value={search} type="text" name="search" id="search" placeholder={`Search ${searchDetail}`} /> |
<InputGroupButtonDropdown addonType="prepend" |
isOpen={splitButtonOpen} |
toggle={this.toggleDropDown} |
> |
<DropdownToggle split outline /> |
<DropdownMenu> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Nama", |
searchDetailField: "name" |
})}>Nama</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Nomor Handphone", |
searchDetailField: "phone_number" |
})}>Nomor Handphone</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Email", |
searchDetailField: "email" |
})}>Email</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Alamat", |
searchDetailField: "address" |
})}>Alamat</DropdownItem> |
</DropdownMenu> |
</InputGroupButtonDropdown> |
</InputGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={2} xs={2} style={{display:"flex",justifyContent:"space-between"}}> |
<Button id="TooltipTambah" color="success" onClick={() => this.handleOpenDialog('Save')}><i className="fa fa-plus"></i></Button> |
<ButtonDropdown id="TooltipImport" direction="down" isOpen={this.state.aksiDropdown} toggle={() => this.toggleAksiDropdown()}> |
<DropdownToggle color="info" caret > |
<i className="fa fa-cloud-upload"></i> |
</DropdownToggle> |
<DropdownMenu> |
<DropdownItem onClick={() => this.handleDialogImport()}>Import Data Karyawan</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={(e) => this.getTemplateExcel(e)}>Download Template</DropdownItem> |
</DropdownMenu> |
</ButtonDropdown> |
<Button id="TooltipExport" color="primary" onClick={()=> this.handleExportExcel()}><i className="fa fa-print"></i></Button> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipTambah} target="TooltipTambah" toggle={() => this.toggle("tambah")}> |
Tambah |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipImport} target="TooltipImport" toggle={() => this.toggle("import")}> |
Import Excel |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipExport} target="TooltipExport" toggle={() => this.toggle("export")}> |
Export Excel |
</Tooltip> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</CardHeader> |
<CardBody> |
<Table responsive striped hover> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Aksi</th> |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<th key={index} scope="row">{}</th> |
) |
})} |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
{ => { |
return ( |
<tr key={}> |
<td> |
<i id="TooltipDelete" className="cil-trash fa-lg" style={{ color: 'red', marginRight: '10px', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => this.handleDelete(}></i> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipDelete} target="TooltipDelete" toggle={() => this.toggle("delete")}> |
Hapus |
</Tooltip> |
<i id="TooltipEdit" className="cil-pencil fa-lg" style={{ color: 'green', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => this.handleEdit(n)}></i> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipEdit} target="TooltipEdit" toggle={() => this.toggle("edit")}> |
Edit |
</Tooltip> |
<i id="TooltipDetail" style={{ marginLeft: 12, color: "blue", cursor: "pointer", }} onClick={() => this.handleDetail(n)}> |
<Icon style={{ marginBottom: 6 }} color="blue" width={22} height={22} icon={eyeFilled} /> |
</i> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipDetail} target="TooltipDetail" toggle={() => this.toggle("detail")}> |
Detail |
</Tooltip> |
</td> |
<td>{n.organization_name===null ? n.chairman_org || "-" : n.organization_name || "-"}</td> |
<td>{}</td> |
<td>{ || "-"}</td> |
<td>{n.phone_number || "-"}</td> |
</tr> |
) |
})} |
</tbody> |
</Table> |
<Pagination |
showSizeChanger |
onShowSizeChange={this.onShowSizeChange} |
onChange={this.onPagination} |
defaultCurrent={currentPage} |
pageSize={rowsPerPage} |
total={totalPage} |
pageSizeOptions={["10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40"]} |
/> |
</CardBody> |
</Card> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import { Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Col, Row, Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import Select from 'react-select' |
export default class DialogForm extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
openDialog: false, |
type_sales:'B2B', |
name: '', |
email: '', |
address: '', |
username: '', |
phoneNumber: '', |
password:'', |
id: 0, |
idGs:0, |
isParentClick: false, |
file: [], |
fileObj: [], |
fileArray: [], |
dataGs: [], |
currentSelectVal: null, |
} |
} |
async componentDidMount(){ |
this.props.showDialog(this.showDialog); |
this.cekDataGs() |
} |
async componentDidUpdate (){ |
if(this.state.isParentClick===true){ |
await this.cekDataGs() |
if(this.props.typeDialog==="Edit"){ |
let dataGs = this.searchGs(this.props.dataEdit.group_sales); |
idGs:this.props.dataEdit.group_sales, |
||||||, |
||||||, |
type_sales:this.props.dataEdit.type_sales, |
email:, |
address: this.props.dataEdit.address, |
username: this.props.dataEdit.username, |
phoneNumber: this.props.dataEdit.phone_number, |
password:this.props.dataEdit.password, |
currentSelectVal:dataGs |
}) |
}else{ |
id:0, |
name:'', |
type_sales:'B2B', |
email: '', |
address:'', |
username: '', |
phoneNumber: '', |
password: '', |
currentSelectVal:null |
}) |
} |
this.setState({isParentClick:false}); |
} |
} |
searchGs = (idGs) => { |
let getIndex = this.getIndexDataGs(idGs); |
return this.state.dataGs[getIndex]; |
} |
getIndexDataGs = (val) => { |
let index = this.state.dataGs.findIndex(obj => obj.value === val); |
return index |
} |
cekDataGs = () => { |
if(this.state.dataGs.length===0){ |
let data = []; |
||||||,index) => { |
data.push( |
{ |
value:, |
label: |
} |
) |
}); |
this.setState({ dataGs:data }) |
} |
} |
showDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ isParentClick : true }); |
} |
handleSave = () => { |
const { file, name, email, id, address, phoneNumber, password, username, idGs,type_sales } = this.state |
let data = ''; |
if(this.props.typeDialog==="Save"){ |
data = { |
username, |
password, |
phone_number:phoneNumber, |
group_sales:idGs, |
type_sales |
} |
this.props.closeDialog('save', data, file); |
}else{ |
data = { |
id, |
username, |
password, |
phone_number:phoneNumber, |
group_sales:idGs, |
type_sales |
} |
this.props.closeDialog('edit', data, file); |
} |
this.setState({ id:'',username:'',password:'',name:'',email:'',address:'',phoneNumber:'',file:[],idGs:0,type_sales:'B2B',currentSelectVal:null }); |
} |
handleCancel = () => { |
this.setState({ id:'',username:'',password:'',name:'',email:'',address:'',phoneNumber:'',file:[],idGs:0,type_sales:'B2B' }); |
this.props.closeDialog('cancel', 'none', 'none') |
} |
uploadMultipleImage = (event) => { |
this.setState({ fileObj: [...this.state.fileObj,],file: [...this.state.file,] }, ()=> { |
this.setUrl() |
}) |
} |
setUrl = () => { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.state.fileObj[0].length; i++) { |
this.setState({ fileArray: [...this.state.fileArray, URL.createObjectURL(this.state.fileObj[0][i])],fileObj:[] }) |
} |
} |
handleSelectGs = (inputValue, actionMeta) => { |
this.setState({ idGs:inputValue.value,currentSelectVal:{ value:inputValue.value,label:inputValue.label } }) |
} |
handleTypeSales = (e) => { |
this.setState({ }) |
} |
renderForm = () => { |
return( |
<Form> |
<Row form> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label for="exampleEmail">Group Sales </Label> |
<Select options={this.state.dataGs} onChange={this.handleSelectGs} value={this.state.currentSelectVal} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label for="examplePassword">Username</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={this.state.username} onChange={(e)=> this.setState({ })} placeholder="username " /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row form> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label for="exampleEmail">Password </Label> |
<Input type="password" value={this.state.password} onChange={(e)=> this.setState({ })} placeholder="password" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label for="examplePassword">Name</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={} onChange={(e)=> this.setState({ })} placeholder="name " /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row form> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label for="exampleEmail">Email</Label> |
<Input type="email" value={} onChange={(e)=> this.setState({ })} placeholder="email" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label for="examplePassword">Address</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={this.state.address} onChange={(e)=> this.setState({ })} placeholder="address " /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<Row form> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label for="exampleEmail">Phone Number</Label> |
<Input type="number"value={this.state.phoneNumber} onChange={(e)=> this.setState({ })} placeholder="phone number" /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<Label>Type Sales</Label> |
<Row> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup check> |
<Label check> |
<Input type="radio" name="radioTypeC" value="B2B" onChange={this.handleTypeSales} checked={this.state.type_sales==="B2B"} />{' '} |
B2B |
</Label> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col md={6}> |
<FormGroup check> |
<Label check> |
<Input type="radio" name="radioTypeC" value="B2C" onChange={this.handleTypeSales} checked={this.state.type_sales==="B2C"} />{' '} |
B2C |
</Label> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
<FormGroup> |
<div style={{overflowY:"auto "}}> |
{(this.state.fileArray || []).map((url,index) => ( |
<img key={index} src={url} alt="..." style={{ maxWidth:"150px",maxHeight:"150px" }} /> |
))} |
</div> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label for="exampleAddress">Images</Label> |
