You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43380 lines
1.4 MiB

dhtmlxGantt v.7.1.8 Standard
This version of dhtmlxGantt is distributed under GPL 2.0 license and can be legally used in GPL projects.
To use dhtmlxGantt in non-GPL projects (and get Pro version of the product), please obtain Commercial/Enterprise or Ultimate license on our site or contact us at
(c) XB Software Ltd.
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory();
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define("dhtmlxgantt", [], factory);
else if(typeof exports === 'object')
exports["dhtmlxgantt"] = factory();
root["dhtmlxgantt"] = factory();
})(window, function() {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ }
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ // create a fake namespace object
/******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
/******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
/******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object
/******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require
/******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {
/******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
/******/ if(mode & 8) return value;
/******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;
/******/ var ns = Object.create(null);
/******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns);
/******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });
/******/ if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));
/******/ return ns;
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "/codebase/sources/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = "./sources/dhtmlxgantt.gpl.ts");
/******/ })
/******/ ({
/***/ "./node_modules/bluebird/js/browser/bluebird.js":
!*** ./node_modules/bluebird/js/browser/bluebird.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process, global, setImmediate) {var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
/* @preserve
* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Petka Antonov
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* bluebird build version 3.5.4
* Features enabled: core, race, call_get, generators, map, nodeify, promisify, props, reduce, settle, some, using, timers, filter, any, each
!function (e) {
if ("object" == ( false ? undefined : _typeof(exports)) && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = e();else if (true) !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (e),
__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));else { var f; }
}(function () {
var define, module, exports;
return function e(t, n, r) {
function s(o, u) {
if (!n[o]) {
if (!t[o]) {
var a = typeof _dereq_ == "function" && _dereq_;
if (!u && a) return a(o, !0);
if (i) return i(o, !0);
var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
throw f.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", f;
var l = n[o] = {
exports: {}
t[o][0].call(l.exports, function (e) {
var n = t[o][1][e];
return s(n ? n : e);
}, l, l.exports, e, t, n, r);
return n[o].exports;
var i = typeof _dereq_ == "function" && _dereq_;
for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
return s;
1: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise) {
var SomePromiseArray = Promise._SomePromiseArray;
function any(promises) {
var ret = new SomePromiseArray(promises);
var promise = ret.promise();
return promise;
Promise.any = function (promises) {
return any(promises);
Promise.prototype.any = function () {
return any(this);
}, {}],
2: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
var firstLineError;
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (e) {
firstLineError = e;
var schedule = _dereq_("./schedule");
var Queue = _dereq_("./queue");
var util = _dereq_("./util");
function Async() {
this._customScheduler = false;
this._isTickUsed = false;
this._lateQueue = new Queue(16);
this._normalQueue = new Queue(16);
this._haveDrainedQueues = false;
this._trampolineEnabled = true;
var self = this;
this.drainQueues = function () {
this._schedule = schedule;
Async.prototype.setScheduler = function (fn) {
var prev = this._schedule;
this._schedule = fn;
this._customScheduler = true;
return prev;
Async.prototype.hasCustomScheduler = function () {
return this._customScheduler;
Async.prototype.enableTrampoline = function () {
this._trampolineEnabled = true;
Async.prototype.disableTrampolineIfNecessary = function () {
if (util.hasDevTools) {
this._trampolineEnabled = false;
Async.prototype.haveItemsQueued = function () {
return this._isTickUsed || this._haveDrainedQueues;
Async.prototype.fatalError = function (e, isNode) {
if (isNode) {
process.stderr.write("Fatal " + (e instanceof Error ? e.stack : e) + "\n");
} else {
Async.prototype.throwLater = function (fn, arg) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
arg = fn;
fn = function fn() {
throw arg;
if (typeof setTimeout !== "undefined") {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
} else try {
this._schedule(function () {
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("No async scheduler available\n\n See\n");
function AsyncInvokeLater(fn, receiver, arg) {
this._lateQueue.push(fn, receiver, arg);
function AsyncInvoke(fn, receiver, arg) {
this._normalQueue.push(fn, receiver, arg);
function AsyncSettlePromises(promise) {
if (!util.hasDevTools) {
Async.prototype.invokeLater = AsyncInvokeLater;
Async.prototype.invoke = AsyncInvoke;
Async.prototype.settlePromises = AsyncSettlePromises;
} else {
Async.prototype.invokeLater = function (fn, receiver, arg) {
if (this._trampolineEnabled) {, fn, receiver, arg);
} else {
this._schedule(function () {
setTimeout(function () {, arg);
}, 100);
Async.prototype.invoke = function (fn, receiver, arg) {
if (this._trampolineEnabled) {, fn, receiver, arg);
} else {
this._schedule(function () {, arg);
Async.prototype.settlePromises = function (promise) {
if (this._trampolineEnabled) {, promise);
} else {
this._schedule(function () {
function _drainQueue(queue) {
while (queue.length() > 0) {
function _drainQueueStep(queue) {
var fn = queue.shift();
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
} else {
var receiver = queue.shift();
var arg = queue.shift();, arg);
Async.prototype._drainQueues = function () {
this._haveDrainedQueues = true;
Async.prototype._queueTick = function () {
if (!this._isTickUsed) {
this._isTickUsed = true;
Async.prototype._reset = function () {
this._isTickUsed = false;
module.exports = Async;
module.exports.firstLineError = firstLineError;
}, {
"./queue": 26,
"./schedule": 29,
"./util": 36
3: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, debug) {
var calledBind = false;
var rejectThis = function rejectThis(_, e) {
var targetRejected = function targetRejected(e, context) {
context.promiseRejectionQueued = true;
context.bindingPromise._then(rejectThis, rejectThis, null, this, e);
var bindingResolved = function bindingResolved(thisArg, context) {
if ((this._bitField & 50397184) === 0) {
var bindingRejected = function bindingRejected(e, context) {
if (!context.promiseRejectionQueued) this._reject(e);
Promise.prototype.bind = function (thisArg) {
if (!calledBind) {
calledBind = true;
Promise.prototype._propagateFrom = debug.propagateFromFunction();
Promise.prototype._boundValue = debug.boundValueFunction();
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(thisArg);
var ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
ret._propagateFrom(this, 1);
var target = this._target();
if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) {
var context = {
promiseRejectionQueued: false,
promise: ret,
target: target,
bindingPromise: maybePromise
target._then(INTERNAL, targetRejected, undefined, ret, context);
maybePromise._then(bindingResolved, bindingRejected, undefined, ret, context);
} else {
return ret;
Promise.prototype._setBoundTo = function (obj) {
if (obj !== undefined) {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 2097152;
this._boundTo = obj;
} else {
this._bitField = this._bitField & ~2097152;
Promise.prototype._isBound = function () {
return (this._bitField & 2097152) === 2097152;
Promise.bind = function (thisArg, value) {
return Promise.resolve(value).bind(thisArg);
}, {}],
4: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
var old;
if (typeof Promise !== "undefined") old = Promise;
function noConflict() {
try {
if (Promise === bluebird) Promise = old;
} catch (e) {}
return bluebird;
var bluebird = _dereq_("./promise")();
bluebird.noConflict = noConflict;
module.exports = bluebird;
}, {
"./promise": 22
5: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
var cr = Object.create;
if (cr) {
var callerCache = cr(null);
var getterCache = cr(null);
callerCache[" size"] = getterCache[" size"] = 0;
module.exports = function (Promise) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var canEvaluate = util.canEvaluate;
var isIdentifier = util.isIdentifier;
var getMethodCaller;
var getGetter;
if (false) { var getCompiled, makeGetter, makeMethodCaller; }
function ensureMethod(obj, methodName) {
var fn;
if (obj != null) fn = obj[methodName];
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
var message = "Object " + util.classString(obj) + " has no method '" + util.toString(methodName) + "'";
throw new Promise.TypeError(message);
return fn;
function caller(obj) {
var methodName = this.pop();
var fn = ensureMethod(obj, methodName);
return fn.apply(obj, this);
} = function (methodName) {
var args = [], 1);
if (false) { var maybeCaller; }
return this._then(caller, undefined, undefined, args, undefined);
function namedGetter(obj) {
return obj[this];
function indexedGetter(obj) {
var index = +this;
if (index < 0) index = Math.max(0, index + obj.length);
return obj[index];
Promise.prototype.get = function (propertyName) {
var isIndex = typeof propertyName === "number";
var getter;
if (!isIndex) {
if (canEvaluate) {
var maybeGetter = getGetter(propertyName);
getter = maybeGetter !== null ? maybeGetter : namedGetter;
} else {
getter = namedGetter;
} else {
getter = indexedGetter;
return this._then(getter, undefined, undefined, propertyName, undefined);
}, {
"./util": 36
6: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, PromiseArray, apiRejection, debug) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
var async = Promise._async;
Promise.prototype["break"] = Promise.prototype.cancel = function () {
if (!debug.cancellation()) return this._warn("cancellation is disabled");
var promise = this;
var child = promise;
while (promise._isCancellable()) {
if (!promise._cancelBy(child)) {
if (child._isFollowing()) {
} else {
var parent = promise._cancellationParent;
if (parent == null || !parent._isCancellable()) {
if (promise._isFollowing()) {
} else {
} else {
if (promise._isFollowing()) promise._followee().cancel();
child = promise;
promise = parent;
Promise.prototype._branchHasCancelled = function () {
Promise.prototype._enoughBranchesHaveCancelled = function () {
return this._branchesRemainingToCancel === undefined || this._branchesRemainingToCancel <= 0;
Promise.prototype._cancelBy = function (canceller) {
if (canceller === this) {
this._branchesRemainingToCancel = 0;
return true;
} else {
if (this._enoughBranchesHaveCancelled()) {
return true;
return false;
Promise.prototype._cancelBranched = function () {
if (this._enoughBranchesHaveCancelled()) {
Promise.prototype._cancel = function () {
if (!this._isCancellable()) return;
async.invoke(this._cancelPromises, this, undefined);
Promise.prototype._cancelPromises = function () {
if (this._length() > 0) this._settlePromises();
Promise.prototype._unsetOnCancel = function () {
this._onCancelField = undefined;
Promise.prototype._isCancellable = function () {
return this.isPending() && !this._isCancelled();
Promise.prototype.isCancellable = function () {
return this.isPending() && !this.isCancelled();
Promise.prototype._doInvokeOnCancel = function (onCancelCallback, internalOnly) {
if (util.isArray(onCancelCallback)) {
for (var i = 0; i < onCancelCallback.length; ++i) {
this._doInvokeOnCancel(onCancelCallback[i], internalOnly);
} else if (onCancelCallback !== undefined) {
if (typeof onCancelCallback === "function") {
if (!internalOnly) {
var e = tryCatch(onCancelCallback).call(this._boundValue());
if (e === errorObj) {
} else {
Promise.prototype._invokeOnCancel = function () {
var onCancelCallback = this._onCancel();
async.invoke(this._doInvokeOnCancel, this, onCancelCallback);
Promise.prototype._invokeInternalOnCancel = function () {
if (this._isCancellable()) {
this._doInvokeOnCancel(this._onCancel(), true);
Promise.prototype._resultCancelled = function () {
}, {
"./util": 36
7: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (NEXT_FILTER) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var getKeys = _dereq_("./es5").keys;
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
function catchFilter(instances, cb, promise) {
return function (e) {
var boundTo = promise._boundValue();
predicateLoop: for (var i = 0; i < instances.length; ++i) {
var item = instances[i];
if (item === Error || item != null && item.prototype instanceof Error) {
if (e instanceof item) {
return tryCatch(cb).call(boundTo, e);
} else if (typeof item === "function") {
var matchesPredicate = tryCatch(item).call(boundTo, e);
if (matchesPredicate === errorObj) {
return matchesPredicate;
} else if (matchesPredicate) {
return tryCatch(cb).call(boundTo, e);
} else if (util.isObject(e)) {
var keys = getKeys(item);
for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; ++j) {
var key = keys[j];
if (item[key] != e[key]) {
continue predicateLoop;
return tryCatch(cb).call(boundTo, e);
return catchFilter;
}, {
"./es5": 13,
"./util": 36
8: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise) {
var longStackTraces = false;
var contextStack = [];
Promise.prototype._promiseCreated = function () {};
Promise.prototype._pushContext = function () {};
Promise.prototype._popContext = function () {
return null;
Promise._peekContext = Promise.prototype._peekContext = function () {};
function Context() {
this._trace = new Context.CapturedTrace(peekContext());
Context.prototype._pushContext = function () {
if (this._trace !== undefined) {
this._trace._promiseCreated = null;
Context.prototype._popContext = function () {
if (this._trace !== undefined) {
var trace = contextStack.pop();
var ret = trace._promiseCreated;
trace._promiseCreated = null;
return ret;
return null;
function createContext() {
if (longStackTraces) return new Context();
function peekContext() {
var lastIndex = contextStack.length - 1;
if (lastIndex >= 0) {
return contextStack[lastIndex];
return undefined;
Context.CapturedTrace = null;
Context.create = createContext;
Context.deactivateLongStackTraces = function () {};
Context.activateLongStackTraces = function () {
var Promise_pushContext = Promise.prototype._pushContext;
var Promise_popContext = Promise.prototype._popContext;
var Promise_PeekContext = Promise._peekContext;
var Promise_peekContext = Promise.prototype._peekContext;
var Promise_promiseCreated = Promise.prototype._promiseCreated;
Context.deactivateLongStackTraces = function () {
Promise.prototype._pushContext = Promise_pushContext;
Promise.prototype._popContext = Promise_popContext;
Promise._peekContext = Promise_PeekContext;
Promise.prototype._peekContext = Promise_peekContext;
Promise.prototype._promiseCreated = Promise_promiseCreated;
longStackTraces = false;
longStackTraces = true;
Promise.prototype._pushContext = Context.prototype._pushContext;
Promise.prototype._popContext = Context.prototype._popContext;
Promise._peekContext = Promise.prototype._peekContext = peekContext;
Promise.prototype._promiseCreated = function () {
var ctx = this._peekContext();
if (ctx && ctx._promiseCreated == null) ctx._promiseCreated = this;
return Context;
}, {}],
9: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, Context) {
var getDomain = Promise._getDomain;
var async = Promise._async;
var Warning = _dereq_("./errors").Warning;
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var es5 = _dereq_("./es5");
var canAttachTrace = util.canAttachTrace;
var unhandledRejectionHandled;
var possiblyUnhandledRejection;
var bluebirdFramePattern = /[\\\/]bluebird[\\\/]js[\\\/](release|debug|instrumented)/;
var nodeFramePattern = /\((?:timers\.js):\d+:\d+\)/;
var parseLinePattern = /[\/<\(](.+?):(\d+):(\d+)\)?\s*$/;
var stackFramePattern = null;
var formatStack = null;
var indentStackFrames = false;
var printWarning;
var debugging = !!(util.env("BLUEBIRD_DEBUG") != 0 && (true || util.env("BLUEBIRD_DEBUG") || util.env("NODE_ENV") === "development"));
var warnings = !!(util.env("BLUEBIRD_WARNINGS") != 0 && (debugging || util.env("BLUEBIRD_WARNINGS")));
var longStackTraces = !!(util.env("BLUEBIRD_LONG_STACK_TRACES") != 0 && (debugging || util.env("BLUEBIRD_LONG_STACK_TRACES")));
var wForgottenReturn = util.env("BLUEBIRD_W_FORGOTTEN_RETURN") != 0 && (warnings || !!util.env("BLUEBIRD_W_FORGOTTEN_RETURN"));
Promise.prototype.suppressUnhandledRejections = function () {
var target = this._target();
target._bitField = target._bitField & ~1048576 | 524288;
Promise.prototype._ensurePossibleRejectionHandled = function () {
if ((this._bitField & 524288) !== 0) return;
var self = this;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
Promise.prototype._notifyUnhandledRejectionIsHandled = function () {
fireRejectionEvent("rejectionHandled", unhandledRejectionHandled, undefined, this);
Promise.prototype._setReturnedNonUndefined = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 268435456;
Promise.prototype._returnedNonUndefined = function () {
return (this._bitField & 268435456) !== 0;
Promise.prototype._notifyUnhandledRejection = function () {
if (this._isRejectionUnhandled()) {
var reason = this._settledValue();
fireRejectionEvent("unhandledRejection", possiblyUnhandledRejection, reason, this);
Promise.prototype._setUnhandledRejectionIsNotified = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 262144;
Promise.prototype._unsetUnhandledRejectionIsNotified = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField & ~262144;
Promise.prototype._isUnhandledRejectionNotified = function () {
return (this._bitField & 262144) > 0;
Promise.prototype._setRejectionIsUnhandled = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 1048576;
Promise.prototype._unsetRejectionIsUnhandled = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField & ~1048576;
if (this._isUnhandledRejectionNotified()) {
Promise.prototype._isRejectionUnhandled = function () {
return (this._bitField & 1048576) > 0;
Promise.prototype._warn = function (message, shouldUseOwnTrace, promise) {
return warn(message, shouldUseOwnTrace, promise || this);
Promise.onPossiblyUnhandledRejection = function (fn) {
var domain = getDomain();
possiblyUnhandledRejection = typeof fn === "function" ? domain === null ? fn : util.domainBind(domain, fn) : undefined;
Promise.onUnhandledRejectionHandled = function (fn) {
var domain = getDomain();
unhandledRejectionHandled = typeof fn === "function" ? domain === null ? fn : util.domainBind(domain, fn) : undefined;
var disableLongStackTraces = function disableLongStackTraces() {};
Promise.longStackTraces = function () {
if (async.haveItemsQueued() && !config.longStackTraces) {
throw new Error("cannot enable long stack traces after promises have been created\n\n See\n");
if (!config.longStackTraces && longStackTracesIsSupported()) {
var Promise_captureStackTrace = Promise.prototype._captureStackTrace;
var Promise_attachExtraTrace = Promise.prototype._attachExtraTrace;
var Promise_dereferenceTrace = Promise.prototype._dereferenceTrace;
config.longStackTraces = true;
disableLongStackTraces = function disableLongStackTraces() {
if (async.haveItemsQueued() && !config.longStackTraces) {
throw new Error("cannot enable long stack traces after promises have been created\n\n See\n");
Promise.prototype._captureStackTrace = Promise_captureStackTrace;
Promise.prototype._attachExtraTrace = Promise_attachExtraTrace;
Promise.prototype._dereferenceTrace = Promise_dereferenceTrace;
config.longStackTraces = false;
Promise.prototype._captureStackTrace = longStackTracesCaptureStackTrace;
Promise.prototype._attachExtraTrace = longStackTracesAttachExtraTrace;
Promise.prototype._dereferenceTrace = longStackTracesDereferenceTrace;
Promise.hasLongStackTraces = function () {
return config.longStackTraces && longStackTracesIsSupported();
var fireDomEvent = function () {
try {
if (typeof CustomEvent === "function") {
var event = new CustomEvent("CustomEvent");;
return function (name, event) {
var eventData = {
detail: event,
cancelable: true
es5.defineProperty(eventData, "promise", {
value: event.promise
es5.defineProperty(eventData, "reason", {
value: event.reason
var domEvent = new CustomEvent(name.toLowerCase(), eventData);
return !;
} else if (typeof Event === "function") {
var event = new Event("CustomEvent");;
return function (name, event) {
var domEvent = new Event(name.toLowerCase(), {
cancelable: true
domEvent.detail = event;
es5.defineProperty(domEvent, "promise", {
value: event.promise
es5.defineProperty(domEvent, "reason", {
value: event.reason
return !;
} else {
var event = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
event.initCustomEvent("testingtheevent", false, true, {});;
return function (name, event) {
var domEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
domEvent.initCustomEvent(name.toLowerCase(), false, true, event);
return !;
} catch (e) {}
return function () {
return false;
var fireGlobalEvent = function () {
if (util.isNode) {
return function () {
return process.emit.apply(process, arguments);
} else {
if (! {
return function () {
return false;
return function (name) {
var methodName = "on" + name.toLowerCase();
var method =[methodName];
if (!method) return false;
method.apply(, [], 1));
return true;
function generatePromiseLifecycleEventObject(name, promise) {
return {
promise: promise
var eventToObjectGenerator = {
promiseCreated: generatePromiseLifecycleEventObject,
promiseFulfilled: generatePromiseLifecycleEventObject,
promiseRejected: generatePromiseLifecycleEventObject,
promiseResolved: generatePromiseLifecycleEventObject,
promiseCancelled: generatePromiseLifecycleEventObject,
promiseChained: function promiseChained(name, promise, child) {
return {
promise: promise,
child: child
warning: function warning(name, _warning) {
return {
warning: _warning
unhandledRejection: function unhandledRejection(name, reason, promise) {
return {
reason: reason,
promise: promise
rejectionHandled: generatePromiseLifecycleEventObject
var activeFireEvent = function activeFireEvent(name) {
var globalEventFired = false;
try {
globalEventFired = fireGlobalEvent.apply(null, arguments);
} catch (e) {
globalEventFired = true;
var domEventFired = false;
try {
domEventFired = fireDomEvent(name, eventToObjectGenerator[name].apply(null, arguments));
} catch (e) {
domEventFired = true;
return domEventFired || globalEventFired;
Promise.config = function (opts) {
opts = Object(opts);
if ("longStackTraces" in opts) {
if (opts.longStackTraces) {
} else if (!opts.longStackTraces && Promise.hasLongStackTraces()) {
if ("warnings" in opts) {
var warningsOption = opts.warnings;
config.warnings = !!warningsOption;
wForgottenReturn = config.warnings;
if (util.isObject(warningsOption)) {
if ("wForgottenReturn" in warningsOption) {
wForgottenReturn = !!warningsOption.wForgottenReturn;
if ("cancellation" in opts && opts.cancellation && !config.cancellation) {
if (async.haveItemsQueued()) {
throw new Error("cannot enable cancellation after promises are in use");
Promise.prototype._clearCancellationData = cancellationClearCancellationData;
Promise.prototype._propagateFrom = cancellationPropagateFrom;
Promise.prototype._onCancel = cancellationOnCancel;
Promise.prototype._setOnCancel = cancellationSetOnCancel;
Promise.prototype._attachCancellationCallback = cancellationAttachCancellationCallback;
Promise.prototype._execute = cancellationExecute;
_propagateFromFunction = cancellationPropagateFrom;
config.cancellation = true;
if ("monitoring" in opts) {
if (opts.monitoring && !config.monitoring) {
config.monitoring = true;
Promise.prototype._fireEvent = activeFireEvent;
} else if (!opts.monitoring && config.monitoring) {
config.monitoring = false;
Promise.prototype._fireEvent = defaultFireEvent;
return Promise;
function defaultFireEvent() {
return false;
Promise.prototype._fireEvent = defaultFireEvent;
Promise.prototype._execute = function (executor, resolve, reject) {
try {
executor(resolve, reject);
} catch (e) {
return e;
Promise.prototype._onCancel = function () {};
Promise.prototype._setOnCancel = function (handler) {
Promise.prototype._attachCancellationCallback = function (onCancel) {
Promise.prototype._captureStackTrace = function () {};
Promise.prototype._attachExtraTrace = function () {};
Promise.prototype._dereferenceTrace = function () {};
Promise.prototype._clearCancellationData = function () {};
Promise.prototype._propagateFrom = function (parent, flags) {
function cancellationExecute(executor, resolve, reject) {
var promise = this;
try {
executor(resolve, reject, function (onCancel) {
if (typeof onCancel !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("onCancel must be a function, got: " + util.toString(onCancel));
} catch (e) {
return e;
function cancellationAttachCancellationCallback(onCancel) {
if (!this._isCancellable()) return this;
var previousOnCancel = this._onCancel();
if (previousOnCancel !== undefined) {
if (util.isArray(previousOnCancel)) {
} else {
this._setOnCancel([previousOnCancel, onCancel]);
} else {
function cancellationOnCancel() {
return this._onCancelField;
function cancellationSetOnCancel(onCancel) {
this._onCancelField = onCancel;
function cancellationClearCancellationData() {
this._cancellationParent = undefined;
this._onCancelField = undefined;
function cancellationPropagateFrom(parent, flags) {
if ((flags & 1) !== 0) {
this._cancellationParent = parent;
var branchesRemainingToCancel = parent._branchesRemainingToCancel;
if (branchesRemainingToCancel === undefined) {
branchesRemainingToCancel = 0;
parent._branchesRemainingToCancel = branchesRemainingToCancel + 1;
if ((flags & 2) !== 0 && parent._isBound()) {
function bindingPropagateFrom(parent, flags) {
if ((flags & 2) !== 0 && parent._isBound()) {
var _propagateFromFunction = bindingPropagateFrom;
function _boundValueFunction() {
var ret = this._boundTo;
if (ret !== undefined) {
if (ret instanceof Promise) {
if (ret.isFulfilled()) {
return ret.value();
} else {
return undefined;
return ret;
function longStackTracesCaptureStackTrace() {
this._trace = new CapturedTrace(this._peekContext());
function longStackTracesAttachExtraTrace(error, ignoreSelf) {
if (canAttachTrace(error)) {
var trace = this._trace;
if (trace !== undefined) {
if (ignoreSelf) trace = trace._parent;
if (trace !== undefined) {
} else if (!error.__stackCleaned__) {
var parsed = parseStackAndMessage(error);
util.notEnumerableProp(error, "stack", parsed.message + "\n" + parsed.stack.join("\n"));
util.notEnumerableProp(error, "__stackCleaned__", true);
function longStackTracesDereferenceTrace() {
this._trace = undefined;
function checkForgottenReturns(returnValue, promiseCreated, name, promise, parent) {
if (returnValue === undefined && promiseCreated !== null && wForgottenReturn) {
if (parent !== undefined && parent._returnedNonUndefined()) return;
if ((promise._bitField & 65535) === 0) return;
if (name) name = name + " ";
var handlerLine = "";
var creatorLine = "";
if (promiseCreated._trace) {
var traceLines = promiseCreated._trace.stack.split("\n");
var stack = cleanStack(traceLines);
for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var line = stack[i];
if (!nodeFramePattern.test(line)) {
var lineMatches = line.match(parseLinePattern);
if (lineMatches) {
handlerLine = "at " + lineMatches[1] + ":" + lineMatches[2] + ":" + lineMatches[3] + " ";
if (stack.length > 0) {
var firstUserLine = stack[0];
for (var i = 0; i < traceLines.length; ++i) {
if (traceLines[i] === firstUserLine) {
if (i > 0) {
creatorLine = "\n" + traceLines[i - 1];
var msg = "a promise was created in a " + name + "handler " + handlerLine + "but was not returned from it, " + "see" + creatorLine;
promise._warn(msg, true, promiseCreated);
function deprecated(name, replacement) {
var message = name + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.";
if (replacement) message += " Use " + replacement + " instead.";
return warn(message);
function warn(message, shouldUseOwnTrace, promise) {
if (!config.warnings) return;
var warning = new Warning(message);
var ctx;
if (shouldUseOwnTrace) {
} else if (config.longStackTraces && (ctx = Promise._peekContext())) {
} else {
var parsed = parseStackAndMessage(warning);
warning.stack = parsed.message + "\n" + parsed.stack.join("\n");
if (!activeFireEvent("warning", warning)) {
formatAndLogError(warning, "", true);
function reconstructStack(message, stacks) {
for (var i = 0; i < stacks.length - 1; ++i) {
stacks[i].push("From previous event:");
stacks[i] = stacks[i].join("\n");
if (i < stacks.length) {
stacks[i] = stacks[i].join("\n");
return message + "\n" + stacks.join("\n");
function removeDuplicateOrEmptyJumps(stacks) {
for (var i = 0; i < stacks.length; ++i) {
if (stacks[i].length === 0 || i + 1 < stacks.length && stacks[i][0] === stacks[i + 1][0]) {
stacks.splice(i, 1);
function removeCommonRoots(stacks) {
var current = stacks[0];
for (var i = 1; i < stacks.length; ++i) {
var prev = stacks[i];
var currentLastIndex = current.length - 1;
var currentLastLine = current[currentLastIndex];
var commonRootMeetPoint = -1;
for (var j = prev.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (prev[j] === currentLastLine) {
commonRootMeetPoint = j;
for (var j = commonRootMeetPoint; j >= 0; --j) {
var line = prev[j];
if (current[currentLastIndex] === line) {
} else {
current = prev;
function cleanStack(stack) {
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; ++i) {
var line = stack[i];
var isTraceLine = " (No stack trace)" === line || stackFramePattern.test(line);
var isInternalFrame = isTraceLine && shouldIgnore(line);
if (isTraceLine && !isInternalFrame) {
if (indentStackFrames && line.charAt(0) !== " ") {
line = " " + line;
return ret;
function stackFramesAsArray(error) {
var stack = error.stack.replace(/\s+$/g, "").split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; ++i) {
var line = stack[i];
if (" (No stack trace)" === line || stackFramePattern.test(line)) {
if (i > 0 && != "SyntaxError") {
stack = stack.slice(i);
return stack;
function parseStackAndMessage(error) {
var stack = error.stack;
var message = error.toString();
stack = typeof stack === "string" && stack.length > 0 ? stackFramesAsArray(error) : [" (No stack trace)"];
return {
message: message,
stack: == "SyntaxError" ? stack : cleanStack(stack)
function formatAndLogError(error, title, isSoft) {
if (typeof console !== "undefined") {
var message;
if (util.isObject(error)) {
var stack = error.stack;
message = title + formatStack(stack, error);
} else {
message = title + String(error);
if (typeof printWarning === "function") {
printWarning(message, isSoft);
} else if (typeof console.log === "function" || _typeof(console.log) === "object") {
function fireRejectionEvent(name, localHandler, reason, promise) {
var localEventFired = false;
try {
if (typeof localHandler === "function") {
localEventFired = true;
if (name === "rejectionHandled") {
} else {
localHandler(reason, promise);
} catch (e) {
if (name === "unhandledRejection") {
if (!activeFireEvent(name, reason, promise) && !localEventFired) {
formatAndLogError(reason, "Unhandled rejection ");
} else {
activeFireEvent(name, promise);
function formatNonError(obj) {
var str;
if (typeof obj === "function") {
str = "[function " + ( || "anonymous") + "]";
} else {
str = obj && typeof obj.toString === "function" ? obj.toString() : util.toString(obj);
var ruselessToString = /\[object [a-zA-Z0-9$_]+\]/;
if (ruselessToString.test(str)) {
try {
var newStr = JSON.stringify(obj);
str = newStr;
} catch (e) {}
if (str.length === 0) {
str = "(empty array)";
return "(<" + snip(str) + ">, no stack trace)";
function snip(str) {
var maxChars = 41;
if (str.length < maxChars) {
return str;
return str.substr(0, maxChars - 3) + "...";
function longStackTracesIsSupported() {
return typeof captureStackTrace === "function";
var shouldIgnore = function shouldIgnore() {
return false;
var parseLineInfoRegex = /[\/<\(]([^:\/]+):(\d+):(?:\d+)\)?\s*$/;
function parseLineInfo(line) {
var matches = line.match(parseLineInfoRegex);
if (matches) {
return {
fileName: matches[1],
line: parseInt(matches[2], 10)
function setBounds(firstLineError, lastLineError) {
if (!longStackTracesIsSupported()) return;
var firstStackLines = firstLineError.stack.split("\n");
var lastStackLines = lastLineError.stack.split("\n");
var firstIndex = -1;
var lastIndex = -1;
var firstFileName;
var lastFileName;
for (var i = 0; i < firstStackLines.length; ++i) {
var result = parseLineInfo(firstStackLines[i]);
if (result) {
firstFileName = result.fileName;
firstIndex = result.line;
for (var i = 0; i < lastStackLines.length; ++i) {
var result = parseLineInfo(lastStackLines[i]);
if (result) {
lastFileName = result.fileName;
lastIndex = result.line;
if (firstIndex < 0 || lastIndex < 0 || !firstFileName || !lastFileName || firstFileName !== lastFileName || firstIndex >= lastIndex) {
shouldIgnore = function shouldIgnore(line) {
if (bluebirdFramePattern.test(line)) return true;
var info = parseLineInfo(line);
if (info) {
if (info.fileName === firstFileName && firstIndex <= info.line && info.line <= lastIndex) {
return true;
return false;
function CapturedTrace(parent) {
this._parent = parent;
this._promisesCreated = 0;
var length = this._length = 1 + (parent === undefined ? 0 : parent._length);
captureStackTrace(this, CapturedTrace);
if (length > 32) this.uncycle();
util.inherits(CapturedTrace, Error);
Context.CapturedTrace = CapturedTrace;
CapturedTrace.prototype.uncycle = function () {
var length = this._length;
if (length < 2) return;
var nodes = [];
var stackToIndex = {};
for (var i = 0, node = this; node !== undefined; ++i) {
node = node._parent;
length = this._length = i;
for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var stack = nodes[i].stack;
if (stackToIndex[stack] === undefined) {
stackToIndex[stack] = i;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var currentStack = nodes[i].stack;
var index = stackToIndex[currentStack];
if (index !== undefined && index !== i) {
if (index > 0) {
nodes[index - 1]._parent = undefined;
nodes[index - 1]._length = 1;
nodes[i]._parent = undefined;
nodes[i]._length = 1;
var cycleEdgeNode = i > 0 ? nodes[i - 1] : this;
if (index < length - 1) {
cycleEdgeNode._parent = nodes[index + 1];
cycleEdgeNode._length = cycleEdgeNode._parent._length + 1;
} else {
cycleEdgeNode._parent = undefined;
cycleEdgeNode._length = 1;
var currentChildLength = cycleEdgeNode._length + 1;
for (var j = i - 2; j >= 0; --j) {
nodes[j]._length = currentChildLength;
CapturedTrace.prototype.attachExtraTrace = function (error) {
if (error.__stackCleaned__) return;
var parsed = parseStackAndMessage(error);
var message = parsed.message;
var stacks = [parsed.stack];
var trace = this;
while (trace !== undefined) {
trace = trace._parent;
util.notEnumerableProp(error, "stack", reconstructStack(message, stacks));
util.notEnumerableProp(error, "__stackCleaned__", true);
var captureStackTrace = function stackDetection() {
var v8stackFramePattern = /^\s*at\s*/;
var v8stackFormatter = function v8stackFormatter(stack, error) {
if (typeof stack === "string") return stack;
if ( !== undefined && error.message !== undefined) {
return error.toString();
return formatNonError(error);
if (typeof Error.stackTraceLimit === "number" && typeof Error.captureStackTrace === "function") {
Error.stackTraceLimit += 6;
stackFramePattern = v8stackFramePattern;
formatStack = v8stackFormatter;
var captureStackTrace = Error.captureStackTrace;
shouldIgnore = function shouldIgnore(line) {
return bluebirdFramePattern.test(line);
return function (receiver, ignoreUntil) {
Error.stackTraceLimit += 6;
captureStackTrace(receiver, ignoreUntil);
Error.stackTraceLimit -= 6;
var err = new Error();
if (typeof err.stack === "string" && err.stack.split("\n")[0].indexOf("stackDetection@") >= 0) {
stackFramePattern = /@/;
formatStack = v8stackFormatter;
indentStackFrames = true;
return function captureStackTrace(o) {
o.stack = new Error().stack;
var hasStackAfterThrow;
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (e) {
hasStackAfterThrow = "stack" in e;
if (!("stack" in err) && hasStackAfterThrow && typeof Error.stackTraceLimit === "number") {
stackFramePattern = v8stackFramePattern;
formatStack = v8stackFormatter;
return function captureStackTrace(o) {
Error.stackTraceLimit += 6;
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (e) {
o.stack = e.stack;
Error.stackTraceLimit -= 6;
formatStack = function formatStack(stack, error) {
if (typeof stack === "string") return stack;
if ((_typeof(error) === "object" || typeof error === "function") && !== undefined && error.message !== undefined) {
return error.toString();
return formatNonError(error);
return null;
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.warn !== "undefined") {
printWarning = function printWarning(message) {
if (util.isNode && process.stderr.isTTY) {
printWarning = function printWarning(message, isSoft) {
var color = isSoft ? "\x1B[33m" : "\x1B[31m";
console.warn(color + message + "\x1B[0m\n");
} else if (!util.isNode && typeof new Error().stack === "string") {
printWarning = function printWarning(message, isSoft) {
console.warn("%c" + message, isSoft ? "color: darkorange" : "color: red");
var config = {
warnings: warnings,
longStackTraces: false,
cancellation: false,
monitoring: false
if (longStackTraces) Promise.longStackTraces();
return {
longStackTraces: function longStackTraces() {
return config.longStackTraces;
warnings: function warnings() {
return config.warnings;
cancellation: function cancellation() {
return config.cancellation;
monitoring: function monitoring() {
return config.monitoring;
propagateFromFunction: function propagateFromFunction() {
return _propagateFromFunction;
boundValueFunction: function boundValueFunction() {
return _boundValueFunction;
checkForgottenReturns: checkForgottenReturns,
setBounds: setBounds,
warn: warn,
deprecated: deprecated,
CapturedTrace: CapturedTrace,
fireDomEvent: fireDomEvent,
fireGlobalEvent: fireGlobalEvent
}, {
"./errors": 12,
"./es5": 13,
"./util": 36
10: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise) {
function returner() {
return this.value;
function thrower() {
throw this.reason;
Promise.prototype["return"] = Promise.prototype.thenReturn = function (value) {
if (value instanceof Promise) value.suppressUnhandledRejections();
return this._then(returner, undefined, undefined, {
value: value
}, undefined);
Promise.prototype["throw"] = Promise.prototype.thenThrow = function (reason) {
return this._then(thrower, undefined, undefined, {
reason: reason
}, undefined);
Promise.prototype.catchThrow = function (reason) {
if (arguments.length <= 1) {
return this._then(undefined, thrower, undefined, {
reason: reason
}, undefined);
} else {
var _reason = arguments[1];
var handler = function handler() {
throw _reason;
return this.caught(reason, handler);
Promise.prototype.catchReturn = function (value) {
if (arguments.length <= 1) {
if (value instanceof Promise) value.suppressUnhandledRejections();
return this._then(undefined, returner, undefined, {
value: value
}, undefined);
} else {
var _value = arguments[1];
if (_value instanceof Promise) _value.suppressUnhandledRejections();
var handler = function handler() {
return _value;
return this.caught(value, handler);
}, {}],
11: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, INTERNAL) {
var PromiseReduce = Promise.reduce;
var PromiseAll = Promise.all;
function promiseAllThis() {
return PromiseAll(this);
function PromiseMapSeries(promises, fn) {
return PromiseReduce(promises, fn, INTERNAL, INTERNAL);
Promise.prototype.each = function (fn) {
return PromiseReduce(this, fn, INTERNAL, 0)._then(promiseAllThis, undefined, undefined, this, undefined);
Promise.prototype.mapSeries = function (fn) {
return PromiseReduce(this, fn, INTERNAL, INTERNAL);
Promise.each = function (promises, fn) {
return PromiseReduce(promises, fn, INTERNAL, 0)._then(promiseAllThis, undefined, undefined, promises, undefined);
Promise.mapSeries = PromiseMapSeries;
}, {}],
12: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
var es5 = _dereq_("./es5");
var Objectfreeze = es5.freeze;
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var inherits = util.inherits;
var notEnumerableProp = util.notEnumerableProp;
function subError(nameProperty, defaultMessage) {
function SubError(message) {
if (!(this instanceof SubError)) return new SubError(message);
notEnumerableProp(this, "message", typeof message === "string" ? message : defaultMessage);
notEnumerableProp(this, "name", nameProperty);
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
} else {;
inherits(SubError, Error);
return SubError;
var _TypeError, _RangeError;
var Warning = subError("Warning", "warning");
var CancellationError = subError("CancellationError", "cancellation error");
var TimeoutError = subError("TimeoutError", "timeout error");
var AggregateError = subError("AggregateError", "aggregate error");
try {
_TypeError = TypeError;
_RangeError = RangeError;
} catch (e) {
_TypeError = subError("TypeError", "type error");
_RangeError = subError("RangeError", "range error");
var methods = ("join pop push shift unshift slice filter forEach some " + "every map indexOf lastIndexOf reduce reduceRight sort reverse").split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) {
if (typeof Array.prototype[methods[i]] === "function") {
AggregateError.prototype[methods[i]] = Array.prototype[methods[i]];
es5.defineProperty(AggregateError.prototype, "length", {
value: 0,
configurable: false,
writable: true,
enumerable: true
AggregateError.prototype["isOperational"] = true;
var level = 0;
AggregateError.prototype.toString = function () {
var indent = Array(level * 4 + 1).join(" ");
var ret = "\n" + indent + "AggregateError of:" + "\n";
indent = Array(level * 4 + 1).join(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
var str = this[i] === this ? "[Circular AggregateError]" : this[i] + "";
var lines = str.split("\n");
for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; ++j) {
lines[j] = indent + lines[j];
str = lines.join("\n");
ret += str + "\n";
return ret;
function OperationalError(message) {
if (!(this instanceof OperationalError)) return new OperationalError(message);
notEnumerableProp(this, "name", "OperationalError");
notEnumerableProp(this, "message", message);
this.cause = message;
this["isOperational"] = true;
if (message instanceof Error) {
notEnumerableProp(this, "message", message.message);
notEnumerableProp(this, "stack", message.stack);
} else if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
inherits(OperationalError, Error);
var errorTypes = Error["__BluebirdErrorTypes__"];
if (!errorTypes) {
errorTypes = Objectfreeze({
CancellationError: CancellationError,
TimeoutError: TimeoutError,
OperationalError: OperationalError,
RejectionError: OperationalError,
AggregateError: AggregateError
es5.defineProperty(Error, "__BluebirdErrorTypes__", {
value: errorTypes,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false
module.exports = {
Error: Error,
TypeError: _TypeError,
RangeError: _RangeError,
CancellationError: errorTypes.CancellationError,
OperationalError: errorTypes.OperationalError,
TimeoutError: errorTypes.TimeoutError,
AggregateError: errorTypes.AggregateError,
Warning: Warning
}, {
"./es5": 13,
"./util": 36
13: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
var isES5 = function () {
"use strict";
return this === undefined;
if (isES5) {
module.exports = {
freeze: Object.freeze,
defineProperty: Object.defineProperty,
getDescriptor: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
keys: Object.keys,
names: Object.getOwnPropertyNames,
getPrototypeOf: Object.getPrototypeOf,
isArray: Array.isArray,
isES5: isES5,
propertyIsWritable: function propertyIsWritable(obj, prop) {
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
return !!(!descriptor || descriptor.writable || descriptor.set);
} else {
var has = {}.hasOwnProperty;
var str = {}.toString;
var proto = {}.constructor.prototype;
var ObjectKeys = function ObjectKeys(o) {
var ret = [];
for (var key in o) {
if (, key)) {
return ret;
var ObjectGetDescriptor = function ObjectGetDescriptor(o, key) {
return {
value: o[key]
var ObjectDefineProperty = function ObjectDefineProperty(o, key, desc) {
o[key] = desc.value;
return o;
var ObjectFreeze = function ObjectFreeze(obj) {
return obj;
var ObjectGetPrototypeOf = function ObjectGetPrototypeOf(obj) {
try {
return Object(obj).constructor.prototype;
} catch (e) {
return proto;
var ArrayIsArray = function ArrayIsArray(obj) {
try {
return === "[object Array]";
} catch (e) {
return false;
module.exports = {
isArray: ArrayIsArray,
keys: ObjectKeys,
names: ObjectKeys,
defineProperty: ObjectDefineProperty,
getDescriptor: ObjectGetDescriptor,
freeze: ObjectFreeze,
getPrototypeOf: ObjectGetPrototypeOf,
isES5: isES5,
propertyIsWritable: function propertyIsWritable() {
return true;
}, {}],
14: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, INTERNAL) {
var PromiseMap =;
Promise.prototype.filter = function (fn, options) {
return PromiseMap(this, fn, options, INTERNAL);
Promise.filter = function (promises, fn, options) {
return PromiseMap(promises, fn, options, INTERNAL);
}, {}],
15: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, tryConvertToPromise, NEXT_FILTER) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var CancellationError = Promise.CancellationError;
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
var catchFilter = _dereq_("./catch_filter")(NEXT_FILTER);
function PassThroughHandlerContext(promise, type, handler) {
this.promise = promise;
this.type = type;
this.handler = handler;
this.called = false;
this.cancelPromise = null;
PassThroughHandlerContext.prototype.isFinallyHandler = function () {
return this.type === 0;
function FinallyHandlerCancelReaction(finallyHandler) {
this.finallyHandler = finallyHandler;
FinallyHandlerCancelReaction.prototype._resultCancelled = function () {
function checkCancel(ctx, reason) {
if (ctx.cancelPromise != null) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
} else {
ctx.cancelPromise = null;
return true;
return false;
function succeed() {
return, this.promise._target()._settledValue());
function fail(reason) {
if (checkCancel(this, reason)) return;
errorObj.e = reason;
return errorObj;
function finallyHandler(reasonOrValue) {
var promise = this.promise;
var handler = this.handler;
if (!this.called) {
this.called = true;
var ret = this.isFinallyHandler() ? :, reasonOrValue);
if (ret === NEXT_FILTER) {
return ret;
} else if (ret !== undefined) {
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(ret, promise);
if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) {
if (this.cancelPromise != null) {
if (maybePromise._isCancelled()) {
var reason = new CancellationError("late cancellation observer");
errorObj.e = reason;
return errorObj;
} else if (maybePromise.isPending()) {
maybePromise._attachCancellationCallback(new FinallyHandlerCancelReaction(this));
return maybePromise._then(succeed, fail, undefined, this, undefined);
if (promise.isRejected()) {
errorObj.e = reasonOrValue;
return errorObj;
} else {
return reasonOrValue;
Promise.prototype._passThrough = function (handler, type, success, fail) {
if (typeof handler !== "function") return this.then();
return this._then(success, fail, undefined, new PassThroughHandlerContext(this, type, handler), undefined);
Promise.prototype.lastly = Promise.prototype["finally"] = function (handler) {
return this._passThrough(handler, 0, finallyHandler, finallyHandler);
Promise.prototype.tap = function (handler) {
return this._passThrough(handler, 1, finallyHandler);
Promise.prototype.tapCatch = function (handlerOrPredicate) {
var len = arguments.length;
if (len === 1) {
return this._passThrough(handlerOrPredicate, 1, undefined, finallyHandler);
} else {
var catchInstances = new Array(len - 1),
j = 0,
for (i = 0; i < len - 1; ++i) {
var item = arguments[i];
if (util.isObject(item)) {
catchInstances[j++] = item;
} else {
return Promise.reject(new TypeError("tapCatch statement predicate: " + "expecting an object but got " + util.classString(item)));
catchInstances.length = j;
var handler = arguments[i];
return this._passThrough(catchFilter(catchInstances, handler, this), 1, undefined, finallyHandler);
return PassThroughHandlerContext;
}, {
"./catch_filter": 7,
"./util": 36
16: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, apiRejection, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, Proxyable, debug) {
var errors = _dereq_("./errors");
var TypeError = errors.TypeError;
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
var yieldHandlers = [];
function promiseFromYieldHandler(value, yieldHandlers, traceParent) {
for (var i = 0; i < yieldHandlers.length; ++i) {
var result = tryCatch(yieldHandlers[i])(value);
if (result === errorObj) {
var ret = Promise.reject(errorObj.e);
return ret;
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(result, traceParent);
if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) return maybePromise;
return null;
function PromiseSpawn(generatorFunction, receiver, yieldHandler, stack) {
if (debug.cancellation()) {
var internal = new Promise(INTERNAL);
var _finallyPromise = this._finallyPromise = new Promise(INTERNAL);
this._promise = internal.lastly(function () {
return _finallyPromise;
} else {
var promise = this._promise = new Promise(INTERNAL);
this._stack = stack;
this._generatorFunction = generatorFunction;
this._receiver = receiver;
this._generator = undefined;
this._yieldHandlers = typeof yieldHandler === "function" ? [yieldHandler].concat(yieldHandlers) : yieldHandlers;
this._yieldedPromise = null;
this._cancellationPhase = false;
util.inherits(PromiseSpawn, Proxyable);
PromiseSpawn.prototype._isResolved = function () {
return this._promise === null;
PromiseSpawn.prototype._cleanup = function () {
this._promise = this._generator = null;
if (debug.cancellation() && this._finallyPromise !== null) {
this._finallyPromise = null;
PromiseSpawn.prototype._promiseCancelled = function () {
if (this._isResolved()) return;
var implementsReturn = typeof this._generator["return"] !== "undefined";
var result;
if (!implementsReturn) {
var reason = new Promise.CancellationError("generator .return() sentinel");
Promise.coroutine.returnSentinel = reason;
result = tryCatch(this._generator["throw"]).call(this._generator, reason);
} else {
result = tryCatch(this._generator["return"]).call(this._generator, undefined);
this._cancellationPhase = true;
this._yieldedPromise = null;
PromiseSpawn.prototype._promiseFulfilled = function (value) {
this._yieldedPromise = null;
var result = tryCatch(, value);
PromiseSpawn.prototype._promiseRejected = function (reason) {
this._yieldedPromise = null;
var result = tryCatch(this._generator["throw"]).call(this._generator, reason);
PromiseSpawn.prototype._resultCancelled = function () {
if (this._yieldedPromise instanceof Promise) {
var promise = this._yieldedPromise;
this._yieldedPromise = null;
PromiseSpawn.prototype.promise = function () {
return this._promise;
PromiseSpawn.prototype._run = function () {
this._generator =;
this._receiver = this._generatorFunction = undefined;
PromiseSpawn.prototype._continue = function (result) {
var promise = this._promise;
if (result === errorObj) {
if (this._cancellationPhase) {
return promise.cancel();
} else {
return promise._rejectCallback(result.e, false);
var value = result.value;
if (result.done === true) {
if (this._cancellationPhase) {
return promise.cancel();
} else {
return promise._resolveCallback(value);
} else {
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(value, this._promise);
if (!(maybePromise instanceof Promise)) {
maybePromise = promiseFromYieldHandler(maybePromise, this._yieldHandlers, this._promise);
if (maybePromise === null) {
this._promiseRejected(new TypeError("A value %s was yielded that could not be treated as a promise\n\n See\n\n".replace("%s", String(value)) + "From coroutine:\n" + this._stack.split("\n").slice(1, -7).join("\n")));
maybePromise = maybePromise._target();
var bitField = maybePromise._bitField;
if ((bitField & 50397184) === 0) {
this._yieldedPromise = maybePromise;
maybePromise._proxy(this, null);
} else if ((bitField & 33554432) !== 0) {
Promise._async.invoke(this._promiseFulfilled, this, maybePromise._value());
} else if ((bitField & 16777216) !== 0) {
Promise._async.invoke(this._promiseRejected, this, maybePromise._reason());
} else {
Promise.coroutine = function (generatorFunction, options) {
if (typeof generatorFunction !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("generatorFunction must be a function\n\n See\n");
var yieldHandler = Object(options).yieldHandler;
var PromiseSpawn$ = PromiseSpawn;
var stack = new Error().stack;
return function () {
var generator = generatorFunction.apply(this, arguments);
var spawn = new PromiseSpawn$(undefined, undefined, yieldHandler, stack);
var ret = spawn.promise();
spawn._generator = generator;
return ret;
Promise.coroutine.addYieldHandler = function (fn) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(fn));
Promise.spawn = function (generatorFunction) {
debug.deprecated("Promise.spawn()", "Promise.coroutine()");
if (typeof generatorFunction !== "function") {
return apiRejection("generatorFunction must be a function\n\n See\n");
var spawn = new PromiseSpawn(generatorFunction, this);
var ret = spawn.promise();
return ret;
}, {
"./errors": 12,
"./util": 36
17: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, PromiseArray, tryConvertToPromise, INTERNAL, async, getDomain) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var canEvaluate = util.canEvaluate;
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
var reject;
if (false) { var i, promiseSetters, thenCallbacks, holderClasses, generateHolderClass, promiseSetter, thenCallback; }
Promise.join = function () {
var last = arguments.length - 1;
var fn;
if (last > 0 && typeof arguments[last] === "function") {
fn = arguments[last];
if (false) { var domain, bitField, maybePromise, i, callbacks, holder, HolderClass, ret; }
var args = [];
if (fn) args.pop();
var ret = new PromiseArray(args).promise();
return fn !== undefined ? ret.spread(fn) : ret;
}, {
"./util": 36
18: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, PromiseArray, apiRejection, tryConvertToPromise, INTERNAL, debug) {
var getDomain = Promise._getDomain;
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
var async = Promise._async;
function MappingPromiseArray(promises, fn, limit, _filter) {
var domain = getDomain();
this._callback = domain === null ? fn : util.domainBind(domain, fn);
this._preservedValues = _filter === INTERNAL ? new Array(this.length()) : null;
this._limit = limit;
this._inFlight = 0;
this._queue = [];
async.invoke(this._asyncInit, this, undefined);
util.inherits(MappingPromiseArray, PromiseArray);
MappingPromiseArray.prototype._asyncInit = function () {
this._init$(undefined, -2);
MappingPromiseArray.prototype._init = function () {};
MappingPromiseArray.prototype._promiseFulfilled = function (value, index) {
var values = this._values;
var length = this.length();
var preservedValues = this._preservedValues;
var limit = this._limit;
if (index < 0) {
index = index * -1 - 1;
values[index] = value;
if (limit >= 1) {
if (this._isResolved()) return true;
} else {
if (limit >= 1 && this._inFlight >= limit) {
values[index] = value;
return false;
if (preservedValues !== null) preservedValues[index] = value;
var promise = this._promise;
var callback = this._callback;
var receiver = promise._boundValue();
var ret = tryCatch(callback).call(receiver, value, index, length);
var promiseCreated = promise._popContext();
debug.checkForgottenReturns(ret, promiseCreated, preservedValues !== null ? "Promise.filter" : "", promise);
if (ret === errorObj) {
return true;
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(ret, this._promise);
if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) {
maybePromise = maybePromise._target();
var bitField = maybePromise._bitField;
if ((bitField & 50397184) === 0) {
if (limit >= 1) this._inFlight++;
values[index] = maybePromise;
maybePromise._proxy(this, (index + 1) * -1);
return false;
} else if ((bitField & 33554432) !== 0) {
ret = maybePromise._value();
} else if ((bitField & 16777216) !== 0) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
values[index] = ret;
var totalResolved = ++this._totalResolved;
if (totalResolved >= length) {
if (preservedValues !== null) {
this._filter(values, preservedValues);
} else {
return true;
return false;
MappingPromiseArray.prototype._drainQueue = function () {
var queue = this._queue;
var limit = this._limit;
var values = this._values;
while (queue.length > 0 && this._inFlight < limit) {
if (this._isResolved()) return;
var index = queue.pop();
this._promiseFulfilled(values[index], index);
MappingPromiseArray.prototype._filter = function (booleans, values) {
var len = values.length;
var ret = new Array(len);
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (booleans[i]) ret[j++] = values[i];
ret.length = j;
MappingPromiseArray.prototype.preservedValues = function () {
return this._preservedValues;
function map(promises, fn, options, _filter) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
return apiRejection("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(fn));
var limit = 0;
if (options !== undefined) {
if (_typeof(options) === "object" && options !== null) {
if (typeof options.concurrency !== "number") {
return Promise.reject(new TypeError("'concurrency' must be a number but it is " + util.classString(options.concurrency)));
limit = options.concurrency;
} else {
return Promise.reject(new TypeError("options argument must be an object but it is " + util.classString(options)));
limit = typeof limit === "number" && isFinite(limit) && limit >= 1 ? limit : 0;
return new MappingPromiseArray(promises, fn, limit, _filter).promise();
} = function (fn, options) {
return map(this, fn, options, null);
}; = function (promises, fn, options, _filter) {
return map(promises, fn, options, _filter);
}, {
"./util": 36
19: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, apiRejection, debug) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
Promise.method = function (fn) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
throw new Promise.TypeError("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(fn));
return function () {
var ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
var value = tryCatch(fn).apply(this, arguments);
var promiseCreated = ret._popContext();
debug.checkForgottenReturns(value, promiseCreated, "Promise.method", ret);
return ret;
Promise.attempt = Promise["try"] = function (fn) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
return apiRejection("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(fn));
var ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
var value;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
debug.deprecated("calling Promise.try with more than 1 argument");
var arg = arguments[1];
var ctx = arguments[2];
value = util.isArray(arg) ? tryCatch(fn).apply(ctx, arg) : tryCatch(fn).call(ctx, arg);
} else {
value = tryCatch(fn)();
var promiseCreated = ret._popContext();
debug.checkForgottenReturns(value, promiseCreated, "Promise.try", ret);
return ret;
Promise.prototype._resolveFromSyncValue = function (value) {
if (value === util.errorObj) {
this._rejectCallback(value.e, false);
} else {
this._resolveCallback(value, true);
}, {
"./util": 36
20: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var maybeWrapAsError = util.maybeWrapAsError;
var errors = _dereq_("./errors");
var OperationalError = errors.OperationalError;
var es5 = _dereq_("./es5");
function isUntypedError(obj) {
return obj instanceof Error && es5.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Error.prototype;
var rErrorKey = /^(?:name|message|stack|cause)$/;
function wrapAsOperationalError(obj) {
var ret;
if (isUntypedError(obj)) {
ret = new OperationalError(obj); =;
ret.message = obj.message;
ret.stack = obj.stack;
var keys = es5.keys(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var key = keys[i];
if (!rErrorKey.test(key)) {
ret[key] = obj[key];
return ret;
return obj;
function nodebackForPromise(promise, multiArgs) {
return function (err, value) {
if (promise === null) return;
if (err) {
var wrapped = wrapAsOperationalError(maybeWrapAsError(err));
} else if (!multiArgs) {
} else {
var args = [], 1);
promise = null;
module.exports = nodebackForPromise;
}, {
"./errors": 12,
"./es5": 13,
"./util": 36
21: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var async = Promise._async;
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
function spreadAdapter(val, nodeback) {
var promise = this;
if (!util.isArray(val)) return, val, nodeback);
var ret = tryCatch(nodeback).apply(promise._boundValue(), [null].concat(val));
if (ret === errorObj) {
function successAdapter(val, nodeback) {
var promise = this;
var receiver = promise._boundValue();
var ret = val === undefined ? tryCatch(nodeback).call(receiver, null) : tryCatch(nodeback).call(receiver, null, val);
if (ret === errorObj) {
function errorAdapter(reason, nodeback) {
var promise = this;
if (!reason) {
var newReason = new Error(reason + "");
newReason.cause = reason;
reason = newReason;
var ret = tryCatch(nodeback).call(promise._boundValue(), reason);
if (ret === errorObj) {
Promise.prototype.asCallback = Promise.prototype.nodeify = function (nodeback, options) {
if (typeof nodeback == "function") {
var adapter = successAdapter;
if (options !== undefined && Object(options).spread) {
adapter = spreadAdapter;
this._then(adapter, errorAdapter, undefined, this, nodeback);
return this;
}, {
"./util": 36
22: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function () {
var makeSelfResolutionError = function makeSelfResolutionError() {
return new TypeError("circular promise resolution chain\n\n See\n");
var reflectHandler = function reflectHandler() {
return new Promise.PromiseInspection(this._target());
var apiRejection = function apiRejection(msg) {
return Promise.reject(new TypeError(msg));
function Proxyable() {}
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var getDomain;
if (util.isNode) {
getDomain = function getDomain() {
var ret = process.domain;
if (ret === undefined) ret = null;
return ret;
} else {
getDomain = function getDomain() {
return null;
util.notEnumerableProp(Promise, "_getDomain", getDomain);
var es5 = _dereq_("./es5");
var Async = _dereq_("./async");
var async = new Async();
es5.defineProperty(Promise, "_async", {
value: async
var errors = _dereq_("./errors");
var TypeError = Promise.TypeError = errors.TypeError;
Promise.RangeError = errors.RangeError;
var CancellationError = Promise.CancellationError = errors.CancellationError;
Promise.TimeoutError = errors.TimeoutError;
Promise.OperationalError = errors.OperationalError;
Promise.RejectionError = errors.OperationalError;
Promise.AggregateError = errors.AggregateError;
var INTERNAL = function INTERNAL() {};
var APPLY = {};
var NEXT_FILTER = {};
var tryConvertToPromise = _dereq_("./thenables")(Promise, INTERNAL);
var PromiseArray = _dereq_("./promise_array")(Promise, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, apiRejection, Proxyable);
var Context = _dereq_("./context")(Promise);
/*jshint unused:false*/
var createContext = Context.create;
var debug = _dereq_("./debuggability")(Promise, Context);
var CapturedTrace = debug.CapturedTrace;
var PassThroughHandlerContext = _dereq_("./finally")(Promise, tryConvertToPromise, NEXT_FILTER);
var catchFilter = _dereq_("./catch_filter")(NEXT_FILTER);
var nodebackForPromise = _dereq_("./nodeback");
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
function check(self, executor) {
if (self == null || self.constructor !== Promise) {
throw new TypeError("the promise constructor cannot be invoked directly\n\n See\n");
if (typeof executor !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(executor));
function Promise(executor) {
if (executor !== INTERNAL) {
check(this, executor);
this._bitField = 0;
this._fulfillmentHandler0 = undefined;
this._rejectionHandler0 = undefined;
this._promise0 = undefined;
this._receiver0 = undefined;
this._fireEvent("promiseCreated", this);
Promise.prototype.toString = function () {
return "[object Promise]";
Promise.prototype.caught = Promise.prototype["catch"] = function (fn) {
var len = arguments.length;
if (len > 1) {
var catchInstances = new Array(len - 1),
j = 0,
for (i = 0; i < len - 1; ++i) {
var item = arguments[i];
if (util.isObject(item)) {
catchInstances[j++] = item;
} else {
return apiRejection("Catch statement predicate: " + "expecting an object but got " + util.classString(item));
catchInstances.length = j;
fn = arguments[i];
return this.then(undefined, catchFilter(catchInstances, fn, this));
return this.then(undefined, fn);
Promise.prototype.reflect = function () {
return this._then(reflectHandler, reflectHandler, undefined, this, undefined);
Promise.prototype.then = function (didFulfill, didReject) {
if (debug.warnings() && arguments.length > 0 && typeof didFulfill !== "function" && typeof didReject !== "function") {
var msg = ".then() only accepts functions but was passed: " + util.classString(didFulfill);
if (arguments.length > 1) {
msg += ", " + util.classString(didReject);
return this._then(didFulfill, didReject, undefined, undefined, undefined);
Promise.prototype.done = function (didFulfill, didReject) {
var promise = this._then(didFulfill, didReject, undefined, undefined, undefined);
Promise.prototype.spread = function (fn) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
return apiRejection("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(fn));
return this.all()._then(fn, undefined, undefined, APPLY, undefined);
Promise.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var ret = {
isFulfilled: false,
isRejected: false,
fulfillmentValue: undefined,
rejectionReason: undefined
if (this.isFulfilled()) {
ret.fulfillmentValue = this.value();
ret.isFulfilled = true;
} else if (this.isRejected()) {
ret.rejectionReason = this.reason();
ret.isRejected = true;
return ret;
Promise.prototype.all = function () {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
this._warn(".all() was passed arguments but it does not take any");
return new PromiseArray(this).promise();
Promise.prototype.error = function (fn) {
return this.caught(util.originatesFromRejection, fn);
Promise.getNewLibraryCopy = module.exports; = function (val) {
return val instanceof Promise;
Promise.fromNode = Promise.fromCallback = function (fn) {
var ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
var multiArgs = arguments.length > 1 ? !!Object(arguments[1]).multiArgs : false;
var result = tryCatch(fn)(nodebackForPromise(ret, multiArgs));
if (result === errorObj) {
ret._rejectCallback(result.e, true);
if (!ret._isFateSealed()) ret._setAsyncGuaranteed();
return ret;
Promise.all = function (promises) {
return new PromiseArray(promises).promise();
Promise.cast = function (obj) {
var ret = tryConvertToPromise(obj);
if (!(ret instanceof Promise)) {
ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
ret._rejectionHandler0 = obj;
return ret;
Promise.resolve = Promise.fulfilled = Promise.cast;
Promise.reject = Promise.rejected = function (reason) {
var ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
ret._rejectCallback(reason, true);
return ret;
Promise.setScheduler = function (fn) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(fn));
return async.setScheduler(fn);
Promise.prototype._then = function (didFulfill, didReject, _, receiver, internalData) {
var haveInternalData = internalData !== undefined;
var promise = haveInternalData ? internalData : new Promise(INTERNAL);
var target = this._target();
var bitField = target._bitField;
if (!haveInternalData) {
promise._propagateFrom(this, 3);
if (receiver === undefined && (this._bitField & 2097152) !== 0) {
if (!((bitField & 50397184) === 0)) {
receiver = this._boundValue();
} else {
receiver = target === this ? undefined : this._boundTo;
this._fireEvent("promiseChained", this, promise);
var domain = getDomain();
if (!((bitField & 50397184) === 0)) {
var handler,
settler = target._settlePromiseCtx;
if ((bitField & 33554432) !== 0) {
value = target._rejectionHandler0;
handler = didFulfill;
} else if ((bitField & 16777216) !== 0) {
value = target._fulfillmentHandler0;
handler = didReject;
} else {
settler = target._settlePromiseLateCancellationObserver;
value = new CancellationError("late cancellation observer");
handler = didReject;
async.invoke(settler, target, {
handler: domain === null ? handler : typeof handler === "function" && util.domainBind(domain, handler),
promise: promise,
receiver: receiver,
value: value
} else {
target._addCallbacks(didFulfill, didReject, promise, receiver, domain);
return promise;
Promise.prototype._length = function () {
return this._bitField & 65535;
Promise.prototype._isFateSealed = function () {
return (this._bitField & 117506048) !== 0;
Promise.prototype._isFollowing = function () {
return (this._bitField & 67108864) === 67108864;
Promise.prototype._setLength = function (len) {
this._bitField = this._bitField & -65536 | len & 65535;
Promise.prototype._setFulfilled = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 33554432;
this._fireEvent("promiseFulfilled", this);
Promise.prototype._setRejected = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 16777216;
this._fireEvent("promiseRejected", this);
Promise.prototype._setFollowing = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 67108864;
this._fireEvent("promiseResolved", this);
Promise.prototype._setIsFinal = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 4194304;
Promise.prototype._isFinal = function () {
return (this._bitField & 4194304) > 0;
Promise.prototype._unsetCancelled = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField & ~65536;
Promise.prototype._setCancelled = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 65536;
this._fireEvent("promiseCancelled", this);
Promise.prototype._setWillBeCancelled = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 8388608;
Promise.prototype._setAsyncGuaranteed = function () {
if (async.hasCustomScheduler()) return;
this._bitField = this._bitField | 134217728;
Promise.prototype._receiverAt = function (index) {
var ret = index === 0 ? this._receiver0 : this[index * 4 - 4 + 3];
if (ret === UNDEFINED_BINDING) {
return undefined;
} else if (ret === undefined && this._isBound()) {
return this._boundValue();
return ret;
Promise.prototype._promiseAt = function (index) {
return this[index * 4 - 4 + 2];
Promise.prototype._fulfillmentHandlerAt = function (index) {
return this[index * 4 - 4 + 0];
Promise.prototype._rejectionHandlerAt = function (index) {
return this[index * 4 - 4 + 1];
Promise.prototype._boundValue = function () {};
Promise.prototype._migrateCallback0 = function (follower) {
var bitField = follower._bitField;
var fulfill = follower._fulfillmentHandler0;
var reject = follower._rejectionHandler0;
var promise = follower._promise0;
var receiver = follower._receiverAt(0);
if (receiver === undefined) receiver = UNDEFINED_BINDING;
this._addCallbacks(fulfill, reject, promise, receiver, null);
Promise.prototype._migrateCallbackAt = function (follower, index) {
var fulfill = follower._fulfillmentHandlerAt(index);
var reject = follower._rejectionHandlerAt(index);
var promise = follower._promiseAt(index);
var receiver = follower._receiverAt(index);
if (receiver === undefined) receiver = UNDEFINED_BINDING;
this._addCallbacks(fulfill, reject, promise, receiver, null);
Promise.prototype._addCallbacks = function (fulfill, reject, promise, receiver, domain) {
var index = this._length();
if (index >= 65535 - 4) {
index = 0;
if (index === 0) {
this._promise0 = promise;
this._receiver0 = receiver;
if (typeof fulfill === "function") {
this._fulfillmentHandler0 = domain === null ? fulfill : util.domainBind(domain, fulfill);
if (typeof reject === "function") {
this._rejectionHandler0 = domain === null ? reject : util.domainBind(domain, reject);
} else {
var base = index * 4 - 4;
this[base + 2] = promise;
this[base + 3] = receiver;
if (typeof fulfill === "function") {
this[base + 0] = domain === null ? fulfill : util.domainBind(domain, fulfill);
if (typeof reject === "function") {
this[base + 1] = domain === null ? reject : util.domainBind(domain, reject);
this._setLength(index + 1);
return index;
Promise.prototype._proxy = function (proxyable, arg) {
this._addCallbacks(undefined, undefined, arg, proxyable, null);
Promise.prototype._resolveCallback = function (value, shouldBind) {
if ((this._bitField & 117506048) !== 0) return;
if (value === this) return this._rejectCallback(makeSelfResolutionError(), false);
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(value, this);
if (!(maybePromise instanceof Promise)) return this._fulfill(value);
if (shouldBind) this._propagateFrom(maybePromise, 2);
var promise = maybePromise._target();
if (promise === this) {
var bitField = promise._bitField;
if ((bitField & 50397184) === 0) {
var len = this._length();
if (len > 0) promise._migrateCallback0(this);
for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
promise._migrateCallbackAt(this, i);
} else if ((bitField & 33554432) !== 0) {
} else if ((bitField & 16777216) !== 0) {
} else {
var reason = new CancellationError("late cancellation observer");
Promise.prototype._rejectCallback = function (reason, synchronous, ignoreNonErrorWarnings) {
var trace = util.ensureErrorObject(reason);
var hasStack = trace === reason;
if (!hasStack && !ignoreNonErrorWarnings && debug.warnings()) {
var message = "a promise was rejected with a non-error: " + util.classString(reason);
this._warn(message, true);
this._attachExtraTrace(trace, synchronous ? hasStack : false);
Promise.prototype._resolveFromExecutor = function (executor) {
if (executor === INTERNAL) return;
var promise = this;
var synchronous = true;
var r = this._execute(executor, function (value) {
}, function (reason) {
promise._rejectCallback(reason, synchronous);
synchronous = false;
if (r !== undefined) {
promise._rejectCallback(r, true);
Promise.prototype._settlePromiseFromHandler = function (handler, receiver, value, promise) {
var bitField = promise._bitField;
if ((bitField & 65536) !== 0) return;
var x;
if (receiver === APPLY) {
if (!value || typeof value.length !== "number") {
x = errorObj;
x.e = new TypeError("cannot .spread() a non-array: " + util.classString(value));
} else {
x = tryCatch(handler).apply(this._boundValue(), value);
} else {
x = tryCatch(handler).call(receiver, value);
var promiseCreated = promise._popContext();
bitField = promise._bitField;
if ((bitField & 65536) !== 0) return;
if (x === NEXT_FILTER) {
} else if (x === errorObj) {
promise._rejectCallback(x.e, false);
} else {
debug.checkForgottenReturns(x, promiseCreated, "", promise, this);
Promise.prototype._target = function () {
var ret = this;
while (ret._isFollowing()) {
ret = ret._followee();
return ret;
Promise.prototype._followee = function () {
return this._rejectionHandler0;
Promise.prototype._setFollowee = function (promise) {
this._rejectionHandler0 = promise;
Promise.prototype._settlePromise = function (promise, handler, receiver, value) {
var isPromise = promise instanceof Promise;
var bitField = this._bitField;
var asyncGuaranteed = (bitField & 134217728) !== 0;
if ((bitField & 65536) !== 0) {
if (isPromise) promise._invokeInternalOnCancel();
if (receiver instanceof PassThroughHandlerContext && receiver.isFinallyHandler()) {
receiver.cancelPromise = promise;
if (tryCatch(handler).call(receiver, value) === errorObj) {
} else if (handler === reflectHandler) {
} else if (receiver instanceof Proxyable) {
} else if (isPromise || promise instanceof PromiseArray) {
} else {
} else if (typeof handler === "function") {
if (!isPromise) {, value, promise);
} else {
if (asyncGuaranteed) promise._setAsyncGuaranteed();
this._settlePromiseFromHandler(handler, receiver, value, promise);
} else if (receiver instanceof Proxyable) {
if (!receiver._isResolved()) {
if ((bitField & 33554432) !== 0) {
receiver._promiseFulfilled(value, promise);
} else {
receiver._promiseRejected(value, promise);
} else if (isPromise) {
if (asyncGuaranteed) promise._setAsyncGuaranteed();
if ((bitField & 33554432) !== 0) {
} else {
Promise.prototype._settlePromiseLateCancellationObserver = function (ctx) {
var handler = ctx.handler;
var promise = ctx.promise;
var receiver = ctx.receiver;
var value = ctx.value;
if (typeof handler === "function") {
if (!(promise instanceof Promise)) {, value, promise);
} else {
this._settlePromiseFromHandler(handler, receiver, value, promise);
} else if (promise instanceof Promise) {
Promise.prototype._settlePromiseCtx = function (ctx) {
this._settlePromise(ctx.promise, ctx.handler, ctx.receiver, ctx.value);
Promise.prototype._settlePromise0 = function (handler, value, bitField) {
var promise = this._promise0;
var receiver = this._receiverAt(0);
this._promise0 = undefined;
this._receiver0 = undefined;
this._settlePromise(promise, handler, receiver, value);
Promise.prototype._clearCallbackDataAtIndex = function (index) {
var base = index * 4 - 4;
this[base + 2] = this[base + 3] = this[base + 0] = this[base + 1] = undefined;
Promise.prototype._fulfill = function (value) {
var bitField = this._bitField;
if ((bitField & 117506048) >>> 16) return;
if (value === this) {
var err = makeSelfResolutionError();
return this._reject(err);
this._rejectionHandler0 = value;
if ((bitField & 65535) > 0) {
if ((bitField & 134217728) !== 0) {
} else {
Promise.prototype._reject = function (reason) {
var bitField = this._bitField;
if ((bitField & 117506048) >>> 16) return;
this._fulfillmentHandler0 = reason;
if (this._isFinal()) {
return async.fatalError(reason, util.isNode);
if ((bitField & 65535) > 0) {
} else {
Promise.prototype._fulfillPromises = function (len, value) {
for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
var handler = this._fulfillmentHandlerAt(i);
var promise = this._promiseAt(i);
var receiver = this._receiverAt(i);
this._settlePromise(promise, handler, receiver, value);
Promise.prototype._rejectPromises = function (len, reason) {
for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
var handler = this._rejectionHandlerAt(i);
var promise = this._promiseAt(i);
var receiver = this._receiverAt(i);
this._settlePromise(promise, handler, receiver, reason);
Promise.prototype._settlePromises = function () {
var bitField = this._bitField;
var len = bitField & 65535;
if (len > 0) {
if ((bitField & 16842752) !== 0) {
var reason = this._fulfillmentHandler0;
this._settlePromise0(this._rejectionHandler0, reason, bitField);
this._rejectPromises(len, reason);
} else {
var value = this._rejectionHandler0;
this._settlePromise0(this._fulfillmentHandler0, value, bitField);
this._fulfillPromises(len, value);
Promise.prototype._settledValue = function () {
var bitField = this._bitField;
if ((bitField & 33554432) !== 0) {
return this._rejectionHandler0;
} else if ((bitField & 16777216) !== 0) {
return this._fulfillmentHandler0;
function deferResolve(v) {
function deferReject(v) {
this.promise._rejectCallback(v, false);
Promise.defer = Promise.pending = function () {
debug.deprecated("Promise.defer", "new Promise");
var promise = new Promise(INTERNAL);
return {
promise: promise,
resolve: deferResolve,
reject: deferReject
util.notEnumerableProp(Promise, "_makeSelfResolutionError", makeSelfResolutionError);
_dereq_("./method")(Promise, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, apiRejection, debug);
_dereq_("./bind")(Promise, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, debug);
_dereq_("./cancel")(Promise, PromiseArray, apiRejection, debug);
_dereq_("./join")(Promise, PromiseArray, tryConvertToPromise, INTERNAL, async, getDomain);
Promise.Promise = Promise;
Promise.version = "3.5.4";
_dereq_('./map.js')(Promise, PromiseArray, apiRejection, tryConvertToPromise, INTERNAL, debug);
_dereq_('./using.js')(Promise, apiRejection, tryConvertToPromise, createContext, INTERNAL, debug);
_dereq_('./timers.js')(Promise, INTERNAL, debug);
_dereq_('./generators.js')(Promise, apiRejection, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, Proxyable, debug);
_dereq_('./promisify.js')(Promise, INTERNAL);
_dereq_('./props.js')(Promise, PromiseArray, tryConvertToPromise, apiRejection);
_dereq_('./race.js')(Promise, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, apiRejection);
_dereq_('./reduce.js')(Promise, PromiseArray, apiRejection, tryConvertToPromise, INTERNAL, debug);
_dereq_('./settle.js')(Promise, PromiseArray, debug);
_dereq_('./some.js')(Promise, PromiseArray, apiRejection);
_dereq_('./filter.js')(Promise, INTERNAL);
_dereq_('./each.js')(Promise, INTERNAL);
function fillTypes(value) {
var p = new Promise(INTERNAL);
p._fulfillmentHandler0 = value;
p._rejectionHandler0 = value;
p._promise0 = value;
p._receiver0 = value;
} // Complete slack tracking, opt out of field-type tracking and
// stabilize map
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
fillTypes(function () {});
fillTypes(new Promise(INTERNAL));
debug.setBounds(Async.firstLineError, util.lastLineError);
return Promise;
}, {
"./any.js": 1,
"./async": 2,
"./bind": 3,
"./call_get.js": 5,
"./cancel": 6,
"./catch_filter": 7,
"./context": 8,
"./debuggability": 9,
"./direct_resolve": 10,
"./each.js": 11,
"./errors": 12,
"./es5": 13,
"./filter.js": 14,
"./finally": 15,
"./generators.js": 16,
"./join": 17,
"./map.js": 18,
"./method": 19,
"./nodeback": 20,
"./nodeify.js": 21,
"./promise_array": 23,
"./promisify.js": 24,
"./props.js": 25,
"./race.js": 27,
"./reduce.js": 28,
"./settle.js": 30,
"./some.js": 31,
"./synchronous_inspection": 32,
"./thenables": 33,
"./timers.js": 34,
"./using.js": 35,
"./util": 36
23: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, apiRejection, Proxyable) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var isArray = util.isArray;
function toResolutionValue(val) {
switch (val) {
case -2:
return [];
case -3:
return {};
case -6:
return new Map();
function PromiseArray(values) {
var promise = this._promise = new Promise(INTERNAL);
if (values instanceof Promise) {
promise._propagateFrom(values, 3);
this._values = values;
this._length = 0;
this._totalResolved = 0;
this._init(undefined, -2);
util.inherits(PromiseArray, Proxyable);
PromiseArray.prototype.length = function () {
return this._length;
PromiseArray.prototype.promise = function () {
return this._promise;
PromiseArray.prototype._init = function init(_, resolveValueIfEmpty) {
var values = tryConvertToPromise(this._values, this._promise);
if (values instanceof Promise) {
values = values._target();
var bitField = values._bitField;
this._values = values;
if ((bitField & 50397184) === 0) {
return values._then(init, this._reject, undefined, this, resolveValueIfEmpty);
} else if ((bitField & 33554432) !== 0) {
values = values._value();
} else if ((bitField & 16777216) !== 0) {
return this._reject(values._reason());
} else {
return this._cancel();
values = util.asArray(values);
if (values === null) {
var err = apiRejection("expecting an array or an iterable object but got " + util.classString(values)).reason();
this._promise._rejectCallback(err, false);
if (values.length === 0) {
if (resolveValueIfEmpty === -5) {
} else {
PromiseArray.prototype._iterate = function (values) {
var len = this.getActualLength(values.length);
this._length = len;
this._values = this.shouldCopyValues() ? new Array(len) : this._values;
var result = this._promise;
var isResolved = false;
var bitField = null;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(values[i], result);
if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) {
maybePromise = maybePromise._target();
bitField = maybePromise._bitField;
} else {
bitField = null;
if (isResolved) {
if (bitField !== null) {
} else if (bitField !== null) {
if ((bitField & 50397184) === 0) {
maybePromise._proxy(this, i);
this._values[i] = maybePromise;
} else if ((bitField & 33554432) !== 0) {
isResolved = this._promiseFulfilled(maybePromise._value(), i);
} else if ((bitField & 16777216) !== 0) {
isResolved = this._promiseRejected(maybePromise._reason(), i);
} else {
isResolved = this._promiseCancelled(i);
} else {
isResolved = this._promiseFulfilled(maybePromise, i);
if (!isResolved) result._setAsyncGuaranteed();
PromiseArray.prototype._isResolved = function () {
return this._values === null;
PromiseArray.prototype._resolve = function (value) {
this._values = null;
PromiseArray.prototype._cancel = function () {
if (this._isResolved() || !this._promise._isCancellable()) return;
this._values = null;
PromiseArray.prototype._reject = function (reason) {
this._values = null;
this._promise._rejectCallback(reason, false);
PromiseArray.prototype._promiseFulfilled = function (value, index) {
this._values[index] = value;
var totalResolved = ++this._totalResolved;
if (totalResolved >= this._length) {
return true;
return false;
PromiseArray.prototype._promiseCancelled = function () {
return true;
PromiseArray.prototype._promiseRejected = function (reason) {
return true;
PromiseArray.prototype._resultCancelled = function () {
if (this._isResolved()) return;
var values = this._values;
if (values instanceof Promise) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
if (values[i] instanceof Promise) {
PromiseArray.prototype.shouldCopyValues = function () {
return true;
PromiseArray.prototype.getActualLength = function (len) {
return len;
return PromiseArray;
}, {
"./util": 36
24: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, INTERNAL) {
var THIS = {};
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var nodebackForPromise = _dereq_("./nodeback");
var withAppended = util.withAppended;
var maybeWrapAsError = util.maybeWrapAsError;
var canEvaluate = util.canEvaluate;
var TypeError = _dereq_("./errors").TypeError;
var defaultSuffix = "Async";
var defaultPromisified = {
__isPromisified__: true
var noCopyProps = ["arity", "length", "name", "arguments", "caller", "callee", "prototype", "__isPromisified__"];
var noCopyPropsPattern = new RegExp("^(?:" + noCopyProps.join("|") + ")$");
var defaultFilter = function defaultFilter(name) {
return util.isIdentifier(name) && name.charAt(0) !== "_" && name !== "constructor";
function propsFilter(key) {
return !noCopyPropsPattern.test(key);
function isPromisified(fn) {
try {
return fn.__isPromisified__ === true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
function hasPromisified(obj, key, suffix) {
var val = util.getDataPropertyOrDefault(obj, key + suffix, defaultPromisified);
return val ? isPromisified(val) : false;
function checkValid(ret, suffix, suffixRegexp) {
for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; i += 2) {
var key = ret[i];
if (suffixRegexp.test(key)) {
var keyWithoutAsyncSuffix = key.replace(suffixRegexp, "");
for (var j = 0; j < ret.length; j += 2) {
if (ret[j] === keyWithoutAsyncSuffix) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot promisify an API that has normal methods with '%s'-suffix\n\n See\n".replace("%s", suffix));
function promisifiableMethods(obj, suffix, suffixRegexp, filter) {
var keys = util.inheritedDataKeys(obj);
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var key = keys[i];
var value = obj[key];
var passesDefaultFilter = filter === defaultFilter ? true : defaultFilter(key, value, obj);
if (typeof value === "function" && !isPromisified(value) && !hasPromisified(obj, key, suffix) && filter(key, value, obj, passesDefaultFilter)) {
ret.push(key, value);
checkValid(ret, suffix, suffixRegexp);
return ret;
var escapeIdentRegex = function escapeIdentRegex(str) {
return str.replace(/([$])/, "\\$");
var makeNodePromisifiedEval;
if (false) { var parameterCount, parameterDeclaration, argumentSequence, switchCaseArgumentOrder; }
function makeNodePromisifiedClosure(callback, receiver, _, fn, __, multiArgs) {
var defaultThis = function () {
return this;
var method = callback;
if (typeof method === "string") {
callback = fn;
function promisified() {
var _receiver = receiver;
if (receiver === THIS) _receiver = this;
var promise = new Promise(INTERNAL);
var cb = typeof method === "string" && this !== defaultThis ? this[method] : callback;
var fn = nodebackForPromise(promise, multiArgs);
try {
cb.apply(_receiver, withAppended(arguments, fn));
} catch (e) {
promise._rejectCallback(maybeWrapAsError(e), true, true);
if (!promise._isFateSealed()) promise._setAsyncGuaranteed();
return promise;
util.notEnumerableProp(promisified, "__isPromisified__", true);
return promisified;
var makeNodePromisified = canEvaluate ? makeNodePromisifiedEval : makeNodePromisifiedClosure;
function promisifyAll(obj, suffix, filter, promisifier, multiArgs) {
var suffixRegexp = new RegExp(escapeIdentRegex(suffix) + "$");
var methods = promisifiableMethods(obj, suffix, suffixRegexp, filter);
for (var i = 0, len = methods.length; i < len; i += 2) {
var key = methods[i];
var fn = methods[i + 1];
var promisifiedKey = key + suffix;
if (promisifier === makeNodePromisified) {
obj[promisifiedKey] = makeNodePromisified(key, THIS, key, fn, suffix, multiArgs);
} else {
var promisified = promisifier(fn, function () {
return makeNodePromisified(key, THIS, key, fn, suffix, multiArgs);
util.notEnumerableProp(promisified, "__isPromisified__", true);
obj[promisifiedKey] = promisified;
return obj;
function promisify(callback, receiver, multiArgs) {
return makeNodePromisified(callback, receiver, undefined, callback, null, multiArgs);
Promise.promisify = function (fn, options) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(fn));
if (isPromisified(fn)) {
return fn;
options = Object(options);
var receiver = options.context === undefined ? THIS : options.context;
var multiArgs = !!options.multiArgs;
var ret = promisify(fn, receiver, multiArgs);
util.copyDescriptors(fn, ret, propsFilter);
return ret;
Promise.promisifyAll = function (target, options) {
if (typeof target !== "function" && _typeof(target) !== "object") {
throw new TypeError("the target of promisifyAll must be an object or a function\n\n See\n");
options = Object(options);
var multiArgs = !!options.multiArgs;
var suffix = options.suffix;
if (typeof suffix !== "string") suffix = defaultSuffix;
var filter = options.filter;
if (typeof filter !== "function") filter = defaultFilter;
var promisifier = options.promisifier;
if (typeof promisifier !== "function") promisifier = makeNodePromisified;
if (!util.isIdentifier(suffix)) {
throw new RangeError("suffix must be a valid identifier\n\n See\n");
var keys = util.inheritedDataKeys(target);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var value = target[keys[i]];
if (keys[i] !== "constructor" && util.isClass(value)) {
promisifyAll(value.prototype, suffix, filter, promisifier, multiArgs);
promisifyAll(value, suffix, filter, promisifier, multiArgs);
return promisifyAll(target, suffix, filter, promisifier, multiArgs);
}, {
"./errors": 12,
"./nodeback": 20,
"./util": 36
25: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, PromiseArray, tryConvertToPromise, apiRejection) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var isObject = util.isObject;
var es5 = _dereq_("./es5");
var Es6Map;
if (typeof Map === "function") Es6Map = Map;
var mapToEntries = function () {
var index = 0;
var size = 0;
function extractEntry(value, key) {
this[index] = value;
this[index + size] = key;
return function mapToEntries(map) {
size = map.size;
index = 0;
var ret = new Array(map.size * 2);
map.forEach(extractEntry, ret);
return ret;
var entriesToMap = function entriesToMap(entries) {
var ret = new Es6Map();
var length = entries.length / 2 | 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var key = entries[length + i];
var value = entries[i];
ret.set(key, value);
return ret;
function PropertiesPromiseArray(obj) {
var isMap = false;
var entries;
if (Es6Map !== undefined && obj instanceof Es6Map) {
entries = mapToEntries(obj);
isMap = true;
} else {
var keys = es5.keys(obj);
var len = keys.length;
entries = new Array(len * 2);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var key = keys[i];
entries[i] = obj[key];
entries[i + len] = key;
this._isMap = isMap;
this._init$(undefined, isMap ? -6 : -3);
util.inherits(PropertiesPromiseArray, PromiseArray);
PropertiesPromiseArray.prototype._init = function () {};
PropertiesPromiseArray.prototype._promiseFulfilled = function (value, index) {
this._values[index] = value;
var totalResolved = ++this._totalResolved;
if (totalResolved >= this._length) {
var val;
if (this._isMap) {
val = entriesToMap(this._values);
} else {
val = {};
var keyOffset = this.length();
for (var i = 0, len = this.length(); i < len; ++i) {
val[this._values[i + keyOffset]] = this._values[i];
return true;
return false;
PropertiesPromiseArray.prototype.shouldCopyValues = function () {
return false;
PropertiesPromiseArray.prototype.getActualLength = function (len) {
return len >> 1;
function props(promises) {
var ret;
var castValue = tryConvertToPromise(promises);
if (!isObject(castValue)) {
return apiRejection("cannot await properties of a non-object\n\n See\n");
} else if (castValue instanceof Promise) {
ret = castValue._then(Promise.props, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
} else {
ret = new PropertiesPromiseArray(castValue).promise();
if (castValue instanceof Promise) {
ret._propagateFrom(castValue, 2);
return ret;
Promise.prototype.props = function () {
return props(this);
Promise.props = function (promises) {
return props(promises);
}, {
"./es5": 13,
"./util": 36
26: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
function arrayMove(src, srcIndex, dst, dstIndex, len) {
for (var j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
dst[j + dstIndex] = src[j + srcIndex];
src[j + srcIndex] = void 0;
function Queue(capacity) {
this._capacity = capacity;
this._length = 0;
this._front = 0;
Queue.prototype._willBeOverCapacity = function (size) {
return this._capacity < size;
Queue.prototype._pushOne = function (arg) {
var length = this.length();
this._checkCapacity(length + 1);
var i = this._front + length & this._capacity - 1;
this[i] = arg;
this._length = length + 1;
Queue.prototype.push = function (fn, receiver, arg) {
var length = this.length() + 3;
if (this._willBeOverCapacity(length)) {
var j = this._front + length - 3;
var wrapMask = this._capacity - 1;
this[j + 0 & wrapMask] = fn;
this[j + 1 & wrapMask] = receiver;
this[j + 2 & wrapMask] = arg;
this._length = length;
Queue.prototype.shift = function () {
var front = this._front,
ret = this[front];
this[front] = undefined;
this._front = front + 1 & this._capacity - 1;
return ret;
Queue.prototype.length = function () {
return this._length;
Queue.prototype._checkCapacity = function (size) {
if (this._capacity < size) {
this._resizeTo(this._capacity << 1);
Queue.prototype._resizeTo = function (capacity) {
var oldCapacity = this._capacity;
this._capacity = capacity;
var front = this._front;
var length = this._length;
var moveItemsCount = front + length & oldCapacity - 1;
arrayMove(this, 0, this, oldCapacity, moveItemsCount);
module.exports = Queue;
}, {}],
27: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, INTERNAL, tryConvertToPromise, apiRejection) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var raceLater = function raceLater(promise) {
return promise.then(function (array) {
return race(array, promise);
function race(promises, parent) {
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(promises);
if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) {
return raceLater(maybePromise);
} else {
promises = util.asArray(promises);
if (promises === null) return apiRejection("expecting an array or an iterable object but got " + util.classString(promises));
var ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
if (parent !== undefined) {
ret._propagateFrom(parent, 3);
var fulfill = ret._fulfill;
var reject = ret._reject;
for (var i = 0, len = promises.length; i < len; ++i) {
var val = promises[i];
if (val === undefined && !(i in promises)) {
Promise.cast(val)._then(fulfill, reject, undefined, ret, null);
return ret;
Promise.race = function (promises) {
return race(promises, undefined);
Promise.prototype.race = function () {
return race(this, undefined);
}, {
"./util": 36
28: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, PromiseArray, apiRejection, tryConvertToPromise, INTERNAL, debug) {
var getDomain = Promise._getDomain;
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
function ReductionPromiseArray(promises, fn, initialValue, _each) {
var domain = getDomain();
this._fn = domain === null ? fn : util.domainBind(domain, fn);
if (initialValue !== undefined) {
initialValue = Promise.resolve(initialValue);
this._initialValue = initialValue;
this._currentCancellable = null;
if (_each === INTERNAL) {
this._eachValues = Array(this._length);
} else if (_each === 0) {
this._eachValues = null;
} else {
this._eachValues = undefined;
this._init$(undefined, -5);
util.inherits(ReductionPromiseArray, PromiseArray);
ReductionPromiseArray.prototype._gotAccum = function (accum) {
if (this._eachValues !== undefined && this._eachValues !== null && accum !== INTERNAL) {
ReductionPromiseArray.prototype._eachComplete = function (value) {
if (this._eachValues !== null) {
return this._eachValues;
ReductionPromiseArray.prototype._init = function () {};
ReductionPromiseArray.prototype._resolveEmptyArray = function () {
this._resolve(this._eachValues !== undefined ? this._eachValues : this._initialValue);
ReductionPromiseArray.prototype.shouldCopyValues = function () {
return false;
ReductionPromiseArray.prototype._resolve = function (value) {
this._values = null;
ReductionPromiseArray.prototype._resultCancelled = function (sender) {
if (sender === this._initialValue) return this._cancel();
if (this._isResolved()) return;
if (this._currentCancellable instanceof Promise) {
if (this._initialValue instanceof Promise) {
ReductionPromiseArray.prototype._iterate = function (values) {
this._values = values;
var value;
var i;
var length = values.length;
if (this._initialValue !== undefined) {
value = this._initialValue;
i = 0;
} else {
value = Promise.resolve(values[0]);
i = 1;
this._currentCancellable = value;
if (!value.isRejected()) {
for (; i < length; ++i) {
var ctx = {
accum: null,
value: values[i],
index: i,
length: length,
array: this
value = value._then(gotAccum, undefined, undefined, ctx, undefined);
if (this._eachValues !== undefined) {
value = value._then(this._eachComplete, undefined, undefined, this, undefined);
value._then(completed, completed, undefined, value, this);
Promise.prototype.reduce = function (fn, initialValue) {
return reduce(this, fn, initialValue, null);
Promise.reduce = function (promises, fn, initialValue, _each) {
return reduce(promises, fn, initialValue, _each);
function completed(valueOrReason, array) {
if (this.isFulfilled()) {
} else {
function reduce(promises, fn, initialValue, _each) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
return apiRejection("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(fn));
var array = new ReductionPromiseArray(promises, fn, initialValue, _each);
