// Comment Activity const COMMENT_ADD_URL = `${base_url}comment-activity/add`; const COMMENT_SEARCH_URL = `${base_url}comment-activity/search`; $(document).ready(function() { $(".modal_add_btn_comment").on('click', function() { addComments(); }); $("#btn_comment_submit").on('click', function() { submitComments(); }); }); // show comments modal function showComments(id) { var task = gantt.getTaskBy('id', id); var activity = task && task.length > 0 ? task[0].text : ''; $("#activity_id").val(id); $("#comments_title").text(activity); searchComments(id); $("#modal_comments").modal('show'); } function addComments() { // toggle input form if ($('#add_comment_form').css("display") === 'block') { $("#add_comment_form").css({ display: "none" }); $(".modal_add_btn_comment").html(''); } else if ($('#add_comment_form').css("display") === 'none') { $("#add_comment_form").css({ display: "block" }); $(".modal_add_btn_comment").html(''); } } // pressing submit button (add comment) function submitComments() { var activity_id = $("#activity_id").val(); var comment = $("#comment").val(); $('#btn_comment_submit').html('Processing..'); $('#btn_comment_submit').prop("disabled",true); if (activity_id !== '' && comment !== '') { var payload = { "activity_id": activity_id, "comment": comment } $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: COMMENT_ADD_URL, dataType: "json", data: JSON.stringify(payload) }) .done(function( msg ) { // gantt.message("Comment posted"); gantt.alert("Comment posted"); $("#add_comment_form").trigger("reset"); $('#btn_comment_submit').html('Submit'); $('#btn_comment_submit').prop("disabled",false); searchComments(activity_id); // reload the contents }) .fail(function() { // gantt.message({type:"error", text:"Failed to post comment"}); gantt.alert({type: "error", text: "Failed to post comment"}); $('#btn_comment_submit').html('Submit'); $('#btn_comment_submit').prop("disabled",false); }); } else { // alert('Please input the comment'); gantt.alert("Please input the comment"); $('#btn_comment_submit').html('Submit'); $('#btn_comment_submit').prop("disabled",false); // gantt.alert({type: "error", text: "Please input the comment"}); } } // generate comment list function searchComments(activity_id) { var payload = { "paging": { "start": 0, "length": 10 }, "columns": [ { "name": "activity_id", "logic_operator": "=", "value": activity_id, "operator": "AND" } ], // "joins": [{ "name": "m_proyek", "column_join": "proyek_id", "column_results": ["kode_sortname", "nama"] }], "orders": { "columns": [ "id" ], "ascending": false } } $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: COMMENT_SEARCH_URL, dataType: "json", data: JSON.stringify(payload) }) .done(function( msg ) { var comments = msg && msg.data; var contents = ''; if (comments.length > 0) { contents += '
'; for (var i=0; i < comments.length; i++) { contents += '
'; contents += '
'+comments[i].created_by+' • '+moment(comments[i].created_at).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss')+'
'; contents += '
'; contents += '
'; } contents += '
'; } else { contents = '
Tidak ada komentar
'; } $("#comments_list").html(contents); }); }