<Input type="file" onChange={this.uploadMultipleImage} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
render() { |
return ( |
<Modal isOpen={this.props.openDialog} toggle={this.props.toggleDialog} size="xl"> |
<ModalHeader toggle={this.props.closeDialog}>Add Sales</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{this.renderForm()} |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => this.handleSave()}>{this.props.typeDialog}</Button>{' '} |
<Button color="secondary" onClick={() => this.handleCancel()}>Cancel</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { Card, CardBody, CardHeader, Col, Row, Table, Input, Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter, FormGroup, Label } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Button } from 'reactstrap'; |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import SweetAlert from 'react-bootstrap-sweetalert'; |
import DialogForm from './DialogForm'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager} from 'react-notifications'; |
import { Pagination } from 'antd'; |
import { Icon, InlineIcon } from '@iconify/react'; |
import settingOutlined from '@iconify/icons-ant-design/setting-outlined'; |
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom' |
import Select from 'react-select' |
import { SketchPicker } from 'react-color'; |
const BASE_URL = ""; |
const column = [ |
{ name: "Group Sales" }, |
{ name: "Name" }, |
{ name: "Phone Number" }, |
{ name: "Email" }, |
{ name: "Address" }, |
] |
const layerSales = [ |
{ |
"id": 1, |
"rule_name": "sales yang incomenya lebih dari 1000000", |
"style": { |
"fill_color": "#22194D", |
}, |
"rule": { |
"column": "income", |
"operator": ">", |
"value": 1000000, |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": 2, |
"rule_name": "sales yang punya nama mohammad", |
"style": { |
"fill_color": "#22194D", |
}, |
"rule": { |
"column": "name", |
"operator": "like", |
"value": "mohammad" |
} |
}, |
] |
const options = [ |
{ value: 'group-sales', label: 'Group Sales' }, |
{ value: 'name', label: 'Name' }, |
{ value: 'phone-number', label: 'Phone Number' }, |
{ value: 'email', label: 'Email' }, |
{ value: 'address', label: 'Address' } |
] |
const logicOperator = [ |
{ value: '>', label: '>' }, |
{ value: '>=', label: '>=' }, |
{ value: '<', label: '<' }, |
{ value: '<=', label: '<=' }, |
{ value: '==', label: '==' }, |
{ value: '<>', label: '<>' }, |
] |
const LENGTH_DATA = 10 |
export default class SettingSales extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
dataTable: [], |
openDialog: false, |
typeDialog: 'Save', |
dataEdit: null, |
alertDelete: false, |
idDelete: 0, |
dataGs: [], |
search: "", |
page: 0, |
rowsPerPage: LENGTH_DATA, |
currentPage: 1, |
totalPage: 0, |
layersSales: [], |
modalEdit: false, |
modalAdd: false, |
id: 0, |
fill_color: "#000", |
column: "", |
operator: "", |
value: "", |
dataEdit: null, |
} |
} |
async componentDidMount (){ |
this.getRuleSales() |
} |
async componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState){ |
const { search } = this.state |
if (search !== this.getRuleSales() |
} |
handleOpenDialog = (type) => { |
this.setState({modalEdit: true, typeDialog: type }) |
this.handleSetData() |
} |
handleSetData = () => { |
const { dataEdit, typeDialog} = this.state |
if(typeDialog === "Edit") { |
this.setState({ |
id:, |
rule_name: dataEdit.rule_name, |
fill_color:, |
column: dataEdit.rule.column, |
value: dataEdit.rule.value, |
operator: dataEdit.rule.operator |
}) |
} else { |
this.setState({ |
id: 0, |
rule_name: "", |
fill_color: "#000", |
column: null, |
value:"", |
operator: null |
}) |
} |
} |
handleEdit = (data) => { |
this.setState({dataEdit: data}) |
this.handleOpenDialog('Edit') |
console.log('test data edit', data) |
} |
handleCancel = () => { |
this.setState({ |
rule_name: "", |
fill_color: "#000", |
column: null, |
value:"", |
operator: null, |
modalEdit: false |
}) |
} |
handleSave = () => { |
this.setState({ |
rule_name: "", |
fill_color: "#000", |
column: null, |
value:"", |
operator: null, |
modalEdit: false }) |
} |
toggleAdd = () => { |
this.setState({modalAdd: !this.state.modalAdd}) |
} |
getRuleSales = () => { |
this.setState({layersSales: layerSales}) |
} |
handleChangeComplete = (color, event) => { |
console.log('handleChangeComplete',color, event); |
this.setState({fill_color: color.hex}); |
} |
render() { |
const {layersSales, modalEdit, modalAdd, search, openDialog, currentPage, rowsPerPage,totalPage, dataTable } = this.state |
let noSeq = 0; |
return ( |
<div> |
<NotificationContainer/> |
<SweetAlert |
show={this.state.alertDelete} |
warning |
showCancel |
confirmBtnText="Delete" |
confirmBtnBsStyle="danger" |
title="Are you sure?" |
onConfirm={()=> this.setState({ alertDelete:false })} |
onCancel={()=> this.setState({ alertDelete:false })} |
focusCancelBtn |
> |
Rule sales akan terhapus!! |
</SweetAlert> |
<Card> |
<CardHeader style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}> |
<h4>Rules Sales</h4> |
<div> |
<Button onClick={this.handleOpenDialog} color="primary" >Add Rule</Button> |
</div> |
</CardHeader> |
<CardBody> |
{ => { |
return( |
<Row key={}> |
<Col > |
<Card className="layer-list"> |
<CardBody> |
<Row> |
<Col xs={2}> |
<div style={{width: 20, height: 20, backgroundColor: }} /> |
</Col> |
<Col xs={8} > |
<span className="layer-title">{n.rule_name}</span> |
</Col> |
<Col > |
<div style={{ flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "flex-end", }}> |
<Button onClick={()=> this.handleEdit(n)} color="success">Edit</Button> |
<Button onClick={()=> this.setState({alertDelete: true})} style={{ marginLeft: 16 }} color="danger">Hapus</Button> |
</div> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</CardBody> |
</Card> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
) |
}) |
} |
</CardBody> |
</Card> |
<Modal isOpen={modalEdit} toggle={this.handleCancel} > |
<ModalHeader toggle={modalEdit}>Edit Rule Name</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
<div className="modal-body-container"> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Layer Name</Label> |
<Input value={this.state.rule_name} onChange={(e)=> this.setState({ rule_name })} /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Fill Color</Label> |
<SketchPicker |
color={ this.state.fill_color } |
onChangeComplete={ this.handleChangeColorComplete } |
/> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Rule</Label> |
<Row> |
<Col > |
<Select value={this.state.column} options={options} /> |
</Col> |
<Col> |
<Select value={this.state.operator} options={logicOperator} /> |
</Col> |
<Col > |
<Input value={this.state.value} onChange={(e)=> this.setState({ value })} /> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</FormGroup> |
</div> |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={this.handleSave}>Update</Button>{' '} |
<Button color="secondary" onClick={this.handleCancel}>Cancel</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
{/* <Modal isOpen={modalAdd} toggle={this.toggleAdd} > |
<ModalHeader toggle={modalEdit}>Add Rule Name</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
<div className="modal-body-container"> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Rule Name</Label> |
<Input /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Fill Color</Label> |
<SketchPicker /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Rule</Label> |
<Row> |
<Col> |
<Select options={options} /> |
</Col> |
<Col> |
<Select options={logicOperator} /> |
</Col> |
<Col xs={5}> |
<Input /> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</FormGroup> |
</div> |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={this.toggleAdd}>Save</Button>{' '} |
<Button color="secondary" onClick={this.toggleAdd}>Cancel</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> */} |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,399 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { Card, CardBody, CardHeader, Col, Row, Table, Input, InputGroup, InputGroupButtonDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownItem, DropdownMenu } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Button } from 'reactstrap'; |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import SweetAlert from 'react-bootstrap-sweetalert'; |
import DialogForm from './DialogForm'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import { Pagination } from 'antd'; |
import { Icon, InlineIcon } from '@iconify/react'; |
import settingOutlined from '@iconify/icons-ant-design/setting-outlined'; |
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; |
import { Tooltip } from 'reactstrap'; |
const BASE_URL = ""; |
const column = [ |
{ name: "Group Sales" }, |
{ name: "Name" }, |
{ name: "Phone Number" }, |
{ name: "Email" }, |
{ name: "Address" }, |
] |
const LENGTH_DATA = 10 |
export default class index extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
dataTable: [], |
openDialog: false, |
typeDialog: 'Save', |
dataEdit: null, |
alertDelete: false, |
idDelete: 0, |
dataGs: [], |
search: "", |
page: 0, |
rowsPerPage: LENGTH_DATA, |
currentPage: 1, |
totalPage: 0, |
splitButtonOpen: false, |
dropdownOpen: false, |
searchDetail: "All", |
searchDetailField: "name", |
tooltipDelete: false, |
tooltipEdit: false |
} |
} |
async componentDidMount() { |
this.getDataSales(); |
this.getDataGroupSales(); |
} |
async componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { |
const { search } = this.state |
if (search !== this.getDataSales() |
} |
getDataGroupSales = async () => { |
let url = BASE_URL + "group-sales/search"; |
const obj = { |
"paging": { "start": 0, "length": -1 }, |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "name", |
"logic_operator": "ilike", |
"value": "", |
"operator": "and" |
} |
], |
"orders": { "columns": ["name"], "ascending": true } |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(url, obj) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && == "OK") { |