return array.promise();
function gotAccum(accum) {
this.accum = accum;
var value = tryConvertToPromise(this.value, this.array._promise);
if (value instanceof Promise) {
this.array._currentCancellable = value;
return value._then(gotValue, undefined, undefined, this, undefined);
} else {
return, value);
function gotValue(value) {
var array = this.array;
var promise = array._promise;
var fn = tryCatch(array._fn);
var ret;
if (array._eachValues !== undefined) {
ret =, value, this.index, this.length);
} else {
ret =, this.accum, value, this.index, this.length);
if (ret instanceof Promise) {
array._currentCancellable = ret;
var promiseCreated = promise._popContext();
debug.checkForgottenReturns(ret, promiseCreated, array._eachValues !== undefined ? "Promise.each" : "Promise.reduce", promise);
return ret;
}, {
"./util": 36
29: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var schedule;
var noAsyncScheduler = function noAsyncScheduler() {
throw new Error("No async scheduler available\n\n See\n");
var NativePromise = util.getNativePromise();
if (util.isNode && typeof MutationObserver === "undefined") {
var GlobalSetImmediate = global.setImmediate;
var ProcessNextTick = process.nextTick;
schedule = util.isRecentNode ? function (fn) {, fn);
} : function (fn) {, fn);
} else if (typeof NativePromise === "function" && typeof NativePromise.resolve === "function") {
var nativePromise = NativePromise.resolve();
schedule = function schedule(fn) {
} else if (typeof MutationObserver !== "undefined" && !(typeof window !== "undefined" && window.navigator && (window.navigator.standalone || window.cordova))) {
schedule = function () {
var div = document.createElement("div");
var opts = {
attributes: true
var toggleScheduled = false;
var div2 = document.createElement("div");
var o2 = new MutationObserver(function () {
toggleScheduled = false;
o2.observe(div2, opts);
var scheduleToggle = function scheduleToggle() {
if (toggleScheduled) return;
toggleScheduled = true;
return function schedule(fn) {
var o = new MutationObserver(function () {
o.observe(div, opts);
} else if (typeof setImmediate !== "undefined") {
schedule = function schedule(fn) {
} else if (typeof setTimeout !== "undefined") {
schedule = function schedule(fn) {
setTimeout(fn, 0);
} else {
schedule = noAsyncScheduler;
module.exports = schedule;
}, {
"./util": 36
30: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, PromiseArray, debug) {
var PromiseInspection = Promise.PromiseInspection;
var util = _dereq_("./util");
function SettledPromiseArray(values) {
util.inherits(SettledPromiseArray, PromiseArray);
SettledPromiseArray.prototype._promiseResolved = function (index, inspection) {
this._values[index] = inspection;
var totalResolved = ++this._totalResolved;
if (totalResolved >= this._length) {
return true;
return false;
SettledPromiseArray.prototype._promiseFulfilled = function (value, index) {
var ret = new PromiseInspection();
ret._bitField = 33554432;
ret._settledValueField = value;
return this._promiseResolved(index, ret);
SettledPromiseArray.prototype._promiseRejected = function (reason, index) {
var ret = new PromiseInspection();
ret._bitField = 16777216;
ret._settledValueField = reason;
return this._promiseResolved(index, ret);
Promise.settle = function (promises) {
debug.deprecated(".settle()", ".reflect()");
return new SettledPromiseArray(promises).promise();
Promise.prototype.settle = function () {
return Promise.settle(this);
}, {
"./util": 36
31: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, PromiseArray, apiRejection) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var RangeError = _dereq_("./errors").RangeError;
var AggregateError = _dereq_("./errors").AggregateError;
var isArray = util.isArray;
function SomePromiseArray(values) {
this._howMany = 0;
this._unwrap = false;
this._initialized = false;
util.inherits(SomePromiseArray, PromiseArray);
SomePromiseArray.prototype._init = function () {
if (!this._initialized) {
if (this._howMany === 0) {
this._init$(undefined, -5);
var isArrayResolved = isArray(this._values);
if (!this._isResolved() && isArrayResolved && this._howMany > this._canPossiblyFulfill()) {
SomePromiseArray.prototype.init = function () {
this._initialized = true;
SomePromiseArray.prototype.setUnwrap = function () {
this._unwrap = true;
SomePromiseArray.prototype.howMany = function () {
return this._howMany;
SomePromiseArray.prototype.setHowMany = function (count) {
this._howMany = count;
SomePromiseArray.prototype._promiseFulfilled = function (value) {
if (this._fulfilled() === this.howMany()) {
this._values.length = this.howMany();
if (this.howMany() === 1 && this._unwrap) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
SomePromiseArray.prototype._promiseRejected = function (reason) {
return this._checkOutcome();
SomePromiseArray.prototype._promiseCancelled = function () {
if (this._values instanceof Promise || this._values == null) {
return this._cancel();
return this._checkOutcome();
SomePromiseArray.prototype._checkOutcome = function () {
if (this.howMany() > this._canPossiblyFulfill()) {
var e = new AggregateError();
for (var i = this.length(); i < this._values.length; ++i) {
if (this._values[i] !== CANCELLATION) {
if (e.length > 0) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
SomePromiseArray.prototype._fulfilled = function () {
return this._totalResolved;
SomePromiseArray.prototype._rejected = function () {
return this._values.length - this.length();
SomePromiseArray.prototype._addRejected = function (reason) {
SomePromiseArray.prototype._addFulfilled = function (value) {
this._values[this._totalResolved++] = value;
SomePromiseArray.prototype._canPossiblyFulfill = function () {
return this.length() - this._rejected();
SomePromiseArray.prototype._getRangeError = function (count) {
var message = "Input array must contain at least " + this._howMany + " items but contains only " + count + " items";
return new RangeError(message);
SomePromiseArray.prototype._resolveEmptyArray = function () {
function some(promises, howMany) {
if ((howMany | 0) !== howMany || howMany < 0) {
return apiRejection("expecting a positive integer\n\n See\n");
var ret = new SomePromiseArray(promises);
var promise = ret.promise();
return promise;
Promise.some = function (promises, howMany) {
return some(promises, howMany);
Promise.prototype.some = function (howMany) {
return some(this, howMany);
Promise._SomePromiseArray = SomePromiseArray;
}, {
"./errors": 12,
"./util": 36
32: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise) {
function PromiseInspection(promise) {
if (promise !== undefined) {
promise = promise._target();
this._bitField = promise._bitField;
this._settledValueField = promise._isFateSealed() ? promise._settledValue() : undefined;
} else {
this._bitField = 0;
this._settledValueField = undefined;
PromiseInspection.prototype._settledValue = function () {
return this._settledValueField;
var value = PromiseInspection.prototype.value = function () {
if (!this.isFulfilled()) {
throw new TypeError("cannot get fulfillment value of a non-fulfilled promise\n\n See\n");
return this._settledValue();
var reason = PromiseInspection.prototype.error = PromiseInspection.prototype.reason = function () {
if (!this.isRejected()) {
throw new TypeError("cannot get rejection reason of a non-rejected promise\n\n See\n");
return this._settledValue();
var isFulfilled = PromiseInspection.prototype.isFulfilled = function () {
return (this._bitField & 33554432) !== 0;
var isRejected = PromiseInspection.prototype.isRejected = function () {
return (this._bitField & 16777216) !== 0;
var isPending = PromiseInspection.prototype.isPending = function () {
return (this._bitField & 50397184) === 0;
var isResolved = PromiseInspection.prototype.isResolved = function () {
return (this._bitField & 50331648) !== 0;
PromiseInspection.prototype.isCancelled = function () {
return (this._bitField & 8454144) !== 0;
Promise.prototype.__isCancelled = function () {
return (this._bitField & 65536) === 65536;
Promise.prototype._isCancelled = function () {
return this._target().__isCancelled();
Promise.prototype.isCancelled = function () {
return (this._target()._bitField & 8454144) !== 0;
Promise.prototype.isPending = function () {
Promise.prototype.isRejected = function () {
Promise.prototype.isFulfilled = function () {
Promise.prototype.isResolved = function () {
Promise.prototype.value = function () {
Promise.prototype.reason = function () {
var target = this._target();
Promise.prototype._value = function () {
return this._settledValue();
Promise.prototype._reason = function () {
return this._settledValue();
Promise.PromiseInspection = PromiseInspection;
}, {}],
33: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, INTERNAL) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
var isObject = util.isObject;
function tryConvertToPromise(obj, context) {
if (isObject(obj)) {
if (obj instanceof Promise) return obj;
var then = getThen(obj);
if (then === errorObj) {
if (context) context._pushContext();
var ret = Promise.reject(then.e);
if (context) context._popContext();
return ret;
} else if (typeof then === "function") {
if (isAnyBluebirdPromise(obj)) {
var ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
obj._then(ret._fulfill, ret._reject, undefined, ret, null);
return ret;
return doThenable(obj, then, context);
return obj;
function doGetThen(obj) {
return obj.then;
function getThen(obj) {
try {
return doGetThen(obj);
} catch (e) {
errorObj.e = e;
return errorObj;
var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
function isAnyBluebirdPromise(obj) {
try {
return, "_promise0");
} catch (e) {
return false;
function doThenable(x, then, context) {
var promise = new Promise(INTERNAL);
var ret = promise;
if (context) context._pushContext();
if (context) context._popContext();
var synchronous = true;
var result = util.tryCatch(then).call(x, resolve, reject);
synchronous = false;
if (promise && result === errorObj) {
promise._rejectCallback(result.e, true, true);
promise = null;
function resolve(value) {
if (!promise) return;
promise = null;
function reject(reason) {
if (!promise) return;
promise._rejectCallback(reason, synchronous, true);
promise = null;
return ret;
return tryConvertToPromise;
}, {
"./util": 36
34: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, INTERNAL, debug) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var TimeoutError = Promise.TimeoutError;
function HandleWrapper(handle) {
this.handle = handle;
HandleWrapper.prototype._resultCancelled = function () {
var afterValue = function afterValue(value) {
return delay(+this).thenReturn(value);
var delay = Promise.delay = function (ms, value) {
var ret;
var handle;
if (value !== undefined) {
ret = Promise.resolve(value)._then(afterValue, null, null, ms, undefined);
if (debug.cancellation() && value instanceof Promise) {
} else {
ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
handle = setTimeout(function () {
}, +ms);
if (debug.cancellation()) {
ret._setOnCancel(new HandleWrapper(handle));
return ret;
Promise.prototype.delay = function (ms) {
return delay(ms, this);
var afterTimeout = function afterTimeout(promise, message, parent) {
var err;
if (typeof message !== "string") {
if (message instanceof Error) {
err = message;
} else {
err = new TimeoutError("operation timed out");
} else {
err = new TimeoutError(message);
if (parent != null) {
function successClear(value) {
return value;
function failureClear(reason) {
throw reason;
Promise.prototype.timeout = function (ms, message) {
ms = +ms;
var ret, parent;
var handleWrapper = new HandleWrapper(setTimeout(function timeoutTimeout() {
if (ret.isPending()) {
afterTimeout(ret, message, parent);
}, ms));
if (debug.cancellation()) {
parent = this.then();
ret = parent._then(successClear, failureClear, undefined, handleWrapper, undefined);
} else {
ret = this._then(successClear, failureClear, undefined, handleWrapper, undefined);
return ret;
}, {
"./util": 36
35: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function (Promise, apiRejection, tryConvertToPromise, createContext, INTERNAL, debug) {
var util = _dereq_("./util");
var TypeError = _dereq_("./errors").TypeError;
var inherits = _dereq_("./util").inherits;
var errorObj = util.errorObj;
var tryCatch = util.tryCatch;
var NULL = {};
function thrower(e) {
setTimeout(function () {
throw e;
}, 0);
function castPreservingDisposable(thenable) {
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(thenable);
if (maybePromise !== thenable && typeof thenable._isDisposable === "function" && typeof thenable._getDisposer === "function" && thenable._isDisposable()) {
return maybePromise;
function dispose(resources, inspection) {
var i = 0;
var len = resources.length;
var ret = new Promise(INTERNAL);
function iterator() {
if (i >= len) return ret._fulfill();
var maybePromise = castPreservingDisposable(resources[i++]);
if (maybePromise instanceof Promise && maybePromise._isDisposable()) {
try {
maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(maybePromise._getDisposer().tryDispose(inspection), resources.promise);
} catch (e) {
return thrower(e);
if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) {
return maybePromise._then(iterator, thrower, null, null, null);
return ret;
function Disposer(data, promise, context) {
this._data = data;
this._promise = promise;
this._context = context;
} = function () {
return this._data;
Disposer.prototype.promise = function () {
return this._promise;
Disposer.prototype.resource = function () {
if (this.promise().isFulfilled()) {
return this.promise().value();
return NULL;
Disposer.prototype.tryDispose = function (inspection) {
var resource = this.resource();
var context = this._context;
if (context !== undefined) context._pushContext();
var ret = resource !== NULL ? this.doDispose(resource, inspection) : null;
if (context !== undefined) context._popContext();
this._data = null;
return ret;
Disposer.isDisposer = function (d) {
return d != null && typeof d.resource === "function" && typeof d.tryDispose === "function";
function FunctionDisposer(fn, promise, context) {
this.constructor$(fn, promise, context);
inherits(FunctionDisposer, Disposer);
FunctionDisposer.prototype.doDispose = function (resource, inspection) {
var fn =;
return, resource, inspection);
function maybeUnwrapDisposer(value) {
if (Disposer.isDisposer(value)) {
return value.promise();
return value;
function ResourceList(length) {
this.length = length;
this.promise = null;
this[length - 1] = null;
ResourceList.prototype._resultCancelled = function () {
var len = this.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var item = this[i];
if (item instanceof Promise) {
Promise.using = function () {
var len = arguments.length;
if (len < 2) return apiRejection("you must pass at least 2 arguments to Promise.using");
var fn = arguments[len - 1];
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
return apiRejection("expecting a function but got " + util.classString(fn));
var input;
var spreadArgs = true;
if (len === 2 && Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
input = arguments[0];
len = input.length;
spreadArgs = false;
} else {
input = arguments;
var resources = new ResourceList(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var resource = input[i];
if (Disposer.isDisposer(resource)) {
var disposer = resource;
resource = resource.promise();
} else {
var maybePromise = tryConvertToPromise(resource);
if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) {
resource = maybePromise._then(maybeUnwrapDisposer, null, null, {
resources: resources,
index: i
}, undefined);
resources[i] = resource;
var reflectedResources = new Array(resources.length);
for (var i = 0; i < reflectedResources.length; ++i) {
reflectedResources[i] = Promise.resolve(resources[i]).reflect();
var resultPromise = Promise.all(reflectedResources).then(function (inspections) {
for (var i = 0; i < inspections.length; ++i) {
var inspection = inspections[i];
if (inspection.isRejected()) {
errorObj.e = inspection.error();
return errorObj;
} else if (!inspection.isFulfilled()) {
inspections[i] = inspection.value();
fn = tryCatch(fn);
var ret = spreadArgs ? fn.apply(undefined, inspections) : fn(inspections);
var promiseCreated = promise._popContext();
debug.checkForgottenReturns(ret, promiseCreated, "Promise.using", promise);
return ret;
var promise = resultPromise.lastly(function () {
var inspection = new Promise.PromiseInspection(resultPromise);
return dispose(resources, inspection);
resources.promise = promise;
return promise;
Promise.prototype._setDisposable = function (disposer) {
this._bitField = this._bitField | 131072;
this._disposer = disposer;
Promise.prototype._isDisposable = function () {
return (this._bitField & 131072) > 0;
Promise.prototype._getDisposer = function () {
return this._disposer;
Promise.prototype._unsetDisposable = function () {
this._bitField = this._bitField & ~131072;
this._disposer = undefined;
Promise.prototype.disposer = function (fn) {
if (typeof fn === "function") {
return new FunctionDisposer(fn, this, createContext());
throw new TypeError();
}, {
"./errors": 12,
"./util": 36
36: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
"use strict";
var es5 = _dereq_("./es5");
var canEvaluate = typeof navigator == "undefined";
var errorObj = {
e: {}
var tryCatchTarget;
var globalObject = typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : this !== undefined ? this : null;
function tryCatcher() {
try {
var target = tryCatchTarget;
tryCatchTarget = null;
return target.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (e) {
errorObj.e = e;
return errorObj;
function tryCatch(fn) {
tryCatchTarget = fn;
return tryCatcher;
var inherits = function inherits(Child, Parent) {
var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
function T() {
this.constructor = Child;
this.constructor$ = Parent;
for (var propertyName in Parent.prototype) {
if (, propertyName) && propertyName.charAt(propertyName.length - 1) !== "$") {
this[propertyName + "$"] = Parent.prototype[propertyName];
T.prototype = Parent.prototype;
Child.prototype = new T();
return Child.prototype;
function isPrimitive(val) {
return val == null || val === true || val === false || typeof val === "string" || typeof val === "number";
function isObject(value) {
return typeof value === "function" || _typeof(value) === "object" && value !== null;
function maybeWrapAsError(maybeError) {
if (!isPrimitive(maybeError)) return maybeError;
return new Error(safeToString(maybeError));
function withAppended(target, appendee) {
var len = target.length;
var ret = new Array(len + 1);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
ret[i] = target[i];
ret[i] = appendee;
return ret;
function getDataPropertyOrDefault(obj, key, defaultValue) {
if (es5.isES5) {
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
if (desc != null) {
return desc.get == null && desc.set == null ? desc.value : defaultValue;
} else {
return {}, key) ? obj[key] : undefined;
function notEnumerableProp(obj, name, value) {
if (isPrimitive(obj)) return obj;
var descriptor = {
value: value,
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
writable: true
es5.defineProperty(obj, name, descriptor);
return obj;
function thrower(r) {
throw r;
var inheritedDataKeys = function () {
var excludedPrototypes = [Array.prototype, Object.prototype, Function.prototype];
var isExcludedProto = function isExcludedProto(val) {
for (var i = 0; i < excludedPrototypes.length; ++i) {
if (excludedPrototypes[i] === val) {
return true;
return false;
if (es5.isES5) {
var getKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
return function (obj) {
var ret = [];
var visitedKeys = Object.create(null);
while (obj != null && !isExcludedProto(obj)) {
var keys;
try {
keys = getKeys(obj);
} catch (e) {
return ret;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var key = keys[i];
if (visitedKeys[key]) continue;
visitedKeys[key] = true;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
if (desc != null && desc.get == null && desc.set == null) {
obj = es5.getPrototypeOf(obj);
return ret;
} else {
var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
return function (obj) {
if (isExcludedProto(obj)) return [];
var ret = [];
/*jshint forin:false */
enumeration: for (var key in obj) {
if (, key)) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < excludedPrototypes.length; ++i) {
if ([i], key)) {
continue enumeration;
return ret;
var thisAssignmentPattern = /this\s*\.\s*\S+\s*=/;
function isClass(fn) {
try {
if (typeof fn === "function") {
var keys = es5.names(fn.prototype);
var hasMethods = es5.isES5 && keys.length > 1;
var hasMethodsOtherThanConstructor = keys.length > 0 && !(keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === "constructor");
var hasThisAssignmentAndStaticMethods = thisAssignmentPattern.test(fn + "") && es5.names(fn).length > 0;
if (hasMethods || hasMethodsOtherThanConstructor || hasThisAssignmentAndStaticMethods) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (e) {
return false;
function toFastProperties(obj) {
/*jshint -W027,-W055,-W031*/
function FakeConstructor() {}
FakeConstructor.prototype = obj;
var receiver = new FakeConstructor();
function ic() {
return _typeof(;
return obj;
var rident = /^[a-z$_][a-z$_0-9]*$/i;
function isIdentifier(str) {
return rident.test(str);
function filledRange(count, prefix, suffix) {
var ret = new Array(count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
ret[i] = prefix + i + suffix;
return ret;
function safeToString(obj) {
try {
return obj + "";
} catch (e) {
return "[no string representation]";
function isError(obj) {
return obj instanceof Error || obj !== null && _typeof(obj) === "object" && typeof obj.message === "string" && typeof === "string";
function markAsOriginatingFromRejection(e) {
try {
notEnumerableProp(e, "isOperational", true);
} catch (ignore) {}
function originatesFromRejection(e) {
if (e == null) return false;
return e instanceof Error["__BluebirdErrorTypes__"].OperationalError || e["isOperational"] === true;
function canAttachTrace(obj) {
return isError(obj) && es5.propertyIsWritable(obj, "stack");
var ensureErrorObject = function () {
if (!("stack" in new Error())) {
return function (value) {
if (canAttachTrace(value)) return value;
try {
throw new Error(safeToString(value));
} catch (err) {
return err;
} else {
return function (value) {
if (canAttachTrace(value)) return value;
return new Error(safeToString(value));
function classString(obj) {
return {};
function copyDescriptors(from, to, filter) {
var keys = es5.names(from);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var key = keys[i];
if (filter(key)) {
try {
es5.defineProperty(to, key, es5.getDescriptor(from, key));
} catch (ignore) {}
var asArray = function asArray(v) {
if (es5.isArray(v)) {
return v;
return null;
if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.iterator) {
var ArrayFrom = typeof Array.from === "function" ? function (v) {
return Array.from(v);
} : function (v) {
var ret = [];
var it = v[Symbol.iterator]();
var itResult;
while (!(itResult = {
return ret;
asArray = function asArray(v) {
if (es5.isArray(v)) {
return v;
} else if (v != null && typeof v[Symbol.iterator] === "function") {
return ArrayFrom(v);
return null;
var isNode = typeof process !== "undefined" && classString(process).toLowerCase() === "[object process]";
var hasEnvVariables = typeof process !== "undefined" && typeof process.env !== "undefined";
function env(key) {
return hasEnvVariables ? process.env[key] : undefined;
function getNativePromise() {
if (typeof Promise === "function") {
try {
var promise = new Promise(function () {});
if ({} === "[object Promise]") {
return Promise;
} catch (e) {}
function domainBind(self, cb) {
return self.bind(cb);
var ret = {
isClass: isClass,
isIdentifier: isIdentifier,
inheritedDataKeys: inheritedDataKeys,
getDataPropertyOrDefault: getDataPropertyOrDefault,
thrower: thrower,
isArray: es5.isArray,
asArray: asArray,
notEnumerableProp: notEnumerableProp,
isPrimitive: isPrimitive,
isObject: isObject,
isError: isError,
canEvaluate: canEvaluate,
errorObj: errorObj,
tryCatch: tryCatch,
inherits: inherits,
withAppended: withAppended,
maybeWrapAsError: maybeWrapAsError,
toFastProperties: toFastProperties,
filledRange: filledRange,
toString: safeToString,
canAttachTrace: canAttachTrace,
ensureErrorObject: ensureErrorObject,
originatesFromRejection: originatesFromRejection,
markAsOriginatingFromRejection: markAsOriginatingFromRejection,
classString: classString,
copyDescriptors: copyDescriptors,
hasDevTools: typeof chrome !== "undefined" && chrome && typeof chrome.loadTimes === "function",
isNode: isNode,
hasEnvVariables: hasEnvVariables,
env: env,
global: globalObject,
getNativePromise: getNativePromise,
domainBind: domainBind
ret.isRecentNode = ret.isNode && function () {
var version;
if (process.versions && process.versions.node) {
version = process.versions.node.split(".").map(Number);
} else if (process.version) {
version = process.version.split(".").map(Number);
return version[0] === 0 && version[1] > 10 || version[0] > 0;
if (ret.isNode) ret.toFastProperties(process);
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (e) {
ret.lastLineError = e;
module.exports = ret;
}, {
"./es5": 13
}, {}, [4])(4);
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window !== null) {
window.P = window.Promise;
} else if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && self !== null) {
self.P = self.Promise;
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../../process/browser.js */ "./node_modules/process/browser.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../../webpack/buildin/global.js */ "./node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../../timers-browserify/main.js */ "./node_modules/timers-browserify/main.js").setImmediate))
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/process/browser.js":
!*** ./node_modules/process/browser.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
// shim for using process in browser
var process = module.exports = {}; // cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it
// don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is
// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a
// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines.
var cachedSetTimeout;
var cachedClearTimeout;
function defaultSetTimout() {
throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined');
function defaultClearTimeout() {
throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined');
(function () {
try {
if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') {
cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
} else {
cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
} catch (e) {
cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
try {
if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') {
cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
} else {
cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
} catch (e) {
cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
function runTimeout(fun) {
if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {
//normal enviroments in sane situations
return setTimeout(fun, 0);
} // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined
if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {
cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
return setTimeout(fun, 0);
try {
// when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness
return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);
} catch (e) {
try {
// When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally
return, fun, 0);
} catch (e) {
// same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error
return, fun, 0);
function runClearTimeout(marker) {
if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {
//normal enviroments in sane situations
return clearTimeout(marker);
} // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined
if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {
cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
return clearTimeout(marker);
try {
// when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness
return cachedClearTimeout(marker);
} catch (e) {
try {
// When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally
return, marker);
} catch (e) {
// same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error.
// Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout
return, marker);
var queue = [];
var draining = false;
var currentQueue;
var queueIndex = -1;
function cleanUpNextTick() {
if (!draining || !currentQueue) {
draining = false;
if (currentQueue.length) {
queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);
} else {
queueIndex = -1;
if (queue.length) {
function drainQueue() {
if (draining) {
var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
draining = true;
var len = queue.length;
while (len) {
currentQueue = queue;
queue = [];
while (++queueIndex < len) {
if (currentQueue) {
queueIndex = -1;
len = queue.length;
currentQueue = null;
draining = false;
process.nextTick = function (fun) {
var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
queue.push(new Item(fun, args));
if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {
}; // v8 likes predictible objects
function Item(fun, array) { = fun;
this.array = array;
} = function () {, this.array);
process.title = 'browser';
process.browser = true;
process.env = {};
process.argv = [];
process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues
process.versions = {};
function noop() {}
process.on = noop;
process.addListener = noop;
process.once = noop; = noop;
process.removeListener = noop;
process.removeAllListeners = noop;
process.emit = noop;
process.prependListener = noop;
process.prependOnceListener = noop;
process.listeners = function (name) {
return [];
process.binding = function (name) {
throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
process.cwd = function () {
return '/';
process.chdir = function (dir) {
throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
process.umask = function () {
return 0;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/setimmediate/setImmediate.js":
!*** ./node_modules/setimmediate/setImmediate.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global, process) {(function (global, undefined) {
"use strict";
if (global.setImmediate) {
var nextHandle = 1; // Spec says greater than zero
var tasksByHandle = {};
var currentlyRunningATask = false;
var doc = global.document;
var registerImmediate;
function setImmediate(callback) {
// Callback can either be a function or a string
if (typeof callback !== "function") {
callback = new Function("" + callback);
} // Copy function arguments
var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i + 1];
} // Store and register the task
var task = {
callback: callback,
args: args
tasksByHandle[nextHandle] = task;
return nextHandle++;
function clearImmediate(handle) {
delete tasksByHandle[handle];
function run(task) {
var callback = task.callback;
var args = task.args;
switch (args.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
callback(args[0], args[1]);
case 3:
callback(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
callback.apply(undefined, args);
function runIfPresent(handle) {
// From the spec: "Wait until any invocations of this algorithm started before this one have completed."
// So if we're currently running a task, we'll need to delay this invocation.
if (currentlyRunningATask) {
// Delay by doing a setTimeout. setImmediate was tried instead, but in Firefox 7 it generated a
// "too much recursion" error.
setTimeout(runIfPresent, 0, handle);
} else {
var task = tasksByHandle[handle];
if (task) {
currentlyRunningATask = true;
try {
} finally {
currentlyRunningATask = false;
function installNextTickImplementation() {
registerImmediate = function registerImmediate(handle) {
process.nextTick(function () {
function canUsePostMessage() {
// The test against `importScripts` prevents this implementation from being installed inside a web worker,
// where `global.postMessage` means something completely different and can't be used for this purpose.
if (global.postMessage && !global.importScripts) {
var postMessageIsAsynchronous = true;
var oldOnMessage = global.onmessage;
global.onmessage = function () {
postMessageIsAsynchronous = false;
global.postMessage("", "*");
global.onmessage = oldOnMessage;
return postMessageIsAsynchronous;
function installPostMessageImplementation() {
// Installs an event handler on `global` for the `message` event: see
// *
// *
var messagePrefix = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$";
var onGlobalMessage = function onGlobalMessage(event) {
if (event.source === global && typeof === "string" && === 0) {
if (global.addEventListener) {
global.addEventListener("message", onGlobalMessage, false);
} else {
global.attachEvent("onmessage", onGlobalMessage);
registerImmediate = function registerImmediate(handle) {
global.postMessage(messagePrefix + handle, "*");
function installMessageChannelImplementation() {
var channel = new MessageChannel();
channel.port1.onmessage = function (event) {
var handle =;
registerImmediate = function registerImmediate(handle) {
function installReadyStateChangeImplementation() {
var html = doc.documentElement;
registerImmediate = function registerImmediate(handle) {
// Create a <script> element; its readystatechange event will be fired asynchronously once it is inserted
// into the document. Do so, thus queuing up the task. Remember to clean up once it's been called.
var script = doc.createElement("script");
script.onreadystatechange = function () {
script.onreadystatechange = null;
script = null;
function installSetTimeoutImplementation() {
registerImmediate = function registerImmediate(handle) {
setTimeout(runIfPresent, 0, handle);
} // If supported, we should attach to the prototype of global, since that is where setTimeout et al. live.
var attachTo = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(global);
attachTo = attachTo && attachTo.setTimeout ? attachTo : global; // Don't get fooled by e.g. browserify environments.
if ({} === "[object process]") {
// For Node.js before 0.9
} else if (canUsePostMessage()) {
// For non-IE10 modern browsers
} else if (global.MessageChannel) {
// For web workers, where supported
} else if (doc && "onreadystatechange" in doc.createElement("script")) {
// For IE 6–8
} else {
// For older browsers
attachTo.setImmediate = setImmediate;
attachTo.clearImmediate = clearImmediate;
})(typeof self === "undefined" ? typeof global === "undefined" ? this : global : self);
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../webpack/buildin/global.js */ "./node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./../process/browser.js */ "./node_modules/process/browser.js")))
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/timers-browserify/main.js":
!*** ./node_modules/timers-browserify/main.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {var scope = typeof global !== "undefined" && global || typeof self !== "undefined" && self || window;
var apply = Function.prototype.apply; // DOM APIs, for completeness
exports.setTimeout = function () {
return new Timeout(, scope, arguments), clearTimeout);
exports.setInterval = function () {
return new Timeout(, scope, arguments), clearInterval);
exports.clearTimeout = exports.clearInterval = function (timeout) {
if (timeout) {
function Timeout(id, clearFn) {
this._id = id;
this._clearFn = clearFn;
Timeout.prototype.unref = Timeout.prototype.ref = function () {};
Timeout.prototype.close = function () {, this._id);
}; // Does not start the time, just sets up the members needed.
exports.enroll = function (item, msecs) {
item._idleTimeout = msecs;
exports.unenroll = function (item) {
item._idleTimeout = -1;
exports._unrefActive = = function (item) {
var msecs = item._idleTimeout;
if (msecs >= 0) {
item._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout(function onTimeout() {
if (item._onTimeout) item._onTimeout();
}, msecs);
}; // setimmediate attaches itself to the global object
__webpack_require__(/*! setimmediate */ "./node_modules/setimmediate/setImmediate.js"); // On some exotic environments, it's not clear which object `setimmediate` was
// able to install onto. Search each possibility in the same order as the
// `setimmediate` library.
exports.setImmediate = typeof self !== "undefined" && self.setImmediate || typeof global !== "undefined" && global.setImmediate || this && this.setImmediate;
exports.clearImmediate = typeof self !== "undefined" && self.clearImmediate || typeof global !== "undefined" && global.clearImmediate || this && this.clearImmediate;
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../webpack/buildin/global.js */ "./node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js")))
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js":
!*** (webpack)/buildin/global.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var g; // This works in non-strict mode
g = function () {
return this;
try {
// This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)
g = g || Function("return this")() || (1, eval)("this");
} catch (e) {
// This works if the window reference is available
if ((typeof window === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(window)) === "object") g = window;
} // g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...
// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's
// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}
module.exports = g;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/constants/index.js":
!*** ./sources/constants/index.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = {
UP: 38,
DOWN: 40,
LEFT: 37,
RIGHT: 39,
SPACE: 32,
ENTER: 13,
ESC: 27,
TAB: 9
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/cached_functions.js":
!*** ./sources/core/cached_functions.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
reuse results of functions that can be recalculated during rendering
greatly increases the rendering speed when critical path enabled
Sample - 94_dev/critical_path.html
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt._cached_functions = {
cache: {},
mode: false,
critical_path_mode: false,
wrap_methods: function wrap_methods(methods, object) {
if (object._prefetch_originals) {
for (var i in object._prefetch_originals) {
object[i] = object._prefetch_originals[i];
object._prefetch_originals = {};
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
this.prefetch(methods[i], object);
prefetch: function prefetch(methodname, host) {
var original = host[methodname];
if (original) {
var optimizer = this;
host._prefetch_originals[methodname] = original;
host[methodname] = function get_prefetched_value() {
var argumentsArray = new Array(arguments.length);
for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
argumentsArray[i] = arguments[i];
if ( {
var args = optimizer.get_arguments_hash(;
if (!optimizer.cache[methodname]) {
optimizer.cache[methodname] = {};
var cached_values = optimizer.cache[methodname];
if (optimizer.has_cached_value(cached_values, args)) {
return optimizer.get_cached_value(cached_values, args);
} else {
var value = original.apply(this, argumentsArray);
optimizer.cache_value(cached_values, args, value);
return value;
return original.apply(this, argumentsArray);
return original;
cache_value: function cache_value(cache, arguments_hash, value) {
if (this.is_date(value)) value = new Date(value);
cache[arguments_hash] = value;
has_cached_value: function has_cached_value(cache, arguments_hash) {
return cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments_hash);
get_cached_value: function get_cached_value(cache, arguments_hash) {
var data = cache[arguments_hash]; //for cached dates - return copy
if (this.is_date(data)) {
data = new Date(data);
return data;
is_date: function is_date(value) {
return value && value.getUTCDate;
get_arguments_hash: function get_arguments_hash(args) {
var values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
return "(" + values.join(";") + ")";
stringify_argument: function stringify_argument(value) {
//expecting task or link, or any other data entries, dates and primitive values
var ret = "";
if ( {
ret =;
} else if (this.is_date(value)) {
ret = value.valueOf();
} else {
ret = value;
return ret + "";
activate: function activate() {
this.clear(); = true;
deactivate: function deactivate() {
this.clear(); = false;
clear: function clear() {
this.cache = {};
setup: function setup(gantt) {
var override_gantt = [];
var gantt_methods = ['_isProjectEnd', '_getProjectEnd', '_getSlack'];
if (this.mode == 'auto') {
if (gantt.config.highlight_critical_path) {
override_gantt = gantt_methods;
} else if (this.mode === true) {
override_gantt = gantt_methods;
this.wrap_methods(override_gantt, gantt);
update_if_changed: function update_if_changed(gantt) {
var changed = this.critical_path_mode != gantt.config.highlight_critical_path || this.mode !== gantt.config.optimize_render;
if (changed) {
this.critical_path_mode = gantt.config.highlight_critical_path;
this.mode = gantt.config.optimize_render;
function activate() {
if (! {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeGanttRender", activate);
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeDataRender", activate);
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeSmartRender", function () {
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeParse", activate);
gantt.attachEvent("onDataRender", function () {
var deactivTimeout = null;
gantt.attachEvent("onSmartRender", function () {
if (deactivTimeout) clearTimeout(deactivTimeout);
deactivTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeGanttReady", function () {
return true;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/ajax.js":
!*** ./sources/core/common/ajax.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var env = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/env */ "./sources/utils/env.js");
var global = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/global */ "./sources/utils/global.js");
var serialize = __webpack_require__(/*! ./serialize */ "./sources/core/common/serialize.ts")["default"];
function createConfig(method, args) {
var result = {
method: method
if (args.length === 0) {
throw new Error("Arguments list of query is wrong.");
if (args.length === 1) {
if (typeof args[0] === "string") {
result.url = args[0];
result.async = true;
} else {
result.url = args[0].url;
result.async = args[0].async || true;
result.callback = args[0].callback;
result.headers = args[0].headers;
if (method === "POST" || "PUT") {
if (args[0].data) {
if (typeof args[0].data !== "string") { = serialize(args[0].data);
} else { = args[0].data;
} else { = "";
return result;
result.url = args[0];
switch (method) {
case "GET":
case "DELETE":
result.callback = args[1];
result.headers = args[2];
case "POST":
case "PUT":
if (args[1]) {
if (typeof args[1] !== "string") { = serialize(args[1]);
} else { = args[1];
} else { = "";
result.callback = args[2];
result.headers = args[3];
return result;
module.exports = function (gantt) {
return {
// if false - dhxr param will added to prevent caching on client side (default),
// if true - do not add extra params
cache: true,
// default method for load/loadStruct, post/get allowed
// get - since 4.1.1, this should fix 412 error for macos safari
method: "get",
parse: function parse(data) {
if (typeof data !== "string") return data;
var obj;
data = data.replace(/^[\s]+/, "");
if (typeof DOMParser !== "undefined" && !env.isIE) {
// ff,ie9
obj = new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, "text/xml");
} else if (typeof global.ActiveXObject !== "undefined") {
obj = new global.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
obj.async = "false";
return obj;
xmltop: function xmltop(tagname, xhr, obj) {
if (typeof xhr.status == "undefined" || xhr.status < 400) {
var xml = !xhr.responseXML ? this.parse(xhr.responseText || xhr) : xhr.responseXML || xhr;
if (xml && xml.documentElement !== null && !xml.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) {
return xml.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0];
if (obj !== -1) gantt.callEvent("onLoadXMLError", ["Incorrect XML", arguments[1], obj]);
return document.createElement("DIV");
xpath: function xpath(xpathExp, docObj) {
if (!docObj.nodeName) docObj = docObj.responseXML || docObj;
if (env.isIE) {
return docObj.selectNodes(xpathExp) || [];
} else {
var rows = [];
var first;
var col = (docObj.ownerDocument || docObj).evaluate(xpathExp, docObj, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
while (true) {
first = col.iterateNext();
if (first) {
} else {
return rows;
query: function query(config) {
return this._call(config.method || "GET", config.url, || "", config.async || true, config.callback, config.headers);
get: function get(url, onLoad, headers) {
var config = createConfig("GET", arguments);
return this.query(config);
getSync: function getSync(url, headers) {
var config = createConfig("GET", arguments);
config.async = false;
return this.query(config);
put: function put(url, postData, onLoad, headers) {
var config = createConfig("PUT", arguments);
return this.query(config);
del: function del(url, onLoad, headers) {
* A payload within a DELETE request message has no defined semantics;
* sending a payload body on a DELETE request might cause some existing
* implementations to reject the request.
var config = createConfig("DELETE", arguments);
return this.query(config);
post: function post(url, postData, onLoad, headers) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
postData = "";
} else if (arguments.length == 2 && typeof postData == "function") {
onLoad = postData;
postData = "";
var config = createConfig("POST", arguments);
return this.query(config);
postSync: function postSync(url, postData, headers) {
postData = postData === null ? "" : String(postData);
var config = createConfig("POST", arguments);
config.async = false;
return this.query(config);
_call: function _call(method, url, postData, async, onLoad, headers) {
return new gantt.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var t = (typeof XMLHttpRequest === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(XMLHttpRequest)) !== undefined && !env.isIE ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new global.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var isQt = navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit/) !== null && navigator.userAgent.match(/Qt/) !== null && navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari/) !== null;
if (!!async) {
t.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (t.readyState == 4 || isQt && t.readyState == 3) {
// what for long response and status 404?
if (t.status != 200 || t.responseText === "") if (!gantt.callEvent("onAjaxError", [t])) return;
setTimeout(function () {
if (typeof onLoad == "function") {
onLoad.apply(global, [{
xmlDoc: t,
filePath: url
}]); // dhtmlx-compat, response.xmlDoc.responseXML/responseText
if (typeof onLoad == "function") {
onLoad = null;
t = null;
}, 0);
if (method == "GET" && !this.cache) {
url += (url.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?") + "dhxr" + new Date().getTime() + "=1";
}, url, async);
if (headers) {
for (var key in headers) {
t.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
} else if (method.toUpperCase() == "POST" || method == "PUT" || method == "DELETE") {
t.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
} else if (method == "GET") {
postData = null;
t.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
if (!async) return {
xmlDoc: t,
filePath: url
}; // dhtmlx-compat, response.xmlDoc.responseXML/responseText
urlSeparator: function urlSeparator(str) {
if (str.indexOf("?") != -1) return "&";else return "?";
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/assert.js":
!*** ./sources/core/common/assert.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
asserts will be removed in final code, so you can place them anythere
without caring about performance impacts
module.exports = function (gantt) {
return function assert(check, message) {
if (!check) {
if (gantt.config.show_errors && gantt.callEvent("onError", [message]) !== false) {
if (gantt.message) {
type: "error",
text: message,
expire: -1
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line
} // eslint-disable-next-line no-debugger
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/config.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/common/config.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
module.exports = function () {
var result = {
layout: {
css: "gantt_container",
rows: [
cols: [
{ view: "grid", scrollX: "scrollHor", scrollY: "scrollVer" },
{ resizer: true, width: 1 },
{ view: "timeline", scrollX: "scrollHor", scrollY: "scrollVer" },
{ view: "scrollbar", id: "scrollVer" }
{ view: "scrollbar", id: "scrollHor", height: 20 }
links: {
finish_to_start: "0",
start_to_start: "1",
finish_to_finish: "2",
start_to_finish: "3"
types: {
task: "task",
project: "project",
milestone: "milestone"
auto_types: false,
duration_unit: "day",
work_time: false,
correct_work_time: false,
skip_off_time: false,
cascade_delete: true,
autosize: false,
autosize_min_width: 0,
autoscroll: true,
autoscroll_speed: 30,
deepcopy_on_parse: false,
show_links: true,
show_task_cells: true,
// replace backgroung of the task area with a canvas img
static_background: false,
static_background_cells: true,
branch_loading: false,
branch_loading_property: "$has_child",
show_loading: false,
show_chart: true,
show_grid: true,
min_duration: 60 * 60 * 1000,
date_format: "%d-%m-%Y %H:%i",
xml_date: undefined,
start_on_monday: true,
server_utc: false,
show_progress: true,
fit_tasks: false,
select_task: true,
scroll_on_click: true,
smart_rendering: true,
preserve_scroll: true,
readonly: false,
container_resize_timeout: 20,
/*grid */
date_grid: "%Y-%m-%d",
drag_links: true,
drag_progress: true,
drag_resize: true,
drag_project: false,
drag_move: true,
drag_mode: {
resize: "resize",
progress: "progress",
move: "move",
ignore: "ignore"
round_dnd_dates: true,
link_wrapper_width: 20,
root_id: 0,
autofit: false,
columns: [
{ name: "text", tree: true, width: "*", resize: true },
{ name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true },
{ name: "duration", align: "center" },
{ name: "add", width: 44 }
scale_offset_minimal: true,
inherit_scale_class: false,
scales: [
unit: "day",
step: 1,
date: "%d %M"
// date_scale: "%d %M",
time_step: 60,
duration_step: 1,
task_date: "%d %F %Y",
time_picker: "%H:%i",
task_attribute: "data-task-id",
link_attribute: "data-link-id",
layer_attribute: "data-layer",
buttons_left: [
_migrate_buttons: {
dhx_save_btn: "gantt_save_btn",
dhx_cancel_btn: "gantt_cancel_btn",
dhx_delete_btn: "gantt_delete_btn"
buttons_right: [
lightbox: {
sections: [
{ name: "description", height: 70, map_to: "text", type: "textarea", focus: true },
{ name: "time", type: "duration", map_to: "auto" }
project_sections: [
{ name: "description", height: 70, map_to: "text", type: "textarea", focus: true },
{ name: "type", type: "typeselect", map_to: "type" },
{ name: "time", type: "duration", readonly: true, map_to: "auto" }
milestone_sections: [
{ name: "description", height: 70, map_to: "text", type: "textarea", focus: true },
{ name: "type", type: "typeselect", map_to: "type" },
{ name: "time", type: "duration", single_date: true, map_to: "auto" }
drag_lightbox: true,
sort: false,
details_on_create: true,
details_on_dblclick: true,
initial_scroll: true,
task_scroll_offset: 100,
order_branch: false,
order_branch_free: false,
// task height is deprecated, use 'bar_height' instead
task_height: undefined,
bar_height: "full",
min_column_width: 70,
// min width for grid column (when resizing)
min_grid_column_width: 70,
// name of the attribute with column index for resize element
grid_resizer_column_attribute: "data-column-index",
// name of the attribute with column index for resize element
// grid_resizer_attribute: "grid_resizer", // - usage of this parameter is not found in code
// grid width can be increased after the column has been resized
keep_grid_width: false,
// grid width can be adjusted
grid_resize: false,
grid_elastic_columns: false,
show_tasks_outside_timescale: false,
show_unscheduled: true,
resize_rows: false,
// name of the attribute with row index for resize element
task_grid_row_resizer_attribute: "data-row-index",
// min height for row (when resizing)
min_task_grid_row_height: 30,
readonly_property: "readonly",
editable_property: "editable",
calendar_property: "calendar_id",
resource_calendars: {},
dynamic_resource_calendars: false,
inherit_calendar: false,
type_renderers: {},
open_tree_initially: false,
optimize_render: true,
prevent_default_scroll: false,
show_errors: true,
wai_aria_attributes: true,
smart_scales: true,
rtl: false,
placeholder_task: false,
horizontal_scroll_key: "shiftKey",
drag_timeline: {
useKey: undefined,
ignore: ".gantt_task_line, .gantt_task_link"
drag_multiple: true,
csp: "auto"
return result;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/date.js":
!*** ./sources/core/common/date.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
%d - the day as a number with a leading zero ( 01 to 31 );
%j - the day as a number without a leading zero ( 1 to 31 );
%D - the day as an abbreviation ( Sun to Sat );
%l - the day as a full name ( Sunday to Saturday );
%W - the ISO-8601 week number of the year. Weeks start on Monday; 1)
%m - the month as a number without a leading zero ( 1 to 12 );
%n - the month as a number with a leading zero ( 01 to 12);
%M - the month as an abbreviation ( Jan to Dec );
%F - the month as a full name ( January to December );
%y - the year as a two-digit number ( 00 to 99 );
%Y - the year as a four-digit number ( 1900–9999 );
%h - the hour based on the 12-hour clock ( 00 to 11 );
%H - the hour based on the 24-hour clock ( 00 to 23 );
%i - the minute as a number with a leading zero ( 00 to 59 );
%s - the second as a number without a leading zero ( 00 to 59 ); 2)
%a - displays am (for times from midnight until noon) and pm (for times from noon until midnight);
%A - displays AM (for times from midnight until noon) and PM (for times from noon until midnight).
var fastVersion = __webpack_require__(/*! ./date_parsers/fast_version */ "./sources/core/common/date_parsers/fast_version.ts")["default"];
var cspCompliantVersion = __webpack_require__(/*! ./date_parsers/csp_compliant_version */ "./sources/core/common/date_parsers/csp_compliant_version.ts")["default"];
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var canUseCsp = null;
function cspAutoCheck() {
try {
new Function("canUseCsp = false;");
} catch (e) {
canUseCsp = true;
function useCsp() {
var result = false;
if (gantt.config.csp === "auto") {
if (canUseCsp === null) {
result = canUseCsp;
} else {
result = gantt.config.csp;
return result;
var dateHelper = {
init: function init() {
var locale = gantt.locale;
var s =;
var t = = {};
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
t[s[i]] = i;
var s =;
var t = = {};
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
t[s[i]] = i;
date_part: function date_part(date) {
var old = new Date(date);
if (date.getHours() && ( //shift to yesterday on dst
date.getDate() < old.getDate() || date.getMonth() < old.getMonth() || date.getFullYear() < old.getFullYear())) date.setTime(date.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000 * (24 - date.getHours()));
return date;
time_part: function time_part(date) {
return (date.valueOf() / 1000 - date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60) % 86400;
week_start: function week_start(date) {
var shift = date.getDay();
if (gantt.config.start_on_monday) {
if (shift === 0) shift = 6;else shift--;
return this.date_part(this.add(date, -1 * shift, "day"));
month_start: function month_start(date) {
return this.date_part(date);
quarter_start: function quarter_start(date) {
var m = date.getMonth(),
if (m >= 9) {
res_month = 9;
} else if (m >= 6) {
res_month = 6;
} else if (m >= 3) {
res_month = 3;
} else {
res_month = 0;
return date;
year_start: function year_start(date) {
return this.month_start(date);
day_start: function day_start(date) {
return this.date_part(date);
hour_start: function hour_start(date) {
if (date.getMinutes()) date.setMinutes(0);
return date;
minute_start: function minute_start(date) {
if (date.getSeconds()) date.setSeconds(0);
if (date.getMilliseconds()) date.setMilliseconds(0);
return date;
_add_days: function _add_days(modifiedDate, inc, originalDate) {
modifiedDate.setDate(modifiedDate.getDate() + inc);
var incCondition = inc >= 0;
var getHoursCondition = !originalDate.getHours() && modifiedDate.getHours(); //shift to yesterday on dst
var getDateCondition = modifiedDate.getDate() <= originalDate.getDate() || modifiedDate.getMonth() < originalDate.getMonth() || modifiedDate.getFullYear() < originalDate.getFullYear();
if (incCondition && getHoursCondition && getDateCondition) {
modifiedDate.setTime(modifiedDate.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000 * (24 - modifiedDate.getHours()));
return modifiedDate;
add: function add(date, inc, mode) {
var ndate = new Date(date.valueOf());
switch (mode) {
case "day":
ndate = this._add_days(ndate, inc, date);
case "week":
ndate = this._add_days(ndate, inc * 7, date);
case "month":
ndate.setMonth(ndate.getMonth() + inc);
case "year":
ndate.setYear(ndate.getFullYear() + inc);
case "hour":
adding hours/minutes via setHour(getHour() + inc) gives weird result when
adding one hour to the time before switch to a Daylight Saving time
example: //Sun Mar 30 2014 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time)
new Date(2014, 02, 30, 1).setHours(2)
>>Sun Mar 30 2014 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time)
setTime seems working as expected
ndate.setTime(ndate.getTime() + inc * 60 * 60 * 1000);
case "minute":
ndate.setTime(ndate.getTime() + inc * 60 * 1000);
return this["add_" + mode](date, inc, mode);
return ndate;
add_quarter: function add_quarter(date, inc) {
return this.add(date, inc * 3, "month");
to_fixed: function to_fixed(num) {
if (num < 10) return "0" + num;
return num;
copy: function copy(date) {
return new Date(date.valueOf());
date_to_str: function date_to_str(format, utc) {
var result = fastVersion;
if (useCsp()) {
result = cspCompliantVersion;
return result.date_to_str(format, utc, gantt);
str_to_date: function str_to_date(format, utc) {
var result = fastVersion;
if (useCsp()) {
result = cspCompliantVersion;
return result.str_to_date(format, utc, gantt);
getISOWeek: function getISOWeek(ndate) {
return, true);
_getWeekNumber: function _getWeekNumber(ndate, isoWeek) {
if (!ndate) return false;
var nday = ndate.getDay();
if (isoWeek) {
if (nday === 0) {
nday = 7;
var first_thursday = new Date(ndate.valueOf());
first_thursday.setDate(ndate.getDate() + (4 - nday));
var year_number = first_thursday.getFullYear(); // year of the first Thursday
var ordinal_date = Math.round((first_thursday.getTime() - new Date(year_number, 0, 1).getTime()) / 86400000); //ordinal date of the first Thursday - 1 (so not really ordinal date)
var week_number = 1 + Math.floor(ordinal_date / 7);
return week_number;
getWeek: function getWeek(ndate) {
return, gantt.config.start_on_monday);
getUTCISOWeek: function getUTCISOWeek(ndate) {
convert_to_utc: function convert_to_utc(date) {
return new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds());
parseDate: function parseDate(date, format) {
// raw date may be of type string, number (timestamp) or something else
// do not check for instanceof Date explicitly, since we may swap native date with different date implementation at some point
if (date && !date.getFullYear) {
if (typeof format !== "function") {
if (typeof format === "string") {
if (format === "parse_date" || format === "xml_date") {
format = gantt.defined(gantt.templates.xml_date) ? gantt.templates.xml_date : gantt.templates.parse_date;
} else {
format = gantt.defined(gantt.templates[format]) ? gantt.templates[format] :;
} else {
format = gantt.defined(gantt.templates.xml_date) ? gantt.templates.xml_date : gantt.templates.parse_date;
if (date) {
date = format(date);
} else {
date = null;
return date;
return dateHelper;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/date_parsers/csp_compliant_version.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/common/date_parsers/csp_compliant_version.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var dateToStr = function (format, utc, gantt) {
return function (date) {
return format.replace(/%[a-zA-Z]/g, function (a) {
switch (a) {
case "%d": return utc ? :;
case "%m": return utc ? + 1)) : + 1));
case "%j": return utc ? date.getUTCDate() : date.getDate();
case "%n": return utc ? (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) : (date.getMonth() + 1);
case "%y": return utc ? % 100) : % 100);
case "%Y": return utc ? date.getUTCFullYear() : date.getFullYear();
case "%D": return utc ?[date.getUTCDay()] :[date.getDay()];
case "%l": return utc ?[date.getUTCDay()] :[date.getDay()];
case "%M": return utc ?[date.getUTCMonth()] :[date.getMonth()];
case "%F": return utc ?[date.getUTCMonth()] :[date.getMonth()];
case "%h": return utc ? + 11) % 12 + 1) : + 11) % 12 + 1);
case "%g": return utc ? ((date.getUTCHours() + 11) % 12 + 1) : ((date.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1);
case "%G": return utc ? date.getUTCHours() : date.getHours();
case "%H": return utc ? :;
case "%i": return utc ? :;
case "%a": return utc ? (date.getUTCHours() > 11 ? "pm" : "am") : (date.getHours() > 11 ? "pm" : "am");
case "%A": return utc ? (date.getUTCHours() > 11 ? "PM" : "AM") : (date.getHours() > 11 ? "PM" : "AM");
case "%s": return utc ? :;
case "%W": return utc ? :;
default: return a;
var strToDate = function (format, utc, gantt) {
return function (date) {
var set = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0];
var temp = date.match(/[a-zA-Z]+|[0-9]+/g);
var mask = format.match(/%[a-zA-Z]/g);
for (var i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
switch (mask[i]) {
case "%j":
case "%d":
set[2] = temp[i] || 1;
case "%n":
case "%m":
set[1] = (temp[i] || 1) - 1;
case "%y":
set[0] = temp[i] * 1 + (temp[i] > 50 ? 1900 : 2000);
case "%g":
case "%G":
case "%h":
case "%H":
set[3] = temp[i] || 0;
case "%i":
set[4] = temp[i] || 0;
case "%Y":
set[0] = temp[i] || 0;
case "%a":
case "%A":
set[3] = set[3] % 12 + ((temp[i] || "").toLowerCase() === "am" ? 0 : 12);
case "%s":
set[5] = temp[i] || 0;
case "%M":
set[1] =[temp[i]] || 0;
case "%F":
set[1] =[temp[i]] || 0;
if (utc) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(set[0], set[1], set[2], set[3], set[4], set[5]));
return new Date(set[0], set[1], set[2], set[3], set[4], set[5]);
var cspVersion = {
date_to_str: dateToStr,
str_to_date: strToDate
exports.default = cspVersion;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/date_parsers/fast_version.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/common/date_parsers/fast_version.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var dateToStr = function (format, utc, gantt) {
format = format.replace(/%[a-zA-Z]/g, function (a) {
switch (a) {
case "%d":
return "\"+to_fixed(date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Date())+\"";
case "%m":
return "\"+to_fixed((date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Month()+1))+\"";
case "%j":
return "\"+date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Date()+\"";
case "%n":
return "\"+(date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Month()+1)+\"";
case "%y":
return "\"+to_fixed(date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "FullYear()%100)+\"";
case "%Y":
return "\"+date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "FullYear()+\"";
case "%D":
return "\"[date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Day()]+\"";
case "%l":
return "\"[date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Day()]+\"";
case "%M":
return "\"[date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Month()]+\"";
case "%F":
return "\"[date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Month()]+\"";
case "%h":
return "\"+to_fixed((date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Hours()+11)%12+1)+\"";
case "%g":
return "\"+((date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Hours()+11)%12+1)+\"";
case "%G":
return "\"+date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Hours()+\"";
case "%H":
return "\"+to_fixed(date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Hours())+\"";
case "%i":
return "\"+to_fixed(date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Minutes())+\"";
case "%a":
return "\"+(date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Hours()>11?\"pm\":\"am\")+\"";
case "%A":
return "\"+(date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Hours()>11?\"PM\":\"AM\")+\"";
case "%s":
return "\"+to_fixed(date.get" + (utc ? "UTC" : "") + "Seconds())+\"";
case "%W":
return "\"+to_fixed(getISOWeek(date))+\"";
case "%w":
return "\"+to_fixed(getWeek(date))+\"";
return a;
// tslint:disable-next-line: function-constructor
var dateToStrFn = new Function("date", "to_fixed", "locale", "getISOWeek", "getWeek", "return \"" + format + "\";");
return function (date) {
return dateToStrFn(date,, gantt.locale,,;
var strToDate = function (format, utc, gantt) {
var splt = "var temp=date.match(/[a-zA-Z]+|[0-9]+/g);";
var mask = format.match(/%[a-zA-Z]/g);
for (var i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
switch (mask[i]) {
case "%j":
case "%d":
splt += "set[2]=temp[" + i + "]||1;";
case "%n":
case "%m":
splt += "set[1]=(temp[" + i + "]||1)-1;";
case "%y":
splt += "set[0]=temp[" + i + "]*1+(temp[" + i + "]>50?1900:2000);";
case "%g":
case "%G":
case "%h":
case "%H":
splt += "set[3]=temp[" + i + "]||0;";
case "%i":
splt += "set[4]=temp[" + i + "]||0;";
case "%Y":
splt += "set[0]=temp[" + i + "]||0;";
case "%a":
case "%A":
splt += "set[3]=set[3]%12+((temp[" + i + "]||'').toLowerCase()=='am'?0:12);";
case "%s":
splt += "set[5]=temp[" + i + "]||0;";
case "%M":
splt += "set[1][temp[" + i + "]]||0;";
case "%F":
splt += "set[1][temp[" + i + "]]||0;";
var code = "set[0],set[1],set[2],set[3],set[4],set[5]";
if (utc) {
code = " Date.UTC(" + code + ")";
// tslint:disable-next-line: function-constructor
var strToDateFn = new Function("date", "locale", "var set=[0,0,1,0,0,0]; " + splt + " return new Date(" + code + ");");
return function (dateString) {
return strToDateFn(dateString, gantt.locale);
var fastVersion = {
date_to_str: dateToStr,
str_to_date: strToDate
exports.default = fastVersion;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/dnd.js":
!*** ./sources/core/common/dnd.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js");
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var timeout = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/timeout */ "./sources/utils/timeout.js");
var global = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/global */ "./sources/utils/global.js");
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
function copyDomEvent(e) {
return {
target: || e.srcElement,
pageX: e.pageX,
pageY: e.pageY,
clientX: e.clientX,
clientY: e.clientY,
metaKey: e.metaKey,
shiftKey: e.shiftKey,
ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey,
altKey: e.altKey
function DnD(obj, config) {
this._obj = obj;
this._settings = config || {};
var inputMethods = this.getInputMethods();
this._drag_start_timer = null;
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttScroll", utils.bind(function (left, top) {
}, this));
var lastDown = 0;
var eventParams = {
passive: false
for (var i = 0; i < inputMethods.length; i++) {
utils.bind(function (input) {
gantt.event(obj, input.down, utils.bind(function (e) {
if (!input.accessor(e)) {
if (config.preventDefault && config.selector && domHelpers.closest(, config.selector)) {
if (gantt.config.touch && e.timeStamp && e.timeStamp - lastDown < 300) {
this._settings.original_target = copyDomEvent(e);
if (gantt.config.touch) {
this._drag_start_timer = setTimeout(utils.bind(function () {
if (gantt.getState().lightbox) {
this.dragStart(obj, e, input);
}, this), gantt.config.touch_drag);
} else {
this.dragStart(obj, e, input);
}, this), eventParams);
var eventElement = document.body;
gantt.event(eventElement, input.up, utils.bind(function (e) {
if (!input.accessor(e)) {
}, this), eventParams);
}, this)(inputMethods[i]);
DnD.prototype = {
traceDragEvents: function traceDragEvents(domElement, inputMethod) {
var mousemove = utils.bind(function (e) {
return this.dragMove(domElement, e, inputMethod.accessor);
}, this);
utils.bind(function (e) {
return this.dragScroll(domElement, e);
}, this);
var limited_mousemove = utils.bind(function (e) {
if (this.config.started && utils.defined(this.config.updates_per_second)) {
if (!timeout(this, this.config.updates_per_second)) return;
var dndActive = mousemove(e);
if (dndActive) {
try {
if (e && e.preventDefault && e.cancelable) {
//e.cancelable condition - because navigator.vibrate is blocked by Chrome
e.preventDefault(); //Cancel default action on DND
} //Cancel default action on DND
} catch (e) {// just suppress the exception, nothing needed to be done here
} //e.cancelBubble = true;
return dndActive;
}, this);
var eventElement = domHelpers.getRootNode(gantt.$root);
var mousemoveContainer = this.config.mousemoveContainer || domHelpers.getRootNode(gantt.$root);
var eventParams = {
passive: false
var mouseup = utils.bind(function (e) {
gantt.eventRemove(mousemoveContainer, inputMethod.move, limited_mousemove);
gantt.eventRemove(eventElement, inputMethod.up, mouseup, eventParams);
return this.dragEnd(domElement);
}, this);
gantt.event(mousemoveContainer, inputMethod.move, limited_mousemove, eventParams);
gantt.event(eventElement, inputMethod.up, mouseup, eventParams);
checkPositionChange: function checkPositionChange(pos) {
var diff_x = pos.x - this.config.pos.x;
var diff_y = pos.y - this.config.pos.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(diff_x), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(diff_y), 2));
if (distance > this.config.sensitivity) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
initDnDMarker: function initDnDMarker() {
// create dnd placeholder and put it in dom
var marker = this.config.marker = document.createElement("div");
marker.className = "gantt_drag_marker"; // GS-1333: don't show any message when we resize grid columns
marker.innerHTML = "";
backupEventTarget: function backupEventTarget(domEvent, getEvent) {
if (!gantt.config.touch) {
} // keep original event target in DOM in order to keep dnd on touchmove event
var e = getEvent(domEvent);
var el = || e.srcElement;
var copy = el.cloneNode(true); // = copy;
this.config.original_target = copyDomEvent(e); = copy;
this.config.backup_element = el;
el.parentNode.appendChild(copy); = "none";
var mousemoveContainer = this.config.mousemoveContainer || document.body;
getInputMethods: function getInputMethods() {
// bind actions to browser events
var inputMethods = [];
"move": "mousemove",
"down": "mousedown",
"up": "mouseup",
"accessor": function accessor(e) {
return e;
if (gantt.config.touch) {
var touchEventsSupported = true;
try {
} catch (e) {
touchEventsSupported = false;
if (touchEventsSupported) {
"move": "touchmove",
"down": "touchstart",
"up": "touchend",
"accessor": function accessor(ev) {
if (ev.touches && ev.touches.length > 1) return null;
if (ev.touches[0]) return {
target: document.elementFromPoint(ev.touches[0].clientX, ev.touches[0].clientY),
pageX: ev.touches[0].pageX,
pageY: ev.touches[0].pageY,
clientX: ev.touches[0].clientX,
clientY: ev.touches[0].clientY
};else return ev;
} else if (global.navigator.pointerEnabled) {
"move": "pointermove",
"down": "pointerdown",
"up": "pointerup",
"accessor": function accessor(ev) {
if (ev.pointerType == "mouse") return null;
return ev;
} else if (global.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
"move": "MSPointerMove",
"down": "MSPointerDown",
"up": "MSPointerUp",
"accessor": function accessor(ev) {
if (ev.pointerType == ev.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE) return null;
return ev;
return inputMethods;
clearDragTimer: function clearDragTimer() {
if (this._drag_start_timer) {
this._drag_start_timer = null;
dragStart: function dragStart(obj, e, inputMethod) {
if (this.config && this.config.started) {
this.config = {
obj: obj,
marker: null,
started: false,
pos: this.getPosition(e),
sensitivity: 4
if (this._settings) utils.mixin(this.config, this._settings, true);
this.traceDragEvents(obj, inputMethod);
gantt._prevent_touch_scroll = true;
document.body.className += " gantt_noselect";
if (gantt.config.touch) {
this.dragMove(obj, e, inputMethod.accessor);
dragMove: function dragMove(obj, e, getEvent) {
var source = getEvent(e);
if (!source) return false;
if (!this.config.marker && !this.config.started) {
var pos = this.getPosition(source);
if (gantt.config.touch || this.checkPositionChange(pos)) {
// real drag starts here,
// when user moves mouse at first time after onmousedown
this.config.started = true;
this.config.ignore = false;
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeDragStart", [obj, this.config.original_target]) === false) {
this.config.ignore = true;
return false;
this.backupEventTarget(e, getEvent);
this.callEvent("onAfterDragStart", [obj, this.config.original_target]);
} else {
this.config.ignore = true;
if (!this.config.ignore) {
// GS-1279 Gantt crashes on Mobile Firefox after starting to create a link and moving finger outisde the page.
if (e.targetTouches && ! return;
source.pos = this.getPosition(source); = source.pos.x + "px"; = source.pos.y + "px";
this.callEvent("onDragMove", [obj, source]);
return true;
return false;
dragEnd: function dragEnd(obj) {
var target = this.config.backup_element;
if (target && target.parentNode) {
gantt._prevent_touch_scroll = false;
if (this.config.marker) {
this.config.marker = null;
this.callEvent("onDragEnd", []);
this.config.started = false;
document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(" gantt_noselect", "");
getPosition: function getPosition(e) {
var x = 0,
y = 0;
if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
x = e.pageX;
y = e.pageY;
} else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
x = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return {
x: x,
y: y
return DnD;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/duration_formatter_numeric.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/common/duration_formatter_numeric.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var DurationFormatterNumeric = /** @class */ (function () {
function DurationFormatterNumeric() {
var _this = this;
this.canParse = function (value) {
return !isNaN(_this.parse(value));
this.format = function (value) {
return String(value);
this.parse = function (value) {
return parseInt(value, 10);
DurationFormatterNumeric.create = function (settings) {
if (settings === void 0) { settings = null; }
return new DurationFormatterNumeric();
return DurationFormatterNumeric;
exports.default = DurationFormatterNumeric;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/link_formatter_simple.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/common/link_formatter_simple.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var LinkFormatterSimple = /** @class */ (function () {
function LinkFormatterSimple(gantt) {
var _this = this;
this.format = function (link) {
var wbs = _this._getWBSCode(link.source);
return wbs;
this.canParse = function (value) {
return _this._linkReg.test(value);
this.parse = function (value) {
if (!_this.canParse(value)) {
return null;
var linkPart = _this._linkReg.exec(value)[0].trim();
var source = _this._findSource(linkPart) || null;
return {
id: undefined,
source: source,
target: null,
type: _this._gantt.config.links.finish_to_start,
lag: 0
this._getWBSCode = function (source) {
var pred = _this._gantt.getTask(source);
return _this._gantt.getWBSCode(pred);
this._findSource = function (value) {
var reqTemplate = new RegExp("^[0-9\.]+", "i");
if (reqTemplate.exec(value)) {
var wbs = reqTemplate.exec(value)[0];
var task = _this._gantt.getTaskByWBSCode(wbs);
if (task) {
return null;
this._linkReg = /^[0-9\.]+/;
this._gantt = gantt;
LinkFormatterSimple.create = function (settings, gantt) {
if (settings === void 0) { settings = null; }
return new LinkFormatterSimple(gantt);
return LinkFormatterSimple;
exports.default = LinkFormatterSimple;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/serialize.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/common/serialize.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function serialize(data) {
if (typeof data === "string" || typeof data === "number") {
return data;
var result = "";
for (var key in data) {
var serialized = "";
if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (typeof data[key] === "string") {
serialized = encodeURIComponent(data[key]);
else if (typeof data[key] === "number") {
serialized = data[key];
else {
serialized = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data[key]));
serialized = key + "=" + serialized;
if (result.length) {
serialized = "&" + serialized;
result += serialized;
return result;
exports.default = serialize;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/services.js":
!*** ./sources/core/common/services.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function () {
var services = {};
function register(name, getter) {
services[name] = getter;
function getService(name) {
if (!services[name]) {
return null;
return services[name]();
function dropService(name) {
if (services[name]) {
delete services[name];
var servicesEnum = {};
return {
services: servicesEnum,
setService: register,
getService: getService,
dropService: dropService,
destructor: function destructor() {
for (var i in services) {
if (services[i]) {
var service = services[i];
if (service && service.destructor) {
services = null;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/state.js":
!*** ./sources/core/common/state.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var StateService = function StateService() {
var stateProviders = {};
function getState(name) {
var provider = stateProviders[name];
if (provider) {
return stateProviders[name].method();
} else {
var res = {};
for (var i in stateProviders) {
if (!stateProviders[i].internal) utils.mixin(res, stateProviders[i].method(), true);
return res;
function registerProvider(name, provider, internal) {
stateProviders[name] = {
method: provider,
internal: internal
function unregisterProvider(name) {
delete stateProviders[name];
return {
getState: getState,
registerProvider: registerProvider,
unregisterProvider: unregisterProvider
module.exports = StateService;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/common/templates.js":
!*** ./sources/core/common/templates.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var regTemplates = {};
function initTemplate(name, initial, template_name) {
template_name = template_name || name;
var config = gantt.config,
templates = gantt.templates;
if (gantt.config[name] && regTemplates[template_name] != config[name]) {
if (!(initial && templates[template_name])) {
templates[template_name] =[name]);
regTemplates[template_name] = config[name];
function initTemplates() {
var labels = gantt.locale.labels;
labels.gantt_save_btn = labels.icon_save;
labels.gantt_cancel_btn = labels.icon_cancel;
labels.gantt_delete_btn = labels.icon_delete;
var date =; //build configuration based templates
var d = date.date_to_str;
var c = gantt.config;
var format_date = d(c.xml_date || c.date_format, c.server_utc);
var parse_date = date.str_to_date(c.xml_date || c.date_format, c.server_utc);
initTemplate("date_scale", true, undefined, gantt.config, gantt.templates);
initTemplate("date_grid", true, "grid_date_format", gantt.config, gantt.templates);
initTemplate("task_date", true, undefined, gantt.config, gantt.templates);
gantt.mixin(gantt.templates, {
xml_format: undefined,
// deprecated
format_date: format_date,
xml_date: undefined,
// deprecated
parse_date: parse_date,
progress_text: function progress_text(start, end, task) {
return "";
grid_header_class: function grid_header_class(column, config) {
return "";
task_text: function task_text(start, end, task) {
return task.text;
task_class: function task_class(start, end, task) {
return "";
task_end_date: function task_end_date(date) {
return gantt.templates.task_date(date);
grid_row_class: function grid_row_class(start, end, task) {
return "";
task_row_class: function task_row_class(start, end, task) {
return "";
timeline_cell_class: function timeline_cell_class(item, date) {
return "";
scale_cell_class: function scale_cell_class(date) {
return "";
scale_row_class: function scale_row_class(date) {
return "";
grid_indent: function grid_indent(item) {
return "<div class='gantt_tree_indent'></div>";
grid_folder: function grid_folder(item) {
return "<div class='gantt_tree_icon gantt_folder_" + (item.$open ? "open" : "closed") + "'></div>";
grid_file: function grid_file(item) {
return "<div class='gantt_tree_icon gantt_file'></div>";
grid_open: function grid_open(item) {
return "<div class='gantt_tree_icon gantt_" + (item.$open ? "close" : "open") + "'></div>";
grid_blank: function grid_blank(item) {
return "<div class='gantt_tree_icon gantt_blank'></div>";
date_grid: function date_grid(date, item, column) {
if (item && gantt.isUnscheduledTask(item) && gantt.config.show_unscheduled) {
return gantt.templates.task_unscheduled_time(item);
} else {
return gantt.templates.grid_date_format(date, column);
task_time: function task_time(start, end, ev) {
if (gantt.isUnscheduledTask(ev) && gantt.config.show_unscheduled) {
return gantt.templates.task_unscheduled_time(ev);
} else {
return gantt.templates.task_date(start) + " - " + gantt.templates.task_end_date(end);
task_unscheduled_time: function task_unscheduled_time(task) {
return "";
time_picker: d(c.time_picker),
link_class: function link_class(link) {
return "";
link_description: function link_description(link) {
var from = gantt.getTask(link.source),
to = gantt.getTask(;
return "<b>" + from.text + "</b> &ndash; <b>" + to.text + "</b>";
drag_link: function drag_link(from, from_start, to, to_start) {
from = gantt.getTask(from);
var labels = gantt.locale.labels;
var text = "<b>" + from.text + "</b> " + (from_start ? labels.link_start : labels.link_end) + "<br/>";
if (to) {
to = gantt.getTask(to);
text += "<b> " + to.text + "</b> " + (to_start ? labels.link_start : labels.link_end) + "<br/>";
return text;
drag_link_class: function drag_link_class(from, from_start, to, to_start) {
var add = "";
if (from && to) {
var allowed = gantt.isLinkAllowed(from, to, from_start, to_start);
add = " " + (allowed ? "gantt_link_allow" : "gantt_link_deny");
return "gantt_link_tooltip" + add;
/* used for aria-labels of bar elements and for tooltip.js */
tooltip_date_format: date.date_to_str("%Y-%m-%d"),
tooltip_text: function tooltip_text(start, end, event) {
return "<b>Task:</b> " + event.text + "<br/><b>Start date:</b> " + gantt.templates.tooltip_date_format(start) + "<br/><b>End date:</b> " + gantt.templates.tooltip_date_format(end);
return {
initTemplates: initTemplates,
initTemplate: initTemplate
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/data.js":
!*** ./sources/core/data.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.isUnscheduledTask = function (task) {
gantt.assert(task && task instanceof Object, "Invalid argument <b>task</b>=" + task + " of gantt.isUnscheduledTask. Task object was expected");
return !!task.unscheduled || !task.start_date;
gantt._isAllowedUnscheduledTask = function (task) {
return !!(task.unscheduled && gantt.config.show_unscheduled);
gantt._isTaskInTimelineLimits = function (task) {
var taskStart = task.start_date ? task.start_date.valueOf() : null;
var taskEnd = task.end_date ? task.end_date.valueOf() : null;
return !!(taskStart && taskEnd && taskStart <= this._max_date.valueOf() && taskEnd >= this._min_date.valueOf());
gantt.isTaskVisible = function (id) {
if (!this.isTaskExists(id)) {
return false;
var task = this.getTask(id);
if (!(this._isAllowedUnscheduledTask(task) || this._isTaskInTimelineLimits(task))) {
return false;
return !!(this.getGlobalTaskIndex(id) >= 0);
gantt._getProjectEnd = function () {
if (gantt.config.project_end) {
return gantt.config.project_end;
} else {
var tasks = gantt.getTaskByTime();
tasks = tasks.sort(function (a, b) {
return +a.end_date > +b.end_date ? 1 : -1;
return tasks.length ? tasks[tasks.length - 1].end_date : null;
gantt._getProjectStart = function () {
if (gantt.config.project_start) {
return gantt.config.project_start;
} // use timeline start if project start is not specified
if (gantt.config.start_date) {
return gantt.config.start_date;
if (gantt.getState().min_date) {
return gantt.getState().min_date;
} // earliest task start if neither project start nor timeline are specified
var tasks = gantt.getTaskByTime();
tasks = tasks.sort(function (a, b) {
return +a.start_date > +b.start_date ? 1 : -1;
return tasks.length ? tasks[0].start_date : null;
var getDefaultTaskDate = function getDefaultTaskDate(item, parent_id) {
var parent = parent_id && parent_id != gantt.config.root_id ? gantt.getTask(parent_id) : false,
startDate = null;
if (parent) {
if (gantt.config.schedule_from_end) {
startDate = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: parent.end_date,
duration: -gantt.config.duration_step,
task: item
} else {
startDate = parent.start_date;
} else if (gantt.config.schedule_from_end) {
startDate = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: gantt._getProjectEnd(),
duration: -gantt.config.duration_step,
task: item
} else {
var first = gantt.getTaskByIndex(0);
startDate = first ? first.start_date ? first.start_date : first.end_date ? gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: first.end_date,
duration: -gantt.config.duration_step,
task: item
}) : null : gantt.config.start_date || gantt.getState().min_date;
gantt.assert(startDate, "Invalid dates");
return new Date(startDate);
gantt._set_default_task_timing = function (task) {
task.start_date = task.start_date || getDefaultTaskDate(task, gantt.getParent(task));
task.duration = task.duration || gantt.config.duration_step;
task.end_date = task.end_date || gantt.calculateEndDate(task);
gantt.createTask = function (item, parent, index) {
item = item || {};
if (!gantt.defined( = gantt.uid();
if (!item.start_date) {
item.start_date = getDefaultTaskDate(item, parent);
if (item.text === undefined) {
item.text = gantt.locale.labels.new_task;
if (item.duration === undefined) {
item.duration = 1;
if (this.isTaskExists(parent)) {
this.setParent(item, parent, true);
var parentObj = this.getTask(parent);
parentObj.$open = true;
if (!this.callEvent("onTaskCreated", [item])) {
return null;
if (this.config.details_on_create) {
//GS-761: assert unique ID
if (gantt.isTaskExists( {
var task = gantt.getTask(;
if (task.$index != item.$index) {
// Someone may try to mistakenly add a task with the same ID, and most likely
// use the string format for the dates. Gantt shouldn't break in this scenario
if (item.start_date && typeof item.start_date === "string") {
item.start_date =, "parse_date");
if (item.end_date && typeof item.end_date === "string") {
item.end_date =, "parse_date");
this.$data.tasksStore.updateItem(, item);
} else {
item.$new = true;
this.silent(function () {
gantt.$data.tasksStore.addItem(item, index);
} else {
if (this.addTask(item, parent, index)) {
gantt._update_flags = function (oldid, newid) {
// TODO: need a proper way to update all possible flags
var store = gantt.$data.tasksStore;
if (oldid === undefined) {
this._lightbox_id = null;
store.silent(function () {
if (this._tasks_dnd && this._tasks_dnd.drag) { = null;
} else {
if (this._lightbox_id == oldid) this._lightbox_id = newid; // TODO: probably can be removed
if (store.getSelectedId() == oldid) {
store.silent(function () {
if (this._tasks_dnd && this._tasks_dnd.drag && == oldid) { = newid;
var getTaskTimingMode = function getTaskTimingMode(task, force) {
var task_type = gantt.getTaskType(task.type);
var state = {
type: task_type,
$no_start: false,
$no_end: false
if (!force && task_type == task.$rendered_type) {
state.$no_start = task.$no_start;
state.$no_end = task.$no_end;
return state;
if (task_type == gantt.config.types.project) {
//project duration is always defined by children duration
state.$no_end = state.$no_start = true;
} else if (task_type != gantt.config.types.milestone) {
//tasks can have fixed duration, children duration(as projects), or one date fixed, and other defined by nested items
state.$no_end = !(task.end_date || task.duration);
state.$no_start = !task.start_date;
if (gantt._isAllowedUnscheduledTask(task)) {
state.$no_end = state.$no_start = false;
return state;
gantt._init_task_timing = function (task) {
var task_mode = getTaskTimingMode(task, true);
var dirty = task.$rendered_type != task_mode.type;
var task_type = task_mode.type;
if (dirty) {
task.$no_start = task_mode.$no_start;
task.$no_end = task_mode.$no_end;
task.$rendered_type = task_mode.type;
if (dirty && task_type != this.config.types.milestone) {
if (task_type == this.config.types.project) {
//project duration is always defined by children duration
task.$calculate_duration = false; // do not recalculate duration below
if (task_type == this.config.types.milestone) {
task.end_date = task.start_date;
if (task.start_date && task.end_date && task.$calculate_duration !== false) {
task.duration = this.calculateDuration(task);
if (!task.$calculate_duration) {
task.$calculate_duration = true;
if (!task.end_date) {
task.end_date = task.start_date;
task.duration = task.duration || 0; // GS-1145. We should let tasks to have 0 duration if user wants it
if (this.config.min_duration === 0 && task.duration === 0) {
task.$no_end = false;
} // work calendar of task has changed
var effectiveCalendar = this.getTaskCalendar(task);
if (task.$effective_calendar && task.$effective_calendar !== {
if (this.config.inherit_calendar && this.isSummaryTask(task)) {
this.eachTask(function (child) {
task.$effective_calendar =;
function updateTaskTiming(task) {
task.$effective_calendar = gantt.getTaskCalendar(task).id;
task.start_date = gantt.getClosestWorkTime({
dir: "future",
date: task.start_date,
unit: gantt.config.duration_unit,
task: task
task.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate(task);
gantt.isSummaryTask = function (task) {
gantt.assert(task && task instanceof Object, "Invalid argument <b>task</b>=" + task + " of gantt.isSummaryTask. Task object was expected");
var mode = getTaskTimingMode(task);
return !!(mode.$no_end || mode.$no_start);
}; // downward calculation of project duration
gantt.resetProjectDates = function (task) {
var taskMode = getTaskTimingMode(task);
if (taskMode.$no_end || taskMode.$no_start) {
var info = getSubtaskInfo(;, task, taskMode, info.start_date, info.end_date);
task.$rollup = info.rollup;
function assignProjectDates(task, taskTiming, from, to) {
if (taskTiming.$no_start) {
if (from) {
task.start_date = new Date(from);
} else {
task.start_date = getDefaultTaskDate(task, this.getParent(task));
if (taskTiming.$no_end) {
if (to) {
task.end_date = new Date(to);
} else {
task.end_date = this.calculateEndDate({
start_date: task.start_date,
duration: this.config.duration_step,
task: task
if (taskTiming.$no_start || taskTiming.$no_end) {
gantt.getSubtaskDuration = function (taskId) {
var res = 0,
root = taskId !== undefined ? taskId : gantt.config.root_id;
this.eachTask(function (child) {
if (this.getTaskType(child.type) == gantt.config.types.project || this.isUnscheduledTask(child)) return;
res += child.duration;
}, root);
return res;
function getSubtaskInfo(taskId) {
var min = null,
max = null,
root = taskId !== undefined ? taskId : gantt.config.root_id,
rollup = [];
gantt.eachTask(function (child) {
if (gantt.getTaskType(child.type) == gantt.config.types.project || gantt.isUnscheduledTask(child)) return;
if (child.rollup) {
if (child.start_date && !child.$no_start && (!min || min > child.start_date.valueOf())) min = child.start_date.valueOf();
if (child.end_date && !child.$no_end && (!max || max < child.end_date.valueOf())) max = child.end_date.valueOf();
}, root);
return {
start_date: min ? new Date(min) : null,
end_date: max ? new Date(max) : null,
rollup: rollup
gantt.getSubtaskDates = function (task_id) {
var info = getSubtaskInfo(task_id);
return {
start_date: info.start_date,
end_date: info.end_date
}; // upward calculation of project duration
gantt._update_parents = function (taskId, silent, updateAll) {
if (!taskId) return;
var task = this.getTask(taskId);
if (task.rollup) {
updateAll = true;
var pid = this.getParent(task);
var taskTiming = getTaskTimingMode(task);
var has_changed = true; // GS-761 the dates check is necessary for adding empty tasks: gantt.addTask({id:"2"})
if (updateAll || task.start_date && task.end_date && (taskTiming.$no_start || taskTiming.$no_end)) {
var oldStart = task.start_date.valueOf(),
oldEnd = task.end_date.valueOf();
gantt.resetProjectDates(task); // not refresh parent projects if dates hasn't changed
if (!updateAll && oldStart == task.start_date.valueOf() && oldEnd == task.end_date.valueOf()) {
has_changed = false;
if (has_changed && !silent) {
this.refreshTask(, true);
if (has_changed && pid && this.isTaskExists(pid)) {
this._update_parents(pid, silent, updateAll);
gantt.roundDate = function (config) {
var scale = gantt.getScale();
if (helpers.isDate(config)) {
config = {
date: config,
unit: scale ? scale.unit : gantt.config.duration_unit,
step: scale ? scale.step : gantt.config.duration_step
var date =,
steps = config.step,
unit = config.unit;
if (!scale) {
return date;
var upper, lower, colIndex;
if (unit == scale.unit && steps == scale.step && +date >= +scale.min_date && +date <= +scale.max_date) {
//find date in time scale config
colIndex = Math.floor(gantt.columnIndexByDate(date));
if (!scale.trace_x[colIndex]) {
colIndex -= 1; // end of time scale
if (scale.rtl) {
colIndex = 0;
lower = new Date(scale.trace_x[colIndex]);
upper =, steps, unit);
} else {
colIndex = Math.floor(gantt.columnIndexByDate(date));
upper =[unit + "_start"](new Date(scale.min_date));
if (scale.trace_x[colIndex]) {
upper =[unit + "_start"](scale.trace_x[colIndex]); // end of time scale
while (+upper < +date) {
upper =[unit + "_start"](, steps, unit));
var tzOffset = upper.getTimezoneOffset();
upper = gantt._correct_dst_change(upper, tzOffset, upper, unit);
if ([unit + '_start']) upper =[unit + '_start'](upper);
lower =, -1 * steps, unit);
if (config.dir && config.dir == 'future') return upper;
if (config.dir && config.dir == 'past') return lower;
if (Math.abs(date - lower) < Math.abs(upper - date)) {
return lower;
} else {
return upper;
gantt.correctTaskWorkTime = function (task) {
if (gantt.config.work_time && gantt.config.correct_work_time) {
if (!this.isWorkTime(task.start_date, undefined, task)) {
task.start_date = this.getClosestWorkTime({
date: task.start_date,
dir: 'future',
task: task
task.end_date = this.calculateEndDate(task);
} else if (!this.isWorkTime(new Date(+task.end_date - 1), undefined, task)) {
task.end_date = this.calculateEndDate(task);
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskUpdate", function (id, task) {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskAdd", function (id, task) {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskMove", function (id, parent, tindex) {
return true;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/data_task_layers.gpl.js":
!*** ./sources/core/data_task_layers.gpl.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
delete gantt.addTaskLayer;
delete gantt.addLinkLayer;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/data_task_types.js":
!*** ./sources/core/data_task_types.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.getTaskType = function (type) {
var checkType = type;
if (type && _typeof(type) == "object") {
checkType = type.type;
for (var i in this.config.types) {
if (this.config.types[i] == checkType) {
return checkType;
return gantt.config.types.task;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/data_processor.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/dataprocessor/data_processor.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js");
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var data_processor_events_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./data_processor_events */ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/data_processor_events.ts");
var extend_gantt_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./extend_gantt */ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/extend_gantt.ts");
var simple_storage_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./simple_storage */ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/simple_storage.ts");
function createDataProcessor(config) {
var router;
var tMode;
if (config instanceof Function) {
router = config;
else if (config.hasOwnProperty("router")) {
router = config.router;
else if (config.hasOwnProperty("link") && config.hasOwnProperty("task")) {
router = config;
if (router) {
tMode = "CUSTOM";
else {
tMode = config.mode || "REST-JSON";
var gantt = this; // tslint:disable-line
var dp = new DataProcessor(config.url);
mode: tMode,
router: router
}, config.batchUpdate);
return dp;
exports.createDataProcessor = createDataProcessor;
var DataProcessor = /** @class */ (function () {
function DataProcessor(serverProcessorURL) {
this.serverProcessor = serverProcessorURL;
this.action_param = "!nativeeditor_status";
this.updatedRows = []; // ids of updated rows
this.autoUpdate = true;
this.updateMode = "cell";
this._headers = null;
this._payload = null;
this._postDelim = "_";
this._routerParametersFormat = "parameters";
this._waitMode = 0;
this._in_progress = {}; // ?
this._storage = simple_storage_1.default.create();
this._invalid = {};
this.messages = [];
this.styles = {
updated: "font-weight:bold;",
inserted: "font-weight:bold;",
deleted: "text-decoration : line-through;",
invalid: "background-color:FFE0E0;",
invalid_cell: "border-bottom:2px solid red;",
error: "color:red;",
clear: "font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;"
DataProcessor.prototype.setTransactionMode = function (mode, total) {
if (typeof mode === "object") {
this._tMode = mode.mode || this._tMode;
if (utils.defined(mode.headers)) {
this._headers = mode.headers;
if (utils.defined(mode.payload)) {
this._payload = mode.payload;
this._tSend = !!total;
else {
this._tMode = mode;
this._tSend = total;
if (this._tMode === "REST") {
this._tSend = false;
if (this._tMode === "JSON" || this._tMode === "REST-JSON") {
this._tSend = false;
this._serializeAsJson = true;
this._headers = this._headers || {};
this._headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
else {
if (this._headers && !this._headers["Content-Type"]) {
this._headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
if (this._tMode === "CUSTOM") {
this._tSend = false;
this._router = mode.router;
DataProcessor.prototype.escape = function (data) {
if (this._utf) {
return encodeURIComponent(data);
else {
return escape(data);
* @desc: allows to set escaping mode
* @param: true - utf based escaping, simple - use current page encoding
* @type: public
DataProcessor.prototype.enableUTFencoding = function (mode) {
this._utf = !!mode;
* @desc: get state of updating
* @returns: true - all in sync with server, false - some items not updated yet.
