function getUrlParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL =, sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), sParameterName, i; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]); } } return false; }; const formatNumber = (angka) => { var number_string = angka.replace(/[^,\d]/g, '').toString(), split = number_string.split(','), sisa = split[0].length % 3, rupiah = split[0].substr(0, sisa), ribuan = split[0].substr(sisa).match(/\d{3}/gi); var separator = ""; if (ribuan) { separator = sisa ? '.' : ''; rupiah += separator + ribuan.join('.'); } rupiah = split[1] != undefined ? rupiah + ',' + split[1] : rupiah; return rupiah } function getCodeLinkByType(type) { type = parseInt(type); switch (type) { case 1: return "SS"; break; case 2: return "FF"; break; case 3: return "SF"; break; default: return "FS"; break; } } var getInput = function (node) { return node.querySelector("input"); }; gantt.config.editor_types.costPlanningEditor = { show: function (id, column, config, placeholder) { var min = config.min || 0 var html = "
"; placeholder.innerHTML = html; }, hide: function () { }, set_value: function (value, id, column, node) { getInput(node).value = value; }, get_value: function (id, column, node) { return getInput(node).value || 0; }, is_changed: function (value, id, column, node) { var currentValue = this.get_value(id, column, node); return value !== currentValue; }, is_valid: function (value, id, column, node) { return true; }, focus: function (node) { var input = getInput(node); if (!input) { return; } if (input.focus) { input.focus(); } if ( {; } } }; gantt.config.editor_types.progressCustom = { show: function (id, column, config, placeholder) { var min = config.min || 0, max = config.max || 100; var html = ""; placeholder.innerHTML = html; }, hide: function () { }, set_value: function (value, id, column, node) { value = value * 100 getInput(node).value = value; }, get_value: function (id, column, node) { return getInput(node).value || 0; }, is_changed: function (value, id, column, node) { var currentValue = this.get_value(id, column, node); return Number(value) !== Number(currentValue); }, is_valid: function (value, id, column, node) { return !isNaN(parseInt(value, 10)); }, focus: function (node) { var input = getInput(node); if (!input) { return; } if (input.focus) { input.focus(); } if ( {; } } }; function initializationProject() { let projectId = getUrlParameter("proyek_id"); if (projectId && projectId > 0) { $.ajax({ url: `${base_url}project/edit/${projectId}`, type: "GET", success: function (result) { let data =; let projectName = data.nama; }, error: function (data) { actionHappen = false; } }); } } function getSatuan() { $.ajax({ url: `${base_url}satuan/list`, type: "GET", success: function (result) { let satuanList = []; let resSatuan = || [], index) => { let satuan = { key:, label:, text: } satuanList.push(satuan) }); // Clear the select element before appending new options $('#uom-req-material').empty(); $('#uom-req-expense').empty(); // Append the new options to the select element satuanList.forEach((option) => { let newOption = new Option(option.label, option.label); $('#uom-req-material').append(newOption); }); satuanList.forEach((option) => { let newOption = new Option(option.label, option.label); $('#uom-req-expense').append(newOption); }); // Initialize select2 on the select element $('#uom-req-material').select2({ dropdownParent: materialModal, placeholder: 'Pilih satuan', allowClear: true }); $('#uom-req-expense').select2({ dropdownParent: expenseModal, placeholder: 'Pilih satuan', allowClear: true }); if (satuanList.length > 0) { gantt.updateCollection("satuan", satuanList); gantt.refreshData(); gantt.render(); } }, error: function (data) { } }); } function updateActivity(id) { $.ajax({ url: `${base_url}task/get-update/${id}`, type: "GET", success: function (result) { let data =; gantt.getTask(id).assign_hr = data.assign_hr; gantt.getTask(id).assign_material = data.assign_material; gantt.getTask(id).assign_tools = data.assign_tools; gantt.getTask(id).bobot_planning = data.bobot_planning; gantt.getTask(id).rencana_biaya = data.rencana_biaya; gantt.getTask(id).biaya_actual = data.biaya_actual; gantt.getTask(id).progress = data.progress; gantt.getTask(id).jobs_done = data.jobs_done ? data.jobs_done : 0; gantt.updateTask(id); actionHappen = false; }, error: function (data) { actionHappen = false; } }); } /* Fungsi format ribuan label*/ function formatRupiah(n) { var parts = n.toString().split("."); return parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ".") + (parts[1] ? "," + parts[1] : ""); } /* Fungsi format ribuan inputan*/ function formatRibuanInput(angka, prefix) { var number_string = angka.replace(/[^,\d]/g, '').toString(), split = number_string.split(','), sisa = split[0].length % 3, rupiah = split[0].substr(0, sisa), ribuan = split[0].substr(sisa).match(/\d{3}/gi); if (ribuan) { separator = sisa ? '.' : ''; rupiah += separator + ribuan.join('.'); } rupiah = split[1] != undefined ? rupiah + ',' + split[1] : rupiah; return prefix == undefined ? rupiah : (rupiah ? 