this.setState({ dataGs: }); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Failed retreiving data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
getDataSales = async () => { |
const { searchDetail, searchDetailField } = this.state |
let url = BASE_URL + "sales/search"; |
let start = 0 |
if (this.state.currentPage !== 1) { |
start = (this.state.currentPage * this.state.rowsPerPage) - this.state.rowsPerPage |
} |
const obj = { |
"paging": { "start": start, "length": this.state.rowsPerPage }, |
...searchDetail === "All" && |
{ |
"filter_columns": [ |
{ "name": "name", "value": }, |
{ "name": "phone_number", "value": }, |
{ "name": "email", "value": }, |
{ "name": "address", "value": }, |
{ "name": "name", "value":, "table_name": "m_group_sales" }, |
], |
}, |
...searchDetail !== "All" && searchDetail !== "Group Sales" && |
{ |
"columns": [ |
{ "name": searchDetailField, "logic_operator": "ilike", "operator": "and", "value": } |
] |
}, |
...searchDetail === "Group Sales" && |
{ |
"columns": [ |
{ "name": searchDetailField, "logic_operator": "ilike", "operator": "and", "value":, "table_name": "m_group_sales" } |
] |
}, |
"joins": [ |
{ "name": "group_sales", "column_results": ["name", "description"] } |
], |
"orders": { "columns": ["name"], "ascending": true } |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(url, obj) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && == "OK") { |
this.setState({ dataTable:, totalPage: }); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Failed retreiving data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
handleOpenDialog = (type) => { |
this.setState({ openDialog: true, typeDialog: type }) |
this.showChildDialog(); |
} |
handleCloseDialog = (type, data, files) => { |
if (type === "save") { |
this.saveSales(data, files); |
} else if (type === "edit") { |
this.editSales(data, files); |
this.uploadImage(files,; |
} |
this.setState({ openDialog: false }) |
} |
toggleAddDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ openDialog: !this.state.openDialog }) |
} |
onConfirmDelete = async () => { |
const { idDelete } = this.state |
let url = BASE_URL + `sales/${idDelete}/delete`; |
const result = await axios.delete(url) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === "OK") { |
this.getDataSales() |
this.setState({ idDelete: 0, alertDelete: false }) |
NotificationManager.success('Data group sales berhasil dihapus!!', 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
this.setState({ idDelete: 0, alertDelete: false }) |
NotificationManager.error('Data group sales galal dihapus!!', 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
saveSales = async (obj, files) => { |
let url = BASE_URL + "sales/add"; |
let data = JSON.stringify(obj); |
const result = await, data) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === "OK") { |
let ref_id = parseInt(; |
this.uploadImage(files, ref_id); |
NotificationManager.success('Data sales berhasil ditambahkan!!', 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
editSales = async (data) => { |
let url = BASE_URL + `sales/${}/edit`; |
const obj = JSON.stringify(data); |
const result = await axios.put(url, obj) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === "OK") { |
this.getDataSales(); |
NotificationManager.success('Data sales berhasil diedit!!', 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Data sales galal diedit!!', 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
uploadImage = async (files, idRef) => { |
if (files.length > 0) { |
let promises = []; |
let response = []; |
let url = BASE_URL + `image/m_sales/upload`; |
||||||, index) => { |
let formData = new FormData(); |
formData.append("ref_id", idRef); |
formData.append("files", val[0]); |
promises.push(, formData) |
.then(res => { response.push(res) })) |
}) |
await Promise.all(promises); |
} |
this.getDataSales() |
} |
handleEdit = (data) => { |
this.setState({ dataEdit: data }); |
this.handleOpenDialog('Edit'); |
} |
handleDelete = (id) => { |
this.setState({ alertDelete: true, idDelete: id }); |
} |
onShowSizeChange = (current, pageSize) => { |
this.setState({ rowsPerPage: pageSize }, () => { |
this.getDataSales(); |
}) |
} |
onPagination = (current, pageSize) => { |
this.setState({ currentPage: current, page: (current - 1) * pageSize }, () => { |
this.getDataSales(); |
}) |
} |
handleSearch = e => { |
const value = |
this.setState({ search: value, currentPage: 1 }) |
}; |
toggleDropDown = () => { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ splitButtonOpen: !prevState.splitButtonOpen })) |
} |
toggle = (param) => { |
if (param === "edit") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipEdit: !prevState.tooltipEdit })) |
} else if (param === "delete") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipDelete: !prevState.tooltipDelete })) |
} |
} |
render() { |
const { search, openDialog, currentPage, rowsPerPage, totalPage, dataTable, splitButtonOpen, searchDetail, tooltipDelete, tooltipEdit } = this.state |
let noSeq = 0; |
return ( |
<div> |
<NotificationContainer /> |
<SweetAlert |
show={this.state.alertDelete} |
warning |
showCancel |
confirmBtnText="Delete" |
confirmBtnBsStyle="danger" |
title="Are you sure?" |
onConfirm={this.onConfirmDelete} |
onCancel={() => this.setState({ alertDelete: false, idDelete: 0 })} |
focusCancelBtn |
> |
Data group sales akan terhapus!! |
</SweetAlert> |
<DialogForm |
openDialog={openDialog} |
closeDialog={this.handleCloseDialog} |
toggleDialog={() => this.toggleAddDialog} |
typeDialog={this.state.typeDialog} |
dataEdit={this.state.dataEdit} |
showDialog={showDialog => this.showChildDialog = showDialog} |
dataGs={this.state.dataGs} |
/> |
<Card> |
<CardHeader style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}> |
<h4>Sales</h4> |
<div> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => this.handleOpenDialog('Save')}>Add Sales</Button> |
<Link style={{ marginLeft: 16 }} to="/sales/setting-sales"> |
<Icon width={35} height={35} icon={settingOutlined} /> |
</Link> |
</div> |
</CardHeader> |
<CardBody> |
<InputGroup style={{ maxWidth: "200px", marginBottom: "20px" }}> |
<Input onChange={this.handleSearch} value={search} type="text" name="search" id="search" placeholder={`Search ${searchDetail}`} /> |
<InputGroupButtonDropdown addonType="prepend" |
isOpen={splitButtonOpen} |
toggle={this.toggleDropDown} |
> |
<DropdownToggle split outline /> |
<DropdownMenu> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "All", |
searchDetailField: "name" |
})}>All</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Name", |
searchDetailField: "name" |
})}>Name</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Group Sales", |
searchDetailField: "name" |
})}>Group Sales</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Phone Number", |
searchDetailField: "phone_number" |
})}>Phone Number</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Email", |
searchDetailField: "email" |
})}>Email</DropdownItem> |
<DropdownItem onClick={ |
() => this.setState({ |
searchDetail: "Address", |
searchDetailField: "address" |
})}>Address</DropdownItem> |
</DropdownMenu> |
</InputGroupButtonDropdown> |
</InputGroup> |
<Table responsive striped hover> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>Actions</th> |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<th key={index} scope="row">{}</th> |
) |
})} |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
{ => { |
return ( |
<tr key={}> |
<td> |
{/* delete */} |
<i id="TooltipDelete" className="cil-trash fa-lg" style={{ color: 'red', marginRight: '10px', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => this.handleDelete(}></i> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipDelete} target="TooltipDelete" toggle={() => this.toggle("delete")}> |
Delete |
</Tooltip> |
{/* edit */} |
<i id="TooltipEdit" className="cil-pencil fa-lg" style={{ color: 'green', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => this.handleEdit(n)}></i> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={tooltipEdit} target="TooltipEdit" toggle={() => this.toggle("edit")}> |
Edit |
</Tooltip> |
</td> |
<td>{n.join.group_sales_name}</td> |
<td>{}</td> |
<td>{n.phone_number}</td> |
<td>{}</td> |
<td>{n.address}</td> |
</tr> |
) |
})} |
</tbody> |
</Table> |
<Pagination |
showSizeChanger |
onShowSizeChange={this.onShowSizeChange} |
onChange={this.onPagination} |
defaultCurrent={currentPage} |
pageSize={rowsPerPage} |
total={totalPage} |
pageSizeOptions={["10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40"]} |
/> |
</CardBody> |
</Card> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import DataTable from '../../../components/DataTable' |
const columns = [{ |
dataField: 'id', |
alias: "Id", |
showInput: false, |
type: "number", |
state: 0 |
}, { |
dataField: 'subdistrict_name', |
alias: "Subdistrict Name", |
showInput: true, |
type: "text", |
state: "" |
}, { |
dataField: 'last_updated', |
alias: "Last Updated", |
showInput: false, |
type: "text", |
state: "" |
}]; |
class MasterSubdistrict extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = {} |
} |
componentDidMount() {} |
render() { |
return ( |
<div> |
<DataTable |
title="Subdistrict" |
columns={columns} |
/> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
export default MasterSubdistrict; |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"name": "MasterSubdistrict", |
"version": "0.0.0", |
"private": true, |
"main": "./MasterSubdistrict.js" |
} |
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import DataTable from '../../../components/DataTable' |
const columns = [{ |
dataField: 'id', |
alias: "Id", |
showInput: false, |
type: "number", |
state: 0 |
}, { |
dataField: 'village_name', |
alias: "Village Name", |
showInput: true, |
type: "text", |
state: "" |
}, { |
dataField: 'last_updated', |
alias: "Last Updated", |