* @type: public
DataProcessor.prototype.getSyncState = function () {
return !this.updatedRows.length;
* @desc: set if rows should be send to server automatically
* @param: mode - "row" - based on row selection changed, "cell" - based on cell editing finished, "off" - manual data sending
* @type: public
DataProcessor.prototype.setUpdateMode = function (mode, dnd) {
this.autoUpdate = (mode === "cell");
this.updateMode = mode;
this.dnd = dnd;
DataProcessor.prototype.ignore = function (code, master) {
this._silent_mode = true; || window);
this._silent_mode = false;
* @desc: mark row as updated/normal. check mandatory fields, initiate autoupdate (if turned on)
* @param: rowId - id of row to set update-status for
* @param: state - true for "updated", false for "not updated"
* @param: mode - update mode name
* @type: public
DataProcessor.prototype.setUpdated = function (rowId, state, mode) {
if (this._silent_mode) {
var ind = this.findRow(rowId);
mode = mode || "updated";
var existing = this.$gantt.getUserData(rowId, this.action_param);
if (existing && mode === "updated") {
mode = existing;
if (state) {
this.set_invalid(rowId, false); // clear previous error flag
this.updatedRows[ind] = rowId;
this.$gantt.setUserData(rowId, this.action_param, mode);
if (this._in_progress[rowId]) {
this._in_progress[rowId] = "wait";
else {
if (!this.is_invalid(rowId)) {
this.updatedRows.splice(ind, 1);
this.$gantt.setUserData(rowId, this.action_param, "");
this.markRow(rowId, state, mode);
if (state && this.autoUpdate) {
DataProcessor.prototype.markRow = function (id, state, mode) {
var str = "";
var invalid = this.is_invalid(id);
if (invalid) {
str = this.styles[invalid];
state = true;
if (this.callEvent("onRowMark", [id, state, mode, invalid])) {
// default logic
str = this.styles[state ? mode : "clear"] + " " + str;
this.$gantt[this._methods[0]](id, str);
if (invalid && invalid.details) {
str += this.styles[invalid + "_cell"];
for (var i = 0; i < invalid.details.length; i++) {
if (invalid.details[i]) {
this.$gantt[this._methods[1]](id, i, str);
DataProcessor.prototype.getActionByState = function (state) {
if (state === "inserted") {
return "create";
if (state === "updated") {
return "update";
if (state === "deleted") {
return "delete";
// reorder
return "update";
DataProcessor.prototype.getState = function (id) {
return this.$gantt.getUserData(id, this.action_param);
DataProcessor.prototype.is_invalid = function (id) {
return this._invalid[id];
DataProcessor.prototype.set_invalid = function (id, mode, details) {
if (details) {
mode = {
value: mode,
details: details,
toString: function () {
return this.value.toString();
this._invalid[id] = mode;
* @desc: check mandatory fields and verify values of cells, initiate update (if specified). Can be redefined in order to provide custom validation
* @param: rowId - id of row to set update-status for
* @type: public
// tslint:disable-next-line
DataProcessor.prototype.checkBeforeUpdate = function (rowId) {
return true;
* @desc: send row(s) values to server
* @param: rowId - id of row which data to send. If not specified, then all "updated" rows will be send
* @type: public
DataProcessor.prototype.sendData = function (rowId) {
if (this.$gantt.editStop) {
if (typeof rowId === "undefined" || this._tSend) {
return this.sendAllData();
if (this._in_progress[rowId]) {
return false;
this.messages = [];
if (!this.checkBeforeUpdate(rowId) && this.callEvent("onValidationError", [rowId, this.messages])) {
return false;
this._beforeSendData(this._getRowData(rowId), rowId);
DataProcessor.prototype.serialize = function (data, id) {
if (this._serializeAsJson) {
return this._serializeAsJSON(data);
if (typeof data === "string") {
return data;
if (typeof id !== "undefined") {
return this.serialize_one(data, "");
else {
var stack = [];
var keys = [];
for (var key in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
stack.push(this.serialize_one(data[key], key + this._postDelim));
stack.push("ids=" + this.escape(keys.join(",")));
if (this.$gantt.security_key) {
stack.push("dhx_security=" + this.$gantt.security_key);
return stack.join("&");
DataProcessor.prototype.serialize_one = function (data, pref) {
if (typeof data === "string") {
return data;
var stack = [];
var serialized = "";
for (var key in data)
if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if ((key === "id" ||
key == this.action_param) && // tslint:disable-line
this._tMode === "REST") {
if (typeof data[key] === "string" || typeof data[key] === "number") {
serialized = data[key];
else {
serialized = JSON.stringify(data[key]);
stack.push(this.escape((pref || "") + key) + "=" + this.escape(serialized));
return stack.join("&");
DataProcessor.prototype.sendAllData = function () {
if (!this.updatedRows.length) {
this.messages = [];
var valid = true;
this._forEachUpdatedRow(function (rowId) {
valid = valid && this.checkBeforeUpdate(rowId);
if (!valid && !this.callEvent("onValidationError", ["", this.messages])) {
return false;
if (this._tSend) {
else {
// this.updatedRows can be spliced from onBeforeUpdate via dp.setUpdated false
// use an iterator instead of for(var i = 0; i < this.updatedRows; i++) then
this._forEachUpdatedRow(function (rowId) {
if (!this._in_progress[rowId]) {
if (this.is_invalid(rowId)) {
this._beforeSendData(this._getRowData(rowId), rowId);
DataProcessor.prototype.findRow = function (pattern) {
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.updatedRows.length; i++) {
if (pattern == this.updatedRows[i]) { // tslint:disable-line
return i;
* @desc: define custom actions
* @param: name - name of action, same as value of action attribute
* @param: handler - custom function, which receives a XMl response content for action
* @type: private
DataProcessor.prototype.defineAction = function (name, handler) {
if (!this._uActions) {
this._uActions = {};
this._uActions[name] = handler;
* @desc: used in combination with setOnBeforeUpdateHandler to create custom client-server transport system
* @param: sid - id of item before update
* @param: tid - id of item after up0ate
* @param: action - action name
* @type: public
* @topic: 0
DataProcessor.prototype.afterUpdateCallback = function (sid, tid, action, btag, ganttMode) {
if (!this.$gantt) {
// destructor has been called before the callback
var marker = sid;
var correct = (action !== "error" && action !== "invalid");
if (!correct) {
this.set_invalid(sid, action);
if ((this._uActions) && (this._uActions[action]) && (!this._uActions[action](btag))) {
return (delete this._in_progress[marker]);
if (this._in_progress[marker] !== "wait") {
this.setUpdated(sid, false);
var originalSid = sid;
switch (action) {
case "inserted":
case "insert":
if (tid != sid) { // tslint:disable-line
this.setUpdated(sid, false);
this.$gantt[this._methods[2]](sid, tid);
sid = tid;
case "delete":
case "deleted":
this.$gantt.setUserData(sid, this.action_param, "true_deleted");
delete this._in_progress[marker];
return this.callEvent("onAfterUpdate", [sid, action, tid, btag]);
if (this._in_progress[marker] !== "wait") {
if (correct) {
this.$gantt.setUserData(sid, this.action_param, "");
delete this._in_progress[marker];
else {
delete this._in_progress[marker];
this.setUpdated(tid, true, this.$gantt.getUserData(sid, this.action_param));
this.callEvent("onAfterUpdate", [originalSid, action, tid, btag]);
* @desc: response from server
* @param: xml - XMLLoader object with response XML
* @type: private
DataProcessor.prototype.afterUpdate = function (that, xml, id) {
var _xml;
if (arguments.length === 3) {
_xml = arguments[1];
else {
// old dataprocessor
_xml = arguments[4];
var mode = this.getGanttMode();
var reqUrl = _xml.filePath || _xml.url;
if (this._tMode !== "REST" && this._tMode !== "REST-JSON") {
if (reqUrl.indexOf("gantt_mode=links") !== -1) {
mode = "link";
else {
mode = "task";
else {
if (reqUrl.indexOf("/link") > reqUrl.indexOf("/task")) {
mode = "link";
else {
mode = "task";
var ajax = this.$gantt.ajax;
// try to use json first
var tag;
try {
tag = JSON.parse(xml.xmlDoc.responseText);
catch (e) {
// empty response also can be processed by json handler
if (!xml.xmlDoc.responseText.length) {
tag = {};
if (tag) {
var action = tag.action || this.getState(id) || "updated";
var sid = tag.sid || id[0];
var tid = tag.tid || id[0];
that.afterUpdateCallback(sid, tid, action, tag, mode);
// xml response
var top = ajax.xmltop("data", xml.xmlDoc); // fix incorrect content type in IE
if (!top) {
return this.cleanUpdate(id);
var atag = ajax.xpath("//data/action", top);
if (!atag.length) {
return this.cleanUpdate(id);
for (var i = 0; i < atag.length; i++) {
var btag = atag[i];
var action = btag.getAttribute("type");
var sid = btag.getAttribute("sid");
var tid = btag.getAttribute("tid");
that.afterUpdateCallback(sid, tid, action, btag, mode);
DataProcessor.prototype.cleanUpdate = function (id) {
if (id) {
for (var i = 0; i < id.length; i++) {
delete this._in_progress[id[i]];
DataProcessor.prototype.finalizeUpdate = function () {
if (this._waitMode) {
this.callEvent("onAfterUpdateFinish", []);
if (!this.updatedRows.length) {
this.callEvent("onFullSync", []);
* @desc: initializes data-processor
* @param: gantt - dhtmlxGantt object to attach this data-processor to
* @type: public
DataProcessor.prototype.init = function (gantt) {
if (this._initialized) {
this.$gantt = gantt;
if (this.$gantt._dp_init) {
this.styles = {
updated: "gantt_updated",
order: "gantt_updated",
inserted: "gantt_inserted",
deleted: "gantt_deleted",
invalid: "gantt_invalid",
error: "gantt_error",
clear: ""
this._methods = ["_row_style", "setCellTextStyle", "_change_id", "_delete_task"];
extend_gantt_1.default(this.$gantt, this);
var dataProcessorEvents = new data_processor_events_1.default(this.$gantt, this);
this.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
delete this.setGanttMode;
delete this._getRowData;
delete this.$gantt._dp;
delete this.$gantt._change_id;
delete this.$gantt._row_style;
delete this.$gantt._delete_task;
delete this.$gantt._sendTaskOrder;
delete this.$gantt;
this.$gantt.callEvent("onDataProcessorReady", [this]);
this._initialized = true;
DataProcessor.prototype.setOnAfterUpdate = function (handler) {
this.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", handler);
DataProcessor.prototype.setOnBeforeUpdateHandler = function (handler) {
this.attachEvent("onBeforeDataSending", handler);
/* starts autoupdate mode
@param interval time interval for sending update requests
DataProcessor.prototype.setAutoUpdate = function (interval, user) {
var _this = this;
interval = interval || 2000;
this._user = user || (new Date()).valueOf();
this._needUpdate = false;
this._updateBusy = false;
this.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", this.afterAutoUpdate); // arguments sid, action, tid, xml_node;
this.attachEvent("onFullSync", this.fullSync);
setInterval(function () {
}, interval);
/* process updating request response
if status == collision version is deprecated
set flag for autoupdating immediately
DataProcessor.prototype.afterAutoUpdate = function (sid, action, tid, xml_node) {
if (action === "collision") {
this._needUpdate = true;
return false;
else {
return true;
/* callback function for onFillSync event
call update function if it's need
DataProcessor.prototype.fullSync = function () {
if (this._needUpdate) {
this._needUpdate = false;
return true;
/* sends query to the server and call callback function
DataProcessor.prototype.getUpdates = function (url, callback) {
var ajax = this.$gantt.ajax;
if (this._updateBusy) {
return false;
else {
this._updateBusy = true;
ajax.get(url, callback);
/* loads updates and processes them
DataProcessor.prototype.loadUpdate = function () {
var _this = this;
var ajax = this.$gantt.ajax;
var version = this.$gantt.getUserData(0, "version");
var url = this.serverProcessor + ajax.urlSeparator(this.serverProcessor) + ["dhx_user=" + this._user, "dhx_version=" + version].join("&");
url = url.replace("editing=true&", "");
this.getUpdates(url, function (xml) {
var vers = ajax.xpath("//userdata", xml);
_this.$gantt.setUserData(0, "version", _this._getXmlNodeValue(vers[0]));
var updates = ajax.xpath("//update", xml);
if (updates.length) {
_this._silent_mode = true;
for (var i = 0; i < updates.length; i++) {
var status_1 = updates[i].getAttribute("status");
var id = updates[i].getAttribute("id");
var parent_1 = updates[i].getAttribute("parent");
switch (status_1) {
case "inserted":
_this.callEvent("insertCallback", [updates[i], id, parent_1]);
case "updated":
_this.callEvent("updateCallback", [updates[i], id, parent_1]);
case "deleted":
_this.callEvent("deleteCallback", [updates[i], id, parent_1]);
_this._silent_mode = false;
_this._updateBusy = false;
DataProcessor.prototype.destructor = function () {
this.callEvent("onDestroy", []);
this.updatedRows = [];
this._in_progress = {}; // ?
this._invalid = {};
this._storage = null;
this._headers = null;
this._payload = null;
delete this._initialized;
DataProcessor.prototype.setGanttMode = function (mode) {
if (mode === "tasks") {
mode = "task";
else if (mode === "links") {
mode = "link";
var modes = this.modes || {};
var ganttMode = this.getGanttMode();
if (ganttMode) {
modes[ganttMode] = {
_in_progress: this._in_progress,
_invalid: this._invalid,
_storage: this._storage,
updatedRows: this.updatedRows
var newState = modes[mode];
if (!newState) {
newState = modes[mode] = {
_in_progress: {},
_invalid: {},
_storage: simple_storage_1.default.create(),
updatedRows: []
this._in_progress = newState._in_progress;
this._invalid = newState._invalid;
this._storage = newState._storage;
this.updatedRows = newState.updatedRows;
this.modes = modes;
this._ganttMode = mode;
DataProcessor.prototype.getGanttMode = function () {
return this._ganttMode;
DataProcessor.prototype.storeItem = function (item) {
DataProcessor.prototype.url = function (url) {
this.serverProcessor = this._serverProcessor = url;
DataProcessor.prototype._beforeSendData = function (data, rowId) {
if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeUpdate", [rowId, this.getState(rowId), data])) {
return false;
this._sendData(data, rowId);
DataProcessor.prototype._serializeAsJSON = function (data) {
if (typeof data === "string") {
return data;
var copy = utils.copy(data);
if (this._tMode === "REST-JSON") {
delete copy[this.action_param];
return JSON.stringify(copy);
DataProcessor.prototype._applyPayload = function (url) {
var ajax = this.$gantt.ajax;
if (this._payload) {
for (var key in this._payload) {
url = url + ajax.urlSeparator(url) + this.escape(key) + "=" + this.escape(this._payload[key]);
return url;
// GET/POST/JSON modes of the dataProcessor didn't send the whole data items in 'delete' requests
// clear extra info from the data in order not to change the request format
DataProcessor.prototype._cleanupArgumentsBeforeSend = function (dataToSend) {
var processedData;
if (dataToSend[this.action_param] === undefined) { // hash of updated items, and not an individual item
processedData = {};
for (var i in dataToSend) {
processedData[i] = this._cleanupArgumentsBeforeSend(dataToSend[i]);
else {
processedData = this._cleanupItemBeforeSend(dataToSend);
return processedData;
DataProcessor.prototype._cleanupItemBeforeSend = function (updatedItem) {
var output = null;
if (updatedItem) {
if (updatedItem[this.action_param] === "deleted") {
output = {}; =;
output[this.action_param] = updatedItem[this.action_param];
else {
output = updatedItem;
return output;
DataProcessor.prototype._sendData = function (dataToSend, rowId) {
var _this = this;
if (!dataToSend) {
return; // nothing to send
if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeDataSending", rowId ? [rowId, this.getState(rowId), dataToSend] : [null, null, dataToSend])) {
return false;
if (rowId) {
this._in_progress[rowId] = (new Date()).valueOf();
var ajax = this.$gantt.ajax;
if (this._tMode === "CUSTOM") {
var taskState_1 = this.getState(rowId);
var taskAction = this.getActionByState(taskState_1);
var ganttMode_1 = this.getGanttMode();
var _onResolvedCreateUpdate_1 = function (tag) {
var action = taskState_1 || "updated";
var sid = rowId;
var tid = rowId;
if (tag) {
action = tag.action || taskState_1;
sid = tag.sid || sid;
tid = || tag.tid || tid;
_this.afterUpdateCallback(sid, tid, action, tag, ganttMode_1);
var actionPromise = void 0;
if (this._router instanceof Function) {
if (this._routerParametersFormat === "object") {
var obj = {
entity: ganttMode_1,
action: taskAction,
data: dataToSend,
id: rowId
actionPromise = this._router(obj);
else {
actionPromise = this._router(ganttMode_1, taskAction, dataToSend, rowId);
else if (this._router[ganttMode_1] instanceof Function) {
actionPromise = this._router[ganttMode_1](taskAction, dataToSend, rowId);
else {
switch (taskState_1) {
case "inserted":
actionPromise = this._router[ganttMode_1].create(dataToSend);
case "deleted":
actionPromise = this._router[ganttMode_1].delete(rowId);
actionPromise = this._router[ganttMode_1].update(dataToSend, rowId);
if (actionPromise) {
// neither promise nor {tid: newId} response object
if (!actionPromise.then &&
( === undefined && actionPromise.tid === undefined && actionPromise.action === undefined)) {
throw new Error("Incorrect router return value. A Promise or a response object is expected");
if (actionPromise.then) {
actionPromise.then(_onResolvedCreateUpdate_1).catch(function (error) {
if (error && error.action) {
else {
_onResolvedCreateUpdate_1({ action: "error", value: error });
else {
// custom method may return a response object in case of sync action
else {
var queryParams;
queryParams = {
callback: function (xml) {
var ids = [];
if (rowId) {
else if (dataToSend) {
for (var key in dataToSend) {
return _this.afterUpdate(_this, xml, ids);
headers: this._headers
var urlParams = this.serverProcessor + (this._user ? (ajax.urlSeparator(this.serverProcessor) + ["dhx_user=" + this._user, "dhx_version=" + this.$gantt.getUserData(0, "version")].join("&")) : "");
var url = this._applyPayload(urlParams);
var data;
switch (this._tMode) {
case "GET":
data = this._cleanupArgumentsBeforeSend(dataToSend);
queryParams.url = url + ajax.urlSeparator(url) + this.serialize(data, rowId);
queryParams.method = "GET";
case "POST":
data = this._cleanupArgumentsBeforeSend(dataToSend);
queryParams.url = url;
queryParams.method = "POST"; = this.serialize(data, rowId);
case "JSON":
data = {};
var preprocessedData = this._cleanupItemBeforeSend(dataToSend);
for (var key in preprocessedData) {
if (key === this.action_param || key === "id" || key === "gr_id") {
data[key] = preprocessedData[key];
queryParams.url = url;
queryParams.method = "POST"; = JSON.stringify({
id: rowId,
action: dataToSend[this.action_param],
data: data
case "REST":
case "REST-JSON":
url = urlParams.replace(/(&|\?)editing=true/, "");
data = "";
switch (this.getState(rowId)) {
case "inserted":
queryParams.method = "POST"; = this.serialize(dataToSend, rowId);
case "deleted":
queryParams.method = "DELETE";
url = url + (url.slice(-1) === "/" ? "" : "/") + rowId;
queryParams.method = "PUT"; = this.serialize(dataToSend, rowId);
url = url + (url.slice(-1) === "/" ? "" : "/") + rowId;
queryParams.url = this._applyPayload(url);
return ajax.query(queryParams);
DataProcessor.prototype._forEachUpdatedRow = function (code) {
var updatedRows = this.updatedRows.slice();
for (var i = 0; i < updatedRows.length; i++) {
var rowId = updatedRows[i];
if (this.$gantt.getUserData(rowId, this.action_param)) {, rowId);
DataProcessor.prototype._setDefaultTransactionMode = function () {
if (this.serverProcessor) {
this.setTransactionMode("POST", true);
this.serverProcessor += (this.serverProcessor.indexOf("?") !== -1 ? "&" : "?") + "editing=true";
this._serverProcessor = this.serverProcessor;
/* returns xml node value
@param node
xml node
DataProcessor.prototype._getXmlNodeValue = function (node) {
if (node.firstChild) {
return node.firstChild.nodeValue;
return "";
DataProcessor.prototype._getAllData = function () {
var out = {};
var hasOne = false;
this._forEachUpdatedRow(function (id) {
if (this._in_progress[id] || this.is_invalid(id)) {
var row = this._getRowData(id);
if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeUpdate", [id, this.getState(id), row])) {
out[id] = row;
hasOne = true;
this._in_progress[id] = (new Date()).valueOf();
return hasOne ? out : null;
DataProcessor.prototype._prepareDate = function (value) {
return this.$gantt.defined(this.$gantt.templates.xml_format) ? this.$gantt.templates.xml_format(value) : this.$gantt.templates.format_date(value);
DataProcessor.prototype._prepareArray = function (value, traversedObjects) {
var _this = this;
return (item) {
if (helpers.isDate(item)) {
return _this._prepareDate(item);
else if (Array.isArray(item) && !helpers.arrayIncludes(traversedObjects, item)) {
return _this._prepareArray(item, traversedObjects);
else if (item && typeof item === "object" && !helpers.arrayIncludes(traversedObjects, item)) {
return _this._prepareObject(item, traversedObjects);
else {
return item;
DataProcessor.prototype._prepareObject = function (rawItem, traversedObjects) {
var processedItem = {};
for (var key in rawItem) {
if (key.substr(0, 1) === "$") {
var value = rawItem[key];
if (helpers.isDate(value)) {
processedItem[key] = this._prepareDate(value);
else if (value === null) {
processedItem[key] = "";
else if (Array.isArray(value) && !helpers.arrayIncludes(traversedObjects, value)) {
processedItem[key] = this._prepareArray(value, traversedObjects);
else if (value && typeof value === "object" && !helpers.arrayIncludes(traversedObjects, value)) {
processedItem[key] = this._prepareObject(value, traversedObjects);
else {
processedItem[key] = value;
return processedItem;
DataProcessor.prototype._prepareDataItem = function (rawItem) {
var processedItem = this._prepareObject(rawItem, []);
processedItem[this.action_param] = this.$gantt.getUserData(, this.action_param);
return processedItem;
DataProcessor.prototype.getStoredItem = function (id) {
return this._storage.getStoredItem(id);
DataProcessor.prototype._getRowData = function (id) {
var dataItem;
var gantt = this.$gantt;
if (this.getGanttMode() === "task") {
if (gantt.isTaskExists(id)) {
dataItem = this.$gantt.getTask(id);
else {
if (gantt.isLinkExists(id)) {
dataItem = this.$gantt.getLink(id);
if (!dataItem) {
dataItem = this.getStoredItem(id);
if (!dataItem) {
dataItem = { id: id };
return this._prepareDataItem(dataItem);
return DataProcessor;
exports.DataProcessor = DataProcessor;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/data_processor_events.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/dataprocessor/data_processor_events.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var DataProcessorEvents = /** @class */ (function () {
function DataProcessorEvents(gantt, dp) {
this.$gantt = gantt;
this.$dp = dp;
this._dataProcessorHandlers = [];
DataProcessorEvents.prototype.attach = function () {
var dp = this.$dp;
var gantt = this.$gantt;
var treeHelper = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/task_tree_helpers */ "./sources/utils/task_tree_helpers.js");
var cascadeDelete = {};
function clientSideDelete(id) {
var updated = dp.updatedRows.slice();
var clientOnly = false;
for (var i = 0; i < updated.length && !dp._in_progress[id]; i++) {
if (updated[i] === id) {
if (gantt.getUserData(id, "!nativeeditor_status") === "inserted") {
clientOnly = true;
dp.setUpdated(id, false);
return clientOnly;
function getTaskLinks(task) {
var _links = [];
if (task.$source) {
_links = _links.concat(task.$source);
if (task.$target) {
_links = _links.concat(task.$target);
return _links;
this._dataProcessorHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskAdd", function (id, item) {
if (gantt.isTaskExists(id)) {
dp.setUpdated(id, true, "inserted");
this._dataProcessorHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskUpdate", function (id, item) {
if (gantt.isTaskExists(id)) {
dp.setUpdated(id, true);
// gantt can be destroyed/reinitialized after dp.setUpdated
if (gantt._sendTaskOrder) {
gantt._sendTaskOrder(id, item);
this._dataProcessorHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDelete", function (id, item) {
if (!gantt.config.cascade_delete) {
return true;
cascadeDelete[id] = {
tasks: treeHelper.getSubtreeTasks(gantt, id),
links: treeHelper.getSubtreeLinks(gantt, id)
return true;
this._dataProcessorHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskDelete", function (id, item) {
// not send delete request if item is not inserted into the db - just remove it from the client
var needDbDelete = !clientSideDelete(id);
if (!needDbDelete) {
if (gantt.config.cascade_delete && cascadeDelete[id]) {
var dpMode = dp.updateMode;
var cascade = cascadeDelete[id];
for (var i in cascade.tasks) {
if (!clientSideDelete(i)) {
dp.setUpdated(i, true, "deleted");
for (var i in cascade.links) {
if (!clientSideDelete(i)) {
dp.setUpdated(i, true, "deleted");
cascadeDelete[id] = null;
if (dpMode !== "off") {
dp.setUpdated(id, true, "deleted");
if (dp.updateMode !== "off" && !dp._tSend) {
this._dataProcessorHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onAfterLinkUpdate", function (id, item) {
if (gantt.isLinkExists(id)) {
dp.setUpdated(id, true);
this._dataProcessorHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onAfterLinkAdd", function (id, item) {
if (gantt.isLinkExists(id)) {
dp.setUpdated(id, true, "inserted");
this._dataProcessorHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onAfterLinkDelete", function (id, item) {
var needDbDelete = !clientSideDelete(id);
if (!needDbDelete) {
dp.setUpdated(id, true, "deleted");
this._dataProcessorHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onRowDragEnd", function (id, target) {
gantt._sendTaskOrder(id, gantt.getTask(id));
var tasks = null;
var links = null;
this._dataProcessorHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onTaskIdChange", function (oldId, newId) {
if (!dp._waitMode) {
var children = gantt.getChildren(newId);
if (children.length) {
tasks = tasks || {};
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var ch = this.getTask(children[i]);
tasks[] = ch;
var item = this.getTask(newId);
var itemLinks = getTaskLinks(item);
if (itemLinks.length) {
links = links || {};
for (var i = 0; i < itemLinks.length; i++) {
var link = this.getLink(itemLinks[i]);
links[] = link;
dp.attachEvent("onAfterUpdateFinish", function () {
if (tasks || links) {
gantt.batchUpdate(function () {
for (var id in tasks) {
for (var id in links) {
tasks = null;
links = null;
if (tasks) {
else {
dp.attachEvent("onBeforeDataSending", function () {
if (this._tMode === "CUSTOM") {
return true;
var url = this._serverProcessor;
if (this._tMode === "REST-JSON" || this._tMode === "REST") {
var mode = this._ganttMode;
url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?") > -1 ? url.indexOf("?") : url.length);
// editing=true&
this.serverProcessor = url + (url.slice(-1) === "/" ? "" : "/") + mode;
else {
var pluralizedMode = this._ganttMode + "s";
this.serverProcessor = url + gantt.ajax.urlSeparator(url) + "gantt_mode=" + pluralizedMode;
return true;
dp.attachEvent("insertCallback", function insertCallback(upd, id, parent, mode) {
var data = || gantt.xml._xmlNodeToJSON(upd.firstChild);
var methods = {
add: gantt.addTask,
isExist: gantt.isTaskExists
if (mode === "links") {
methods.add = gantt.addLink;
methods.isExist = gantt.isLinkExists;
if (, id)) {
} = id;, data);
dp.attachEvent("updateCallback", function updateCallback(upd, id) {
var data = || gantt.xml._xmlNodeToJSON(upd.firstChild);
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(id)) {
var objData = gantt.getTask(id);
for (var key in data) {
var property = data[key];
switch (key) {
case "id":
case "start_date":
case "end_date":
property = gantt.defined(gantt.templates.xml_date) ? gantt.templates.xml_date(property) : gantt.templates.parse_date(property);
case "duration":
objData.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate({ start_date: objData.start_date, duration: property, task: objData });
objData[key] = property;
dp.attachEvent("deleteCallback", function deleteCallback(upd, id, parent, mode) {
var methods = {
delete: gantt.deleteTask,
isExist: gantt.isTaskExists
if (mode === "links") {
methods.delete = gantt.deleteLink;
methods.isExist = gantt.isLinkExists;
if (, id)) {, id);
DataProcessorEvents.prototype.detach = function () {
var _this = this;
helpers.forEach(this._dataProcessorHandlers, function (e) {
this._dataProcessorHandlers = [];
return DataProcessorEvents;
exports.default = DataProcessorEvents;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/extend_gantt.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/dataprocessor/extend_gantt.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function extendGantt(gantt, dp) {
gantt.getUserData = function (id, name) {
if (!this.userdata) {
this.userdata = {};
if (this.userdata[id] && this.userdata[id][name]) {
return this.userdata[id][name];
return "";
gantt.setUserData = function (id, name, value) {
if (!this.userdata) {
this.userdata = {};
if (!this.userdata[id]) {
this.userdata[id] = {};
this.userdata[id][name] = value;
gantt._change_id = function (oldId, newId) {
if (this._dp._ganttMode !== "task") {
this.changeLinkId(oldId, newId);
else {
this.changeTaskId(oldId, newId);
gantt._row_style = function (rowId, classname) {
if (this._dp._ganttMode !== "task") {
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(rowId)) {
var task = gantt.getTask(rowId);
task.$dataprocessor_class = classname;
// fake method for dataprocessor
gantt._delete_task = function (rowId, node) { }; // tslint:disable-line
gantt._sendTaskOrder = function (id, item) {
if (item.$drop_target) {
this.getTask(id).target = item.$drop_target;
this._dp.setUpdated(id, true, "order");
delete this.getTask(id).$drop_target;
gantt.setDp = function () {
this._dp = dp;
exports.default = extendGantt;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/index.js":
!*** ./sources/core/dataprocessor/index.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var DataProcessor = __webpack_require__(/*! ./data_processor */ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/data_processor.ts");
module.exports = {
DEPRECATED_api: function DEPRECATED_api(server) {
return new DataProcessor.DataProcessor(server);
createDataProcessor: DataProcessor.createDataProcessor,
getDataProcessorModes: DataProcessor.getAvailableModes
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/simple_storage.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/dataprocessor/simple_storage.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var SimpleStorage = /** @class */ (function () {
function SimpleStorage() {
var _this = this;
this.clear = function () {
_this._storage = {};
this.storeItem = function (item) {
_this._storage[] = utils.copy(item);
this.getStoredItem = function (id) {
return _this._storage[id] || null;
this._storage = {};
SimpleStorage.create = function () {
return new SimpleStorage();
return SimpleStorage;
exports.default = SimpleStorage;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/datastore/datastore.js":
!*** ./sources/core/datastore/datastore.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var powerArray = __webpack_require__(/*! ./power_array */ "./sources/core/datastore/power_array.js");
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js");
var isPlaceholderTask = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/placeholder_task */ "./sources/utils/placeholder_task.js");
var DataStore = function DataStore(config) {
this.pull = {};
this.$initItem = config.initItem;
this.visibleOrder = powerArray.$create();
this.fullOrder = powerArray.$create();
this._skip_refresh = false;
this._filterRule = null;
this._searchVisibleOrder = {};
this._indexRangeCache = {};
this._getItemsCache = null;
this.$config = config;
this._attachDataChange(function () {
this._indexRangeCache = {};
this._getItemsCache = null;
return true;
return this;
DataStore.prototype = {
_attachDataChange: function _attachDataChange(callback) {
this.attachEvent("onClearAll", callback);
this.attachEvent("onBeforeParse", callback);
this.attachEvent("onBeforeUpdate", callback);
this.attachEvent("onBeforeDelete", callback);
this.attachEvent("onBeforeAdd", callback);
this.attachEvent("onParse", callback);
this.attachEvent("onBeforeFilter", callback);
_parseInner: function _parseInner(data) {
var item = null,
loaded = [];
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
item = data[i];
if (this.$initItem) {
if (this.$config.copyOnParse()) {
item = utils.copy(item);
item = this.$initItem(item);
if (this.callEvent("onItemLoading", [item])) {
if (!this.pull.hasOwnProperty( {
this.pull[] = item;
return loaded;
parse: function parse(data) {
if (!this.isSilent()) {
this.callEvent("onBeforeParse", [data]);
var loaded = this._parseInner(data);
if (!this.isSilent()) {
this.callEvent("onParse", [loaded]);
getItem: function getItem(id) {
return this.pull[id];
_updateOrder: function _updateOrder(code) {;;
updateItem: function updateItem(id, item) {
if (!utils.defined(item)) item = this.getItem(id);
if (!this.isSilent()) {
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeUpdate", [, item]) === false) return false;
} // This is how it worked before updating the properties:
// this.pull[id]=item;
utils.mixin(this.pull[id], item, true);
if (!this.isSilent()) {
this.callEvent("onAfterUpdate", [, item]);
this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", [, item, "update"]);
_removeItemInner: function _removeItemInner(id) {
//clear from collections
this._updateOrder(function () {
delete this.pull[id];
removeItem: function removeItem(id) {
//utils.assert(this.exists(id), "Not existing ID in remove command"+id);
var obj = this.getItem(id); //save for later event
if (!this.isSilent()) {
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeDelete", [, obj]) === false) return false;
this.callEvent("onAfterDeleteConfirmed", [, obj]);
if (!this.isSilent()) {
this.callEvent("onAfterDelete", [, obj]); //repaint signal
this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", [, obj, "delete"]);
_addItemInner: function _addItemInner(item, index) {
//in case of treetable order is sent as 3rd parameter
//var order = index;
if (this.exists( {
this.silent(function () {
this.updateItem(, item);
} else {
var order = this.visibleOrder; //by default item is added to the end of the list
var data_size = order.length;
if (!utils.defined(index) || index < 0) index = data_size; //check to prevent too big indexes
if (index > data_size) {
//dhx.log("Warning","DataStore:add","Index of out of bounds");
index = Math.min(order.length, index);
} //gantt.assert(!this.exists(id), "Not unique ID");
this.pull[] = item;
if (!this.isSilent()) {
this._updateOrder(function () {
if (this.$find( === -1) this.$insertAt(, index);
this.filter(); //order.$insertAt(,index);
isVisible: function isVisible(id) {
return this.visibleOrder.$find(id) > -1;
getVisibleItems: function getVisibleItems() {
return this.getIndexRange();
addItem: function addItem(item, index) {
if (!utils.defined( = utils.uid();
if (this.$initItem) {
item = this.$initItem(item);
if (!this.isSilent()) {
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeAdd", [, item]) === false) return false;
this._addItemInner(item, index);
if (!this.isSilent()) {
this.callEvent("onAfterAdd", [, item]); //repaint signal
this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", [, item, "add"]);
_changeIdInner: function _changeIdInner(oldId, newId) {
if (this.pull[oldId]) this.pull[newId] = this.pull[oldId];
var visibleOrder = this._searchVisibleOrder[oldId];
this.pull[newId].id = newId;
this._updateOrder(function () {
this[this.$find(oldId)] = newId;
this._searchVisibleOrder[newId] = visibleOrder;
delete this._searchVisibleOrder[oldId]; //this.visibleOrder[this.visibleOrder.$find(oldId)]=newId;
delete this.pull[oldId];
changeId: function changeId(oldId, newId) {
this._changeIdInner(oldId, newId);
this.callEvent("onIdChange", [oldId, newId]);
exists: function exists(id) {
return !!this.pull[id];
_moveInner: function _moveInner(sindex, tindex) {
var id = this.getIdByIndex(sindex);
this._updateOrder(function () {
this.$insertAt(id, Math.min(this.length, tindex));
}); //this.visibleOrder.$removeAt(sindex); //remove at old position
//if (sindex<tindex) tindex--; //correct shift, caused by element removing
//this.visibleOrder.$insertAt(id,Math.min(this.visibleOrder.length, tindex)); //insert at new position
move: function move(sindex, tindex) {
//gantt.assert(sindex>=0 && tindex>=0, "DataStore::move","Incorrect indexes");
var id = this.getIdByIndex(sindex);
var obj = this.getItem(id);
this._moveInner(sindex, tindex);
if (!this.isSilent()) {
//repaint signal
this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", [, obj, "move"]);
clearAll: function clearAll() {
if (this.$destroyed) {
} // GS-956 We need to unselect the resource as its ID is cached
this.silent(function () {
this.pull = {};
this.visibleOrder = powerArray.$create();
this.fullOrder = powerArray.$create();
if (this.isSilent()) return;
this.callEvent("onClearAll", []);
silent: function silent(code, master) {
var alreadySilent = false;
if (this.isSilent()) {
alreadySilent = true;
this._skip_refresh = true; || this);
if (!alreadySilent) {
this._skip_refresh = false;
isSilent: function isSilent() {
return !!this._skip_refresh;
arraysEqual: function arraysEqual(arr1, arr2) {
if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) return false;
return true;
refresh: function refresh(id, quick) {
if (this.isSilent()) return;
var item;
if (id) {
item = this.getItem(id);
var args;
if (id) {
args = [id, item, "paint"];
} else {
args = [null, null, null];
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeStoreUpdate", args) === false) {
var skipFilter = this._quick_refresh && !this._mark_recompute;
this._mark_recompute = false;
if (id) {
// if item changes visible order (e.g. expand-collapse branch) - do a complete repaint
if (!quick && !skipFilter) {
var oldOrder = this.visibleOrder;
if (!this.arraysEqual(oldOrder, this.visibleOrder)) {
id = undefined;
} else if (!skipFilter) {
if (id) {
args = [id, item, "paint"];
} else {
args = [null, null, null];
this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", args);
count: function count() {
return this.fullOrder.length;
countVisible: function countVisible() {
return this.visibleOrder.length;
sort: function sort(_sort) {},
serialize: function serialize() {},
eachItem: function eachItem(code) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.fullOrder.length; i++) {
var item = this.getItem(this.fullOrder[i]);, item);
find: function find(filter) {
var result = [];
this.eachItem(function (item) {
if (filter(item)) {
return result;
filter: function filter(rule) {
if (!this.isSilent()) {
this.callEvent("onBeforeFilter", []);
this.callEvent("onPreFilter", []);
var filteredOrder = powerArray.$create();
var placeholderIds = [];
this.eachItem(function (item) {
if (this.callEvent("onFilterItem", [, item])) {
if (isPlaceholderTask(, null, this, this._ganttConfig)) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < placeholderIds.length; i++) {
this.visibleOrder = filteredOrder;
this._searchVisibleOrder = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.visibleOrder.length; i++) {
this._searchVisibleOrder[this.visibleOrder[i]] = i;
if (!this.isSilent()) {
this.callEvent("onFilter", []);
getIndexRange: function getIndexRange(from, to) {
var max = Math.min(to || Infinity, this.countVisible() - 1);
var min = from || 0;
var cacheKey = min + '-' + max;
if (this._indexRangeCache[cacheKey]) {
return this._indexRangeCache[cacheKey].slice();
var ret = [];
for (var i = min; i <= max; i++) {
this._indexRangeCache[cacheKey] = ret.slice();
return ret;
getItems: function getItems() {
if (this._getItemsCache) {
return this._getItemsCache.slice();
var res = [];
for (var i in this.pull) {
this._getItemsCache = res.slice();
return res;
getIdByIndex: function getIdByIndex(index) {
return this.visibleOrder[index];
getIndexById: function getIndexById(id) {
var res = this._searchVisibleOrder[id];
if (res === undefined) {
res = -1;
return res;
_getNullIfUndefined: function _getNullIfUndefined(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return null;
} else {
return value;
getFirst: function getFirst() {
return this._getNullIfUndefined(this.visibleOrder[0]);
getLast: function getLast() {
return this._getNullIfUndefined(this.visibleOrder[this.visibleOrder.length - 1]);
getNext: function getNext(id) {
return this._getNullIfUndefined(this.visibleOrder[this.getIndexById(id) + 1]);
getPrev: function getPrev(id) {
return this._getNullIfUndefined(this.visibleOrder[this.getIndexById(id) - 1]);
destructor: function destructor() {
this.callEvent("onDestroy", []);
this.$destroyed = true;
this.pull = null;
this.$initItem = null;
this.visibleOrder = null;
this.fullOrder = null;
this._skip_refresh = null;
this._filterRule = null;
this._searchVisibleOrder = null;
this._indexRangeCache = {};
module.exports = DataStore;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/datastore/datastore_hooks.js":
!*** ./sources/core/datastore/datastore_hooks.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var facadeFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./../facades/datastore */ "./sources/core/facades/datastore.js");
var calculateScaleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ../gantt_data_range */ "./sources/core/gantt_data_range.js");
var isPlaceholderTask = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/placeholder_task */ "./sources/utils/placeholder_task.js");
function initDataStores(gantt) {
var facade = facadeFactory.create();
utils.mixin(gantt, facade);
var tasksStore = gantt.createDatastore({
name: "task",
type: "treeDatastore",
rootId: function rootId() {
return gantt.config.root_id;
initItem: utils.bind(_init_task, gantt),
getConfig: function getConfig() {
return gantt.config;
var linksStore = gantt.createDatastore({
name: "link",
initItem: utils.bind(_init_link, gantt)
gantt.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
gantt.attachEvent("onLinkValidation", function (link) {
if (gantt.isLinkExists( || === "predecessor_generated") {
// link was already added into gantt
return true;
var source = gantt.getTask(link.source);
var taskLinks = source.$source;
for (var i = 0; i < taskLinks.length; i++) {
var existingLink = gantt.getLink(taskLinks[i]);
var sourceMatch = link.source == existingLink.source;
var targetMatch = ==;
var typeMatch = link.type == existingLink.type; // prevent creating duplicated links from the UI
if (sourceMatch && targetMatch && typeMatch) {
return false;
return true;
tasksStore.attachEvent("onBeforeRefreshAll", function () {
var order = tasksStore.getVisibleItems();
for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
var item = order[i];
item.$index = i;
item.$local_index = gantt.getTaskIndex(;
tasksStore.attachEvent("onFilterItem", function (id, task) {
if (gantt.config.show_tasks_outside_timescale) {
return true;
var min = null,
max = null;
if (gantt.config.start_date && gantt.config.end_date) {
if (gantt._isAllowedUnscheduledTask(task)) return true;
min = gantt.config.start_date.valueOf();
max = gantt.config.end_date.valueOf();
if (+task.start_date > max || +task.end_date < +min) return false;
return true;
tasksStore.attachEvent("onIdChange", function (oldId, newId) {
gantt._update_flags(oldId, newId);
var changedTask = gantt.getTask(newId);
if (!tasksStore.isSilent()) {
if (changedTask.$split_subtask || changedTask.rollup) {
gantt.eachParent(function (parent) {
}, newId);
tasksStore.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function (id) {
if (gantt.getState("batchUpdate").batch_update) {
return true;
var task = tasksStore.getItem(id);
if (!task.$source) task.$source = [];
for (var i = 0; i < task.$source.length; i++) {
if (!task.$target) task.$target = [];
for (var i = 0; i < task.$target.length; i++) {
tasksStore.attachEvent("onBeforeItemMove", function (sid, parent, tindex) {
// GS-125. Don't allow users to move the placeholder task
if (isPlaceholderTask(sid, gantt, tasksStore)) {
console.log("The placeholder task cannot be moved to another position.");
return false;
return true;
tasksStore.attachEvent("onAfterItemMove", function (sid, parent, tindex) {
var source = gantt.getTask(sid);
if (this.getNextSibling(sid) !== null) {
source.$drop_target = this.getNextSibling(sid);
} else if (this.getPrevSibling(sid) !== null) {
source.$drop_target = "next:" + this.getPrevSibling(sid);
} else {
source.$drop_target = "next:null";
tasksStore.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", function (id, item, action) {
if (action == "delete") {
gantt._update_flags(id, null);
var state = gantt.$services.getService("state");
if (state.getState("batchUpdate").batch_update) {
if (gantt.config.fit_tasks && action !== "paint") {
var oldState = gantt.getState();
var newState = gantt.getState(); //this._init_tasks_range();
if (+oldState.min_date != +newState.min_date || +oldState.max_date != +newState.max_date) {
gantt.callEvent("onScaleAdjusted", []);
return true;
if (action == "add" || action == "move" || action == "delete") {
if (gantt.$layout) {
} else if (!id) {
linksStore.attachEvent("onAfterAdd", function (id, link) {
linksStore.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function (id, link) {
linksStore.attachEvent("onAfterDelete", function (id, link) {
linksStore.attachEvent("onBeforeIdChange", function (oldId, newId) {
id: oldId
}, gantt.$data.linksStore.getItem(newId)));
function checkLinkedTaskVisibility(taskId) {
var isVisible = gantt.isTaskVisible(taskId);
if (!isVisible && gantt.isTaskExists(taskId)) {
var parent = gantt.getParent(taskId);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(parent) && gantt.isTaskVisible(parent)) {
parent = gantt.getTask(parent);
if (gantt.isSplitTask(parent)) {
isVisible = true;
return isVisible;
linksStore.attachEvent("onFilterItem", function (id, link) {
if (!gantt.config.show_links) {
return false;
var sourceVisible = checkLinkedTaskVisibility(link.source);
var targetVisible = checkLinkedTaskVisibility(;
if (!(sourceVisible && targetVisible) || gantt._isAllowedUnscheduledTask(gantt.getTask(link.source)) || gantt._isAllowedUnscheduledTask(gantt.getTask( return false;
return gantt.callEvent("onBeforeLinkDisplay", [id, link]);
(function () {
// delete all connected links after task is deleted
var treeHelper = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/task_tree_helpers */ "./sources/utils/task_tree_helpers.js");
var deletedLinks = {};
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDelete", function (id, item) {
deletedLinks[id] = treeHelper.getSubtreeLinks(gantt, id);
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskDelete", function (id, item) {
if (deletedLinks[id]) {
gantt.$data.linksStore.silent(function () {
for (var i in deletedLinks[id]) {
deletedLinks[id] = null;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterLinkDelete", function (id, link) {
gantt.attachEvent("onParse", sync_links);
source: linksStore,
target: gantt,
events: {
"onItemLoading": "onLinkLoading",
"onBeforeAdd": "onBeforeLinkAdd",
"onAfterAdd": "onAfterLinkAdd",
"onBeforeUpdate": "onBeforeLinkUpdate",
"onAfterUpdate": "onAfterLinkUpdate",
"onBeforeDelete": "onBeforeLinkDelete",
"onAfterDelete": "onAfterLinkDelete",
"onIdChange": "onLinkIdChange"
source: tasksStore,
target: gantt,
events: {
"onItemLoading": "onTaskLoading",
"onBeforeAdd": "onBeforeTaskAdd",
"onAfterAdd": "onAfterTaskAdd",
"onBeforeUpdate": "onBeforeTaskUpdate",
"onAfterUpdate": "onAfterTaskUpdate",
"onBeforeDelete": "onBeforeTaskDelete",
"onAfterDelete": "onAfterTaskDelete",
"onIdChange": "onTaskIdChange",
"onBeforeItemMove": "onBeforeTaskMove",
"onAfterItemMove": "onAfterTaskMove",
"onFilterItem": "onBeforeTaskDisplay",
"onItemOpen": "onTaskOpened",
"onItemClose": "onTaskClosed",
"onBeforeSelect": "onBeforeTaskSelected",
"onAfterSelect": "onTaskSelected",
"onAfterUnselect": "onTaskUnselected"
gantt.$data = {
tasksStore: tasksStore,
linksStore: linksStore
function sync_link(link) {
if (gantt.isTaskExists(link.source)) {
var sourceTask = gantt.getTask(link.source);
sourceTask.$source = sourceTask.$source || [];
if (gantt.isTaskExists( {
var targetTask = gantt.getTask(;
targetTask.$target = targetTask.$target || [];
function sync_link_delete(link) {
if (gantt.isTaskExists(link.source)) {
var sourceTask = gantt.getTask(link.source);
for (var i = 0; i < sourceTask.$source.length; i++) {
if (sourceTask.$source[i] == {
sourceTask.$source.splice(i, 1);
if (gantt.isTaskExists( {
var targetTask = gantt.getTask(;
for (var i = 0; i < targetTask.$target.length; i++) {
if (targetTask.$target[i] == {
targetTask.$target.splice(i, 1);
function sync_links() {
var task = null;
var tasks = gantt.$data.tasksStore.getItems();
for (var i = 0, len = tasks.length; i < len; i++) {
task = tasks[i];
task.$source = [];
task.$target = [];
var links = gantt.$data.linksStore.getItems();
for (var i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++) {
var link = links[i];
function mapEvents(conf) {
var mapFrom = conf.source;
var mapTo =;
for (var i in {
(function (sourceEvent, targetEvent) {
mapFrom.attachEvent(sourceEvent, function () {
return mapTo.callEvent(targetEvent,;
}, targetEvent);
function _init_task(task) {
if (!this.defined( = this.uid();
if (task.start_date) task.start_date =, "parse_date");
if (task.end_date) task.end_date =, "parse_date");
var duration = null;
if (task.duration || task.duration === 0) {
task.duration = duration = task.duration * 1;
if (duration) {
if (task.start_date && !task.end_date) {
task.end_date = this.calculateEndDate(task);
} else if (!task.start_date && task.end_date) {
task.start_date = this.calculateEndDate({
start_date: task.end_date,
duration: -task.duration,
task: task
} //task.$calculate_duration = false;
task.progress = Number(task.progress) || 0;
if (this._isAllowedUnscheduledTask(task)) {
if (task.start_date && task.end_date) this.correctTaskWorkTime(task);
task.$source = [];
task.$target = [];
var originalTask = this.$data.tasksStore.getItem(;
if (originalTask && !utils.defined( {
// if a task with the same id is already in the gantt and the new object doesn't specify the `open` state -
// restore the `open` state we already have in the chart
task.$open = originalTask.$open;
if (task.parent === undefined) {
task.parent = this.config.root_id;
return task;
function _init_link(link) {
if (!this.defined( = this.uid();
return link;
module.exports = initDataStores;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/datastore/datastore_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/datastore/datastore_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var isHeadless = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/is_headless */ "./sources/utils/is_headless.js");
var storeRenderCreator = function storeRenderCreator(name, gantt) {
var store = gantt.getDatastore(name);
var itemRepainter = {
renderItem: function renderItem(id, renderer) {
var renders = renderer.getLayers();
var item = store.getItem(id);
if (item && store.isVisible(id)) {
for (var i = 0; i < renders.length; i++) {
renderItems: function renderItems(renderer) {
var renderers = renderer.getLayers();
for (var i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
var allData = null;
var loadedRanges = {};
for (var i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
var layer = renderers[i];
var layerData;
if (layer.get_visible_range) {
var range = layer.get_visible_range(store);
var key = range.start + " - " + range.end;
if (loadedRanges[key]) {
layerData = loadedRanges[key];
} else {
layerData = store.getIndexRange(range.start, range.end);
loadedRanges[key] = layerData;
} else {
if (!allData) {
allData = store.getVisibleItems();
layerData = allData;
updateItems: function updateItems(layer) {
if (layer.update_items) {
var data;
if (layer.get_visible_range) {
var range = layer.get_visible_range(store);
data = store.getIndexRange(range.start, range.end);
} else {
data = store.getVisibleItems();
store.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", function (id, item, action) {
if (isHeadless(gantt)) {
return true;
var renderer = gantt.$services.getService("layers").getDataRender(name);
if (renderer) {
renderer.onUpdateRequest = function (layer) {
function skipRepaint(gantt) {
var state = gantt.$services.getService("state");
if (state.getState("batchUpdate").batch_update) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
store.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", function (id, item, action) {
if (skipRepaint(gantt)) {
if (!id || action == "move" || action == "delete") {
store.callEvent("onBeforeRefreshAll", []);
store.callEvent("onAfterRefreshAll", []);
} else {
store.callEvent("onBeforeRefreshItem", []);
store.callEvent("onAfterRefreshItem", []);
store.attachEvent("onAfterRefreshAll", function () {
if (isHeadless(gantt)) {
return true;
var renderer = gantt.$services.getService("layers").getDataRender(name);
if (renderer && !skipRepaint(gantt)) {
store.attachEvent("onAfterRefreshItem", function (id) {
if (isHeadless(gantt)) {
return true;
var renderer = gantt.$services.getService("layers").getDataRender(name);
if (renderer) {
itemRepainter.renderItem(id, renderer);
}); // TODO: probably can be done more in a more efficient way
store.attachEvent("onItemOpen", function () {
if (isHeadless(gantt)) {
return true;
store.attachEvent("onItemClose", function () {
if (isHeadless(gantt)) {
return true;
function refreshId(renders, oldId, newId, item) {
for (var i = 0; i < renders.length; i++) {
renders[i].change_id(oldId, newId);
store.attachEvent("onIdChange", function (oldId, newId) {
if (isHeadless(gantt)) {
return true;
} // in case of linked datastores (tasks <-> links), id change should recalculate something in linked datastore before any repaint
// use onBeforeIdChange for this hook.
// TODO: use something more reasonable instead
store.callEvent("onBeforeIdChange", [oldId, newId]);
if (skipRepaint(gantt)) {
if (!store.isSilent()) {
var renderer = gantt.$services.getService("layers").getDataRender(name);
refreshId(renderer.getLayers(), oldId, newId, store.getItem(newId));
itemRepainter.renderItem(newId, renderer);
module.exports = {
bindDataStore: storeRenderCreator
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/datastore/power_array.js":
!*** ./sources/core/datastore/power_array.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var $powerArray = {
$create: function $create(array) {
return utils.mixin(array || [], this);
//remove element at specified position
$removeAt: function $removeAt(pos, len) {
if (pos >= 0) this.splice(pos, len || 1);
//find element in collection and remove it
$remove: function $remove(value) {
//add element to collection at specific position
$insertAt: function $insertAt(data, pos) {
if (!pos && pos !== 0) //add to the end by default
this.push(data);else {
var b = this.splice(pos, this.length - pos);
this[pos] = data;
this.push.apply(this, b); //reconstruct array without loosing this pointer
//return index of element, -1 if it doesn't exists
$find: function $find(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (data == this[i]) return i;
return -1;
//execute some method for each element of array
$each: function $each(functor, master) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { || this, this[i]);
//create new array from source, by using results of functor
$map: function $map(functor, master) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[i] = || this, this[i]);
return this;
$filter: function $filter(functor, master) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (! || this, this[i])) {
this.splice(i, 1);
return this;
module.exports = $powerArray;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/datastore/select.js":
!*** ./sources/core/datastore/select.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function createDataStoreSelectMixin(store) {
var selectedId = null;
var deleteItem = store._removeItemInner;
function _unselect(id) {
selectedId = null;
this.callEvent("onAfterUnselect", [id]);
store._removeItemInner = function (id) {
if (selectedId == id) {, id);
if (selectedId && this.eachItem) {
this.eachItem(function (subItem) {
if ( == selectedId) {,;
}, id);
return deleteItem.apply(this, arguments);
store.attachEvent("onIdChange", function (oldId, newId) {
if (store.getSelectedId() == oldId) {
store.silent(function () {
return {
select: function select(id) {
if (id) {
if (selectedId == id) return selectedId;
if (!this._skip_refresh) {
if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeSelect", [id])) {
return false;
selectedId = id;
if (!this._skip_refresh) {
this.callEvent("onAfterSelect", [id]);
return selectedId;
getSelectedId: function getSelectedId() {
return selectedId;
isSelected: function isSelected(id) {
return id == selectedId;
unselect: function unselect(id) {
var id = id || selectedId;
if (!id) return;
selectedId = null;
if (!this._skip_refresh) {
this.refresh(id);, id);
module.exports = createDataStoreSelectMixin;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/datastore/treedatastore.js":
!*** ./sources/core/datastore/treedatastore.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var powerArray = __webpack_require__(/*! ./power_array */ "./sources/core/datastore/power_array.js");
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var DataStore = __webpack_require__(/*! ./datastore */ "./sources/core/datastore/datastore.js");
var isPlaceholderTask = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/placeholder_task */ "./sources/utils/placeholder_task.js");
var _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js"),
replaceValidZeroId = _require.replaceValidZeroId; // TODO: remove workaround for mixup with es5 and ts imports
if (DataStore["default"]) {
DataStore = DataStore["default"];
var TreeDataStore = function TreeDataStore(config) {
DataStore.apply(this, [config]);
this._branches = {};
this.pull = {}; //GS-761 Update existing item instead of adding it to the new position
this.$initItem = function (item) {
var loadedItem = item;
if (config.initItem) {
loadedItem = config.initItem(loadedItem);
var existingItem = this.getItem(;
if (existingItem && existingItem.parent != loadedItem.parent) {
this.move(, loadedItem.$index || -1, loadedItem.parent || this._ganttConfig.root_id);
return loadedItem;
this.$parentProperty = config.parentProperty || "parent";
if (typeof config.rootId !== "function") {
this.$getRootId = function (val) {
return function () {
return val;
}(config.rootId || 0);
} else {
this.$getRootId = config.rootId;
} // TODO: replace with live reference to gantt config
this.$openInitially = config.openInitially;
this.visibleOrder = powerArray.$create();
this.fullOrder = powerArray.$create();
this._searchVisibleOrder = {};
this._indexRangeCache = {};
this._eachItemMainRangeCache = null;
this._getItemsCache = null;
this._skip_refresh = false;
this._ganttConfig = null;
if (config.getConfig) {
this._ganttConfig = config.getConfig();
var splitParents = {};
var splitItems = {};
var taskOpenState = {};
var taskVisibility = {};
var haveSplitItems = false;
this._attachDataChange(function () {
this._indexRangeCache = {};
this._eachItemMainRangeCache = null;
this._getItemsCache = null;
return true;
this.attachEvent("onPreFilter", function () {
this._indexRangeCache = {};
this._eachItemMainRangeCache = null;
splitParents = {};
splitItems = {};
taskOpenState = {};
taskVisibility = {};
haveSplitItems = false;
this.eachItem(function (item) {
var parent = this.getParent(;
if (item.$open && taskOpenState[parent] !== false) {
taskOpenState[] = true;
} else {
taskOpenState[] = false;
if (this._isSplitItem(item)) {
haveSplitItems = true;
splitParents[] = true;
splitItems[] = true;
if (haveSplitItems && splitItems[parent]) {
splitItems[] = true;
if (taskOpenState[parent] || taskOpenState[parent] === undefined) {
taskVisibility[] = true;
} else {
taskVisibility[] = false;
this.attachEvent("onFilterItem", function (id, item) {
var canOpenSplitTasks = false;
if (this._ganttConfig) {
var canOpenSplitTasks = this._ganttConfig.open_split_tasks;
var open = taskVisibility[];
if (haveSplitItems) {
if (open && splitItems[] && !splitParents[]) {
open = !!canOpenSplitTasks;
if (splitItems[] && !splitParents[]) {
item.$split_subtask = true;
item.$expanded_branch = !!taskVisibility[];
return !!open;
this.attachEvent("onFilter", function () {
splitParents = {};
splitItems = {};
taskOpenState = {};
taskVisibility = {};
return this;
TreeDataStore.prototype = utils.mixin({
_buildTree: function _buildTree(data) {
var item = null;
var rootId = this.$getRootId();
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
item = data[i];
this.setParent(item, replaceValidZeroId(this.getParent(item), rootId) || rootId);
} // calculating $level for each item
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
item = data[i];
item.$level = this.calculateItemLevel(item);
item.$local_index = this.getBranchIndex(;
if (!utils.defined(item.$open)) {
item.$open = utils.defined( ? : this.$openInitially();
_isSplitItem: function _isSplitItem(item) {
return item.render == "split" && this.hasChild(;
parse: function parse(data) {
if (!this._skip_refresh) {
this.callEvent("onBeforeParse", [data]);
var loaded = this._parseInner(data);
if (!this._skip_refresh) {
this.callEvent("onParse", [loaded]);
_addItemInner: function _addItemInner(item, index) {
var parent = this.getParent(item);
if (!utils.defined(parent)) {
parent = this.$getRootId();
this.setParent(item, parent);
var parentIndex = this.getIndexById(parent);
var targetIndex = parentIndex + Math.min(Math.max(index, 0), this.visibleOrder.length);
if (targetIndex * 1 !== targetIndex) {
targetIndex = undefined;
}, item, targetIndex);
this.setParent(item, parent);
if (item.hasOwnProperty("$rendered_parent")) {
this._move_branch(item, item.$rendered_parent);
this._add_branch(item, index);
_changeIdInner: function _changeIdInner(oldId, newId) {
var children = this.getChildren(oldId);
var visibleOrder = this._searchVisibleOrder[oldId];, oldId, newId);
var parent = this.getParent(newId);
this._replace_branch_child(parent, oldId, newId);
if (this._branches[oldId]) {
this._branches[newId] = this._branches[oldId];
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = this.getItem(children[i]);
child[this.$parentProperty] = newId;
child.$rendered_parent = newId;
this._searchVisibleOrder[newId] = visibleOrder;
delete this._branches[oldId];
_traverseBranches: function _traverseBranches(code, parent) {
if (!utils.defined(parent)) {
parent = this.$getRootId();
var branch = this._branches[parent];
if (branch) {
for (var i = 0; i < branch.length; i++) {
var itemId = branch[i];, itemId);
if (this._branches[itemId]) this._traverseBranches(code, itemId);
_updateOrder: function _updateOrder(code) {
this.fullOrder = powerArray.$create();
this._traverseBranches(function (taskId) {
if (code), code);
_removeItemInner: function _removeItemInner(id) {
var items = [];
this.eachItem(function (child) {
}, id);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
this._move_branch(items[i], this.getParent(items[i]), null);, items[i].id);
this._move_branch(items[i], this.getParent(items[i]), null);
move: function move(sid, tindex, parent) {
//target id as 4th parameter
var id = arguments[3];
id = replaceValidZeroId(id, this._ganttConfig.root_id);
if (id) {
if (id === sid) return;
parent = this.getParent(id);
tindex = this.getBranchIndex(id);
if (sid == parent) {
if (!utils.defined(parent)) {
parent = this.$getRootId();
var source = this.getItem(sid);
var source_pid = this.getParent(;
var tbranch = this.getChildren(parent);
if (tindex == -1) tindex = tbranch.length + 1;
if (source_pid == parent) {
var sindex = this.getBranchIndex(sid);
if (sindex == tindex) return;
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeItemMove", [sid, parent, tindex]) === false) return false;
var placeholderIds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tbranch.length; i++) {
if (isPlaceholderTask(tbranch[i], null, this, this._ganttConfig)) {
tbranch.splice(i, 1);
this._replace_branch_child(source_pid, sid);
tbranch = this.getChildren(parent);
var tid = tbranch[tindex];
tid = replaceValidZeroId(tid, this._ganttConfig.root_id);
if (!tid) //adding as last element
tbranch.push(sid);else tbranch = tbranch.slice(0, tindex).concat([sid]).concat(tbranch.slice(tindex));
if (placeholderIds.length) {
tbranch = tbranch.concat(placeholderIds);
this.setParent(source, parent);
this._branches[parent] = tbranch;
var diff = this.calculateItemLevel(source) - source.$level;
source.$level += diff;
this.eachItem(function (item) {
item.$level += diff;
},, this);
this._moveInner(this.getIndexById(sid), this.getIndexById(parent) + tindex);
this.callEvent("onAfterItemMove", [sid, parent, tindex]);
getBranchIndex: function getBranchIndex(id) {
var branch = this.getChildren(this.getParent(id));
for (var i = 0; i < branch.length; i++) {
if (branch[i] == id) return i;
return -1;
hasChild: function hasChild(id) {
var branch = this._branches[id];
return branch && branch.length;
getChildren: function getChildren(id) {
var branch = this._branches[id];
return branch ? branch : powerArray.$create();
isChildOf: function isChildOf(childId, parentId) {
if (!this.exists(childId)) return false;
if (parentId === this.$getRootId()) return true;
if (!this.hasChild(parentId)) return false;
var item = this.getItem(childId);
var pid = this.getParent(childId);
var parent = this.getItem(parentId);
if (parent.$level >= item.$level) {
return false;
while (item && this.exists(pid)) {
item = this.getItem(pid);
if (item && == parentId) return true;
pid = this.getParent(item);
return false;
getSiblings: function getSiblings(id) {
if (!this.exists(id)) {
return powerArray.$create();
var parent = this.getParent(id);
return this.getChildren(parent);
getNextSibling: function getNextSibling(id) {
var siblings = this.getSiblings(id);
for (var i = 0, len = siblings.length; i < len; i++) {
if (siblings[i] == id) {
var nextSibling = siblings[i + 1];
if (nextSibling === 0 && i > 0) {
nextSibling = "0";
return nextSibling || null;
return null;
getPrevSibling: function getPrevSibling(id) {
var siblings = this.getSiblings(id);
for (var i = 0, len = siblings.length; i < len; i++) {
if (siblings[i] == id) {
var previousSibling = siblings[i - 1];
if (previousSibling === 0 && i > 0) {
previousSibling = "0";
return previousSibling || null;
return null;
getParent: function getParent(id) {
var item = null;
if ( !== undefined) {
item = id;
} else {
item = this.getItem(id);
var parent;
if (item) {
parent = item[this.$parentProperty];
} else {
parent = this.$getRootId();
return parent;
clearAll: function clearAll() {
this._branches = {};;
calculateItemLevel: function calculateItemLevel(item) {
var level = 0;
this.eachParent(function () {
}, item);
return level;
_setParentInner: function _setParentInner(item, new_pid, silent) {
if (!silent) {
if (item.hasOwnProperty("$rendered_parent")) {
this._move_branch(item, item.$rendered_parent, new_pid);
} else {
this._move_branch(item, item[this.$parentProperty], new_pid);
setParent: function setParent(item, new_pid, silent) {
this._setParentInner(item, new_pid, silent);
item[this.$parentProperty] = new_pid;
_eachItemCached: function _eachItemCached(code, cache) {
for (var i = 0, len = cache.length; i < len; i++) {, cache[i]);
_eachItemIterate: function _eachItemIterate(code, startId, cache) {
var itemsStack = this.getChildren(startId);
if (itemsStack.length) {
itemsStack = itemsStack.slice().reverse();
while (itemsStack.length) {
var itemId = itemsStack.pop();
var item = this.getItem(itemId);, item);
if (cache) {
if (this.hasChild( {
var children = this.getChildren(;
var len = children.length;
for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
eachItem: function eachItem(code, parent) {
var rootId = this.$getRootId();
if (!utils.defined(parent)) {
parent = rootId;
var startId = replaceValidZeroId(parent, rootId) || rootId;
var useCache = false;
var buildCache = false;
var cache = null;
if (startId === rootId) {
if (this._eachItemMainRangeCache) {
useCache = true;
cache = this._eachItemMainRangeCache;
} else {
buildCache = true;
cache = this._eachItemMainRangeCache = [];
if (useCache) {
this._eachItemCached(code, cache);
} else {
this._eachItemIterate(code, startId, buildCache ? cache : null);
eachParent: function eachParent(code, startItem) {
var parentsHash = {};
var item = startItem;
var parent = this.getParent(item);
while (this.exists(parent)) {
if (parentsHash[parent]) {
throw new Error("Invalid tasks tree. Cyclic reference has been detected on task " + parent);
parentsHash[parent] = true;
item = this.getItem(parent);, item);
parent = this.getParent(item);
_add_branch: function _add_branch(item, index, parent) {
var pid = parent === undefined ? this.getParent(item) : parent;
if (!this.hasChild(pid)) this._branches[pid] = powerArray.$create();
var branch = this.getChildren(pid);
var added_already = false;
for (var i = 0, length = branch.length; i < length; i++) {
if (branch[i] == {
added_already = true;
if (!added_already) {
if (index * 1 == index) {
branch.splice(index, 0,;
} else {
item.$rendered_parent = pid;
_move_branch: function _move_branch(item, old_parent, new_parent) {
this._eachItemMainRangeCache = null; //this.setParent(item, new_parent);
if (this.exists(new_parent) || new_parent == this.$getRootId()) {
this._add_branch(item, undefined, new_parent);
} else {
delete this._branches[];
item.$level = this.calculateItemLevel(item);
this.eachItem(function (child) {
child.$level = this.calculateItemLevel(child);
_replace_branch_child: function _replace_branch_child(node, old_id, new_id) {
var branch = this.getChildren(node);
if (branch && node !== undefined) {
var newbranch = powerArray.$create();
for (var i = 0; i < branch.length; i++) {
if (branch[i] != old_id) newbranch.push(branch[i]);else if (new_id) newbranch.push(new_id);
this._branches[node] = newbranch;
sort: function sort(field, desc, parent) {
if (!this.exists(parent)) {
parent = this.$getRootId();
if (!field) field = "order";
var criteria = typeof field == "string" ? function (a, b) {
if (a[field] == b[field] || helpers.isDate(a[field]) && helpers.isDate(b[field]) && a[field].valueOf() == b[field].valueOf()) {
return 0;
var result = a[field] > b[field];
return result ? 1 : -1;
} : field;
if (desc) {
var original_criteria = criteria;
criteria = function criteria(a, b) {
return original_criteria(b, a);
var els = this.getChildren(parent);
if (els) {
var temp = [];
for (var i = els.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
temp[i] = this.getItem(els[i]);
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
els[i] = temp[i].id;
this.sort(field, desc, els[i]);
filter: function filter(rule) {
for (var i in this.pull) {
if (this.pull[i].$rendered_parent !== this.getParent(this.pull[i])) {
this._move_branch(this.pull[i], this.pull[i].$rendered_parent, this.getParent(this.pull[i]));
return DataStore.prototype.filter.apply(this, arguments);
open: function open(id) {
if (this.exists(id)) {
this.getItem(id).$open = true;
this.callEvent("onItemOpen", [id]);
close: function close(id) {
if (this.exists(id)) {
this.getItem(id).$open = false;
this.callEvent("onItemClose", [id]);
destructor: function destructor() {;
this._branches = null;
this._indexRangeCache = {};
this._eachItemMainRangeCache = null;
}, DataStore.prototype);
module.exports = TreeDataStore;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/destructor.js":
!*** ./sources/core/destructor.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function extend(gantt) {
gantt.destructor = function () {
this.callEvent("onDestroy", []);
if (this.$root) {
delete this.$root.gantt;
if (this._eventRemoveAll) {
if (this.$layout) {
if (this.resetLightbox) {
if (this._dp && this._dp.destructor) {
this.$services.destructor(); // detachAllEvents should be called last, because in components may be attached events
for (var i in this) {
if (i.indexOf("$") === 0) {
delete this[i];
this.$destroyed = true;
module.exports = extend;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/dynamic_loading.js":
!*** ./sources/core/dynamic_loading.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var TreeDataStore = __webpack_require__(/*! ./datastore/treedatastore */ "./sources/core/datastore/treedatastore.js");
var loadedBranches = {};
gantt.attachEvent("onClearAll", function () {
loadedBranches = {};
var oldHasChildren = TreeDataStore.prototype.hasChild;
gantt.$data.tasksStore.hasChild = function (id) {
if (!gantt.config.branch_loading) {
return, id);
} else {
if (, id)) return true;
if (this.exists(id)) {
return this.getItem(id)[gantt.config.branch_loading_property];
return false;
function needLoading(id) {
if (gantt.config.branch_loading && gantt._load_url) {
var alreadyLoaded = !!loadedBranches[id]; // call ajax only if branch has children
if (!alreadyLoaded && !gantt.getChildren(id).length && gantt.hasChild(id)) {
return true;
return false;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskOpened", function (id) {
if (gantt.config.branch_loading && gantt._load_url) {
// call ajax only if branch has children
if (needLoading(id)) {
var url = gantt._load_url;
url = url.replace(/(\?|&)?parent_id=.+&?/, "");
var param = url.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?";
var y = gantt.getScrollState().y || 0;
var requestData = {
taskId: id,
url: url + param + "parent_id=" + encodeURIComponent(id)
if (gantt.callEvent("onBeforeBranchLoading", [requestData]) === false) {
gantt.load(requestData.url, this._load_type, function () {
if (y) {
gantt.scrollTo(null, y);
gantt.callEvent("onAfterBranchLoading", [requestData]);
loadedBranches[id] = true;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/facades/datastore.js":
!*** ./sources/core/facades/datastore.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var createTasksFacade = __webpack_require__(/*! ./datastore_tasks */ "./sources/core/facades/datastore_tasks.js"),
createLinksFacade = __webpack_require__(/*! ./datastore_links */ "./sources/core/facades/datastore_links.js"),
DataStore = __webpack_require__(/*! ../datastore/datastore */ "./sources/core/datastore/datastore.js"),
TreeDataStore = __webpack_require__(/*! ../datastore/treedatastore */ "./sources/core/datastore/treedatastore.js"),
createDatastoreSelect = __webpack_require__(/*! ../datastore/select */ "./sources/core/datastore/select.js");
var datastoreRender = __webpack_require__(/*! ../datastore/datastore_render */ "./sources/core/datastore/datastore_render.js");
var isHeadless = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/is_headless */ "./sources/utils/is_headless.js");
var _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js"),
replaceValidZeroId = _require.replaceValidZeroId; // TODO: remove workaround for mixup with es5 and ts imports
if (DataStore["default"]) {
DataStore = DataStore["default"];
function getDatastores() {
var storeNames = this.$services.getService("datastores");
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < storeNames.length; i++) {
var store = this.getDatastore(storeNames[i]);
if (!store.$destroyed) {
return res;
var createDatastoreFacade = function createDatastoreFacade() {
return {
createDatastore: function createDatastore(config) {
var $StoreType = (config.type || "").toLowerCase() == "treedatastore" ? TreeDataStore : DataStore;
if (config) {
var self = this;
config.openInitially = function () {
return self.config.open_tree_initially;
config.copyOnParse = function () {
return self.config.deepcopy_on_parse;
var store = new $StoreType(config);
this.mixin(store, createDatastoreSelect(store));
if ( {
var servicePrefix = "datastore:";
var storeAccessName = servicePrefix +;
store.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
var storeList = this.$services.getService("datastores");
for (var i = 0; i < storeList.length; i++) {
if (storeList[i] === {
storeList.splice(i, 1);
this.$services.setService(storeAccessName, function () {
return store;
var storeList = this.$services.getService("datastores");
if (!storeList) {
storeList = [];
this.$services.setService("datastores", function () {
return storeList;
} else if (storeList.indexOf( < 0) {
datastoreRender.bindDataStore(, this);
return store;
getDatastore: function getDatastore(name) {
return this.$services.getService("datastore:" + name);
_getDatastores: getDatastores,
refreshData: function refreshData() {
var scrollState;
if (!isHeadless(this)) {
scrollState = this.getScrollState();
this.callEvent("onBeforeDataRender", []);
var stores =;
for (var i = 0; i < stores.length; i++) {
if (this.config.preserve_scroll && !isHeadless(this) && (scrollState.x || scrollState.y)) {
this.scrollTo(scrollState.x, scrollState.y);
this.callEvent("onDataRender", []);
isChildOf: function isChildOf(childId, parentId) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.isChildOf(childId, parentId);
refreshTask: function refreshTask(taskId, refresh_links) {
var task = this.getTask(taskId);
var self = this;
function refreshLinks() {
if (refresh_links !== undefined && !refresh_links) return;
for (var i = 0; i < task.$source.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < task.$target.length; i++) {
if (task && this.isTaskVisible(taskId)) {
this.$data.tasksStore.refresh(taskId, !!this.getState("tasksDnd").drag_id || refresh_links === false); // do quick refresh during drag and drop
} else if (this.isTaskExists(taskId) && this.isTaskExists(this.getParent(taskId)) && !this._bulk_dnd) {
var hasSplitParent = false;
this.eachParent(function (parent) {
if (hasSplitParent || this.isSplitTask(parent)) {
hasSplitParent = true;
}, taskId);
if (hasSplitParent) {
refreshLink: function refreshLink(linkId) {
this.$data.linksStore.refresh(linkId, !!this.getState("tasksDnd").drag_id); // do quick refresh during drag and drop
silent: function silent(code) {
var gantt = this;
gantt.$data.tasksStore.silent(function () {
gantt.$data.linksStore.silent(function () {
clearAll: function clearAll() {
var stores =; // clear all stores without invoking clearAll event
// in order to prevent calling handlers when only some stores are cleared
for (var i = 0; i < stores.length; i++) {
stores[i].silent(function () {
} // run clearAll again to invoke events
for (var i = 0; i < stores.length; i++) {
this.userdata = {};
this.callEvent("onClear", []);
_clear_data: function _clear_data() {
this.userdata = {};
selectTask: function selectTask(id) {
var store = this.$data.tasksStore;
if (!this.config.select_task) return false;
id = replaceValidZeroId(id, this.config.root_id);
if (id) {;
return store.getSelectedId();
unselectTask: function unselectTask(id) {
var store = this.$data.tasksStore;
isSelectedTask: function isSelectedTask(id) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.isSelected(id);
getSelectedId: function getSelectedId() {
return this.$data.tasksStore.getSelectedId();
function createFacade() {
var res = utils.mixin({}, createDatastoreFacade());
utils.mixin(res, createTasksFacade());
utils.mixin(res, createLinksFacade());
return res;
module.exports = {
create: createFacade
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/facades/datastore_links.js":
!*** ./sources/core/facades/datastore_links.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var createLinksStoreFacade = function createLinksStoreFacade() {
return {
getLinkCount: function getLinkCount() {
return this.$data.linksStore.count();
getLink: function getLink(id) {
return this.$data.linksStore.getItem(id);
getLinks: function getLinks() {
return this.$data.linksStore.getItems();
isLinkExists: function isLinkExists(id) {
return this.$data.linksStore.exists(id);
addLink: function addLink(link) {
return this.$data.linksStore.addItem(link);
updateLink: function updateLink(id, data) {
if (!utils.defined(data)) data = this.getLink(id);
this.$data.linksStore.updateItem(id, data);
deleteLink: function deleteLink(id) {
return this.$data.linksStore.removeItem(id);
changeLinkId: function changeLinkId(oldid, newid) {
return this.$data.linksStore.changeId(oldid, newid);
module.exports = createLinksStoreFacade;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/facades/datastore_tasks.js":
!*** ./sources/core/facades/datastore_tasks.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js"),
replaceValidZeroId = _require.replaceValidZeroId;
var createTasksDatastoreFacade = function createTasksDatastoreFacade() {
return {
getTask: function getTask(id) {
id = replaceValidZeroId(id, this.config.root_id);
this.assert(id, "Invalid argument for gantt.getTask");
var task = this.$data.tasksStore.getItem(id);
this.assert(task, "Task not found id=" + id);
return task;
getTaskByTime: function getTaskByTime(from, to) {
var p = this.$data.tasksStore.getItems();
var res = [];
if (!(from || to)) {
res = p;
} else {
from = +from || -Infinity;
to = +to || Infinity;
for (var t = 0; t < p.length; t++) {
var task = p[t];
if (+task.start_date < to && +task.end_date > from) res.push(task);
return res;
isTaskExists: function isTaskExists(id) {
if (!this.$data || !this.$data.tasksStore) {
return false;
return this.$data.tasksStore.exists(id);
updateTask: function updateTask(id, item) {
if (!utils.defined(item)) item = this.getTask(id);
this.$data.tasksStore.updateItem(id, item);
if (this.isTaskExists(id)) this.refreshTask(id);
addTask: function addTask(item, parent, index) {
if (!utils.defined( = utils.uid(); //GS-761: assert unique ID
if (this.isTaskExists( {
var task = this.getTask(;
if (task.$index != item.$index) {
// Someone may try to mistakenly add a task with the same ID, and most likely
// use the string format for the dates. Gantt shouldn't break in this scenario
if (item.start_date && typeof item.start_date === "string") {
item.start_date =, "parse_date");
if (item.end_date && typeof item.end_date === "string") {
item.end_date =, "parse_date");
return this.$data.tasksStore.updateItem(, item);
if (!utils.defined(parent)) parent = this.getParent(item) || 0;
if (!this.isTaskExists(parent)) parent = this.config.root_id;
this.setParent(item, parent);
return this.$data.tasksStore.addItem(item, index, parent);
deleteTask: function deleteTask(id) {
id = replaceValidZeroId(id, this.config.root_id);
return this.$data.tasksStore.removeItem(id);
getTaskCount: function getTaskCount() {
return this.$data.tasksStore.count();
getVisibleTaskCount: function getVisibleTaskCount() {
return this.$data.tasksStore.countVisible();
getTaskIndex: function getTaskIndex(id) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.getBranchIndex(id);
getGlobalTaskIndex: function getGlobalTaskIndex(id) {
id = replaceValidZeroId(id, this.config.root_id);
this.assert(id, "Invalid argument");
return this.$data.tasksStore.getIndexById(id);
eachTask: function eachTask(code, parent, master) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.eachItem(utils.bind(code, master || this), parent);
eachParent: function eachParent(callback, startTask, master) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.eachParent(utils.bind(callback, master || this), startTask);
changeTaskId: function changeTaskId(oldid, newid) {
this.$data.tasksStore.changeId(oldid, newid);
var task = this.$data.tasksStore.getItem(newid);
var links = [];
if (task.$source) {
links = links.concat(task.$source);
if (task.$target) {
links = links.concat(task.$target);
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var link = this.getLink(links[i]);
if (link.source == oldid) {
link.source = newid;
if ( == oldid) { = newid;
calculateTaskLevel: function calculateTaskLevel(item) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.calculateItemLevel(item);
getNext: function getNext(id) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.getNext(id);
getPrev: function getPrev(id) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.getPrev(id);
getParent: function getParent(id) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.getParent(id);
setParent: function setParent(task, new_pid, silent) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.setParent(task, new_pid, silent);
getSiblings: function getSiblings(id) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.getSiblings(id).slice();
getNextSibling: function getNextSibling(id) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.getNextSibling(id);
getPrevSibling: function getPrevSibling(id) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.getPrevSibling(id);
getTaskByIndex: function getTaskByIndex(index) {
var id = this.$data.tasksStore.getIdByIndex(index);
if (this.isTaskExists(id)) {
return this.getTask(id);
} else {
return null;
getChildren: function getChildren(id) {
if (!this.hasChild(id)) {
return [];
} else {
return this.$data.tasksStore.getChildren(id).slice();
hasChild: function hasChild(id) {
return this.$data.tasksStore.hasChild(id);
open: function open(id) {
close: function close(id) {
moveTask: function moveTask(sid, tindex, parent) {
parent = replaceValidZeroId(parent, this.config.root_id);
return this.$data.tasksStore.move.apply(this.$data.tasksStore, arguments);
sort: function sort(field, desc, parent, silent) {
var render = !silent; //4th argument to cancel redraw after sorting
this.$data.tasksStore.sort(field, desc, parent);
this.callEvent("onAfterSort", [field, desc, parent]);
if (render) {
module.exports = createTasksDatastoreFacade;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/facades/layout.js":
!*** ./sources/core/facades/layout.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function createLayoutFacade() {
function getTimeline(gantt) {
return gantt.$ui.getView("timeline");
function getGrid(gantt) {
return gantt.$ui.getView("grid");
function getVerticalScrollbar(gantt) {
return gantt.$ui.getView("scrollVer");
function getHorizontalScrollbar(gantt) {
return gantt.$ui.getView("scrollHor");
function tryCall(getView, method, args, fallback) {
var view = getView(this);
if (!(view && view.isVisible())) {
if (fallback) {
return fallback();
} else {
} else {
return view[method].apply(view, args);
return {
getColumnIndex: function getColumnIndex(name) {
var res =, getGrid, "getColumnIndex", [name]);
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
return 0;
} else {
return res;
dateFromPos: function dateFromPos(x) {
var res =, getTimeline, "dateFromPos",;
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
return this.getState().min_date;
} else {
return res;
posFromDate: function posFromDate(date) {
var res =, getTimeline, "posFromDate", [date]);
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
return 0;
} else {
return res;
getRowTop: function getRowTop(index) {
var self = this;
var res =, getTimeline, "getRowTop", [index], function () {
return, getGrid, "getRowTop", [index]);
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
return 0;
} else {
return res;
getTaskTop: function getTaskTop(id) {
var self = this;
var res =, getTimeline, "getItemTop", [id], function () {
return, getGrid, "getItemTop", [id]);
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
return 0;
} else {
return res;
getTaskPosition: function getTaskPosition(task, start_date, end_date) {
var res =, getTimeline, "getItemPosition", [task, start_date, end_date]);
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
var top = this.getTaskTop(;
var height = this.getTaskBarHeight(;
return {
left: 0,
top: top,
height: height,
width: 0
} else {
return res;
getTaskBarHeight: function getTaskBarHeight(taskId, isMilestoneRender) {
var self = this;
var res =, getTimeline, "getBarHeight", [taskId, isMilestoneRender], function () {
return, getGrid, "getItemHeight", [taskId]);
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
return 0;
} else {
return res;
getTaskHeight: function getTaskHeight(taskId) {
var self = this;
var res =, getTimeline, "getItemHeight", [taskId], function () {
return, getGrid, "getItemHeight", [taskId]);
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
return 0;
} else {
return res;
columnIndexByDate: function columnIndexByDate(date) {
var res =, getTimeline, "columnIndexByDate", [date]);
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
return 0;
} else {
return res;
roundTaskDates: function roundTaskDates() {, getTimeline, "roundTaskDates", []);
getScale: function getScale() {
var res =, getTimeline, "getScale", []);
if (res === DEFAULT_VALUE) {
return null;
} else {
return res;
getTaskNode: function getTaskNode(id) {
var timeline = getTimeline(this);
if (!timeline || !timeline.isVisible()) {
return null;
} else {
var node = timeline._taskRenderer.rendered[id];
if (!node) {
var domAttr = timeline.$config.item_attribute;
node = timeline.$task_bars.querySelector("[" + domAttr + "='" + id + "']");
return node || null;
getLinkNode: function getLinkNode(id) {
var timeline = getTimeline(this);
if (!timeline.isVisible()) {
return null;
} else {
return timeline._linkRenderer.rendered[id];
scrollTo: function scrollTo(left, top) {
var vertical = getVerticalScrollbar(this);
var horizontal = getHorizontalScrollbar(this);
var oldH = {
position: 0
oldV = {
position: 0
if (vertical) {
oldV = vertical.getScrollState();
if (horizontal) {
oldH = horizontal.getScrollState();
var scrollHorizontal = horizontal && left * 1 == left;
var scrollVertical = vertical && top * 1 == top;
var scrollBoth = scrollHorizontal && scrollVertical;
if (scrollBoth) {
// some views will be scrolled both horizontally and vertically and smart rendering can be called twice
// set flag in order not to invoke smart rendering at the horizontal scroll stage
// so it will repaint only once when the scroll is completed
var verticalViews = vertical._getLinkedViews();
var horizontalViews = horizontal._getLinkedViews();
var commonViews = [];
for (var i = 0; i < verticalViews.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < horizontalViews.length; j++) {
if (verticalViews[i].$ && verticalViews[j].$ && verticalViews[i].$ === verticalViews[j].$ {
if (scrollHorizontal) {
if (commonViews) {
commonViews.forEach(function (viewId) {
this.$ui.getView(viewId).$config.$skipSmartRenderOnScroll = true;
if (commonViews) {
commonViews.forEach(function (viewId) {
this.$ui.getView(viewId).$config.$skipSmartRenderOnScroll = false;
if (scrollVertical) {
var newV = {
position: 0
newH = {
position: 0
if (vertical) {
newV = vertical.getScrollState();
if (horizontal) {
newH = horizontal.getScrollState();
this.callEvent("onGanttScroll", [oldH.position, oldV.position, newH.position, newV.position]);
showDate: function showDate(date) {
var date_x = this.posFromDate(date);
var scroll_to = Math.max(date_x - this.config.task_scroll_offset, 0);
showTask: function showTask(id) {
var pos = this.getTaskPosition(this.getTask(id)); // GS-1261: we need to show the start_date even in the RTL mode
var leftPos = pos.left;
if (this.config.rtl) leftPos = pos.left + pos.width;
var left = Math.max(leftPos - this.config.task_scroll_offset, 0);
var dataHeight = this._scroll_state().y;
var top;
if (!dataHeight) {
top =;
} else {
top = - (dataHeight - this.getTaskBarHeight(id)) / 2;
this.scrollTo(left, top);
_scroll_state: function _scroll_state() {
var result = {
x: false,
y: false,
x_pos: 0,
y_pos: 0,
scroll_size: this.config.scroll_size + 1,
//1px for inner content
x_inner: 0,
y_inner: 0
var scrollVer = getVerticalScrollbar(this),
scrollHor = getHorizontalScrollbar(this);
if (scrollHor) {
var horState = scrollHor.getScrollState();
if (horState.visible) {
result.x = horState.size;
result.x_inner = horState.scrollSize;
result.x_pos = horState.position || 0;
if (scrollVer) {
var verState = scrollVer.getScrollState();
if (verState.visible) {
result.y = verState.size;
result.y_inner = verState.scrollSize;
result.y_pos = verState.position || 0;
return result;
getScrollState: function getScrollState() {
var state = this._scroll_state();
return {
x: state.x_pos,
y: state.y_pos,
inner_width: state.x,
inner_height: state.y,
width: state.x_inner,
height: state.y_inner
module.exports = createLayoutFacade;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/facades/worktime_calendars.js":
!*** ./sources/core/facades/worktime_calendars.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// TODO: rework public api for date methods
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var createWorkTimeFacade = function createWorkTimeFacade(calendarManager, timeCalculator) {
return {
getWorkHours: function getWorkHours(date) {
return timeCalculator.getWorkHours(date);
setWorkTime: function setWorkTime(config) {
return timeCalculator.setWorkTime(config);
unsetWorkTime: function unsetWorkTime(config) {
isWorkTime: function isWorkTime(date, unit, task) {
return timeCalculator.isWorkTime(date, unit, task);
getClosestWorkTime: function getClosestWorkTime(config) {
return timeCalculator.getClosestWorkTime(config);
calculateDuration: function calculateDuration(start_date, end_date, task) {
return timeCalculator.calculateDuration(start_date, end_date, task);
_hasDuration: function _hasDuration(start_date, end_date, task) {
return timeCalculator.hasDuration(start_date, end_date, task);
calculateEndDate: function calculateEndDate(start, duration, unit, task) {
return timeCalculator.calculateEndDate(start, duration, unit, task);
mergeCalendars: utils.bind(calendarManager.mergeCalendars, calendarManager),
createCalendar: utils.bind(calendarManager.createCalendar, calendarManager),
addCalendar: utils.bind(calendarManager.addCalendar, calendarManager),
getCalendar: utils.bind(calendarManager.getCalendar, calendarManager),
getCalendars: utils.bind(calendarManager.getCalendars, calendarManager),
getResourceCalendar: utils.bind(calendarManager.getResourceCalendar, calendarManager),
getTaskCalendar: utils.bind(calendarManager.getTaskCalendar, calendarManager),
deleteCalendar: utils.bind(calendarManager.deleteCalendar, calendarManager)
module.exports = {
create: createWorkTimeFacade
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/gantt_core.js":
!*** ./sources/core/gantt_core.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js"),
helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var isHeadless = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/is_headless */ "./sources/utils/is_headless.js");
var addResizeListener = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/resize_listener */ "./sources/core/ui/resize_listener.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var calculateScaleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./gantt_data_range */ "./sources/core/gantt_data_range.js");
gantt.assert = __webpack_require__(/*! ./common/assert */ "./sources/core/common/assert.js")(gantt);
function isHTMLElement(node) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
var invalidContainerMessage = "Invalid value of the first argument of `gantt.init`. Supported values: HTMLElement, String (element id)." + "This error means that either invalid object is passed into `gantt.init` or that the element with the specified ID doesn't exist on the page when `gantt.init` is called.";
function validateNode(node) {
if (!node || typeof node == 'string' && document.getElementById(node)) return true;
if (isHTMLElement(node)) return true;
gantt.assert(false, invalidContainerMessage);
throw new Error(invalidContainerMessage);
} //initial initialization
gantt.init = function (node, from, to) {
if (gantt.env.isNode) {
node = null; // for the nodejs version
} else {
validateNode(node); // for the web version
if (from && to) {
this.config.start_date = this._min_date = new Date(from);
this.config.end_date = this._max_date = new Date(to);
}; //can be called only once
this.init = function (node) {
if (gantt.env.isNode) {
node = null; // for the nodejs version
} else {
validateNode(node); // for the web version
if (this.$container && this.$container.parentNode) {
this.$container = null;
if (this.$layout) {
gantt._quickRefresh = function (code) {
var stores =;
for (var i = 0; i < stores.length; i++) {
stores[i]._quick_refresh = true;
for (var i = 0; i < stores.length; i++) {
stores[i]._quick_refresh = false;
var dropLayout = function dropLayout() {
if (this._clearTaskLayers) {
if (this._clearLinkLayers) {
if (this.$layout) {
this.$layout = null;
var rebuildLayout = function rebuildLayout() {
if (isHeadless(gantt)) {
this.$root.innerHTML = "";
this.$root.gantt = this;
calculateScaleRange(this); = "main";
this.$layout = this.$ui.createView("layout", this.$root, this.config.layout);
this.$layout.attachEvent("onBeforeResize", function () {
var storeNames = gantt.$services.getService("datastores");
for (var i = 0; i < storeNames.length; i++) {
gantt.getDatastore(storeNames[i]).callEvent("onBeforeRefreshAll", []);
this.$layout.attachEvent("onResize", function () {
gantt._quickRefresh(function () {
this.callEvent("onGanttLayoutReady", []);
this.$container = this.$layout.$container.firstChild;
gantt.resetLayout = function () {
gantt._reinit = function (node) {
this.callEvent("onBeforeGanttReady", []);
var config = this.$services.getService("templateLoader");
this.$root = null;
if (node) {
this.$root = domHelpers.toNode(node);
this.callEvent("onTemplatesReady", []);
this.callEvent("onGanttReady", []);
gantt.$click = {
buttons: {
"edit": function edit(id) {
if (gantt.isReadonly(gantt.getTask(id))) {
"delete": function _delete(id) {
var task = gantt.getTask(id);
if (gantt.isReadonly(task)) {
var question = gantt.locale.labels.confirm_deleting;
var title = gantt.locale.labels.confirm_deleting_title;
gantt._dhtmlx_confirm(question, title, function () {
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(id)) {
if (task.$new) {
gantt.silent(function () {
gantt.deleteTask(id, true);
} else {
}; //renders self
gantt.render = function () {
this.callEvent("onBeforeGanttRender", []);
var visibleDate;
if (!isHeadless(gantt)) {
if (!this.config.sort && this._sort) {
this._sort = undefined;
if (this.$root) {
if (this.config.rtl) {
this.$root.firstChild.classList.add("gantt_rtl"); // GS-1499
} else {
this.$root.firstChild.classList.remove("gantt_rtl"); // GS-1499
var pos = this.getScrollState();
var posX = pos ? pos.x : 0;
if (this._getHorizontalScrollbar()) {
var scrollbar = this._getHorizontalScrollbar();
posX = scrollbar.$config.codeScrollLeft || posX || 0;
visibleDate = null;
if (posX) {
visibleDate = gantt.dateFromPos(posX + this.config.task_scroll_offset);
if (!isHeadless(gantt)) {
this.$layout.$config.autosize = this.config.autosize;
var preserveScroll = this.config.preserve_scroll;
this.config.preserve_scroll = false; // prevent scrolling from layout resize, scroll will be called here later on
this.config.preserve_scroll = preserveScroll;
if (this.config.preserve_scroll && pos) {
if (posX) {
var new_pos = gantt.getScrollState();
var new_date = gantt.dateFromPos(new_pos.x);
if (!(+visibleDate == +new_date && new_pos.y == pos.y)) {
var posX = null;
var posY = null;
if (visibleDate) {
var posX = Math.max(gantt.posFromDate(visibleDate) - gantt.config.task_scroll_offset, 0);
if (pos.y) {
posY = pos.y;
gantt.scrollTo(posX, posY);
} else {
this.callEvent("onGanttRender", []);
}; //TODO: add layout.resize method that wouldn't trigger data repaint
gantt.setSizes = gantt.render;
gantt.getTaskRowNode = function (id) {
var els = this.$grid_data.childNodes;
var attribute = this.config.task_attribute;
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
if (els[i].getAttribute) {
var value = els[i].getAttribute(attribute);
if (value == id) return els[i];
return null;
gantt.changeLightboxType = function (type) {
if (this.getLightboxType() == type) return true;
gantt._get_link_type = function (from_start, to_start) {
var type = null;
if (from_start && to_start) {
type = gantt.config.links.start_to_start;
} else if (!from_start && to_start) {
type = gantt.config.links.finish_to_start;
} else if (!from_start && !to_start) {
type = gantt.config.links.finish_to_finish;
} else if (from_start && !to_start) {
type = gantt.config.links.start_to_finish;
return type;
gantt.isLinkAllowed = function (from, to, from_start, to_start) {
var link = null;
if (_typeof(from) == "object") {
link = from;
} else {
link = {
source: from,
target: to,
type: this._get_link_type(from_start, to_start)
if (!link) return false;
if (!(link.source && && link.type)) return false;
if (link.source == return false;
var res = true; //any custom rules
if (this.checkEvent("onLinkValidation")) res = this.callEvent("onLinkValidation", [link]);
return res;
gantt._correct_dst_change = function (date, prevOffset, step, unit) {
var time_unit = helpers.getSecondsInUnit(unit) * step;
if (time_unit > 60 * 60 && time_unit < 60 * 60 * 24) {
//correct dst change only if current unit is more than one hour and less than day (days have own checking), e.g. 12h
var offsetChanged = date.getTimezoneOffset() - prevOffset;
if (offsetChanged) {
date =, offsetChanged, "minute");
return date;
gantt.isSplitTask = function (task) {
gantt.assert(task && task instanceof Object, "Invalid argument <b>task</b>=" + task + " of gantt.isSplitTask. Task object was expected");
return this.$data.tasksStore._isSplitItem(task);
gantt._is_icon_open_click = function (e) {
if (!e) return false;
var target = || e.srcElement;
if (!(target && target.className)) return false;
var className = domHelpers.getClassName(target);
if (className.indexOf("gantt_tree_icon") !== -1 && (className.indexOf("gantt_close") !== -1 || className.indexOf("gantt_open") !== -1)) return true;
return false;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/gantt_data_range.js":
!*** ./sources/core/gantt_data_range.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var ScaleHelper = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/timeline/scales_ignore */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/scales.js");
var PrimaryScaleHelper = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/timeline/scales */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/scales.js");
function resolveConfigRange(unit, gantt) {
var range = {
start_date: null,
end_date: null
if (gantt.config.start_date && gantt.config.end_date) {
range.start_date =[unit + "_start"](new Date(gantt.config.start_date));
var end = new Date(gantt.config.end_date);
var start_interval =[unit + "_start"](new Date(end));
if (+end != +start_interval) {
end =, 1, unit);
} else {
end = start_interval;
range.end_date = end;
return range;
function _scale_range_unit(gantt) {
var primaryScale = new PrimaryScaleHelper(gantt).primaryScale();
var unit = primaryScale.unit;
var step = primaryScale.step;
if (gantt.config.scale_offset_minimal) {
var helper = new ScaleHelper(gantt);
var scales = [helper.primaryScale()].concat(helper.getSubScales());
unit = scales[scales.length - 1].unit;
step = scales[scales.length - 1].step || 1;
return {
unit: unit,
step: step
function _init_tasks_range(gantt) {
var cfg = _scale_range_unit(gantt);
var unit = cfg.unit,
step = cfg.step;
var range = resolveConfigRange(unit, gantt);
if (!(range.start_date && range.end_date)) {
range = gantt.getSubtaskDates();
if (!range.start_date || !range.end_date) {
range = {
start_date: new Date(),
end_date: new Date()
range.start_date =[unit + "_start"](range.start_date);
range.start_date = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date:[unit + "_start"](range.start_date),
duration: -1,
unit: unit,
step: step
}); //one free column before first task
range.end_date =[unit + "_start"](range.end_date);
range.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: range.end_date,
duration: 2,
unit: unit,
step: step
}); //one free column after last task
gantt._min_date = range.start_date;
gantt._max_date = range.end_date;
function _adjust_scales(gantt) {
if (gantt.config.fit_tasks) {
var old_min = +gantt._min_date,
old_max = +gantt._max_date; //this._init_tasks_range();
if (+gantt._min_date != old_min || +gantt._max_date != old_max) {
gantt.callEvent("onScaleAdjusted", []);
return true;
return false;
module.exports = function updateTasksRange(gantt) {
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/grid_column_api.gpl.js":
!*** ./sources/core/grid_column_api.gpl.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.getGridColumn = function (name) {
var columns = gantt.config.columns;
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
if (columns[i].name == name) return columns[i];
return null;
gantt.getGridColumns = function () {
return gantt.config.columns.slice();
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/grid_column_api.js":
!*** ./sources/core/grid_column_api.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var Grid = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/grid/grid */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/grid.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./grid_column_api.gpl */ "./sources/core/grid_column_api.gpl.js")(gantt);
Grid.prototype.getGridColumns = function () {
var config = this.$getConfig();
var columns = config.columns,
visibleColumns = [];
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
if (!columns[i].hide) visibleColumns.push(columns[i]);
return visibleColumns;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/load.js":
!*** ./sources/core/load.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.load = function (url, type, callback) {
this._load_url = url;
this.assert(arguments.length, "Invalid load arguments");
var tp = 'json',
cl = null;
if (arguments.length >= 3) {
tp = type;
cl = callback;
} else {
if (typeof arguments[1] == "string") tp = arguments[1];else if (typeof arguments[1] == "function") cl = arguments[1];
this._load_type = tp;
this.callEvent("onLoadStart", [url, tp]);
return this.ajax.get(url, gantt.bind(function (l) {
this.on_load(l, tp);
this.callEvent("onLoadEnd", [url, tp]);
if (typeof cl == "function");
}, this));
gantt.parse = function (data, type) {
xmlDoc: {
responseText: data
}, type);
gantt.serialize = function (type) {
type = type || "json";
return this[type].serialize();
tasks and relations
"start_date":"Date or string",
"end_date":"Date or string",
{key:, label:, optional:...},...