'Rp. ' + rupiah : ''); } /* Fungsi replace titik, untuk save ke DB*/ function formatReplaceTitikRibuan(param) { let myStr = param; let newStr = myStr.replace(/\./g, ''); return newStr; } function formatDate(params) { let today = new Date(params); let yyyy = today.getFullYear(); let mm = today.getMonth() + 1; // Months start at 0! let dd = today.getDate(); if (dd < 10) dd = '0' + dd; if (mm < 10) mm = '0' + mm; today = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy; return today; } function roundToTwo(num) { return +(Math.round(num + "e+2") + "e-2"); } function initialProperty() { $.ajax({ url: `${base_url}user-to-version-gantt/get-by-gantt/${ganttId}`, type: "GET", success: function (result) { let data =; if (data.status && data.status == "not have") { toggleCollapseTasks(); } else { if ( { userToVersionGanttId = } if (data.critical_path) { gantt.config.highlight_critical_path = true; $("#critalPathBox").prop("checked", true); } if (data.auto_schedule) { gantt.config.auto_schedule = true; $("#autoSchedule").prop("checked", true); } if (data.committed_cost) { $("#committedCostBox").val(data.committed_cost); } if (data.cost_to_complete) { $("#costToCompleteBox").val(data.cost_to_complete); } if (data.zoom) { gantt.ext.zoom.setLevel(data.zoom); $('input[value="' + data.zoom + '"]').prop("checked", true); } if (data.task_open) { gantt.eachTask(function (task) { task.$open = true; }); toggleTasks = "Collapse"; $("#gantt_toggle_task_btn").prop('title', 'Collapse Activities'); $("#gantt_toggle_task_btn").children().removeClass('fa-expand-alt'); $("#gantt_toggle_task_btn").children().addClass('fa-compress-alt'); } else { toggleCollapseTasks(); } gantt.render(); } }, error: function (data) { } }); } function initializationColumn() { $.ajax({ url: `${base_url}gantt-show-hide/get-by-gantt/${ganttId}`, type: "GET", success: function (result) { let data =; if (data.status == "not yet have") { addShowHideColumn(); } else if (data.status == "not have access") { gantt.config.columns = createColumnsConfig(columnShows); } else { setUpForShowHideColumn(data); } }, error: function (data) { } }); } function setGanttOpen() { let ganttOpen = []; gantt.eachTask(function (task) { const existingIndex = ganttOpen.findIndex(item => ===; if (existingIndex !== -1) { ganttOpen[existingIndex].open = task.$open; } else { ganttOpen.push({ "id":, "open": task.$open }); } }); localStorage.setItem('ganttOpen', JSON.stringify(ganttOpen)); } function getGanttOpen() { let ganttOpen = localStorage.getItem('ganttOpen'); if (ganttOpen) { // Parse the stored data into a JavaScript object ganttOpen = JSON.parse(ganttOpen); gantt.eachTask(function (task) { const index = ganttOpen.findIndex(item => ==; if (index !== -1) { task.$open = ganttOpen[index].open; } else { task.$open = false; } }); } } $(document).ready(function () { $("#gantt_here").on("scroll", function () { var container = $(this); var scrollPositionX = container.scrollLeft(); }); $("#critalPathBox").on("change", function () { let checked = $(this).is(":checked"); if (checked) { gantt.config.highlight_critical_path = true; updateProperty({ critical_path: true }) } else { gantt.config.highlight_critical_path = false; updateProperty({ critical_path: false }) } gantt.render(); }); $("#autoSchedule").on("change", function () { let checked = $(this).is(":checked"); if (checked) { gantt.config.auto_schedule = true; updateProperty({ auto_schedule: true }) } else { gantt.config.auto_schedule = false; updateProperty({ auto_schedule: false }) } gantt.render(); }); }); function linkLagEditor() { function endPopup() { modal = null; editLinkId = null; } function cancelEditLink() { endPopup() } function deleteLink() { gantt.deleteLink(editLinkId); endPopup() } function saveLink() { var link = gantt.getLink(editLinkId); var lagValue = modal.querySelector(".lag-input").value; if (!isNaN(parseInt(lagValue, 10))) { link.lag = parseInt(lagValue, 10); } gantt.updateLink(; if (gantt.autoSchedule) { gantt.autoSchedule(link.source); } endPopup(); } var modal; var editLinkId; gantt.attachEvent("onLinkDblClick", function (id, e) { editLinkId = id; var link = gantt.getLink(id); var linkTitle; switch (link.type) { case gantt.config.links.finish_to_start: linkTitle = "FS"; break; case gantt.config.links.finish_to_finish: linkTitle = "FF"; break; case gantt.config.links.start_to_start: linkTitle = "SS"; break; case gantt.config.links.start_to_finish: linkTitle = "SF"; break; } linkTitle += " " + gantt.getTask(link.source).text + " -> " + gantt.getTask(; modal = gantt.modalbox({ title: linkTitle, text: "