showInput: false, |
type: "text", |
state: "" |
}]; |
class MasterVillage extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = {} |
} |
componentDidMount() {} |
render() { |
return ( |
<div> |
<DataTable |
title="VILLAGE" |
columns={columns} |
/> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
export default MasterVillage; |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"name": "MasterVillage", |
"version": "0.0.0", |
"private": true, |
"main": "./MasterVillage.js" |
} |
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import { Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Col, Row, Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import Select from 'react-select' |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import { TimePicker } from 'antd'; |
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; |
export default class DialogForm extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
id: 0, |
lat:"", |
lon:"", |
status:"", |
name:"", |
openDialog: false, |
isParentClick: false, |
disable: false |
} |
} |
async componentDidMount(){ |
this.props.showDialog(this.showDialog); |
} |
async componentDidUpdate (){ |
if(this.state.isParentClick===true){ |
const { dataEdit } = this.props |
console.log("cek", dataEdit); |
||||||, |
||||||, |
lon:dataEdit.lon, |
status:dataEdit.status_response, |
name:dataEdit.employee_name |
}) |
this.setState({isParentClick:false}); |
} |
} |
showDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ isParentClick : true }); |
} |
handleSave = () => { |
const {
lat, |
lon, |
status, |
id |
} = this.state |
let data = { |
lat, |
lon, |
status_response:status, |
id |
} |
this.props.closeDialog('save', data); |
this.setState({ id:0,lat:"",lon:"",status:'active' }); |
} |
handleCancel = () => { |
this.props.closeDialog('cancel', 'none') |
} |
renderForm = () => { |
return( |
<Form> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Name</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={} readOnly /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Status Approval</Label> |
<Input type="select" disabled={this.state.disable} value={this.state.status} onChange={(e)=>this.setState({ })}> |
<option value="active">Active</option> |
<option value="non active">Non Active</option> |
</Input> |
</FormGroup> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
render() { |
return ( |
<Modal isOpen={this.props.openDialog} toggle={this.props.toggleDialog}> |
<ModalHeader toggle={this.props.closeDialog}>Edit Status Response</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{this.renderForm()} |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => this.handleSave()}>Save</Button>{' '} |
<Button color="secondary" onClick={() => this.handleCancel()}>Cancel</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import { Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Col, Row, Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import Map from './Map' |
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; |
const ERROR_LATLON = "Geom cannot be empty" |
const ERROR_COMPANY = "Company cannot be empty" |
const ERROR_NAME = "name cannot be empty" |
const ERROR_RADIUS = "Buffer Radius cannot be empty" |
export default class DialogForm extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
id: 0, |
lat:0, |
lon:0, |
openDialog: false, |
isParentClick: false, |
} |
} |
async componentDidMount(){ |
this.props.showDialog(this.showDialog); |
} |
async componentDidUpdate (){ |
if(this.state.isParentClick===true){ |
const { dataMap } = this.props |
||||||, |
lon:dataMap.lon |
}) |
this.setState({isParentClick:false}); |
} |
} |
showDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ isParentClick : true }); |
} |
handleSave = () => { |
} |
handleCancel = () => { |
this.props.closeDialog('cancel', 'none') |
} |
getLocation = (param) => { |
console.log(`getLocation`, param) |
this.setState({ |
latlonMessage: param != "" ? "" : ERROR_LATLON, |
lat:, |
lon: param.lng, |
latlon: `lat:${} lng:${param.lng}` |
}) |
} |
renderForm = () => { |
return( |
<div style={{ width: '100%', minHeight: '100px' }}> |
<Map method={'View'} getLocation={this.getLocation} lat={} lng={this.state.lon} /> |
</div> |
) |
} |
render() { |
return ( |
<Modal isOpen={this.props.openDialog} toggle={this.props.toggleDialog}> |
<ModalHeader toggle={this.props.closeDialog}>Map</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{this.renderForm()} |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
{/* <Button color="primary" onClick={() => this.handleSave()}>{this.props.typeDialog}</Button>{' '} */} |
<Button color="secondary" onClick={() => this.handleCancel()}>Close</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' |
import { Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input, Col, Row } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Select, Table } from 'antd' |
import { BASE_SIMPRO } from '../../../const/ApiConst'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
const { Option } = Select |
const DialogView = ({ openDialog, closeDialog, toggleDialog, dataPlanning, nameProyekParent }) => { |
const token = localStorage.getItem("token") |
const HEADER = { |
headers: { |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
"Authorization": `Bearer ${token}` |
} |
} |
const [dataPlan, setDataPlan] = useState([]); |
useEffect(() => { |
setDataPlan(dataPlanning) |
}, [dataPlanning]); |
const RenderTableLaporanPlan = (tableData) => { |
const columns = [ |
{ |
title: 'Tanggal', |
dataIndex: 'tanggal', |
key: 'tanggal', |
render: (text, record) => <>{moment(text.tanggal).format("YYYY-MM-DD")}</>, |
}, |
{ title: 'Jumlah Pekerja', dataIndex: 'jumlah_pekerjaan', key: 'jumlah_pekerjaan' }, |
{ title: 'Status', dataIndex: 'status', key: 'status' }, |
{ title: 'deskripsi', dataIndex: 'deskripsi', key: 'deskripsi' }, |
]; |
return ( |
<Table |
size="small" |
columns={columns} |
dataSource={tableData} |
/> |
) |
} |
const RenderTablePlan = useMemo(() => { |
let idx = 0 |
const columns = [ |
title: 'No',
dataIndex: 'no',
key: 'id',
render: (text, record) => <>{idx+1}</>, |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Waspang', |
dataIndex: 'created_by', |
key: 'created_by', |
render: (text, record) => <>{record.created_by}</>, |
}, |
{ title: 'Jumlah Pekerjaan', dataIndex: 'jumlah_pekerjaan', key: 'jumlah_pekerjaan' }, |
{ |
title: 'Deskripsi', |
dataIndex: 'deskripsi', |
key: 'deskripsi', |
render: (text, record) => <>{record.deskripsi}</>, |
}, |
]; |
return ( |
<Table |
size="small" |
columns={columns} |
expandable={{ |
expandedRowRender: record => RenderTableLaporanPlan(record.realisasi), |
rowExpandable: record => record.realisasi, |
}} |
dataSource={dataPlan} |
/> |
) |
}, [dataPlan]) |
return ( |
<Modal size="xl" isOpen={openDialog} toggle={toggleDialog}> |
<ModalHeader className="capitalize" toggle={closeDialog}>View Realisasi</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{RenderTablePlan} |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
{/* <Button color="primary" onClick={() => handleSave()}>{typeDialog}</Button>{' '} */} |
<Button className="capitalize" color="secondary" onClick={closeDialog}>Close</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
export default DialogView; |
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useState, useRef, useMemo, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react' |
import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker, Popup, Polygon } from 'react-leaflet' |
const center = { |
lat: -6.200000, |
lng: 106.816666 |
} |
const DraggableMarker = (props) => { |
const { method } = props |
let lat = |
let lng = props.lng |
const currentPos = [lat, lng] |
console.log(`currentPos`, currentPos) |
const [draggable, setDraggable] = useState(true) |
const [position, setPosition] = useState(center) |
const markerRef = useRef(null) |
const eventHandlers = useMemo( |
() => ({ |
dragend() { |
const marker = markerRef.current |
if (marker != null) { |
setPosition(marker.getLatLng()) |
props.getLocation(marker.getLatLng()) |
} |
}, |
}), |
[], |
) |
return ( |
<> |
{method === "View" && ( |
<Marker |
eventHandlers={eventHandlers} |
position={currentPos} |
ref={markerRef}> |
</Marker> |
)} |
{method === "Edit" && ( |
<Marker |
draggable={draggable} |
eventHandlers={eventHandlers} |
position={currentPos ? currentPos : position} |
ref={markerRef}> |
</Marker> |
)} |
{method === "Save" && ( |
<Marker |
draggable={draggable} |
eventHandlers={eventHandlers} |
position={position} |
ref={markerRef}> |
</Marker> |
)} |
</> |
) |
} |
const purpleOptions = { color: 'purple' } |
const RenderMap = (props) => { |
let lat = |
let lng = props.lng |
const currentPos = (lat !== "" && lng !== "") ? [lat, lng] : center |
return ( |
<MapContainer center={currentPos} zoom={13} scrollWheelZoom={false} style={{ height: '70vh' }}> |
{/* <Polygon pathOptions={purpleOptions} positions={polygon} /> */} |
<TileLayer |
attribution='© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' |
url="https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" |
/> |
<DraggableMarker {...props} /> |
</MapContainer> |
) |
} |
export default RenderMap; |
@ -1,608 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { Card, CardBody, CardHeader, Col, Row, Table, Input, InputGroup } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Button } from 'reactstrap'; |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import SweetAlert from 'react-bootstrap-sweetalert'; |
import DialogForm from './DialogForm'; |
import DialogEdit from './DialogEdit'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import { Pagination, Tooltip } from 'antd'; |
import { DatePicker } from 'antd'; |
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx'; |
import { PLANNING_REALISASI_SEARCH, PLANNING_SEARCH } from '../../../const/ApiConst.js'; |
import DialogView from './DialogView'; |