* */
gantt.on_load = function (resp, type) {
if (resp.xmlDoc && resp.xmlDoc.status === 404) {
// work if we don't have a file at current url
this.assert(false, "Failed to load the data from <a href='" + resp.xmlDoc.responseURL + "' target='_blank'>" + resp.xmlDoc.responseURL + "</a>, server returns 404");
if (gantt.$destroyed) {
this.callEvent("onBeforeParse", []);
if (!type) type = "json";
this.assert(this[type], "Invalid data type:'" + type + "'");
var raw = resp.xmlDoc.responseText;
var data = this[type].parse(raw, resp);
gantt._process_loading = function (data) {
if (data.collections) this._load_collections(data.collections);
this.$data.tasksStore.parse( || data.tasks);
var links = data.links || (data.collections ? data.collections.links : []);
this.$data.linksStore.parse(links); //this._sync_links();
this.callEvent("onParse", []);
gantt._load_collections = function (collections) {
var collections_loaded = false;
for (var key in collections) {
if (collections.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
collections_loaded = true;
var collection = collections[key];
var arr = this.serverList[key];
if (!arr) continue;
arr.splice(0, arr.length); //clear old options
for (var j = 0; j < collection.length; j++) {
var option = collection[j];
var obj = this.copy(option);
obj.key = obj.value; // resulting option object
for (var option_key in option) {
if (option.hasOwnProperty(option_key)) {
if (option_key == "value" || option_key == "label") continue;
obj[option_key] = option[option_key]; // obj['value'] = option['value']
if (collections_loaded) this.callEvent("onOptionsLoad", []);
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDisplay", function (id, task) {
return !task.$ignore;
function jsonParseError(data) {
gantt.assert(false, "Can't parse data: incorrect value of gantt.parse or gantt.load method. " + "Actual argument value: " + JSON.stringify(data));
throw new Error("Invalid argument for gantt.parse or gantt.load. An object or a JSON string of format is expected. Actual argument value: " + JSON.stringify(data));
gantt.json = {
parse: function parse(data) {
if (!data) {
if (typeof data == "string") {
if ((typeof JSON === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(JSON)) != undefined) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
} else {
gantt.assert(false, "JSON is not supported");
if (! && !data.tasks) {
if (data.dhx_security) gantt.security_key = data.dhx_security;
return data;
serializeTask: function serializeTask(task) {
return this._copyObject(task);
serializeLink: function serializeLink(link) {
return this._copyLink(link);
_copyLink: function _copyLink(obj) {
var copy = {};
for (var key in obj) {
copy[key] = obj[key];
return copy;
_copyObject: function _copyObject(obj) {
var copy = {};
for (var key in obj) {
if (key.charAt(0) == "$") continue;
copy[key] = obj[key];
if (helpers.isDate(copy[key])) {
copy[key] = gantt.defined(gantt.templates.xml_format) ? gantt.templates.xml_format(copy[key]) : gantt.templates.format_date(copy[key]);
return copy;
serialize: function serialize() {
var tasks = [];
var links = [];
gantt.eachTask(function (obj) {
}, gantt.config.root_id, this);
var rawLinks = gantt.getLinks();
for (var i = 0; i < rawLinks.length; i++) {
return {
data: tasks,
links: links
<task id:"some" parent_id="0" progress="0.5">
<text>My task 1</text>
<link source='a1' target='b2' type='c3' />
function xmlParseError(data) {
gantt.assert(false, "Can't parse data: incorrect value of gantt.parse or gantt.load method. " + "Actual argument value: " + JSON.stringify(data));
throw new Error("Invalid argument for gantt.parse or gantt.load. An XML of format is expected. Actual argument value: " + JSON.stringify(data));
gantt.xml = {
_xmlNodeToJSON: function _xmlNodeToJSON(node, attrs_only) {
var t = {};
for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
t[node.attributes[i].name] = node.attributes[i].value;
if (!attrs_only) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = node.childNodes[i];
if (child.nodeType == 1) t[child.tagName] = child.firstChild ? child.firstChild.nodeValue : "";
if (!t.text) t.text = node.firstChild ? node.firstChild.nodeValue : "";
return t;
_getCollections: function _getCollections(loader) {
var collection = {};
var opts = gantt.ajax.xpath("//coll_options", loader);
for (var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
var bind = opts[i].getAttribute("for");
var arr = collection[bind] = [];
var itms = gantt.ajax.xpath(".//item", opts[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < itms.length; j++) {
var itm = itms[j];
var attrs = itm.attributes;
var obj = {
key: itms[j].getAttribute("value"),
label: itms[j].getAttribute("label")
for (var k = 0; k < attrs.length; k++) {
var attr = attrs[k];
if (attr.nodeName == "value" || attr.nodeName == "label") continue;
obj[attr.nodeName] = attr.nodeValue;
return collection;
_getXML: function _getXML(text, loader, toptag) {
toptag = toptag || "data";
if (!loader.getXMLTopNode) {
loader = gantt.ajax.parse(loader);
var xml = gantt.ajax.xmltop(toptag, loader.xmlDoc);
if (!xml || xml.tagName != toptag) {
var skey = xml.getAttribute("dhx_security");
if (skey) gantt.security_key = skey;
return xml;
parse: function parse(text, loader) {
loader = this._getXML(text, loader);
var data = {};
var evs = = [];
var xml = gantt.ajax.xpath("//task", loader);
for (var i = 0; i < xml.length; i++) {
evs[i] = this._xmlNodeToJSON(xml[i]);
data.collections = this._getCollections(loader);
return data;
_copyLink: function _copyLink(obj) {
return "<item id='" + + "' source='" + obj.source + "' target='" + + "' type='" + obj.type + "' />";
_copyObject: function _copyObject(obj) {
return "<task id='" + + "' parent='" + (obj.parent || "") + "' start_date='" + obj.start_date + "' duration='" + obj.duration + "' open='" + !! + "' progress='" + obj.progress + "' end_date='" + obj.end_date + "'><![CDATA[" + obj.text + "]]></task>";
serialize: function serialize() {
var tasks = [];
var links = [];
var json = gantt.json.serialize();
for (var i = 0, len =; i < len; i++) {
for (var i = 0, len = json.links.length; i < len; i++) {
return "<data>" + tasks.join("") + "<coll_options for='links'>" + links.join("") + "</coll_options></data>";
gantt.oldxml = {
parse: function parse(text, loader) {
loader = gantt.xml._getXML(text, loader, "projects");
var data = {
collections: {
links: []
var evs = = [];
var xml = gantt.ajax.xpath("//task", loader);
for (var i = 0; i < xml.length; i++) {
evs[i] = gantt.xml._xmlNodeToJSON(xml[i]);
var parent = xml[i].parentNode;
if (parent.tagName == "project") evs[i].parent = "project-" + parent.getAttribute("id");else evs[i].parent = parent.parentNode.getAttribute("id");
xml = gantt.ajax.xpath("//project", loader);
for (var i = 0; i < xml.length; i++) {
var ev = gantt.xml._xmlNodeToJSON(xml[i], true); = "project-" +;
for (var i = 0; i < evs.length; i++) {
var ev = evs[i];
ev.start_date = ev.startdate || ev.est;
ev.end_date = ev.enddate;
ev.text =;
ev.duration = ev.duration / 8; = 1;
if (!ev.duration && !ev.end_date) ev.duration = 1;
if (ev.predecessortasks) data.collections.links.push({
source: ev.predecessortasks,
type: gantt.config.links.finish_to_start
return data;
serialize: function serialize() {
gantt.message("Serialization to 'old XML' is not implemented");
gantt.serverList = function (name, array) {
if (array) {
this.serverList[name] = array.slice(0);
} else if (!this.serverList[name]) {
this.serverList[name] = [];
return this.serverList[name];
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/plugins/auto_task_types.js":
!*** ./sources/core/plugins/auto_task_types.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
function isEnabled() {
return gantt.config.auto_types && // if enabled
gantt.getTaskType(gantt.config.types.project) == gantt.config.types.project; // and supported
function callIfEnabled(callback) {
return function () {
if (!isEnabled()) {
return true;
return callback.apply(this, arguments);
function checkTaskType(id, changedTypes) {
var task = gantt.getTask(id);
var targetType = getTaskTypeToUpdate(task);
if (targetType !== false && gantt.getTaskType(task) !== targetType) {
changedTypes.$needsUpdate = true;
changedTypes[] = {
task: task,
type: targetType
function getUpdatedTypes(id, changedTypes) {
changedTypes = changedTypes || {};
checkTaskType(id, changedTypes);
gantt.eachParent(function (parent) {
checkTaskType(, changedTypes);
}, id);
return changedTypes;
function applyChanges(changedTypes) {
for (var i in changedTypes) {
if (changedTypes[i] && changedTypes[i].task) {
var task = changedTypes[i].task;
task.type = changedTypes[i].type;
function updateParentTypes(startId) {
if (gantt.getState().group_mode) {
var changedTypes = getUpdatedTypes(startId);
if (changedTypes.$needsUpdate) {
gantt.batchUpdate(function () {
var delTaskParent;
function updateTaskType(task, targetType) {
if (!gantt.getState().group_mode) {
task.type = targetType;
function getTaskTypeToUpdate(task) {
var allTypes = gantt.config.types;
var hasChildren = gantt.hasChild(;
var taskType = gantt.getTaskType(task.type);
if (hasChildren && taskType === allTypes.task) {
return allTypes.project;
if (!hasChildren && taskType === allTypes.project) {
return allTypes.task;
return false;
var isParsingDone = true;
gantt.attachEvent("onParse", callIfEnabled(function () {
isParsingDone = false;
if (gantt.getState().group_mode) {
gantt.batchUpdate(function () {
gantt.eachTask(function (task) {
var targetType = getTaskTypeToUpdate(task);
if (targetType !== false) {
updateTaskType(task, targetType);
isParsingDone = true;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskAdd", callIfEnabled(function (id) {
if (isParsingDone) {
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskUpdate", callIfEnabled(function (id) {
if (isParsingDone) {
function updateAfterRemoveChild(id) {
if (id != gantt.config.root_id && gantt.isTaskExists(id)) {
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDelete", callIfEnabled(function (id, task) {
delTaskParent = gantt.getParent(id);
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskDelete", callIfEnabled(function (id, task) {
var originalRowDndParent;
gantt.attachEvent("onRowDragStart", callIfEnabled(function (id, target, e) {
originalRowDndParent = gantt.getParent(id);
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onRowDragEnd", callIfEnabled(function (id, target) {
var originalMoveTaskParent;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskMove", callIfEnabled(function (sid, parent, tindex) {
originalMoveTaskParent = gantt.getParent(sid);
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskMove", callIfEnabled(function (id, parent, tindex) {
if (document.querySelector(".gantt_drag_marker")) {
// vertical dnd in progress
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/plugins/batch_update.js":
!*** ./sources/core/plugins/batch_update.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var global = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/global */ "./sources/utils/global.js");
function createMethod(gantt) {
var methods = {};
var isActive = false;
function disableMethod(methodName, dummyMethod) {
dummyMethod = typeof dummyMethod == "function" ? dummyMethod : function () {};
if (!methods[methodName]) {
methods[methodName] = this[methodName];
this[methodName] = dummyMethod;
function restoreMethod(methodName) {
if (methods[methodName]) {
this[methodName] = methods[methodName];
methods[methodName] = null;
function disableMethods(methodsHash) {
for (var i in methodsHash) {, i, methodsHash[i]);
function restoreMethods() {
for (var i in methods) {, i);
function batchUpdatePayload(callback) {
try {
} catch (e) {
var state = gantt.$services.getService("state");
state.registerProvider("batchUpdate", function () {
return {
batch_update: isActive
}, false);
return function batchUpdate(callback, noRedraw) {
if (isActive) {
// batch mode is already active
var call_dp = this._dp && this._dp.updateMode != "off";
var dp_mode;
if (call_dp) {
dp_mode = this._dp.updateMode;
} // temporary disable some methods while updating multiple tasks
var resetProjects = {};
var methods = {
"render": true,
"refreshData": true,
"refreshTask": true,
"refreshLink": true,
"resetProjectDates": function resetProjectDates(task) {
resetProjects[] = task;
};, methods);
isActive = true;
this.callEvent("onBeforeBatchUpdate", []);
this.callEvent("onAfterBatchUpdate", []);; // do required updates after changes applied
for (var i in resetProjects) {
isActive = false;
if (!noRedraw) {
if (call_dp) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.batchUpdate = createMethod(gantt);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/plugins/formatters.js":
!*** ./sources/core/plugins/formatters.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var DurationFormatter = __webpack_require__(/*! ../common/duration_formatter */ "./sources/core/common/duration_formatter_numeric.ts")["default"];
var LinkFormatter = __webpack_require__(/*! ../common/link_formatter */ "./sources/core/common/link_formatter_simple.ts")["default"];
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.ext.formatters = {
durationFormatter: function durationFormatter(settings) {
if (!settings) {
settings = {};
if (! { = gantt.config.duration_unit;
if (!settings.enter) {
settings.enter = gantt.config.duration_unit;
return DurationFormatter.create(settings, gantt);
linkFormatter: function linkFormatter(settings) {
return LinkFormatter.create(settings, gantt);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/plugins/index.js":
!*** ./sources/core/plugins/index.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
if (!gantt.ext) {
gantt.ext = {};
var modules = [__webpack_require__(/*! ./batch_update */ "./sources/core/plugins/batch_update.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./wbs */ "./sources/core/plugins/wbs.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./resources */ "./sources/core/plugins/resources.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./resource_assignments */ "./sources/core/plugins/resource_assignments.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./new_task_placeholder */ "./sources/core/plugins/new_task_placeholder.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./auto_task_types */ "./sources/core/plugins/auto_task_types.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./formatters */ "./sources/core/plugins/formatters.js")];
for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
if (modules[i]) modules[i](gantt);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/plugins/new_task_placeholder.js":
!*** ./sources/core/plugins/new_task_placeholder.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function addPlaceholder(gantt) {
function isEnabled() {
return gantt.config.placeholder_task;
function callIfEnabled(callback) {
return function () {
if (!isEnabled()) {
return true;
return callback.apply(this, arguments);
function silenceDataProcessor(dataProcessor) {
if (dataProcessor && !dataProcessor._silencedPlaceholder) {
dataProcessor._silencedPlaceholder = true;
dataProcessor.attachEvent("onBeforeUpdate", callIfEnabled(function (id, state, data) {
if (data.type == gantt.config.types.placeholder) {
dataProcessor.setUpdated(id, false);
return false;
return true;
function insertPlaceholder() {
var placeholders = gantt.getTaskBy("type", gantt.config.types.placeholder);
if (!placeholders.length || !gantt.isTaskExists(placeholders[0].id)) {
var placeholder = {
unscheduled: true,
type: gantt.config.types.placeholder,
duration: 0,
text: gantt.locale.labels.new_task
if (gantt.callEvent("onTaskCreated", [placeholder]) === false) {
function afterEdit(id) {
var item = gantt.getTask(id);
if (item.type == gantt.config.types.placeholder) {
if (item.start_date && item.end_date && item.unscheduled) {
item.unscheduled = false;
gantt.batchUpdate(function () {
var newTask = gantt.copy(item);
gantt.silent(function () {
delete newTask["!nativeeditor_status"];
newTask.type = gantt.config.types.task; = gantt.uid();
gantt.addTask(newTask); //insertPlaceholder();
gantt.config.types.placeholder = "placeholder";
gantt.attachEvent("onDataProcessorReady", callIfEnabled(silenceDataProcessor));
var ready = false;
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
if (ready) {
ready = true;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskUpdate", callIfEnabled(afterEdit));
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskAdd", callIfEnabled(function (id, task) {
if (task.type != gantt.config.types.placeholder) {
var placeholders = gantt.getTaskBy("type", gantt.config.types.placeholder);
placeholders.forEach(function (p) {
gantt.silent(function () {
if (gantt.isTaskExists( gantt.deleteTask(;
gantt.attachEvent("onParse", callIfEnabled(insertPlaceholder));
function isPlaceholderTask(taskId) {
if (gantt.config.types.placeholder && gantt.isTaskExists(taskId)) {
var task = gantt.getTask(taskId);
if (task.type == gantt.config.types.placeholder) {
return true;
return false;
function isPlaceholderLink(link) {
if (isPlaceholderTask(link.source) || isPlaceholderTask( {
return true;
return false;
gantt.attachEvent("onLinkValidation", function (link) {
if (isPlaceholderLink(link)) {
return false;
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeLinkAdd", function (id, link) {
if (isPlaceholderLink(link)) {
return false;
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeUndoStack", function (action) {
for (var i = 0; i < action.commands.length; i++) {
var command = action.commands[i];
if (command.entity === "task" && command.value.type === gantt.config.types.placeholder) {
action.commands.splice(i, 1);
return true;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/plugins/resource_assignments.js":
!*** ./sources/core/plugins/resource_assignments.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var resourceAssignmentsProperty = "$resourceAssignments";
gantt.config.resource_assignment_store = "resourceAssignments";
gantt.config.process_resource_assignments = true;
var resourceAssignmentFormats = {
auto: "auto",
singleValue: "singleValue",
valueArray: "valueArray",
resourceValueArray: "resourceValueArray",
assignmentsArray: "assignmentsArray"
var resourceAssignmentFormat =; //"primitiveSingle";//"primitive";//"object"|"assignment"
var assignmentModes = {
fixedDates: "fixedDates",
fixedDuration: "fixedDuration",
"default": "default"
function initAssignmentFields(item, task) {
if (item.start_date) {
item.start_date =, "parse_date");
} else {
item.start_date = null;
if (item.end_date) {
item.end_date =, "parse_date");
} else {
item.end_date = null;
var delay = Number(item.delay);
var initDelay = false;
if (!isNaN(delay)) {
item.delay = delay;
} else {
item.delay = 0;
initDelay = true;
if (!gantt.defined(item.value)) {
item.value = null;
if (!item.task_id || !item.resource_id) {
return false;
item.mode = item.mode || assignmentModes["default"];
if (item.mode === assignmentModes.fixedDuration) {
if (isNaN(Number(item.duration))) {
task = task || gantt.getTask(item.task_id);
item.duration = gantt.calculateDuration({
start_date: item.start_date,
end_date: item.end_date,
id: task
if (initDelay) {
task = task || gantt.getTask(item.task_id);
item.delay = gantt.calculateDuration({
start_date: task.start_date,
end_date: item.start_date,
id: task
if (item.mode !== assignmentModes.fixedDates && (task || gantt.isTaskExists(item.task_id))) {
task = task || gantt.getTask(item.task_id);
var timing = _assignmentTimeFromTask(item, task);
item.start_date = timing.start_date;
item.end_date = timing.end_date;
item.duration = timing.duration;
} // gantt init
var resourceAssignmentsStore = gantt.createDatastore({
name: gantt.config.resource_assignment_store,
initItem: function initItem(item) {
if (! { = gantt.uid();
return item;
function _assignmentTimeFromTask(assignment, task) {
if (assignment.mode === assignmentModes.fixedDates) {
return {
start_date: assignment.start_date,
end_date: assignment.end_date,
duration: assignment.duration
} else {
var start = assignment.delay ? gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: task.start_date,
duration: assignment.delay,
task: task
}) : new Date(task.start_date);
var end;
var duration;
if (assignment.mode === assignmentModes.fixedDuration) {
end = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: start,
duration: assignment.duration,
task: task
duration = assignment.duration;
} else {
end = new Date(task.end_date);
duration = task.duration - assignment.delay;
return {
start_date: start,
end_date: end,
duration: duration
} // data loading
function _makeAssignmentsFromTask(task) {
var property = gantt.config.resource_property;
var assignments = task[property];
var resourceAssignments = [];
var detectFormat = resourceAssignmentFormat ===;
if (gantt.defined(assignments) && assignments) {
if (!Array.isArray(assignments)) {
assignments = [assignments];
if (detectFormat) {
resourceAssignmentFormat = resourceAssignmentFormats.singleValue;
detectFormat = false;
var usedIds = {};
assignments.forEach(function (res) {
if (!res.resource_id) {
// when resource is a string/number
res = {
resource_id: res
if (detectFormat) {
resourceAssignmentFormat = resourceAssignmentFormats.valueArray;
detectFormat = false;
} // isSimpleArray = true;
if (detectFormat) {
if ( && res.resource_id) {
resourceAssignmentFormat = resourceAssignmentFormats.assignmentsArray;
detectFormat = false;
} else {
resourceAssignmentFormat = resourceAssignmentFormats.resourceValueArray;
detectFormat = false;
var defaultMode = assignmentModes["default"];
if (!res.mode) {
if (res.start_date && res.end_date || res.start_date && res.duration) {
defaultMode = assignmentModes.fixedDuration;
var id;
if (! && res.$id && !usedIds[res.$id]) {
id = res.$id;
} else if ( && !usedIds[]) {
id =;
} else {
id = gantt.uid();
usedIds[id] = true;
var assignment = {
id: id,
start_date: res.start_date,
duration: res.duration,
end_date: res.end_date,
delay: res.delay,
resource_id: res.resource_id,
value: res.value,
mode: res.mode || defaultMode
if (!(assignment.start_date && assignment.start_date.getMonth && assignment.end_date && assignment.end_date.getMonth && typeof assignment.duration === "number")) {
initAssignmentFields(assignment, task);
return resourceAssignments;
function _updateTaskBack(taskId) {
// GS-1493. In some cases, the resource assignment store has the tasks that no longer exist
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(taskId)) {
var task = gantt.getTask(taskId);
var assignments = gantt.getTaskAssignments(;
_assignAssignments(task, assignments);
function _assignAssignments(task, assignments) {
assignments.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.start_date && b.start_date && a.start_date.valueOf() != b.start_date.valueOf()) {
return a.start_date - b.start_date;
} else {
return 0;
if (resourceAssignmentFormat == resourceAssignmentFormats.assignmentsArray) {
task[gantt.config.resource_property] = assignments;
} else if (resourceAssignmentFormat == resourceAssignmentFormats.resourceValueArray) {
task[gantt.config.resource_property] = (a) {
return {
start_date: a.start_date,
duration: a.duration,
end_date: a.end_date,
delay: a.delay,
resource_id: a.resource_id,
value: a.value,
mode: a.mode
task[resourceAssignmentsProperty] = assignments;
function _loadAssignmentsFromTask(task) {
var assignments = _makeAssignmentsFromTask(task);
var taskAssignments = [];
assignments.forEach(function (a) { = || gantt.uid(); //var newId = resourceAssignmentsStore.addItem(a);
return assignments;
function diffAssignments(taskValues, assignmentsStoreValues) {
var result = {
inBoth: [],
inTaskNotInStore: [],
inStoreNotInTask: []
if (resourceAssignmentFormat == resourceAssignmentFormats.singleValue) {
var taskOwner = taskValues[0];
var ownerId = taskOwner ? taskOwner.resource_id : null;
var foundOwnerAssignment = false;
assignmentsStoreValues.forEach(function (a) {
if (a.resource_id != ownerId) {
} else if (a.resource_id == ownerId) {
store: a,
task: taskOwner
foundOwnerAssignment = true;
if (!foundOwnerAssignment && taskOwner) {
} else if (resourceAssignmentFormat == resourceAssignmentFormats.valueArray) {
var taskSearch = {};
var storeSearch = {};
var processedIds = {};
taskValues.forEach(function (a) {
taskSearch[a.resource_id] = a;
assignmentsStoreValues.forEach(function (a) {
storeSearch[a.resource_id] = a;
taskValues.concat(assignmentsStoreValues).forEach(function (a) {
if (processedIds[a.resource_id]) {
processedIds[a.resource_id] = true;
var inTask = taskSearch[a.resource_id];
var inStore = storeSearch[a.resource_id];
if (inTask && inStore) {
store: inStore,
task: inTask
} else if (inTask && !inStore) {
} else if (!inTask && inStore) {
} else if (resourceAssignmentFormat == resourceAssignmentFormats.assignmentsArray || resourceAssignmentFormat == resourceAssignmentFormats.resourceValueArray) {
var taskSearch = {};
var storeSearch = {};
var processedIds = {};
taskValues.forEach(function (a) {
taskSearch[ || a.$id] = a;
assignmentsStoreValues.forEach(function (a) {
storeSearch[] = a;
taskValues.concat(assignmentsStoreValues).forEach(function (a) {
var id = || a.$id;
if (processedIds[id]) {
processedIds[id] = true;
var inTask = taskSearch[id];
var inStore = storeSearch[id];
if (inTask && inStore) {
store: inStore,
task: inTask
} else if (inTask && !inStore) {
} else if (!inTask && inStore) {
return result;
function assignmentHasChanged(source, target) {
var ignoreFields = {
id: true
for (var i in source) {
if (!ignoreFields[i]) {
if (String(source[i]) !== String(target[i])) {
return true;
return false;
function updateAssignment(source, target) {
var ignoreFields = {
id: true
for (var i in source) {
if (!ignoreFields[i]) {
target[i] = source[i];
function _syncAssignments(task, storeAssignments) {
var tasksAssignments = _makeAssignmentsFromTask(task);
var diff = diffAssignments(tasksAssignments, storeAssignments);
diff.inStoreNotInTask.forEach(function (a) {
diff.inTaskNotInStore.forEach(function (a) {
diff.inBoth.forEach(function (a) {
if (assignmentHasChanged(a.task, {
} else {
if (a.task.start_date && a.task.end_date && a.task.mode !== assignmentModes.fixedDates) {
var timing = _assignmentTimeFromTask(, task);
if ( != timing.start_date.valueOf() || != timing.end_date.valueOf()) { = timing.start_date; = timing.end_date; = timing.duration;
function _syncOnTaskUpdate(task) {
var storeAssignments = task[resourceAssignmentsProperty] || resourceAssignmentsStore.find(function (a) {
return a.task_id ==;
_syncAssignments(task, storeAssignments);
function _syncOnTaskDelete(ids) {
var idsSearch = {};
ids.forEach(function (id) {
idsSearch[id] = true;
var taskResources = resourceAssignmentsStore.find(function (a) {
return idsSearch[a.task_id];
taskResources.forEach(function (a) {
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
if (gantt.config.process_resource_assignments) {
gantt.attachEvent("onParse", function () {
gantt.silent(function () {
var totalAssignments = [];
gantt.eachTask(function (task) {
if (task.type === gantt.config.types.project) {
var assignments = _loadAssignmentsFromTask(task);
_assignAssignments(task, assignments);
assignments.forEach(function (a) {
var batchUpdate = false;
var needUpdate = false;
var needUpdateFor = {};
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeBatchUpdate", function () {
batchUpdate = true;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterBatchUpdate", function () {
if (needUpdate) {
var assignmentsHash = {};
for (var i in needUpdateFor) {
assignmentsHash[i] = gantt.getTaskAssignments(needUpdateFor[i].id);
for (var i in needUpdateFor) {
_syncAssignments(needUpdateFor[i], assignmentsHash[i]);
needUpdate = false;
batchUpdate = false;
needUpdateFor = {};
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskCreated", function (item) {
var assignments = _loadAssignmentsFromTask(item);
_assignAssignments(item, assignments);
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskUpdate", function (id, item) {
if (batchUpdate) {
needUpdate = true;
needUpdateFor[id] = item;
} else {
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskAdd", function (id, item) {
if (batchUpdate) {
needUpdate = true;
needUpdateFor[id] = item;
} else {
/* gantt.attachEvent("onRowDragMove", function (id) {
gantt.attachEvent("onRowDragEnd", function (id) {
gantt.$data.tasksStore.attachEvent("onAfterDeleteConfirmed", function (id, item) {
var deleteIds = [id];
gantt.eachTask(function (task) {
}, id);
gantt.$data.tasksStore.attachEvent("onClearAll", function () {
resourceAssignmentsCache = null;
resourceTaskAssignmentsCache = null;
taskAssignmentsCache = null;
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskIdChange", function (id, new_id) {
var taskResources = resourceAssignmentsStore.find(function (a) {
return a.task_id == id;
taskResources.forEach(function (a) {
a.task_id = new_id;
_updateTaskBack(new_id); //any custom logic here
var resourceAssignmentsCache = null;
var resourceTaskAssignmentsCache = null;
var taskAssignmentsCache = null;
resourceAssignmentsStore.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", function resetCache() {
if (batchUpdate) {
return true;
resourceAssignmentsCache = null;
resourceTaskAssignmentsCache = null;
taskAssignmentsCache = null;
return true;
gantt.getResourceAssignments = function (resourceId, taskId) {
var searchTaskId = gantt.defined(taskId) && taskId !== null;
if (resourceAssignmentsCache === null) {
resourceAssignmentsCache = {};
resourceTaskAssignmentsCache = {};
resourceAssignmentsStore.eachItem(function (a) {
if (!resourceAssignmentsCache[a.resource_id]) {
resourceAssignmentsCache[a.resource_id] = [];
var resourceTaskCacheKey = a.resource_id + "-" + a.task_id;
if (!resourceTaskAssignmentsCache[resourceTaskCacheKey]) {
resourceTaskAssignmentsCache[resourceTaskCacheKey] = [];
if (searchTaskId) {
return (resourceTaskAssignmentsCache[resourceId + "-" + taskId] || []).slice();
} else {
return (resourceAssignmentsCache[resourceId] || []).slice();
gantt.getTaskAssignments = function (taskId) {
if (taskAssignmentsCache === null) {
var result = [];
taskAssignmentsCache = {};
resourceAssignmentsStore.eachItem(function (a) {
if (!taskAssignmentsCache[a.task_id]) {
taskAssignmentsCache[a.task_id] = [];
if (a.task_id == taskId) {
return (taskAssignmentsCache[taskId] || []).slice();
gantt.updateTaskAssignments = _updateTaskBack;
}, {
once: true
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/plugins/resources.js":
!*** ./sources/core/plugins/resources.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
function createResourceMethods(gantt) {
var resourceTaskCache = {};
var singleResourceCacheBuilt = false;
gantt.$data.tasksStore.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", function () {
resourceTaskCache = {};
singleResourceCacheBuilt = false;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeGanttRender", function () {
resourceTaskCache = {};
function getTaskBy(propertyName, propertyValue) {
if (typeof propertyName == "function") {
return filterResourceTasks(propertyName);
} else {
if (helpers.isArray(propertyValue)) {
return getResourceTasks(propertyName, propertyValue);
} else {
return getResourceTasks(propertyName, [propertyValue]);
function filterResourceTasks(filter) {
var res = [];
gantt.eachTask(function (task) {
if (filter(task)) {
return res;
var falsyValuePrefix = String(Math.random());
function resourceHashFunction(value) {
if (value === null) {
return falsyValuePrefix + String(value);
return String(value);
function getCacheKey(resourceIds, property) {
if (Array.isArray(resourceIds)) {
return (value) {
return resourceHashFunction(value);
}).join("_") + "_" + property;
} else {
return resourceHashFunction(resourceIds) + "_" + property;
function getResourceTasks(property, resourceIds) {
var res;
var cacheKey = getCacheKey(resourceIds, property);
var matchingResources = {};
helpers.forEach(resourceIds, function (resourceId) {
matchingResources[resourceHashFunction(resourceId)] = true;
if (!resourceTaskCache[cacheKey]) {
res = resourceTaskCache[cacheKey] = [];
gantt.eachTask(function (task) {
if (task.type == gantt.config.types.project) return;
if (property in task) {
var resourceValue;
if (!helpers.isArray(task[property])) {
resourceValue = [task[property]];
} else {
resourceValue = task[property];
helpers.forEach(resourceValue, function (value) {
var resourceValue = value && value.resource_id ? value.resource_id : value;
if (matchingResources[resourceHashFunction(resourceValue)]) {
} else if (!singleResourceCacheBuilt) {
var key = getCacheKey(value, property);
if (!resourceTaskCache[key]) {
resourceTaskCache[key] = [];
singleResourceCacheBuilt = true;
} else {
res = resourceTaskCache[cacheKey];
return res;
function selectAssignments(resourceId, taskId, result) {
var property = gantt.config.resource_property;
var owners = [];
if (gantt.getDatastore("task").exists(taskId)) {
var task = gantt.getTask(taskId);
owners = task[property] || [];
if (!Array.isArray(owners)) {
owners = [owners];
for (var i = 0; i < owners.length; i++) {
if (owners[i].resource_id == resourceId) {
resource_id: owners[i].resource_id,
value: owners[i].value
function getResourceAssignments(resourceId, taskId) {
// resource assignment as an independent module:
// {taskId:, resourceId, value}
// TODO: probably should add a separate datastore for these
var assignments = [];
var property = gantt.config.resource_property;
if (taskId !== undefined) {
selectAssignments(resourceId, taskId, assignments);
} else {
var tasks = gantt.getTaskBy(property, resourceId);
tasks.forEach(function (task) {
selectAssignments(resourceId,, assignments);
return assignments;
return {
getTaskBy: getTaskBy,
getResourceAssignments: getResourceAssignments
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var methods = createResourceMethods(gantt);
gantt.getTaskBy = methods.getTaskBy;
gantt.getResourceAssignments = methods.getResourceAssignments;
gantt.config.resource_property = "owner_id";
gantt.config.resource_store = "resource";
gantt.config.resource_render_empty_cells = false;
* these are placeholder functions that should be redefined by the user
gantt.templates.histogram_cell_class = function (start_date, end_date, resource, tasks, assignments) {};
gantt.templates.histogram_cell_label = function (start_date, end_date, resource, tasks, assignments) {
return tasks.length + "/3";
gantt.templates.histogram_cell_allocated = function (start_date, end_date, resource, tasks, assignments) {
return tasks.length / 3;
gantt.templates.histogram_cell_capacity = function (start_date, end_date, resource, tasks, assignments) {
return 0;
gantt.templates.resource_cell_class = function (start, end, resource, tasks, assignments) {
var css = "";
if (tasks.length <= 1) {
css = "gantt_resource_marker_ok";
} else {
css = "gantt_resource_marker_overtime";
return css;
gantt.templates.resource_cell_value = function (start, end, resource, tasks, assignments) {
return tasks.length * 8;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/plugins/wbs.js":
!*** ./sources/core/plugins/wbs.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
var createWbs = function createWbs(gantt) {
return {
_needRecalc: true,
reset: function reset() {
this._needRecalc = true;
_isRecalcNeeded: function _isRecalcNeeded() {
return !this._isGroupSort() && this._needRecalc;
_isGroupSort: function _isGroupSort() {
return !!gantt.getState().group_mode;
_getWBSCode: function _getWBSCode(task) {
if (!task) return "";
if (this._isRecalcNeeded()) {
if (task.$virtual) return "";
if (this._isGroupSort()) return task.$wbs || "";
if (!task.$wbs) {
return task.$wbs;
_setWBSCode: function _setWBSCode(task, value) {
task.$wbs = value;
getWBSCode: function getWBSCode(task) {
return this._getWBSCode(task);
getByWBSCode: function getByWBSCode(code) {
var parts = code.split(".");
var currentNode = gantt.config.root_id;
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var children = gantt.getChildren(currentNode);
var index = parts[i] * 1 - 1;
if (gantt.isTaskExists(children[index])) {
currentNode = children[index];
} else {
return null;
if (gantt.isTaskExists(currentNode)) {
return gantt.getTask(currentNode);
} else {
return null;
_calcWBS: function _calcWBS() {
if (!this._isRecalcNeeded()) return;
var _isFirst = true;
gantt.eachTask(function (ch) {
if (_isFirst) {
_isFirst = false;
this._setWBSCode(ch, "1");
var _prevSibling = gantt.getPrevSibling(;
if (_prevSibling !== null) {
var _wbs = gantt.getTask(_prevSibling).$wbs;
if (_wbs) {
_wbs = _wbs.split(".");
_wbs[_wbs.length - 1]++;
this._setWBSCode(ch, _wbs.join("."));
} else {
var _parent = gantt.getParent(;
this._setWBSCode(ch, gantt.getTask(_parent).$wbs + ".1");
}, gantt.config.root_id, this);
this._needRecalc = false;
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var wbs = createWbs(gantt);
gantt.getWBSCode = function getWBSCode(task) {
return wbs.getWBSCode(task);
gantt.getTaskByWBSCode = function (code) {
return wbs.getByWBSCode(code);
function resetCache() {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskMove", resetCache);
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeParse", resetCache);
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskDelete", resetCache);
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskAdd", resetCache);
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterSort", resetCache);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/resource_timetable_builder.js":
!*** ./sources/core/resource_timetable_builder.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
module.exports = function createResourceTimelineBuilder(gantt) {
var resourceTaskCache = {};
gantt.$data.tasksStore.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", function () {
resourceTaskCache = {};
function getResourceLoad(resource, resourceProperty, scale, timeline) {
var cacheKey = + "_" + resourceProperty + "_" + scale.unit + "_" + scale.step;
var res;
if (!resourceTaskCache[cacheKey]) {
res = resourceTaskCache[cacheKey] = calculateResourceLoad(resource, resourceProperty, scale, timeline);
} else {
res = resourceTaskCache[cacheKey];
return res;
function calculateResourceLoadFromAssignments(items, scale, assignmentsPassed) {
var scaleUnit = scale.unit;
var scaleStep = scale.step;
var timegrid = {};
var precalculatedTimes = {};
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
var task = item;
if (assignmentsPassed) {
task = gantt.getTask(item.task_id);
var minDate = item.start_date || task.start_date;
var maxDate = item.end_date || task.end_date;
if (assignmentsPassed) {
if (item.start_date) {
minDate = new Date(Math.max(item.start_date.valueOf(), task.start_date.valueOf()));
if (item.end_date) {
maxDate = new Date(Math.min(item.end_date.valueOf(), task.end_date.valueOf()));
var firstColumn = helpers.findBinary(scale.trace_x, minDate.valueOf());
var currDate = new Date(scale.trace_x[firstColumn] ||[scaleUnit + "_start"](new Date(minDate)));
var calendar = gantt.config.work_time ? gantt.getTaskCalendar(task) : gantt;
precalculatedTimes[] = {};
while (currDate < maxDate) {
var cachedTimes = precalculatedTimes[];
var date = currDate;
var timestamp = date.valueOf();
currDate =, scaleStep, scaleUnit);
if (cachedTimes[timestamp] === false) {
var isWorkTime = calendar.isWorkTime({
date: date,
task: task,
unit: scaleUnit
if (!isWorkTime) {
cachedTimes[timestamp] = false;
if (!timegrid[timestamp]) {
timegrid[timestamp] = {
tasks: [],
assignments: []
if (assignmentsPassed) {
return timegrid;
function calculateResourceLoad(resource, resourceProperty, scale, timeline) {
var items;
var assignmentsPassed = false;
var timegrid = {};
if (gantt.config.process_resource_assignments && resourceProperty === gantt.config.resource_property) {
if (resource.$role == "task") {
items = gantt.getResourceAssignments(resource.$resource_id, resource.$task_id);
} else {
items = gantt.getResourceAssignments(;
assignmentsPassed = true;
} else if (resource.$role == "task") {
items = [];
} else {
items = gantt.getTaskBy(resourceProperty,;
var timegrid = calculateResourceLoadFromAssignments(items, scale, assignmentsPassed);
var scaleUnit = scale.unit;
var scaleStep = scale.step;
var timetable = [];
var start, end, tasks, assignments, cell;
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
for (var i = 0; i < scale.trace_x.length; i++) {
start = new Date(scale.trace_x[i]);
end =, scaleStep, scaleUnit);
cell = timegrid[start.valueOf()] || {};
tasks = cell.tasks || [];
assignments = cell.assignments || [];
if (tasks.length || config.resource_render_empty_cells) {
start_date: start,
end_date: end,
tasks: tasks,
assignments: assignments
} else {
return timetable;
return getResourceLoad;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/tasks.js":
!*** ./sources/core/tasks.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.isReadonly = function (item) {
if ((typeof item == "number" || typeof item == "string") && gantt.isTaskExists(item)) {
item = gantt.getTask(item);
if (item && item[this.config.editable_property]) {
return false;
} else {
return item && item[this.config.readonly_property] || this.config.readonly;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/configurable.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/configurable.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
function extendSettings(store, parentSettings) {
var own = this.$config[store];
if (own) {
if (!own.$extendedConfig) {
own.$extendedConfig = true;
Object.setPrototypeOf(own, parentSettings);
return own;
} else {
return parentSettings;
var configurable = function configurable(parentView) {
var parentConfig, parentTemplates;
return {
$getConfig: function $getConfig() {
if (!parentConfig) {
parentConfig = parentView ? parentView.$getConfig() : this.$gantt.config;
if (!this.$config.config) {
return parentConfig;
} else {
return, "config", parentConfig);
$getTemplates: function $getTemplates() {
if (!parentTemplates) {
parentTemplates = parentView ? parentView.$getTemplates() : this.$gantt.templates;
if (!this.$config.templates) {
return parentTemplates;
} else {
return, "templates", parentTemplates);
module.exports = function (obj, parent) {
utils.mixin(obj, configurable(parent));
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/gantt_layers.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/gantt_layers.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var createLayerFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/layer_engine */ "./sources/core/ui/render/layer_engine.js");
function initLayer(layer, gantt) {
if (!layer.view) {
var view = layer.view;
if (typeof view === "string") {
view = gantt.$ui.getView(view);
if (view && view.attachEvent) {
view.attachEvent("onScroll", function () {
var state = gantt.$services.getService("state"); // don't repaint if we're inside batchUpdate, a complete repaint will be called afterwards
if (!state.getState("batchUpdate").batch_update && !view.$config.$skipSmartRenderOnScroll) {
if (layer.requestUpdate) {
var createLayerEngine = function createLayerEngine(gantt) {
var factory = createLayerFactory(gantt);
return {
getDataRender: function getDataRender(name) {
return gantt.$services.getService("layer:" + name) || null;
createDataRender: function createDataRender(config) {
var name =,
defaultContainer = config.defaultContainer,
previusSiblingContainer = config.defaultContainerSibling;
var layers = factory.createGroup(defaultContainer, previusSiblingContainer, function (itemId, item) {
if (layers.filters) {
for (var i = 0; i < layers.filters.length; i++) {
if (layers.filters[i](itemId, item) === false) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
}, initLayer);
gantt.$services.setService("layer:" + name, function () {
return layers;
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
layers.addLayer(); // init layers on start
return layers;
init: function init() {
var taskLayers = this.createDataRender({
name: "task",
defaultContainer: function defaultContainer() {
if (gantt.$task_data) {
return gantt.$task_data;
} else if (gantt.$ui.getView("timeline")) {
return gantt.$ui.getView("timeline").$task_data;
defaultContainerSibling: function defaultContainerSibling() {
if (gantt.$task_links) {
return gantt.$task_links;
} else if (gantt.$ui.getView("timeline")) {
return gantt.$ui.getView("timeline").$task_links;
filter: function filter(item) {}
}, gantt);
var linkLayers = this.createDataRender({
name: "link",
defaultContainer: function defaultContainer() {
if (gantt.$task_data) {
return gantt.$task_data;
} else if (gantt.$ui.getView("timeline")) {
return gantt.$ui.getView("timeline").$task_data;
}, gantt);
return {
addTaskLayer: function addTaskLayer(config) {
if (typeof config === "function") {
config = {
renderer: config
config.view = "timeline";
return taskLayers.addLayer(config);
_getTaskLayers: function _getTaskLayers() {
return taskLayers.getLayers();
removeTaskLayer: function removeTaskLayer(id) {
_clearTaskLayers: function _clearTaskLayers() {
addLinkLayer: function addLinkLayer(config) {
if (typeof config === "function") {
config = {
renderer: {
render: config
config.view = "timeline";
return linkLayers.addLayer(config);
_getLinkLayers: function _getLinkLayers() {
return linkLayers.getLayers();
removeLinkLayer: function removeLinkLayer(id) {
_clearLinkLayers: function _clearLinkLayers() {
module.exports = createLayerEngine;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/controller.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/controller.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var getKeyboardMapping = __webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_mappings */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/keyboard_mappings.js");
var textEditorFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./editors/text */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/text.js"),
numberEditorFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./editors/number */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/number.js"),
selectEditorFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./editors/select */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/select.js"),
dateEditorFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./editors/date */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/date.js"),
predecessorEditorFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./editors/predecessor */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/predecessor.js"),
durationEditorFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./editors/duration */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/duration.js");
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js");
var linkedPropertiesProcessor = __webpack_require__(/*! ./linked_properties */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/linked_properties.js");
function initConfigs(gantt) {
gantt.config.editor_types = {
text: new (textEditorFactory(gantt))(),
number: new (numberEditorFactory(gantt))(),
select: new (selectEditorFactory(gantt))(),
date: new (dateEditorFactory(gantt))(),
predecessor: new (predecessorEditorFactory(gantt))(),
duration: new (durationEditorFactory(gantt))()
function create(gantt) {
var keyboardMapping = getKeyboardMapping(gantt);
var eventBus = {};
function createGridEditors(grid) {
function _getGridCellFromNode(node) {
if (!domHelpers.isChildOf(node, grid.$grid)) {
return null;
var row = domHelpers.locateAttribute(node, grid.$config.item_attribute);
var cell = domHelpers.locateAttribute(node, "data-column-name");
if (row && cell) {
var columnName = cell.getAttribute("data-column-name");
var id = row.getAttribute(grid.$config.item_attribute);
return {
id: id,
columnName: columnName
return null;
function _getEditorPosition(itemId, columnName) {
var config = grid.$getConfig();
var top = grid.getItemTop(itemId);
var height = grid.getItemHeight(itemId);
var cols = grid.getGridColumns();
var left = 0,
right = 0,
width = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
if (cols[i].name == columnName) {
width = cols[i].width;
if (config.rtl) {
right += cols[i].width;
} else {
left += cols[i].width;
if (config.rtl) {
return {
top: top,
right: right,
height: height,
width: width
} else {
return {
top: top,
left: left,
height: height,
width: width
function findVisibleIndex(grid, columnName) {
var columns = grid.getGridColumns();
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
if (columns[i].name == columnName) {
return i;
return 0;
function _createPlaceholder(itemId, columnName) {
var config = grid.$getConfig();
var pos = _getEditorPosition(itemId, columnName);
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.className = "gantt_grid_editor_placeholder";
el.setAttribute(grid.$config.item_attribute, itemId);
el.setAttribute(grid.$config.bind + "_id", itemId); // for backward compatibility
el.setAttribute("data-column-name", columnName);
var visibleIndex = findVisibleIndex(grid, columnName);
el.setAttribute("data-column-index", visibleIndex);
if (config.rtl) { = ["top:" + + "px", "right:" + pos.right + "px", "width:" + pos.width + "px", "height:" + pos.height + "px"].join(";");
} else { = ["top:" + + "px", "left:" + pos.left + "px", "width:" + pos.width + "px", "height:" + pos.height + "px"].join(";");
return el;
var updateTaskDateProperties = linkedPropertiesProcessor(gantt);
var handlers = [];
var ganttHandlers = [];
var store = null;
var controller = {
_itemId: null,
_columnName: null,
_editor: null,
_editorType: null,
_placeholder: null,
locateCell: _getGridCellFromNode,
getEditorConfig: function getEditorConfig(columnName) {
var column = grid.getColumn(columnName);
return column.editor;
init: function init() {
var mapping = keyboardMapping.getMapping();
if (mapping.init) {
mapping.init(this, grid);
store = grid.$gantt.getDatastore(grid.$config.bind);
var self = this;
handlers.push(store.attachEvent("onIdChange", function (oldId, newId) {
if (self._itemId == oldId) {
self._itemId = newId;
handlers.push(store.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", function () {
if (grid.$gantt.getState("batchUpdate").batch_update) {
if (self.isVisible() && !store.isVisible(self._itemId)) {
ganttHandlers.push(gantt.attachEvent("onDataRender", function () {
if (self._editor && self._placeholder && !domHelpers.isChildOf(self._placeholder, gantt.$root)) {
this.init = function () {};
getState: function getState() {
return {
editor: this._editor,
editorType: this._editorType,
placeholder: this._placeholder,
id: this._itemId,
columnName: this._columnName
startEdit: function startEdit(itemId, columnName) {
if (this.isVisible()) {;
if (!store.exists(itemId)) {
var editorState = {
id: itemId,
columnName: columnName
if (gantt.isReadonly(store.getItem(itemId))) {
this.callEvent("onEditPrevent", [editorState]);
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeEditStart", [editorState]) === false) {
this.callEvent("onEditPrevent", [editorState]);
}, editorState.columnName);
this.callEvent("onEditStart", [editorState]);
isVisible: function isVisible() {
return !!(this._editor && domHelpers.isChildOf(this._placeholder, gantt.$root));
show: function show(itemId, columnName) {
if (this.isVisible()) {;
var editorState = {
id: itemId,
columnName: columnName
var column = grid.getColumn(editorState.columnName);
var editorConfig = this.getEditorConfig(;
if (!editorConfig) return;
var editor = grid.$getConfig().editor_types[editorConfig.type];
var placeholder = _createPlaceholder(, editorState.columnName);
grid.$grid_data.appendChild(placeholder);, column, editorConfig, placeholder);
this._editor = editor;
this._placeholder = placeholder;
this._itemId =;
this._columnName = editorState.columnName;
this._editorType = editorConfig.type;
var mapping = keyboardMapping.getMapping();
if (mapping.onShow) {
mapping.onShow(this, placeholder, grid);
setValue: function setValue() {
var state = this.getState();
var itemId =,
columnName = state.columnName;
var column = grid.getColumn(columnName);
var item = store.getItem(itemId);
var editorConfig = this.getEditorConfig(columnName);
if (!editorConfig) return;
var value = item[editorConfig.map_to];
if (editorConfig.map_to == "auto") {
value = store.getItem(itemId);
this._editor.set_value(value, itemId, column, this._placeholder);
focus: function focus() {
getValue: function getValue() {
var column = grid.getColumn(this._columnName);
return this._editor.get_value(this._itemId, column, this._placeholder);
_getItemValue: function _getItemValue() {
var editorConfig = this.getEditorConfig(this._columnName);
if (!editorConfig) return;
var item = gantt.getTask(this._itemId);
var value = item[editorConfig.map_to];
if (editorConfig.map_to == "auto") {
value = store.getItem(this._itemId);
return value;
isChanged: function isChanged() {
var column = grid.getColumn(this._columnName);
var value = this._getItemValue();
return this._editor.is_changed(value, this._itemId, column, this._placeholder);
hide: function hide() {
if (!this._itemId) return;
var itemId = this._itemId,
columnName = this._columnName;
var mapping = keyboardMapping.getMapping();
if (mapping.onHide) {
mapping.onHide(this, this._placeholder, grid);
this._itemId = null;
this._columnName = null;
this._editorType = null;
if (!this._placeholder) return;
if (this._editor && this._editor.hide) {
this._editor = null;
if (this._placeholder.parentNode) {
this._placeholder = null;
this.callEvent("onEditEnd", [{
id: itemId,
columnName: columnName
save: function save() {
if (!(this.isVisible() && store.exists(this._itemId) && this.isChanged())) {
var itemId = this._itemId,
columnName = this._columnName;
if (!store.exists(itemId)) {
var item = store.getItem(itemId);
var editorConfig = this.getEditorConfig(columnName);
var editorState = {
id: itemId,
columnName: columnName,
newValue: this.getValue(),
oldValue: this._getItemValue()
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeSave", [editorState]) !== false) {
if (!this._editor.is_valid || this._editor.is_valid(editorState.newValue,, editorState.columnName, this._placeholder)) {
var mapTo = editorConfig.map_to;
var value = editorState.newValue;
if (mapTo != "auto") {
item[mapTo] = value;
updateTaskDateProperties(item, mapTo, gantt.config.inline_editors_date_processing);
} else {, grid.getColumn(columnName), this._placeholder);
this.callEvent("onSave", [editorState]);
_findEditableCell: function findEditableCell(start, direction) {
var nextIndex = start;
var columns = grid.getGridColumns();
var nextColumn = columns[nextIndex];
var columnName = nextColumn ? : null;
if (columnName) {
while (columnName && !this.getEditorConfig(columnName)) {
columnName = this._findEditableCell(start + direction, direction);
return columnName;
return null;
getNextCell: function moveCell(dir) {
// GS-1257. true means to exclude hidden columns
return this._findEditableCell(grid.getColumnIndex(this._columnName, true) + dir, dir);
getFirstCell: function getFirstCell() {
return this._findEditableCell(0, 1);
getLastCell: function getLastCell() {
return this._findEditableCell(grid.getGridColumns().length - 1, -1);
editNextCell: function nextCell(canChangeRow) {
var cell = this.getNextCell(1);
if (cell) {
var nextColumn = this.getNextCell(1);
if (nextColumn && this.getEditorConfig(nextColumn)) {
this.startEdit(this._itemId, nextColumn);
} else if (canChangeRow && this.moveRow(1)) {
var task = this.moveRow(1);
cell = this.getFirstCell();
if (cell && this.getEditorConfig(cell)) {
this.startEdit(task, cell);
editPrevCell: function prevCell(canChangeRow) {
var cell = this.getNextCell(-1);
if (cell) {
var nextColumn = this.getNextCell(-1);
if (nextColumn && this.getEditorConfig(nextColumn)) {
this.startEdit(this._itemId, nextColumn);
} else if (canChangeRow && this.moveRow(-1)) {
var task = this.moveRow(-1);
cell = this.getLastCell();
if (cell && this.getEditorConfig(cell)) {
this.startEdit(task, cell);
moveRow: function moveRow(dir) {
var moveTask = dir > 0 ? gantt.getNext : gantt.getPrev;
moveTask = gantt.bind(moveTask, gantt);
var nextItem = moveTask(this._itemId); // skip readonly rows
while (gantt.isTaskExists(nextItem) && gantt.isReadonly(gantt.getTask(nextItem))) {
nextItem = moveTask(nextItem);
return nextItem;
editNextRow: function nextRow(skipReadonly) {
var id = this.getState().id;
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(id)) return;
var next = null;
if (skipReadonly) {
next = this.moveRow(1);
} else {
next = gantt.getNext(id);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(next)) {
this.startEdit(next, this._columnName);
editPrevRow: function prevRow(skipReadonly) {
var id = this.getState().id;
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(id)) return;
var prev = null;
if (skipReadonly) {
prev = this.moveRow(-1);
} else {
prev = gantt.getPrev(id);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(prev)) {
this.startEdit(prev, this._columnName);
destructor: function destructor() {
handlers.forEach(function (handlerId) {
ganttHandlers.forEach(function (handlerId) {
handlers = [];
ganttHandlers = [];
store = null;
utils.mixin(controller, keyboardMapping);
utils.mixin(controller, eventBus);
return controller;
var inlineEditController = {
init: initConfigs,
createEditors: createGridEditors
utils.mixin(inlineEditController, keyboardMapping);
utils.mixin(inlineEditController, eventBus);
return inlineEditController;
module.exports = create;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/base.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/base.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var BaseEditor = function BaseEditor() {};
BaseEditor.prototype = {
show: function show(id, column, config, placeholder) {},
hide: function hide() {},
set_value: function set_value(value, id, column, node) {
this.get_input(node).value = value;
get_value: function get_value(id, column, node) {
return this.get_input(node).value || "";
is_changed: function is_changed(value, id, column, node) {
var currentValue = this.get_value(id, column, node);
if (currentValue && value && currentValue.valueOf && value.valueOf) {
return currentValue.valueOf() != value.valueOf();
} else {
return currentValue != value;
is_valid: function is_valid(value, id, column, node) {
return true;
save: function save(id, column, node) {},
get_input: function get_input(node) {
return node.querySelector("input");
focus: function focus(node) {
var input = this.get_input(node);
if (!input) {
if (input.focus) {
if ( {;
return BaseEditor;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/date.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/date.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var BaseEditor = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/base.js")(gantt),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
var html5DateFormat = "%Y-%m-%d";
var dateToStr = null;
var strToDate = null;
function init() {
if (!dateToStr) {
dateToStr =;
if (!strToDate) {
strToDate =;
function DateEditor() {
var self = BaseEditor.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(DateEditor, BaseEditor);
utils.mixin(DateEditor.prototype, {
show: function show(id, column, config, placeholder) {
var minValue = null;
var maxValue = null;
if (typeof config.min === "function") {
minValue = config.min(id, column);
} else {
minValue = config.min;
if (typeof config.max === "function") {
maxValue = config.max(id, column);
} else {
maxValue = config.max;
var minAttr = minValue ? " min='" + dateToStr(minValue) + "' " : "";
var maxAttr = maxValue ? " max='" + dateToStr(maxValue) + "' " : "";
var html = "<div style='width:140px'><input type='date' " + minAttr + maxAttr + " name='" + + "'></div>";
placeholder.innerHTML = html;
set_value: function set_value(value, id, column, node) {
if (value && value.getFullYear) {
this.get_input(node).value = dateToStr(value);
} else {
this.get_input(node).value = value;
is_valid: function is_valid(value, id, column, node) {
if (!value || isNaN(value.getTime())) return false;
return true;
get_value: function get_value(id, column, node) {
var parsed;
try {
parsed = strToDate(this.get_input(node).value || "");
} catch (e) {
parsed = null; // return null will cancel changes
return parsed;
}, true);
return DateEditor;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/duration.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/duration.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var BaseEditor = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/base.js")(gantt),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
function TextEditor() {
var self = BaseEditor.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(TextEditor, BaseEditor);
function getFormatter(config) {
return config.formatter || gantt.ext.formatters.durationFormatter();
utils.mixin(TextEditor.prototype, {
show: function show(id, column, config, placeholder) {
var html = "<div><input type='text' name='" + + "'></div>";
placeholder.innerHTML = html;
set_value: function set_value(value, id, column, node) {
this.get_input(node).value = getFormatter(column.editor).format(value);
get_value: function get_value(id, column, node) {
return getFormatter(column.editor).parse(this.get_input(node).value || "");
}, true);
return TextEditor;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/number.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/number.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var BaseEditor = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/base.js")(gantt),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
function NumberEditor() {
var self = BaseEditor.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(NumberEditor, BaseEditor);
utils.mixin(NumberEditor.prototype, {
show: function show(id, column, config, placeholder) {
var min = config.min || 0,
max = config.max || 100;
var html = "<div><input type='number' min='" + min + "' max='" + max + "' name='" + + "'></div>";
placeholder.innerHTML = html;
get_value: function get_value(id, column, node) {
return this.get_input(node).value || "";
is_valid: function is_valid(value, id, column, node) {
return !isNaN(parseInt(value, 10));
}, true);
return NumberEditor;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/predecessor.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/predecessor.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var BaseEditor = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/base.js")(gantt),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
function PredecessorEditor() {
var self = BaseEditor.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(PredecessorEditor, BaseEditor);
function getFormatter(config) {
return config.formatter || gantt.ext.formatters.linkFormatter();
function parseInputString(value, config) {
var predecessors = (value || "").split(config.delimiter || ",");
for (var i = 0; i < predecessors.length; i++) {
var val = predecessors[i].trim();
if (val) {
predecessors[i] = val;
} else {
predecessors.splice(i, 1);
return predecessors;
function formatPredecessors(task, config, gantt) {
var links = task.$target;
var labels = [];
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var link = gantt.getLink(links[i]);
return labels.join((config.delimiter || ",") + " ");
function getSelectedLinks(taskId, predecessorCodes, config) {
var links = [];
predecessorCodes.forEach(function (code) {
var link = getFormatter(config).parse(code);
if (link) { = taskId; // GS-1290 A way to preserve the link. Otherwise validation will return false
// because the existing link ID is not passed there = "predecessor_generated";
if (gantt.isLinkAllowed(link)) { = undefined;
return links;
function formatLinkKey(link) {
return link.source + "_" + + "_" + link.type + "_" + (link.lag || 0);
function getLinksDiff(task, predecessorCodes, config) {
var selectedLinks = getSelectedLinks(, predecessorCodes, config);
var existingLinksSearch = {};
task.$target.forEach(function (linkId) {
var link = gantt.getLink(linkId);
existingLinksSearch[formatLinkKey(link)] =;
var linksToAdd = [];
selectedLinks.forEach(function (link) {
var linkKey = formatLinkKey(link);
if (!existingLinksSearch[linkKey]) {
} else {
delete existingLinksSearch[linkKey];
var linksToDelete = [];
for (var i in existingLinksSearch) {
return {
add: linksToAdd,
remove: linksToDelete
utils.mixin(PredecessorEditor.prototype, {
show: function show(id, column, config, placeholder) {
var html = "<div><input type='text' name='" + + "'></div>";
placeholder.innerHTML = html;
hide: function hide() {},
set_value: function set_value(value, id, column, node) {
this.get_input(node).value = formatPredecessors(value, column.editor, gantt);
get_value: function get_value(id, column, node) {
return parseInputString(this.get_input(node).value || "", column.editor);
save: function save(id, column, node) {
var task = gantt.getTask(id);
var linksDiff = getLinksDiff(task, this.get_value(id, column, node), column.editor);
if (linksDiff.add.length || linksDiff.remove.length) {
gantt.batchUpdate(function () {
linksDiff.add.forEach(function (link) {
linksDiff.remove.forEach(function (linkId) {
if (gantt.autoSchedule) gantt.autoSchedule();
is_changed: function is_changed(value, id, column, node) {
var inputPredecessors = this.get_value(id, column, node);
var taskPredecessors = parseInputString(formatPredecessors(value, column.editor, gantt), column.editor);
return inputPredecessors.join() !== taskPredecessors.join();
}, true);
return PredecessorEditor;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/select.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/select.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var BaseEditor = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/base.js")(gantt),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
function SelectEditor() {
var self = BaseEditor.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(SelectEditor, BaseEditor);
utils.mixin(SelectEditor.prototype, {
show: function show(id, column, config, placeholder) {
var html = "<div><select name='" + + "'>";
var optionsHtml = [],
options = config.options || [];
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
optionsHtml.push("<option value='" + config.options[i].key + "'>" + options[i].label + "</option>");
html += optionsHtml.join("") + "</select></div>";
placeholder.innerHTML = html;
get_input: function get_input(node) {
return node.querySelector("select");
}, true);
return SelectEditor;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/text.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/text.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var BaseEditor = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/editors/base.js")(gantt),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
function TextEditor() {
var self = BaseEditor.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(TextEditor, BaseEditor);
utils.mixin(TextEditor.prototype, {
show: function show(id, column, config, placeholder) {
var html = "<div><input type='text' name='" + + "'></div>";
placeholder.innerHTML = html;
}, true);
return TextEditor;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/keyboard_mappings.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/keyboard_mappings.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var defaultMapping = __webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_mappings/default */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/keyboard_mappings/default.js");
var keyNavMappings = __webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_mappings/keyboard_navigation */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/keyboard_mappings/keyboard_navigation.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var mapping = null;
return {
setMapping: function setMapping(map) {
mapping = map;
getMapping: function getMapping() {
if (mapping) {
return mapping;
} else if (gantt.config.keyboard_navigation_cells && gantt.ext.keyboardNavigation) {
return keyNavMappings;
} else {
return defaultMapping;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/keyboard_mappings/default.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/keyboard_mappings/default.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = {
init: function init(controller, grid) {
var gantt = grid.$gantt;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskClick", function (id, e) {
if (gantt._is_icon_open_click(e)) return true;
var state = controller.getState();
var cell = controller.locateCell(;
if (cell && controller.getEditorConfig(cell.columnName)) {
if (controller.isVisible() && == && state.columnName == cell.columnName) {// do nothing if editor is already active in this cell
} else {
controller.startEdit(, cell.columnName);
return false;
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onEmptyClick", function () {
if (controller.isVisible() && controller.isChanged()) {;
} else {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskDblClick", function (id, e) {
var state = controller.getState();
var cell = controller.locateCell(;
if (cell && controller.isVisible() && cell.columnName == state.columnName) {
//GS-933 probably, we don't need to hide the inline editor because the lightbox cannot be opened if you double-click on an inline editor
//remove this code later if people don't complain
return false;
return true;
onShow: function onShow(controller, placeholder, grid) {
var gantt = grid.$gantt;
if (gantt.ext && gantt.ext.keyboardNavigation) {
var keyNav = gantt.ext.keyboardNavigation;
keyNav.attachEvent("onKeyDown", function (command, e) {
var keyboard = gantt.constants.KEY_CODES;
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
var preventKeyNav = false;
switch (keyCode) {
case keyboard.SPACE:
if (controller.isVisible()) {
preventKeyNav = true;
if (preventKeyNav) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
placeholder.onkeydown = function (e) {
e = e || window.event;
var keyboard = gantt.constants.KEY_CODES;
if (e.defaultPrevented || e.shiftKey && e.keyCode != keyboard.TAB) {
var shouldPrevent = true;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case gantt.keys.edit_save:;
case gantt.keys.edit_cancel:
case keyboard.UP:
case keyboard.DOWN:
if (controller.isVisible()) {
shouldPrevent = false;
case keyboard.TAB:
if (e.shiftKey) {
} else {
shouldPrevent = false;
if (shouldPrevent) {
onHide: function onHide() {},
destroy: function destroy() {}
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/keyboard_mappings/keyboard_navigation.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/keyboard_mappings/keyboard_navigation.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = {
init: function init(controller, grid) {
var self = controller;
var gantt = grid.$gantt;
var onBlurDelay = null;
var keyNav = gantt.ext.keyboardNavigation;
keyNav.attachEvent("onBeforeFocus", function (node) {
var activeCell = controller.locateCell(node);
if (activeCell) {
var columnName = activeCell.columnName;
var id =;
var editorState = self.getState();
if (self.isVisible()) {
if ( == id && editorState.columnName === columnName) {
return false;
return true;
keyNav.attachEvent("onFocus", function (node) {
var activeCell = controller.locateCell(node);
var state = controller.getState();
if (activeCell && !( == && activeCell.columnName == state.columnName)) {
if (self.isVisible()) {;
return true;
controller.attachEvent("onHide", function () {
keyNav.attachEvent("onBlur", function () {
onBlurDelay = setTimeout(function () {;
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskDblClick", function (id, e) {
// block lightbox on double click inside editor
var state = controller.getState();
var cell = controller.locateCell(;
if (cell && controller.isVisible() && cell.columnName == state.columnName) {
return false;
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskClick", function (id, e) {
if (gantt._is_icon_open_click(e)) return true;
var state = controller.getState();
var cell = controller.locateCell(;
if (cell && controller.getEditorConfig(cell.columnName)) {
if (controller.isVisible() && == && state.columnName == cell.columnName) {// do nothing if editor is already active in this cell
} else {
controller.startEdit(, cell.columnName);
return false;
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onEmptyClick", function () {;
return true;
keyNav.attachEvent("onKeyDown", function (command, e) {
var activeCell = controller.locateCell(;
var hasEditor = activeCell ? controller.getEditorConfig(activeCell.columnName) : false;
var state = controller.getState();
var keyboard = gantt.constants.KEY_CODES;
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
var preventKeyNav = false;
switch (keyCode) {
case keyboard.ENTER:
if (controller.isVisible()) {;
preventKeyNav = true;
} else if (hasEditor && !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey)) {
self.startEdit(, activeCell.columnName);
preventKeyNav = true;
case keyboard.ESC:
if (controller.isVisible()) {
preventKeyNav = true;
case keyboard.UP:
case keyboard.DOWN:
case keyboard.LEFT:
case keyboard.RIGHT:
if (hasEditor && controller.isVisible() || state.editorType === "date") {
preventKeyNav = true;
case keyboard.SPACE:
if (controller.isVisible()) {
preventKeyNav = true;
if (hasEditor && !controller.isVisible()) {
self.startEdit(, activeCell.columnName);
preventKeyNav = true;
case keyboard.DELETE:
if (hasEditor && !controller.isVisible()) {
self.startEdit(, activeCell.columnName);
preventKeyNav = true;
} else if (hasEditor && controller.isVisible()) {
preventKeyNav = true;
case keyboard.TAB:
if (controller.isVisible()) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
} else {
var newState = controller.getState();
if ( {
type: "taskCell",
column: newState.columnName
preventKeyNav = true;
if (controller.isVisible()) preventKeyNav = true;else {
// start editing on character key
if (keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57 || // [0-9]
keyCode > 95 && keyCode < 112 || // numpad
keyCode >= 64 && keyCode <= 91 || // [a-z]
keyCode > 185 && keyCode < 193 || //;=-,etc
keyCode > 218 && keyCode < 223) {
var modifiers = command.modifiers;
var anyModifier = modifiers.alt || modifiers.ctrl || modifiers.meta || modifiers.shift;
if (modifiers.alt) {// don't start editing on alt+key
} else if (anyModifier && keyNav.getCommandHandler(command, "taskCell")) {// don't start editing if command already have a keyboard shortcut
} else if (hasEditor && !controller.isVisible()) {
self.startEdit(, activeCell.columnName);
preventKeyNav = true;
if (preventKeyNav) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
onShow: function onShow(controller, placeholder, grid) {},
onHide: function onHide(controller, placeholder, grid) {
var gantt = grid.$gantt;
destroy: function destroy() {}
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/linked_properties.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/linked_properties.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
return function processTaskDateProperties(item, mapTo, mode) {
if (mode == "keepDates") {
keepDatesOnEdit(item, mapTo);
} else if (mode == "keepDuration") {
keepDurationOnEdit(item, mapTo);
} else {
defaultActionOnEdit(item, mapTo);
}; // resize task
// resize task when start/end/duration changes
function keepDatesOnEdit(item, mapTo) {
if (mapTo == "duration") {
item.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate(item);
} else if (mapTo == "end_date" || mapTo == "start_date") {
item.duration = gantt.calculateDuration(item);
} // move task(before 6.2)
// move task when start/end dates changes
// resize task when duration changes
function keepDurationOnEdit(item, mapTo) {
if (mapTo == "end_date") {
item.start_date = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: item.end_date,
duration: -item.duration,
task: item
} else if (mapTo == "start_date" || mapTo == "duration") {
item.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate(item);
} // default behavior
// move task when start date changes
// resize task when end date/duration changes
function defaultActionOnEdit(item, mapTo) {
if (mapTo == "start_date" || mapTo == "duration") {
item.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate(item);
} else if (mapTo == "end_date") {
item.duration = gantt.calculateDuration(item);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/grid.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/grid.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js"),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js"),
eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js"),
gridResize = __webpack_require__(/*! ./grid_resize */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/grid_resize.gpl.js"),
topPositionMixin = __webpack_require__(/*! ../row_position_mixin */ "./sources/core/ui/row_position_mixin.js"),
rowResize = __webpack_require__(/*! ./task_grid_row_resize */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/task_grid_row_resize.js");
var ColumnDnd = __webpack_require__(/*! ../plugins/column_grid_dnd */ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/column_grid_dnd/index.ts")["default"];
var Grid = function Grid(parent, config, factory, gantt) {
this.$config = utils.mixin({}, config || {});
this.$gantt = gantt;
this.$parent = parent;
this.$state = {};
utils.mixin(this, topPositionMixin(this));
Grid.prototype = {
init: function init(container) {
var gantt = this.$gantt;
var gridAriaAttr = gantt._waiAria.gridAttrString();
var gridDataAriaAttr = gantt._waiAria.gridDataAttrString();
var _ganttConfig = this.$getConfig();
var reorderColumns = _ganttConfig.reorder_grid_columns || false;
if (this.$config.reorder_grid_columns !== undefined) {
reorderColumns = this.$config.reorder_grid_columns;
container.innerHTML = "<div class='gantt_grid' style='height:inherit;width:inherit;' " + gridAriaAttr + "></div>";
this.$grid = container.childNodes[0];
this.$grid.innerHTML = "<div class='gantt_grid_scale' " + gantt._waiAria.gridScaleRowAttrString() + "></div><div class='gantt_grid_data' " + gridDataAriaAttr + "></div>";
this.$grid_scale = this.$grid.childNodes[0];
this.$grid_data = this.$grid.childNodes[1];
var attr = _ganttConfig[this.$config.bind + "_attribute"];
if (!attr && this.$config.bind) {
attr = "data-" + this.$config.bind + "-id";
this.$config.item_attribute = attr || null;
if (!this.$config.layers) {
var layers = this._createLayerConfig();
this.$config.layers = layers;
var resizer = gridResize(gantt, this);
this._renderHeaderResizers = resizer.doOnRender;
this._mouseDelegates = __webpack_require__(/*! ../mouse_event_container */ "./sources/core/ui/mouse_event_container.js")(gantt);
var resizerrow = rowResize(gantt, this);
if (reorderColumns) {
this._columnDND = new ColumnDnd(gantt, this);
this.callEvent("onReady", []); //this.refresh();
_validateColumnWidth: function _validateColumnWidth(column, property) {
// user can set {name:"text", width:"200",...} for some reason,
// check and convert it to number when possible
var value = column[property];
if (value && value != "*") {
var gantt = this.$gantt;
var numericWidth = value * 1;
if (isNaN(numericWidth)) {
gantt.assert(false, "Wrong " + property + " value of column " +;
} else {
column[property] = numericWidth;
setSize: function setSize(width, height) {
this.$config.width = this.$state.width = width;
this.$config.height = this.$state.height = height; // TODO: maybe inherit and override in a subclass instead of extending here
var columns = this.getGridColumns(),
innerWidth = 0;
var config = this.$getConfig();
var elasticColumns = config.grid_elastic_columns;
for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
this._validateColumnWidth(columns[i], "min_width");
this._validateColumnWidth(columns[i], "max_width");
this._validateColumnWidth(columns[i], "width");
innerWidth += columns[i].width * 1;
var outerWidth;
if (isNaN(innerWidth) || !this.$config.scrollable) {
outerWidth = this._setColumnsWidth(width + 1);
innerWidth = outerWidth;
if (this.$config.scrollable && elasticColumns && !isNaN(innerWidth)) {
var minWidth = 0;
columns.forEach(function (col) {
minWidth += col.min_width || config.min_grid_column_width;
var columnsWidth = Math.max(minWidth, width);
innerWidth = this._setColumnsWidth(columnsWidth);
outerWidth = width;
if (this.$config.scrollable) {
this.$ = innerWidth + "px";
this.$ = innerWidth + "px";
} else {
this.$ = "inherit";
this.$ = "inherit";
this.$config.width -= 1;
var config = this.$getConfig();
if (outerWidth !== width) {
if (outerWidth !== undefined) {
config.grid_width = outerWidth;
this.$config.width = outerWidth - 1;
} else {
if (!isNaN(innerWidth)) {
config.grid_width = innerWidth;
this.$config.width = innerWidth - 1;
var dataHeight = Math.max(this.$state.height - config.scale_height, 0);
this.$ = dataHeight + "px";
getSize: function getSize() {
var config = this.$getConfig();
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
var contentHeight = store ? this.getTotalHeight() : 0,
contentWidth = this._getGridWidth();
var size = {
x: this.$state.width,
y: this.$state.height,
contentX: this.isVisible() ? contentWidth : 0,
contentY: this.isVisible() ? config.scale_height + contentHeight : 0,
scrollHeight: this.isVisible() ? contentHeight : 0,
scrollWidth: this.isVisible() ? contentWidth : 0
return size;
_bindStore: function _bindStore() {
if (this.$config.bind) {
var rowStore = this.$gantt.getDatastore(this.$config.bind);
this.$config.rowStore = rowStore;
if (rowStore && !rowStore._gridCacheAttached) {
var self = this;
rowStore._gridCacheAttached = rowStore.attachEvent("onBeforeFilter", function () {
_unbindStore: function _unbindStore() {
if (this.$config.bind) {
var rowStore = this.$gantt.getDatastore(this.$config.bind);
if (rowStore && rowStore._gridCacheAttached) {
rowStore._gridCacheAttached = false;
refresh: function refresh() {
getViewPort: function getViewPort() {
var scrollLeft = this.$config.scrollLeft || 0;
var scrollTop = this.$config.scrollTop || 0;
var height = this.$config.height || 0;
var width = this.$config.width || 0;
return {
y: scrollTop,
y_end: scrollTop + height,
x: scrollLeft,
x_end: scrollLeft + width,
height: height,
width: width
scrollTo: function scrollTo(left, top) {
if (!this.isVisible()) return;
var scrolled = false;
this.$config.scrollTop = this.$config.scrollTop || 0;
this.$config.scrollLeft = this.$config.scrollLeft || 0;
if (left * 1 == left) {
this.$config.scrollLeft = this.$state.scrollLeft = this.$grid.scrollLeft = left;
scrolled = true;
} // var config = this.$getConfig();
if (top * 1 == top) {
this.$config.scrollTop = this.$state.scrollTop = this.$grid_data.scrollTop = top;
scrolled = true;
if (scrolled) {
this.callEvent("onScroll", [this.$config.scrollLeft, this.$config.scrollTop]);
getColumnIndex: function getColumnIndex(name, excludeHidden) {
var columns = this.$getConfig().columns;
var hiddenIndexShift = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
// GS-1257. If the cell is hidden, the target column index should be correct
if (excludeHidden && columns[i].hide) {
if (columns[i].name == name) {
return i - hiddenIndexShift;
return null;
getColumn: function getColumn(name) {
var index = this.getColumnIndex(name);
if (index === null) {
return null;
return this.$getConfig().columns[index];
getGridColumns: function getGridColumns() {
var config = this.$getConfig();
return config.columns.slice();
isVisible: function isVisible() {
if (this.$parent && this.$parent.$config) {
return !this.$parent.$config.hidden;
} else {
return this.$grid.offsetWidth;
// getItemHeight: function () {
// var config = this.$getConfig();
// return config.row_height;
// },
_createLayerConfig: function _createLayerConfig() {
var gantt = this.$gantt;
var self = this;
var layers = [{
renderer: gantt.$ui.layers.gridLine(),
container: this.$grid_data,
filter: [function () {
return self.isVisible();
}, {
renderer: gantt.$ui.layers.gridTaskRowResizer(),
container: this.$grid_data,
append: true,
filter: [function () {
return gantt.config.resize_rows;
return layers;
_addLayers: function _addLayers(gantt) {
if (!this.$config.bind) return;
this._taskLayers = [];
var self = this;
var layers = this.$gantt.$services.getService("layers");
var taskRenderer = layers.getDataRender(this.$config.bind);
if (!taskRenderer) {
taskRenderer = layers.createDataRender({
name: this.$config.bind,
defaultContainer: function defaultContainer() {
return self.$grid_data;
var taskLayers = this.$config.layers;
for (var i = 0; taskLayers && i < taskLayers.length; i++) {
var layer = taskLayers[i];
layer.view = this;
var bar_layer = taskRenderer.addLayer(layer);
_refreshPlaceholderOnStoreUpdate: function _refreshPlaceholderOnStoreUpdate(id) {
var config = this.$getConfig(),
store = this.$config.rowStore;
if (!store || id !== null || !this.isVisible() || !config.smart_rendering) {
var contentHeight;
if (this.$config.scrollY) {
var scroll = this.$gantt.$ui.getView(this.$config.scrollY);
if (scroll) contentHeight = scroll.getScrollState().scrollSize;
if (!contentHeight) {
contentHeight = store ? this.getTotalHeight() : 0;
if (contentHeight) {
if (this.$rowsPlaceholder && this.$rowsPlaceholder.parentNode) {
var placeholder = this.$rowsPlaceholder = document.createElement("div"); = "hidden"; = contentHeight + "px"; = "1px";
_initSmartRenderingPlaceholder: function _initSmartRenderingPlaceholder() {
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
if (!store) {
} else {
this._initSmartRenderingPlaceholder = function () {};
this._staticBgHandler = store.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", utils.bind(this._refreshPlaceholderOnStoreUpdate, this));
_initEvents: function _initEvents() {
var gantt = this.$gantt;
this._mouseDelegates.delegate("click", "gantt_close", gantt.bind(function (e, id, trg) {
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
if (!store) return true;
var target = domHelpers.locateAttribute(e, this.$config.item_attribute);
if (target) {
return false;
}, this), this.$grid);
this._mouseDelegates.delegate("click", "gantt_open", gantt.bind(function (e, id, trg) {
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
if (!store) return true;
var target = domHelpers.locateAttribute(e, this.$config.item_attribute);
if (target) {$config.item_attribute));
return false;
}, this), this.$grid);
_clearLayers: function _clearLayers(gantt) {
var layers = this.$gantt.$services.getService("layers");
var taskRenderer = layers.getDataRender(this.$config.bind);
if (this._taskLayers) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._taskLayers.length; i++) {
this._taskLayers = [];
_getColumnWidth: function _getColumnWidth(column, config, width) {
var min_width = column.min_width || config.min_grid_column_width;
var new_width = Math.max(width, min_width || 10);
if (column.max_width) new_width = Math.min(new_width, column.max_width);
return new_width;
// set min width only if width < than config.min_grid_column_width
_checkGridColumnMinWidthLimits: function _checkGridColumnMinWidthLimits(columns, config) {
for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
var width = columns[i].width * 1;
if (!columns[i].min_width && width < config.min_grid_column_width) {
columns[i].min_width = width;
// return min and max possible grid width according to restricts
_getGridWidthLimits: function _getGridWidthLimits() {
var config = this.$getConfig(),
columns = this.getGridColumns(),
min_limit = 0,
max_limit = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
min_limit += columns[i].min_width ? columns[i].min_width : config.min_grid_column_width;
if (max_limit !== undefined) {
max_limit = columns[i].max_width ? max_limit + columns[i].max_width : undefined;
this._checkGridColumnMinWidthLimits(columns, config); // FIX ME: should it be before calculating limits?
