var overlayControl = gantt.ext.overlay; var today = new Date(); function toggleOverlay() { if(overlayControl.isOverlayVisible(lineOverlay)){ gantt.config.readonly = false; overlayControl.hideOverlay(lineOverlay); gantt.$root.classList.remove("overlay_visible"); }else{ gantt.config.readonly = true; overlayControl.showOverlay(lineOverlay); gantt.$root.classList.add("overlay_visible"); } } function getChartScaleRange(){ var tasksRange = gantt.getSubtaskDates(); var cells = []; var scale = gantt.getScale(); if(!tasksRange.start_date){ return scale.trace_x; } scale.trace_x.forEach(function(date){ if(date >= tasksRange.start_date && date <= tasksRange.end_date){ cells.push(date); } }); return cells; } function getProgressLine(){ var tasks = gantt.getTaskByTime(); var scale = gantt.getScale(); var step = scale.unit; var timegrid = {}; var totalDuration = 0; gantt.eachTask(function(task){ if(gantt.isSummaryTask(task)){ return; } if(!task.duration){ return; } var currDate =[scale.unit + "_start"](new Date(task.start_date)); while (currDate < task.end_date) { var date = currDate; currDate =, 1, step); if (!gantt.isWorkTime({date: date, task: task, unit: step})) { continue; } var timestamp = currDate.valueOf(); if (!timegrid[timestamp]){ timegrid[timestamp] = { planned: 0, real: 0 }; } timegrid[timestamp].planned += 1; if (date <= today){ timegrid[timestamp].real += 1 * (task.progress || 0); } totalDuration += 1; } }); var cumulativePlannedDurations = []; var cumulativeRealDurations = []; var cumulativePredictedDurations = [] var totalPlanned = 0; var totalReal = 0; var chartScale = getChartScaleRange(); var dailyRealProgress = -1; var totalPredictedProgress = 0; for(var i = 0; i < chartScale.length; i++){ start = new Date(chartScale[i]); end =, 1, step); var cell = timegrid[start.valueOf()] || {planned:0, real:0}; totalPlanned = cell.planned + totalPlanned; cumulativePlannedDurations.push(totalPlanned); if(start <= today) { totalReal = (cell.real||0) + totalReal; cumulativeRealDurations.push(totalReal); cumulativePredictedDurations.push(null); } else { if(dailyRealProgress < 0){ dailyRealProgress = totalReal / cumulativeRealDurations.length; totalPredictedProgress = totalReal; cumulativePredictedDurations.pop(); cumulativePredictedDurations.push(totalPredictedProgress); } totalPredictedProgress += dailyRealProgress; cumulativePredictedDurations.push(totalPredictedProgress); } } for(var i = 0; i < cumulativePlannedDurations.length; i++){ cumulativePlannedDurations[i] = Math.round(cumulativePlannedDurations[i] / totalPlanned * 100); if(cumulativeRealDurations[i] !== undefined){ cumulativeRealDurations[i] = Math.round(cumulativeRealDurations[i] / totalPlanned * 100); } if(cumulativePredictedDurations[i] !== null){ cumulativePredictedDurations[i] = Math.round(cumulativePredictedDurations[i] / totalPlanned * 100); } } return {planned: cumulativePlannedDurations, real: cumulativeRealDurations, predicted: cumulativePredictedDurations}; } function getScalePaddings(){ var scale = gantt.getScale(); var dataRange = gantt.getSubtaskDates(); var chartScale = getChartScaleRange(); var newWidth = scale.col_width; var padding = { left:0, right:0 }; if(dataRange.start_date){ var yScaleLabelsWidth = 48; // fine tune values in order to align chart with the scale range padding.left = gantt.posFromDate(dataRange.start_date) - yScaleLabelsWidth; padding.right = scale.full_width - gantt.posFromDate(dataRange.end_date) - yScaleLabelsWidth; = gantt.config.row_height - 12; padding.bottom = gantt.config.row_height - 12; } return padding; } var myChart; var lineOverlay = overlayControl.addOverlay(function(container) { var scaleLabels = []; var chartScale = getChartScaleRange(); chartScale.forEach(function(date){ scaleLabels.push(dateToStr(date)); }); var values = getProgressLine(); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); container.appendChild(canvas); = container.offsetHeight + "px"; = container.offsetWidth + "px"; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); if(myChart){ myChart.destroy(); } myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: "line", data: { datasets: [ { label: "Planned progress", backgroundColor: "#001eff", borderColor: "#001eff", data: values.planned, fill: false, cubicInterpolationMode: 'monotone' }, { label: "Real progress", backgroundColor: "#ff5454", borderColor: "#ff5454", data: values.real, fill: false, cubicInterpolationMode: 'monotone' } , { label: "Real progress (predicted)", backgroundColor: "#ff5454", borderColor: "#ff5454", data: values.predicted, borderDash: [5, 10], fill: false, cubicInterpolationMode: 'monotone' } ] }, options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, layout: { padding: getScalePaddings() }, onResize: function(chart, newSize) { var dataRange = gantt.getSubtaskDates(); if(dataRange.start_date){ // align chart with the scale range chart.options.layout.padding = getScalePaddings(); } }, legend: { display: false }, tooltips: { mode: "index", intersect: false, callbacks: { label: function(tooltipItem, data) { var dataset = data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex]; return dataset.label + ": " +[tooltipItem.index] + "%"; } } }, hover: { mode: "nearest", intersect: true }, scales: { xAxes: [{ labels: scaleLabels, gridLines:{ display: false }, ticks: { display: false } }, { position:"top", labels: scaleLabels, gridLines:{ display: false }, ticks: { display: false } } ], yAxes: [{ display: true, gridLines: { display:false }, ticks: { display: true, min: 0, max: 100, stepSize: 10, callback: function(current) { if (current > 100) {return "";} return current + "%"; } } }, { display: true, position: "right", gridLines: { display:false }, ticks: { display: true, min: 0, max: 100, stepSize: 10, callback: function(current) { if (current > 100) {return "";} return current + "%"; } }} ] } } }); return canvas; });