const { RangePicker } = DatePicker; |
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('token'); |
const config = { |
Authorization : `Bearer ${token}`, |
"Content-type" : `application/json` |
} |
}; |
const proyek_id = localStorage.getItem('proyek_id'); |
const role_id = localStorage.getItem('role_id'); |
const column = [ |
{ name: "No" }, |
{ name: "Proyek" }, |
{ name: "Pekerjaan" }, |
{ name: "Target" }, |
{ name: "Actual" }, |
{ name: "Team Leader" }, |
{ name: "Waspang" }, |
{ name: "Tanggal" }, |
{ name: "Lihat" }, |
] |
const LENGTH_DATA = 10 |
export default class index extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
dataTable: [], |
dataExport: [], |
openDialog: false, |
openDialogEdit:false, |
typeDialog: 'Save', |
dataEdit: null, |
alertDelete: false, |
idDelete: 0, |
dataGs: [], |
dataIdHo: [], |
search: "", |
page: 0, |
rowsPerPage: LENGTH_DATA, |
currentPage: 1, |
totalPage: 0, |
tooltipMap: false, |
tooltipDelete: false, |
typeClock: "All", |
startDate:moment(moment().format("YYYY-M-D")), |
endDate:moment(moment().format("YYYY-M-D")), |
currentDay: 'today', |
dataMap:"", |
tooltipExport:false, |
openDialogPlan: false, |
dataRealisasi: [] |
} |
} |
async componentDidMount() { |
this.getDataReportPlanning(); |
} |
async componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { |
const { search,startDate,dataExport } = this.state |
if (search !== this.getDataReportPlanning() |
if (startDate !== prevState.startDate) this.getDataReportPlanning() |
if (dataExport !== prevState.dataExport){ |
if(dataExport.length > 0){ |
this.exportExcel() |
} |
} |
} |
handleSearch = e => { |
const value = |
this.setState({ search: value, currentPage: 1 }) |
}; |
getDataReportPlanning = async () => { |
let start = 0; |
if (this.state.currentPage !== 1 && this.state.currentPage > 1) { |
start = (this.state.currentPage * this.state.rowsPerPage) - this.state.rowsPerPage |
} |
let dateStart = moment(this.state.startDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00"); |
let dateEnd = moment(this.state.endDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:59"); |
const formData = { |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "created_at", |
"logic_operator": "range", |
"value": dateStart, |
"value1": dateEnd, |
"operator": "AND" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "nama", |
"logic_operator": "ilike", |
"value":, |
"operator": "AND", |
} |
], |
"joins": [ |
{ |
"name": "m_proyek", |
"column_join": "proyek_id", |
"column_results": [ |
"nama", |
"biaya", |
"color_progress", |
"jumlah_pekerja", |
"pic", |
"mulai_proyek", |
"akhir_proyek" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "m_subproyek", |
"column_join": "subproyek_id", |
"column_results": [ |
"nama", |
"biaya", |
"color_progress", |
"jumlah_pekerja", |
"pic", |
"mulai_proyek", |
"akhir_proyek" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "m_users", |
"column_join": "user_id", |
"column_results": [ |
"name", |
"username", |
"email", |
"phone_number", |
"gender" |
] |
} |
], |
"orders": { |
"columns": [ |
"planning_id" |
], |
"ascending": true |
}, |
"paging": { |
"start": start, |
"length": this.state.rowsPerPage |
} |
} |
if(parseInt(role_id)!==1){ |
formData.columns.push( |
{ |
"name": "id", |
"logic_operator": "=", |
"value": proyek_id, |
"operator": "AND", |
"table_name": "m_proyek" |
} |
) |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(PLANNING_REALISASI_SEARCH, formData, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && &&{ |
console.log("cek res planning", |
this.setState({ dataTable:, totalPage: }); |
}else{ |
NotificationManager.error('Gagal Menerima Data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
handleCloseDialogPlan = () => { |
this.setState({openDialogPlan: false}) |
} |
handleOpenDialogPlan = (param) => { |
this.setState({openDialogPlan: true}) |
this.setState({dataRealisasi: param.realisasi}) |
} |
toggleAddDialogPlan = () => { |
this.setState({openDialogPlan: !this.stateopenDialogPlan}) |
} |
handleOpenDialog = (type) => { |
if(type==="Map"){ |
this.setState({ openDialog: true }) |
this.showChildDialog(); |
}else{ |
this.setState({ openDialogEdit: true }) |
this.showDialogEdit(); |
} |
} |
handleCloseDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ openDialog: false }) |
} |
handleCloseDialogEdit = (type, data) => { |
if(type==="save"){ |
this.updateStatusResponse(data); |
} |
this.setState({ openDialogEdit: false }) |
} |
toggleMapDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ openDialog: !this.state.openDialog }) |
} |
toggleEditDialog = () => { |
this.setState({ openDialogEdit:!this.state.openDialogEdit }); |
} |
handleMap = data => { |
this.setState({ dataMap: data }); |
this.handleOpenDialog('Map'); |
} |
handleEdit = data => { |
this.setState({ dataEdit:data }); |
this.handleOpenDialog('Edit'); |
} |
handleDelete = (id) => { |
this.setState({ alertDelete: true, idDelete: id }); |
} |
onShowSizeChange = (current, pageSize) => { |
this.setState({ rowsPerPage: pageSize }, () => { |
this.getDataReportPlanning(); |
}) |
} |
onPagination = (current, pageSize) => { |
this.setState({ currentPage: current, page: (current - 1) * pageSize }, () => { |
this.getDataReportPlanning(); |
}) |
} |
toggle = (param) => { |
if (param === "map") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipMap: !prevState.tooltipMap })) |
}else if(param==="edit"){ |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipEdit: !prevState.tooltipEdit })) |
} else if (param === "delete") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipDelete: !prevState.tooltipDelete })) |
} else if (param === "export") { |
this.setState(prevState => ({ tooltipExport: !prevState.tooltipExport })) |
} |
} |
handleDatePicker = (date, dateString) => { |
this.setState({ startDate:date[0],endDate:date[1] },()=>{ |
this.getDataReportPlanning(); |
}) |
} |
handleTipe = (e) => { |
this.setState({ }, () => { |
this.getDataReportPlanning(); |
}); |
} |
handleExportExcel = async () => { |
let dateStart = moment(this.state.startDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00"); |
let dateEnd = moment(this.state.endDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:59"); |
const payload = { |
"columns": [ |
{ |
"name": "created_at", |
"logic_operator": "range", |
"value": dateStart, |
"value1": dateEnd, |
"operator": "AND" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "nama", |
"logic_operator": "ilike", |
"value":, |
"operator": "AND", |
} |
], |
"joins": [ |
{ |
"name": "m_proyek", |
"column_join": "proyek_id", |
"column_results": [ |
"nama", |
"biaya", |
"color_progress", |
"jumlah_pekerja", |
"pic", |
"mulai_proyek", |
"akhir_proyek" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "m_subproyek", |
"column_join": "subproyek_id", |
"column_results": [ |
"nama", |
"biaya", |
"color_progress", |
"jumlah_pekerja", |
"pic", |
"mulai_proyek", |
"akhir_proyek" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"name": "m_users", |
"column_join": "user_id", |
"column_results": [ |
"name", |
"username", |
"email", |
"phone_number", |
"gender" |
] |
} |
], |
"orders": { |
"columns": [ |
"planning_id" |
], |
"ascending": true |
}, |
"paging": { |
"start": 0, |
"length": -1 |
} |
} |
if(parseInt(role_id)!==1){ |
payload.columns.push( |
{ |
"name": "id", |
"logic_operator": "=", |
"value": proyek_id, |
"operator": "AND", |
"table_name": "m_proyek" |
} |
) |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(PLANNING_REALISASI_SEARCH, payload, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && && == 200){ |
let resData =; |
const excelData = []; |
||||||, index) => { |
let dataRow = { |
"Proyek": n.join ? n.join.m_proyek_nama : "-", |
"Pekerjaan": n.nama ? n.nama : "-", |
"Target" : n.jumlah_titik ? n.jumlah_titik : "0", |
"Actual" : n.realisasi ? this.renderActual(n.realisasi) : "0", |
"Team Leader" : n.join.m_subproyek_pic ? `${n.join.m_subproyek_pic}` : "-", |
"Waspang" : n.join.m_users_name ? `${n.join.m_users_name}` : "-", |
"Tanggal" : n.target_planning ? moment(n.target_planning).format("DD-MM-YYYY") : "-", |
} |
excelData.push(dataRow) |
}) |
this.setState({dataExport:excelData}) |
}else{ |
NotificationManager.error('Gagal Export Data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
exportExcel = () => { |
const dataExcel = this.state.dataExport || []; |
const fileName = `Data Planning vs realisasi.xlsx`; |
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(dataExcel); |
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); |
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, `Data Planning vs realisasi`); |
XLSX.writeFile(wb, fileName); |
this.setState({dataExport:[] }) |
} |
updateStatusResponse = async (data) => { |
let url = ``; |
const formData = new FormData(); |
formData.append("lat",; |
formData.append("lon", data.lon); |
formData.append("status_response", data.status_response); |
const result = await axios |
.post(url, formData) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result &&{ |
if ( == 200) { |
NotificationManager.success('Berhasil update status response!!', 'Success!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error('Gagal update status response!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
} |
renderActual = (realisasi) => { |
let data = realisasi || [] |
let sumActual = 0 |
||||||, index) => { |
sumActual += parseInt(val.jumlah_pekerjaan) |
}) |
return sumActual |
} |
renderTable = () => { |
const dataTable2 = this.state.dataTable || []; |
return ( |
<tbody> |
{dataTable2.length!==0 ?, index) => { |
return ( |
<tr key={index}> |
<td>{index + 1}</td> |
<td>{ n.join ? n.join.m_proyek_nama : "-" }</td> |
<td>{ n.nama ? n.nama : "-"}</td> |
<td>{ n.jumlah_titik ? n.jumlah_titik : "0" }</td> |
<td>{ n.realisasi ? this.renderActual(n.realisasi) : "0" }</td> |
<td>{ n.join.m_subproyek_pic ? `${n.join.m_subproyek_pic}` : "-" }</td> |