return [min_limit, max_limit];
// resize columns to get total newWidth, starting from columns[start_index]
_setColumnsWidth: function _setColumnsWidth(newWidth, start_index) {
var config = this.$getConfig();
var columns = this.getGridColumns(),
columns_width = 0,
final_width = newWidth;
start_index = !window.isNaN(start_index) ? start_index : -1;
for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
columns_width += columns[i].width * 1;
if (window.isNaN(columns_width)) {
columns_width = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
columns_width += columns[i].width * 1;
var extra_width = final_width - columns_width;
var start_width = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < start_index + 1; i++) {
start_width += columns[i].width;
columns_width -= start_width;
for (var i = start_index + 1; i < columns.length; i++) {
var col = columns[i];
var share = Math.round(extra_width * (col.width / columns_width)); // columns have 2 additional restrict fields - min_width & max_width that are set by user
if (extra_width < 0) {
if (col.min_width && col.width + share < col.min_width) share = col.min_width - col.width;else if (!col.min_width && config.min_grid_column_width && col.width + share < config.min_grid_column_width) share = config.min_grid_column_width - col.width;
} else if (col.max_width && col.width + share > col.max_width) share = col.max_width - col.width;
columns_width -= col.width;
col.width += share;
extra_width -= share;
var iterator = extra_width > 0 ? 1 : -1;
while (extra_width > 0 && iterator === 1 || extra_width < 0 && iterator === -1) {
var curExtra = extra_width;
for (i = start_index + 1; i < columns.length; i++) {
var new_width = columns[i].width + iterator;
if (new_width == this._getColumnWidth(columns[i], config, new_width)) {
extra_width -= iterator;
columns[i].width = new_width;
if (!extra_width) break;
if (curExtra == extra_width) break;
} // if impossible to resize the right-side columns, resize the start column
if (extra_width && start_index > -1) {
var new_width = columns[start_index].width + extra_width;
if (new_width == this._getColumnWidth(columns[start_index], config, new_width)) columns[start_index].width = new_width;
} //if (this.callEvent("onGridResizeEnd", [config.grid_width, final_width]) === false)
// return;
return this._getColsTotalWidth();
_getColsTotalWidth: function _getColsTotalWidth() {
var columns = this.getGridColumns();
var cols_width = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
var v = parseFloat(columns[i].width);
if (window.isNaN(v)) {
return false;
cols_width += v;
return cols_width;
_calculateGridWidth: function _calculateGridWidth() {
var config = this.$getConfig();
var columns = this.getGridColumns();
var cols_width = 0;
var unknown = [];
var width = [];
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
var v = parseFloat(columns[i].width);
if (window.isNaN(v)) {
v = config.min_grid_column_width || 10;
width[i] = v;
cols_width += v;
var gridWidth = this._getGridWidth() + 1;
if (config.autofit || unknown.length) {
var diff = gridWidth - cols_width; // TODO: logic may be improved for proportional changing of width
// autofit adjusts columns widths to the outer grid width
// it doesn't makes sense if grid has inner scroll with elastic columns
if (config.autofit && !config.grid_elastic_columns) {
// delta must be added for all columns
for (var i = 0; i < width.length; i++) {
var delta = Math.round(diff / (width.length - i));
width[i] += delta;
var new_width = this._getColumnWidth(columns[i], config, width[i]);
if (new_width != width[i]) {
delta = new_width - width[i];
width[i] = new_width;
diff -= delta;
} else if (unknown.length) {
// there are several columns with undefined width
for (var i = 0; i < unknown.length; i++) {
var delta = Math.round(diff / (unknown.length - i)); // no float values, just integer
var index = unknown[i];
width[index] += delta;
var new_width = this._getColumnWidth(columns[index], config, width[index]);
if (new_width != width[index]) {
delta = new_width - width[index];
width[index] = new_width;
diff -= delta;
for (var i = 0; i < width.length; i++) {
columns[i].width = width[i];
} else {
var changed = gridWidth != cols_width;
this.$config.width = cols_width - 1;
config.grid_width = cols_width;
if (changed) {
this.$parent._setContentSize(this.$config.width, null);
_renderGridHeader: function _renderGridHeader() {
var gantt = this.$gantt;
var config = this.$getConfig();
var locale = this.$gantt.locale;
var templates = this.$gantt.templates;
var columns = this.getGridColumns();
if (config.rtl) {
columns = columns.reverse();
var cells = [];
var width = 0,
labels = locale.labels;
var lineHeigth = config.scale_height - 1;
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
var last = i == columns.length - 1;
var col = columns[i]; // ensure columns have non-empty names
if (! { = gantt.uid() + "";
var colWidth = col.width * 1;
var gridWidth = this._getGridWidth();
if (last && gridWidth > width + colWidth) col.width = colWidth = gridWidth - width;
width += colWidth;
var sort = gantt._sort && == ? "<div class='gantt_sort gantt_" + gantt._sort.direction + "'></div>" : "";
var cssClass = ["gantt_grid_head_cell", "gantt_grid_head_" +, last ? "gantt_last_cell" : "", templates.grid_header_class(, col)].join(" ");
var style = "width:" + (colWidth - (last ? 1 : 0)) + "px;";
var label = col.label || labels["column_" +] || labels[];
label = label || "";
var ariaAttrs = gantt._waiAria.gridScaleCellAttrString(col, label);
var cell = "<div class='" + cssClass + "' style='" + style + "' " + ariaAttrs + " data-column-id='" + + "' column_id='" + + "'" + " data-column-name='" + + "' data-column-index='" + i + "'" + ">" + label + sort + "</div>";
this.$ = config.scale_height + "px";
this.$ = lineHeigth + "px"; //this.$ = "inherit";
this.$grid_scale.innerHTML = cells.join("");
if (this._renderHeaderResizers) {
_getGridWidth: function _getGridWidth() {
// TODO: refactor/remove/comment some of _getGridWidth/this.$config.width/this.$state.width, it's not clear what they do
return this.$config.width;
destructor: function destructor() {
if (this._mouseDelegates) {
this._mouseDelegates = null;
this.$grid = null;
this.$grid_scale = null;
this.$grid_data = null;
this.$gantt = null;
if (this.$config.rowStore) {
this.$config.rowStore = null;
this.callEvent("onDestroy", []);
module.exports = Grid;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/grid_resize.gpl.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/grid_resize.gpl.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function createResizer(gantt, grid) {
return {
init: function init() {},
doOnRender: function doOnRender() {}
module.exports = createResizer;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/main_grid_initializer.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/main_grid_initializer.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var rowDnd = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tasks_grid_dnd */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd.js");
var rowDndMarker = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tasks_grid_dnd_marker */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker.js");
var initializer = function () {
return function (gantt) {
return {
onCreated: function onCreated(grid) {
grid.$config = utils.mixin(grid.$config, {
bind: "task"
if (grid.$ == "grid") {
gantt.ext.inlineEditors = gantt.ext._inlineEditors.createEditors(grid);
this._mouseDelegates = __webpack_require__(/*! ../mouse_event_container */ "./sources/core/ui/mouse_event_container.js")(gantt);
onInitialized: function onInitialized(grid) {
var config = grid.$getConfig();
if (config.order_branch) {
if (config.order_branch == "marker") {
rowDndMarker.init(grid.$gantt, grid);
} else {
rowDnd.init(grid.$gantt, grid);
this.initEvents(grid, gantt);
if (grid.$ == "grid") {
onDestroyed: function onDestroyed(grid) {
if (grid.$ == "grid") {
this.clearEvents(grid, gantt);
initEvents: function initEvents(grid, gantt) {
this._mouseDelegates.delegate("click", "gantt_row", gantt.bind(function (e, id, trg) {
var config = grid.$getConfig();
if (id !== null) {
var task = this.getTask(id);
if (config.scroll_on_click && !gantt._is_icon_open_click(e)) this.showDate(task.start_date);
gantt.callEvent("onTaskRowClick", [id, trg]);
}, gantt), grid.$grid);
this._mouseDelegates.delegate("click", "gantt_grid_head_cell", gantt.bind(function (e, id, trg) {
var column = trg.getAttribute("data-column-id");
if (!gantt.callEvent("onGridHeaderClick", [column, e])) return;
var config = grid.$getConfig();
if (column == "add") {
var mouseEvents = gantt.$services.getService("mouseEvents");
mouseEvents.callHandler("click", "gantt_add", grid.$grid, [e, config.root_id]);
if (config.sort && column) {
// GS-929: if there is no column name, we cannot sort the column
var sorting_method = column,
for (var i = 0; i < config.columns.length; i++) {
if (config.columns[i].name == column) {
conf = config.columns[i];
if (conf && conf.sort !== undefined && conf.sort !== true) {
sorting_method = conf.sort;
if (!sorting_method) {
// column sort property 'false', no sorting
var sort = this._sort && this._sort.direction && == column ? this._sort.direction : "desc"; // invert sort direction
sort = sort == "desc" ? "asc" : "desc";
this._sort = {
name: column,
direction: sort
this.sort(sorting_method, sort == "desc");
}, gantt), grid.$grid);
this._mouseDelegates.delegate("click", "gantt_add", gantt.bind(function (e, id, trg) {
var config = grid.$getConfig();
if (config.readonly) return;
var item = {};
this.createTask(item, id ? id : gantt.config.root_id);
return false;
}, gantt), grid.$grid);
clearEvents: function clearEvents(grid, gantt) {
this._mouseDelegates = null;
extendDom: function extendDom(grid) {
gantt.$grid = grid.$grid;
gantt.$grid_scale = grid.$grid_scale;
gantt.$grid_data = grid.$grid_data;
extendGantt: function extendGantt(grid) {
gantt.getGridColumns = gantt.bind(grid.getGridColumns, grid);
grid.attachEvent("onColumnResizeStart", function () {
return gantt.callEvent("onColumnResizeStart", arguments);
grid.attachEvent("onColumnResize", function () {
return gantt.callEvent("onColumnResize", arguments);
grid.attachEvent("onColumnResizeEnd", function () {
return gantt.callEvent("onColumnResizeEnd", arguments);
grid.attachEvent("onColumnResizeComplete", function (columns, totalWidth) {
gantt.config.grid_width = totalWidth;
grid.attachEvent("onBeforeRowResize", function () {
return gantt.callEvent("onBeforeRowResize", arguments);
grid.attachEvent("onRowResize", function () {
return gantt.callEvent("onRowResize", arguments);
grid.attachEvent("onBeforeRowResizeEnd", function () {
return gantt.callEvent("onBeforeRowResizeEnd", arguments);
grid.attachEvent("onAfterRowResize", function () {
return gantt.callEvent("onAfterRowResize", arguments);
module.exports = initializer;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/task_grid_row_resize.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/task_grid_row_resize.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
function createRowResizer(gantt, grid) {
var _task_grid_row_resize = {
row_before_start: gantt.bind(function (dnd, obj, e) {
var config = grid.$getConfig();
var store = grid.$config.rowStore;
var el = domHelpers.locateAttribute(e, config.task_grid_row_resizer_attribute);
if (!el) return false;
var row_id = this.locate(e, config.task_grid_row_resizer_attribute),
row = store.getItem(row_id);
if (grid.callEvent("onBeforeRowResize", [row]) === false) return false;
}, gantt),
row_after_start: gantt.bind(function (dnd, obj, e) {
var config = grid.$getConfig();
var row_id = this.locate(e, config.task_grid_row_resizer_attribute);
dnd.config.marker.innerHTML = "";
dnd.config.marker.className += " gantt_row_grid_resize_area"; = grid.$grid.offsetWidth + "px";
dnd.config.drag_id = row_id;
}, gantt),
row_drag_move: gantt.bind(function (dnd, obj, e) {
var store = grid.$config.rowStore;
var config = grid.$getConfig();
var dd = dnd.config;
var id = parseInt(dd.drag_id, 10),
itemHeight = grid.getItemHeight(id),
itemTop = grid.getItemTop(id);
var pos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(grid.$grid_data),
pointerPosition = parseInt(, 10),
markerStartPosition = itemTop + pos.y,
marker_height = 0,
minPointerPosition = config.min_task_grid_row_height;
marker_height = pointerPosition - markerStartPosition;
if (marker_height < minPointerPosition) {
marker_height = minPointerPosition;
} = pos.x + "px"; = markerStartPosition - 1 + "px"; = Math.abs(marker_height) + 1 + "px";
dd.marker_height = marker_height;
grid.callEvent("onRowResize", [id, store.getItem(id), marker_height + itemHeight]);
return true;
}, gantt),
row_drag_end: gantt.bind(function (dnd, obj, e) {
var store = grid.$config.rowStore;
var dd = dnd.config;
var id = parseInt(dd.drag_id, 10),
item = store.getItem(id),
oldItemHeight = grid.getItemHeight(id);
var finalHeight = dd.marker_height;
if (grid.callEvent("onBeforeRowResizeEnd", [id, item, finalHeight]) === false) return;
if (item.row_height == finalHeight) return;
item.row_height = finalHeight;
grid.callEvent("onAfterRowResize", [id, item, oldItemHeight, finalHeight]);
}, gantt)
}; // calls the initialization of the D'n'D events for resize elements
var _init_resize = function _init_resize() {
var DnD = gantt.$services.getService("dnd");
var config = grid.$getConfig();
var dnd = new DnD(grid.$grid_data, {
updates_per_second: 60
if (gantt.defined(config.dnd_sensitivity)) dnd.config.sensitivity = config.dnd_sensitivity;
dnd.attachEvent("onBeforeDragStart", function (obj, e) {
return _task_grid_row_resize.row_before_start(dnd, obj, e);
dnd.attachEvent("onAfterDragStart", function (obj, e) {
return _task_grid_row_resize.row_after_start(dnd, obj, e);
dnd.attachEvent("onDragMove", function (obj, e) {
return _task_grid_row_resize.row_drag_move(dnd, obj, e);
dnd.attachEvent("onDragEnd", function (obj, e) {
return _task_grid_row_resize.row_drag_end(dnd, obj, e);
return {
init: _init_resize
module.exports = createRowResizer;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var isPlaceholderTask = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/placeholder_task */ "./sources/utils/placeholder_task.js");
function _init_dnd(gantt, grid) {
var DnD = gantt.$services.getService("dnd");
if (!grid.$config.bind || !gantt.getDatastore(grid.$config.bind)) {
function locate(e) {
return domHelpers.locateAttribute(e, grid.$config.item_attribute);
function getStore() {
return gantt.getDatastore(grid.$config.bind);
function checkPlaceholderTask(id) {
return isPlaceholderTask(id, gantt, getStore());
var dnd = new DnD(grid.$grid_data, {
updates_per_second: 60
if (gantt.defined(grid.$getConfig().dnd_sensitivity)) dnd.config.sensitivity = grid.$getConfig().dnd_sensitivity;
dnd.attachEvent("onBeforeDragStart", gantt.bind(function (obj, e) {
var el = locate(e);
if (!el) return false;
if (gantt.hideQuickInfo) gantt._hideQuickInfo();
if (domHelpers.closest(, ".gantt_grid_editor_placeholder")) {
return false;
var id = el.getAttribute(grid.$config.item_attribute);
if (checkPlaceholderTask(id)) return false;
var datastore = getStore();
var task = datastore.getItem(id);
if (gantt.isReadonly(task)) return false;
dnd.config.initial_open_state = task.$open;
if (!gantt.callEvent("onRowDragStart", [id, || e.srcElement, e])) {
return false;
}, gantt));
dnd.attachEvent("onAfterDragStart", gantt.bind(function (obj, e) {
var el = locate(e);
dnd.config.marker.innerHTML = el.outerHTML;
var element = dnd.config.marker.firstChild;
if (element) { = "static";
} = el.getAttribute(grid.$config.item_attribute);
var store = getStore();
var task = store.getItem(;
dnd.config.index = store.getBranchIndex(;
dnd.config.parent = task.parent;
task.$open = false;
task.$transparent = true;
}, gantt));
dnd.lastTaskOfLevel = function (level) {
var last_item = null;
var store = getStore();
var tasks = store.getItems();
for (var i = 0, len = tasks.length; i < len; i++) {
if (tasks[i].$level == level) {
last_item = tasks[i];
return last_item ? : null;
dnd._getGridPos = gantt.bind(function (e) {
var pos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(grid.$grid_data); // row offset
var x = pos.x;
var y = e.pos.y - 10;
var rowHeight = grid.getItemHeight(; // prevent moving row out of grid_data container
if (y < pos.y) y = pos.y;
var gridHeight = grid.getTotalHeight();
if (y > pos.y + gridHeight - rowHeight) y = pos.y + gridHeight - rowHeight;
pos.x = x;
pos.y = y;
return pos;
}, gantt);
dnd._getTargetY = gantt.bind(function (e) {
var pos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(grid.$grid_data);
var scrollPos = grid.$state.scrollTop || 0;
var maxBottom = gantt.$grid_data.getBoundingClientRect().height + scrollPos;
var y = e.pageY - pos.y + scrollPos;
if (y > maxBottom) {
y = maxBottom;
} else if (y < scrollPos) {
y = scrollPos;
return y;
}, gantt);
dnd._getTaskByY = gantt.bind(function (y, dropIndex) {
var store = getStore();
y = y || 0;
var index = grid.getItemIndexByTopPosition(y);
index = dropIndex < index ? index - 1 : index;
if (index > store.countVisible() - 1) return null;
return store.getIdByIndex(index);
}, gantt);
dnd.attachEvent("onDragMove", gantt.bind(function (obj, e) {
var maxBottom = gantt.$grid_data.getBoundingClientRect().height + (grid.$state.scrollTop || 0);
var dd = dnd.config;
var pos = dnd._getGridPos(e);
var config = grid.$getConfig(),
store = getStore(); // setting position of row
if (pos.y < maxBottom) { = pos.y + "px";
} else { = maxBottom + "px";
} = pos.x + 10 + "px"; // highlight row when mouseover
var item = store.getItem(;
var targetY = dnd._getTargetY(e);
var el = dnd._getTaskByY(targetY, store.getIndexById(;
if (!store.exists(el)) {
el = dnd.lastTaskOfLevel(config.order_branch_free ? item.$level : 0);
if (el == {
el = null;
function allowedLevel(next, item) {
return !store.isChildOf(, && (next.$level == item.$level || config.order_branch_free);
if (store.exists(el)) {
var over = store.getItem(el);
var itemTop = grid.getItemTop(;
var itemHeight = grid.getItemHeight(;
if (itemTop + itemHeight / 2 < targetY) {
//hovering over bottom part of item, check can be drop to bottom
var index = store.getIndexById(;
var nextId = store.getNext(; //adds +1 when hovering over placeholder
var next = store.getItem(nextId);
if (checkPlaceholderTask(nextId)) {
var prevId = store.getPrev(;
next = store.getItem(prevId);
if (next) {
if ( != {
over = next; //there is a valid target
} else {
if (config.order_branch_free) {
if (!(store.isChildOf(, && store.getChildren( == 1)) return;else {
store.move(, store.getBranchIndex( + 1, store.getParent(;
} else {
} else {
//we at end of the list, check and drop at the end of list
nextId = store.getIdByIndex(index);
next = store.getItem(nextId);
if (checkPlaceholderTask(nextId)) {
var prevId = store.getPrev(;
next = store.getItem(prevId);
if (allowedLevel(next, item) && != {
store.move(, -1, store.getParent(;
} else if (config.order_branch_free) {
if ( != && allowedLevel(over, item) && !checkPlaceholderTask( {
if (!store.hasChild( {
over.$open = true;
store.move(, -1,;
if (store.getIndexById( || itemHeight / 3 < targetY) return;
} //if item is on different level, check the one before it
var index = store.getIndexById(,
prevId = store.getIdByIndex(index - 1);
var prev = store.getItem(prevId);
var shift = 1;
while ((!prev || == && index - shift >= 0) {
prevId = store.getIdByIndex(index - shift);
prev = store.getItem(prevId);
if ( == || checkPlaceholderTask( return; //replacing item under cursor
if (allowedLevel(over, item) && != {
store.move(, 0, 0,;
} else if (over.$level == item.$level - 1 && !store.getChildren( {
store.move(, 0,;
} else if (prev && allowedLevel(prev, item) && != {
store.move(, -1, store.getParent(;
return true;
}, gantt));
dnd.attachEvent("onDragEnd", gantt.bind(function () {
var store = getStore();
var task = store.getItem(;
task.$transparent = false;
task.$open = dnd.config.initial_open_state;
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeRowDragEnd", [, dnd.config.parent, dnd.config.index]) === false) {
store.move(, dnd.config.index, dnd.config.parent);
task.$drop_target = null;
} else {
this.callEvent("onRowDragEnd", [, task.$drop_target]);
}, gantt));
module.exports = {
init: _init_dnd
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var dropTarget = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/drop_target */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/drop_target.js");
var getLockedLevelTarget = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/locked_level */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/locked_level.js");
var getMultiLevelTarget = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/multi_level */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/multi_level.js");
var higlighter = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/highlight */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/highlight.js");
var isPlaceholderTask = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/placeholder_task */ "./sources/utils/placeholder_task.js");
function _init_dnd(gantt, grid) {
var DnD = gantt.$services.getService("dnd");
if (!grid.$config.bind || !gantt.getDatastore(grid.$config.bind)) {
function locate(e) {
return domHelpers.locateAttribute(e, grid.$config.item_attribute);
function getStore() {
return gantt.getDatastore(grid.$config.bind);
function checkPlaceholderTask(id) {
return isPlaceholderTask(id, gantt, getStore());
var dnd = new DnD(grid.$grid_data, {
updates_per_second: 60
if (gantt.defined(grid.$getConfig().dnd_sensitivity)) dnd.config.sensitivity = grid.$getConfig().dnd_sensitivity;
dnd.attachEvent("onBeforeDragStart", gantt.bind(function (obj, e) {
var el = locate(e);
if (!el) return false;
if (gantt.hideQuickInfo) gantt._hideQuickInfo();
if (domHelpers.closest(, ".gantt_grid_editor_placeholder")) {
return false;
var id = el.getAttribute(grid.$config.item_attribute);
var datastore = grid.$config.rowStore;
var task = datastore.getItem(id);
if (gantt.isReadonly(task) || checkPlaceholderTask(id)) return false;
dnd.config.initial_open_state = task.$open;
if (!gantt.callEvent("onRowDragStart", [id, || e.srcElement, e])) {
return false;
}, gantt));
dnd.attachEvent("onAfterDragStart", gantt.bind(function (obj, e) {
var el = locate(e);
dnd.config.marker.innerHTML = el.outerHTML;
var element = dnd.config.marker.firstChild;
if (element) { = 0.4; = "static"; = "none";
} = el.getAttribute(grid.$config.item_attribute);
var store = grid.$config.rowStore;
var task = store.getItem(;
dnd.config.level = store.calculateItemLevel(task);
dnd.config.drop_target = dropTarget.createDropTargetObject({
targetParent: store.getParent(,
targetIndex: store.getBranchIndex(,
nextSibling: true
task.$open = false;
task.$transparent = true;
}, gantt));
function getTargetTaskId(e) {
var y = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, grid.$grid_data).y;
var store = grid.$config.rowStore;
y = y || 0; // limits for the marker according to the layout layer
var scrollPos = grid.$state.scrollTop || 0;
var maxBottom = gantt.$grid_data.getBoundingClientRect().height + scrollPos;
var minTop = scrollPos;
var firstVisibleTaskIndex = grid.getItemIndexByTopPosition(grid.$state.scrollTop);
if (!store.exists(firstVisibleTaskIndex)) {
firstVisibleTaskIndex = store.countVisible() - 1;
if (firstVisibleTaskIndex < 0) {
return store.$getRootId();
var firstVisibleTaskId = store.getIdByIndex(firstVisibleTaskIndex);
var firstVisibleTaskPos = grid.$state.scrollTop / grid.getItemHeight(firstVisibleTaskId);
var hiddenTaskPart = firstVisibleTaskPos - Math.floor(firstVisibleTaskPos);
if (hiddenTaskPart > 0.1 && hiddenTaskPart < 0.9) {
maxBottom = maxBottom - grid.getItemHeight(firstVisibleTaskId) * hiddenTaskPart;
minTop = minTop + grid.getItemHeight(firstVisibleTaskId) * (1 - hiddenTaskPart);
if (y >= maxBottom) {
y = maxBottom;
} else if (y <= minTop) {
y = minTop;
var index = grid.getItemIndexByTopPosition(y);
if (index > store.countVisible() - 1 || index < 0) {
return store.$getRootId();
var targetId = store.getIdByIndex(index);
if (checkPlaceholderTask(targetId)) {
return store.getPrevSibling(targetId);
return store.getIdByIndex(index);
function getDropPosition(e) {
var targetTaskId = getTargetTaskId(e);
var relTargetPos = null;
var store = grid.$config.rowStore;
var config = grid.$getConfig();
var lockLevel = !config.order_branch_free;
var eventTop = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, grid.$grid_data).y;
if (targetTaskId !== store.$getRootId()) {
var rowTop = grid.getItemTop(targetTaskId);
var rowHeight = grid.getItemHeight(targetTaskId);
relTargetPos = (eventTop - rowTop) / rowHeight;
var result;
if (!lockLevel) {
result = getMultiLevelTarget(, targetTaskId, relTargetPos, eventTop, store);
} else {
result = getLockedLevelTarget(, targetTaskId, relTargetPos, eventTop, store, dnd.config.level);
if (result && result.targetParent && checkPlaceholderTask(result.targetParent)) {
targetTaskId = store.getPrevSibling(result.targetParent);
result = getLockedLevelTarget(, targetTaskId, relTargetPos, eventTop, store, dnd.config.level);
return result;
dnd.attachEvent("onDragMove", gantt.bind(function (obj, e) {
var target = getDropPosition(e);
if (!target || gantt.callEvent("onBeforeRowDragMove", [, target.targetParent, target.targetIndex]) === false) {
target = dropTarget.createDropTargetObject(dnd.config.drop_target);
higlighter.highlightPosition(target, dnd.config, grid);
dnd.config.drop_target = target;
this.callEvent("onRowDragMove", [, target.targetParent, target.targetIndex]);
return true;
}, gantt));
dnd.attachEvent("onDragEnd", gantt.bind(function () {
var store = grid.$config.rowStore;
var task = store.getItem(;
task.$transparent = false;
task.$open = dnd.config.initial_open_state;
var target = dnd.config.drop_target;
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeRowDragEnd", [, target.targetParent, target.targetIndex]) === false) {
task.$drop_target = null;
} else {
store.move(, target.targetIndex, target.targetParent);
this.callEvent("onRowDragEnd", [, target.targetParent, target.targetIndex]);
}, gantt));
module.exports = {
init: _init_dnd
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/drop_target.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/drop_target.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* The state object for order branch drag and drop
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
module.exports = {
createDropTargetObject: function createDropTargetObject(parent) {
var res = {
targetParent: null,
targetIndex: 0,
targetId: null,
child: false,
nextSibling: false,
prevSibling: false
if (parent) {
utils.mixin(res, parent, true);
return res;
nextSiblingTarget: function nextSiblingTarget(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, store) {
var result = this.createDropTargetObject();
result.targetId = targetTaskId;
result.nextSibling = true;
result.targetParent = store.getParent(result.targetId);
result.targetIndex = store.getBranchIndex(result.targetId);
if (store.getParent(dndTaskId) != result.targetParent || result.targetIndex < store.getBranchIndex(dndTaskId)) {
result.targetIndex += 1;
return result;
prevSiblingTarget: function prevSiblingTarget(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, store) {
var result = this.createDropTargetObject();
result.targetId = targetTaskId;
result.prevSibling = true;
result.targetParent = store.getParent(result.targetId);
result.targetIndex = store.getBranchIndex(result.targetId);
if (store.getParent(dndTaskId) == result.targetParent && result.targetIndex > store.getBranchIndex(dndTaskId)) {
result.targetIndex -= 1;
return result;
firstChildTarget: function firstChildTarget(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, store) {
var result = this.createDropTargetObject();
result.targetId = targetTaskId;
result.targetParent = result.targetId;
result.targetIndex = 0;
result.child = true;
return result;
lastChildTarget: function lastChildTarget(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, store) {
var children = store.getChildren(targetTaskId);
var result = this.createDropTargetObject();
result.targetId = children[children.length - 1];
result.targetParent = targetTaskId;
result.targetIndex = children.length;
result.nextSibling = true;
return result;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/highlight.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/highlight.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
* methods for highlighting current drag and drop position
function highlightPosition(target, root, grid) {
var markerPos = getTaskMarkerPosition(target, grid); // setting position of row = markerPos.x + 9 + "px"; = markerPos.y + "px";
var markerLine = root.markerLine;
if (!markerLine) {
markerLine = document.createElement("div");
markerLine.className = "gantt_drag_marker gantt_grid_dnd_marker";
markerLine.innerHTML = "<div class='gantt_grid_dnd_marker_line'></div>"; = "none";
if (target.child) {
highlightFolder(target, markerLine, grid);
} else {
highlightRow(target, markerLine, grid);
if (!root.markerLine) {
root.markerLine = markerLine;
function removeLineHighlight(root) {
if (root.markerLine && root.markerLine.parentNode) {
root.markerLine = null;
function highlightRow(target, markerLine, grid) {
var linePos = getLineMarkerPosition(target, grid);
var maxBottom = grid.$grid_data.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
markerLine.innerHTML = "<div class='gantt_grid_dnd_marker_line'></div>"; = linePos.x + "px"; = "4px";
var markerLineTop = linePos.y - 2; = markerLineTop + "px"; = linePos.width + "px";
if (markerLineTop > maxBottom) { = maxBottom + 'px';
return markerLine;
function highlightFolder(target, markerFolder, grid) {
var id = target.targetParent;
var pos = gridToPageCoordinates({
x: 0,
y: grid.getItemTop(id)
}, grid);
var maxBottom = grid.$grid_data.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
markerFolder.innerHTML = "<div class='gantt_grid_dnd_marker_folder'></div>"; = grid.$grid_data.offsetWidth + "px"; = pos.y + "px"; = pos.x + "px"; = grid.getItemHeight(id) + "px";
if (pos.y > maxBottom) { = maxBottom + 'px';
return markerFolder;
function getLineMarkerPosition(target, grid) {
var store = grid.$config.rowStore;
var pos = {
x: 0,
y: 0
var indentNode = grid.$grid_data.querySelector(".gantt_tree_indent");
var indent = 15;
var level = 0;
if (indentNode) {
indent = indentNode.offsetWidth;
var iconWidth = 40;
if (target.targetId !== store.$getRootId()) {
var itemTop = grid.getItemTop(target.targetId);
var itemHeight = grid.getItemHeight(target.targetId);
level = store.exists(target.targetId) ? store.calculateItemLevel(store.getItem(target.targetId)) : 0;
if (target.prevSibling) {
pos.y = itemTop;
} else if (target.nextSibling) {
var childCount = 0;
store.eachItem(function (child) {
if (store.getIndexById( !== -1) childCount++;
}, target.targetId);
pos.y = itemTop + itemHeight + childCount * itemHeight;
} else {
pos.y = itemTop + itemHeight;
level += 1;
pos.x = iconWidth + level * indent;
pos.width = Math.max(grid.$grid_data.offsetWidth - pos.x, 0);
return gridToPageCoordinates(pos, grid);
function gridToPageCoordinates(pos, grid) {
var gridPos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(grid.$grid_data);
pos.x += gridPos.x - grid.$grid.scrollLeft;
pos.y += gridPos.y - grid.$grid_data.scrollTop;
return pos;
function getTaskMarkerPosition(e, grid) {
var pos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(grid.$grid_data);
var ePos = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, grid.$grid_data); // row offset
var x = pos.x;
var y = ePos.y - 10;
var rowHeight = grid.getItemHeight(e.targetId); // prevent moving row out of grid_data container
if (y < pos.y) y = pos.y;
var gridHeight = grid.getTotalHeight();
if (y > pos.y + gridHeight - rowHeight) y = pos.y + gridHeight - rowHeight;
pos.x = x;
pos.y = y;
return pos;
module.exports = {
removeLineHighlight: removeLineHighlight,
highlightPosition: highlightPosition
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/locked_level.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/locked_level.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* resolve dnd position of the task when gantt.config.order_branch_free = false
var dropTarget = __webpack_require__(/*! ./drop_target */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/drop_target.js");
function getLast(store) {
var current = store.getNext();
while (store.exists(current)) {
var next = store.getNext(current);
if (!store.exists(next)) {
return current;
} else {
current = next;
return null;
function findClosesTarget(dndTaskId, taskId, allowedLevel, store, up) {
var prev = taskId;
while (store.exists(prev)) {
var targetLevel = store.calculateItemLevel(store.getItem(prev));
if ((targetLevel === allowedLevel || targetLevel === allowedLevel - 1) && store.getBranchIndex(prev) > -1) {
} else {
prev = up ? store.getPrev(prev) : store.getNext(prev);
if (store.exists(prev)) {
if (store.calculateItemLevel(store.getItem(prev)) === allowedLevel) {
return up ? dropTarget.nextSiblingTarget(dndTaskId, prev, store) : dropTarget.prevSiblingTarget(dndTaskId, prev, store);
} else {
return dropTarget.firstChildTarget(dndTaskId, prev, store);
return null;
function findTargetAbove(dndTaskId, taskId, allowedLevel, store) {
return findClosesTarget(dndTaskId, taskId, allowedLevel, store, true);
function findTargetBelow(dndTaskId, taskId, allowedLevel, store) {
return findClosesTarget(dndTaskId, taskId, allowedLevel, store, false);
module.exports = function getSameLevelDropPosition(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, relTargetPos, eventTop, store, level) {
var result;
if (targetTaskId !== store.$getRootId()) {
var targetTask = store.getItem(targetTaskId);
var targetLevel = store.calculateItemLevel(targetTask);
if (targetLevel === level) {
var prevSibling = store.getPrevSibling(targetTaskId);
if (relTargetPos < 0.5 && !prevSibling) {
result = dropTarget.prevSiblingTarget(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, store);
} else {
if (relTargetPos < 0.5) {
targetTaskId = prevSibling;
result = dropTarget.nextSiblingTarget(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, store);
} else if (targetLevel > level) {
store.eachParent(function (parent) {
if (store.calculateItemLevel(parent) === level) {
targetTaskId =;
}, targetTask);
result = findTargetAbove(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, level, store);
} else {
var targetAbove = findTargetAbove(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, level, store);
var targetBelow = findTargetBelow(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, level, store);
result = relTargetPos < 0.5 ? targetAbove : targetBelow;
} else {
var rootId = store.$getRootId();
var rootLevel = store.getChildren(rootId);
result = dropTarget.createDropTargetObject();
if (rootLevel.length && eventTop >= 0) {
result = findTargetAbove(dndTaskId, getLast(store), level, store);
} else {
result = findTargetBelow(dndTaskId, rootId, level, store);
return result;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/multi_level.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/multi_level.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* resolve dnd position of the task when gantt.config.order_branch_free = true
var dropTarget = __webpack_require__(/*! ./drop_target */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/tasks_grid_dnd_marker_helpers/drop_target.js");
module.exports = function getMultiLevelDropPosition(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, relTargetPos, eventTop, store) {
var result;
if (targetTaskId !== store.$getRootId()) {
if (relTargetPos < 0.25) {
result = dropTarget.prevSiblingTarget(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, store);
} else if (relTargetPos > 0.60 && !(store.hasChild(targetTaskId) && store.getItem(targetTaskId).$open)) {
result = dropTarget.nextSiblingTarget(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, store);
} else {
result = dropTarget.firstChildTarget(dndTaskId, targetTaskId, store);
} else {
var rootId = store.$getRootId();
if (store.hasChild(rootId) && eventTop >= 0) {
result = dropTarget.lastChildTarget(dndTaskId, rootId, store);
} else {
result = dropTarget.firstChildTarget(dndTaskId, rootId, store);
return result;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/index.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/index.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var uiFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui_factory */ "./sources/core/ui/ui_factory.js"),
mouseEvents = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mouse */ "./sources/core/ui/mouse.js"),
createLayers = __webpack_require__(/*! ./gantt_layers */ "./sources/core/ui/gantt_layers.js"),
Cell = __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout/cell */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/cell.js"),
Layout = __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout/layout */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/layout.js"),
ViewLayout = __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout/view_layout */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/view_layout.js"),
ViewCell = __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout/view_cell */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/view_cell.js"),
Resizer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout/resizer_cell */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/resizer_cell.gpl.js"),
Scrollbar = __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout/scrollbar_cell */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/scrollbar_cell.js"),
Timeline = __webpack_require__(/*! ./timeline/timeline */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/timeline.js"),
Grid = __webpack_require__(/*! ./grid/grid */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/grid.js"),
ResourceGrid = __webpack_require__(/*! ./grid/resource_grid */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/grid.js"),
ResourceTimeline = __webpack_require__(/*! ./timeline/resource_timeline */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/timeline.js"),
ResourceHistogram = __webpack_require__(/*! ./timeline/resource_histogram */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/timeline.js");
var gridEditorsFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./grid/editors/controller */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/editors/controller.js");
var renderTaskBar = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/task_bar_smart_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_bar_smart_render.js"),
renderSplitTaskBar = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/task_split_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_split_render.js"),
renderRollupTaskBar = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/task_rollup_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_rollup_render.js"),
renderTaskBg = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/task_bg_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_bg_render.js"),
renderLink = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/link_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/link_render.js"),
gridRenderer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/task_grid_line_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_grid_line_render.js"),
resourceMatrixRenderer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/resource_matrix_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/resource_matrix_render.js"),
resourceHistogramRenderer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/resource_histogram_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/resource_histogram_render.js"),
gridTaskRowResizerRenderer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render/task_grid_row_resize_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_grid_row_resize_render.js");
var mainGridInitializer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./grid/main_grid_initializer */ "./sources/core/ui/grid/main_grid_initializer.js");
var mainTimelineInitializer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./timeline/main_timeline_initializer */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/main_timeline_initializer.js");
var mainLayoutInitializer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./main_layout_initializer */ "./sources/core/ui/main_layout_initializer.js");
function initUI(gantt) {
function attachInitializer(view, initializer) {
var ext = initializer(gantt);
if (ext.onCreated) ext.onCreated(view);
view.attachEvent("onReady", function () {
if (ext.onInitialized) ext.onInitialized(view);
view.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
if (ext.onDestroyed) ext.onDestroyed(view);
var factory = uiFactory.createFactory(gantt);
factory.registerView("cell", Cell);
factory.registerView("resizer", Resizer);
factory.registerView("scrollbar", Scrollbar);
factory.registerView("layout", Layout, function (view) {
var id = view.$config ? view.$ : null;
if (id === "main") {
attachInitializer(view, mainLayoutInitializer);
factory.registerView("viewcell", ViewCell);
factory.registerView("multiview", ViewLayout);
factory.registerView("timeline", Timeline, function (view) {
var id = view.$config ? view.$ : null;
if (id === "timeline" || view.$config.bind == "task") {
attachInitializer(view, mainTimelineInitializer);
factory.registerView("grid", Grid, function (view) {
var id = view.$config ? view.$ : null;
if (id === "grid" || view.$config.bind == "task") {
attachInitializer(view, mainGridInitializer);
factory.registerView("resourceGrid", ResourceGrid);
factory.registerView("resourceTimeline", ResourceTimeline);
factory.registerView("resourceHistogram", ResourceHistogram);
var layersEngine = createLayers(gantt);
var inlineEditors = gridEditorsFactory(gantt);
gantt.ext.inlineEditors = inlineEditors;
gantt.ext._inlineEditors = inlineEditors;
return {
factory: factory,
mouseEvents: mouseEvents.init(gantt),
layersApi: layersEngine.init(),
render: {
gridLine: function gridLine() {
return gridRenderer(gantt);
taskBg: function taskBg() {
return renderTaskBg(gantt);
taskBar: function taskBar() {
return renderTaskBar(gantt);
taskRollupBar: function taskRollupBar() {
return renderRollupTaskBar(gantt);
taskSplitBar: function taskSplitBar() {
return renderSplitTaskBar(gantt);
link: function link() {
return renderLink(gantt);
resourceRow: function resourceRow() {
return resourceMatrixRenderer(gantt);
resourceHistogram: function resourceHistogram() {
return resourceHistogramRenderer(gantt);
gridTaskRowResizer: function gridTaskRowResizer() {
return gridTaskRowResizerRenderer(gantt);
layersService: {
getDataRender: function getDataRender(name) {
return layersEngine.getDataRender(name, gantt);
createDataRender: function createDataRender(config) {
return layersEngine.createDataRender(config, gantt);
module.exports = {
init: initUI
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/layout/cell.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/layout/cell.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js"),
eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js"),
domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var Cell = function () {
"use strict";
function Cell(parent, config, factory, gantt) {
if (parent) {
this.$container = domHelpers.toNode(parent);
this.$parent = parent;
} // save config
this.$config = utils.mixin(config, {
headerHeight: 33
this.$gantt = gantt;
this.$domEvents = gantt._createDomEventScope(); // set id
this.$id = || "c" + utils.uid();
this.$name = "cell";
this.$factory = factory;
Cell.prototype.destructor = function () {
this.$parent = this.$container = this.$view = null;
var mouse = this.$gantt.$services.getService("mouseEvents");
mouse.detach("click", "gantt_header_arrow", this._headerClickHandler);
this.callEvent("onDestroy", []);
Cell.prototype.cell = function (id) {
return null;
Cell.prototype.scrollTo = function (left, top) {
//GS-333 Add a way to scroll the HTML views:
var cell = this.$view;
if (this.$config.html) cell = this.$view.firstChild;
if (left * 1 == left) {
cell.scrollLeft = left;
if (top * 1 == top) {
cell.scrollTop = top;
Cell.prototype.clear = function () {
this.getNode().innerHTML = "";
this.getNode().className = "gantt_layout_content";
this.getNode().style.padding = "0";
Cell.prototype.resize = function (_final) {
if (this.$parent) {
return this.$parent.resize(_final);
if (_final === false) {
this.$preResize = true;
var topCont = this.$container;
var x = topCont.offsetWidth;
var y = topCont.offsetHeight;
var topSize = this.getSize();
if (topCont === document.body) {
x = document.body.offsetWidth;
y = document.body.offsetHeight;
if (x < topSize.minWidth) {
x = topSize.minWidth;
if (x > topSize.maxWidth) {
x = topSize.maxWidth;
if (y < topSize.minHeight) {
y = topSize.minHeight;
if (y > topSize.maxHeight) {
y = topSize.maxHeight;
this.setSize(x, y);
if (!this.$preResize) {// self.callEvent("onResize", [x, y]);
this.$preResize = false;
Cell.prototype.hide = function () {
}; = function (force) {
if (force && this.$parent) {
Cell.prototype._hide = function (mode) {
if (mode === true && this.$view.parentNode) {
} else if (mode === false && !this.$view.parentNode) {
var index = this.$parent.cellIndex(this.$id);
this.$parent.moveView(this, index);
this.$config.hidden = mode;
Cell.prototype.$toHTML = function (content, css) {
if (content === void 0) {
content = "";
css = [css || "", this.$config.css || ""].join(" ");
var obj = this.$config;
var header = "";
if (obj.raw) {
content = typeof obj.raw === "string" ? obj.raw : "";
} else {
if (!content) {
content = "<div class='gantt_layout_content' " + (css ? " class='" + css + "' " : "") + " >" + (obj.html || "") + "</div>";
if (obj.header) {
var collapseIcon = obj.canCollapse ? "<div class='gantt_layout_header_arrow'></div>" : "";
header = "<div class='gantt_layout_header'>" + collapseIcon + "<div class='gantt_layout_header_content'>" + obj.header + "</div></div>";
return "<div class='gantt_layout_cell " + css + "' data-cell-id='" + this.$id + "'>" + header + content + "</div>";
Cell.prototype.$fill = function (node, parent) {
this.$view = node;
this.$parent = parent;
Cell.prototype.getNode = function () {
return this.$view.querySelector("gantt_layout_cell") || this.$view;
Cell.prototype.init = function () {
// [NOT-GOOD] code is executed for each component, while it still has only one handler, it is no good
var self = this;
this._headerClickHandler = function (e) {
var cellId = domHelpers.locateAttribute(e, "data-cell-id");
if (cellId == self.$id) {
var mouse = this.$gantt.$services.getService("mouseEvents");
mouse.delegate("click", "gantt_header_arrow", this._headerClickHandler);
this.callEvent("onReady", []);
Cell.prototype.toggle = function () {
this.$config.collapsed = !this.$config.collapsed;
Cell.prototype.getSize = function () {
var size = {
height: this.$config.height || 0,
width: this.$config.width || 0,
gravity: this.$config.gravity || 1,
minHeight: this.$config.minHeight || 0,
minWidth: this.$config.minWidth || 0,
maxHeight: this.$config.maxHeight || 100000000000,
maxWidth: this.$config.maxWidth || 100000000000
if (this.$config.collapsed) {
var mode = this.$config.mode === "x";
size[mode ? "width" : "height"] = size[mode ? "maxWidth" : "maxHeight"] = this.$config.headerHeight;
return size;
Cell.prototype.getContentSize = function () {
var width = this.$lastSize.contentX;
if (width !== width * 1) {
width = this.$lastSize.width;
var height = this.$lastSize.contentY;
if (height !== height * 1) {
height = this.$lastSize.height;
return {
width: width,
height: height
Cell.prototype._getBorderSizes = function () {
var borders = {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
horizontal: 0,
vertical: 0
if (this._currentBorders) {
if (this._currentBorders[this._borders.left]) {
borders.left = 1;
if (this._currentBorders[this._borders.right]) {
borders.right = 1;
if (this._currentBorders[]) { = 1;
if (this._currentBorders[this._borders.bottom]) {
borders.bottom = 1;
return borders;
Cell.prototype.setSize = function (x, y) {
this.$ = x + "px";
this.$ = y + "px";
var borders = this._getBorderSizes();
var contentY = y - borders.vertical;
var contentX = x - borders.horizontal;
this.$lastSize = {
x: x,
y: y,
contentX: contentX,
contentY: contentY
if (this.$config.header) {
} else {
Cell.prototype._borders = {
"left": "gantt_layout_cell_border_left",
"right": "gantt_layout_cell_border_right",
"top": "gantt_layout_cell_border_top",
"bottom": "gantt_layout_cell_border_bottom"
Cell.prototype._setBorders = function (css, view) {
if (!view) {
view = this;
var node = view.$view;
for (var i in this._borders) {
domHelpers.removeClassName(node, this._borders[i]);
if (typeof css == "string") {
css = [css];
var cssHash = {};
for (var i = 0; i < css.length; i++) {
domHelpers.addClassName(node, css[i]);
cssHash[css[i]] = true;
view._currentBorders = cssHash;
Cell.prototype._sizeContent = function () {
var content = this.$view.childNodes[0];
if (content && content.className == "gantt_layout_content") { = this.$lastSize.contentY + "px";
Cell.prototype._sizeHeader = function () {
var size = this.$lastSize;
size.contentY -= this.$config.headerHeight;
var header = this.$view.childNodes[0];
var content = this.$view.childNodes[1];
var xLayout = this.$config.mode === "x";
if (this.$config.collapsed) { = "none";
if (xLayout) {
header.className = "gantt_layout_header collapsed_x"; = size.y + "px";
var d = Math.floor(size.y / 2 - size.x / 2); = "rotate(90deg) translate(" + d + "px, " + d + "px)"; = "none";
} else {
header.className = "gantt_layout_header collapsed_y";
} else {
if (xLayout) {
header.className = "gantt_layout_header";
} else {
header.className = "gantt_layout_header vertical";
} = 'auto'; = ''; = ""; = size.contentY + "px";
} = this.$config.headerHeight + "px";
return Cell;
module.exports = Cell;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/layout/layout.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/layout/layout.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js"),
domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js"),
Cell = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cell */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/cell.js");
var Layout = function (_super) {
"use strict";
__extends(Layout, _super);
function Layout(parent, config, factory) {
var _this = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
if (parent) _this.$root = true;
_this.$name = "layout";
return _this;
Layout.prototype.destructor = function () {
if (this.$container && this.$view) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.$cells.length; i++) {
var child = this.$cells[i];
this.$cells = [];;
Layout.prototype._resizeScrollbars = function (autosize, scrollbars) {
var scrollChanged = false;
var visibleScrollbars = [],
hiddenScrollbars = [];
function showScrollbar(scrollbar) {
scrollChanged = true;
function hideScrollbar(scrollbar) {
scrollChanged = true;
var scrollbar;
for (var i = 0; i < scrollbars.length; i++) {
scrollbar = scrollbars[i];
if (autosize[scrollbar.$config.scroll]) {
} else if (scrollbar.shouldHide()) {
} else if (scrollbar.shouldShow()) {
} else {
if (scrollbar.isVisible()) {
} else {
var visibleGroups = {};
for (var i = 0; i < visibleScrollbars.length; i++) {
if (visibleScrollbars[i].$ {
visibleGroups[visibleScrollbars[i].$] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < hiddenScrollbars.length; i++) {
scrollbar = hiddenScrollbars[i];
if (scrollbar.$ && visibleGroups[scrollbar.$]) {
showScrollbar(scrollbar); // GS-707 If the scrollbar was hidden then showed, the container resize shouldn't happen because of that
for (var j = 0; j < visibleScrollbars.length; j++) {
if (visibleScrollbars[j] == scrollbar) {
this.$gantt.$scrollbarRepaint = true;
return scrollChanged;
Layout.prototype._syncCellSizes = function (groupName, newSize) {
if (!groupName) return;
var groups = {};
this._eachChild(function (cell) {
if (cell.$ && cell.$name != "scrollbar" && cell.$name != "resizer") {
if (!groups[cell.$]) {
groups[cell.$] = [];
if (groups[groupName]) {
this._syncGroupSize(groups[groupName], newSize);
return groups[groupName];
Layout.prototype._syncGroupSize = function (cells, newSize) {
if (!cells.length) return;
var property = cells[0].$parent._xLayout ? "width" : "height";
var direction = cells[0].$parent.getNextSibling(cells[0].$id) ? 1 : -1;
var newSizeValue = newSize.value;
var isGravity = newSize.isGravity;
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
var ownSize = cells[i].getSize();
var resizeSibling = direction > 0 ? cells[i].$parent.getNextSibling(cells[i].$id) : cells[i].$parent.getPrevSibling(cells[i].$id);
if (resizeSibling.$name == "resizer") {
resizeSibling = direction > 0 ? resizeSibling.$parent.getNextSibling(resizeSibling.$id) : resizeSibling.$parent.getPrevSibling(resizeSibling.$id);
var siblingSize = resizeSibling.getSize();
if (!isGravity) {
if (resizeSibling[property]) {
var totalGravity = ownSize.gravity + siblingSize.gravity;
var totalSize = ownSize[property] + siblingSize[property];
var k = totalGravity / totalSize;
cells[i].$config.gravity = k * newSizeValue;
resizeSibling.$config[property] = totalSize - newSizeValue;
resizeSibling.$config.gravity = totalGravity - k * newSizeValue;
} else {
cells[i].$config[property] = newSizeValue;
} else {
cells[i].$config.gravity = newSizeValue;
var mainGrid = this.$gantt.$ui.getView("grid");
if (mainGrid && cells[i].$content === mainGrid && !mainGrid.$config.scrollable && !isGravity) {
this.$gantt.config.grid_width = newSizeValue;
Layout.prototype.resize = function (startStage) {
var mainCall = false;
if (this.$root && !this._resizeInProgress) {
this.callEvent("onBeforeResize", []);
mainCall = true;
this._resizeInProgress = true;
}, true);, false);
if (mainCall) {
var contentViews = [];
contentViews = contentViews.concat(this.getCellsByType("viewCell"));
contentViews = contentViews.concat(this.getCellsByType("viewLayout"));
contentViews = contentViews.concat(this.getCellsByType("hostCell"));
var scrollbars = this.getCellsByType("scroller");
for (var i = 0; i < contentViews.length; i++) {
if (!contentViews[i].$config.hidden) contentViews[i].setContentSize();
var autosize = this._getAutosizeMode(this.$config.autosize);
var scrollChanged = this._resizeScrollbars(autosize, scrollbars);
if (this.$config.autosize) {
scrollChanged = true;
if (scrollChanged) {
for (var i = 0; i < contentViews.length; i++) {
if (!contentViews[i].$config.hidden) contentViews[i].setContentSize();
this.callEvent("onResize", []);
if (mainCall) {
this._resizeInProgress = false;
Layout.prototype._eachChild = function (code, cell) {
cell = cell || this;
if (cell.$cells) {
for (var i = 0; i < cell.$cells.length; i++) {
this._eachChild(code, cell.$cells[i]);
Layout.prototype.isChild = function (view) {
var res = false;
this._eachChild(function (child) {
if (child === view || child.$content === view) {
res = true;
return res;
Layout.prototype.getCellsByType = function (type) {
var res = [];
if (type === this.$name) {
if (this.$content && this.$content.$name == type) {
if (this.$cells) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.$cells.length; i++) {
var children =$cells[i], type);
if (children.length) {
res.push.apply(res, children);
return res;
Layout.prototype.getNextSibling = function (cellId) {
var index = this.cellIndex(cellId);
if (index >= 0 && this.$cells[index + 1]) {
return this.$cells[index + 1];
} else {
return null;
Layout.prototype.getPrevSibling = function (cellId) {
var index = this.cellIndex(cellId);
if (index >= 0 && this.$cells[index - 1]) {
return this.$cells[index - 1];
} else {
return null;
Layout.prototype.cell = function (id) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.$cells.length; i++) {
var child = this.$cells[i];
if (child.$id === id) {
return child;
var sub = child.cell(id);
if (sub) {
return sub;
Layout.prototype.cellIndex = function (id) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.$cells.length; i++) {
if (this.$cells[i].$id === id) {
return i;
return -1;
Layout.prototype.moveView = function (view, ind) {
if (this.$cells[ind] !== view) {
return window.alert("Not implemented");
} else {
ind += this.$config.header ? 1 : 0;
var node = this.$view;
if (ind >= node.childNodes.length) {
} else {
node.insertBefore(view.$view, node.childNodes[ind]);
Layout.prototype._parseConfig = function (config) {
this.$cells = [];
this._xLayout = !config.rows;
var cells = config.rows || config.cols || config.views;
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
var cell = cells[i];
cell.mode = this._xLayout ? "x" : "y";
var $content = this.$factory.initUI(cell, this);
if (!$content) {
cells.splice(i, 1);
} else {
$content.$parent = this;
Layout.prototype.getCells = function () {
return this.$cells;
Layout.prototype.render = function () {
var view = domHelpers.insertNode(this.$container, this.$toHTML());
this.$fill(view, null);
this.callEvent("onReady", []);
this.resize(); // do simple repaint after the first call
this.render = this.resize;
Layout.prototype.$fill = function (node, parent) {
this.$view = node;
this.$parent = parent;
var cells = domHelpers.getChildNodes(node, "gantt_layout_cell");
for (var i = cells.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var sub = this.$cells[i];
sub.$fill(cells[i], this); // initially hidden cell
if (sub.$config.hidden) {
Layout.prototype.$toHTML = function () {
var mode = this._xLayout ? "x" : "y";
var html = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.$cells.length; i++) {
return _super.prototype.$, html.join(""), (this.$root ? "gantt_layout_root " : "") + "gantt_layout gantt_layout_" + mode);
Layout.prototype.getContentSize = function (mode) {
var contentWidth = 0,
contentHeight = 0;
var cellSize, cell, borders;
for (var i = 0; i < this.$cells.length; i++) {
cell = this.$cells[i];
if (cell.$config.hidden) continue;
cellSize = cell.getContentSize(mode);
if (cell.$config.view === "scrollbar" && mode[cell.$config.scroll]) {
cellSize.height = 0;
cellSize.width = 0;
if (cell.$config.resizer) {
if (this._xLayout) {
cellSize.height = 0;
} else {
cellSize.width = 0;
borders = cell._getBorderSizes();
if (this._xLayout) {
contentWidth += cellSize.width + borders.horizontal;
contentHeight = Math.max(contentHeight, cellSize.height + borders.vertical);
} else {
contentWidth = Math.max(contentWidth, cellSize.width + borders.horizontal);
contentHeight += cellSize.height + borders.vertical;
borders = this._getBorderSizes();
contentWidth += borders.horizontal;
contentHeight += borders.vertical; // GS-149 & GS-150: By default this code only increases the container sizes, because of that, the cell sizes
// are also increased. Keep this code here in the case if something goes wrong
contentWidth += 1;
contentHeight += 1;
return {
width: contentWidth,
height: contentHeight
Layout.prototype._cleanElSize = function (value) {
return (value || "").toString().replace("px", "") * 1 || 0;
Layout.prototype._getBoxStyles = function (div) {
var computed = null;
if (window.getComputedStyle) {
computed = window.getComputedStyle(div, null);
} else {
//IE with elem.currentStyle does not calculate sizes from %, so will use the default approach
computed = {
"width": div.clientWidth,
"height": div.clientHeight
var properties = ["width", "height", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight", "borderLeftWidth", "borderRightWidth", "borderTopWidth", "borderBottomWidth"];
var styles = {
boxSizing: computed.boxSizing == "border-box"
if (computed.MozBoxSizing) {
styles.boxSizing = computed.MozBoxSizing == "border-box";
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
styles[properties[i]] = computed[properties[i]] ? this._cleanElSize(computed[properties[i]]) : 0;
var box = {
horPaddings: styles.paddingLeft + styles.paddingRight + styles.borderLeftWidth + styles.borderRightWidth,
vertPaddings: styles.paddingTop + styles.paddingBottom + styles.borderTopWidth + styles.borderBottomWidth,
borderBox: styles.boxSizing,
innerWidth: styles.width,
innerHeight: styles.height,
outerWidth: styles.width,
outerHeight: styles.height
if (box.borderBox) {
box.innerWidth -= box.horPaddings;
box.innerHeight -= box.vertPaddings;
} else {
box.outerWidth += box.horPaddings;
box.outerHeight += box.vertPaddings;
return box;
Layout.prototype._getAutosizeMode = function (config) {
var res = {
x: false,
y: false
if (config === "xy") {
res.x = res.y = true;
} else if (config === "y" || config === true) {
res.y = true;
} else if (config === "x") {
res.x = true;
return res;
Layout.prototype.autosize = function (mode) {
var res = this._getAutosizeMode(mode);
var boxSizes = this._getBoxStyles(this.$container);
var contentSizes = this.getContentSize(mode);
var node = this.$container;
if (res.x) {
if (boxSizes.borderBox) {
contentSizes.width += boxSizes.horPaddings;
} = contentSizes.width + "px";
if (res.y) {
if (boxSizes.borderBox) {
contentSizes.height += boxSizes.vertPaddings;
} = contentSizes.height + "px";
Layout.prototype.getSize = function () {
this._sizes = [];
var width = 0;
var minWidth = 0;
var maxWidth = 100000000000;
var height = 0;
var maxHeight = 100000000000;
var minHeight = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.$cells.length; i++) {
var size = this._sizes[i] = this.$cells[i].getSize();
if (this.$cells[i].$config.hidden) {
if (this._xLayout) {
if (!size.width && size.minWidth) {
width += size.minWidth;
} else {
width += size.width;
maxWidth += size.maxWidth;
minWidth += size.minWidth;
height = Math.max(height, size.height);
maxHeight = Math.min(maxHeight, size.maxHeight); // min of maxHeight
minHeight = Math.max(minHeight, size.minHeight); // max of minHeight
} else {
if (!size.height && size.minHeight) {
height += size.minHeight;
} else {
height += size.height;
maxHeight += size.maxHeight;
minHeight += size.minHeight;
width = Math.max(width, size.width);
maxWidth = Math.min(maxWidth, size.maxWidth); // min of maxWidth
minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, size.minWidth); // max of minWidth
var self =; // maxWidth
if (self.maxWidth >= 100000) {
self.maxWidth = maxWidth;
} // maxHeight
if (self.maxHeight >= 100000) {
self.maxHeight = maxHeight;
} // minWidth
self.minWidth = self.minWidth !== self.minWidth ? 0 : self.minWidth; // || self.width || Math.max(minWidth, width);
// minHeight
self.minHeight = self.minHeight !== self.minHeight ? 0 : self.minHeight; //self.minHeight || self.height || Math.max(minHeight, height);
// sizes with paddings and margins
if (this._xLayout) {
self.minWidth += this.$config.margin * this.$cells.length || 0;
self.minWidth += this.$config.padding * 2 || 0;
self.minHeight += this.$config.padding * 2 || 0;
} else {
self.minHeight += this.$config.margin * this.$cells.length || 0;
self.minHeight += this.$config.padding * 2 || 0;
return self;
}; // calc total gravity and free space
Layout.prototype._calcFreeSpace = function (s, cell, xLayout) {
var min = xLayout ? cell.minWidth : cell.minHeight;
var max = xLayout ? cell.maxWidth : cell.maxWidth;
var side = s;
if (!side) {
side = Math.floor(this._free / this._gravity * cell.gravity);
if (side > max) {
side = max;
this._free -= side;
this._gravity -= cell.gravity;
if (side < min) {
side = min;
this._free -= side;
this._gravity -= cell.gravity;
} else {
if (side > max) {
side = max;
if (side < min) {
side = min;
this._free -= side;
return side;
Layout.prototype._calcSize = function (s, size, xLayout) {
var side = s;
var min = xLayout ? size.minWidth : size.minHeight;
var max = xLayout ? size.maxWidth : size.maxHeight;
if (!side) {
side = Math.floor(this._free / this._gravity * size.gravity);
if (side > max) {
side = max;
if (side < min) {
side = min;
return side;
Layout.prototype._configureBorders = function () {
if (this.$root) {
this._setBorders([this._borders.left,, this._borders.right, this._borders.bottom], this);
var borderClass = this._xLayout ? this._borders.right : this._borders.bottom;
var cells = this.$cells;
var lastVisibleIndex = cells.length - 1;
for (var i = lastVisibleIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!cells[i].$config.hidden) {
lastVisibleIndex = i;
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
if (cells[i].$config.hidden) {
var lastCell = i >= lastVisibleIndex;
var borderColorClass = "";
if (!lastCell && cells[i + 1]) {
if (cells[i + 1].$config.view == "scrollbar") {
if (this._xLayout) {
lastCell = true;
} else {
borderColorClass = "gantt_layout_cell_border_transparent";
this._setBorders(lastCell ? [] : [borderClass, borderColorClass], cells[i]);
Layout.prototype._updateCellVisibility = function () {
var oldVisibleCells = this._visibleCells || {};
var firstCall = !this._visibleCells;
var visibleCells = {};
var cell;
var parentVisibility = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._sizes.length; i++) {
cell = this.$cells[i];
if (cell.$config.hide_empty) {
if (!firstCall && cell.$config.hidden && oldVisibleCells[cell.$id]) {
} else if (!cell.$config.hidden && !oldVisibleCells[cell.$id]) {
if (!cell.$config.hidden) {
visibleCells[cell.$id] = true;
this._visibleCells = visibleCells; // GS-27. A way to hide the whole cell if all its children are hidden
for (var i = 0; i < parentVisibility.length; i++) {
var cell = parentVisibility[i];
var children = cell.$cells;
var hideCell = true;
children.forEach(function (child) {
if (!child.$config.hidden && !child.$config.resizer) {
hideCell = false;
cell.$config.hidden = hideCell;
Layout.prototype.setSize = function (x, y) {
this._configureBorders();, x, y);
y = this.$lastSize.contentY;
x = this.$lastSize.contentX;
var padding = this.$config.padding || 0;
this.$ = padding + "px";
this._gravity = 0;
this._free = this._xLayout ? x : y;
this._free -= padding * 2; // calc all gravity
var cell, size;
for (var i = 0; i < this._sizes.length; i++) {
cell = this.$cells[i];
if (cell.$config.hidden) {
var margin = this.$config.margin || 0;
if (cell.$name == "resizer" && !margin) {
margin = -1;
} // set margins to child cell
var cellView = cell.$view;
var marginSide = this._xLayout ? "marginRight" : "marginBottom";
if (i !== this.$cells.length - 1) {[marginSide] = margin + "px";
this._free -= margin; // calc free space without margin
size = this._sizes[i];
if (this._xLayout) {
if (!size.width) {
this._gravity += size.gravity;
} else {
if (!size.height) {
this._gravity += size.gravity;
for (var i = 0; i < this._sizes.length; i++) {
cell = this.$cells[i];
if (cell.$config.hidden) {
size = this._sizes[i];
var width = size.width;
var height = size.height;
if (this._xLayout) {
this._calcFreeSpace(width, size, true);
} else {
this._calcFreeSpace(height, size, false);
for (var i = 0; i < this.$cells.length; i++) {
cell = this.$cells[i];
if (cell.$config.hidden) {
size = this._sizes[i];
var dx = void 0;
var dy = void 0;
if (this._xLayout) {
dx = this._calcSize(size.width, size, true);
dy = y - padding * 2; // layout height without paddings
} else {
dx = x - padding * 2; // layout width without paddings
dy = this._calcSize(size.height, size, false);
cell.setSize(dx, dy);
return Layout;
module.exports = Layout;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/layout/resizer_cell.gpl.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/layout/resizer_cell.gpl.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = null;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/layout/scrollbar_cell.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/layout/scrollbar_cell.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js"),
domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js"),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js"),
env = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/env */ "./sources/utils/env.js"),
Cell = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cell */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/cell.js");
var ScrollbarCell = function (_super) {
"use strict";
var SCROLL_MODIFIER_KEYS = ["altKey", "shiftKey", "metaKey"]; // it's no way to disable ctrl+wheel
__extends(ScrollbarCell, _super);
function ScrollbarCell(parent, config, factory, gantt) {
var _this = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
this.$config = utils.mixin(config, {
scroll: "x"
_this._scrollHorizontalHandler = utils.bind(_this._scrollHorizontalHandler, _this);
_this._scrollVerticalHandler = utils.bind(_this._scrollVerticalHandler, _this);
_this._outerScrollVerticalHandler = utils.bind(_this._outerScrollVerticalHandler, _this);
_this._outerScrollHorizontalHandler = utils.bind(_this._outerScrollHorizontalHandler, _this);
_this._mouseWheelHandler = utils.bind(_this._mouseWheelHandler, _this);
this.$config.hidden = true;
var size = gantt.config.scroll_size;
if (gantt.env.isIE) {
// full element height/width must be bigger than just a browser scrollbar,
// otherwise the scrollbar element won't be scrolled on click
size += 1;
if (this._isHorizontal()) {
_this.$config.height = size;
_this.$parent.$config.height = size;
} else {
_this.$config.width = size;
_this.$parent.$config.width = size;
this.$config.scrollPosition = 0;
_this.$name = "scroller";
return _this;
ScrollbarCell.prototype.init = function (container) {
container.innerHTML = this.$toHTML();
this.$view = container.firstChild;
if (!this.$view) {
if (this._isVertical()) {
} else {
ScrollbarCell.prototype.$toHTML = function () {
var className = this._isHorizontal() ? "gantt_hor_scroll" : "gantt_ver_scroll";
return "<div class='gantt_layout_cell " + className + "'><div style='" + (this._isHorizontal() ? "width:2000px" : "height:2000px") + "'></div></div>";
ScrollbarCell.prototype._getRootParent = function () {
var parent = this.$parent;
while (parent && parent.$parent) {
parent = parent.$parent;
if (parent) {
return parent;
function eachCell(root, res) {
if (root.$cells) {
for (var i = 0; i < root.$cells.length; i++) {
eachCell(root.$cells[i], res);
ScrollbarCell.prototype._eachView = function () {
var res = [];
eachCell(this._getRootParent(), res);
return res;
ScrollbarCell.prototype._getLinkedViews = function () {
var views = this._eachView();
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
if (views[i].$config && (this._isVertical() && views[i].$config.scrollY == this.$id || this._isHorizontal() && views[i].$config.scrollX == this.$id)) {
return res;
ScrollbarCell.prototype._initHorizontal = function () {
this.$scroll_hor = this.$view;
this.$domEvents.attach(this.$view, "scroll", this._scrollHorizontalHandler);
ScrollbarCell.prototype._initLinkedViews = function () {
var views = this._getLinkedViews();
var css = this._isVertical() ? "gantt_layout_outer_scroll gantt_layout_outer_scroll_vertical" : "gantt_layout_outer_scroll gantt_layout_outer_scroll_horizontal";
for (var i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
//views[i].$config.css = [views[i].$config.css || "", css].join(" ");
domHelpers.addClassName(views[i].$view || views[i].getNode(), css);
ScrollbarCell.prototype._initVertical = function () {
this.$scroll_ver = this.$view;
this.$domEvents.attach(this.$view, "scroll", this._scrollVerticalHandler);
ScrollbarCell.prototype._updateLinkedViews = function () {};
ScrollbarCell.prototype._initMouseWheel = function () {
var ff = env.isFF;
if (ff) this.$domEvents.attach(this._getRootParent().$view, "wheel", this._mouseWheelHandler, {
passive: false
});else this.$domEvents.attach(this._getRootParent().$view, "mousewheel", this._mouseWheelHandler, {
passive: false
ScrollbarCell.prototype.scrollHorizontally = function (left) {
if (this._scrolling) return;
this._scrolling = true;
this.$scroll_hor.scrollLeft = left;
this.$config.codeScrollLeft = left;
left = this.$scroll_hor.scrollLeft;
var views = this._getLinkedViews();
for (var i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
if (views[i].scrollTo) {
views[i].scrollTo(left, undefined);
var oldSize = this.$config.scrollPosition;
this.$config.scrollPosition = left;
this.callEvent("onScroll", [oldSize, left, this.$config.scroll]);
this._scrolling = false;
ScrollbarCell.prototype.scrollVertically = function (top) {
if (this._scrolling) return;
this._scrolling = true;
this.$scroll_ver.scrollTop = top;
top = this.$scroll_ver.scrollTop;
var views = this._getLinkedViews();
for (var i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
if (views[i].scrollTo) {
views[i].scrollTo(undefined, top);
var oldSize = this.$config.scrollPosition;
this.$config.scrollPosition = top;
this.callEvent("onScroll", [oldSize, top, this.$config.scroll]);
this._scrolling = false;
ScrollbarCell.prototype._isVertical = function () {
return this.$config.scroll == "y";
ScrollbarCell.prototype._isHorizontal = function () {
return this.$config.scroll == "x";
ScrollbarCell.prototype._scrollHorizontalHandler = function (e) {
if (this._isVertical() || this._scrolling) {
} //in safari we can catch previous onscroll after setting new value from mouse-wheel event
//set delay to prevent value drifiting
if (new Date() - (this._wheel_time || 0) < 100) return true; //if (this.$gantt._touch_scroll_active) return;
var left = this.$scroll_hor.scrollLeft;
this._oldLeft = this.$scroll_hor.scrollLeft;
ScrollbarCell.prototype._outerScrollHorizontalHandler = function (e) {
if (this._isVertical()) {
}; = function () {
ScrollbarCell.prototype.hide = function () {
ScrollbarCell.prototype._getScrollSize = function () {
var scrollSize = 0;
var outerSize = 0;
var isHorizontal = this._isHorizontal();
var linked = this._getLinkedViews();
var view;
var scrollProperty = isHorizontal ? "scrollWidth" : "scrollHeight",
innerSizeProperty = isHorizontal ? "contentX" : "contentY";
var outerProperty = isHorizontal ? "x" : "y";
var offset = this._getScrollOffset();
for (var i = 0; i < linked.length; i++) {
view = linked[i];
if (!(view && view.$content && view.$content.getSize && !view.$config.hidden)) continue;
var sizes = view.$content.getSize();
var cellScrollSize;
if (sizes.hasOwnProperty(scrollProperty)) {
cellScrollSize = sizes[scrollProperty];
} else {
cellScrollSize = sizes[innerSizeProperty];
if (offset) {
// precalculated vertical/horizontal offsets of scrollbar to emulate 4.x look
if (sizes[innerSizeProperty] > sizes[outerProperty] && sizes[innerSizeProperty] > scrollSize && cellScrollSize > sizes[outerProperty] - offset + 2) {
scrollSize = cellScrollSize + (isHorizontal ? 0 : 2);
outerSize = sizes[outerProperty];
} else {
var nonScrollableSize = Math.max(sizes[innerSizeProperty] - cellScrollSize, 0);
var scrollableViewPortSize = Math.max(sizes[outerProperty] - nonScrollableSize, 0);
cellScrollSize = cellScrollSize + nonScrollableSize;
if (cellScrollSize > scrollableViewPortSize && cellScrollSize > scrollSize) {
//|| (cellScrollSize === scrollSize && sizes[outerProperty] < outerSize) // same scroll width but smaller scrollable view port
scrollSize = cellScrollSize;
outerSize = sizes[outerProperty];
return {
outerScroll: outerSize,
innerScroll: scrollSize
ScrollbarCell.prototype.scroll = function (position) {
if (this._isHorizontal()) {
} else {
ScrollbarCell.prototype.getScrollState = function () {
return {
visible: this.isVisible(),
direction: this.$config.scroll,
size: this.$config.outerSize,
scrollSize: this.$config.scrollSize || 0,
position: this.$config.scrollPosition || 0
ScrollbarCell.prototype.setSize = function (width, height) {
_super.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments);
var scrollSizes = this._getScrollSize();
var ownSize = (this._isVertical() ? height : width) - this._getScrollOffset() + (this._isHorizontal() ? 1 : 0);
if (scrollSizes.innerScroll && ownSize > scrollSizes.outerScroll) {
scrollSizes.innerScroll += ownSize - scrollSizes.outerScroll;
this.$config.scrollSize = scrollSizes.innerScroll;
this.$config.width = width;
this.$config.height = height;
ScrollbarCell.prototype.isVisible = function () {
return !!(this.$parent && this.$parent.$view.parentNode);
ScrollbarCell.prototype.shouldShow = function () {
var scrollSizes = this._getScrollSize();
if (!scrollSizes.innerScroll && this.$parent && this.$parent.$view.parentNode) {
return false;
} else if (scrollSizes.innerScroll && !(this.$parent && this.$parent.$view.parentNode)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
ScrollbarCell.prototype.shouldHide = function () {
var scrollSizes = this._getScrollSize();
if (!scrollSizes.innerScroll && this.$parent && this.$parent.$view.parentNode) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
ScrollbarCell.prototype.toggleVisibility = function () {
if (this.shouldHide()) {
} else if (this.shouldShow()) {;
ScrollbarCell.prototype._getScaleOffset = function (view) {
var offset = 0;
if (view && (view.$config.view == "timeline" || view.$config.view == "grid")) {
offset = view.$content.$getConfig().scale_height;
return offset;
ScrollbarCell.prototype._getScrollOffset = function () {
var offset = 0;
if (this._isVertical()) {
var parentLayout = this.$parent.$parent;
offset = Math.max(this._getScaleOffset(parentLayout.getPrevSibling(this.$parent.$id)), this._getScaleOffset(parentLayout.getNextSibling(this.$parent.$id)));
} else {
var linked = this._getLinkedViews();
for (var i = 0; i < linked.length; i++) {
var view = linked[i],
vparent = view.$parent;
var cells = vparent.$cells;
var last = cells[cells.length - 1];
if (last && last.$config.view == "scrollbar" && last.$config.hidden === false) {
offset = last.$config.width;
return offset || 0;
ScrollbarCell.prototype._setScrollSize = function (size) {
var property = this._isHorizontal() ? "width" : "height";
var scrollbar = this._isHorizontal() ? this.$scroll_hor : this.$scroll_ver;
var offset = this._getScrollOffset();
var node = scrollbar.firstChild;
if (offset) {
if (this._isVertical()) {
this.$config.outerSize = this.$config.height - offset + 3; = this.$config.outerSize + "px"; = offset - 1 + "px";
domHelpers.addClassName(scrollbar, this.$;
domHelpers.addClassName(scrollbar.parentNode, "gantt_task_vscroll");
} else {
this.$config.outerSize = this.$config.width - offset + 1; = this.$config.outerSize + "px"; //domHelpers.addClassName(scrollbar, this.$parent._borders.right);
} else { = "auto";
domHelpers.removeClassName(scrollbar, this.$;
domHelpers.removeClassName(scrollbar.parentNode, "gantt_task_vscroll");
this.$config.outerSize = this.$config.height;
}[property] = size + "px";
ScrollbarCell.prototype._scrollVerticalHandler = function (e) {
if (this._scrollHorizontalHandler() || this._scrolling) {
} //if (this.$gantt._touch_scroll_active) return;
var top = this.$scroll_ver.scrollTop;
var prev = this._oldTop;
if (top == prev) return;
this._oldTop = this.$scroll_ver.scrollTop;
ScrollbarCell.prototype._outerScrollVerticalHandler = function (e) {
if (this._scrollHorizontalHandler()) {
ScrollbarCell.prototype._checkWheelTarget = function (targetNode) {
var connectedViews = this._getLinkedViews().concat(this);
for (var i = 0; i < connectedViews.length; i++) {
var node = connectedViews[i].$view;
if (domHelpers.isChildOf(targetNode, node)) {
return true;
return false;
ScrollbarCell.prototype._mouseWheelHandler = function (e) {
var target = || e.srcElement;
if (!this._checkWheelTarget(target)) return;
this._wheel_time = new Date();
var res = {};
var wheelSpeed = {
x: 1,
y: 1
var wheelSpeedConfig = this.$gantt.config.wheel_scroll_sensitivity;
if (typeof wheelSpeedConfig == "number" && !!wheelSpeedConfig) {
wheelSpeed = {
x: wheelSpeedConfig,
y: wheelSpeedConfig
} else if ({}.toString.apply(wheelSpeedConfig) == "[object Object]") {
wheelSpeed = {
x: wheelSpeedConfig.x,
y: wheelSpeedConfig.y
var ff = env.isFF;
var deltaX = ff ? e.deltaX : e.wheelDeltaX;
var deltaY = ff ? e.deltaY : e.wheelDelta;
var multiplier = -20;
if (ff) {
if (e.deltaMode !== 0) {
multiplier = -40;
} else {
multiplier = -10;
var wx = ff ? deltaX * multiplier * wheelSpeed.x : deltaX * 2 * wheelSpeed.x;
var wy = ff ? deltaY * multiplier * wheelSpeed.y : deltaY * wheelSpeed.y;
var horizontalScrollModifier = this.$gantt.config.horizontal_scroll_key;
if (horizontalScrollModifier !== false) {
if (SCROLL_MODIFIER_KEYS.indexOf(horizontalScrollModifier) >= 0) {
if (e[horizontalScrollModifier] && !(e.deltaX || e.wheelDeltaX)) {
// shift+mousewheel for horizontal scroll
wx = wy * 2;
wy = 0;
if (wx && Math.abs(wx) > Math.abs(wy)) {
if (this._isVertical()) {
if (res.x) return true; //no horisontal scroll, must not block scrolling
if (!this.$scroll_hor || !this.$scroll_hor.offsetWidth) return true;
var dir = wx / -40;
var oldLeft = this._oldLeft;
var left = oldLeft + dir * 30;
this.$scroll_hor.scrollLeft = left; // not block scroll if position hasn't changed
if (oldLeft == this.$scroll_hor.scrollLeft) {
return true;
this._oldLeft = this.$scroll_hor.scrollLeft;
} else {
if (this._isHorizontal()) {
if (res.y) return true; //no vertical scroll, must not block scrolling
if (!this.$scroll_ver || !this.$scroll_ver.offsetHeight) return true;
var dir = wy / -40;
if (typeof wy == "undefined") dir = e.detail;
var oldTop = this._oldTop;
var top = this.$scroll_ver.scrollTop + dir * 30; //if(!this.$gantt.config.prevent_default_scroll &&
// (this.$gantt._cached_scroll_pos && ((this.$gantt._cached_scroll_pos.y == top) || (this.$gantt._cached_scroll_pos.y <= 0 && top <= 0)))) return true;
this.$scroll_ver.scrollTop = top; // not block scroll if position hasn't changed
if (oldTop == this.$scroll_ver.scrollTop) {
return true;
this._oldTop = this.$scroll_ver.scrollTop;
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
e.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
return ScrollbarCell;
module.exports = ScrollbarCell;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/layout/view_cell.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/layout/view_cell.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js"),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js"),
Cell = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cell */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/cell.js");
var ViewCell = function (_super) {
"use strict";
__extends(ViewCell, _super);
function ViewCell(parent, config, factory) {
var _this = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
if (config.view) {
if ( {
// pass id to the nested view
this.$id = utils.uid();
var childConfig = utils.copy(config);
delete childConfig.config;
delete childConfig.templates;
this.$content = this.$factory.createView(config.view, this, childConfig, this);
if (!this.$content) return false;
_this.$name = "viewCell";
return _this;
ViewCell.prototype.destructor = function () {
ViewCell.prototype.clear = function () {
this.$initialized = false; // call destructor
if (this.$content) {
var method = this.$content.unload || this.$content.destructor;
if (method) {$content);
ViewCell.prototype.scrollTo = function (left, top) {
if (this.$content && this.$content.scrollTo) {
this.$content.scrollTo(left, top);
} else {, left, top);
ViewCell.prototype._setContentSize = function (x, y) {
var borders = this._getBorderSizes();
if (typeof x === "number") {
var outerX = x + borders.horizontal;
this.$config.width = outerX;
if (typeof y === "number") {
var outerY = y + borders.vertical;
this.$config.height = outerY;
ViewCell.prototype.setSize = function (x, y) {, x, y);
if (!this.$preResize && this.$content) {
if (!this.$initialized) {
this.$initialized = true;
var header = this.$view.childNodes[0];
var content = this.$view.childNodes[1];
if (!content) content = header;
this.$content.$config.width = this.$lastSize.contentX;
this.$content.$config.height = this.$lastSize.contentY;
ViewCell.prototype.setContentSize = function () {
if (!this.$preResize && this.$content) {
if (this.$initialized) {
this.$content.setSize(this.$lastSize.contentX, this.$lastSize.contentY);
ViewCell.prototype.getContentSize = function () {
var size =;
if (this.$content && this.$initialized) {
var childSize = this.$content.getSize();
size.width = childSize.contentX === undefined ? childSize.width : childSize.contentX;
size.height = childSize.contentY === undefined ? childSize.height : childSize.contentY;
var borders = this._getBorderSizes();
size.width += borders.horizontal;
size.height += borders.vertical;
return size;
return ViewCell;
module.exports = ViewCell;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/layout/view_layout.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/layout/view_layout.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js"),
Layout = __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/layout.js"),
Cell = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cell */ "./sources/core/ui/layout/cell.js");
var ViewLayout = function (_super) {
"use strict";
__extends(ViewLayout, _super);
function ViewLayout(parent, config, factory) {
var _this = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
for (var i = 0; i < _this.$cells.length; i++) {
_this.$cells[i].$config.hidden = i !== 0;
_this.$cell = _this.$cells[0];
_this.$name = "viewLayout";
return _this;
ViewLayout.prototype.cell = function (id) {
var cell =, id);
if (!cell.$view) {
this.$fill(null, this);
return cell;
ViewLayout.prototype.moveView = function (view) {
var body = this.$view;
if (this.$cell) {
this.$cell.$config.hidden = true;
this.$cell = view;
ViewLayout.prototype.setSize = function (x, y) {, x, y);
ViewLayout.prototype.setContentSize = function () {
var size = this.$lastSize;
this.$cell.setSize(size.contentX, size.contentY);
ViewLayout.prototype.getSize = function () {
var sizes =;
if (this.$cell) {
var cellSize = this.$cell.getSize();
if (this.$config.byMaxSize) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.$cells.length; i++) {
var otherCell = this.$cells[i].getSize();
for (var cell in cellSize) {
cellSize[cell] = Math.max(cellSize[cell], otherCell[cell]);
for (var size in sizes) {
sizes[size] = sizes[size] || cellSize[size];
sizes.gravity = Math.max(sizes.gravity, cellSize.gravity);
return sizes;
return ViewLayout;
module.exports = ViewLayout;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function dummy() {
// eslint-disable-next-line
console.log("Method is not implemented.");
function BaseControl() {} // base methods will be runned in gantt context
BaseControl.prototype.render = dummy; // arguments: sns
BaseControl.prototype.set_value = dummy; // arguments: node, value, ev, sns(config)
BaseControl.prototype.get_value = dummy; // arguments node, ev, sns(config)
BaseControl.prototype.focus = dummy; // arguments: node
module.exports = function (gantt) {
// we could send current instance of gantt to module
return BaseControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/checkbox_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/checkbox_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js")(gantt);
function CheckboxControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(CheckboxControl, _super);
CheckboxControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
var height = (sns.height || "23") + "px";
var html = "<div class='gantt_cal_ltext' style='height:" + height + ";'>";
if (sns.options && sns.options.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < sns.options.length; i++) {
html += "<label><input type='checkbox' value='" + sns.options[i].key + "' name='" + + "'>" + sns.options[i].label + "</label>";
} else {
sns.single_value = true;
html += "<label><input type='checkbox' name='" + + "'></label>";
html += "</div>";
return html;
CheckboxControl.prototype.set_value = function (node, value, ev, sns) {
var checkboxes ="input[type=checkbox]"));
if (!node._dhx_onchange && sns.onchange) {
node.onchange = sns.onchange;
node._dhx_onchange = true;