<td>{ n.join.m_users_name ? `${n.join.m_users_name}` : "-" }</td> |
<td>{ n.target_planning ? moment(n.target_planning).format("DD-MM-YYYY") : "-" }</td> |
<td> |
{/* <i id="TooltipDelete" className="cil-trash fa-lg" style={{ color: 'red', marginRight: '10px', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => this.handleDelete(}></i> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={this.state.tooltipDelete} target="TooltipDelete" toggle={() => this.toggle("delete")}> |
Delete |
</Tooltip>*/} |
{/* <i id="TooltipEdit" className="cil-pencil fa-lg" style={{ color: 'green', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => this.handleEdit(n)}></i> |
<Tooltip placement="right" isOpen={this.state.tooltipEdit} target="TooltipEdit" toggle={() => this.toggle("edit")}> |
Edit |
</Tooltip> |
{' '} */} |
<Tooltip title="View Realisasi"> |
<i onClick={() => this.handleOpenDialogPlan(n)} id="tooltipMap" className="fa fa-eye fa-lg" style={{ color: 'black', cursor: "pointer" }}></i> |
</Tooltip> |
</td> |
</tr> |
) |
}) : <tr> |
<td colSpan="9" align="center">No Data Available</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
) |
} |
handleChangeDay = (e) => { |
const val =; |
this.setState({ currentDay:val }); |
if(val==="today"){ |
this.setState({ |
startDate:moment(moment().format("YYYY-M-D")), |
currentPage: 1 |
}) |
}else if(val==="3 day"){ |
this.setState({ |
startDate:moment(moment().subtract(3, "days").format("YYYY-M-D")), |
currentPage: 1 |
}) |
}else if(val==="7 day"){ |
this.setState({ |
startDate:moment(moment().subtract(7, "days").format("YYYY-M-D")), |
currentPage: 1 |
}) |
}else{ |
this.setState({ |
startDate:moment(moment().format("YYYY-M-D")), |
currentPage: 1 |
}) |
} |
} |
render() { |
const { tooltipExport,dataTable, openDialogEdit, openDialog, currentPage, rowsPerPage, totalPage, search, tooltipMap, tooltipDelete } = this.state |
return ( |
<div> |
<NotificationContainer /> |
{/* <SweetAlert |
show={this.state.alertDelete} |
warning |
showCancel |
confirmBtnText="Delete" |
confirmBtnBsStyle="danger" |
title="Are you sure?" |
onConfirm={this.onConfirmDelete} |
onCancel={() => this.setState({ alertDelete: false, idDelete: 0 })} |
focusCancelBtn |
> |
Data tipe karyawan akan terhapus!! |
</SweetAlert> */} |
<DialogForm |
openDialog={openDialog} |
closeDialog={this.handleCloseDialog} |
toggleDialog={() => this.toggleMapDialog} |
dataMap={this.state.dataMap} |
showDialog={showDialog => this.showChildDialog = showDialog} |
/> |
<DialogEdit |
openDialog={openDialogEdit} |
closeDialog={this.handleCloseDialogEdit} |
toggleDialog={() => this.toggleEditDialog} |
dataEdit={this.state.dataEdit} |
showDialog={showDialog => this.showDialogEdit = showDialog} |
/> |
<Card> |
<CardHeader style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}> |
<h4>Planning Vs Realisasi</h4> |
<div> |
{/* <Button color="primary" onClick={() => this.handleOpenDialog('Save')}>Tambah Broadcast</Button>{' '} */} |
<Tooltip title="Export Excel"> |
<Button id="TooltipExport" color="primary" onClick={()=> this.handleExportExcel()}><i className="fa fa-print"></i></Button> |
</Tooltip> |
</div> |
</CardHeader> |
<CardBody> |
<div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between", marginBottom:"25px" }}> |
<div style={{ width:"100%",display:"inline-flex",alignItems:"center" }}> |
<div style={{ width:"50%",marginRight:"10px",maxWidth:"200px" }}> |
<Input type="select" onChange={(e) => this.handleChangeDay(e)} defaultValue={this.state.currentDay}> |
<option value="today">Hari Ini</option> |
<option value="3 day">3 Hari yang lalu</option> |
<option value="7 day">7 Hari yang lalu</option> |
</Input> |
</div> |
<div style={{ width:"50%" }}> |
<RangePicker size="default" allowClear={false} value={[this.state.startDate, this.state.endDate]} onChange={this.handleDatePicker}/>{' '} |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => this.getDataReportPlanning()}>Cari</Button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<Input onChange={this.handleSearch} value={search} type="text" name="search" id="search" placeholder="Cari Nama Pekerjaan" style={{ maxWidth: "200px", marginBottom: "20px" }} /> |
</div> |
<Table responsive striped hover> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
{/* <th>Actions</th> */} |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<th key={index} scope="row">{}</th> |
) |
})} |
</tr> |
</thead> |
{ this.renderTable() } |
</Table> |
<Pagination |
showSizeChanger |
onShowSizeChange={this.onShowSizeChange} |
onChange={this.onPagination} |
defaultCurrent={currentPage} |
pageSize={rowsPerPage} |
total={parseInt(totalPage)} |
pageSizeOptions={["10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40"]} |
/> |
</CardBody> |
</Card> |
<DialogView |
openDialog={this.state.openDialogPlan} |
closeDialog={() => this.handleCloseDialogPlan()} |
toggleDialog={() => this.toggleAddDialogPlan()} |
dataPlanning={this.state.dataRealisasi} |
/> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter,Row,Col } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { DatePicker,Select } from 'antd'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; |
const { Option } = Select |
const DialogForm = ({openDialog, closeDialog, toggleDialog, typeDialog, dataEdit, dataRole}) => { |
const [id, setId] = useState(0) |
const [user_id, setUserId] = useState(0) |
const [name, setName] = useState('') |
const [username, setUsername] = useState('') |
const [birth_place, setBirthPlace] = useState('') |
const [birth_date, setBirthDate] = useState(moment(moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'))) |
const [email, setEmail] = useState('') |
const [phone_number, setPhoneNumber] = useState('') |
const [address, setAddress] = useState('') |
const [gender, setGender] = useState('Laki-laki') |
const [password, setPassword] = useState('') |
const [role_id,setIdRole] = useState(null) |
useEffect(()=> { |
if(typeDialog==="Edit"){ |
if(dataEdit){ |
setId( |
setIdRole(3) |
setUserId(dataEdit.user_id) |
if(dataEdit.join){ |
setName(dataEdit.join.m_users_name) |
setEmail(dataEdit.join.m_users_email) |
setBirthDate(dataEdit.join.m_users_birth_date ? moment(moment(dataEdit.join.m_users_birth_date).format("YYYY-MM-DD")) : moment(moment())) |
setBirthPlace(dataEdit.join.m_users_birth_place) |
setPhoneNumber(dataEdit.join.m_users_phone_number) |
setGender(dataEdit.join.m_users_gender || "Laki-laki") |
setAddress(dataEdit.join.m_users_address) |
setUsername(dataEdit.join.m_users_username) |
} |
} |
}else{ |
setId(0) |
setName('') |
setEmail('') |
setBirthDate(moment(moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'))) |
setBirthPlace('') |
setPhoneNumber('') |
setGender('Laki-laki') |
setAddress('') |
setUsername('') |
setPassword('') |
setIdRole(3) |
setUserId(0) |
} |
},[dataEdit,openDialog]) |
const handleSave = () => { |
let data = ''; |
if(typeDialog==="Save"){ |
data = { |
name, |
username, |
phone_number, |
email, |
birth_date, |
birth_place, |
gender, |
address, |
password, |
role_id, |
user_id |
} |
closeDialog('save', data); |
}else{ |
data = { |
id, |
name, |
username, |
phone_number, |
email, |
birth_date, |
birth_place, |
gender, |
address, |
role_id, |
user_id |
} |
if(password!==''){ |
data['password'] = password |
} |
closeDialog('edit', data); |
} |
setId(0) |
setName('') |
setEmail('') |
setBirthDate(moment(moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'))) |
setBirthPlace('') |
setPhoneNumber('') |
setGender('Laki-laki') |
setAddress('') |
setUsername('') |
setPassword('') |
setIdRole(3) |
setUserId(0) |
} |
const handleCancel = () => { |
closeDialog('cancel', 'none') |
setId(0) |
setName('') |
setEmail('') |
setBirthDate(moment(moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'))) |
setBirthPlace('') |
setPhoneNumber('') |
setGender('Laki-laki') |
setAddress('') |
setUsername('') |
setPassword('') |
setIdRole(null) |
setUserId(0) |
} |
const handleDatePicker = (date, dateString) => { |
setBirthDate(date) |
} |
const setupOption = () => { |
return( |
<> |
{, index)=> { |
return( |
<Option key={index} value={}>{}</Option> |
) |
})} |
</> |
) |
} |
const onChangeRole = (val) => { |
setIdRole(val) |
} |
const renderForm = () => { |
return( |
<Form> |
<Row> |
<Col> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Nama</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={name} onChange={(e)=> setName(} placeholder={`Nama..`}/> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Tempat Lahir</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={birth_place} onChange={(e)=> setBirthPlace( } placeholder={`Tempat lahir..`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Tanggal Lahir</Label> |
<DatePicker style={{width:"100%"}} value={birth_date} onChange={handleDatePicker} /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Jenis Kelamin</Label> |
<Input type="select" value={gender} onChange={(e)=> setGender(} placeholder={`Jenis Kelamin..`}> |
<option value="Laki-laki">Laki-laki</option> |
<option value="Perempuan">Perempuan</option> |
</Input> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Alamat</Label> |
<Input type="textarea" value={address} onChange={(e)=> setAddress(} placeholder={`Alamat..`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
<Col> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Username</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={username} onChange={(e)=> setUsername(} placeholder="username.." /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Email</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={email} onChange={(e)=> setEmail(} placeholder="email.." /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Nomor Hp</Label> |
<Input type="text" value={phone_number} onChange={(e)=> setPhoneNumber(} placeholder={`Nomor Hp..`} /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label>Password</Label> |