if (sns.single_value) {
var box = checkboxes[0];
box.checked = !!value;
} else {
helpers.forEach(checkboxes, function (entry) {
entry.checked = value ? value.indexOf(entry.value) >= 0 : false;
CheckboxControl.prototype.get_value = function (node, task, sns) {
if (sns.single_value) {
var box = node.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]");
return box.checked;
} else {
return helpers.arrayMap("input[type=checkbox]:checked")), function (entry) {
return entry.value;
CheckboxControl.prototype.focus = function (node) {
return CheckboxControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/constraint_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/constraint_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
var htmlHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/html_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/html_helpers.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js")(gantt);
function ConstraintControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(ConstraintControl, _super);
function isNonTimedConstraint(value) {
if (!value || value === gantt.config.constraint_types.ASAP || value === gantt.config.constraint_types.ALAP) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function toggleTimeSelect(timeSelects, typeValue) {
var isNonTimed = isNonTimedConstraint(typeValue);
for (var i = 0; i < timeSelects.length; i++) {
timeSelects[i].disabled = isNonTimed;
ConstraintControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
var height = (sns.height || 30) + "px";
var html = "<div class='gantt_cal_ltext gantt_section_" + + "' style='height:" + height + ";'>";
var options = [];
for (var i in gantt.config.constraint_types) {
key: gantt.config.constraint_types[i],
label: gantt.locale.labels[gantt.config.constraint_types[i]]
sns.options = sns.options || options;
html += "<span data-constraint-type-select>" + htmlHelpers.getHtmlSelect(sns.options, [{
key: "data-type",
value: "constraint-type"
}]) + "</span>";
var timeLabel = gantt.locale.labels["constraint_date"] || "Constraint date";
html += "<label data-constraint-time-select>" + timeLabel + ": " +, sns) + "</label>";
html += "</div>";
return html;
ConstraintControl.prototype.set_value = function (node, value, task, config) {
var typeSelect = node.querySelector("[data-constraint-type-select] select");
var timeSelects = node.querySelectorAll("[data-constraint-time-select] select");
var map = config._time_format_order;
var mapping = gantt._resolve_default_mapping(config);
if (!typeSelect._eventsInitialized) {
typeSelect.addEventListener("change", function (e) {
typeSelect._eventsInitialized = true;
var constraintDate = task[mapping.constraint_date] || new Date();
gantt.form_blocks._fill_lightbox_select(timeSelects, 0, constraintDate, map, config);
var constraintType = task[mapping.constraint_type] || gantt.getConstraintType(task);
typeSelect.value = constraintType;
toggleTimeSelect(timeSelects, constraintType);
ConstraintControl.prototype.get_value = function (node, task, config) {
var typeSelect = node.querySelector("[data-constraint-type-select] select");
var timeSelects = node.querySelectorAll("[data-constraint-time-select] select");
var constraintType = typeSelect.value;
var constraintDate = null;
if (!isNonTimedConstraint(constraintType)) {
constraintDate = gantt.form_blocks.getTimePickerValue(timeSelects, config);
return {
constraint_type: constraintType,
constraint_date: constraintDate
ConstraintControl.prototype.focus = function (node) {
return ConstraintControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/duration_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/duration_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
var DurationFormatterNumeric = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../common/duration_formatter_numeric */ "./sources/core/common/duration_formatter_numeric.ts")["default"];
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js")(gantt);
function DurationControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
function getFormatter(config) {
return config.formatter || new DurationFormatterNumeric();
__extends(DurationControl, _super);
DurationControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
var time = "<div class='gantt_time_selects'>" +, sns) + "</div>";
var label = " " + gantt.locale.labels[gantt.config.duration_unit + "s"] + " ";
var singleDate = sns.single_date ? " style='display:none'" : "";
var readonly = sns.readonly ? " disabled='disabled'" : "";
var ariaAttr = gantt._waiAria.lightboxDurationInputAttrString(sns);
var durationInputClass = "gantt_duration_value";
if (sns.formatter) {
label = "";
durationInputClass += " gantt_duration_value_formatted";
var duration = "<div class='gantt_duration' " + singleDate + ">" + "<input type='button' class='gantt_duration_dec' value='−'" + readonly + ">" + "<input type='text' value='5days' class='" + durationInputClass + "'" + readonly + " " + ariaAttr + ">" + "<input type='button' class='gantt_duration_inc' value='+'" + readonly + ">" + label + "<span></span>" + "</div>";
var html = "<div style='height:" + (sns.height || 30) + "px;padding-top:0px;font-size:inherit;' class='gantt_section_time'>" + time + " " + duration + "</div>";
return html;
DurationControl.prototype.set_value = function (node, value, ev, config) {
var s = node.getElementsByTagName("select");
var inps = node.getElementsByTagName("input");
var duration = inps[1];
var btns = [inps[0], inps[2]];
var endspan = node.getElementsByTagName("span")[0];
var map = config._time_format_order;
var mapping;
var start_date;
var end_date;
var duration_val;
function _calc_date() {
var start_date =, node, config);
var duration =, node, config);
var end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: start_date,
duration: duration,
task: ev
var template = gantt.templates.task_end_date || gantt.templates.task_date;
endspan.innerHTML = template(end_date);
function _change_duration(step) {
var value = duration.value;
value = getFormatter(config).parse(value);
if (window.isNaN(value)) value = 0;
value += step;
if (value < 1) value = 1;
duration.value = getFormatter(config).format(value);
btns[0].onclick = gantt.bind(function () {
_change_duration(-1 * gantt.config.duration_step);
}, this);
btns[1].onclick = gantt.bind(function () {
_change_duration(1 * gantt.config.duration_step);
}, this);
s[0].onchange = _calc_date;
s[1].onchange = _calc_date;
s[2].onchange = _calc_date;
if (s[3]) s[3].onchange = _calc_date;
duration.onkeydown = gantt.bind(function (e) {
var code;
e = e || window.event;
code = e.charCode || e.keyCode || e.which;
if (code == gantt.constants.KEY_CODES.DOWN) {
_change_duration(-1 * gantt.config.duration_step);
return false;
if (code == gantt.constants.KEY_CODES.UP) {
_change_duration(1 * gantt.config.duration_step);
return false;
window.setTimeout(_calc_date, 1);
}, this);
duration.onchange = gantt.bind(_calc_date, this);
mapping = gantt._resolve_default_mapping(config);
if (typeof mapping === "string") mapping = {
start_date: mapping
start_date = ev[mapping.start_date] || new Date();
end_date = ev[mapping.end_date] || gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: start_date,
duration: 1,
task: ev
duration_val = Math.round(ev[mapping.duration]) || gantt.calculateDuration({
start_date: start_date,
end_date: end_date,
task: ev
duration_val = getFormatter(config).format(duration_val);
gantt.form_blocks._fill_lightbox_select(s, 0, start_date, map, config);
duration.value = duration_val;
DurationControl.prototype.get_value = function (node, ev, config) {
var startDate = _getStartDate(node, config);
var duration = _getDuration(node, config);
var endDate = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: startDate,
duration: duration,
task: ev
if (typeof gantt._resolve_default_mapping(config) == "string") {
return startDate;
return {
start_date: startDate,
end_date: endDate,
duration: duration
DurationControl.prototype.focus = function (node) {
function _getStartDate(node, config) {
var s = node.getElementsByTagName("select");
var map = config._time_format_order;
var hours = 0;
var minutes = 0;
if (gantt.defined(map[3])) {
var input = s[map[3]];
var time = parseInt(input.value, 10);
if (isNaN(time) && input.hasAttribute("data-value")) {
time = parseInt(input.getAttribute("data-value"), 10);
hours = Math.floor(time / 60);
minutes = time % 60;
return new Date(s[map[2]].value, s[map[1]].value, s[map[0]].value, hours, minutes);
function _getDuration(node, config) {
var duration = node.getElementsByTagName("input")[1];
duration = getFormatter(config).parse(duration.value);
if (!duration || window.isNaN(duration)) duration = 1;
if (duration < 0) duration *= -1;
return duration;
return DurationControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/parent_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/parent_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./select_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/select_control.js")(gantt);
function ParentControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(ParentControl, _super);
ParentControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
return _display(sns, false);
ParentControl.prototype.set_value = function (node, value, ev, config) {
// GS-1051. If the value is `0`, the set_value function in the select control won't select
// the first child because (0 || '') = '';
if (value === 0) value = "0";
var tmpDom = document.createElement("div");
tmpDom.innerHTML = _display(config,;
var newOptions = tmpDom.removeChild(tmpDom.firstChild);
node.onselect = null;
node.parentNode.replaceChild(newOptions, node);
return, [newOptions, value, ev, config]);
function _display(config, item_id) {
var tasks = [],
options = [];
if (item_id) {
tasks = gantt.getTaskByTime();
if (config.allow_root) {
id: gantt.config.root_id,
text: config.root_label || ""
tasks = _filter(tasks, config, item_id);
if (config.sort) {
var text = config.template || gantt.templates.task_text;
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
var label = text.apply(gantt, [tasks[i].start_date, tasks[i].end_date, tasks[i]]);
if (label === undefined) {
label = "";
key: tasks[i].id,
label: label
config.options = options;
config.map_to = config.map_to || "parent";
return, arguments);
function _filter(options, config, item_id) {
var filter = config.filter || function () {
return true;
options = options.slice(0);
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
var task = options[i];
if ( == item_id || gantt.isChildOf(, item_id) || filter(, task) === false) {
options.splice(i, 1);
return options;
return ParentControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/radio_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/radio_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js")(gantt);
function RadioControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(RadioControl, _super);
RadioControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
var height = (sns.height || "23") + "px";
var html = "<div class='gantt_cal_ltext' style='height:" + height + ";'>";
if (sns.options && sns.options.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < sns.options.length; i++) {
html += "<label><input type='radio' value='" + sns.options[i].key + "' name='" + + "'>" + sns.options[i].label + "</label>";
html += "</div>";
return html;
RadioControl.prototype.set_value = function (node, value, ev, sns) {
var radio;
if (!sns.options || !sns.options.length) return;
radio = node.querySelector("input[type=radio][value='" + value + "']") || node.querySelector("input[type=radio][value='" + sns.default_value + "']");
if (!radio) return;
if (!node._dhx_onchange && sns.onchange) {
node.onchange = sns.onchange;
node._dhx_onchange = true;
radio.checked = true;
RadioControl.prototype.get_value = function (node, ev) {
var result = node.querySelector("input[type=radio]:checked");
return result ? result.value : "";
RadioControl.prototype.focus = function (node) {
return RadioControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/select_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/select_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
var htmlHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/html_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/html_helpers.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js")(gantt);
function SelectControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(SelectControl, _super);
SelectControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
var height = (sns.height || "23") + "px";
var html = "<div class='gantt_cal_ltext' style='height:" + height + ";'>";
html += htmlHelpers.getHtmlSelect(sns.options, [{
key: "style",
value: "width:100%;"
html += "</div>";
return html;
SelectControl.prototype.set_value = function (node, value, ev, sns) {
var select = node.firstChild;
if (!select._dhx_onchange && sns.onchange) {
select.onchange = sns.onchange;
select._dhx_onchange = true;
if (typeof value === "undefined") value = (select.options[0] || {}).value;
select.value = value || "";
SelectControl.prototype.get_value = function (node) {
return node.firstChild.value;
SelectControl.prototype.focus = function (node) {
var a = node.firstChild;
gantt._focus(a, true);
return SelectControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/template_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/template_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js")(gantt);
function TemplateControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(TemplateControl, _super);
TemplateControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
var height = (sns.height || "30") + "px";
return "<div class='gantt_cal_ltext gantt_cal_template' style='height:" + height + ";'></div>";
TemplateControl.prototype.set_value = function (node, value) {
node.innerHTML = value || "";
TemplateControl.prototype.get_value = function (node) {
return node.innerHTML || "";
TemplateControl.prototype.focus = function () {};
return TemplateControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/textarea_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/textarea_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js")(gantt);
function TextareaControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(TextareaControl, _super);
TextareaControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
var height = (sns.height || "130") + "px";
return "<div class='gantt_cal_ltext' style='height:" + height + ";'><textarea></textarea></div>";
TextareaControl.prototype.set_value = function (node, value) {
gantt.form_blocks.textarea._get_input(node).value = value || "";
TextareaControl.prototype.get_value = function (node) {
return gantt.form_blocks.textarea._get_input(node).value;
TextareaControl.prototype.focus = function (node) {
var a = gantt.form_blocks.textarea._get_input(node);
gantt._focus(a, true);
TextareaControl.prototype._get_input = function (node) {
return node.querySelector("textarea");
return TextareaControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/time_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/time_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/base_control.js")(gantt);
function TimeControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(TimeControl, _super);
TimeControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
var time =, sns);
var html = "<div style='height:" + (sns.height || 30) + "px;padding-top:0px;font-size:inherit;text-align:center;' class='gantt_section_time'>";
html += time;
if (sns.single_date) {
time =, sns, true);
html += "<span></span>";
} else {
html += "<span style='font-weight:normal; font-size:10pt;'> &nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp; </span>";
html += time;
html += "</div>";
return html;
TimeControl.prototype.set_value = function (node, value, ev, config) {
var cfg = config;
var s = node.getElementsByTagName("select");
var map = config._time_format_order;
if (cfg.auto_end_date) {
var _update_lightbox_select = function _update_lightbox_select() {
start_date = new Date(s[map[2]].value, s[map[1]].value, s[map[0]].value, 0, 0);
end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: start_date,
duration: 1,
task: ev
gantt.form_blocks._fill_lightbox_select(s, map.size, end_date, map, cfg);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
s[i].onchange = _update_lightbox_select;
var mapping = gantt._resolve_default_mapping(config);
if (typeof mapping === "string") mapping = {
start_date: mapping
var start_date = ev[mapping.start_date] || new Date();
var end_date = ev[mapping.end_date] || gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: start_date,
duration: 1,
task: ev
gantt.form_blocks._fill_lightbox_select(s, 0, start_date, map, cfg);
gantt.form_blocks._fill_lightbox_select(s, map.size, end_date, map, cfg);
TimeControl.prototype.get_value = function (node, ev, config) {
var selects = node.getElementsByTagName("select");
var startDate;
var map = config._time_format_order;
function _getEndDate(selects, map, startDate) {
var endDate = gantt.form_blocks.getTimePickerValue(selects, config, map.size); // GS-1010: We need to add a way to obtain exact end_date for validation
if (endDate <= startDate) {
// when end date seems wrong
if (config.autofix_end !== false || config.single_date) {
// auto correct it in two cases - when the auto correction is not disabled, or when we have 'single date' control and the user don't have the UI to specify the end date
return, gantt._get_timepicker_step(), "minute");
return endDate;
startDate = gantt.form_blocks.getTimePickerValue(selects, config);
if (typeof gantt._resolve_default_mapping(config) === "string") {
return startDate;
return {
start_date: startDate,
end_date: _getEndDate(selects, map, startDate)
TimeControl.prototype.focus = function (node) {
return TimeControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/typeselect_control.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/typeselect_control.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __extends = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../../utils/extends */ "./sources/utils/extends.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var _super = __webpack_require__(/*! ./select_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/select_control.js")(gantt);
function TypeselectControl() {
var self = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return self;
__extends(TypeselectControl, _super);
TypeselectControl.prototype.render = function (sns) {
var types = gantt.config.types,
locale = gantt.locale.labels,
options = [];
var filter = sns.filter || function (typeKey, typeValue) {
if (!types.placeholder || typeValue !== types.placeholder) {
return true;
return false;
for (var i in types) {
if (!filter(i, types[i]) === false) {
key: types[i],
label: locale["type_" + i]
sns.options = options;
var oldOnChange = sns.onchange;
sns.onchange = function () {
if (this.value === gantt.config.types.task) {
gantt._lightbox_new_type = "task";
if (typeof oldOnChange == 'function') {
oldOnChange.apply(this, arguments);
return _super.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
return TypeselectControl;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/index.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/index.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var TemplateControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/template_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/template_control.js")(gantt);
var TextareaControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/textarea_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/textarea_control.js")(gantt);
var TimeControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/time_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/time_control.js")(gantt);
var SelectControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/select_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/select_control.js")(gantt);
var CheckboxControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/checkbox_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/checkbox_control.js")(gantt);
var RadioControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/radio_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/radio_control.js")(gantt);
var DurationControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/duration_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/duration_control.js")(gantt);
var ParentControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/parent_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/parent_control.js")(gantt);
var ResourcesControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/resources_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/select_control.js")(gantt);
var ConstraintControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/constraint_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/constraint_control.js")(gantt);
var TypeselectControl = __webpack_require__(/*! ./controls/typeselect_control */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/controls/typeselect_control.js")(gantt);
gantt._lightbox_methods = {};
gantt._lightbox_template = "<div class='gantt_cal_ltitle'><span class='gantt_mark'>&nbsp;</span><span class='gantt_time'></span><span class='gantt_title'></span></div><div class='gantt_cal_larea'></div>"; //TODO: gantt._lightbox_id is changed from data.js and accessed from autoscheduling, check if it can be removed from gantt object
var state = gantt.$services.getService("state");
state.registerProvider("lightbox", function () {
return {
lightbox: gantt._lightbox_id
gantt.showLightbox = function (id) {
if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeLightbox", [id])) return;
var task = this.getTask(id);
var box = this.getLightbox(this.getTaskType(task.type));
this._fill_lightbox(id, box);
this.callEvent("onLightbox", [id]);
function _is_chart_visible(gantt) {
var timeline = gantt.$ui.getView("timeline");
if (timeline && timeline.isVisible()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
gantt._get_timepicker_step = function () {
if (this.config.round_dnd_dates) {
var step;
if (_is_chart_visible(this)) {
var scale = gantt.getScale();
step = helpers.getSecondsInUnit(scale.unit) * scale.step / 60; //timepicker step is measured in minutes
if (!step || step >= 60 * 24) {
step = this.config.time_step;
return step;
return this.config.time_step;
gantt.getLabel = function (property, key) {
var sections = this._get_typed_lightbox_config();
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
if (sections[i].map_to == property) {
var options = sections[i].options;
for (var j = 0; j < options.length; j++) {
if (options[j].key == key) {
return options[j].label;
return "";
gantt.updateCollection = function (list_name, collection) {
collection = collection.slice(0);
var list = gantt.serverList(list_name);
if (!list) return false;
list.splice(0, list.length);
list.push.apply(list, collection || []);
gantt.getLightboxType = function () {
return this.getTaskType(this._lightbox_type);
gantt.getLightbox = function (type) {
var lightboxDiv;
var fullWidth;
var html;
var sns;
var ds;
var classNames = "";
if (type === undefined) type = this.getLightboxType();
if (!this._lightbox || this.getLightboxType() != this.getTaskType(type)) {
this._lightbox_type = this.getTaskType(type);
lightboxDiv = document.createElement("div");
classNames = "gantt_cal_light";
fullWidth = this._is_lightbox_timepicker();
if (gantt.config.wide_form || fullWidth) classNames += " gantt_cal_light_wide";
if (fullWidth) {
gantt.config.wide_form = true;
classNames += " gantt_cal_light_full";
lightboxDiv.className = classNames; = "hidden";
html = this._lightbox_template;
html += getHtmlButtons(this.config.buttons_left);
html += getHtmlButtons(this.config.buttons_right, true);
lightboxDiv.innerHTML = html;
if (gantt.config.drag_lightbox) {
lightboxDiv.firstChild.onmousedown = gantt._ready_to_dnd;
lightboxDiv.firstChild.onselectstart = function () {
return false;
}; = "pointer";
document.body.insertBefore(lightboxDiv, document.body.firstChild);
this._lightbox = lightboxDiv;
sns = this._get_typed_lightbox_config(type);
html = this._render_sections(sns);
ds = lightboxDiv.querySelector("div.gantt_cal_larea"); //GS-1131. If gantt_cal_larea is displayed, Firefox renders buttons incorrectly;
var backup_overflow =; = 'hidden';
ds.innerHTML = html;
bindLabelsToInputs(sns); //sizes
this.resizeLightbox(); = backup_overflow;
this._init_lightbox_events(this); = "none"; = "visible";
return this._lightbox;
gantt._render_sections = function (sns) {
var html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < sns.length; i++) {
var block = this.form_blocks[sns[i].type];
if (!block) continue; //ignore incorrect blocks
sns[i].id = "area_" + this.uid();
var display = sns[i].hidden ? " style='display:none'" : "";
var button = "";
if (sns[i].button) {
button = "<div class='gantt_custom_button' data-index='" + i + "'><div class='gantt_custom_button_" + sns[i].button + "'></div><div class='gantt_custom_button_label'>" + this.locale.labels["button_" + sns[i].button] + "</div></div>";
if (this.config.wide_form) {
html += "<div class='gantt_wrap_section' " + display + ">";
html += "<div id='" + sns[i].id + "' class='gantt_cal_lsection'><label>" + button + this.locale.labels["section_" + sns[i].name] + "</label></div>" +, sns[i]);
html += "</div>";
return html;
gantt.resizeLightbox = function () {
if (!this._lightbox) return;
var con = this._lightbox.querySelector(".gantt_cal_larea"); = "0px"; = con.scrollHeight + "px"; = con.scrollHeight + this.config.lightbox_additional_height + "px"; = con.scrollHeight + "px"; //it is incredible , how ugly IE can be
gantt._center_lightbox = function (box) {
if (box) { = "block";
var scroll_top = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var scroll_left = window.pageXOffset || document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
var view_height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
if (scroll_top) // if vertical scroll on window = Math.round(scroll_top + Math.max((view_height - box.offsetHeight) / 2, 0)) + "px";else // vertical scroll on body = Math.round(Math.max((view_height - box.offsetHeight) / 2, 0) + 9) + "px"; // +9 for compatibility with auto tests
// not quite accurate but used for compatibility reasons
if (document.documentElement.scrollWidth > document.body.offsetWidth) // if horizontal scroll on the window = Math.round(scroll_left + (document.body.offsetWidth - box.offsetWidth) / 2) + "px";else // horizontal scroll on the body = Math.round((document.body.offsetWidth - box.offsetWidth) / 2) + "px";
gantt.showCover = function () {
if (this._cover) return;
this._cover = document.createElement("DIV");
this._cover.className = "gantt_cal_cover";
gantt.event(window, "deviceorientation", function () {
if (gantt.getState().lightbox) {
gantt._init_lightbox_events = function () {
gantt.lightbox_events = {};
gantt.lightbox_events.gantt_save_btn = function () {
gantt.lightbox_events.gantt_delete_btn = function () {
gantt._lightbox_new_type = null;
if (!gantt.callEvent("onLightboxDelete", [gantt._lightbox_id])) return;
if (gantt.isTaskExists(gantt._lightbox_id)) {
} else {
gantt.lightbox_events.gantt_cancel_btn = function () {
gantt.lightbox_events["default"] = function (e, src) {
if (src.getAttribute("data-dhx-button")) {
gantt.callEvent("onLightboxButton", [src.className, src, e]);
} else {
var index, block, sec;
var className = domHelpers.getClassName(src);
if (className.indexOf("gantt_custom_button") != -1) {
if (className.indexOf("gantt_custom_button_") != -1) {
index = src.parentNode.getAttribute("data-index");
sec = src;
while (sec && domHelpers.getClassName(sec).indexOf("gantt_cal_lsection") == -1) {
sec = sec.parentNode;
} else {
index = src.getAttribute("data-index");
sec = src.parentNode;
src = src.firstChild;
var sections = gantt._get_typed_lightbox_config();
if (index) {
index = index * 1;
block = gantt.form_blocks[sections[index * 1].type];
block.button_click(index, src, sec, sec.nextSibling);
this.event(gantt.getLightbox(), "click", function (e) {
e = e || window.event;
var src = domHelpers.getTargetNode(e);
var className = domHelpers.getClassName(src);
if (!className) {
src = src.previousSibling;
className = domHelpers.getClassName(src);
if (src && className && className.indexOf("gantt_btn_set") === 0) {
src = src.firstChild;
className = domHelpers.getClassName(src);
if (src && className) {
var func = gantt.defined(gantt.lightbox_events[src.className]) ? gantt.lightbox_events[src.className] : gantt.lightbox_events["default"];
return func(e, src);
return false;
gantt.getLightbox().onkeydown = function (e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var target = || e.srcElement;
var buttonTarget = domHelpers.getClassName(target).indexOf("gantt_btn_set") > -1;
switch ((e || event).keyCode) {
case gantt.constants.KEY_CODES.SPACE:
if ((e || event).shiftKey) return;
if (buttonTarget && {;
case gantt.keys.edit_save:
if ((e || event).shiftKey) return;
if (buttonTarget && {;
} else {
case gantt.keys.edit_cancel:
gantt._cancel_lightbox = function () {
var task = this.getLightboxValues();
this.callEvent("onLightboxCancel", [this._lightbox_id, task.$new]);
if (gantt.isTaskExists( && task.$new) {
this.silent(function () {
gantt._update_flags(, null);
gantt._save_lightbox = function () {
var task = this.getLightboxValues();
if (!this.callEvent("onLightboxSave", [this._lightbox_id, task, !!task.$new])) return;
if (task.$new) {
delete task.$new;
this.addTask(task, task.parent, this.getTaskIndex(;
} else if (this.isTaskExists( {
this.mixin(this.getTask(, task, true);
this.refreshData(); // TODO: do we need any blockable events here to prevent closing lightbox?
gantt._resolve_default_mapping = function (section) {
var mapping = section.map_to;
var time_controls = {
"time": true,
"time_optional": true,
"duration": true,
"duration_optional": true
if (time_controls[section.type]) {
if (section.map_to == "auto") {
mapping = {
start_date: "start_date",
end_date: "end_date",
duration: "duration"
} else if (typeof section.map_to === "string") {
mapping = {
start_date: section.map_to
} else if (section.type === "constraint") {
if (!section.map_to || typeof section.map_to === "string") {
mapping = {
constraint_type: "constraint_type",
constraint_date: "constraint_date"
return mapping;
gantt.getLightboxValues = function () {
var task = {};
if (gantt.isTaskExists(this._lightbox_id)) {
task = this.mixin({}, this.getTask(this._lightbox_id));
var sns = this._get_typed_lightbox_config();
for (var i = 0; i < sns.length; i++) {
var node = document.getElementById(sns[i].id);
node = node ? node.nextSibling : node;
var block = this.form_blocks[sns[i].type];
if (!block) continue;
var res =, node, task, sns[i]);
var map_to = gantt._resolve_default_mapping(sns[i]);
if (typeof map_to == "string" && map_to != "auto") {
task[map_to] = res;
} else if (_typeof(map_to) == "object") {
for (var property in map_to) {
if (map_to[property]) task[map_to[property]] = res[property];
} // GS-1282 We need to preserve the task type even if the lightbox doesn't have the typeselect section
if (gantt._lightbox_new_type == "task") {
task.type = gantt.config.types.task;
gantt._lightbox_new_type = null;
return task;
gantt.hideLightbox = function () {
var box = this.getLightbox();
if (box) = "none";
this._lightbox_id = null;
this.callEvent("onAfterLightbox", []);
gantt.hideCover = function () {
if (this._cover) this._cover.parentNode.removeChild(this._cover);
this._cover = null;
gantt.resetLightbox = function () {
if (gantt._lightbox && !gantt._custom_lightbox) gantt._lightbox.parentNode.removeChild(gantt._lightbox);
gantt._lightbox = null;
gantt._set_lightbox_values = function (data, box) {
var task = data;
var s = box.getElementsByTagName("span");
var lightboxHeader = [];
if (gantt.templates.lightbox_header) {
lightboxHeader.push(gantt.templates.lightbox_header(task.start_date, task.end_date, task));
s[1].innerHTML = "";
s[2].innerHTML = gantt.templates.lightbox_header(task.start_date, task.end_date, task);
} else {
lightboxHeader.push(this.templates.task_time(task.start_date, task.end_date, task));
lightboxHeader.push(String(this.templates.task_text(task.start_date, task.end_date, task) || "").substr(0, 70)); //IE6 fix
s[1].innerHTML = this.templates.task_time(task.start_date, task.end_date, task);
s[2].innerHTML = String(this.templates.task_text(task.start_date, task.end_date, task) || "").substr(0, 70); //IE6 fix
s[1].innerHTML = lightboxHeader[0];
s[2].innerHTML = lightboxHeader[1];
gantt._waiAria.lightboxHeader(box, lightboxHeader.join(" "));
var sns = this._get_typed_lightbox_config(this.getLightboxType());
for (var i = 0; i < sns.length; i++) {
var section = sns[i];
if (!this.form_blocks[section.type]) {
continue; //skip incorrect sections, same check is done during rendering
var node = document.getElementById(;
var block = this.form_blocks[section.type];
var map_to = gantt._resolve_default_mapping(sns[i]);
var value = this.defined(task[map_to]) ? task[map_to] : section.default_value;, node, value, task, section);
if (section.focus), node);
if (gantt.isTaskExists( {
gantt._lightbox_id =;
gantt._fill_lightbox = function (id, box) {
var task = this.getTask(id);
this._set_lightbox_values(task, box);
gantt.getLightboxSection = function (name) {
var config = this._get_typed_lightbox_config();
var i = 0;
for (i; i < config.length; i++) {
if (config[i].name == name) break;
var section = config[i];
if (!section) return null;
if (!this._lightbox) this.getLightbox();
var header = document.getElementById(;
var node = header.nextSibling;
var result = {
section: section,
header: header,
node: node,
getValue: function getValue(ev) {
return gantt.form_blocks[section.type], node, ev || {}, section);
setValue: function setValue(value, ev) {
return gantt.form_blocks[section.type], node, value, ev || {}, section);
var handler = this._lightbox_methods["get_" + section.type + "_control"];
return handler ? handler(result) : result;
gantt._lightbox_methods.get_template_control = function (result) {
result.control = result.node;
return result;
gantt._lightbox_methods.get_select_control = function (result) {
result.control = result.node.getElementsByTagName("select")[0];
return result;
gantt._lightbox_methods.get_textarea_control = function (result) {
result.control = result.node.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0];
return result;
gantt._lightbox_methods.get_time_control = function (result) {
result.control = result.node.getElementsByTagName("select"); // array
return result;
gantt._init_dnd_events = function () {
var eventElement = document.body;
this.event(eventElement, "mousemove", gantt._move_while_dnd);
this.event(eventElement, "mouseup", gantt._finish_dnd);
gantt._init_dnd_events = function () {};
gantt._move_while_dnd = function (event) {
if (gantt._dnd_start_lb) {
if (!document.gantt_unselectable) {
document.body.className += " gantt_unselectable";
document.gantt_unselectable = true;
var lb = gantt.getLightbox();
var now = [event.pageX, event.pageY]; = gantt._lb_start[1] + now[1] - gantt._dnd_start_lb[1] + "px"; = gantt._lb_start[0] + now[0] - gantt._dnd_start_lb[0] + "px";
gantt._ready_to_dnd = function (event) {
var lb = gantt.getLightbox();
gantt._lb_start = [parseInt(, 10), parseInt(, 10)];
gantt._dnd_start_lb = [event.pageX, event.pageY];
gantt._finish_dnd = function () {
if (gantt._lb_start) {
gantt._lb_start = gantt._dnd_start_lb = false;
document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(" gantt_unselectable", "");
document.gantt_unselectable = false;
gantt._focus = function (node, select) {
if (node && node.focus) {
if (gantt.config.touch) {//do not focus editor, to prevent auto-zoom
} else {
try {
if (select &&;
} catch (e) {// silent errors
gantt.form_blocks = {
getTimePicker: function getTimePicker(sns, hidden) {
var html = "";
var cfg = this.config;
var i;
var options;
var ariaAttrs;
var readonly;
var display;
var settings = {
first: 0,
last: 24 * 60,
date: Date(gantt._min_date.valueOf())),
timeFormat: getTimeFormat(sns)
}; // map: default order => real one
sns._time_format_order = {
size: 0
if (gantt.config.limit_time_select) {
settings.first = 60 * cfg.first_hour;
settings.last = 60 * cfg.last_hour + 1;;
for (i = 0; i < settings.timeFormat.length; i++) {
// adding spaces between selects
if (i > 0) {
html += " ";
options = getHtmlTimePickerOptions(sns, i, settings);
if (options) {
ariaAttrs = gantt._waiAria.lightboxSelectAttrString(settings.timeFormat[i]);
readonly = sns.readonly ? "disabled='disabled'" : "";
display = hidden ? " style='display:none' " : "";
html += "<select " + readonly + display + ariaAttrs + ">" + options + "</select>";
return html;
getTimePickerValue: function getTimePickerValue(selects, config, offset) {
var map = config._time_format_order;
var needSetTime = gantt.defined(map[3]);
var time;
var hours = 0;
var minutes = 0;
var mapOffset = offset || 0;
if (needSetTime) {
time = parseInt(selects[map[3] + mapOffset].value, 10);
hours = Math.floor(time / 60);
minutes = time % 60;
return new Date(selects[map[2] + mapOffset].value, selects[map[1] + mapOffset].value, selects[map[0] + mapOffset].value, hours, minutes);
_fill_lightbox_select: function _fill_lightbox_select(s, i, d, map) {
s[i + map[0]].value = d.getDate();
s[i + map[1]].value = d.getMonth();
s[i + map[2]].value = d.getFullYear();
if (gantt.defined(map[3])) {
var v = d.getHours() * 60 + d.getMinutes();
v = Math.round(v / gantt._get_timepicker_step()) * gantt._get_timepicker_step();
var input = s[i + map[3]];
input.value = v; //in case option not shown
input.setAttribute("data-value", v);
template: new TemplateControl(),
textarea: new TextareaControl(),
select: new SelectControl(),
time: new TimeControl(),
duration: new DurationControl(),
parent: new ParentControl(),
radio: new RadioControl(),
checkbox: new CheckboxControl(),
resources: new ResourcesControl(),
constraint: new ConstraintControl(),
typeselect: new TypeselectControl()
gantt._is_lightbox_timepicker = function () {
var s = this._get_typed_lightbox_config();
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i].name == "time" && s[i].type == "time") return true;
return false;
gantt._dhtmlx_confirm = function (message, title, callback, ok) {
if (!message) return callback();
var opts = {
text: message
if (title) opts.title = title;
if (ok) {
opts.ok = ok;
if (callback) {
opts.callback = function (result) {
if (result) callback();
function _get_type_name(type_value) {
for (var i in this.config.types) {
if (this.config.types[i] == type_value) {
return i;
return "task";
gantt._get_typed_lightbox_config = function (type) {
if (type === undefined) {
type = this.getLightboxType();
var field =, type);
if (gantt.config.lightbox[field + "_sections"]) {
return gantt.config.lightbox[field + "_sections"];
} else {
return gantt.config.lightbox.sections;
gantt._silent_redraw_lightbox = function (type) {
var oldType = this.getLightboxType();
if (this.getState().lightbox) {
var taskId = this.getState().lightbox;
var formData = this.getLightboxValues(),
task = this.copy(this.getTask(taskId));
var updTask = this.mixin(task, formData, true);
var box = this.getLightbox(type ? type : undefined);
this._set_lightbox_values(updTask, box);
} else {
this.getLightbox(type ? type : undefined);
this.callEvent("onLightboxChange", [oldType, this.getLightboxType()]);
function bindLabelsToInputs(sns) {
var section;
var label;
var labelBlock;
var inputBlock;
var input;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < sns.length; i++) {
section = sns[i];
labelBlock = document.getElementById(;
if (! || !labelBlock) continue;
label = labelBlock.querySelector("label");
inputBlock = labelBlock.nextSibling;
if (!inputBlock) continue;
input = inputBlock.querySelector("input, select, textarea");
if (input) { = || "input_" + gantt.uid();
section.inputId =;
label.setAttribute("for", section.inputId);
function getHtmlButtons(buttons, floatRight) {
var button;
var ariaAttr;
var html = "";
var i;
for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
// needed to migrate from 'dhx_something' to 'gantt_something' naming in a lightbox
button = gantt.config._migrate_buttons[buttons[i]] ? gantt.config._migrate_buttons[buttons[i]] : buttons[i];
ariaAttr = gantt._waiAria.lightboxButtonAttrString(button);
html += "<div " + ariaAttr + " class='gantt_btn_set gantt_left_btn_set " + button + "_set'" + (floatRight ? " style='float:right;'" : "") + "><div dhx_button='1' data-dhx-button='1' class='" + button + "'></div><div>" + gantt.locale.labels[button] + "</div></div>";
return html;
function getTimeFormat(sns) {
var scale;
var unit;
var result;
if (sns.time_format) return sns.time_format; // default order
result = ["%d", "%m", "%Y"];
scale = gantt.getScale();
unit = scale ? scale.unit : gantt.config.duration_unit;
if (helpers.getSecondsInUnit(unit) < helpers.getSecondsInUnit("day")) {
return result;
function getHtmlTimePickerOptions(sns, index, settings) {
var range;
var offset;
var start_year;
var end_year;
var i;
var time;
var diff;
var tdate;
var html = "";
switch (settings.timeFormat[index]) {
case "%Y":
sns._time_format_order[2] = index;
sns._time_format_order.size++; //year
if (sns.year_range) {
if (!isNaN(sns.year_range)) {
range = sns.year_range;
} else if (sns.year_range.push) {
// if
start_year = sns.year_range[0];
end_year = sns.year_range[1];
range = range || 10;
offset = offset || Math.floor(range / 2);
start_year = start_year || - offset;
end_year = end_year || start_year + range;
for (i = start_year; i < end_year; i++) {
html += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + i + "</option>";
case "%m":
sns._time_format_order[1] = index;
sns._time_format_order.size++; //month
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
html += "<option value='" + i + "'>" +[i] + "</option>";
case "%d":
sns._time_format_order[0] = index;
sns._time_format_order.size++; //days
for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
html += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + i + "</option>";
case "%H:%i":
// var last = 24*60, first = 0;
sns._time_format_order[3] = index;
sns._time_format_order.size++; //hours
i = settings.first;
tdate =;
sns._time_values = [];
while (i < settings.last) {
time = gantt.templates.time_picker(;
html += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + time + "</option>";
sns._time_values.push(i); + gantt._get_timepicker_step() * 60 * 1000);
diff = != tdate ? 1 : 0; // moved or not to the next day
i = diff * 24 * 60 + * 60 +;
return html;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/lightbox_optional_time.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/lightbox/lightbox_optional_time.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt._extend_to_optional = function (lightbox_block) {
var duration = lightbox_block;
var optional_time = {
render: duration.render,
focus: duration.focus,
set_value: function set_value(node, value, task, section) {
var mapping = gantt._resolve_default_mapping(section);
if (!task[mapping.start_date] || mapping.start_date == "start_date" && this._isAllowedUnscheduledTask(task)) {
optional_time.disable(node, section);
var val = {};
for (var i in mapping) {
//take default values from the time control from task start/end dates
val[mapping[i]] = task[i];
return, node, value, val, section); //set default value
} else {
optional_time.enable(node, section);
return, node, value, task, section);
get_value: function get_value(node, task, section) {
if (section.disabled) {
return {
start_date: null
} else {
return, node, task, section);
update_block: function update_block(node, section) {
gantt.callEvent("onSectionToggle", [gantt._lightbox_id, section]); = section.disabled ? "none" : "block";
if (section.button) {
var button = node.previousSibling.querySelector(".gantt_custom_button_label"),
labels = gantt.locale.labels;
var button_text = section.disabled ? labels[ + "_enable_button"] : labels[ + "_disable_button"];
button.innerHTML = button_text;
disable: function disable(node, section) {
section.disabled = true;
optional_time.update_block(node, section);
enable: function enable(node, section) {
section.disabled = false;
optional_time.update_block(node, section);
button_click: function button_click(index, el, section, container) {
if (gantt.callEvent("onSectionButton", [gantt._lightbox_id, section]) === false) {
var config = gantt._get_typed_lightbox_config()[index];
if (config.disabled) {
optional_time.enable(container, config);
} else {
optional_time.disable(container, config);
return optional_time;
gantt.form_blocks.duration_optional = gantt._extend_to_optional(gantt.form_blocks.duration);
gantt.form_blocks.time_optional = gantt._extend_to_optional(gantt.form_blocks.time);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/main_layout_initializer.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/main_layout_initializer.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var initializer = function () {
return function (gantt) {
return {
getVerticalScrollbar: function getVerticalScrollbar() {
return gantt.$ui.getView("scrollVer");
getHorizontalScrollbar: function getHorizontalScrollbar() {
return gantt.$ui.getView("scrollHor");
_legacyGridResizerClass: function _legacyGridResizerClass(layout) {
var resizers = layout.getCellsByType("resizer");
for (var i = 0; i < resizers.length; i++) {
var r = resizers[i];
var gridResizer = false;
var prev = r.$parent.getPrevSibling(r.$id);
if (prev && prev.$config && prev.$ === "grid") {
gridResizer = true;
} else {
var next = r.$parent.getNextSibling(r.$id);
if (next && next.$config && next.$ === "grid") {
gridResizer = true;
if (gridResizer) {
r.$config.css = (r.$config.css ? r.$config.css + " " : "") + "gantt_grid_resize_wrap";
onCreated: function onCreated(layout) {
var first = true;
layout.attachEvent("onBeforeResize", function () {
var mainTimeline = gantt.$ui.getView("timeline");
if (mainTimeline) mainTimeline.$config.hidden = mainTimeline.$parent.$config.hidden = !gantt.config.show_chart;
var mainGrid = gantt.$ui.getView("grid");
if (!mainGrid) return;
var colsWidth = mainGrid._getColsTotalWidth();
var hideGrid = !gantt.config.show_grid || !gantt.config.grid_width || colsWidth === 0;
if (first && !hideGrid && colsWidth !== false) {
gantt.config.grid_width = colsWidth;
mainGrid.$config.hidden = mainGrid.$parent.$config.hidden = hideGrid;
if (!mainGrid.$config.hidden) {
/* restrict grid width due to min_width, max_width, min_grid_column_width */
var grid_limits = mainGrid._getGridWidthLimits();
if (grid_limits[0] && gantt.config.grid_width < grid_limits[0]) gantt.config.grid_width = grid_limits[0];
if (grid_limits[1] && gantt.config.grid_width > grid_limits[1]) gantt.config.grid_width = grid_limits[1];
if (mainTimeline && gantt.config.show_chart) {
mainGrid.$config.width = gantt.config.grid_width - 1; // GS-1314: Don't let the non-scrollable grid to be larger than the container
if (!mainGrid.$config.scrollable && mainGrid.$config.scrollY) {
var ganttContainerWidth = mainGrid.$gantt.$layout.$container.offsetWidth;
var verticalScrollbar = gantt.$ui.getView(mainGrid.$config.scrollY);
var verticalScrollbarWidth = verticalScrollbar.$config.width;
var gridOverflow = ganttContainerWidth - (mainGrid.$config.width + verticalScrollbarWidth);
if (gridOverflow < 0) {
mainGrid.$config.width += gridOverflow;
gantt.config.grid_width += gridOverflow;
if (!first) {
if (mainTimeline && !domHelpers.isChildOf(mainTimeline.$task, layout.$view)) {
// timeline is being displayed after being not visible, reset grid with from full screen
if (!mainGrid.$config.original_grid_width) {
var skinSettings = gantt.skins[];
if (skinSettings && skinSettings.config && skinSettings.config.grid_width) {
mainGrid.$config.original_grid_width = skinSettings.config.grid_width;
} else {
mainGrid.$config.original_grid_width = 0;
gantt.config.grid_width = mainGrid.$config.original_grid_width;
mainGrid.$parent.$config.width = gantt.config.grid_width;
} else {
mainGrid.$parent._setContentSize(mainGrid.$config.width, null);
gantt.$layout._syncCellSizes(mainGrid.$parent.$, {
value: gantt.config.grid_width,
isGravity: false
} else {
mainGrid.$parent.$config.width = gantt.config.grid_width;
if (mainGrid.$parent.$ {
gantt.$layout._syncCellSizes(mainGrid.$parent.$, {
value: mainGrid.$parent.$config.width,
isGravity: false
} else {
if (mainTimeline && domHelpers.isChildOf(mainTimeline.$task, layout.$view)) {
// hiding timeline, remember grid with to restore it when timeline is displayed again
mainGrid.$config.original_grid_width = gantt.config.grid_width;
if (!first) {
mainGrid.$parent.$config.width = 0;
first = false;
_initScrollStateEvents: function _initScrollStateEvents(layout) {
gantt._getVerticalScrollbar = this.getVerticalScrollbar;
gantt._getHorizontalScrollbar = this.getHorizontalScrollbar;
var vertical = this.getVerticalScrollbar();
var horizontal = this.getHorizontalScrollbar();
if (vertical) {
vertical.attachEvent("onScroll", function (oldPos, newPos, dir) {
var scrollState = gantt.getScrollState();
gantt.callEvent("onGanttScroll", [scrollState.x, oldPos, scrollState.x, newPos]);
if (horizontal) {
horizontal.attachEvent("onScroll", function (oldPos, newPos, dir) {
var scrollState = gantt.getScrollState();
gantt.callEvent("onGanttScroll", [oldPos, scrollState.y, newPos, scrollState.y]); // if the grid doesn't fit the width, scroll the row container
var grid = gantt.$ui.getView("grid");
if (grid && grid.$grid_data && !grid.$config.scrollable) {
grid.$ = grid.$grid.scrollLeft + "px";
grid.$grid_data.scrollLeft = grid.$grid.scrollLeft;
layout.attachEvent("onResize", function () {
if (vertical && !gantt.$scroll_ver) {
gantt.$scroll_ver = vertical.$scroll_ver;
if (horizontal && !gantt.$scroll_hor) {
gantt.$scroll_hor = horizontal.$scroll_hor;
_findGridResizer: function _findGridResizer(layout, grid) {
var resizers = layout.getCellsByType("resizer");
var gridFirst = true;
var gridResizer;
for (var i = 0; i < resizers.length; i++) {
var res = resizers[i];
var prev = res._behind;
var next = res._front;
if (prev && prev.$content === grid || prev.isChild && prev.isChild(grid)) {
gridResizer = res;
gridFirst = true;
} else if (next && next.$content === grid || next.isChild && next.isChild(grid)) {
gridResizer = res;
gridFirst = false;
return {
resizer: gridResizer,
gridFirst: gridFirst
onInitialized: function onInitialized(layout) {
var grid = gantt.$ui.getView("grid");
var resizeInfo = this._findGridResizer(layout, grid); // expose grid resize events
if (resizeInfo.resizer) {
var gridFirst = resizeInfo.gridFirst,
next = resizeInfo.resizer;
if (next.$config.mode !== "x") {
return; // track only horizontal resize
var initialWidth;
next.attachEvent("onResizeStart", function (prevCellWidth, nextCellWidth) {
var grid = gantt.$ui.getView("grid");
var viewCell = grid ? grid.$parent : null;
if (viewCell) {
var limits = grid._getGridWidthLimits(); // min grid width is defined by min widths of its columns, unless grid has horizontal scroll
if (!grid.$config.scrollable) viewCell.$config.minWidth = limits[0];
viewCell.$config.maxWidth = limits[1];
initialWidth = gridFirst ? prevCellWidth : nextCellWidth;
return gantt.callEvent("onGridResizeStart", [initialWidth]);
next.attachEvent("onResize", function (newBehindSize, newFrontSize) {
var newSize = gridFirst ? newBehindSize : newFrontSize;
return gantt.callEvent("onGridResize", [initialWidth, newSize]);
next.attachEvent("onResizeEnd", function (oldBackSize, oldFrontSize, newBackSize, newFrontSize) {
var oldSize = gridFirst ? oldBackSize : oldFrontSize;
var newSize = gridFirst ? newBackSize : newFrontSize;
var grid = gantt.$ui.getView("grid");
var viewCell = grid ? grid.$parent : null;
if (viewCell) {
viewCell.$config.minWidth = undefined;
var res = gantt.callEvent("onGridResizeEnd", [oldSize, newSize]);
if (res && newSize !== 0) {
// new size may be numeric zero when cell size is defined by 'gravity', actual size will be calculated by layout later
gantt.config.grid_width = newSize;
return res;
onDestroyed: function onDestroyed(timeline) {}
module.exports = initializer;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/message.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/message.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var boxAttribute = "data-dhxbox";
var _dhx_msg_cfg = null;
function callback(config, result) {
var usercall = config.callback;
_dhx_msg_cfg = = null;
if (usercall) usercall(result);
function modal_key(event) {
if (_dhx_msg_cfg) {
var code = event.which || event.keyCode;
var preventDefault = false;
if (messageBox.keyboard) {
if (code == 13 || code == 32) {
// default behavior is to confirm/submit popup on space/enter
// if browser focus is set on button element - do button click instead of default behavior
var target = || event.srcElement;
if (domHelpers.getClassName(target).indexOf("gantt_popup_button") > -1 && {;
} else {
callback(_dhx_msg_cfg, true);
preventDefault = true;
if (code == 27) {
callback(_dhx_msg_cfg, false);
preventDefault = true;
if (preventDefault) {
if (event.preventDefault) {
return !(event.cancelBubble = true);
var eventElement = domHelpers.getRootNode(gantt.$root) || document;
gantt.event(eventElement, "keydown", modal_key, true);
function modality(mode) {
if (!modality.cover) {
modality.cover = document.createElement("div"); //necessary for IE only
modality.cover.onkeydown = modal_key;
modality.cover.className = "dhx_modal_cover";
} = mode ? "inline-block" : "none";
function button(text, className, result) {
var buttonAriaAttrs = gantt._waiAria.messageButtonAttrString(text);
var name = className.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "_");
var button_css = "gantt_" + name + "_button" + " dhtmlx_" + name + "_button"; // dhtmlx_ok_button, dhtmlx_click_me_button
return "<div " + buttonAriaAttrs + " class='gantt_popup_button dhtmlx_popup_button " + button_css + "' data-result='" + result + "' result='" + result + "' ><div>" + text + "</div></div>";
function info(text) {
if (!messageBox.area) {
messageBox.area = document.createElement("div");
messageBox.area.className = "gantt_message_area dhtmlx_message_area";[messageBox.position] = "5px";
var message = document.createElement("div");
message.innerHTML = "<div>" + text.text + "</div>";
message.className = "gantt-info dhtmlx-info gantt-" + text.type + " dhtmlx-" + text.type;
message.onclick = function () {
text = null;
if (messageBox.position == "bottom" && messageBox.area.firstChild) messageBox.area.insertBefore(message, messageBox.area.firstChild);else messageBox.area.appendChild(message);
if (text.expire > 0) messageBox.timers[] = window.setTimeout(function () {
// GS-1213: We need that when Gantt is destroyed
if (messageBox) messageBox.hide(;
}, text.expire);
messageBox.pull[] = message;
message = null;
function getFirstDefined() {
var values = [].slice.apply(arguments, [0]);
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (values[i]) {
return values[i];
function _boxStructure(config, ok, cancel) {
var box = document.createElement("div");
var contentId = utils.uid();
gantt._waiAria.messageModalAttr(box, contentId);
box.className = " gantt_modal_box dhtmlx_modal_box gantt-" + config.type + " dhtmlx-" + config.type;
box.setAttribute(boxAttribute, 1);
var inner = '';
if (config.width) = config.width;
if (config.height) = config.height;
if (config.title) inner += '<div class="gantt_popup_title dhtmlx_popup_title">' + config.title + '</div>';
inner += '<div class="gantt_popup_text dhtmlx_popup_text" id="' + contentId + '"><span>' + (config.content ? '' : config.text) + '</span></div><div class="gantt_popup_controls dhtmlx_popup_controls">';
if (ok) inner += button(getFirstDefined(config.ok, gantt.locale.labels.message_ok, "OK"), "ok", true);
if (cancel) inner += button(getFirstDefined(config.cancel, gantt.locale.labels.message_cancel, "Cancel"), "cancel", false);
if (config.buttons) {
for (var i = 0; i < config.buttons.length; i++) {
var btn = config.buttons[i];
if (_typeof(btn) == "object") {
// Support { label:"Save", css:"main_button", value:"save" }
var label = btn.label;
var css = btn.css || "gantt_" + btn.label.toLowerCase() + "_button dhtmlx_" + btn.label.toLowerCase() + "_button";
var value = btn.value || i;
inner += button(label, css, value);
} else {
inner += button(btn, btn, i);
inner += '</div>';
box.innerHTML = inner;
if (config.content) {
var node = config.content;
if (typeof node == "string") node = document.getElementById(node);
if ( == 'none') = "";
box.childNodes[config.title ? 1 : 0].appendChild(node);
box.onclick = function (event) {
var source = || event.srcElement;
if (!source.className) source = source.parentNode;
if (domHelpers.closest(source, ".gantt_popup_button")) {
var result = source.getAttribute("data-result");
result = result == "true" || (result == "false" ? false : result);
callback(config, result);
}; = box;
if (ok || cancel) _dhx_msg_cfg = config;
return box;
function _createBox(config, ok, cancel) {
var box = config.tagName ? config : _boxStructure(config, ok, cancel);
if (!config.hidden) modality(true);
var x = Math.abs(Math.floor(((window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.offsetWidth) - box.offsetWidth) / 2));
var y = Math.abs(Math.floor(((window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.offsetHeight) - box.offsetHeight) / 2));
if (config.position == "top") = "-3px";else = y + 'px'; = x + 'px'; //necessary for IE only
box.onkeydown = modal_key;
if (config.hidden) modalBox.hide(box);
gantt.callEvent("onMessagePopup", [box]);
return box;
function alertPopup(config) {
return _createBox(config, true, false);
function confirmPopup(config) {
return _createBox(config, true, true);
function boxPopup(config) {
return _createBox(config);
function box_params(text, type, callback) {
if (_typeof(text) != "object") {
if (typeof type == "function") {
callback = type;
type = "";
text = {
text: text,
type: type,
callback: callback
return text;
function params(text, type, expire, id) {
if (_typeof(text) != "object") text = {
text: text,
type: type,
expire: expire,
id: id
}; = || utils.uid();
text.expire = text.expire || messageBox.expire;
return text;
var alertBox = function alertBox() {
var text = box_params.apply(this, arguments);
text.type = text.type || "confirm";
return alertPopup(text);
var confirmBox = function confirmBox() {
var text = box_params.apply(this, arguments);
text.type = text.type || "alert";
return confirmPopup(text);
var modalBox = function modalBox() {
var text = box_params.apply(this, arguments);
text.type = text.type || "alert";
return boxPopup(text);
modalBox.hide = function (node) {
while (node && node.getAttribute && !node.getAttribute(boxAttribute)) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node) {
gantt.callEvent("onAfterMessagePopup", [node]);
modalBox.focus = function (node) {
setTimeout(function () {
var focusable = domHelpers.getFocusableNodes(node);
if (focusable.length) {
if (focusable[0].focus) focusable[0].focus();
}, 1);
var messageBox = function messageBox(text, type, expire, id) {
text = params.apply(this, arguments);
text.type = text.type || "info";
var subtype = text.type.split("-")[0];
switch (subtype) {
case "alert":
return alertPopup(text);
case "confirm":
return confirmPopup(text);
case "modalbox":
return boxPopup(text);
return info(text);
messageBox.seed = new Date().valueOf();
messageBox.uid = utils.uid;
messageBox.expire = 4000;
messageBox.keyboard = true;
messageBox.position = "top";
messageBox.pull = {};
messageBox.timers = {};
messageBox.hideAll = function () {
for (var key in messageBox.pull) {
messageBox.hide = function (id) {
var obj = messageBox.pull[id];
if (obj && obj.parentNode) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
obj = null;
}, 2000);
obj.className += " hidden";
if (messageBox.timers[id]) window.clearTimeout(messageBox.timers[id]);
delete messageBox.pull[id];
var popups = [];
gantt.attachEvent("onMessagePopup", function (box) {
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterMessagePopup", function (box) {
for (var i = 0; i < popups.length; i++) {
if (popups[i] === box) {
popups.splice(i, 1);
gantt.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
if (modality.cover && modality.cover.parentNode) {
for (var i = 0; i < popups.length; i++) {
if (popups[i].parentNode) {
popups = null;
if (messageBox.area && messageBox.area.parentNode) {
messageBox = null;
return {
alert: alertBox,
confirm: confirmBox,
message: messageBox,
modalbox: modalBox
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/mouse.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/mouse.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var createMouseHandler = function (domHelpers) {
return function (gantt) {
var eventHandlers = {
"click": {},
"doubleclick": {},
"contextMenu": {}
function addEventTarget(event, className, handler, root) {
if (!eventHandlers[event][className]) {
eventHandlers[event][className] = [];
handler: handler,
root: root
function callHandler(eventName, className, root, args) {
var handlers = eventHandlers[eventName][className];
if (handlers) {
for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
if (!(root || handlers[i].root) || handlers[i].root === root) {
handlers[i].handler.apply(this, args);
function onClick(e) {
e = e || window.event;
var id = gantt.locate(e);
var handlers = findEventHandlers(e,;
var res = true;
if (id !== null) {
res = !gantt.checkEvent("onTaskClick") || gantt.callEvent("onTaskClick", [id, e]);
} else {
gantt.callEvent("onEmptyClick", [e]);
if (res) {
var default_action = callEventHandlers(handlers, e, id);
if (!default_action) return; // GS-1025: if we don't do that, the dropdown or date select will be closed for unselected tasks
// GS-1078: or for the built-in select inline editor
switch ( {
case "SELECT":
case 'INPUT':
} //allow task selection when the multiselect plugin is not enabled
if (id && gantt.getTask(id) && !gantt._multiselect && gantt.config.select_task) {
function onContextMenu(e) {
e = e || window.event;
var src = || e.srcElement,
taskId = gantt.locate(src),
linkId = gantt.locate(src, gantt.config.link_attribute);
var res = !gantt.checkEvent("onContextMenu") || gantt.callEvent("onContextMenu", [taskId, linkId, e]);
if (!res) {
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
return res;
function findEventHandlers(e, hash) {
var trg = || e.srcElement;
var handlers = [];
while (trg) {
var css = domHelpers.getClassName(trg);
if (css) {
css = css.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < css.length; i++) {
if (!css[i]) continue;
if (hash[css[i]]) {
var delegateHandlers = hash[css[i]];
for (var h = 0; h < delegateHandlers.length; h++) {
if (delegateHandlers[h].root) {
if (!domHelpers.isChildOf(trg, delegateHandlers[h].root)) {
trg = trg.parentNode;
return handlers;
function callEventHandlers(handlers, e, id) {
var res = true;
for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
var handlerResult = handlers[i].call(gantt, e, id, || e.srcElement);
res = res && !(typeof handlerResult != "undefined" && handlerResult !== true);
return res;
function onDoubleClick(e) {
e = e || window.event;
var id = gantt.locate(e);
var handlers = findEventHandlers(e, eventHandlers.doubleclick); // when doubleclick fired not on task, id === null
var res = !gantt.checkEvent("onTaskDblClick") || id === null || gantt.callEvent("onTaskDblClick", [id, e]);
if (res) {
var default_action = callEventHandlers(handlers, e, id);
if (!default_action) return;
if (id !== null && gantt.getTask(id)) {
if (res && gantt.config.details_on_dblclick && !gantt.isReadonly()) {
function onMouseMove(e) {
if (gantt.checkEvent("onMouseMove")) {
var id = gantt.locate(e);
gantt._last_move_event = e;
gantt.callEvent("onMouseMove", [id, e]);
function detach(eventName, className, handler, root) {
if (eventHandlers[eventName] && eventHandlers[eventName][className]) {
var handlers = eventHandlers[eventName];
var elementHandlers = handlers[className];
for (var i = 0; i < elementHandlers.length; i++) {
if (elementHandlers[i].root == root) {
elementHandlers.splice(i, 1);
if (!elementHandlers.length) {
delete handlers[className];
var domEvents = gantt._createDomEventScope();
function reset(node) {
if (node) {
domEvents.attach(node, "click", onClick);
domEvents.attach(node, "dblclick", onDoubleClick);
domEvents.attach(node, "mousemove", onMouseMove);
domEvents.attach(node, "contextmenu", onContextMenu);
return {
reset: reset,
global: function global(event, classname, handler) {
addEventTarget(event, classname, handler, null);
delegate: addEventTarget,
detach: detach,
callHandler: callHandler,
onDoubleClick: onDoubleClick,
onMouseMove: onMouseMove,
onContextMenu: onContextMenu,
onClick: onClick,
destructor: function destructor() {
eventHandlers = null;
domEvents = null;
module.exports = {
init: createMouseHandler
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/mouse_event_container.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/mouse_event_container.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function create(gantt) {
var events = [];
return {
delegate: function delegate(event, className, handler, root) {
events.push([event, className, handler, root]);
var helper = gantt.$services.getService("mouseEvents");
helper.delegate(event, className, handler, root);
destructor: function destructor() {
var mouseEvents = gantt.$services.getService("mouseEvents");
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
var h = events[i];
mouseEvents.detach(h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3]);
events = [];
module.exports = create;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/autoscroll.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/plugins/autoscroll.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var isHeadless = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/is_headless */ "./sources/utils/is_headless.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var scrollRange = 50,
scrollStep = 30,
scrollDelay = 10,
scrollSpeed = 50;
var interval = null,
isMove = false,
delayTimeout = null,
startPos = {
started: false
eventPos = {};
function isDisplayed(element) {
return element && domHelpers.isChildOf(element, gantt.$root) && element.offsetHeight;
function getAutoscrollContainer() {
var element;
if (isDisplayed(gantt.$task)) {
element = gantt.$task;
} else if (isDisplayed(gantt.$grid)) {
element = gantt.$grid;
} else {
element = gantt.$root;
return element;
function isScrollState() {
var dragMarker = !!document.querySelector(".gantt_drag_marker");
var isResize = !!document.querySelector(".gantt_drag_marker.gantt_grid_resize_area") || !!document.querySelector(".gantt_drag_marker.gantt_row_grid_resize_area");
var isLink = !!document.querySelector(".gantt_link_direction");
var state = gantt.getState();
var isClickDrag = state.autoscroll;
isMove = dragMarker && !isResize && !isLink;
return !(!state.drag_mode && !dragMarker || isResize) || isClickDrag;
function defineDelayTimeout(state) {
if (delayTimeout) {
delayTimeout = null;
if (state) {
var speed = gantt.config.autoscroll_speed;
if (speed && speed < 10) // limit speed value to 10
speed = 10;
delayTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
interval = setInterval(tick, speed || scrollSpeed);
}, gantt.config.autoscroll_delay || scrollDelay);
function defineScrollInterval(state) {
if (state) {
if (!startPos.started) {
startPos.x = eventPos.x;
startPos.y = eventPos.y;
startPos.started = true;
} else {
if (interval) {
interval = null;
startPos.started = false;
function autoscrollInterval(event) {
var isScroll = isScrollState();
if ((interval || delayTimeout) && !isScroll) {
if (!gantt.config.autoscroll || !isScroll) {
return false;
eventPos = {
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY
}; // if it is a mobile device, we need to detect the touch event coords
if (event.type == "touchmove") {
eventPos.x = event.targetTouches[0].clientX;
eventPos.y = event.targetTouches[0].clientY;
if (!interval && isScroll) {
function tick() {
if (!isScrollState()) {
return false;
var container = getAutoscrollContainer();
if (!container) {
var box = domHelpers.getNodePosition(container);
var posX = eventPos.x - box.x;
var posY = eventPos.y - box.y;
var scrollLeft = isMove ? 0 : need_scroll(posX, box.width, startPos.x - box.x);
var scrollTop = need_scroll(posY, box.height, startPos.y - box.y);
var scrollState = gantt.getScrollState();
var currentScrollTop = scrollState.y,
scrollOuterHeight = scrollState.inner_height,
scrollInnerHeight = scrollState.height,
currentScrollLeft = scrollState.x,
scrollOuterWidth = scrollState.inner_width,
scrollInnerWidth = scrollState.width; // do scrolling only if we have scrollable area to do so
if (scrollTop && !scrollOuterHeight) {
scrollTop = 0;
} else if (scrollTop < 0 && !currentScrollTop) {
scrollTop = 0;
} else if (scrollTop > 0 && currentScrollTop + scrollOuterHeight >= scrollInnerHeight + 2) {
scrollTop = 0;
if (scrollLeft && !scrollOuterWidth) {
scrollLeft = 0;
} else if (scrollLeft < 0 && !currentScrollLeft) {
scrollLeft = 0;
} else if (scrollLeft > 0 && currentScrollLeft + scrollOuterWidth >= scrollInnerWidth) {
scrollLeft = 0;
var step = gantt.config.autoscroll_step;
if (step && step < 2) // limit step value to 2
step = 2;
scrollLeft = scrollLeft * (step || scrollStep);
scrollTop = scrollTop * (step || scrollStep);
if (scrollLeft || scrollTop) {
scroll(scrollLeft, scrollTop);
function need_scroll(pos, boxSize, startCoord) {
if (pos - scrollRange < 0 && pos < startCoord) return -1;else if (pos > boxSize - scrollRange && pos > startCoord) return 1;
return 0;
function scroll(left, top) {
var scrollState = gantt.getScrollState();
var scrollLeft = null,
scrollTop = null;
if (left) {
scrollLeft = scrollState.x + left;
scrollLeft = Math.min(scrollState.width, scrollLeft);
scrollLeft = Math.max(0, scrollLeft);
if (top) {
scrollTop = scrollState.y + top;
scrollTop = Math.min(scrollState.height, scrollTop);
scrollTop = Math.max(0, scrollTop);
gantt.scrollTo(scrollLeft, scrollTop);
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
if (!isHeadless(gantt)) {
var eventElement = domHelpers.getRootNode(gantt.$root) || document.body;
gantt.eventRemove(eventElement, "mousemove", autoscrollInterval);
gantt.event(eventElement, "mousemove", autoscrollInterval);
gantt.eventRemove(eventElement, "touchmove", autoscrollInterval);
gantt.event(eventElement, "touchmove", autoscrollInterval);
gantt.eventRemove(eventElement, "pointermove", autoscrollInterval);
gantt.event(eventElement, "pointermove", autoscrollInterval);
gantt.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/column_grid_dnd/column_grid_dnd.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/plugins/column_grid_dnd/column_grid_dnd.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var scrollable_grid_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./scrollable_grid */ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/column_grid_dnd/scrollable_grid.ts");
var COLUMN_ID_ATTR_NAME = "data-column-id";
var ColumnsGridDnd = /** @class */ (function () {
function ColumnsGridDnd(gantt, grid) {
var _this = this;
this._targetMarker = null;
this.calculateCurrentPosition = function (eventX) {
var gridBoundingRect = _this.$grid.$grid.getBoundingClientRect();
var maxLeft = gridBoundingRect.right;
var minLeft = gridBoundingRect.left;
var x = eventX;
if (x > maxLeft) {
x = maxLeft;
if (x < minLeft) {
x = minLeft;
return x;
this.$gantt = gantt;
this.$grid = grid;
ColumnsGridDnd.prototype.init = function () {
var DND = this.$gantt.$services.getService("dnd");
this._dnd = new DND(this.$grid.$grid_scale, { updates_per_second: 60 });
this._scrollableGrid = new scrollable_grid_1.default({
gantt: this.$gantt,
grid: this.$grid,
dnd: this._dnd,
getCurrentX: this.calculateCurrentPosition
ColumnsGridDnd.prototype.attachEvents = function () {
var _this = this;
this._dnd.attachEvent("onBeforeDragStart", function (obj, e) {
_this._draggedCell = _this.$gantt.utils.dom.closest(, ".gantt_grid_head_cell");
if (!_this._draggedCell) {
var columns = _this.$grid.$getConfig().columns;
var columnName = _this._draggedCell.getAttribute(COLUMN_ID_ATTR_NAME);
var draggedColumn;
var draggedIndex; (column, index) {
if ( === columnName) {
draggedColumn = column;
draggedIndex = index;
if (_this.$grid.callEvent("onBeforeColumnDragStart", [{ draggedColumn: draggedColumn, draggedIndex: draggedIndex }]) === false) {
return false;
if (!_this._draggedCell || !draggedColumn) {
return false;
_this._gridConfig = _this.$grid.$getConfig();
_this._originAutoscroll = _this.$gantt.config.autoscroll;
_this.$gantt.config.autoscroll = false;
return true;
this._dnd.attachEvent("onAfterDragStart", function (obj, e) {
if (!_this._draggedCell) {
return; // GS-1333: don't try to reorder a column when we resize it
_this._dnd.config.column = _this._draggedCell.getAttribute(COLUMN_ID_ATTR_NAME);
_this._dnd.config.marker.innerHTML = _this._draggedCell.outerHTML;
_this._dnd.config.marker.classList.add("gantt_column_drag_marker"); = _this._gridConfig.scale_height + "px"; = _this._gridConfig.scale_height + "px";
this._dnd.attachEvent("onDragMove", function (obj, e) {
if (!_this._draggedCell) {
_this._dragX = e.clientX;
var x = _this.calculateCurrentPosition(e.clientX);
var columnIndexes = _this.findColumnsIndexes();
var targetIndex = columnIndexes.targetIndex;
var draggedIndex = columnIndexes.draggedIndex;
var columns = _this.$grid.$getConfig().columns;
var draggedColumn = columns[draggedIndex];
var targetColumn = columns[targetIndex];
if (_this.$grid.callEvent("onColumnDragMove", [{ draggedColumn: draggedColumn, targetColumn: targetColumn, draggedIndex: draggedIndex, targetIndex: targetIndex }]) === false) {
return false;
return true;
this._dnd.attachEvent("onDragEnd", function () {
if (!_this._draggedCell) {
_this.$gantt.config.autoscroll = _this._originAutoscroll;
ColumnsGridDnd.prototype.reorderColumns = function () {
var _a = this.findColumnsIndexes(), targetIndex = _a.targetIndex, draggedIndex = _a.draggedIndex;
var columns = this.$grid.$getConfig().columns;
var draggedColumn = columns[draggedIndex];
var targetColumn = columns[targetIndex];
if (this.$grid.callEvent("onBeforeColumnReorder", [{ draggedColumn: draggedColumn, targetColumn: targetColumn, draggedIndex: draggedIndex, targetIndex: targetIndex }]) === false) {
if (targetIndex === draggedIndex) {
columns.splice(draggedIndex, 1);
columns.splice(targetIndex, 0, draggedColumn);
this.$grid.callEvent("onAfterColumnReorder", [{ draggedColumn: draggedColumn, targetColumn: targetColumn, draggedIndex: draggedIndex, targetIndex: targetIndex }]);
ColumnsGridDnd.prototype.findColumnsIndexes = function () {
var draggedId = this._dnd.config.column;
var columns = this.$grid.$getConfig().columns;
var targetIndex;
var draggedIndex;
var xBefore;
var xAfter;
var currentColumn = { startX: 0, endX: 0 };
var start = 0;
var end = columns.length - 1;
var compare = function (a, b) { return a <= b; };
var next = function (index) { return ++index; };
if (this.$gantt.config.rtl) {
start = columns.length - 1;
end = 0;
compare = function (a, b) { return a >= b; };
next = function (index) { return --index; };
var columnRelativePos;
var relativeX = this._dragX - this.$grid.$grid.getBoundingClientRect().left + this._scrollableGrid.getCorrection();
for (var i = start; compare(i, end); i = next(i)) {
if (targetIndex !== undefined && draggedIndex !== undefined) {
if (!columns[i].hide) {
currentColumn.startX = currentColumn.endX;
currentColumn.endX += columns[i].width;
// if drop on a column or drop after the last column
if (relativeX >= currentColumn.startX && (relativeX <= currentColumn.endX || !compare(next(i), end))) {
targetIndex = i;
xBefore = currentColumn.startX;
xAfter = currentColumn.endX;
columnRelativePos = (relativeX - currentColumn.startX) / (currentColumn.endX - currentColumn.startX);
if (draggedId === columns[i].name) {
draggedIndex = i;
return {
targetIndex: targetIndex,
draggedIndex: draggedIndex,
xBefore: xBefore,
xAfter: xAfter,
columnRelativePos: columnRelativePos
ColumnsGridDnd.prototype.setMarkerPosition = function (x, y) {
if (y === void 0) { y = 10; }
var marker = this._dnd.config.marker;
var gridOffset = this._dnd._obj.getBoundingClientRect(); = gridOffset.y + y + "px"; = x + "px";
ColumnsGridDnd.prototype.drawTargetMarker = function (_a) {
var targetIndex = _a.targetIndex, draggedIndex = _a.draggedIndex, xBefore = _a.xBefore, xAfter = _a.xAfter, columnRelativePos = _a.columnRelativePos;
if (!this._targetMarker) {
this._targetMarker = document.createElement("div");
domHelpers.addClassName(this._targetMarker, "gantt_grid_target_marker"); = "none"; = this._gridConfig.scale_height + "px";
// marker can be detached after gantt.render
if (!this._targetMarker.parentNode) {
var nextPosition;
if (targetIndex > draggedIndex) {
nextPosition = xAfter;
else if (targetIndex < draggedIndex) {
nextPosition = xBefore;
else {
if (columnRelativePos > 0.5) {
nextPosition = xAfter;
else {
nextPosition = xBefore;
} = nextPosition + "px"; = "block";
ColumnsGridDnd.prototype.cleanTargetMarker = function () {
if (this._targetMarker && this._targetMarker.parentNode) {
this._targetMarker = null;
return ColumnsGridDnd;
exports.ColumnsGridDnd = ColumnsGridDnd;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/column_grid_dnd/index.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/plugins/column_grid_dnd/index.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var column_grid_dnd_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./column_grid_dnd */ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/column_grid_dnd/column_grid_dnd.ts");
exports.default = column_grid_dnd_1.ColumnsGridDnd;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/column_grid_dnd/scrollable_grid.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/plugins/column_grid_dnd/scrollable_grid.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var TIMEOUT = 50;
var SCROLLSTEP = 10;
var ScrollableGrid = /** @class */ (function () {
function ScrollableGrid(params) {
this._scrollOrder = 0;
var gantt = params.gantt, grid = params.grid, dnd = params.dnd, getCurrentX = params.getCurrentX;
this.$gantt = gantt;
this.$grid = grid;
this._dnd = dnd;
this.getCurrentX = getCurrentX;
this._scrollView = this.$gantt.$ui.getView(this.$grid.$config.scrollX);
ScrollableGrid.prototype.attachEvents = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this.isScrollable()) {
this._dnd.attachEvent("onDragMove", function (obj, e) {
var gridBoundingRect = _this.$grid.$grid.getBoundingClientRect();
var maxLeft = gridBoundingRect.right;
var minLeft = gridBoundingRect.left;
var currentX = _this.getCurrentX(e.clientX);
if (currentX >= maxLeft - SENSITIVITY) {
if (currentX <= minLeft + SENSITIVITY) {
if (currentX < maxLeft - SENSITIVITY && currentX > minLeft + SENSITIVITY) {
return true;
this._dnd.attachEvent("onDragEnd", function () {
ScrollableGrid.prototype.autoscrollStart = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this._scrollOrder === 0) {
var scrollStep = SCROLLSTEP * this._scrollOrder;
var scrollState = this._scrollView.getScrollState();
this._scrollView.scrollTo(scrollState.position + scrollStep);
setTimeout(function () { _this.autoscrollStart(); }, TIMEOUT);
ScrollableGrid.prototype.autoscrollRight = function () {
this._scrollOrder = 1;
ScrollableGrid.prototype.autoscrollLeft = function () {
this._scrollOrder = -1;
ScrollableGrid.prototype.autoscrollStop = function () {
this._scrollOrder = 0;
ScrollableGrid.prototype.getCorrection = function () {
if (!this.isScrollable()) {
return 0;
return this._scrollView.getScrollState().position;
ScrollableGrid.prototype.isScrollable = function () {
return !!this.$grid.$config.scrollable;
return ScrollableGrid;
exports.default = ScrollableGrid;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/dhtmlx_hooks.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/plugins/dhtmlx_hooks.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
if (window.dhtmlx) {
if (!window.dhtmlx.attaches) window.dhtmlx.attaches = {};
window.dhtmlx.attaches.attachGantt = function (start, end, gantt) {
var obj = document.createElement("DIV");
gantt = gantt || window.gantt; = "gantt_" + gantt.uid(); = "100%"; = "100%";
obj.cmp = "grid";
this.dataType = "gantt";
this.dataObj = gantt;
var that = this.vs[this.av];
that.grid = gantt;
gantt.init(, start, end); = "none";
that.gridId =;
that.gridObj = obj;
var method_name = "_viewRestore";
return this.vs[this[method_name]()].grid;
if (typeof window.dhtmlXCellObject != "undefined") {
window.dhtmlXCellObject.prototype.attachGantt = function (start, end, gantt) {
gantt = gantt || window.gantt;
var obj = document.createElement("DIV"); = "gantt_" + gantt.uid(); = "100%"; = "100%";
obj.cmp = "grid";
this.dataType = "gantt";
this.dataObj = gantt;
gantt.init(, start, end); = "none";
obj = null;
this.callEvent("_onContentAttach", []);
return this.dataObj;
module.exports = null;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/index.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/plugins/index.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
if (!gantt.ext) {
gantt.ext = {};
var modules = [__webpack_require__(/*! ./autoscroll */ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/autoscroll.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./jquery_hooks */ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/jquery_hooks.js"), __webpack_require__(/*! ./dhtmlx_hooks */ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/dhtmlx_hooks.js")];
for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
if (modules[i]) modules[i](gantt);
var TimelineZoom = __webpack_require__(/*! ./timeline_zoom */ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/timeline_zoom.ts")["default"];
gantt.ext.zoom = new TimelineZoom(gantt);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/jquery_hooks.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/plugins/jquery_hooks.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
if (window.jQuery) {
(function ($) {
var methods = [];
$.fn.dhx_gantt = function (config) {
config = config || {};
if (typeof config === 'string') {
if (methods[config]) {
return methods[config].apply(this, []);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + config + ' does not exist on jQuery.dhx_gantt');
} else {
var views = [];
this.each(function () {
if (this && this.getAttribute) {
if (!this.gantt && !(window.gantt.$root == this)) {
var newgantt = window.gantt.$container && window.Gantt ? window.Gantt.getGanttInstance() : window.gantt;
for (var key in config) {
if (key != "data") newgantt.config[key] = config[key];
if ( newgantt.parse(;
} else views.push(_typeof(this.gantt) == "object" ? this.gantt : window.gantt);
if (views.length === 1) return views[0];
return views;
module.exports = null;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/timeline_zoom.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/plugins/timeline_zoom.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var env = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/env */ "./sources/utils/env.js");
var eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js");
var USE_KEY = ["ctrlKey", "altKey", "shiftKey", "metaKey"];
var _defaultScales = [
unit: "month",
date: "%M",
step: 1
unit: "day",
date: "%d",
step: 1
unit: "day",
date: "%d %M",
step: 1
unit: "day",
date: "%d %M",
step: 1
unit: "hour",
date: "%H:00",
step: 8
unit: "day",
date: "%d %M",
step: 1
unit: "hour",
date: "%H:00",
step: 1
var TimelineZoom = /** @class */ (function () {
function TimelineZoom(gantt) {
var _this = this;
this.zoomIn = function () {
var index = _this.getCurrentLevel() - 1;
if (index < 0) {
this.zoomOut = function () {
var index = _this.getCurrentLevel() + 1;
if (index > _this._levels.length - 1) {
this.getCurrentLevel = function () {
return _this._activeLevelIndex;
this.getLevels = function () {
return _this._levels;
this.setLevel = function (level) {
var zoomLevel = _this._getZoomIndexByName(level);
if (zoomLevel === -1) {
_this.$gantt.assert(zoomLevel !== -1, "Invalid zoom level for gantt.ext.zoom.setLevel. " + level + " is not an expected value.");
_this._setLevel(zoomLevel, 0);
this._getZoomIndexByName = function (levelName) {
var zoomLevel = -1;
if (typeof levelName === "string") {
if (!isNaN(Number(levelName)) && _this._levels[Number(levelName)]) {
zoomLevel = Number(levelName);
else {
for (var i = 0; i < _this._levels.length; i++) {
if (_this._levels[i].name === levelName) {
zoomLevel = i;
else {
zoomLevel = levelName;
return zoomLevel;
this._getVisibleDate = function () {
var scrollPos = _this.$gantt.getScrollState().x;
var viewPort = _this.$gantt.$task.offsetWidth;
_this._visibleDate = _this.$gantt.dateFromPos(scrollPos + viewPort / 2);
this._setLevel = function (level, cursorOffset) {
_this._activeLevelIndex = level;
var gantt = _this.$gantt;
var nextConfig = gantt.copy(_this._levels[_this._activeLevelIndex]);
var chartConfig = gantt.copy(nextConfig);
gantt.mixin(gantt.config, chartConfig, true);
var isRendered = !!gantt.$root;
if (isRendered) {
if (cursorOffset) {
var cursorDate = _this.$gantt.dateFromPos(cursorOffset + _this.$gantt.getScrollState().x);
var newPosition = _this.$gantt.posFromDate(cursorDate);
_this.$gantt.scrollTo(newPosition - cursorOffset);
else {
var viewPort = _this.$gantt.$task.offsetWidth;
if (!_this._visibleDate) {
var middleDate = _this._visibleDate;
var newPosition = _this.$gantt.posFromDate(middleDate);
_this.$gantt.scrollTo(newPosition - viewPort / 2);
_this.callEvent("onAfterZoom", [_this._activeLevelIndex, nextConfig]);
this._attachWheelEvent = function (config) {
var event = env.isFF ? "wheel" : "mousewheel";
var el;
if (typeof config.element === "function") {
el = config.element();
else {
el = config.element;
if (!el) {
_this._domEvents.attach(el, event, _this.$gantt.bind(function (e) {
if (this._useKey) {
if (USE_KEY.indexOf(this._useKey) < 0) {
return false;
if (!e[this._useKey]) {
return false;
if (typeof this._handler === "function") {
this._handler.apply(this, [e]);
return true;
}, _this), { passive: false });
this._defaultHandler = function (e) {
var timelineOffset = _this.$gantt.$task.getBoundingClientRect().x;
var cursorOffset = e.clientX - timelineOffset;
var wheelY = _this.$gantt.env.isFF ? (e.deltaY * -40) : e.wheelDelta;
var wheelUp = false;
if (wheelY > 0) {
wheelUp = true;
_this._setScaleSettings(wheelUp, cursorOffset);
this._setScaleDates = function () {
if (_this._initialStartDate && _this._initialEndDate) {
_this.$gantt.config.start_date = _this._initialStartDate;
_this.$gantt.config.end_date = _this._initialEndDate;
this.$gantt = gantt;
this._domEvents = this.$gantt._createDomEventScope();
TimelineZoom.prototype.init = function (config) {
var _this = this;
// GS-1354 and GS-1318. If we check the headless mode using the function,
// it will return false when Gantt is not initialized, but we may want to do it later
if (this.$gantt.env.isNode) {
this._initialStartDate = config.startDate;
this._initialEndDate = config.endDate;
this._activeLevelIndex = config.activeLevelIndex ? config.activeLevelIndex : 0;
this._levels = this._mapScales(config.levels || _defaultScales);
this._handler = config.handler || this._defaultHandler;
this._minColumnWidth = config.minColumnWidth || 60;
this._maxColumnWidth = config.maxColumnWidth || 240;
this._widthStep = config.widthStep || 3 / 8 * config.minColumnWidth;
this._useKey = config.useKey;
if (!this._initialized) {
this.$gantt.attachEvent("onGanttScroll", function () {