<Input type="password" value={password} onChange={(e)=> setPassword(} placeholder="password.." /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
return ( |
<Modal size="lg" isOpen={openDialog} toggle={toggleDialog}> |
<ModalHeader className="capitalize" toggle={closeDialog}>{typeDialog=="Save" ? `Tambah` : "Edit"} User Waspang</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{renderForm()} |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => handleSave()}>{typeDialog}</Button>{' '} |
<Button className="capitalize" color="secondary" onClick={() => handleCancel()}>Batal</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
export default DialogForm; |
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter, Row, Col } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Select, DatePicker } from 'antd'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; |
const proyekId = localStorage.getItem('proyek_id'); |
const { Option } = Select; |
const DialogProyek = ({ openDialog, closeDialog, toggleDialog, dataWaspangProyek, dataProyek, waspangId }) => { |
const [id, setId] = useState(0) |
const [proyek_id, setProyekId] = useState(null) |
const [user_id, setUserId] = useState(null) |
const [userIdAdd, setUserIdAdd] = useState(0) |
const [startDate, setStartDate] = useState(moment(moment())) |
const [endDate, setEndDate] = useState(moment(moment())) |
const [type, setType] = useState("add") |
const [disableSelectProyek, setDisableSelectProyek] = useState(false) |
const [role_id, setRoleId] = useState(localStorage.getItem('role_id')) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (waspangId) { |
setUserIdAdd(waspangId) |
} |
}, [waspangId]) |
useEffect(() => { |
let data = dataWaspangProyek || [] |
console.log("waspang id", waspangId) |
console.log("role_id", role_id) |
if (data.length > 0) { |
let dataObj = data[0] |
setType("edit") |
setProyekId(dataObj.proyek_id) |
if (dataObj.mulai) { |
setStartDate(moment(moment(dataObj.mulai))) |
} else { |
setStartDate(moment(moment())) |
} |
if (dataObj.mulai) { |
setEndDate(moment(moment(dataObj.akhir))) |
} else { |
setEndDate(moment(moment())) |
} |
setUserId(dataObj.user_id) |
setId( |
} else { |
setProyekId(null) |
setStartDate(moment(moment())) |
setEndDate(moment(moment())) |
setType("add") |
} |
if (parseInt(role_id) === 2) { |
setProyekId(parseInt(proyekId)) |
setDisableSelectProyek(true) |
} |
}, [dataWaspangProyek, openDialog]) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (parseInt(role_id) === 2) { |
setProyekId(parseInt(proyekId)) |
setDisableSelectProyek(true) |
} |
}, [role_id]) |
const handleCancel = () => { |
closeDialog('cancel', 'none') |
setId(0) |
setProyekId(null) |
} |
const onChangeParent = (value) => { |
setProyekId(value) |
} |
const setupOption = () => { |
return ( |
<> |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<Option key={index} value={}>{val.nama}</Option> |
) |
})} |
</> |
) |
} |
const handleStartDate = (date, string) => { |
setStartDate(date) |
} |
const handleEndDate = (date, string) => { |
setEndDate(date) |
} |
const handleSave = () => { |
let data = { |
type, |
mulai: startDate, |
akhir: endDate, |
proyek_id, |
user_id |
} |
if (type === "add") { |
data['user_id'] = userIdAdd |
} |
if (type === "edit") { |
data['id'] = id |
} |
closeDialog("save", data) |
} |
const renderForm = () => { |
return ( |
<Form> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Proyek</Label> |
{/* <Input type="text" value={alias} onChange={(e)=> setAlias(} placeholder={`Icon..`} /> */} |
<Select showSearch value={proyek_id} onChange={onChangeParent} placeholder="Select Proyek .." style={{ width: '100%' }} disabled={disableSelectProyek}> |
{setupOption()} |
</Select> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Tanggal Mulai</Label> |
<DatePicker style={{ width: "100%" }} value={startDate} onChange={handleStartDate} allowClear={false} /> |
</FormGroup> |
<FormGroup> |
<Label className="capitalize">Tanggal</Label> |
<DatePicker style={{ width: "100%" }} value={endDate} onChange={handleEndDate} allowClear={false} /> |
</FormGroup> |
</Form> |
) |
} |
return ( |
<Modal isOpen={openDialog} toggle={toggleDialog}> |
<ModalHeader className="capitalize" toggle={() => closeDialog("none", "none")}>Save User Proyek</ModalHeader> |
<ModalBody> |
{renderForm()} |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<Button color="primary" onClick={() => handleSave()}>Save</Button>{' '} |
<Button className="capitalize" color="secondary" onClick={() => handleCancel()}>Batal</Button> |
</ModalFooter> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
export default DialogProyek; |
@ -1,686 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; |
import { Card, CardBody, CardHeader, Col, Row, Table, Input } from 'reactstrap'; |
import { Button } from 'reactstrap'; |
import axios from 'axios'; |
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx'; |
import SweetAlert from 'react-bootstrap-sweetalert'; |
import DialogForm from './DialogForm'; |
import { NotificationContainer, NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications'; |
import { Pagination, Tooltip } from 'antd'; |
import {
} from '../../../const/ApiConst.js';import moment from 'moment'; |
import DialogProyek from './DialogProyek'; |
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('token'); |
const config = { |
Authorization : `Bearer ${token}`, |
"Content-type" : `application/json` |
} |
}; |
const column =
[ |
{ name: "Nama" }, |
{ name: "Tempat Lahir" }, |
{ name: "Tanggal Lahir" }, |
{ name: "Nomor Telepon" }, |
{ name: "Email" }, |
{ name: "Proyek"} |
] |
const IndexUser = ({params}) => { |
const [dataTable, setDatatable] = useState([]) |
const [search, setSearch] = useState('') |
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1) |
const [totalPage, setTotalPage] = useState(0) |
const [openDialog, setOpenDialog] = useState(false) |
const [typeDialog, setTypeDialog] = useState('Save') |
const [idDelete, setIdDelete] = useState(0) |
const [dataProyek, setDataProyek] = useState([]) |
const [alertDelete, setAlertDelete] = useState(false) |
const [dataEdit, setDataEdit] = useState([]) |
const [rowsPerPage, setRowsPerPage] = useState(10) |
const [clickOpenModal, setClickOpenModal] = useState(false) |
const [allDataUserProyek, setAllDataUserProyek] = useState([]) |
const [dataRole, setDataRole] = useState([]) |
const [dataExport, setDataExport] = useState([]) |
const [openDialogProyek, setOpenDialogProyek] = useState(false) |
const [dataWaspangProyek, setDataWaspangProyek] = useState([]) |
const [waspangId, setWaspangId] = useState([]) |
const pageName =; |
useEffect(()=> { |
getAllDataRole(); |
getAllDataProyek(); |
getAllDataUserProyek(); |
},[]) |
useEffect(()=> { |
getDataUser(); |
},[search,rowsPerPage,currentPage]) |
useEffect(()=> { |
const cekData = dataExport || [] |
if(cekData.length > 0){ |
exportExcel() |
} |
},[dataExport]) |
const handleSearch = e => { |
const value = |
setSearch(value); |
setCurrentPage(1) |
}; |
const getAllDataRole = async () => { |
const payload = { |
"paging": {"start": 0, "length": -1}, |
"columns": [ |
{"name": "name", "logic_operator": "ilike", "value": "", "operator": "AND"} |
], |
"joins": [], |
"orders": {"columns": ["id"], "ascending": false} |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(ROLE_SEARCH, payload, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && && == 200){ |
setDataRole(; |
}else{ |
} |
} |
const getAllDataProyek = async () => { |
const payload = { |
"paging": {"start": 0, "length": -1}, |
"columns": [ |
{"name": "nama", "logic_operator": "ilike", "value": "", "operator": "AND"} |
], |
"joins": [], |
"orders": {"columns": ["id"], "ascending": false} |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(PROYEK_SEARCH, payload, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && && == 200){ |
setDataProyek(; |
}else{ |
} |
} |
const getAllDataUserProyek = async () => { |
const formData = { |
"paging": {"start": 0, "length": -1}, |
"columns": [ |
], |
"joins": [ |
{ |
"name":"m_proyek", |
"column_join":"proyek_id", |
"column_results":[ |
"nama", |
] |
} |
], |
"orders": {"columns": ["id"], "ascending": false} |
} |
const result = await, formData, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && &&{ |
setAllDataUserProyek( |
}else{ |
} |
} |
const getDataUser = async () => { |
let start = 0; |
if (currentPage !== 1 && currentPage > 1) { |
start = (currentPage * rowsPerPage) - rowsPerPage |
} |
const payload = { |
"paging":{ |
"start":start, |
"length":rowsPerPage |
}, |
"filter_columns":[ |
{ |
"name":"name", |
"value":"", |
"table_name":"m_users" |
} |
], |
"columns":[ |
{ |
"name":"name", |
"logic_operator":"like", |
"value":search, |
"operator":"AND", |
"table_name":"m_users" |
}, |
{ |
"name":"id", |
"logic_operator":"=", |
"value":'3', |
"operator":"AND", |
"table_name":"m_roles" |
} |
], |
"joins":[ |
{ |
"name":"m_users", |
"column_join":"user_id", |
"column_results":[ |
"username", |
"name", |
"email", |
"gender", |
"phone_number", |
"address", |
"birth_place", |
"birth_date" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"name":"m_roles", |
"column_join":"role_id", |
"column_results":[ |
"name" |
] |
} |
], |
"orders":{ |
"columns":[ |
"id" |
], |
"ascending":false |
} |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(USERROLE_SEARCH, payload, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && && == 200){ |
setDatatable(; |
setTotalPage(; |
}else{ |
NotificationManager.error('Gagal Mengambil Data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
} |
const handleOpenDialog = async (type) => { |
await setTypeDialog(type) |
setOpenDialog(true) |
} |
const handleCloseDialog = (type, data) => { |
if (type === "save") { |
saveUser(data); |
} else if (type === "edit") { |
editUser(data); |
} |
setDataEdit([]) |
setOpenDialog(false) |
} |
const toggleAddDialog = () => { |
setOpenDialog(!openDialog) |
} |
const onConfirmDelete = async () => { |
let url = USER_DELETE(idDelete); |
const result = await axios.delete(url,config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === 200) { |
getDataUser() |
setIdDelete(0) |
setAlertDelete(false) |
NotificationManager.success(`Data user berhasil dihapus!`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
setIdDelete(0) |
setAlertDelete(false) |
NotificationManager.error(`Data user gagal dihapus!}`, 'Failed!!'); |
} |
} |
const userRoleDelete = async (id) => { |
let url = USERROLE_DELETE(id); |
const result = await axios.delete(url,config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if (result && && === 200) { |
} else { |
} |
} |
const saveUser = async (data) => {
const formData = data |
const result = await, formData, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && &&{ |
let dataRes = |
addUserRole(, data.role_id) |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, 'Failed!!'); |
} |
const editUser = async (data) => { |
let url = USER_EDIT(data.user_id) |
const formData = data |
const result = await axios.put(url, formData, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && &&{ |
editUserRole(data) |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, `Failed!!`); |
} |
} |
const addUserRole = async (user_id, role_id) => { |
const formData = { |
user_id, |
role_id |
} |
const result = await, formData, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && &&{ |
getDataUser(); |
NotificationManager.success(`Data user berhasil ditambahkan`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, `Failed!!`); |
} |
} |
const editUserRole = async (data) => { |
let url = USERROLE_EDIT( |
const formData = { |
user_id:data.user_id, |
role_id:data.role_id |
} |
const result = await axios.put(url, formData, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && &&{ |
getDataUser(); |
NotificationManager.success(`Data user berhasil di edit`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, `Failed!!`); |
} |
} |
const handleEdit = async (data) => { |
await setDataEdit(data) |
handleOpenDialog('Edit'); |
} |
const handleDelete = async (id) => { |
await setAlertDelete(true) |
await setIdDelete(id) |
} |
const onShowSizeChange = (current, pageSize) => { |
setRowsPerPage(pageSize) |
} |
const onPagination = (current, pageSize) => { |
setCurrentPage(current) |
} |
const handleExportExcel = async () => { |
const payload = { |
"paging":{ |
"start":0, |
"length":-1 |
}, |
"filter_columns":[ |
{ |
"name":"name", |
"value":"", |
"table_name":"m_users" |
} |
], |
"columns":[ |
{ |
"name":"name", |
"logic_operator":"like", |
"value":search, |
"operator":"AND", |
"table_name":"m_users" |
} |
], |
"joins":[ |
{ |
"name":"m_users", |
"column_join":"user_id", |
"column_results":[ |
"username", |
"name", |
"email", |
"gender", |
"phone_number", |
"address", |
"birth_place", |
"birth_date" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"name":"m_roles", |
"column_join":"role_id", |
"column_results":[ |
"name" |
] |
} |
], |
"orders":{ |
"columns":[ |
"id" |
], |
"ascending":false |
} |
} |
const result = await axios |
.post(USERROLE_SEARCH, payload, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && && == 200){ |
let resData =; |
const excelData = []; |
||||||, index) => { |
let dataRow = { |
"Name" :n.join.m_users_name ? n.join.m_users_name : "-", |
"Email" :n.join.m_users_email ? n.join.m_users_email : "-", |
"Username" :n.join.m_users_username ? n.join.m_users_username : "-", |
"Phone Number":n.join.m_users_phone_number ? n.join.m_users_phone_number : "-", |
"Address":n.join.m_users_address ? n.join.m_users_address : "-", |
"Birth Date":n.join.m_users_birth_date ? moment(n.join.m_users_birth_date).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "-", |
"Birth Place":n.join.m_users_birth_place ? n.join.m_users_birth_place : "-", |
"Gender":n.join.m_users_gender ? n.join.m_users_gender : "-" |
} |
excelData.push(dataRow) |
}) |
await setDataExport(excelData); |
}else{ |
NotificationManager.error('Gagal Export Data!!', 'Failed'); |
} |
const exportExcel = () => { |
const dataExcel = dataExport || []; |
const fileName = `Data ${pageName}.xlsx`; |
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(dataExcel); |
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); |
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, `Data ${pageName}`); |
XLSX.writeFile(wb, fileName); |
} |
const cancelDelete = () => { |
setAlertDelete(false) |
setIdDelete(0) |
} |
const renderRoleProyek = (role_name, user_id) => { |
const userProyek = allDataUserProyek || [] |
let index = userProyek.findIndex(x => parseInt(x.user_id) === parseInt(user_id)); |
if(index>=0){ |
return allDataUserProyek[index].join.m_proyek_nama |
}else{ |
return role_name; |
} |
} |
const handleWaspangProyek = async (data) => { |
await setWaspangId(data.user_id) |
getDataWaspangProyek(data.user_id); |
} |
const getDataWaspangProyek = async (id) => { |
const formData = { |
"paging": {"start": 0, "length": -1}, |
"columns": [ |
{"name": "user_id", "logic_operator": "=", "value": id.toString(), "operator": "AND"} |
], |
"joins": [], |
"orders": {"columns": ["id"], "ascending": false} |
} |
const result = await, formData, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && &&{ |
let dataRes = |
if(dataRes.length > 0){ |
await setDataWaspangProyek( |
setOpenDialogProyek(true) |
}else { |
await setDataWaspangProyek([]) |
setOpenDialogProyek(true) |
} |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, `Failed!!`); |
} |
} |
const closeProyekDialog = (type, data) => { |
if(type==="save"){ |
if(data.type==="add"){ |
saveWaspangProyek(data) |
}else{ |
editWaspangProyek(data) |
} |
} |
setOpenDialogProyek(false) |
} |
const saveWaspangProyek = async (data) => { |
const formData = data |
const result = await, formData, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && &&{ |
NotificationManager.success(`Data user proyek berhasil ditambahkan`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, `Failed!!`); |
} |
} |
const editWaspangProyek = async (data) => { |
let url = USERPROYEK_EDIT( |
const formData = data |
const result = await axios.put(url, formData, config) |
.then(res => res) |
.catch((error) => error.response); |
if(result && &&{ |
NotificationManager.success(`Data user proyek berhasil diedit`, 'Success!!'); |
} else { |
NotificationManager.error(`${}`, `Failed!!`); |
} |
} |
const toggleProyekDialog = () => { |
setOpenDialogProyek(!openDialogProyek) |
} |
return ( |
<div> |
<NotificationContainer /> |
<SweetAlert |
show={alertDelete} |
warning |
showCancel |
confirmBtnText="Delete" |
confirmBtnBsStyle="danger" |
title={`Apakah kamu yakin?`} |
onConfirm={onConfirmDelete} |
onCancel={() => cancelDelete()} |
focusCancelBtn |
> |
Data user waspang akan terhapus!! |
</SweetAlert> |
<DialogForm |
openDialog={openDialog} |
closeDialog={handleCloseDialog} |
toggleDialog={() => toggleAddDialog} |
typeDialog={typeDialog} |
dataEdit={dataEdit} |
clickOpenModal={clickOpenModal} |
dataRole={dataRole} |
/> |
<DialogProyek |
openDialog={openDialogProyek} |
closeDialog={closeProyekDialog} |
dataProyek={dataProyek} |
dataWaspangProyek={dataWaspangProyek} |
toggleDialog={toggleProyekDialog} |
waspangId={waspangId} |
/> |
<Card> |
<CardHeader style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}> |
<h4>{pageName}</h4> |
<Row> |
<Col> |
<Input onChange={handleSearch} value={search} type="text" name="search" id="search" placeholder={`Cari nama`} /> |
</Col> |
<Col> |
<Tooltip title="Tambah User Waspang"> |
<Button id="TooltipTambah" color="success" onClick={() => handleOpenDialog('Save')}><i className="fa fa-plus"></i></Button> |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip title="Export Excel"> |
<Button style={{marginLeft:"5px"}} id="TooltipExport" color="primary" onClick={()=> handleExportExcel()}><i className="fa fa-print"></i></Button> |
</Tooltip> |
</Col> |
</Row> |
</CardHeader> |
<CardBody> |
<Table responsive striped hover> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th className="capitalize">Aksi</th> |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<th key={index} scope="row">{}</th> |
) |
})} |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
{dataTable.length<=0 ?
<tr> |
<td colSpan="7" align="center">No Data Available</td> |
</tr> : null} |
{, index) => { |
return ( |
<tr key={index}> |
<td> |
<Tooltip title="Delete"> |
<i id="TooltipDelete" className="fa fa-trash" style={{ color: 'red', marginRight: '10px', cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={() => handleDelete(n.user_id)}></i> |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip title="Edit"> |
<i id="TooltipEdit" className="fa fa-pencil" style={{ color: 'green', cursor: "pointer",marginRight: '10px' }} onClick={() => handleEdit(n)}></i> |
</Tooltip> |
<Tooltip title={`Proyek`}> |
<i onClick={() => handleWaspangProyek(n)} style={{color:"black", cursor: "pointer"}} className="cil-task"></i> |
</Tooltip> |
</td> |
<td>{n.join ? n.join.m_users_name : "-"}</td> |
<td>{n.join ? n.join.m_users_birth_place || "-" : "-"}</td> |
<td>{n.join.m_users_birth_date ? moment(n.join.m_users_birth_date).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "-"}</td> |
<td>{n.join ? n.join.m_users_phone_number : "-"}</td> |
<td>{n.join ? n.join.m_users_email : "-"}</td> |
{/* <td>{n.join ? n.join.m_roles_name : "-"}</td> */} |
<td>{n.join ? n.role_id===3 ? renderRoleProyek(n.join.m_roles_name, n.user_id) : n.join.m_roles_name : "-"}</td> |
</tr> |
) |
})} |
</tbody> |
</Table> |
<Pagination |
showSizeChanger |
onShowSizeChange={onShowSizeChange} |
onChange={onPagination} |
defaultCurrent={currentPage} |
pageSize={rowsPerPage} |
total={totalPage} |
pageSizeOptions={["10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40"]} |
/> |
</CardBody> |
</Card> |
</div> |
) |
} |
export default IndexUser; |