if (config.trigger === "wheel") {
if (this.$gantt.$root) {
else {
this.$gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
this._initialized = true;
TimelineZoom.prototype._mapScales = function (levels) {
return (l) {
if (Array.isArray(l)) {
return {
scales: l
else {
return l;
TimelineZoom.prototype._setScaleSettings = function (wheelUp, cursorOffset) {
if (wheelUp) {
else {
TimelineZoom.prototype._stepUp = function (cursorOffset) {
if (this._activeLevelIndex >= this._levels.length - 1) {
var nextLevel = this._activeLevelIndex;
if (this._widthStep) {
var newColumnWidth = this.$gantt.config.min_column_width + this._widthStep;
if (newColumnWidth > this._maxColumnWidth) {
newColumnWidth = this._minColumnWidth;
this.$gantt.config.min_column_width = newColumnWidth;
else {
this._setLevel(nextLevel, cursorOffset);
TimelineZoom.prototype._stepDown = function (cursorOffset) {
if (this._activeLevelIndex < 1) {
var nextLevel = this._activeLevelIndex;
if (this._widthStep) {
var newColumnWidth = this.$gantt.config.min_column_width - this._widthStep;
if (newColumnWidth < this._minColumnWidth) {
newColumnWidth = this._maxColumnWidth;
this.$gantt.config.min_column_width = newColumnWidth;
else {
this._setLevel(nextLevel, cursorOffset);
return TimelineZoom;
exports.default = TimelineZoom;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/is_legacy_smart_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/is_legacy_smart_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
return gantt.config.smart_rendering && gantt._smart_render;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/layer_engine.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/layer_engine.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var renderFactoryProvider = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render_factory */ "./sources/core/ui/render/render_factory.js");
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js"),
domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js"),
isLegacyRender = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is_legacy_smart_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/is_legacy_smart_render.js");
var layerFactory = function layerFactory(gantt) {
var renderFactory = renderFactoryProvider(gantt);
return {
createGroup: function createGroup(getContainer, relativeRoot, defaultFilters, initLayer) {
var renderGroup = {
tempCollection: [],
renderers: {},
container: getContainer,
filters: [],
getLayers: function getLayers() {
this._add(); // add pending layers
var res = [];
for (var i in this.renderers) {
return res;
getLayer: function getLayer(id) {
return this.renderers[id];
_add: function _add(layer) {
if (layer) { = || utils.uid();
var container = this.container();
var pending = this.tempCollection;
for (var i = 0; i < pending.length; i++) {
layer = pending[i];
if (!this.container() && !(layer && layer.container && domHelpers.isChildOf(layer.container, document.body))) continue;
var node = layer.container,
id =,
topmost = layer.topmost;
if (!node.parentNode) {
//insert on top or below the tasks
if (topmost) {
} else {
var rel = relativeRoot ? relativeRoot() : container.firstChild; // GS-1274: if we don't add the second check, Gantt stops working if
// we add the task layer without the timeline and switch to a layout with the timeline
if (rel && rel.parentNode == container) container.insertBefore(node, rel);else container.appendChild(node);
this.renderers[id] = renderFactory.getRenderer(id, layer, node);
if (initLayer) {
initLayer(layer, gantt);
this.tempCollection.splice(i, 1);
addLayer: function addLayer(config) {
if (config) {
if (typeof config == "function") {
config = {
renderer: config
if (config.filter === undefined) {
config.filter = mergeFilters(defaultFilters || []);
} else if (config.filter instanceof Array) {
config.filter = mergeFilters(config.filter);
if (!config.container) {
config.container = document.createElement("div");
var self = this;
config.requestUpdate = function () {
if (gantt.config.smart_rendering && !isLegacyRender(gantt)) {
if (self.renderers[]) {
return config ? : undefined;
onUpdateRequest: function onUpdateRequest(layer) {},
eachLayer: function eachLayer(code) {
for (var i in this.renderers) {
removeLayer: function removeLayer(id) {
if (!this.renderers[id]) return;
delete this.renderers[id];
clear: function clear() {
for (var i in this.renderers) {
this.renderers = {};
} //,
//prepareConfig: prepareConfig
gantt.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
renderGroup = null;
return renderGroup;
function mergeFilters(filter_methods) {
if (!(filter_methods instanceof Array)) {
filter_methods =, 0);
return function (obj) {
var res = true;
for (var i = 0, len = filter_methods.length; i < len; i++) {
var filter_method = filter_methods[i];
if (filter_method) {
res = res && filter_method(, obj) !== false;
return res;
module.exports = layerFactory;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/link_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/link_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var isInViewPort = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/is_link_in_viewport */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_link_in_viewport.js");
function createLinkRender(gantt) {
function _render_link_element(link, view, config) {
var source = gantt.getTask(link.source);
if (source.hide_bar) {
var target = gantt.getTask(;
if (target.hide_bar) {
var pt = path_builder.get_endpoint(link, view, source, target);
var dy = pt.e_y - pt.y;
var dx = pt.e_x - pt.x;
if (!dx && !dy) {
return null;
var dots = path_builder.get_points(link, view, source, target);
var lines = drawer.get_lines(dots, view);
var div = document.createElement("div");
var css = "gantt_task_link";
if (link.color) {
css += " gantt_link_inline_color";
var cssTemplate = gantt.templates.link_class ? gantt.templates.link_class(link) : "";
if (cssTemplate) {
css += " " + cssTemplate;
if (config.highlight_critical_path && gantt.isCriticalLink) {
if (gantt.isCriticalLink(link)) css += " gantt_critical_link";
div.className = css;
if (view.$config.link_attribute) {
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (i == lines.length - 1) {
lines[i].size -= config.link_arrow_size;
var el = drawer.render_line(lines[i], lines[i + 1], view, link.source);
if (link.color) { = link.color;
var direction = lines[lines.length - 1].direction;
var endpoint = _render_link_arrow(dots[dots.length - 1], direction, view, link.source);
if (link.color) { = link.color;
gantt._waiAria.linkAttr(link, div);
return div;
function _render_link_arrow(point, direction, view, targetId) {
var config = view.$getConfig();
var div = document.createElement("div");
var top = point.y;
var left = point.x;
var size = config.link_arrow_size;
var className = "gantt_link_arrow gantt_link_arrow_" + direction;
switch (direction) {
case drawer.dirs.right:
top -= size / 2;
left -= size;
case drawer.dirs.left:
top -= size / 2;
case drawer.dirs.up:
left -= size;
case drawer.dirs.down:
top += size * 2;
left -= size;
} = ["top:" + top + "px", "left:" + left + 'px'].join(';');
div.className = className;
return div;
var drawer = {
current_pos: null,
dirs: {
"left": 'left',
"right": 'right',
"up": 'up',
"down": 'down'
path: [],
clear: function clear() {
this.current_pos = null;
this.path = [];
point: function point(pos) {
this.current_pos = gantt.copy(pos);
get_lines: function get_lines(dots) {
for (var i = 1; i < dots.length; i++) {
return this.get_path();
line_to: function line_to(pos) {
var next = gantt.copy(pos);
var prev = this.current_pos;
var line = this._get_line(prev, next);
this.current_pos = next;
get_path: function get_path() {
return this.path;
get_wrapper_sizes: function get_wrapper_sizes(v, view, itemId) {
var config = view.$getConfig();
var res,
wrapper_size = config.link_wrapper_width,
y = v.y - wrapper_size / 2;
switch (v.direction) {
case this.dirs.left:
res = {
top: y,
height: wrapper_size,
lineHeight: wrapper_size,
left: v.x - v.size - wrapper_size / 2,
width: v.size + wrapper_size
case this.dirs.right:
res = {
top: y,
lineHeight: wrapper_size,
height: wrapper_size,
left: v.x - wrapper_size / 2,
width: v.size + wrapper_size
case this.dirs.up:
res = {
top: y - v.size,
lineHeight: v.size + wrapper_size,
height: v.size + wrapper_size,
left: v.x - wrapper_size / 2,
width: wrapper_size
case this.dirs.down:
res = {
top: y
/*- wrapper_size/2*/
lineHeight: v.size + wrapper_size,
height: v.size + wrapper_size,
left: v.x - wrapper_size / 2,
width: wrapper_size
return res;
get_line_sizes: function get_line_sizes(v, view) {
var config = view.$getConfig();
var res,
line_size = config.link_line_width,
wrapper_size = config.link_wrapper_width,
size = v.size + line_size;
switch (v.direction) {
case this.dirs.left:
case this.dirs.right:
res = {
height: line_size,
width: size,
marginTop: (wrapper_size - line_size) / 2,
marginLeft: (wrapper_size - line_size) / 2
case this.dirs.up:
case this.dirs.down:
res = {
height: size,
width: line_size,
marginTop: (wrapper_size - line_size) / 2,
marginLeft: (wrapper_size - line_size) / 2
return res;
render_line: function render_line(v, end, view, itemId) {
var pos = this.get_wrapper_sizes(v, view, itemId);
var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); = ["top:" + + "px", "left:" + pos.left + "px", "height:" + pos.height + "px", "width:" + pos.width + "px"].join(';');
wrapper.className = "gantt_line_wrapper";
var innerPos = this.get_line_sizes(v, view);
var inner = document.createElement("div"); = ["height:" + innerPos.height + "px", "width:" + innerPos.width + "px", "margin-top:" + innerPos.marginTop + "px", "margin-left:" + innerPos.marginLeft + "px"].join(";");
inner.className = "gantt_link_line_" + v.direction;
return wrapper;
_get_line: function _get_line(from, to) {
var direction = this.get_direction(from, to);
var vect = {
x: from.x,
y: from.y,
direction: this.get_direction(from, to)
if (direction == this.dirs.left || direction == this.dirs.right) {
vect.size = Math.abs(from.x - to.x);
} else {
vect.size = Math.abs(from.y - to.y);
return vect;
get_direction: function get_direction(from, to) {
var direction = 0;
if (to.x < from.x) {
direction = this.dirs.left;
} else if (to.x > from.x) {
direction = this.dirs.right;
} else if (to.y > from.y) {
direction = this.dirs.down;
} else {
direction = this.dirs.up;
return direction;
var path_builder = {
path: [],
clear: function clear() {
this.path = [];
current: function current() {
return this.path[this.path.length - 1];
point: function point(next) {
if (!next) return this.current();
return next;
point_to: function point_to(direction, diff, point) {
if (!point) point = gantt.copy(this.point());else point = {
x: point.x,
y: point.y
var dir = drawer.dirs;
switch (direction) {
case dir.left:
point.x -= diff;
case dir.right:
point.x += diff;
case dir.up:
point.y -= diff;
case dir.down:
point.y += diff;
return this.point(point);
get_points: function get_points(link, view, source, target) {
var pt = this.get_endpoint(link, view, source, target);
var xy = gantt.config;
var dy = pt.e_y - pt.y;
var dx = pt.e_x - pt.x;
var dir = drawer.dirs;
var rowHeight = view.getItemHeight(link.source);
x: pt.x,
y: pt.y
var shiftX = 2 * xy.link_arrow_size; //just random size for first line
var lineType = this.get_line_type(link, view.$getConfig());
var forward = pt.e_x > pt.x;
if (lineType.from_start && lineType.to_start) {
this.point_to(dir.left, shiftX);
if (forward) {
this.point_to(dir.down, dy);
this.point_to(dir.right, dx);
} else {
this.point_to(dir.right, dx);
this.point_to(dir.down, dy);
this.point_to(dir.right, shiftX);
} else if (!lineType.from_start && lineType.to_start) {
forward = pt.e_x > pt.x + 2 * shiftX;
this.point_to(dir.right, shiftX);
if (forward) {
dx -= shiftX;
this.point_to(dir.down, dy);
this.point_to(dir.right, dx);
} else {
dx -= 2 * shiftX;
var sign = dy > 0 ? 1 : -1;
this.point_to(dir.down, sign * (rowHeight / 2));
this.point_to(dir.right, dx);
this.point_to(dir.down, sign * (Math.abs(dy) - rowHeight / 2));
this.point_to(dir.right, shiftX);
} else if (!lineType.from_start && !lineType.to_start) {
this.point_to(dir.right, shiftX);
if (forward) {
this.point_to(dir.right, dx);
this.point_to(dir.down, dy);
} else {
this.point_to(dir.down, dy);
this.point_to(dir.right, dx);
this.point_to(dir.left, shiftX);
} else if (lineType.from_start && !lineType.to_start) {
forward = pt.e_x > pt.x - 2 * shiftX;
this.point_to(dir.left, shiftX);
if (!forward) {
dx += shiftX;
this.point_to(dir.down, dy);
this.point_to(dir.right, dx);
} else {
dx += 2 * shiftX;
var sign = dy > 0 ? 1 : -1;
this.point_to(dir.down, sign * (rowHeight / 2));
this.point_to(dir.right, dx);
this.point_to(dir.down, sign * (Math.abs(dy) - rowHeight / 2));
this.point_to(dir.left, shiftX);
return this.path;
get_line_type: function get_line_type(link, config) {
var types = config.links;
var from_start = false,
to_start = false;
if (link.type == types.start_to_start) {
from_start = to_start = true;
} else if (link.type == types.finish_to_finish) {
from_start = to_start = false;
} else if (link.type == types.finish_to_start) {
from_start = false;
to_start = true;
} else if (link.type == types.start_to_finish) {
from_start = true;
to_start = false;
} else {
gantt.assert(false, "Invalid link type");
if (config.rtl) {
from_start = !from_start;
to_start = !to_start;
return {
from_start: from_start,
to_start: to_start
get_endpoint: function get_endpoint(link, view, source, target) {
var config = view.$getConfig();
var lineType = this.get_line_type(link, config);
var from_start = lineType.from_start,
to_start = lineType.to_start;
var from = getMilestonePosition(source, view, config),
to = getMilestonePosition(target, view, config);
return {
x: from_start ? from.left : from.left + from.width,
e_x: to_start ? to.left : to.left + to.width,
y: + from.rowHeight / 2 - 1,
e_y: + to.rowHeight / 2 - 1
function getMilestonePosition(task, view, config) {
var pos = view.getItemPosition(task);
if (gantt.getTaskType(task.type) == config.types.milestone) {
var milestoneHeight = view.getBarHeight(, true);
var milestoneWidth = Math.sqrt(2 * milestoneHeight * milestoneHeight);
pos.left -= milestoneWidth / 2;
pos.width = milestoneWidth;
return pos;
return {
render: _render_link_element,
update: null,
//getRectangle: getLinkRectangle
isInViewPort: isInViewPort
module.exports = createLinkRender;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/render_factory.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/render_factory.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var genericViewPortChecker = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/is_in_viewport */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_in_viewport.js");
var isLegacyRender = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is_legacy_smart_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/is_legacy_smart_render.js");
var basicGetRectangle = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_grid_row_rectangle */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_grid_row_rectangle.js");
var basicGetRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_bars_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js");
var rendererFactory = function rendererFactory(gantt) {
//hash of dom elements is needed to redraw single bar/link
var task_area_pulls = {},
task_area_renderers = {};
function getView(layer) {
var view = null;
if (typeof layer.view === "string") {
view = gantt.$ui.getView(layer.view);
} else if (layer.view) {
view = layer.view;
return view;
function getRenderer(id, layer, node) {
if (task_area_renderers[id]) return task_area_renderers[id];
if (!layer.renderer) gantt.assert(false, "Invalid renderer call");
var renderMethod = null;
var updateMethod = null;
var getRectangle = null;
var renderCallbackMethod = null;
var specializedViewPortChecker = null;
if (typeof layer.renderer === "function") {
renderMethod = layer.renderer;
getRectangle = basicGetRectangle;
} else {
renderMethod = layer.renderer.render;
updateMethod = layer.renderer.update;
renderCallbackMethod = layer.renderer.onrender;
if (layer.renderer.isInViewPort) {
specializedViewPortChecker = layer.renderer.isInViewPort;
} else {
getRectangle = layer.renderer.getRectangle;
if (!getRectangle && getRectangle !== null) {
getRectangle = basicGetRectangle;
var filter = layer.filter;
if (node) node.setAttribute(gantt.config.layer_attribute, true);
task_area_renderers[id] = {
render_item: function render_item(item, container, viewPort, layerView, viewConfig) {
container = container || node;
if (filter) {
if (!filter(item)) {
var view = layerView || getView(layer);
var config = viewConfig || (view ? view.$getConfig() : null);
var rendererViewPort = viewPort;
if (!rendererViewPort && config && config.smart_rendering) {
rendererViewPort = view.getViewPort();
var dom = null;
if (!isLegacyRender(gantt) && (getRectangle || specializedViewPortChecker) && rendererViewPort) {
var isVisible = false;
if (specializedViewPortChecker) {
isVisible = specializedViewPortChecker(item, rendererViewPort, view, config, gantt);
} else {
isVisible = genericViewPortChecker(rendererViewPort, getRectangle(item, view, config, gantt));
if (isVisible) {
dom =, item, view, config, rendererViewPort);
} else {
dom =, item, view, config, rendererViewPort);
this.append(item, dom, container);
var useBuffer = container.nodeType == 11; //DocumentFragment
if (renderCallbackMethod && !useBuffer && dom) {, item, dom, view);
clear: function clear(container) {
this.rendered = task_area_pulls[id] = {};
if (!layer.append) this.clear_container(container);
clear_container: function clear_container(container) {
container = container || node;
if (container) container.innerHTML = "";
get_visible_range: function get_visible_range(datastore) {
var view = getView(layer);
var viewport;
var viewConfig = view ? view.$getConfig() : null;
if (viewConfig && viewConfig.smart_rendering) {
viewport = view.getViewPort();
var range;
if (view && viewport) {
if (typeof layer.renderer === "function") {
range = basicGetRange(gantt, view, viewConfig, datastore, viewport);
} else if (layer.renderer && layer.renderer.getVisibleRange) {
range = layer.renderer.getVisibleRange(gantt, view, viewConfig, datastore, viewport);
if (!range) {
range = {
start: 0,
end: datastore.count()
return range;
render_items: function render_items(items, container) {
container = container || node;
var buffer = document.createDocumentFragment();
var viewPort = null;
var view = getView(layer);
var viewConfig = view ? view.$getConfig() : null;
if (viewConfig && viewConfig.smart_rendering) {
viewPort = view.getViewPort();
for (var i = 0, vis = items.length; i < vis; i++) {
this.render_item(items[i], buffer, viewPort, view, viewConfig);
container.appendChild(buffer, container);
var itemsSearch = {};
items.forEach(function (item) {
itemsSearch[] = item;
var renderedItems = {};
if (renderCallbackMethod) {
var newElements = {};
for (var i in this.rendered) {
if (!renderedItems[i]) {
newElements[i] = this.rendered[i];, itemsSearch[i], this.rendered[i], view);
update_items: function update_items(items, container) {
var view = getView(layer);
var viewConfig = view ? view.$getConfig() : null;
if (!view || !view.$getConfig().smart_rendering || isLegacyRender(gantt)) {
if (!this.rendered) {
if (!(getRectangle || specializedViewPortChecker)) {
container = container || node;
var buffer = document.createDocumentFragment();
var viewPort = null;
if (view) {
viewPort = view.getViewPort();
var itemsSearch = {};
items.forEach(function (item) {
itemsSearch[] = item;
var renderedItems = {};
var nodesToRemove = {};
for (var i in this.rendered) {
nodesToRemove[i] = true;
renderedItems[i] = true;
var renderCalledFor = {};
for (var i = 0, vis = items.length; i < vis; i++) {
var item = items[i];
var itemNode = this.rendered[];
nodesToRemove[] = false;
if (itemNode && itemNode.parentNode) {
var isVisible = false;
if (specializedViewPortChecker) {
isVisible = specializedViewPortChecker(item, viewPort, view, viewConfig, gantt);
} else {
isVisible = genericViewPortChecker(viewPort, getRectangle(item, view, viewConfig, gantt));
if (!isVisible) {
nodesToRemove[] = true;
} else {
if (updateMethod) {, item, itemNode, view, viewConfig, viewPort);
this.restore(item, buffer);
} else {
renderCalledFor[items[i].id] = true;
this.render_item(items[i], buffer, viewPort, view, viewConfig);
for (var i in nodesToRemove) {
if (nodesToRemove[i]) {
if (buffer.childNodes.length) {
container.appendChild(buffer, container);
if (renderCallbackMethod) {
var newElements = {};
for (var i in this.rendered) {
if (!renderedItems[i] || renderCalledFor[i]) {
newElements[i] = this.rendered[i];, itemsSearch[i], this.rendered[i], view);
append: function append(item, node, container) {
if (!this.rendered) {
if (!node) {
if (this.rendered[]) {
if (this.rendered[] && this.rendered[].parentNode) {
this.replace_item(, node);
} else {
this.rendered[] = node;
replace_item: function replace_item(item_id, newNode) {
var item = this.rendered[item_id];
if (item && item.parentNode) {
item.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, item);
this.rendered[item_id] = newNode;
remove_item: function remove_item(item_id) {
delete this.rendered[item_id];
hide: function hide(item_id) {
var item = this.rendered[item_id];
if (item && item.parentNode) {
restore: function restore(item, container) {
var dom = this.rendered[];
if (dom) {
if (!dom.parentNode) {
this.append(item, dom, container || node);
} else {
this.render_item(item, container || node);
change_id: function change_id(oldid, newid) {
this.rendered[newid] = this.rendered[oldid];
delete this.rendered[oldid];
rendered: task_area_pulls[id],
node: node,
destructor: function destructor() {
delete task_area_renderers[id];
delete task_area_pulls[id];
return task_area_renderers[id];
function clearRenderers() {
for (var i in task_area_renderers) {
return {
getRenderer: getRenderer,
clearRenderers: clearRenderers
module.exports = rendererFactory;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/resource_histogram_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/resource_histogram_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var getRectangle = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_bg_row_rectangle */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_bg_row_rectangle.js");
var getVisibleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_bars_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js");
var getVisibleCellsRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_cells_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_cells_range.js");
var isColumnVisible = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/is_column_visible */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_column_visible.js");
var resourceTimetable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../resource_timetable_builder */ "./sources/core/resource_timetable_builder.js");
function renderBar(level, start, end, timeline) {
var top = (1 - (level * 1 || 0)) * 100;
var left = timeline.posFromDate(start);
var right = timeline.posFromDate(end);
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.className = "gantt_histogram_hor_bar"; = top + '%'; = left + "px"; = right - left + 1 + "px";
return element;
function renderConnection(prevLevel, nextLevel, left) {
if (prevLevel === nextLevel) {
return null;
var top = 1 - Math.max(prevLevel, nextLevel);
var height = Math.abs(prevLevel - nextLevel);
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.className = "gantt_histogram_vert_bar"; = top * 100 + "%"; = height * 100 + "%"; = left + "px";
return element;
function generateRenderResourceHistogram(gantt) {
var getResourceLoad = resourceTimetable(gantt);
var renderedHistogramCells = {};
var renderedHistogramRows = {};
var renderedHistogramCapacity = {};
function detachRenderedHistogramCell(id, index) {
var renderedRow = renderedHistogramCells[id];
if (renderedRow && renderedRow[index] && renderedRow[index].parentNode) {
function renderHistogramLine(capacity, timeline, maxCapacity, viewport) {
var scale = timeline.getScale();
var el = document.createElement("div");
var range = getVisibleCellsRange(scale, viewport);
for (var i = range.start; i <= range.end; i++) {
var colStart = scale.trace_x[i];
var colEnd = scale.trace_x[i + 1] ||, scale.step, scale.unit);
var col = scale.trace_x[i].valueOf();
var level = Math.min(capacity[col] / maxCapacity, 1) || 0; // do not render histogram for lines with below zero capacity, as it's reserved for folders
if (level < 0) {
return null;
var nextLevel = Math.min(capacity[colEnd.valueOf()] / maxCapacity, 1) || 0;
var bar = renderBar(level, colStart, colEnd, timeline);
if (bar) {
var connection = renderConnection(level, nextLevel, timeline.posFromDate(colEnd));
if (connection) {
return el;
function renderCapacityElement(resource, sizes, capacityMatrix, config, timeline, maxCapacity, viewport) {
var renderedElement = renderedHistogramCapacity[];
if (renderedElement && renderedElement.parentNode) {
var capacityElement = renderHistogramLine(capacityMatrix, timeline, maxCapacity, viewport);
if (capacityElement && sizes) {
capacityElement.setAttribute(timeline.$config.item_attribute,; = "absolute"; = + 1 + "px"; = timeline.getItemHeight( - 1 + "px"; = 0;
return capacityElement;
function renderHistogramCell(resource, sizes, maxCapacity, config, templates, day, timeline) {
var css = templates.histogram_cell_class(day.start_date, day.end_date, resource, day.tasks, day.assignments);
var content = templates.histogram_cell_label(day.start_date, day.end_date, resource, day.tasks, day.assignments);
var fill = templates.histogram_cell_allocated(day.start_date, day.end_date, resource, day.tasks, day.assignments);
var height = timeline.getItemHeight( - 1;
if (css || content) {
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = ["gantt_histogram_cell", css].join(" ");
el.setAttribute(timeline.$config.item_attribute,; = ['left:' + sizes.left + 'px', 'width:' + sizes.width + 'px', 'height:' + height + 'px', 'line-height:' + height + 'px', 'top:' + ( + 1) + 'px'].join(";");
if (content) {
content = "<div class='gantt_histogram_label'>" + content + "</div>";
if (fill) {
content = "<div class='gantt_histogram_fill' style='height:" + Math.min(fill / maxCapacity || 0, 1) * 100 + "%;'></div>" + content;
if (content) {
el.innerHTML = content;
return el;
return null;
function renderResourceHistogram(resource, timeline, config, viewport) {
var templates = timeline.$getTemplates();
var scale = timeline.getScale();
var timetable = getResourceLoad(resource, config.resource_property, scale, timeline);
var cells = [];
var capacityMatrix = {};
var maxCapacity = resource.capacity || timeline.$config.capacity || 24;
renderedHistogramCells[] = {};
renderedHistogramRows[] = null;
renderedHistogramCapacity[] = null;
var smartRendering = !!viewport; //no viewport means smart rendering is disabled
var range = getVisibleCellsRange(scale, viewport);
for (var columnIndex = range.start; columnIndex <= range.end; columnIndex++) {
var day = timetable[columnIndex];
if (!day) {
if (smartRendering && !isColumnVisible(columnIndex, scale, viewport, gantt)) {
var capacity = templates.histogram_cell_capacity(day.start_date, day.end_date, resource, day.tasks, day.assignments);
capacityMatrix[day.start_date.valueOf()] = capacity || 0;
var sizes = timeline.getItemPosition(resource, day.start_date, day.end_date);
var el = renderHistogramCell(resource, sizes, maxCapacity, config, templates, day, timeline);
if (el) {
renderedHistogramCells[][columnIndex] = el;
var row = null;
if (cells.length) {
row = document.createElement("div");
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
var capacityElement = renderCapacityElement(resource, sizes, capacityMatrix, config, timeline, maxCapacity, viewport);
if (capacityElement) {
renderedHistogramCapacity[] = capacityElement;
renderedHistogramRows[] = row;
return row;
function updateResourceHistogram(resource, node, timeline, config, viewport) {
var templates = timeline.$getTemplates();
var scale = timeline.getScale();
var timetable = getResourceLoad(resource, config.resource_property, scale, timeline);
var maxCapacity = resource.capacity || timeline.$config.capacity || 24;
var capacityMatrix = {};
var smartRendering = !!viewport; //no viewport means smart rendering is disabled
var range = getVisibleCellsRange(scale, viewport);
var checkedColumns = {};
if (renderedHistogramCells && renderedHistogramCells[]) {
for (var i in renderedHistogramCells[]) {
checkedColumns[i] = i;
for (var columnIndex = range.start; columnIndex <= range.end; columnIndex++) {
var day = timetable[columnIndex];
checkedColumns[columnIndex] = false;
if (!day) {
var capacity = templates.histogram_cell_capacity(day.start_date, day.end_date, resource, day.tasks, day.assignments);
capacityMatrix[day.start_date.valueOf()] = capacity || 0;
var sizes = timeline.getItemPosition(resource, day.start_date, day.end_date);
if (smartRendering && !isColumnVisible(columnIndex, scale, viewport, gantt)) {
detachRenderedHistogramCell(, columnIndex);
var renderedCell = renderedHistogramCells[];
if (!renderedCell || !renderedCell[columnIndex]) {
var el = renderHistogramCell(resource, sizes, maxCapacity, config, templates, day, timeline);
if (el) {
renderedHistogramCells[][columnIndex] = el;
} else if (renderedCell && renderedCell[columnIndex] && !renderedCell[columnIndex].parentNode) {
for (var i in checkedColumns) {
if (checkedColumns[i] !== false) {
detachRenderedHistogramCell(, i);
var capacityElement = renderCapacityElement(resource, sizes, capacityMatrix, config, timeline, maxCapacity, viewport);
if (capacityElement) {
renderedHistogramCapacity[] = capacityElement;
return {
render: renderResourceHistogram,
update: updateResourceHistogram,
getRectangle: getRectangle,
getVisibleRange: getVisibleRange
module.exports = generateRenderResourceHistogram;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/resource_matrix_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/resource_matrix_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var getRectangle = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_bg_row_rectangle */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_bg_row_rectangle.js");
var getVisibleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_bars_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js");
var getVisibleCellsRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_cells_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_cells_range.js");
var isColumnVisible = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/is_column_visible */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_column_visible.js");
var resourceTimetable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../resource_timetable_builder */ "./sources/core/resource_timetable_builder.js");
function generateRenderResourceLine(gantt) {
var getResourceLoad = resourceTimetable(gantt);
var renderedResourceLines = {};
function renderResourceLineCell(resource, day, templates, config, timeline) {
var css = templates.resource_cell_class(day.start_date, day.end_date, resource, day.tasks, day.assignments);
var content = templates.resource_cell_value(day.start_date, day.end_date, resource, day.tasks, day.assignments);
var height = timeline.getItemHeight( - 1;
if (css || content) {
var sizes = timeline.getItemPosition(resource, day.start_date, day.end_date);
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = ["gantt_resource_marker", css].join(" "); = ['left:' + sizes.left + 'px', 'width:' + sizes.width + 'px', 'height:' + height + 'px', 'line-height:' + height + 'px', 'top:' + + 'px'].join(";");
if (content) el.innerHTML = content;
return el;
return null;
function detachRenderedResourceLine(id, index) {
if (renderedResourceLines[id] && renderedResourceLines[id][index] && renderedResourceLines[id][index].parentNode) {
function renderResourceLine(resource, timeline, config, viewport) {
var templates = timeline.$getTemplates();
var scale = timeline.getScale();
var timetable = getResourceLoad(resource, config.resource_property, timeline.getScale(), timeline);
var smartRendering = !!viewport; //no viewport means smart rendering is disabled
var cells = [];
renderedResourceLines[] = {};
var range = getVisibleCellsRange(scale, viewport);
for (var columnIndex = range.start; columnIndex <= range.end; columnIndex++) {
var day = timetable[columnIndex];
if (!day) {
if (smartRendering && !isColumnVisible(columnIndex, scale, viewport, gantt)) {
var cell = renderResourceLineCell(resource, day, templates, config, timeline);
if (cell) {
renderedResourceLines[][columnIndex] = cell;
var row = null;
if (cells.length) {
row = document.createElement("div");
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
return row;
function updateResourceLine(resource, node, timeline, config, viewport) {
var templates = timeline.$getTemplates();
var scale = timeline.getScale();
var timetable = getResourceLoad(resource, config.resource_property, timeline.getScale(), timeline);
var range = getVisibleCellsRange(scale, viewport);
var checkedColumns = {};
if (renderedResourceLines && renderedResourceLines[]) {
for (var i in renderedResourceLines[]) {
checkedColumns[i] = i;
for (var columnIndex = range.start; columnIndex <= range.end; columnIndex++) {
var day = timetable[columnIndex];
checkedColumns[columnIndex] = false;
if (!day) {
if (!isColumnVisible(columnIndex, scale, viewport, gantt)) {
detachRenderedResourceLine(, columnIndex);
if (!renderedResourceLines[] || !renderedResourceLines[][columnIndex]) {
var cell = renderResourceLineCell(resource, day, templates, config, timeline);
if (cell) {
renderedResourceLines[][columnIndex] = cell;
} else if (renderedResourceLines[] && renderedResourceLines[][columnIndex] && !renderedResourceLines[][columnIndex].parentNode) {
for (var i in checkedColumns) {
if (checkedColumns[i] !== false) {
detachRenderedResourceLine(, i);
return {
render: renderResourceLine,
update: updateResourceLine,
getRectangle: getRectangle,
getVisibleRange: getVisibleRange
module.exports = generateRenderResourceLine;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_bar_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/task_bar_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function createTaskRenderer(gantt) {
function _render_task_element(task, view, config) {
var config = view.$getConfig();
var painters = config.type_renderers;
var renderer = painters[gantt.getTaskType(task.type)],
defaultRenderer = _task_default_render;
if (!renderer) {
return, task, view, config);
} else {
return, task, function (task) {
return, task, view, config);
}, view);
function _task_default_render(task, view, config) {
if (gantt._isAllowedUnscheduledTask(task)) return;
if (!gantt._isTaskInTimelineLimits(task)) {
var pos = view.getItemPosition(task);
var cfg = config,
templates = view.$getTemplates();
var taskType = gantt.getTaskType(task.type);
var height = view.getBarHeight(, taskType == cfg.types.milestone);
var controlsMargin = 0;
if (taskType == cfg.types.milestone) {
controlsMargin = (height - pos.height) / 2;
var padd = Math.floor((view.getItemHeight( - height) / 2); // if(task.type == cfg.types.milestone){
// padd -= 1;
// }
// if (taskType == cfg.types.milestone && cfg.link_line_width > 1) {
// //little adjust milestone position, so horisontal corners would match link arrow when thickness of link line is more than 1px
// padd += 1;
// }
if (taskType == cfg.types.milestone) {
pos.left -= Math.round(height / 2);
pos.width = height;
var div = document.createElement("div");
var width = Math.round(pos.width);
if (view.$config.item_attribute) {
div.setAttribute(view.$config.bind + "_id",; // 'task_id'/'resource_id' for backward compatibility
if (cfg.show_progress && taskType != cfg.types.milestone) {
_render_task_progress(task, div, width, cfg, templates);
} //use separate div to display content above progress bar
var content = _render_task_content(task, width, templates);
if (task.textColor) { = task.textColor;
var css = _combine_item_class("gantt_task_line", templates.task_class(task.start_date, task.end_date, task),, view);
if (task.color || task.progressColor || task.textColor) {
css += " gantt_task_inline_color";
if (pos.width < 20) {
css += " gantt_thin_task";
div.className = css;
var styles = ["left:" + pos.left + "px", "top:" + (padd + + 'px', "height:" + (taskType == cfg.types.milestone ? pos.height : height) + 'px', "line-height:" + Math.max(height < 30 ? height - 2 : height, 0) + 'px', "width:" + width + 'px'];
if (task.color) {
styles.push("background-color:" + task.color);
if (task.textColor) {
styles.push("color:" + task.textColor);
} = styles.join(";");
var side = _render_leftside_content(task, cfg, templates, controlsMargin);
if (side) div.appendChild(side);
side = _render_rightside_content(task, cfg, templates, controlsMargin);
if (side) div.appendChild(side);
gantt._waiAria.setTaskBarAttr(task, div);
var state = gantt.getState();
if (!gantt.isReadonly(task)) {
if (cfg.drag_resize && !gantt.isSummaryTask(task) && taskType != cfg.types.milestone) {
_render_pair(div, "gantt_task_drag", task, function (css) {
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.className = css;
return el;
}, cfg);
if (cfg.drag_links && cfg.show_links) {
_render_pair(div, "gantt_link_control", task, function (css) {
var outer = document.createElement("div");
outer.className = css; = ["height:" + height + 'px', "line-height:" + height + 'px'].join(";");
var inner = document.createElement("div");
inner.className = "gantt_link_point";
var showLinkPoints = false;
if (state.link_source_id && cfg.touch) {
showLinkPoints = true;
} = showLinkPoints ? "block" : "";
return outer;
}, cfg, controlsMargin);
return div;
function _render_side_content(task, template, cssClass, marginStyle) {
if (!template) return null;
var text = template(task.start_date, task.end_date, task);
if (!text) return null;
var content = document.createElement("div");
content.className = "gantt_side_content " + cssClass;
content.innerHTML = text;
if (marginStyle) {[marginStyle.type] = Math.abs(marginStyle.value) + "px";
return content;
function _render_leftside_content(task, cfg, templates, margin) {
var css = "gantt_left " + _get_link_crossing_css(!cfg.rtl ? true : false, task, cfg);
var marginStyle = null;
if (margin) {
marginStyle = {
type: "marginRight",
value: margin
return _render_side_content(task, templates.leftside_text, css, marginStyle);
function _render_rightside_content(task, cfg, templates, margin) {
var css = "gantt_right " + _get_link_crossing_css(!cfg.rtl ? false : true, task, cfg);
var marginStyle = null;
if (margin) {
marginStyle = {
type: "marginLeft",
value: margin
return _render_side_content(task, templates.rightside_text, css, marginStyle);
function _get_link_crossing_css(left, task) {
var cond = _get_conditions(left);
for (var i in cond) {
var links = task[i];
for (var ln = 0; ln < links.length; ln++) {
var link = gantt.getLink(links[ln]);
for (var tp = 0; tp < cond[i].length; tp++) {
if (link.type == cond[i][tp]) {
return "gantt_link_crossing";
return "";
function _render_task_content(task, width, templates) {
var content = document.createElement("div");
if (gantt.getTaskType(task.type) != gantt.config.types.milestone) {
content.innerHTML = templates.task_text(task.start_date, task.end_date, task);
} else if (gantt.getTaskType(task.type) == gantt.config.types.milestone && width) { = = width + "px";
content.className = "gantt_task_content"; // = width + 'px';
return content;
function _render_task_progress(task, element, maxWidth, cfg, templates) {
var done = task.progress * 1 || 0;
maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth - 2, 0); //2px for borders
var pr = document.createElement("div");
var width = Math.round(maxWidth * done);
width = Math.min(maxWidth, width);
if (task.progressColor) { = task.progressColor; = 1;
} = width + 'px';
pr.className = "gantt_task_progress";
pr.innerHTML = templates.progress_text(task.start_date, task.end_date, task);
if (cfg.rtl) { = "absolute"; = "0px";
var wrapper = document.createElement("div");
wrapper.className = "gantt_task_progress_wrapper";
if (gantt.config.drag_progress && !gantt.isReadonly(task)) {
var drag = document.createElement("div");
var markerPos = width;
if (cfg.rtl) {
markerPos = maxWidth - width;
} = markerPos + 'px';
drag.className = "gantt_task_progress_drag";
function _get_conditions(leftside) {
if (leftside) {
return {
$source: [gantt.config.links.start_to_start],
$target: [gantt.config.links.start_to_start, gantt.config.links.finish_to_start]
} else {
return {
$source: [gantt.config.links.finish_to_start, gantt.config.links.finish_to_finish],
$target: [gantt.config.links.finish_to_finish]
function _combine_item_class(basic, template, itemId, view) {
var cfg = view.$getConfig();
var css = [basic];
if (template) css.push(template);
var state = gantt.getState();
var task = gantt.getTask(itemId);
if (gantt.getTaskType(task.type) == cfg.types.milestone) {
} else if (gantt.getTaskType(task.type) == cfg.types.project) {
css.push("gantt_bar_" + gantt.getTaskType(task.type));
if (gantt.isSummaryTask(task)) css.push("gantt_dependent_task");
if (gantt.isSplitTask(task) && (cfg.open_split_tasks && !task.$open || !cfg.open_split_tasks)) {
if (cfg.select_task && gantt.isSelectedTask(itemId)) {
if (itemId == state.drag_id) {
css.push("gantt_drag_" + state.drag_mode);
if (state.touch_drag) {
css.push("gantt_touch_" + state.drag_mode);
if (state.link_source_id == itemId) css.push("gantt_link_source");
if (state.link_target_id == itemId) css.push("gantt_link_target");
if (cfg.highlight_critical_path && gantt.isCriticalTask) {
if (gantt.isCriticalTask(task)) css.push("gantt_critical_task");
if (state.link_landing_area && state.link_target_id && state.link_source_id && state.link_target_id != state.link_source_id && (state.link_target_id == itemId || state.link_source_id == itemId)) {
var from_id = state.link_source_id;
var from_start = state.link_from_start;
var to_start = state.link_to_start;
var allowDrag = gantt.isLinkAllowed(from_id, itemId, from_start, to_start);
var dragClass = "";
if (allowDrag) {
if (to_start) dragClass = "link_start_allow";else dragClass = "link_finish_allow";
} else {
if (to_start) dragClass = "link_start_deny";else dragClass = "link_finish_deny";
return css.join(" ");
function _render_pair(parent, css, task, content, config, margin) {
var state = gantt.getState();
var className, element;
if (+task.start_date >= +state.min_date) {
className = [css, config.rtl ? "task_right" : "task_left", "task_start_date"];
element = content(className.join(" "));
element.setAttribute("data-bind-property", "start_date");
if (margin) { = margin + "px";
if (+task.end_date <= +state.max_date) {
className = [css, config.rtl ? "task_left" : "task_right", "task_end_date"];
element = content(className.join(" "));
element.setAttribute("data-bind-property", "end_date");
if (margin) { = margin + "px";
return _render_task_element;
module.exports = createTaskRenderer;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_bar_smart_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/task_bar_smart_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var isInViewPort = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/is_bar_in_viewport */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_bar_in_viewport.js");
var getVisibleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_bars_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js");
var createBaseBarRender = __webpack_require__(/*! ./task_bar_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_bar_render.js");
module.exports = function createTaskRenderer(gantt) {
var defaultRender = createBaseBarRender(gantt);
return {
render: defaultRender,
update: null,
//getRectangle: getBarRectangle
isInViewPort: isInViewPort,
getVisibleRange: getVisibleRange
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_bg_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/task_bg_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var getRowRectangle = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_bg_row_rectangle */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_bg_row_rectangle.js");
var isLegacyRender = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is_legacy_smart_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/is_legacy_smart_render.js");
var getVisibleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_bars_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js");
var getVisibleCellsRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_cells_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_cells_range.js");
var isColumnVisible = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/is_column_visible */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_column_visible.js");
function createTaskBgRender(gantt) {
var renderedCells = {};
var visibleCells = {};
function isRendered(item, columnIndex) {
if (renderedCells[][columnIndex] && renderedCells[][columnIndex].parentNode) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function detachRenderedCell(itemId, columnIndex) {
if (renderedCells[itemId] && renderedCells[itemId][columnIndex] && renderedCells[itemId][columnIndex].parentNode) {
function getCellTemplate(view) {
var templates = view.$getTemplates();
var cssTemplate;
if (typeof templates.task_cell_class !== "undefined") {
cssTemplate = templates.task_cell_class; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
var log = console.warn || console.log;
log('gantt.templates.task_cell_class template is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use gantt.templates.timeline_cell_class instead.');
} else {
cssTemplate = templates.timeline_cell_class;
return cssTemplate;
function renderCells(item, node, view, config, viewPort) {
var cfg = view.getScale();
var count = cfg.count;
var cssTemplate = getCellTemplate(view);
if (config.show_task_cells) {
if (!renderedCells[]) {
renderedCells[] = {};
if (!visibleCells[]) {
visibleCells[] = {};
var range = getVisibleCellsRange(cfg, viewPort);
for (var i in visibleCells[]) {
var index = visibleCells[][i];
if (Number(index) < range.start || Number(index) > range.end) {
detachRenderedCell(, index);
visibleCells[] = {}; // TODO: do not iterate all cell, only ones in the viewport and once that are already rendered
for (var columnIndex = range.start; columnIndex <= range.end; columnIndex++) {
var cell = renderOneCell(cfg, columnIndex, item, viewPort, count, cssTemplate, config);
if (!cell && isRendered(item, columnIndex)) {
detachRenderedCell(, columnIndex);
} else if (cell && !cell.parentNode) {
function renderOneCell(scale, columnIndex, item, viewPort, count, cssTemplate, config) {
var width = scale.width[columnIndex],
cssclass = "";
if (isColumnVisible(columnIndex, scale, viewPort, gantt)) {
//do not render skipped columns
var cssTemplateContent = cssTemplate(item, scale.trace_x[columnIndex]);
if (config.static_background) {
// if cell render in static background is not allowed, or if it's a blank cell
if (!(config.static_background_cells && cssTemplateContent)) {
return null;
if (renderedCells[][columnIndex]) {
visibleCells[][columnIndex] = columnIndex;
return renderedCells[][columnIndex];
var cell = document.createElement("div"); = width + "px";
cssclass = "gantt_task_cell" + (columnIndex == count - 1 ? " gantt_last_cell" : "");
if (cssTemplateContent) {
cssclass += " " + cssTemplateContent;
cell.className = cssclass; = "absolute"; = scale.left[columnIndex] + "px";
renderedCells[][columnIndex] = cell;
visibleCells[][columnIndex] = columnIndex;
return cell;
return null;
function _render_bg_line(item, view, config, viewPort) {
var templates = view.$getTemplates();
var cfg = view.getScale();
var count = cfg.count;
if (config.static_background && !config.static_background_cells) {
return null;
var row = document.createElement("div");
var cellTemplate = getCellTemplate(view);
var range;
if (!viewPort || !config.smart_rendering || isLegacyRender(gantt)) {
range = {
start: 0,
end: count - 1
} else {
range = getVisibleCellsRange(cfg, viewPort.x);
if (config.show_task_cells) {
renderedCells[] = {};
visibleCells[] = {};
for (var columnIndex = range.start; columnIndex <= range.end; columnIndex++) {
var cell = renderOneCell(cfg, columnIndex, item, viewPort, count, cellTemplate, config);
if (cell) {
var odd = gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex( % 2 !== 0;
var cssTemplate = templates.task_row_class(item.start_date, item.end_date, item);
var css = "gantt_task_row" + (odd ? " odd" : "") + (cssTemplate ? ' ' + cssTemplate : '');
var store = view.$config.rowStore;
if (store.isSelected( {
css += " gantt_selected";
row.className = css;
if (config.smart_rendering) { = "absolute"; = view.getItemTop( + "px"; = "100%";
} else { = "relative";
} = view.getItemHeight( + "px";
if (view.$config.item_attribute) {
row.setAttribute(view.$config.bind + "_id",; // 'task_id'/'resource_id' for backward compatibility
return row;
return {
render: _render_bg_line,
update: renderCells,
getRectangle: getRowRectangle,
getVisibleRange: getVisibleRange
module.exports = createTaskBgRender;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_grid_line_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/task_grid_line_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var getRowRectangle = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_grid_row_rectangle */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_grid_row_rectangle.js");
var getVisibleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_bars_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js");
function createGridLineRender(gantt) {
function _render_grid_item(item, view, config, viewport) {
var columns = view.getGridColumns();
var templates = view.$getTemplates();
var store = view.$config.rowStore;
var cells = [];
var has_child;
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
var last = i == columns.length - 1;
var col = columns[i];
var cell;
var value;
var textValue;
if ( == "add") {
var aria = gantt._waiAria.gridAddButtonAttrString(col);
value = "<div " + aria + " class='gantt_add'></div>";
textValue = "";
} else {
if (col.template) value = col.template(item);else value = item[];
if (helpers.isDate(value)) {
value = templates.date_grid(value, item,;
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
value = "";
textValue = value;
value = "<div class='gantt_tree_content'>" + value + "</div>";
var css = "gantt_cell" + (last ? " gantt_last_cell" : "");
var tree = [];
if (col.tree) {
css += " gantt_cell_tree";
for (var j = 0; j < item.$level; j++) {
has_child = store.hasChild( && !(gantt.isSplitTask(item) && !gantt.config.open_split_tasks);
if (has_child) {
} else {
var style = "width:" + (col.width - (last ? 1 : 0)) + "px;";
if (this.defined(col.align)) {
var flexAlign = {
right: "flex-end",
left: "flex-start",
center: "center"
var justifyContent = flexAlign[col.align];
style += "text-align:" + col.align + ";justify-content:" + justifyContent + ";";
var aria = gantt._waiAria.gridCellAttrString(col, textValue, item);
cell = "<div class='" + css + "' data-column-index='" + i + "' data-column-name='" + + "' style='" + style + "' " + aria + ">" + tree.join("") + "</div>";
var css = gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex( % 2 === 0 ? "" : " odd";
css += item.$transparent ? " gantt_transparent" : "";
css += item.$dataprocessor_class ? " " + item.$dataprocessor_class : "";
if (templates.grid_row_class) {
var css_template =, item.start_date, item.end_date, item);
if (css_template) css += " " + css_template;
if (store.isSelected( {
css += " gantt_selected";
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.className = "gantt_row" + css + " gantt_row_" + gantt.getTaskType(item.type);
var height = view.getItemHeight(; = height + "px"; = height + "px";
if (config.smart_rendering) { = "absolute"; = "0px"; = view.getItemTop( + "px";
if (view.$config.item_attribute) {
el.setAttribute(view.$config.bind + "_id",; // 'task_id'/'resource_id' for backward compatibility
gantt._waiAria.taskRowAttr(item, el);
el.innerHTML = cells.join("");
return el;
function onrender(item, rowNode, view) {
var columns = view.getGridColumns();
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
var column = columns[i];
if (column.onrender) {
// find cell node for current column
var cellNode = rowNode.querySelector("[data-column-name=" + + "]");
if (cellNode) {
var content = column.onrender(item, cellNode);
if (content && typeof content === "string") {
cellNode.innerHTML = content;
} else if (content && _typeof(content) === "object") {
// render object to node using additional functionality
if (gantt.config.external_render) {
var adapter = gantt.config.external_render;
if (adapter.isElement(content)) {
adapter.renderElement(content, cellNode);
return {
render: _render_grid_item,
update: null,
getRectangle: getRowRectangle,
getVisibleRange: getVisibleRange,
onrender: onrender
module.exports = createGridLineRender;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_grid_row_resize_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/task_grid_row_resize_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var getRowRectangle = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_grid_row_rectangle */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_grid_row_rectangle.js");
var getVisibleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_bars_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js");
function createGridTaskRowResizerRender(gantt) {
function _render_grid_item(item, view, viewport) {
var config = view.$getConfig();
var resize_el = document.createElement("div");
resize_el.className = "gantt_task_grid_row_resize_wrap"; = view.getItemTop( + view.getItemHeight( + "px";
resize_el.innerHTML = "<div class='gantt_task_grid_row_resize'></div>";
return resize_el;
return {
render: _render_grid_item,
update: null,
getRectangle: getRowRectangle,
getVisibleRange: getVisibleRange
module.exports = createGridTaskRowResizerRender;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_rollup_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/task_rollup_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var createBaseBarRender = __webpack_require__(/*! ./task_bar_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_bar_render.js");
var isInViewPort = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/is_bar_in_viewport */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_bar_in_viewport.js");
var getVisibleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_bars_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js");
function createTaskRenderer(gantt) {
var defaultRender = createBaseBarRender(gantt);
function renderSplitTask(task, timeline) {
if (task.$rollup && task.$rollup.length) {
var el = document.createElement('div'),
sizes = gantt.getTaskPosition(task);
task.$rollup.forEach(function (itemId) {
var child = gantt.getTask(itemId);
var element = defaultRender(child, timeline);
if (!element) return;
var height = timeline.getBarHeight(, child.type == gantt.config.types.milestone);
var padding = Math.floor((timeline.getItemHeight( - height) / 2); = + padding + "px";
return el;
return false;
return {
render: renderSplitTask,
update: null,
//getRectangle: getBarRectangle
isInViewPort: isInViewPort,
getVisibleRange: getVisibleRange
module.exports = createTaskRenderer;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_split_render.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/task_split_render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var createBaseBarRender = __webpack_require__(/*! ./task_bar_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/task_bar_render.js");
var isInViewPort = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/is_split_task_in_viewport */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_split_task_in_viewport.js");
var getVisibleRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./viewport/get_visible_bars_range */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js");
function createTaskRenderer(gantt) {
var defaultRender = createBaseBarRender(gantt);
function renderSplitTask(task, timeline) {
if (gantt.isSplitTask(task) && (gantt.config.open_split_tasks && !task.$open || !gantt.config.open_split_tasks)) {
var el = document.createElement('div'),
sizes = gantt.getTaskPosition(task);
if (gantt.hasChild( {
gantt.eachTask(function (child) {
var isProject = gantt.isSummaryTask(child);
if (isProject) {
if (child.hide_bar) {
var element = defaultRender(child, timeline);
if (!element) return;
var height = timeline.getBarHeight(, child.type == gantt.config.types.milestone);
var padding = Math.floor((timeline.getItemHeight( - height) / 2); = + padding + "px";
if (isProject) {
return el;
return false;
return {
render: renderSplitTask,
update: null,
//getRectangle: getBarRectangle
isInViewPort: isInViewPort,
getVisibleRange: getVisibleRange
module.exports = createTaskRenderer;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_bg_row_rectangle.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_bg_row_rectangle.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (item, view, config) {
return {
top: view.getItemTop(,
height: view.getItemHeight(,
left: 0,
right: Infinity
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_grid_row_rectangle.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_grid_row_rectangle.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (item, view, config) {
return {
top: view.getItemTop(,
height: view.getItemHeight(,
left: 0,
right: Infinity
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_bars_range.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function getVisibleTasksRange(gantt, view, config, datastore, viewport) {
var buffer = 1;
var start = view.getItemIndexByTopPosition(viewport.y) || 0;
var end = view.getItemIndexByTopPosition(viewport.y_end) || datastore.count();
var indexStart = Math.max(0, start - buffer);
var indexEnd = Math.min(datastore.count(), end + buffer);
return {
start: indexStart,
end: indexEnd
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_cells_range.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/get_visible_cells_range.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function getVisibleCellsRange(scale, viewport) {
var firstCellIndex = 0;
var lastCellIndex = scale.left.length - 1;
if (viewport) {
for (var i = 0; i < scale.left.length; i++) {
var left = scale.left[i];
if (left < viewport.x) {
firstCellIndex = i;
if (left > viewport.x_end) {
lastCellIndex = i;
return {
start: firstCellIndex,
end: lastCellIndex
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_bar_in_viewport.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_bar_in_viewport.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
// optimized checker for task bars smart rendering
// first check the vertical position since it's easier to calculate
module.exports = function isBarInViewport(item, viewport, view, config, gantt) {
if (!item.start_date || !item.end_date) {
return null;
var top = view.getItemTop(;
var height = view.getItemHeight(;
if (top > viewport.y_end || top + height < viewport.y) {
return false;
var padding = 200;
var startCoord = view.posFromDate(item.start_date);
var endCoord = view.posFromDate(item.end_date);
var left = Math.min(startCoord, endCoord) - padding;
var right = Math.max(startCoord, endCoord) + padding;
if (left > viewport.x_end || right < viewport.x) {
return false;
return true;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_column_visible.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_column_visible.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var isLegacyRender = __webpack_require__(/*! ../is_legacy_smart_render */ "./sources/core/ui/render/is_legacy_smart_render.js");
module.exports = function isColumnVisible(columnIndex, scale, viewPort, gantt) {
var width = scale.width[columnIndex];
if (width <= 0) {
return false;
if (!gantt.config.smart_rendering || isLegacyRender(gantt)) {
return true;
var cellLeftCoord = scale.left[columnIndex] - width;
var cellRightCoord = scale.left[columnIndex] + width;
return cellLeftCoord <= viewPort.x_end && cellRightCoord >= viewPort.x; //do not render skipped columns
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_in_viewport.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_in_viewport.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (viewport, box) {
if (!box) {
return false;
if (box.left > viewport.x_end || box.left + box.width < viewport.x) {
return false;
if ( > viewport.y_end || + box.height < viewport.y) {
return false;
return true;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_link_in_viewport.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_link_in_viewport.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
// optimized checker for links smart rendering
// first check the vertical position since it's easier to calculate
module.exports = function isLinkInViewPort(item, viewport, view, config, gantt) {
var source = view.$gantt.getTask(item.source);
var target = view.$gantt.getTask(; // check vertical visibility first since it's a lighter check
var sourceTop = view.getItemTop(;
var sourceHeight = view.getItemHeight(;
var targetTop = view.getItemTop(;
var targetHeight = view.getItemHeight(;
if (viewport.y > sourceTop + sourceHeight && viewport.y > targetTop + targetHeight) {
return false;
if (viewport.y_end < targetTop && viewport.y_end < sourceTop) {
return false;
var padding = 100;
var sourceLeft = view.posFromDate(source.start_date);
var sourceRight = view.posFromDate(source.end_date);
var targetLeft = view.posFromDate(target.start_date);
var targetRight = view.posFromDate(target.end_date);
if (sourceLeft > sourceRight) {
// rtl
var tmp = sourceRight;
sourceRight = sourceLeft;
sourceLeft = tmp;
if (targetLeft > targetRight) {
// rtl
var tmp = targetRight;
targetRight = targetLeft;
targetLeft = tmp;
sourceLeft += -padding; // add buffer for custom elements
sourceRight += padding;
targetLeft += -padding; // add buffer for custom elements
targetRight += padding;
if (viewport.x > sourceRight && viewport.x > targetRight) {
return false;
if (viewport.x_end < sourceLeft && viewport.x_end < targetLeft) {
return false;
return true;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_split_task_in_viewport.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_split_task_in_viewport.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var isBarInViewport = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is_bar_in_viewport */ "./sources/core/ui/render/viewport/is_bar_in_viewport.js");
module.exports = function isSplitTaskInViewport(item, viewport, view, config, gantt) {
if (!gantt.isSplitTask(item)) {
return false;
var range = gantt.getSubtaskDates(;
return isBarInViewport({
start_date: range.start_date,
end_date: range.end_date,
parent: item.parent
}, viewport, view, gantt);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/resize_listener.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/resize_listener.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function addResizeListener(gantt) {
var containerStyles = window.getComputedStyle(gantt.$root);
if (containerStyles.getPropertyValue("position") == "static") {
gantt.$ = "relative";
var resizeWatcher = document.createElement('iframe');
resizeWatcher.className = "gantt_container_resize_watcher";
resizeWatcher.tabIndex = -1;
if (gantt.config.wai_aria_attributes) {
resizeWatcher.setAttribute("role", "none");
resizeWatcher.setAttribute("aria-hidden", true);
var salesforce_environment = !!window["Sfdc"] || !!window["$A"] || window["Aura"];
if (salesforce_environment) {
gantt.config.container_resize_method = "timeout";
} // in some environments (namely, in SalesForce) iframe.contentWindow is not available
if (resizeWatcher.contentWindow) {
listenWindowResize(gantt, resizeWatcher.contentWindow);
} else {
// if so - ditch the iframe and fallback to listening the main window resize
listenWindowResize(gantt, window);
function listenWindowResize(gantt, window) {
var resizeTimeout = gantt.config.container_resize_timeout || 20;
var resizeDelay;
if (gantt.config.container_resize_method == "timeout") {
} else {
try {
gantt.event(window, "resize", function () {
if (gantt.$scrollbarRepaint) {
gantt.$scrollbarRepaint = null;
} else {
} catch (e) {
function repaintGantt() {
resizeDelay = setTimeout(function () {
if (!gantt.$destroyed) {
}, resizeTimeout);
var previousHeight = gantt.$root.offsetHeight;
var previousWidth = gantt.$root.offsetWidth;
function lowlevelResizeWatcher() {
if (gantt.$root.offsetHeight != previousHeight || gantt.$root.offsetWidth != previousWidth) {
previousHeight = gantt.$root.offsetHeight;
previousWidth = gantt.$root.offsetWidth;
setTimeout(lowlevelResizeWatcher, resizeTimeout);
module.exports = addResizeListener;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/row_position_fixed_height.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/row_position_fixed_height.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function createHelper(view) {
var cachedRowHeight = -1;
var canUseSimpleCalc = -1;
return {
resetCache: function resetCache() {
cachedRowHeight = -1;
canUseSimpleCalc = -1;
_getRowHeight: function _getRowHeight() {
if (cachedRowHeight === -1) {
cachedRowHeight = view.$getConfig().row_height;
return cachedRowHeight;
_refreshState: function _refreshState() {
canUseSimpleCalc = true;
var store = view.$config.rowStore;
if (!store) {
var globalRowHeight = this._getRowHeight();
for (var i = 0; i < store.fullOrder.length; i++) {
var item = store.getItem(store.fullOrder[i]); // GS-1491: ignore the task when it is filtered:
if (!item) {
if (item.row_height && item.row_height !== globalRowHeight) {
canUseSimpleCalc = false;
canUseSimpleCalculation: function canUseSimpleCalculation() {
if (canUseSimpleCalc === -1) {
return canUseSimpleCalc;
* Get top coordinate by row index (order)
* @param {number} index
getRowTop: function getRowTop(index) {
var store = view.$config.rowStore;
if (!store) {
return 0;
return index * this._getRowHeight();
* Get height of the item by item id
* @param {*} itemId
getItemHeight: function getItemHeight(itemId) {
return this._getRowHeight();
* Get total height of items
getTotalHeight: function getTotalHeight() {
if (view.$config.rowStore) {
var store = view.$config.rowStore;
return store.countVisible() * this._getRowHeight();
} else {
return 0;
* Get item by top position
* @param {*} top
getItemIndexByTopPosition: function getItemIndexByTopPosition(top) {
if (view.$config.rowStore) {
return Math.floor(top / this._getRowHeight());
} else {
return 0;
module.exports = createHelper;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/row_position_mixin.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/row_position_mixin.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var quickPositionHelperFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./row_position_fixed_height */ "./sources/core/ui/row_position_fixed_height.js");
function createMixin(view) {
var getItemTopCache = {};
var getRowTopCache = {};
var getItemHeightCache = null;
var totalHeightCache = -1;
var getItemHeightCacheState = null;
var quickPosition = quickPositionHelperFactory(view);
return {
_resetTopPositionHeight: function _resetTopPositionHeight() {
getItemTopCache = {};
getRowTopCache = {};
_resetHeight: function _resetHeight() {
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
var newState = this.getCacheStateTotalHeight(store);
if (!getItemHeightCacheState) {
getItemHeightCacheState = newState;
} else if (this.shouldClearHeightCache(getItemHeightCacheState, newState)) {
getItemHeightCacheState = newState;
getItemHeightCache = null;
totalHeightCache = -1;
* Get top coordinate by row index (order)
* @param {number} index
getRowTop: function getRowTop(index) {
if (quickPosition.canUseSimpleCalculation()) {
return quickPosition.getRowTop(index);
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
if (!store) {
return 0;
if (getRowTopCache[index] !== undefined) {
return getRowTopCache[index];
} else {
var all = store.getIndexRange();
var top = 0;
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
getRowTopCache[i] = top;
top += this.getItemHeight(all[i].id);
if (i < index) {
result = top;
return result;
* Get top coordinate by item id
* @param {*} task_id
getItemTop: function getItemTop(taskId) {
if (this.$config.rowStore) {
if (getItemTopCache[taskId] !== undefined) {
return getItemTopCache[taskId];
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
if (!store) return 0;
var itemIndex = store.getIndexById(taskId);
if (itemIndex === -1 && store.getParent && store.exists(taskId)) {
var parentId = store.getParent(taskId);
if (store.exists(parentId)) {
// if task is not found in list - maybe it's parent is a split task and we should use parents index instead
var parent = store.getItem(parentId);
if (this.$gantt.isSplitTask(parent)) {
return this.getItemTop(parentId);
getItemTopCache[taskId] = this.getRowTop(itemIndex);
return getItemTopCache[taskId];
} else {
return 0;
* Get height of the item by item id
* @param {*} itemId
getItemHeight: function getItemHeight(itemId) {
if (quickPosition.canUseSimpleCalculation()) {
return quickPosition.getItemHeight(itemId);
if (!getItemHeightCache && this.$config.rowStore) {
if (getItemHeightCache[itemId] !== undefined) {
return getItemHeightCache[itemId];
var defaultHeight = this.$getConfig().row_height;
if (this.$config.rowStore) {
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
if (!store) return defaultHeight;
var item = store.getItem(itemId);
return getItemHeightCache[itemId] = item && item.row_height || defaultHeight;
} else {
return defaultHeight;
_fillHeightCache: function _fillHeightCache(store) {
if (!store) {
getItemHeightCache = {};
var defaultHeight = this.$getConfig().row_height;
store.eachItem(function (item) {
return getItemHeightCache[] = item && item.row_height || defaultHeight;
getCacheStateTotalHeight: function getCacheStateTotalHeight(store) {
var globalHeight = this.$getConfig().row_height;
var itemHeightCache = {};
var items = [];
var sumHeight = 0;
if (store) {
store.eachItem(function (item) {
itemHeightCache[] = item.row_height;
sumHeight += item.row_height || globalHeight;
return {
globalHeight: globalHeight,
items: items,
count: items.length,
sumHeight: sumHeight
shouldClearHeightCache: function shouldClearHeightCache(oldState, newState) {
if (oldState.count != newState.count) {
return true;
if (oldState.globalHeight != newState.globalHeight) {
return true;
if (oldState.sumHeight != newState.sumHeight) {
return true;
for (var i in oldState.items) {
var newValue = newState.items[i];
if (newValue !== undefined && newValue != oldState.items[i]) {
return true;
return false;
* Get total height of items
getTotalHeight: function getTotalHeight() {
if (quickPosition.canUseSimpleCalculation()) {
return quickPosition.getTotalHeight();
if (totalHeightCache != -1) {
return totalHeightCache;
if (this.$config.rowStore) {
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
var getHeight = this.getItemHeight.bind(this);
var visibleItems = store.getVisibleItems();
var totalHeight = 0;
visibleItems.forEach(function (item) {
totalHeight += getHeight(;
totalHeightCache = totalHeight;
return totalHeight;
} else {
return 0;
* Get item by top position
* @param {*} top
getItemIndexByTopPosition: function getItemIndexByTopPosition(top) {
if (this.$config.rowStore) {
if (quickPosition.canUseSimpleCalculation()) {
return quickPosition.getItemIndexByTopPosition(top);
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
for (var i = 0; i < store.countVisible(); i++) {
var current = this.getRowTop(i);
var next = this.getRowTop(i + 1);
if (!next) {
var taskId = store.getIdByIndex(i);
next = current + this.getItemHeight(taskId);
if (top >= current && top < next) {
return i;
} else {
return 0;
module.exports = createMixin;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/skin.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/skin.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function _configure(col, data, force) {
for (var key in data) {
if (typeof col[key] == "undefined" || force) col[key] = data[key];
function _get_skin(force, gantt) {
var skin =;
if (!skin || force) {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var res = links[i].href.match("dhtmlxgantt_([a-z_]+).css");
if (res) {
if (gantt.skins[res[1]] || !skin) {
skin = res[1];
} = skin || "terrace";
var skinset = gantt.skins[] || gantt.skins["terrace"]; //apply skin related settings
_configure(gantt.config, skinset.config, force);
var config = gantt.getGridColumns();
if (config[1] && !gantt.defined(config[1].width)) config[1].width = skinset._second_column_width;
if (config[2] && !gantt.defined(config[2].width)) config[2].width = skinset._third_column_width;
for (var i = 0; i < config.length; i++) {
var column = config[i];
if ( == "add") {
if (!column.width) {
column.width = 44;
if (!(gantt.defined(column.min_width) && gantt.defined(column.max_width))) {
column.min_width = column.min_width || column.width;
column.max_width = column.max_width || column.width;
if (column.min_width) column.min_width = +column.min_width;
if (column.max_width) column.max_width = +column.max_width;
if (column.width) {
column.width = +column.width;
column.width = column.min_width && column.min_width > column.width ? column.min_width : column.width;
column.width = column.max_width && column.max_width < column.width ? column.max_width : column.width;
if (skinset.config.task_height) {
gantt.config.task_height = skinset.config.task_height || "full";
if (skinset.config.bar_height) {
gantt.config.bar_height = skinset.config.bar_height || "full";
if (skinset._lightbox_template) gantt._lightbox_template = skinset._lightbox_template;
if (skinset._redefine_lightbox_buttons) {
gantt.config.buttons_right = skinset._redefine_lightbox_buttons["buttons_right"];
gantt.config.buttons_left = skinset._redefine_lightbox_buttons["buttons_left"];
module.exports = function (gantt) {
if (!gantt.resetSkin) {
gantt.resetSkin = function () { = "";
_get_skin(true, this);
gantt.skins = {};
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttLayoutReady", function () {
_get_skin(false, this);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/links_dnd.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/timeline/links_dnd.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var initLinksDND = function initLinksDND(timeline, gantt) {
var _link_landing,
markerDefaultOffset = 10,
scrollDefaultSize = 18;
function getVisibleMilestoneWidth(taskId) {
var origWidth = timeline.getBarHeight(taskId, true); //m-s have square shape
return Math.round(Math.sqrt(2 * origWidth * origWidth)) - 2;
function isMilestone(task) {
return gantt.getTaskType(task.type) == gantt.config.types.milestone;
function getDndState() {
return {
link_source_id: _link_source_task,
link_target_id: _link_target_task,
link_from_start: _link_source_task_start,
link_to_start: _link_target_task_start,
link_landing_area: _link_landing
var services = gantt.$services;
var state = services.getService("state");
var DnD = services.getService("dnd");
state.registerProvider("linksDnD", getDndState);
var start_marker = "task_start_date",
end_marker = "task_end_date",
link_edge_marker = "gantt_link_point",
link_landing_hover_area = "gantt_link_control";
var dnd = new DnD(timeline.$task_bars, {
sensitivity: 0,
updates_per_second: 60,
mousemoveContainer: gantt.$root,
selector: "." + link_edge_marker,
preventDefault: true
dnd.attachEvent("onBeforeDragStart", gantt.bind(function (obj, e) {
var target = || e.srcElement;
if (gantt.getState("tasksDnd").drag_id) return false;
if (domHelpers.locateClassName(target, link_edge_marker)) {
if (domHelpers.locateClassName(target, start_marker)) _link_source_task_start = true;
var sid = gantt.locate(e);
_link_source_task = sid;
var t = gantt.getTask(sid);
if (gantt.isReadonly(t)) {
return false;
var shift = 0;
this._dir_start = getLinePos(t, !!_link_source_task_start, shift, timeline.$getConfig(), true);
return true;
} else {
return false;
}, this));
dnd.attachEvent("onAfterDragStart", gantt.bind(function (obj, e) {
if (gantt.config.touch) {
}, this));
function getLinePos(task, to_start, shift, cfg, isStart) {
var taskPos = getMilestonePosition(task, function (task) {
return gantt.getTaskPosition(task);
}, cfg);
var pos = {
x: taskPos.x,
y: taskPos.y
if (!to_start) {
pos.x = taskPos.xEnd;
} //var pos = gantt._get_task_pos(task, !!to_start);
pos.y += gantt.getTaskHeight( / 2;
var offset = isMilestone(task) && isStart ? 2 : 0;
shift = shift || 0;
if (cfg.rtl) shift = shift * -1;
pos.x += (to_start ? -1 : 1) * shift - offset;
return pos;
function getMilestonePosition(task, getTaskPosition, cfg) {
var pos = getTaskPosition(task);
var res = {
x: pos.left,
width: pos.width,
height: pos.height
if (cfg.rtl) {
res.xEnd = res.x;
res.x = res.xEnd + res.width;
} else {
res.xEnd = res.x + res.width;
res.yEnd = res.y + res.height;
if (gantt.getTaskType(task.type) == gantt.config.types.milestone) {
var milestoneWidth = getVisibleMilestoneWidth(;
res.x += (!cfg.rtl ? -1 : 1) * (milestoneWidth / 2);
res.xEnd += (!cfg.rtl ? 1 : -1) * (milestoneWidth / 2); //pos.x -= milestoneWidth / 2;
//pos.xEnd += milestoneWidth / 2;
res.width = pos.xEnd - pos.x;
return res;
function getVieportSize() {
var root = gantt.$root;
return {
right: root.offsetWidth,
bottom: root.offsetHeight
function getMarkerSize(marker) {
var width = 0,
height = 0;
if (marker) {
width = marker.offsetWidth || 0;
height = marker.offsetHeight || 0;
return {
width: width,
height: height
function getPosition(e, marker) {
var oldPos = dnd.getPosition(e);
var markerSize = getMarkerSize(marker);
var viewportSize = getVieportSize();
var offsetX = gantt.config.tooltip_offset_x || markerDefaultOffset;
var offsetY = gantt.config.tooltip_offset_y || markerDefaultOffset;
var scrollSize = gantt.config.scroll_size || scrollDefaultSize;
var position = {
y: oldPos.y + offsetY,
x: oldPos.x + offsetX,
bottom: oldPos.y + markerSize.height + offsetY + scrollSize,
right: oldPos.x + markerSize.width + offsetX + scrollSize
if (position.bottom > viewportSize.bottom) {
position.y = viewportSize.bottom - markerSize.height - offsetY;
if (position.right > viewportSize.right) {
position.x = viewportSize.right - markerSize.width - offsetX;
return position;
dnd.attachEvent("onDragMove", gantt.bind(function (obj, e) {
var dd = dnd.config;
var pos = getPosition(e, dd.marker);
advanceMarker(dd.marker, pos);
var landing = !!domHelpers.locateClassName(e, link_landing_hover_area);
var prevTarget = _link_target_task;
var prevLanding = _link_landing;
var prevToStart = _link_target_task_start;
var targ = gantt.locate(e),
to_start = true; // can drag and drop link to another gantt on the page, such links are not supported
var eventTarget = domHelpers.getTargetNode(e);
var sameGantt = domHelpers.isChildOf(eventTarget, gantt.$root);
if (!sameGantt) {
landing = false;
targ = null;
if (landing) {
to_start = !domHelpers.locateClassName(e, end_marker);
landing = !!targ;
_link_target_task = targ;
_link_landing = landing;
_link_target_task_start = to_start;
if (landing) {
var t = gantt.getTask(targ);
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
var node = domHelpers.locateClassName(e, link_landing_hover_area);
var shift = 0;
if (node) {
shift = Math.floor(node.offsetWidth / 2);
this._dir_end = getLinePos(t, !!_link_target_task_start, shift, config);
} else {
this._dir_end = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, timeline.$task_data);
if (gantt.env.isEdge) {
// to fix margin collapsing
this._dir_end.y += window.scrollY;
var targetChanged = !(prevLanding == landing && prevTarget == targ && prevToStart == to_start);
if (targetChanged) {
if (prevTarget) gantt.refreshTask(prevTarget, false);
if (targ) gantt.refreshTask(targ, false);
if (targetChanged) {
showDirectingLine(this._dir_start.x, this._dir_start.y, this._dir_end.x, this._dir_end.y);
return true;
}, this));
dnd.attachEvent("onDragEnd", gantt.bind(function () {
var drag = getDndState();
if (drag.link_source_id && drag.link_target_id && drag.link_source_id != drag.link_target_id) {
var type = gantt._get_link_type(drag.link_from_start, drag.link_to_start);
var link = {
source: drag.link_source_id,
target: drag.link_target_id,
type: type
if (link.type && gantt.isLinkAllowed(link)) {
if (gantt.callEvent("onLinkCreated", [link])) {
if (gantt.config.touch) {
} else {
if (drag.link_source_id) gantt.refreshTask(drag.link_source_id, false);
if (drag.link_target_id) gantt.refreshTask(drag.link_target_id, false);
}, this));
function updateMarkedHtml(marker) {
var link = getDndState();
var css = ["gantt_link_tooltip"];
if (link.link_source_id && link.link_target_id) {
if (gantt.isLinkAllowed(link.link_source_id, link.link_target_id, link.link_from_start, link.link_to_start)) {
} else {
var className = gantt.templates.drag_link_class(link.link_source_id, link.link_from_start, link.link_target_id, link.link_to_start);
if (className) css.push(className);
var html = "<div class='" + className + "'>" + gantt.templates.drag_link(link.link_source_id, link.link_from_start, link.link_target_id, link.link_to_start) + "</div>";
marker.innerHTML = html;
function advanceMarker(marker, pos) { = pos.x + "px"; = pos.y + "px";
function resetDndState() {
_link_source_task = _link_source_task_start = _link_target_task = null;
_link_target_task_start = true;
function showDirectingLine(s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y) {
var div = getDirectionLine();
var link = getDndState();
var css = ["gantt_link_direction"];
if (gantt.templates.link_direction_class) {
css.push(gantt.templates.link_direction_class(link.link_source_id, link.link_from_start, link.link_target_id, link.link_to_start));
var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e_x - s_x, 2) + Math.pow(e_y - s_y, 2));
dist = Math.max(0, dist - 3);
if (!dist) return;
div.className = css.join(" ");
var tan = (e_y - s_y) / (e_x - s_x),
angle = Math.atan(tan);
if (coordinateCircleQuarter(s_x, e_x, s_y, e_y) == 2) {
angle += Math.PI;
} else if (coordinateCircleQuarter(s_x, e_x, s_y, e_y) == 3) {
angle -= Math.PI;
var sin = Math.sin(angle),
cos = Math.cos(angle),
top = Math.round(s_y),
left = Math.round(s_x);
var style = ["-webkit-transform: rotate(" + angle + "rad)", "-moz-transform: rotate(" + angle + "rad)", "-ms-transform: rotate(" + angle + "rad)", "-o-transform: rotate(" + angle + "rad)", "transform: rotate(" + angle + "rad)", "width:" + Math.round(dist) + "px"];
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8.0") != -1) {
//ms-filter breaks styles in ie9, so add it only for 8th
style.push("-ms-filter: \"" + ieTransform(sin, cos) + "\"");
var shiftLeft = Math.abs(Math.round(s_x - e_x)),
shiftTop = Math.abs(Math.round(e_y - s_y)); //fix rotation axis
switch (coordinateCircleQuarter(s_x, e_x, s_y, e_y)) {
case 1:
top -= shiftTop;
case 2:
left -= shiftLeft;
top -= shiftTop;
case 3:
left -= shiftLeft;
style.push("top:" + top + "px");
style.push("left:" + left + "px"); = style.join(";");
function ieTransform(sin, cos) {
return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(" + "M11 = " + cos + "," + "M12 = -" + sin + "," + "M21 = " + sin + "," + "M22 = " + cos + "," + "SizingMethod = 'auto expand'" + ")";
function coordinateCircleQuarter(sX, eX, sY, eY) {
if (eX >= sX) {
if (eY <= sY) {
return 1;
} else {
return 4;
} else {
if (eY <= sY) {
return 2;
} else {
return 3;
function getDirectionLine() {
if (!dnd._direction || !dnd._direction.parentNode) {
dnd._direction = document.createElement("div");
return dnd._direction;
function removeDirectionLine() {
if (dnd._direction) {
if (dnd._direction.parentNode) //the event line can be detached because of data refresh
dnd._direction = null;
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttRender", gantt.bind(function () {
if (dnd._direction) {
showDirectingLine(this._dir_start.x, this._dir_start.y, this._dir_end.x, this._dir_end.y);
}, this));
module.exports = {
createLinkDND: function createLinkDND() {
return {
init: initLinksDND
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/main_timeline_initializer.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/timeline/main_timeline_initializer.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js"),
taskDnD = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tasks_dnd */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/tasks_dnd.js"),
linkDnD = __webpack_require__(/*! ./links_dnd */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/links_dnd.js"),
domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var initializer = function () {
return function (gantt) {
var services = gantt.$services;
return {
onCreated: function onCreated(timeline) {
var config = timeline.$config;
config.bind = utils.defined(config.bind) ? config.bind : "task";
config.bindLinks = utils.defined(config.bindLinks) ? config.bindLinks : "link";
timeline._linksDnD = linkDnD.createLinkDND();
timeline._tasksDnD = taskDnD.createTaskDND();
this._mouseDelegates = __webpack_require__(/*! ../mouse_event_container */ "./sources/core/ui/mouse_event_container.js")(gantt);
onInitialized: function onInitialized(timeline) {
this._attachStateProvider(gantt, timeline);
timeline._tasksDnD.init(timeline, gantt);
timeline._linksDnD.init(timeline, gantt);
if (timeline.$ == "timeline") {
onDestroyed: function onDestroyed(timeline) {
if (timeline._tasksDnD) {
extendDom: function extendDom(timeline) {
gantt.$task = timeline.$task;
gantt.$task_scale = timeline.$task_scale;
gantt.$task_data = timeline.$task_data;
gantt.$task_bg = timeline.$task_bg;
gantt.$task_links = timeline.$task_links;
gantt.$task_bars = timeline.$task_bars;
_clearDomEvents: function _clearDomEvents() {
this._mouseDelegates = null;
_attachDomEvents: function _attachDomEvents(gantt) {
function _delete_link_handler(id, e) {
if (id && this.callEvent("onLinkDblClick", [id, e])) {
var link = this.getLink(id);
if (this.isReadonly(link)) return;
var title = "";
var question = + " " + this.templates.link_description(this.getLink(id)) + " " + this.locale.labels.confirm_link_deleting;
window.setTimeout(function () {
gantt._dhtmlx_confirm(question, title, function () {
}, this.config.touch ? 300 : 1);
this._mouseDelegates.delegate("click", "gantt_task_link", gantt.bind(function (e, trg) {
var id = this.locate(e, this.config.link_attribute);
if (id) {
this.callEvent("onLinkClick", [id, e]);
}, gantt), this.$task);
this._mouseDelegates.delegate("click", "gantt_scale_cell", gantt.bind(function (e, trg) {
var pos = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, gantt.$task_data);
var date = gantt.dateFromPos(pos.x);
var coll = Math.floor(gantt.columnIndexByDate(date));
var coll_date = gantt.getScale().trace_x[coll];
gantt.callEvent("onScaleClick", [e, coll_date]);
}, gantt), this.$task);
this._mouseDelegates.delegate("doubleclick", "gantt_task_link", gantt.bind(function (e, id, trg) {
var id = this.locate(e, gantt.config.link_attribute);, id, e);
}, gantt), this.$task);
this._mouseDelegates.delegate("doubleclick", "gantt_link_point", gantt.bind(function (e, id, trg) {
var id = this.locate(e),
task = this.getTask(id);
var link = null;
if (trg.parentNode && domHelpers.getClassName(trg.parentNode)) {
if (domHelpers.getClassName(trg.parentNode).indexOf("_left") > -1) {
link = task.$target[0];
} else {
link = task.$source[0];
if (link), link, e);
return false;
}, gantt), this.$task);
_attachStateProvider: function _attachStateProvider(gantt, timeline) {
var self = timeline;
var state = services.getService("state");
state.registerProvider("tasksTimeline", function () {
return {
scale_unit: self._tasks ? self._tasks.unit : undefined,
scale_step: self._tasks ? self._tasks.step : undefined
_clearStateProvider: function _clearStateProvider() {
var state = services.getService("state");
module.exports = initializer;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/scales.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/timeline/scales.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
function ScaleHelper(gantt) {
var dateHelper =;
var services = gantt.$services;
return {
getSum: function getSum(sizes, from, to) {
if (to === undefined) to = sizes.length - 1;
if (from === undefined) from = 0;
var summ = 0;
for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) {
summ += sizes[i];
return summ;
setSumWidth: function setSumWidth(sum_width, scale, from, to) {
var parts = scale.width;
if (to === undefined) to = parts.length - 1;
if (from === undefined) from = 0;
var length = to - from + 1;
if (from > parts.length - 1 || length <= 0 || to > parts.length - 1) return;
var oldWidth = this.getSum(parts, from, to);
var diff = sum_width - oldWidth;
this.adjustSize(diff, parts, from, to);
this.adjustSize(-diff, parts, to + 1);
scale.full_width = this.getSum(parts);
splitSize: function splitSize(width, count) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
arr[i] = 0;
this.adjustSize(width, arr);
return arr;
adjustSize: function adjustSize(width, parts, from, to) {
if (!from) from = 0;
if (to === undefined) to = parts.length - 1;
var length = to - from + 1;
var full = this.getSum(parts, from, to);
for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) {
var share = Math.floor(width * (full ? parts[i] / full : 1 / length));
full -= parts[i];
width -= share;
parts[i] += share;
parts[parts.length - 1] += width;
sortScales: function sortScales(scales) {
function cellSize(unit, step) {
var d = new Date(1970, 0, 1);
return dateHelper.add(d, step, unit) - d;
scales.sort(function (a, b) {
if (cellSize(a.unit, a.step) < cellSize(b.unit, b.step)) {
return 1;
} else if (cellSize(a.unit, a.step) > cellSize(b.unit, b.step)) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
for (var i = 0; i < scales.length; i++) {
scales[i].index = i;
_isLegacyMode: function _isLegacyMode(config) {
var scaleConfig = config || gantt.config;
return scaleConfig.scale_unit || scaleConfig.date_scale || scaleConfig.subscales;
_prepareScaleObject: function _prepareScaleObject(scale) {
var format = scale.format;
if (!format) {
format = scale.template || || "%d %M";
if (typeof format === "string") {
format =;
return {
unit: scale.unit || "day",
step: scale.step || 1,
format: format,
css: scale.css
primaryScale: function primaryScale(config) {
var templates = services.getService("templateLoader");
var legacyMode = this._isLegacyMode(config);
var scaleConfig = config || gantt.config;
var result;
if (legacyMode) {
templates.initTemplate("date_scale", undefined, undefined, scaleConfig, gantt.config.templates);
result = {
unit: gantt.config.scale_unit,
step: gantt.config.step,
template: gantt.templates.date_scale,
date: gantt.config.date_scale,
css: gantt.templates.scale_cell_class
} else {
var primaryScale = scaleConfig.scales[0];
result = {
unit: primaryScale.unit,
step: primaryScale.step,
template: primaryScale.template,
format: primaryScale.format,
css: primaryScale.css || gantt.templates.scale_cell_class
return this._prepareScaleObject(result);
getSubScales: function getSubScales(config) {
var legacyMode = this._isLegacyMode(config);
var scaleConfig = config || gantt.config;
var scales;
if (legacyMode) {
scales = scaleConfig.subscales || [];
} else {
scales = scaleConfig.scales.slice(1);
return (scale) {
return this._prepareScaleObject(scale);
prepareConfigs: function prepareConfigs(scales, min_coll_width, container_width, scale_height, minDate, maxDate, rtl) {
var heights = this.splitSize(scale_height, scales.length);
var full_width = container_width;
var configs = [];
for (var i = scales.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var main_scale = i == scales.length - 1;
var cfg = this.initScaleConfig(scales[i], minDate, maxDate);
if (main_scale) {
this.initColSizes(cfg, min_coll_width, full_width, heights[i]);
if (main_scale) {
full_width = cfg.full_width;
for (var i = 0; i < configs.length - 1; i++) {
this.alineScaleColumns(configs[configs.length - 1], configs[i]);
for (var i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) {
if (rtl) {
return configs;
reverseScale: function reverseScale(scale) {
scale.width = scale.width.reverse();
scale.trace_x = scale.trace_x.reverse();
var indexes = scale.trace_indexes;
scale.trace_indexes = {};
scale.trace_index_transition = {};
scale.rtl = true;
for (var i = 0; i < scale.trace_x.length; i++) {
scale.trace_indexes[scale.trace_x[i].valueOf()] = i;
scale.trace_index_transition[indexes[scale.trace_x[i].valueOf()]] = i;
return scale;
setPosSettings: function setPosSettings(config) {
for (var i = 0, len = config.trace_x.length; i < len; i++) {
config.left.push((config.width[i - 1] || 0) + (config.left[i - 1] || 0));
_ignore_time_config: function _ignore_time_config(date, scale) {
if (gantt.config.skip_off_time) {
var skip = true;
var probe = date; // check dates in case custom scale unit, e.g. {unit: "month", step: 3}
for (var i = 0; i < scale.step; i++) {
if (i) {
probe = dateHelper.add(date, i, scale.unit);
skip = skip && !this.isWorkTime(probe, scale.unit);
return skip;
return false;
//defined in an extension
processIgnores: function processIgnores(config) {
config.ignore_x = {};
config.display_count = config.count;
initColSizes: function initColSizes(config, min_col_width, full_width, line_height) {
var cont_width = full_width;
config.height = line_height;
var column_count = config.display_count === undefined ? config.count : config.display_count;
if (!column_count) column_count = 1;
config.col_width = Math.floor(cont_width / column_count);
if (min_col_width) {
if (config.col_width < min_col_width) {
config.col_width = min_col_width;
cont_width = config.col_width * column_count;
config.width = [];
var ignores = config.ignore_x || {};
for (var i = 0; i < config.trace_x.length; i++) {
if (ignores[config.trace_x[i].valueOf()] || config.display_count == config.count) {
config.width[i] = 0;
} else {
// width of month columns should be proportional month duration
var width = 1;
if (config.unit == "month") {
var days = Math.round((dateHelper.add(config.trace_x[i], config.step, config.unit) - config.trace_x[i]) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
width = days;
config.width[i] = width;
this.adjustSize(cont_width - this.getSum(config.width)
/* 1 width per column from the code above */
, config.width);
config.full_width = this.getSum(config.width);
initScaleConfig: function initScaleConfig(config, min_date, max_date) {
var cfg = utils.mixin({
count: 0,
col_width: 0,
full_width: 0,
height: 0,
width: [],
left: [],
trace_x: [],
trace_indexes: {},
min_date: new Date(min_date),
max_date: new Date(max_date)
}, config);
this.eachColumn(config.unit, config.step, min_date, max_date, function (date) {
cfg.trace_x.push(new Date(date));
cfg.trace_indexes[date.valueOf()] = cfg.trace_x.length - 1;
cfg.trace_x_ascending = cfg.trace_x.slice();
return cfg;
iterateScales: function iterateScales(lower_scale, upper_scale, from, to, callback) {
var upper_dates = upper_scale.trace_x;
var lower_dates = lower_scale.trace_x;
var prev = from || 0;
var end = to || lower_dates.length - 1;
var prevUpper = 0;
for (var up = 1; up < upper_dates.length; up++) {
var target_index = lower_scale.trace_indexes[+upper_dates[up]];
if (target_index !== undefined && target_index <= end) {
if (callback) {
callback.apply(this, [prevUpper, up, prev, target_index]);
prev = target_index;
prevUpper = up;
alineScaleColumns: function alineScaleColumns(lower_scale, upper_scale, from, to) {
this.iterateScales(lower_scale, upper_scale, from, to, function (upper_start, upper_end, lower_start, lower_end) {
var targetWidth = this.getSum(lower_scale.width, lower_start, lower_end - 1);
var actualWidth = this.getSum(upper_scale.width, upper_start, upper_end - 1);
if (actualWidth != targetWidth) {
this.setSumWidth(targetWidth, upper_scale, upper_start, upper_end - 1);
eachColumn: function eachColumn(unit, step, min_date, max_date, callback) {
var start = new Date(min_date),
end = new Date(max_date);
if (dateHelper[unit + "_start"]) {
start = dateHelper[unit + "_start"](start);
var curr = new Date(start);
if (+curr >= +end) {
end = dateHelper.add(curr, step, unit);
while (+curr < +end) {, new Date(curr));
var tzOffset = curr.getTimezoneOffset();
curr = dateHelper.add(curr, step, unit);
curr = gantt._correct_dst_change(curr, tzOffset, step, unit);
if (dateHelper[unit + '_start']) curr = dateHelper[unit + "_start"](curr);
limitVisibleRange: function limitVisibleRange(cfg) {
var dates = cfg.trace_x;
var left = 0,
right = cfg.width.length - 1;
var diff = 0;
if (+dates[0] < +cfg.min_date && left != right) {
var width = Math.floor(cfg.width[0] * ((dates[1] - cfg.min_date) / (dates[1] - dates[0])));
diff += cfg.width[0] - width;
cfg.width[0] = width;
dates[0] = new Date(cfg.min_date);
var last = dates.length - 1;
var lastDate = dates[last];
var outDate = dateHelper.add(lastDate, cfg.step, cfg.unit);
if (+outDate > +cfg.max_date && last > 0) {
var width = cfg.width[last] - Math.floor(cfg.width[last] * ((outDate - cfg.max_date) / (outDate - lastDate)));
diff += cfg.width[last] - width;
cfg.width[last] = width;
if (diff) {
var full = this.getSum(cfg.width);
var shared = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < cfg.width.length; i++) {
var share = Math.floor(diff * (cfg.width[i] / full));
cfg.width[i] += share;
shared += share;
this.adjustSize(diff - shared, cfg.width);
module.exports = ScaleHelper;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/tasks_canvas_render.gpl.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/timeline/tasks_canvas_render.gpl.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
var createStaticBgHelper = function createStaticBgHelper() {
return {
render: function render() {},
destroy: function destroy() {}
module.exports = {
create: function create() {
return createStaticBgHelper();
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/tasks_dnd.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/timeline/tasks_dnd.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var timeout = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/timeout */ "./sources/utils/timeout.js");
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
function createTaskDND(timeline, gantt) {
var services = gantt.$services;
return {
drag: null,
dragMultiple: {},
_events: {
before_start: {},
before_finish: {},
after_finish: {}
_handlers: {},
init: function init() {
this._domEvents = gantt._createDomEventScope();
var drag = gantt.config.drag_mode;
var stateService = services.getService("state");
stateService.registerProvider("tasksDnd", utils.bind(function () {
return {
drag_id: this.drag ? : undefined,
drag_mode: this.drag ? this.drag.mode : undefined,
drag_from_start: this.drag ? this.drag.left : undefined
}, this));
var evs = {
"before_start": "onBeforeTaskDrag",
"before_finish": "onBeforeTaskChanged",
"after_finish": "onAfterTaskDrag"
}; //for now, all drag operations will trigger the same events
for (var stage in this._events) {
for (var mode in drag) {
this._events[stage][mode] = evs[stage];
this._handlers[drag.move] = this._move;
this._handlers[drag.resize] = this._resize;
this._handlers[drag.progress] = this._resize_progress;
set_actions: function set_actions() {
var data = timeline.$task_data;
this._domEvents.attach(data, "mousemove", gantt.bind(function (e) {
}, this));
this._domEvents.attach(data, "mousedown", gantt.bind(function (e) {
}, this));
this._domEvents.attach(document.body, "mouseup", gantt.bind(function (e) {
}, this));
clear_drag_state: function clear_drag_state() {
this.drag = {
id: null,
mode: null,
pos: null,
start_x: null,
start_y: null,
obj: null,
left: null
this.dragMultiple = {};
_resize: function _resize(task, shift, drag) {
var cfg = timeline.$getConfig();
var coords_x = this._drag_task_coords(task, drag);
if (drag.left) {
task.start_date = gantt.dateFromPos(coords_x.start + shift);
if (!task.start_date) {
task.start_date = new Date(gantt.getState().min_date);
} else {
task.end_date = gantt.dateFromPos(coords_x.end + shift);
if (!task.end_date) {
task.end_date = new Date(gantt.getState().max_date);
var minDurationInUnits = this._calculateMinDuration(cfg.min_duration, cfg.duration_unit);
if (task.end_date - task.start_date < cfg.min_duration) {
if (drag.left) task.start_date = gantt.calculateEndDate(task.end_date, -minDurationInUnits, cfg.duration_unit, task);else task.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate(task.start_date, minDurationInUnits, cfg.duration_unit, task);
_calculateMinDuration: function _calculateMinDuration(duration, unit) {
var inMs = {
"minute": 60000,
"hour": 3600000,
"day": 86400000,
"week": 604800000,
"month": 2419200000,
"year": 31356000000
return Math.ceil(duration / inMs[unit]);
_resize_progress: function _resize_progress(task, shift, drag) {
var coords_x = this._drag_task_coords(task, drag);
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
var diffValue = !config.rtl ? drag.pos.x - coords_x.start : coords_x.start - drag.pos.x;
var diff = Math.max(0, diffValue);
task.progress = Math.min(1, diff / Math.abs(coords_x.end - coords_x.start));
_find_max_shift: function _find_max_shift(dragItems, shift) {
var correctShift;
for (var i in dragItems) {
var drag = dragItems[i];
var task = gantt.getTask(;
var coords_x = this._drag_task_coords(task, drag);
var minX = gantt.posFromDate(new Date(gantt.getState().min_date));
var maxX = gantt.posFromDate(new Date(gantt.getState().max_date));
if (coords_x.end + shift > maxX) {
var maxShift = maxX - coords_x.end;
if (maxShift < correctShift || correctShift === undefined) {
correctShift = maxShift;
} else if (coords_x.start + shift < minX) {
var minShift = minX - coords_x.start;
if (minShift > correctShift || correctShift === undefined) {
correctShift = minShift;
return correctShift;
_move: function _move(task, shift, drag) {
var coords_x = this._drag_task_coords(task, drag);
var new_start = gantt.dateFromPos(coords_x.start + shift),
new_end = gantt.dateFromPos(coords_x.end + shift);
if (!new_start) {
task.start_date = new Date(gantt.getState().min_date);
task.end_date = gantt.dateFromPos(gantt.posFromDate(task.start_date) + (coords_x.end - coords_x.start));
} else if (!new_end) {
task.end_date = new Date(gantt.getState().max_date);
task.start_date = gantt.dateFromPos(gantt.posFromDate(task.end_date) - (coords_x.end - coords_x.start));
} else {
task.start_date = new_start;
task.end_date = new_end;
_drag_task_coords: function _drag_task_coords(t, drag) {
var start = drag.obj_s_x = drag.obj_s_x || gantt.posFromDate(t.start_date);
var end = drag.obj_e_x = drag.obj_e_x || gantt.posFromDate(t.end_date);
return {
start: start,
end: end
_mouse_position_change: function _mouse_position_change(oldPos, newPos) {
var dx = oldPos.x - newPos.x,
dy = oldPos.y - newPos.y;
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
_is_number: function _is_number(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
on_mouse_move: function on_mouse_move(e) {
if (this.drag.start_drag) {
var pos = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, gantt.$task_data);
var sX = this.drag.start_drag.start_x,
sY = this.drag.start_drag.start_y;
if ( - this.drag.timestamp > 50 || this._is_number(sX) && this._is_number(sY) && this._mouse_position_change({
x: sX,
y: sY
}, pos) > 20) {
var drag = this.drag;
if (drag.mode) {
if (!timeout(this, 40)) //limit update frequency
_update_item_on_move: function _update_item_on_move(shift, id, mode, drag, e) {
var task = gantt.getTask(id);
var original = gantt.mixin({}, task);
var copy = gantt.mixin({}, task);
this._handlers[mode].apply(this, [copy, shift, drag]);
gantt.mixin(task, copy, true); //gantt._update_parents(, true);
gantt.callEvent("onTaskDrag", [, mode, copy, original, e]);
gantt.mixin(task, copy, true);
_update_on_move: function _update_on_move(e) {
var drag = this.drag;
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
if (drag.mode) {
var pos = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, timeline.$task_data);
if (drag.pos && drag.pos.x == pos.x) return;
drag.pos = pos;
var curr_date = gantt.dateFromPos(pos.x);
if (!curr_date || isNaN(curr_date.getTime())) return;
var shift = pos.x - drag.start_x;
var task = gantt.getTask(;
if (this._handlers[drag.mode]) {
if (drag.mode === config.drag_mode.move) {
var dragHash = {};
if (this._isMultiselect()) {
var selectedTasksIds = gantt.getSelectedTasks();
if (selectedTasksIds.indexOf( >= 0) {
dragHash = this.dragMultiple;
var dragProject = false;
if (gantt.isSummaryTask(task) && gantt.config.drag_project) {
var initialDrag = {};
initialDrag[] = utils.copy(drag);
dragProject = true;
dragHash = utils.mixin(initialDrag, this.dragMultiple);
var maxShift = this._find_max_shift(dragHash, shift);
if (maxShift !== undefined) {
shift = maxShift;
this._update_item_on_move(shift,, drag.mode, drag, e);
for (var i in dragHash) {
var childDrag = dragHash[i];
if (dragProject && != {
gantt._bulk_dnd = true;
this._update_item_on_move(shift,, childDrag.mode, childDrag, e);
gantt._bulk_dnd = false;
} else {
// for resize and progress
this._update_item_on_move(shift,, drag.mode, drag, e);
on_mouse_down: function on_mouse_down(e, src) {
// on Mac we do not get onmouseup event when clicking right mouse button leaving us in dnd state
// let's ignore right mouse button then
if (e.button == 2 && e.button !== undefined) return;
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
var id = gantt.locate(e);
var task = null;
if (gantt.isTaskExists(id)) {
task = gantt.getTask(id);
if (gantt.isReadonly(task) || this.drag.mode) return;
src = src || || e.srcElement;
var className = domHelpers.getClassName(src);
var drag = this._get_drag_mode(className, src);
if (!className || !drag) {
if (src.parentNode) return this.on_mouse_down(e, src.parentNode);else return;
if (!drag) {
if (gantt.checkEvent("onMouseDown") && gantt.callEvent("onMouseDown", [className.split(" ")[0]])) {
if (src.parentNode) return this.on_mouse_down(e, src.parentNode);
} else {
if (drag.mode && drag.mode != config.drag_mode.ignore && config["drag_" + drag.mode]) {
id = gantt.locate(src);
task = gantt.copy(gantt.getTask(id) || {});
if (gantt.isReadonly(task)) {
return false;
if (gantt.isSummaryTask(task) && !config.drag_project && drag.mode != config.drag_mode.progress) {
//only progress drag is allowed for tasks with flexible duration
} = id;
var pos = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, gantt.$task_data);
drag.start_x = pos.x;
drag.start_y = pos.y;
drag.obj = task;
this.drag.start_drag = drag;
this.drag.timestamp =;
} else this.clear_drag_state();
_fix_dnd_scale_time: function _fix_dnd_scale_time(task, drag) {
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
var unit = gantt.getScale().unit,
step = gantt.getScale().step;
if (!config.round_dnd_dates) {
unit = 'minute';
step = config.time_step;
function fixStart(task) {
if (!gantt.config.correct_work_time) return;
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
if (!gantt.isWorkTime(task.start_date, undefined, task)) task.start_date = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: task.start_date,
duration: -1,
unit: config.duration_unit,
task: task
function fixEnd(task) {
if (!gantt.config.correct_work_time) return;
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
if (!gantt.isWorkTime(new Date(task.end_date - 1), undefined, task)) task.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate({
start_date: task.end_date,
duration: 1,
unit: config.duration_unit,
task: task
if (drag.mode == config.drag_mode.resize) {
if (drag.left) {
task.start_date = gantt.roundDate({
date: task.start_date,
unit: unit,
step: step
} else {
task.end_date = gantt.roundDate({
date: task.end_date,
unit: unit,
step: step
} else if (drag.mode == config.drag_mode.move) {
task.start_date = gantt.roundDate({
date: task.start_date,
unit: unit,
step: step
task.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate(task);
_fix_working_times: function _fix_working_times(task, drag) {
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
var drag = drag || {
mode: config.drag_mode.move
if (drag.mode == config.drag_mode.resize) {
if (drag.left) {
task.start_date = gantt.getClosestWorkTime({
date: task.start_date,
dir: 'future',
task: task
} else {
task.end_date = gantt.getClosestWorkTime({
date: task.end_date,
dir: 'past',
task: task
} else if (drag.mode == config.drag_mode.move) {
_finalize_mouse_up: function _finalize_mouse_up(taskId, config, drag, e) {
var task = gantt.getTask(taskId);
if (config.work_time && config.correct_work_time) {
this._fix_working_times(task, drag);
this._fix_dnd_scale_time(task, drag);
if (!this._fireEvent("before_finish", drag.mode, [taskId, drag.mode, gantt.copy(drag.obj), e])) {
//drag.obj._dhx_changed = false;
if (taskId == {
drag.obj._dhx_changed = false;
gantt.mixin(task, drag.obj, true);
} else {
var drag_id = taskId;
this._fireEvent("after_finish", drag.mode, [drag_id, drag.mode, e]);
on_mouse_up: function on_mouse_up(e) {
var drag = this.drag;
if (drag.mode && {
var config = timeline.$getConfig(); //drop
var task = gantt.getTask(;
var dragMultiple = this.dragMultiple;
var finalizingBulkMove = false;
var moveCount = 0;
if (drag.mode === config.drag_mode.move) {
if (gantt.isSummaryTask(task) && config.drag_project || this._isMultiselect()) {
finalizingBulkMove = true;
moveCount = Object.keys(dragMultiple).length;
var doFinalize = function doFinalize() {
if (finalizingBulkMove) {
for (var i in dragMultiple) {
this._finalize_mouse_up(dragMultiple[i].id, config, dragMultiple[i], e);
this._finalize_mouse_up(, config, drag, e);
if (finalizingBulkMove && moveCount > 10) {
// 10 - arbitrary threshold for bulk dnd at which we start doing complete repaint to refresh
gantt.batchUpdate(function () {;
} else {;
_get_drag_mode: function _get_drag_mode(className, el) {
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
var modes = config.drag_mode;
var classes = (className || "").split(" ");
var classname = classes[0];
var drag = {
mode: null,
left: null
switch (classname) {
case "gantt_task_line":
case "gantt_task_content":
drag.mode = modes.move;
case "gantt_task_drag":
drag.mode = modes.resize;
var dragProperty = el.getAttribute("data-bind-property");
if (dragProperty == "start_date") {
drag.left = true;
} else {
drag.left = false;
case "gantt_task_progress_drag":
drag.mode = modes.progress;
case "gantt_link_control":
case "gantt_link_point":
drag.mode = modes.ignore;
drag = null;
return drag;
_start_dnd: function _start_dnd(e) {
var drag = this.drag = this.drag.start_drag;
delete drag.start_drag;
var cfg = timeline.$getConfig();
var id =;
if (!cfg["drag_" + drag.mode] || !gantt.callEvent("onBeforeDrag", [id, drag.mode, e]) || !this._fireEvent("before_start", drag.mode, [id, drag.mode, e])) {
} else {
delete drag.start_drag;
var task = gantt.getTask(id);
if (gantt.isReadonly(task)) {
if (this._isMultiselect()) {
// for don't move selected tasks when drag unselected task
var selectedTasksIds = gantt.getSelectedTasks();
if (selectedTasksIds.indexOf( >= 0) {
helpers.forEach(selectedTasksIds, gantt.bind(function (taskId) {
var selectedTask = gantt.getTask(taskId);
if (gantt.isSummaryTask(selectedTask) && gantt.config.drag_project && drag.mode == cfg.drag_mode.move) {
this.dragMultiple[taskId] = gantt.mixin({
obj: gantt.copy(selectedTask)
}, this.drag);
}, this));
} // for move unselected summary
if (gantt.isSummaryTask(task) && gantt.config.drag_project && drag.mode == cfg.drag_mode.move) {
gantt.callEvent("onTaskDragStart", []);
_fireEvent: function _fireEvent(stage, mode, params) {
gantt.assert(this._events[stage], "Invalid stage:{" + stage + "}");
var trigger = this._events[stage][mode];
gantt.assert(trigger, "Unknown after drop mode:{" + mode + "}");
gantt.assert(params, "Invalid event arguments");
if (!gantt.checkEvent(trigger)) return true;
return gantt.callEvent(trigger, params);
round_task_dates: function round_task_dates(task) {
var drag_state = this.drag;
var config = timeline.$getConfig();
if (!drag_state) {
drag_state = {
mode: config.drag_mode.move
this._fix_dnd_scale_time(task, drag_state);
destructor: function destructor() {
_isMultiselect: function _isMultiselect() {
return gantt.config.drag_multiple && !!(gantt.getSelectedTasks && gantt.getSelectedTasks().length > 0);
_addSubtasksToDragMultiple: function _addSubtasksToDragMultiple(summaryId) {
gantt.eachTask(function (child) {
this.dragMultiple[] = gantt.mixin({
obj: gantt.copy(child)
}, this.drag);
}, summaryId, this);
function initTaskDND() {
var _tasks_dnd;
return {
extend: function extend(timeline) {
timeline.roundTaskDates = function (task) {
init: function init(timeline, gantt) {
_tasks_dnd = createTaskDND(timeline, gantt); // TODO: entry point for touch handlers, move touch to timeline
timeline._tasks_dnd = _tasks_dnd;
return _tasks_dnd.init(gantt);
destructor: function destructor() {
if (_tasks_dnd) {
_tasks_dnd = null;
module.exports = {
createTaskDND: initTaskDND
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/timeline.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/timeline/timeline.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var ScaleHelper = __webpack_require__(/*! ./scales_ignore */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/scales.js");
var eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js");
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var topPositionMixin = __webpack_require__(/*! ../row_position_mixin */ "./sources/core/ui/row_position_mixin.js");
var canvasRender = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tasks_canvas_render */ "./sources/core/ui/timeline/tasks_canvas_render.gpl.js");
var Timeline = function Timeline(parent, config, factory, gantt) {
this.$config = utils.mixin({}, config || {});
this.$scaleHelper = new ScaleHelper(gantt);
this.$gantt = gantt;
this._posFromDateCache = {};
this._timelineDragScroll = null;
utils.mixin(this, topPositionMixin(this));
Timeline.prototype = {
init: function init(container) {
container.innerHTML += "<div class='gantt_task' style='width:inherit;height:inherit;'></div>";
this.$task = container.childNodes[0];
this.$task.innerHTML = "<div class='gantt_task_scale'></div><div class='gantt_data_area'></div>";
this.$task_scale = this.$task.childNodes[0];
this.$task_data = this.$task.childNodes[1];
this.$task_data.innerHTML = "<div class='gantt_task_bg'></div><div class='gantt_links_area'></div><div class='gantt_bars_area'></div>";
this.$task_bg = this.$task_data.childNodes[0];
this.$task_links = this.$task_data.childNodes[1];
this.$task_bars = this.$task_data.childNodes[2];
this._tasks = {
col_width: 0,
width: [],
// width of each column
full_width: 0,
// width of all columns
trace_x: [],
rendered: {}
var config = this.$getConfig();
var attr = config[this.$config.bind + "_attribute"];
var linksAttr = config[this.$config.bindLinks + "_attribute"];
if (!attr && this.$config.bind) {
attr = "data-" + this.$config.bind + "-id";
if (!linksAttr && this.$config.bindLinks) {
linksAttr = "data-" + this.$config.bindLinks + "-id";
this.$config.item_attribute = attr || null;
this.$config.link_attribute = linksAttr || null;
var layers = this._createLayerConfig();
if (!this.$config.layers) {
this.$config.layers = layers.tasks;
if (!this.$config.linkLayers) {
this.$config.linkLayers = layers.links;
this.callEvent("onReady", []); //this.refresh();
if (this.$gantt.ext.dragTimeline) {
this._timelineDragScroll = this.$gantt.ext.dragTimeline.create();
setSize: function setSize(width, height) {
var config = this.$getConfig();
if (width * 1 === width) {
this.$config.width = width;
if (height * 1 === height) {
this.$config.height = height;
var dataHeight = Math.max(this.$config.height - config.scale_height);
this.$ = dataHeight + 'px';
this.$ = "";
if (config.smart_rendering && this.$config.rowStore) {
this.$ = this.getTotalHeight() + "px";
} else {
this.$ = "";
var scale = this._tasks; //timeline area layers
var data_els = this.$task_data.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, len = data_els.length; i < len; i++) {
var el = data_els[i];
if (el.hasAttribute("data-layer") && = scale.full_width + "px";
isVisible: function isVisible() {
if (this.$parent && this.$parent.$config) {
return !this.$parent.$config.hidden;
} else {
return this.$task.offsetWidth;
getSize: function getSize() {
var config = this.$getConfig();
var store = this.$config.rowStore;
var contentHeight = store ? this.getTotalHeight() : 0,
contentWidth = this.isVisible() ? this._tasks.full_width : 0;
return {
x: this.isVisible() ? this.$config.width : 0,
y: this.isVisible() ? this.$config.height : 0,
contentX: this.isVisible() ? contentWidth : 0,
contentY: this.isVisible() ? config.scale_height + contentHeight : 0,
scrollHeight: this.isVisible() ? contentHeight : 0,
scrollWidth: this.isVisible() ? contentWidth : 0
scrollTo: function scrollTo(left, top) {
if (!this.isVisible()) return;
var scrolled = false;
this.$config.scrollTop = this.$config.scrollTop || 0;
this.$config.scrollLeft = this.$config.scrollLeft || 0;
if (top * 1 === top) {
this.$config.scrollTop = top;
this.$task_data.scrollTop = this.$config.scrollTop;
scrolled = true;
if (left * 1 === left) {
this.$task.scrollLeft = left;
this.$config.scrollLeft = this.$task.scrollLeft;
scrolled = true;
if (scrolled) {
this.callEvent("onScroll", [this.$config.scrollLeft, this.$config.scrollTop]);
_refreshScales: function _refreshScales() {
if (!this.isVisible()) return;
var config = this.$getConfig();
if (!config.smart_scales) return;
var viewPort = this.getViewPort();
var scales = this._scales;
this.$task_scale.innerHTML = this._getScaleChunkHtml(scales, viewPort.x, viewPort.x_end);
getViewPort: function getViewPort() {
var scrollLeft = this.$config.scrollLeft || 0;
var scrollTop = this.$config.scrollTop || 0;
var height = this.$config.height || 0;
var width = this.$config.width || 0;
return {
y: scrollTop,
y_end: scrollTop + height,
x: scrollLeft,
x_end: scrollLeft + width,
height: height,
width: width
_createLayerConfig: function _createLayerConfig() {
var self = this;
var taskFilter = function taskFilter() {
return self.isVisible();
var barVisible = function barVisible(id, task) {
return !task.hide_bar;
var taskLayers = [{
expose: true,
renderer: this.$gantt.$ui.layers.taskBar(),
container: this.$task_bars,
filter: [taskFilter, barVisible]
}, {
renderer: this.$gantt.$ui.layers.taskSplitBar(),
filter: [taskFilter],
container: this.$task_bars,
append: true
}, {
renderer: this.$gantt.$ui.layers.taskRollupBar(),
filter: [taskFilter],
container: this.$task_bars,
append: true
}, {
renderer: this.$gantt.$ui.layers.taskBg(),
container: this.$task_bg,
filter: [//function(){
// return !self.$getConfig().static_background;
var linkLayers = [{
expose: true,
renderer: this.$gantt.$,
container: this.$task_links,
filter: [taskFilter]
return {
tasks: taskLayers,
links: linkLayers
_attachLayers: function _attachLayers(gantt) {
this._taskLayers = [];
this._linkLayers = [];
var self = this;
var layers = this.$gantt.$services.getService("layers");
if (this.$config.bind) {
var taskRenderer = layers.getDataRender(this.$config.bind);
if (!taskRenderer) {
taskRenderer = layers.createDataRender({
name: this.$config.bind,
defaultContainer: function defaultContainer() {
return self.$task_data;
taskRenderer.container = function () {
return self.$task_data;
var taskLayers = this.$config.layers;
for (var i = 0; taskLayers && i < taskLayers.length; i++) {
var layer = taskLayers[i];
if (typeof layer == "string") {
layer = this.$gantt.$ui.layers[layer]();
if (typeof layer == "function" || layer && layer.render && layer.update) {
layer = {
renderer: layer
layer.view = this;
var bar_layer = taskRenderer.addLayer(layer);
if (layer.expose) {
this._taskRenderer = taskRenderer.getLayer(bar_layer);
if (this.$config.bindLinks) {
self.$config.linkStore = self.$gantt.getDatastore(self.$config.bindLinks);
var linkRenderer = layers.getDataRender(this.$config.bindLinks);
if (!linkRenderer) {
linkRenderer = layers.createDataRender({
name: this.$config.bindLinks,
defaultContainer: function defaultContainer() {
return self.$task_data;
var linkLayers = this.$config.linkLayers;
for (var i = 0; linkLayers && i < linkLayers.length; i++) {
if (typeof layer == "string") {
layer = this.$gantt.$ui.layers[layer]();
var layer = linkLayers[i];
layer.view = this; // layer.getViewPort = getViewPort;
// subscribeSmartRender(layer);
var linkLayer = linkRenderer.addLayer(layer);
if (linkLayers[i].expose) {
this._linkRenderer = linkRenderer.getLayer(linkLayer);
_initStaticBackgroundRender: function _initStaticBackgroundRender() {
var self = this;
var staticRender = canvasRender.create();
var store = self.$config.rowStore;
if (!store) return;
this._staticBgHandler = store.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", function (id, item, mode) {
if (id !== null) {
if (!self.isVisible()) return;
var config = self.$getConfig();
if (config.static_background) {
var store = self.$gantt.getDatastore(self.$config.bind);
var staticBgContainer = self.$task_bg_static;
if (!staticBgContainer) {
staticBgContainer = document.createElement("div");
staticBgContainer.className = "gantt_task_bg";
self.$task_bg_static = staticBgContainer;
if (self.$task_bg.nextSibling) {
self.$task_data.insertBefore(staticBgContainer, self.$task_bg.nextSibling);
} else {
if (store) {
staticRender.render(staticBgContainer, config, self.getScale(), self.getTotalHeight(), self.getItemHeight(item ? : null));
} else if (config.static_background) {
if (self.$task_bg_static && self.$task_bg_static.parentNode) {
this.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
this._initStaticBackgroundRender = function () {}; //init once
_clearLayers: function _clearLayers(gantt) {
var layers = this.$gantt.$services.getService("layers");
var taskRenderer = layers.getDataRender(this.$config.bind);
var linkRenderer = layers.getDataRender(this.$config.bindLinks);
if (this._taskLayers) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._taskLayers.length; i++) {
if (this._linkLayers) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._linkLayers.length; i++) {
this._linkLayers = [];
this._taskLayers = [];
_render_tasks_scales: function _render_tasks_scales() {
var config = this.$getConfig();
var scales_html = "",
outer_width = 0,
scale_height = 0;
var state = this.$gantt.getState();
if (this.isVisible()) {
var helpers = this.$scaleHelper;
var scales = this._getScales();
scale_height = config.scale_height;
var availWidth = this.$config.width;
if (config.autosize == "x" || config.autosize == "xy") {
availWidth = Math.max(config.autosize_min_width, 0);
var cfgs = helpers.prepareConfigs(scales, config.min_column_width, availWidth, scale_height - 1, state.min_date, state.max_date, config.rtl);
var cfg = this._tasks = cfgs[cfgs.length - 1];
this._scales = cfgs;
this._posFromDateCache = {};
scales_html = this._getScaleChunkHtml(cfgs, 0, this.$config.width);
outer_width = cfg.full_width + "px"; //cfg.full_width + (this._scroll_sizes().y ? scrollSizes.scroll_size : 0) + "px";
scale_height += "px";
this.$ = scale_height;
this.$ = this.$ = outer_width;
this.$task_scale.innerHTML = scales_html;
_getScaleChunkHtml: function _get_scale_chunk_html(scales, fromPos, toPos) {
var templates = this.$gantt.templates;
var html = [];
var css = templates.scale_row_class;
for (var i = 0; i < scales.length; i++) {
var cssClass = "gantt_scale_line";
var tplClass = css(scales[i]);
if (tplClass) {
cssClass += " " + tplClass;
html.push("<div class=\"" + cssClass + "\" style=\"height:" + scales[i].height + "px;position:relative;line-height:" + scales[i].height + "px\">" + this._prepareScaleHtml(scales[i], fromPos, toPos) + "</div>");
return html.join("");
_prepareScaleHtml: function _prepare_scale_html(config, fromPos, toPos) {
var globalConfig = this.$getConfig();
var globalTemplates = this.$gantt.templates;
var cells = [];
var date = null,
css = null;
var content = config.format || config.template ||;
if (typeof content === "string") {
content = this.$;
var startIndex = 0,
endIndex = config.count;
if (globalConfig.smart_scales && !isNaN(fromPos) && !isNaN(toPos)) {
startIndex = helpers.findBinary(config.left, fromPos);
endIndex = helpers.findBinary(config.left, toPos) + 1;
css = config.css || function () {};
if (!config.css && globalConfig.inherit_scale_class) {
css = globalTemplates.scale_cell_class;
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (!config.trace_x[i]) break;
date = new Date(config.trace_x[i]);
var value =, date),
width = config.width[i],
height = config.height,
left = config.left[i],
style = "",
template = "",
cssclass = "";
if (width) {
var position = globalConfig.smart_scales ? "position:absolute;left:" + left + "px" : "";
style = "width:" + width + "px;height:" + height + "px;" + position;
cssclass = "gantt_scale_cell" + (i == config.count - 1 ? " gantt_last_cell" : "");
template =, date);
if (template) cssclass += " " + template;
var ariaAttr = this.$gantt._waiAria.getTimelineCellAttr(value);
var cell = "<div class='" + cssclass + "'" + ariaAttr + " style='" + style + "'>" + value + "</div>";
} else {//do not render ignored cells
return cells.join("");
dateFromPos: function dateFromPos(x) {
var scale = this._tasks;
if (x < 0 || x > scale.full_width || !scale.full_width) {
return null;
var ind = helpers.findBinary(this._tasks.left, x);
var summ = this._tasks.left[ind];
var col_width = scale.width[ind] || scale.col_width;
var part = 0;
if (col_width) {
part = (x - summ) / col_width;
if (scale.rtl) {
part = 1 - part;
var unit = 0;
if (part) {
unit = this._getColumnDuration(scale, scale.trace_x[ind]);
var date = new Date(scale.trace_x[ind].valueOf() + Math.round(part * unit));
return date;
posFromDate: function posFromDate(date) {
if (!this.isVisible()) return 0;
if (!date) {
return 0;
var dateValue = String(date.valueOf());
if (this._posFromDateCache[dateValue] !== undefined) {
return this._posFromDateCache[dateValue];
var ind = this.columnIndexByDate(date);
this.$gantt.assert(ind >= 0, "Invalid day index");
var wholeCells = Math.floor(ind);
var partCell = ind % 1;
var pos = this._tasks.left[Math.min(wholeCells, this._tasks.width.length - 1)];
if (wholeCells == this._tasks.width.length) pos += this._tasks.width[this._tasks.width.length - 1]; //for(var i=1; i <= wholeCells; i++)
// pos += gantt._tasks.width[i-1];
if (partCell) {
if (wholeCells < this._tasks.width.length) {
pos += this._tasks.width[wholeCells] * (partCell % 1);
} else {
pos += 1;
var roundPos = Math.round(pos);
this._posFromDateCache[dateValue] = roundPos;
return Math.round(roundPos);
_getNextVisibleColumn: function _getNextVisibleColumn(startIndex, columns, ignores) {
// iterate columns to the right
var date = +columns[startIndex];
var visibleDateIndex = startIndex;
while (ignores[date]) {
date = +columns[visibleDateIndex];
return visibleDateIndex;
_getPrevVisibleColumn: function _getPrevVisibleColumn(startIndex, columns, ignores) {
// iterate columns to the left
var date = +columns[startIndex];
var visibleDateIndex = startIndex;
while (ignores[date]) {
date = +columns[visibleDateIndex];
return visibleDateIndex;
_getClosestVisibleColumn: function _getClosestVisibleColumn(startIndex, columns, ignores) {
var visibleDateIndex = this._getNextVisibleColumn(startIndex, columns, ignores);
if (!columns[visibleDateIndex]) {
visibleDateIndex = this._getPrevVisibleColumn(startIndex, columns, ignores);
return visibleDateIndex;
columnIndexByDate: function columnIndexByDate(date) {
var pos = new Date(date).valueOf();
var days = this._tasks.trace_x_ascending,
ignores = this._tasks.ignore_x;
var state = this.$gantt.getState();
if (pos <= state.min_date) {
if (this._tasks.rtl) {
return days.length;
} else {
return 0;
if (pos >= state.max_date) {
if (this._tasks.rtl) {
return 0;
} else {
return days.length;
var dateIndex = helpers.findBinary(days, pos);
var visibleIndex = this._getClosestVisibleColumn(dateIndex, days, ignores);
var visibleDate = days[visibleIndex];
var transition = this._tasks.trace_index_transition;
if (!visibleDate) {
if (transition) {
return transition[0];
} else {
return 0;
var part = (date - days[visibleIndex]) / this._getColumnDuration(this._tasks, days[visibleIndex]);
if (transition) {
return transition[visibleIndex] + (1 - part);
} else {
return visibleIndex + part;
getItemPosition: function getItemPosition(task, start_date, end_date) {
var xLeft, xRight, width;
if (this._tasks.rtl) {
xRight = this.posFromDate(start_date || task.start_date);
xLeft = this.posFromDate(end_date || task.end_date);
} else {
xLeft = this.posFromDate(start_date || task.start_date);
xRight = this.posFromDate(end_date || task.end_date);
width = Math.max(xRight - xLeft, 0);
var y = this.getItemTop(;
var height = this.getBarHeight(;
var rowHeight = this.getItemHeight(;
return {
left: xLeft,
top: y,
height: height,
width: width,
rowHeight: rowHeight
getBarHeight: function getBarHeight(taskId, isMilestoneRender) {
var config = this.$getConfig();
var task = this.$config.rowStore.getItem(taskId); // height of the bar item
var height = task.task_height || task.bar_height || config.bar_height || config.task_height;
var rowHeight = this.getItemHeight(taskId);
if (height == "full") {
var offset = config.task_height_offset || 5;
height = rowHeight - offset;
} //item height cannot be bigger than row height
height = Math.min(height, rowHeight);
if (isMilestoneRender) {
// to get correct height for addapting Milestone to the row
height = Math.round(height / Math.sqrt(2));
return Math.max(height, 0);
getScale: function getScale() {
return this._tasks;
_getScales: function _get_scales() {
var config = this.$getConfig();
var helpers = this.$scaleHelper;
var scales = [helpers.primaryScale(config)].concat(helpers.getSubScales(config));
return scales;
_getColumnDuration: function _get_coll_duration(scale, date) {
return this.$, scale.step, scale.unit) - date;
_bindStore: function _bindStore() {
if (this.$config.bind) {
var rowStore = this.$gantt.getDatastore(this.$config.bind);
this.$config.rowStore = rowStore;
if (rowStore && !rowStore._timelineCacheAttached) {
var self = this;
rowStore._timelineCacheAttached = rowStore.attachEvent("onBeforeFilter", function () {
_unbindStore: function _unbindStore() {
if (this.$config.bind) {
var rowStore = this.$gantt.getDatastore(this.$config.bind);
if (rowStore && rowStore._timelineCacheAttached) {
rowStore._timelineCacheAttached = false;
refresh: function refresh() {
if (this.$config.bindLinks) {
this.$config.linkStore = this.$gantt.getDatastore(this.$config.bindLinks);
destructor: function destructor() {
var gantt = this.$gantt;
this.$task = null;
this.$task_scale = null;
this.$task_data = null;
this.$task_bg = null;
this.$task_links = null;
this.$task_bars = null;
this.$gantt = null;
if (this.$config.rowStore) {
this.$config.rowStore = null;
if (this.$config.linkStore) {
this.$config.linkStore = null;
if (this._timelineDragScroll) {
this._timelineDragScroll = null;
this.callEvent("onDestroy", []);
module.exports = Timeline;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/touch.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/touch.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.config.touch_drag = 500; //nearly immediate dnd
gantt.config.touch = true;
gantt.config.touch_feedback = true;
gantt.config.touch_feedback_duration = 1;
gantt._prevent_touch_scroll = false;
gantt._touch_feedback = function () {
if (gantt.config.touch_feedback) {
if (navigator.vibrate) navigator.vibrate(gantt.config.touch_feedback_duration);
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", gantt.bind(function () {
if (this.config.touch != "force") this.config.touch = this.config.touch && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPad") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Touch") != -1) || navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1;
if (this.config.touch) {
var touchEventsSupported = true;
try {
} catch (e) {
touchEventsSupported = false;
if (touchEventsSupported) {
this._touch_events(["touchmove", "touchstart", "touchend"], function (ev) {
if (ev.touches && ev.touches.length > 1) return null;
if (ev.touches[0]) return {
pageX: ev.touches[0].pageX,
pageY: ev.touches[0].pageY,
clientX: ev.touches[0].clientX,
clientY: ev.touches[0].clientY
};else return ev;
}, function () {
return false;
} else if (window.navigator.pointerEnabled) {
this._touch_events(["pointermove", "pointerdown", "pointerup"], function (ev) {
if (ev.pointerType == "mouse") return null;
return ev;
}, function (ev) {
return !ev || ev.pointerType == "mouse";
} else if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
this._touch_events(["MSPointerMove", "MSPointerDown", "MSPointerUp"], function (ev) {
if (ev.pointerType == ev.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE) return null;
return ev;
}, function (ev) {
return !ev || ev.pointerType == ev.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE;
}, gantt));
function findTargetView(event) {
var allViews = gantt.$layout.getCellsByType("viewCell");
for (var i = 0; i < allViews.length; i++) {
var box = allViews[i].$view.getBoundingClientRect();
if (event.clientX >= box.left && event.clientX <= box.right && event.clientY <= box.bottom && event.clientY >= {
return allViews[i];
function getScrollState(view) {
var scrollX = view.$config.scrollX ? gantt.$ui.getView(view.$config.scrollX) : null;
var scrollY = view.$config.scrollY ? gantt.$ui.getView(view.$config.scrollY) : null;
var scrollState = {
x: null,
y: null
if (scrollX) {
var state = scrollX.getScrollState();
if (state.visible) {
scrollState.x = scrollX.$view.scrollLeft;
if (scrollY) {
var state = scrollY.getScrollState();
if (state.visible) {
scrollState.y = scrollY.$view.scrollTop;
return scrollState;
function scrollView(view, left, top) {
var scrollX = view.$config.scrollX ? gantt.$ui.getView(view.$config.scrollX) : null;
var scrollY = view.$config.scrollY ? gantt.$ui.getView(view.$config.scrollY) : null;
if (scrollX) {
scrollX.scrollTo(left, null);
if (scrollY) {
scrollY.scrollTo(null, top);
function getTaskDND() {
var tasksDnD;
if (gantt.$ui.getView("timeline")) {
tasksDnD = gantt.$ui.getView("timeline")._tasks_dnd;
return tasksDnD;
var touchHandlers = []; //we can't use native scrolling, as we need to sync momentum between different parts
//so we will block native scroll and use the custom one
//in future we can add custom momentum
gantt._touch_events = function (names, accessor, ignore) {
//webkit on android need to be handled separately
var dblclicktime = 0;
var actionMode = false;
var scrollMode = false;
var actionStart = null;
var scrollState;
var longTapTimer = null;
var currentDndId = null;
var dndNodes = [];
var targetView = null;
for (var i = 0; i < touchHandlers.length; i++) {
gantt.eventRemove(touchHandlers[i][0], touchHandlers[i][1], touchHandlers[i][2]);
touchHandlers = []; //touch move
touchHandlers.push([gantt.$container, names[0], function (e) {
var tasksDnD = getTaskDND();
if (ignore(e)) return; //ignore common and scrolling moves
if (!actionMode) return;
if (longTapTimer) clearTimeout(longTapTimer);
var source = accessor(e);
if (tasksDnD && ( || tasksDnD.drag.start_drag)) {
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
e.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
if (!gantt._prevent_touch_scroll) {
if (source && actionStart) {
var dx = actionStart.pageX - source.pageX;
var dy = actionStart.pageY - source.pageY;
if (!scrollMode && (Math.abs(dx) > 5 || Math.abs(dy) > 5)) {
scrollMode = true; //gantt._touch_scroll_active = scroll_mode = true;
dblclicktime = 0;
if (targetView) {
scrollState = getScrollState(targetView);
} else {
scrollState = gantt.getScrollState();
if (scrollMode) {
var newScrollState;
var scrollX = scrollState.x + dx;
var scrollY = scrollState.y + dy;
if (targetView) {
scrollView(targetView, scrollX, scrollY);
newScrollState = getScrollState(targetView);
} else {
gantt.scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY);
newScrollState = gantt.getScrollState();
if (scrollState.x != newScrollState.x && dy > 2 * dx || scrollState.y != newScrollState.y && dx > 2 * dy) {
return block_action(e);
return block_action(e);
return true;
}]); //block touch context menu in IE10
touchHandlers.push([this.$container, "contextmenu", function (e) {
if (actionMode) return block_action(e);
}]); //touch start
touchHandlers.push([this.$container, names[1], function (e) {
// block pull-to-refresh
if (document && document.body) {
if (ignore(e)) return;
if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) {
actionMode = false;
actionStart = accessor(e);
targetView = findTargetView(actionStart);
if (!gantt._locate_css(actionStart, "gantt_hor_scroll") && !gantt._locate_css(actionStart, "gantt_ver_scroll")) {
actionMode = true;
var tasksDnD = getTaskDND(); //long tap
longTapTimer = setTimeout(function () {
var taskId = gantt.locate(actionStart);
if (tasksDnD && taskId && !gantt._locate_css(actionStart, "gantt_link_control") && !gantt._locate_css(actionStart, "gantt_grid_data")) {
if (tasksDnD.drag && tasksDnD.drag.start_drag) {
gantt._touch_drag = true;
longTapTimer = null;
}, gantt.config.touch_drag);
}]); //touch end
touchHandlers.push([this.$container, names[2], function (e) {
if (document && document.body) {
if (ignore(e)) return;
if (longTapTimer) clearTimeout(longTapTimer);
gantt._touch_drag = false;
actionMode = false;
var source = accessor(e);
var tasksDnD = getTaskDND();
if (tasksDnD) tasksDnD.on_mouse_up(source);
if (currentDndId && gantt.isTaskExists(currentDndId)) {
if (dndNodes.length) {
dndNodes.forEach(function (node) {
if (node.parentNode) {
} //gantt._touch_scroll_active = action_mode = scroll_mode = false;
actionMode = scrollMode = false;
dndNodes = [];
currentDndId = null; //dbl-tap handling
if (actionStart && dblclicktime) {
var now = new Date();
if (now - dblclicktime < 500) {
var mouseEvents = gantt.$services.getService("mouseEvents");
} else dblclicktime = now;
} else {
dblclicktime = new Date();
for (var i = 0; i < touchHandlers.length; i++) {
gantt.event(touchHandlers[i][0], touchHandlers[i][1], touchHandlers[i][2]);
} //common helper, prevents event
function block_action(e) {
if (e && e.preventDefault) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
function cloneTaskRendered(taskId) {
var renders = gantt._getTaskLayers();
var task = gantt.getTask(taskId);
if (task && gantt.isTaskVisible(taskId)) {
currentDndId = taskId;
for (var i = 0; i < renders.length; i++) {
task = renders[i].rendered[taskId];
if (task && task.getAttribute(gantt.config.task_attribute) && task.getAttribute(gantt.config.task_attribute) == taskId) {
var copy = task.cloneNode(true);
renders[i].rendered[taskId] = copy; = "none";
copy.className += " gantt_drag_move ";
task.parentNode.appendChild(copy); //return copy;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/ui_factory.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/ui_factory.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js"),
configurable = __webpack_require__(/*! ./configurable */ "./sources/core/ui/configurable.js");
var uiFactory = function createFactory(gantt) {
var views = {};
function ui(cell, parentView) {
var content;
var view = "cell";
if (cell.view) {
view = "viewcell";
} else if (cell.resizer) {
view = "resizer";
} else if (cell.rows || cell.cols) {
view = "layout";
} else if (cell.views) {
view = "multiview";
content =, view, null, cell, parentView);
return content;
var createdViews = {};
function createView(name, parent, config, parentView) {
var creator = views[name];
if (!creator || !creator.create) return false;
if (name == "resizer" && !config.mode) {
if (parentView.$config.cols) {
config.mode = "x";
} else {
config.mode = "y";
if (name == "viewcell" && config.view == "scrollbar" && !config.scroll) {
if (parentView.$config.cols) {
config.scroll = "y";
} else {
config.scroll = "x";
var config = utils.copy(config);
if (! && !createdViews[config.view]) { = config.view;
if ( && !config.css) {
config.css = + "_cell";
var view = new creator.create(parent, config, this, gantt);
if (creator.configure) {
configurable(view, parentView);
if (!view.$id) {
view.$id = || gantt.uid();
if (!view.$parent && _typeof(parent) == "object") {
view.$parent = parent;
if (!view.$config) {
view.$config = config;
if (createdViews[view.$id]) {
view.$id = gantt.uid();
createdViews[view.$id] = view;
return view;
function reset() {
createdViews = {};
function register(name, viewConstructor, configure) {
views[name] = {
create: viewConstructor,
configure: configure
function getView(id) {
return createdViews[id];
var factory = {
initUI: ui,
reset: reset,
registerView: register,
createView: createView,
getView: getView
return factory;
module.exports = {
createFactory: uiFactory
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_event_scope.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_event_scope.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
function createScope(addEvent, removeEvent) {
addEvent = addEvent || utils.event;
removeEvent = removeEvent || utils.eventRemove;
var handlers = [];
var eventScope = {
attach: function attach(el, event, callback, capture) {
element: el,
event: event,
callback: callback,
capture: capture
addEvent(el, event, callback, capture);
detach: function detach(el, event, callback, capture) {
removeEvent(el, event, callback, capture);
for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
var handler = handlers[i];
if (handler.element === el && handler.event === event && handler.callback === callback && handler.capture === capture) {
handlers.splice(i, 1);
detachAll: function detachAll() {
var staticArray = handlers.slice(); // original handlers array can be spliced on every iteration
for (var i = 0; i < staticArray.length; i++) {
var handler = staticArray[i];
eventScope.detach(handler.element, handler.event, handler.callback, handler.capture);
eventScope.detach(handler.element, handler.event, handler.callback, undefined);
eventScope.detach(handler.element, handler.event, handler.callback, false);
eventScope.detach(handler.element, handler.event, handler.callback, true);
handlers.splice(0, handlers.length);
extend: function extend() {
return createScope(this.event, this.eventRemove);
return eventScope;
module.exports = createScope;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
//returns position of html element on the page
function elementPosition(elem) {
var top = 0,
left = 0,
right = 0,
bottom = 0;
if (elem.getBoundingClientRect) {
//HTML5 method
var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
var body = document.body;
var docElem = document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body;
var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop;
var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft;
var clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0;
var clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;
top = + scrollTop - clientTop;
left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft;
right = document.body.offsetWidth - box.right;
bottom = document.body.offsetHeight - box.bottom;
} else {
//fallback to naive approach
while (elem) {
top = top + parseInt(elem.offsetTop, 10);
left = left + parseInt(elem.offsetLeft, 10);
elem = elem.offsetParent;
right = document.body.offsetWidth - elem.offsetWidth - left;
bottom = document.body.offsetHeight - elem.offsetHeight - top;
return {
y: Math.round(top),
x: Math.round(left),
width: elem.offsetWidth,
height: elem.offsetHeight,
right: Math.round(right),
bottom: Math.round(bottom)
function isVisible(node) {
var display = false,
visibility = false;
if (window.getComputedStyle) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(node, null);
display = style["display"];
visibility = style["visibility"];
} else if (node.currentStyle) {
display = node.currentStyle["display"];
visibility = node.currentStyle["visibility"];
return display != "none" && visibility != "hidden";
function hasNonNegativeTabIndex(node) {
return !isNaN(node.getAttribute("tabindex")) && node.getAttribute("tabindex") * 1 >= 0;
function hasHref(node) {
var canHaveHref = {
"a": true,
"area": true
if (canHaveHref[node.nodeName.loLowerCase()]) {
return !!node.getAttribute("href");
return true;
function isEnabled(node) {
var canDisable = {
"input": true,
"select": true,
"textarea": true,
"button": true,
"object": true
if (canDisable[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
return !node.hasAttribute("disabled");
return true;
function getFocusableNodes(root) {
var nodes = root.querySelectorAll(["a[href]", "area[href]", "input", "select", "textarea", "button", "iframe", "object", "embed", "[tabindex]", "[contenteditable]"].join(", "));
var nodesArray =, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < nodesArray.length; i++) {
nodesArray[i].$position = i; // we remember original nodes order,
// so when we sort them by tabindex we ensure order of nodes with same tabindex is preserved,
// since some browsers do unstable sort
} // use tabindex to sort focusable nodes
nodesArray.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.tabIndex === 0 && b.tabIndex !== 0) {
return 1;
if (a.tabIndex !== 0 && b.tabIndex === 0) {
return -1;
if (a.tabIndex === b.tabIndex) {
// ensure we do stable sort
return a.$position - b.$position;
if (a.tabIndex < b.tabIndex) {
return -1;
return 1;
for (var i = 0; i < nodesArray.length; i++) {
var node = nodesArray[i];
var isValid = (hasNonNegativeTabIndex(node) || isEnabled(node) || hasHref(node)) && isVisible(node);
if (!isValid) {
nodesArray.splice(i, 1);
return nodesArray;
function getScrollSize() {
var div = document.createElement("div"); = "visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:-1000px;width:100px;padding:0px;margin:0px;height:110px;min-height:100px;overflow-y:scroll;";
var width = div.offsetWidth - div.clientWidth;
return width;
function getClassName(node) {
if (!node) return "";
var className = node.className || "";
if (className.baseVal) //'className' exist but not a string - IE svg element in DOM
className = className.baseVal;
if (!className.indexOf) className = "";
return _trimString(className);
function addClassName(node, className) {
if (className && node.className.indexOf(className) === -1) {
node.className += " " + className;
function removeClassName(node, name) {
name = name.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
var regEx = new RegExp("\\s?\\b" + name[i] + "\\b(?![-_.])", "");
node.className = node.className.replace(regEx, "");
function hasClass(element, className) {
if ('classList' in element) {
return element.classList.contains(className);
} else {
return new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b").test(element.className);
function toNode(node) {
if (typeof node === "string") {
return document.getElementById(node) || document.querySelector(node) || document.body;
return node || document.body;
var _slave;
function insert(node, newone) {
if (!_slave) {
_slave = document.createElement("div");
_slave.innerHTML = newone;
var child = _slave.firstChild;
return child;
function remove(node) {
if (node && node.parentNode) {
function getChildren(node, css) {
var ch = node.childNodes;
var len = ch.length;
var out = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var obj = ch[i];
if (obj.className && obj.className.indexOf(css) !== -1) {
return out;
function getTargetNode(e) {
var trg;
if (e.tagName) trg = e;else {
e = e || window.event;
trg = || e.srcElement;
if (trg.shadowRoot && e.composedPath) {
trg = e.composedPath()[0];
return trg;
function locateAttribute(e, attribute) {
if (!attribute) return;
var trg = getTargetNode(e);
while (trg) {
if (trg.getAttribute) {
//text nodes has not getAttribute
var test = trg.getAttribute(attribute);
if (test) return trg;
trg = trg.parentNode;
return null;
function _trimString(str) {
var func = String.prototype.trim || function () {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
return func.apply(str);
function locateClassName(e, classname, strict) {
var trg = getTargetNode(e);
var css = "";
if (strict === undefined) strict = true;
while (trg) {
css = getClassName(trg);
if (css) {
var ind = css.indexOf(classname);
if (ind >= 0) {
if (!strict) return trg; //check that we have exact match
var left = ind === 0 || !_trimString(css.charAt(ind - 1));
var right = ind + classname.length >= css.length || !_trimString(css.charAt(ind + classname.length));
if (left && right) return trg;
trg = trg.parentNode;
return null;
event position relatively to DOM element
function getRelativeEventPosition(ev, node) {
var d = document.documentElement;
var box = elementPosition(node);
return {
x: ev.clientX + d.scrollLeft - d.clientLeft - box.x + node.scrollLeft,
y: ev.clientY + d.scrollTop - d.clientTop - box.y + node.scrollTop
function isChildOf(child, parent) {
if (!child || !parent) {
return false;
while (child && child != parent) {
child = child.parentNode;
return child === parent;
function closest(element, selector) {
if (element.closest) {
return element.closest(selector);
} else if (element.matches || element.msMatchesSelector || element.webkitMatchesSelector) {
var el = element;
if (!document.documentElement.contains(el)) return null;
do {
var method = el.matches || el.msMatchesSelector || el.webkitMatchesSelector;
if (, selector)) return el;
el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
} while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1);
return null;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error("Your browser is not supported");
return null;
function isShadowDomSupported() {
return document.head.createShadowRoot || document.head.attachShadow;
* Returns element that has the browser focus, or null if no element has focus.
* Works with shadow DOM, so it's prefereed to use this function instead of document.activeElement directly.
* @returns HTMLElement
function getActiveElement() {
var activeElement = document.activeElement;
if (activeElement.shadowRoot) {
activeElement = activeElement.shadowRoot.activeElement;
if (activeElement === document.body && document.getSelection) {
activeElement = document.getSelection().focusNode || document.body;
return activeElement;
* Returns document.body or the host node of the ShadowRoot, if the element is attached to ShadowDom
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @returns HTMLElement
function getRootNode(element) {
if (!element) {
return document.body;
if (!isShadowDomSupported()) {
return document.body;
while (element.parentNode && (element = element.parentNode)) {
if (element instanceof ShadowRoot) {
return document.body;
function hasShadowParent(element) {
return !!getRootNode(element);
module.exports = {
getNodePosition: elementPosition,
getFocusableNodes: getFocusableNodes,
getScrollSize: getScrollSize,
getClassName: getClassName,
addClassName: addClassName,
removeClassName: removeClassName,
insertNode: insert,
removeNode: remove,
getChildNodes: getChildren,
toNode: toNode,
locateClassName: locateClassName,
locateAttribute: locateAttribute,
getTargetNode: getTargetNode,
getRelativeEventPosition: getRelativeEventPosition,
isChildOf: isChildOf,
hasClass: hasClass,
closest: closest,
getRootNode: getRootNode,
hasShadowParent: hasShadowParent,
isShadowDomSupported: isShadowDomSupported,
getActiveElement: getActiveElement
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/utils/html_helpers.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/utils/html_helpers.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var htmlHelpers = {
getHtmlSelect: function getHtmlSelect(options, attributes, value) {
var innerHTML = "";
var _this = this;
options = options || [];
helpers.forEach(options, function (entry) {
var _attributes = [{
key: "value",
value: entry.key
if (value == entry.key) {
_attributes[_attributes.length] = {
key: "selected",
value: "selected"
if (entry.attributes) {
_attributes = _attributes.concat(entry.attributes);
innerHTML += _this.getHtmlOption({
innerHTML: entry.label
}, _attributes);
return _getHtmlContainer("select", {
innerHTML: innerHTML
}, attributes);
getHtmlOption: function getHtmlOption(options, attributes) {
return _getHtmlContainer("option", options, attributes);
getHtmlButton: function getHtmlButton(options, attributes) {
return _getHtmlContainer("button", options, attributes);
getHtmlDiv: function getHtmlDiv(options, attributes) {
return _getHtmlContainer("div", options, attributes);
getHtmlLabel: function getHtmlLabel(options, attributes) {
return _getHtmlContainer("label", options, attributes);
getHtmlInput: function getHtmlInput(attributes) {
return "<input" + _getHtmlAttributes(attributes || []) + ">";
function _getHtmlContainer(tag, options, attributes) {
var html;
options = options || [];
html = "<" + tag + _getHtmlAttributes(attributes || []) + ">" + (options.innerHTML || "") + "</" + tag + ">";
return html;
function _getHtmlAttributes(attributes) {
var html = "";
helpers.forEach(attributes, function (entry) {
html += " " + entry.key + "='" + entry.value + "'";
return html;
module.exports = htmlHelpers;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui/wai_aria.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui/wai_aria.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
// TODO: why eslint fails on regexp?
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
var htmlTags = new RegExp("<(?:.|\n)*?>", "gm");
var extraSpaces = new RegExp(" +", "gm");
function stripHTMLLite(htmlText) {
return (htmlText + "").replace(htmlTags, " ").replace(extraSpaces, " ");
var singleQuotes = new RegExp("'", "gm");
function escapeQuotes(text) {
return (text + "").replace(singleQuotes, "&#39;");
gantt._waiAria = {
getAttributeString: function getAttributeString(attr) {
var attributes = [" "];
for (var i in attr) {
var text = escapeQuotes(stripHTMLLite(attr[i]));
attributes.push(i + "='" + text + "'");
attributes.push(" ");
return attributes.join(" ");
getTimelineCellAttr: function getTimelineCellAttr(dateString) {
return gantt._waiAria.getAttributeString({
"aria-label": dateString
_taskCommonAttr: function _taskCommonAttr(task, div) {
if (!(task.start_date && task.end_date)) return;
div.setAttribute("aria-label", stripHTMLLite(gantt.templates.tooltip_text(task.start_date, task.end_date, task)));
if (task.$dataprocessor_class) {
div.setAttribute("aria-busy", true);
div.setAttribute("aria-selected", gantt.isSelectedTask( ? "true" : "false");
setTaskBarAttr: function setTaskBarAttr(task, div) {
this._taskCommonAttr(task, div);
if (!gantt.isReadonly(task) && gantt.config.drag_move) {
if ( != gantt.getState("tasksDnd").drag_id) {
div.setAttribute("aria-grabbed", false);
} else {
div.setAttribute("aria-grabbed", true);
taskRowAttr: function taskRowAttr(task, div) {
this._taskCommonAttr(task, div);
if (!gantt.isReadonly(task) && gantt.config.order_branch) {
div.setAttribute("aria-grabbed", false);
div.setAttribute("role", "row");
div.setAttribute("aria-level", task.$level);
if (gantt.hasChild( {
div.setAttribute("aria-expanded", task.$open ? "true" : "false");
linkAttr: function linkAttr(link, div) {
var linkTypes = gantt.config.links;
var toStart = link.type == linkTypes.finish_to_start || link.type == linkTypes.start_to_start;
var fromStart = link.type == linkTypes.start_to_start || link.type == linkTypes.start_to_finish;
var content = + " " + gantt.templates.drag_link(link.source, fromStart,, toStart);
div.setAttribute("aria-label", stripHTMLLite(content));
if (gantt.isReadonly(link)) {
div.setAttribute("aria-readonly", true);
gridSeparatorAttr: function gridSeparatorAttr(div) {
div.setAttribute("role", "separator");
lightboxHiddenAttr: function lightboxHiddenAttr(div) {
div.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
lightboxVisibleAttr: function lightboxVisibleAttr(div) {
div.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false");
lightboxAttr: function lightboxAttr(div) {
div.setAttribute("role", "dialog");
div.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
div.firstChild.setAttribute("role", "heading");
lightboxButtonAttrString: function lightboxButtonAttrString(buttonName) {
return this.getAttributeString({
"role": "button",
"aria-label": gantt.locale.labels[buttonName],
"tabindex": "0"
lightboxHeader: function lightboxHeader(div, headerText) {
div.setAttribute("aria-label", headerText);
lightboxSelectAttrString: function lightboxSelectAttrString(time_option) {
var label = "";
switch (time_option) {
case "%Y":
label = gantt.locale.labels.years;
case "%m":
label = gantt.locale.labels.months;
case "%d":
label = gantt.locale.labels.days;
case "%H:%i":
label = gantt.locale.labels.hours + gantt.locale.labels.minutes;
return gantt._waiAria.getAttributeString({
"aria-label": label
lightboxDurationInputAttrString: function lightboxDurationInputAttrString(section) {
return this.getAttributeString({
"aria-label": gantt.locale.labels.column_duration,
"aria-valuemin": "0"
gridAttrString: function gridAttrString() {
return [" role='treegrid'", gantt.config.multiselect ? "aria-multiselectable='true'" : "aria-multiselectable='false'", " "].join(" ");
gridScaleRowAttrString: function gridScaleRowAttrString() {
return "role='row'";
gridScaleCellAttrString: function gridScaleCellAttrString(column, label) {
var attrs = "";
if ( == "add") {
attrs = this.getAttributeString({
"role": "button",
"aria-label": gantt.locale.labels.new_task
} else {
var attributes = {
"role": "columnheader",
"aria-label": label
if (gantt._sort && == {
if (gantt._sort.direction == "asc") {
attributes["aria-sort"] = "ascending";
} else {
attributes["aria-sort"] = "descending";
attrs = this.getAttributeString(attributes);
return attrs;
gridDataAttrString: function gridDataAttrString() {
return "role='rowgroup'";
gridCellAttrString: function gridCellAttrString(column, textValue, task) {
var attributes = {
"role": "gridcell",
"aria-label": textValue
if (!column.editor || gantt.isReadonly(task)) {
attributes["aria-readonly"] = true;
return this.getAttributeString(attributes);
gridAddButtonAttrString: function gridAddButtonAttrString(column) {
return this.getAttributeString({
"role": "button",
"aria-label": gantt.locale.labels.new_task
messageButtonAttrString: function messageButtonAttrString(buttonLabel) {
return "tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='" + buttonLabel + "'";
messageInfoAttr: function messageInfoAttr(div) {
div.setAttribute("role", "alert"); //div.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
messageModalAttr: function messageModalAttr(div, uid) {
div.setAttribute("role", "dialog");
if (uid) {
div.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", uid);
} // div.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
quickInfoAttr: function quickInfoAttr(div) {
div.setAttribute("role", "dialog");
quickInfoHeaderAttrString: function quickInfoHeaderAttrString() {
return " role='heading' ";
quickInfoHeader: function quickInfoHeader(div, header) {
div.setAttribute("aria-label", header);
quickInfoButtonAttrString: function quickInfoButtonAttrString(label) {
return gantt._waiAria.getAttributeString({
"role": "button",
"aria-label": label,
"tabindex": "0"
tooltipAttr: function tooltipAttr(div) {
div.setAttribute("role", "tooltip");
tooltipVisibleAttr: function tooltipVisibleAttr(div) {
div.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false");
tooltipHiddenAttr: function tooltipHiddenAttr(div) {
div.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
function isDisabled() {
return !gantt.config.wai_aria_attributes;
for (var i in gantt._waiAria) {
gantt._waiAria[i] = function (payload) {
return function () {
if (isDisabled()) {
return "";
return payload.apply(this, arguments);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/ui_core.js":
!*** ./sources/core/ui_core.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var env = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/env */ "./sources/utils/env.js");
var isHeadless = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/is_headless */ "./sources/utils/is_headless.js");
if (!env.isNode) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var codeHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
gantt.utils = {
arrayFind: codeHelpers.arrayFind,
dom: domHelpers
var domEvents = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/utils/dom_event_scope */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_event_scope.js")();
gantt.event = domEvents.attach;
gantt.eventRemove = domEvents.detach;
gantt._eventRemoveAll = domEvents.detachAll;
gantt._createDomEventScope = domEvents.extend;
utils.mixin(gantt, __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/message */ "./sources/core/ui/message.js")(gantt));
var uiApi = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/index */ "./sources/core/ui/index.js").init(gantt);
gantt.$ui = uiApi.factory;
gantt.$ui.layers = uiApi.render;
gantt.$mouseEvents = uiApi.mouseEvents;
gantt.$services.setService("mouseEvents", function () {
return gantt.$mouseEvents;
gantt.mixin(gantt, uiApi.layersApi);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./data_task_layers */ "./sources/core/data_task_layers.gpl.js")(gantt);
gantt.$services.setService("layers", function () {
return uiApi.layersService;
var createLayoutFacade = __webpack_require__(/*! ./facades/layout */ "./sources/core/facades/layout.js");
gantt.mixin(gantt, createLayoutFacade());
__webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/skin */ "./sources/core/ui/skin.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../css/skins/skyblue */ "./sources/css/skins/skyblue.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../css/skins/meadow */ "./sources/css/skins/meadow.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../css/skins/terrace */ "./sources/css/skins/terrace.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../css/skins/broadway */ "./sources/css/skins/broadway.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../css/skins/material */ "./sources/css/skins/material.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../css/skins/contrast_black */ "./sources/css/skins/contrast_black.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../css/skins/contrast_white */ "./sources/css/skins/contrast_white.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/plugins */ "./sources/core/ui/plugins/index.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/touch */ "./sources/core/ui/touch.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/lightbox */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/index.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/lightbox/lightbox_optional_time */ "./sources/core/ui/lightbox/lightbox_optional_time.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./ui/wai_aria */ "./sources/core/ui/wai_aria.js")(gantt);
gantt.locate = function (e) {
var trg = domHelpers.getTargetNode(e); // ignore empty rows/cells of the timeline
if (domHelpers.closest(trg, ".gantt_task_row")) {
return null;
var targetAttribute = arguments[1] || this.config.task_attribute;
var node = domHelpers.locateAttribute(trg, targetAttribute);
if (node) {
return node.getAttribute(targetAttribute);
} else {
return null;
gantt._locate_css = function (e, classname, strict) {
return domHelpers.locateClassName(e, classname, strict);
gantt._locateHTML = function (e, attribute) {
return domHelpers.locateAttribute(e, attribute || this.config.task_attribute);
gantt.attachEvent("onParse", function () {
if (!isHeadless(gantt)) {
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttRender", function () {
if (gantt.config.initial_scroll) {
var firstTask = gantt.getTaskByIndex(0);
var id = firstTask ? : gantt.config.root_id;
if (gantt.isTaskExists(id)) gantt.showTask(id);
}, {
once: true
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeGanttReady", function () {
if (!this.config.scroll_size) this.config.scroll_size = domHelpers.getScrollSize() || 1;
if (!isHeadless(gantt)) {
// detach listeners before clearing old DOM, possible IE errors when accessing detached nodes
}); // GS-1261: scroll the views to the right side when RTL is enabled
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
if (!isHeadless(gantt) && gantt.config.rtl) {
gantt.$layout.getCellsByType("viewCell").forEach(function (cell) {
var attachedScrollbar = cell.$config.scrollX;
if (!attachedScrollbar) return;
var scrollbar = gantt.$ui.getView(attachedScrollbar);
if (scrollbar) scrollbar.scrollTo(scrollbar.$config.scrollSize, 0);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/calendar_arguments_helper.js":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/calendar_arguments_helper.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
function IsWorkTimeArgument(date, unit, task, id, calendar) { = date;
this.unit = unit;
this.task = task; = id;
this.calendar = calendar;
return this;
function ClosestWorkTimeArgument(date, dir, unit, task, id, calendar) { = date;
this.dir = dir;
this.unit = unit;
this.task = task; = id;
this.calendar = calendar;
return this;
function CalculateEndDateArgument(start_date, duration, unit, step, task, id, calendar) {
this.start_date = start_date;
this.duration = duration;
this.unit = unit;
this.step = step;
this.task = task; = id;
this.calendar = calendar;
return this;
function GetDurationArgument(start, end, task, calendar) {
this.start_date = start;
this.end_date = end;
this.task = task;
this.calendar = calendar;
this.unit = null;
this.step = null;
return this;
var calendarArgumentsHelper = function calendarArgumentsHelper(gantt) {
return {
getWorkHoursArguments: function getWorkHoursArguments() {
var config = arguments[0];
if (helpers.isDate(config)) {
config = {
date: config
} else {
config = utils.mixin({}, config);
if (!helpers.isValidDate( {
gantt.assert(false, "Invalid date argument for getWorkHours method");
throw new Error("Invalid date argument for getWorkHours method");
return config;
setWorkTimeArguments: function setWorkTimeArguments() {
return arguments[0];
unsetWorkTimeArguments: function unsetWorkTimeArguments() {
return arguments[0];
isWorkTimeArguments: function isWorkTimeArguments() {
var config = arguments[0];
if (config instanceof IsWorkTimeArgument) {
return config;
var processedConfig;
if (! {
//IsWorkTimeArgument(date, unit, task, id, calendar)
processedConfig = new IsWorkTimeArgument(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], null, arguments[3]);
} else {
processedConfig = new IsWorkTimeArgument(, config.unit, config.task, null, config.calendar);
processedConfig.unit = processedConfig.unit || gantt.config.duration_unit;
if (!helpers.isValidDate( {
gantt.assert(false, "Invalid date argument for isWorkTime method");
throw new Error("Invalid date argument for isWorkTime method");
return processedConfig;
getClosestWorkTimeArguments: function getClosestWorkTimeArguments(arg) {
var config = arguments[0];
if (config instanceof ClosestWorkTimeArgument) return config;
var processedConfig;
if (helpers.isDate(config)) {
processedConfig = new ClosestWorkTimeArgument(config);
} else {
processedConfig = new ClosestWorkTimeArgument(, config.dir, config.unit, config.task, null, //,
if ( {
processedConfig.task = config;
processedConfig.dir = config.dir || 'any';
processedConfig.unit = config.unit || gantt.config.duration_unit;
if (!helpers.isValidDate( {
gantt.assert(false, "Invalid date argument for getClosestWorkTime method");
throw new Error("Invalid date argument for getClosestWorkTime method");
return processedConfig;
_getStartEndConfig: function _getStartEndConfig(param) {
var argumentType = GetDurationArgument;
var config;
if (param instanceof argumentType) return param;
if (helpers.isDate(param)) {
config = new argumentType(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
} else {
config = new argumentType(param.start_date, param.end_date, param.task);
if ( !== null && !== undefined) {
config.task = param;
config.unit = config.unit || gantt.config.duration_unit;
config.step = config.step || gantt.config.duration_step;
config.start_date = config.start_date || config.start ||;
if (!helpers.isValidDate(config.start_date)) {
gantt.assert(false, "Invalid start_date argument for getDuration method");
throw new Error("Invalid start_date argument for getDuration method");
if (!helpers.isValidDate(config.end_date)) {
gantt.assert(false, "Invalid end_date argument for getDuration method");
throw new Error("Invalid end_date argument for getDuration method");
return config;
getDurationArguments: function getDurationArguments(start, end, unit, step) {
return this._getStartEndConfig.apply(this, arguments);
hasDurationArguments: function hasDurationArguments(start, end, unit, step) {
return this._getStartEndConfig.apply(this, arguments);
calculateEndDateArguments: function calculateEndDateArguments(start, duration, unit, step) {
var config = arguments[0];
if (config instanceof CalculateEndDateArgument) return config;
var processedConfig; //CalculateEndDateArgument(start_date, duration, unit, step, task, id, calendar)
if (helpers.isDate(config)) {
processedConfig = new CalculateEndDateArgument(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], undefined, arguments[3], undefined, arguments[4]);
} else {
processedConfig = new CalculateEndDateArgument(config.start_date, config.duration, config.unit, config.step, config.task, null, //,
if ( !== null && !== undefined) {
processedConfig.task = config; // received a task object as an argument
// ignore 'unit' and 'step' properties in this case, since it's likely a part of data model of a task
processedConfig.unit = null;
processedConfig.step = null;
processedConfig.unit = processedConfig.unit || gantt.config.duration_unit;
processedConfig.step = processedConfig.step || gantt.config.duration_step;
if (!helpers.isValidDate(processedConfig.start_date)) {
gantt.assert(false, "Invalid start_date argument for calculateEndDate method");
throw new Error("Invalid start_date argument for calculateEndDate method");
return processedConfig;
module.exports = calendarArgumentsHelper;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/calendar_manager.js":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/calendar_manager.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var createArgumentsHelper = __webpack_require__(/*! ./calendar_arguments_helper */ "./sources/core/worktime/calendar_arguments_helper.js");
var CalendarMergeHelper = __webpack_require__(/*! ./strategy/work_calendar_merger */ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_calendar_merger.js");
var CalendarWorkTimeStrategy = __webpack_require__(/*! ./strategy/calendar_strategy */ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/calendar_strategy.js");
var legacyResourceCalendarConfig = __webpack_require__(/*! ./legacy_resource_config */ "./sources/core/worktime/legacy_resource_config.js");
var dynamicResourceCalendars = __webpack_require__(/*! ./dynamic_resource_calendars */ "./sources/core/worktime/dynamic_resource_calendars.js")();
function CalendarManager(gantt) {
this.$gantt = gantt;
this._calendars = {};
this._legacyConfig = undefined;
this.$gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
if (this.$gantt.config.resource_calendars) {
this._isLegacyConfig = legacyResourceCalendarConfig.isLegacyResourceCalendarFormat(this.$gantt.config.resource_calendars);
this.$gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeGanttReady", function () {
this.$gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeGanttRender", function () {
CalendarManager.prototype = {
_calendars: {},
_convertWorkTimeSettings: function _convertWorkTimeSettings(settings) {
var days = settings.days;
if (days && !settings.dates) {
settings.dates = settings.dates || {};
for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
settings.dates[i] = days[i];
if (!(days[i] instanceof Array)) {
settings.dates[i] = !!days[i];
delete settings.days;
return settings;
mergeCalendars: function mergeCalendars() {
var calendars = [];
var args = arguments;
if (Array.isArray(args[0])) {
calendars = args[0].slice();
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var mergeHelper = new CalendarMergeHelper();
var result;
calendars.forEach(function (calendar) {
if (!result) {
result = calendar;
} else {
result = this._createCalendarFromConfig(mergeHelper.merge(result, calendar));
return this.createCalendar(result);
_createCalendarFromConfig: function _createCalendarFromConfig(config) {
var apiCore = new CalendarWorkTimeStrategy(this.$gantt, createArgumentsHelper(this.$gantt)); = String(utils.uid());
var preparedConfig = this._convertWorkTimeSettings(config);
if (preparedConfig.customWeeks) {
for (var i in preparedConfig.customWeeks) {
preparedConfig.customWeeks[i] = this._convertWorkTimeSettings(preparedConfig.customWeeks[i]);
return apiCore;
createCalendar: function createCalendar(parentCalendar) {
var settings;
if (!parentCalendar) {
parentCalendar = {};
if (parentCalendar.getConfig) {
settings = utils.copy(parentCalendar.getConfig());
} else if (parentCalendar.worktime) {
settings = utils.copy(parentCalendar.worktime);
} else {
settings = utils.copy(parentCalendar);
var defaults = utils.copy(this.defaults.fulltime.worktime);
utils.mixin(settings, defaults);
return this._createCalendarFromConfig(settings);
getCalendar: function getCalendar(id) {
id = id || "global";
var calendar = this._calendars[id];
if (!calendar) {
calendar = this._calendars[id];
return calendar;
getCalendars: function getCalendars() {
var res = [];
for (var i in this._calendars) {
return res;
_getOwnCalendar: function _getOwnCalendar(task) {
var config = this.$gantt.config;
if (task[config.calendar_property]) {
return this.getCalendar(task[config.calendar_property]);
if (config.resource_calendars) {
var calendar;
var calendarId;
var resourceProperty;
if (this._legacyConfig === false) {
resourceProperty = config.resource_property;
} else {
resourceProperty = legacyResourceCalendarConfig.getResourceProperty(config);
if (Array.isArray(task[resourceProperty])) {
// if multiple resources are attached to the task - merge their calendars
if (config.dynamic_resource_calendars) {
calendarId = dynamicResourceCalendars.getCalendarIdFromMultipleResources(task[resourceProperty], this);
} else {
if (this._legacyConfig === undefined) {
this._legacyConfig = legacyResourceCalendarConfig.isLegacyResourceCalendarFormat(config.resource_calendars);
if (this._legacyConfig) {
var calendarId = legacyResourceCalendarConfig.getCalendarIdFromLegacyConfig(task, config.resource_calendars);
} else if (resourceProperty && task[resourceProperty] && config.resource_calendars[task[resourceProperty]]) {
var calendar = this.getResourceCalendar(task[resourceProperty]);
if (calendarId) {
calendar = this.getCalendar(calendarId);
if (calendar) {
return calendar;
return null;
* Returns calendar assigned to the specified resource.
* Returns the global calendar if no custom calendar is associated with the resource.
* @param {(string|number|Object)} resource - resource object or resource id
* @returns {object} Calendar object
getResourceCalendar: function getResourceCalendar(resource) {
if (resource === null || resource === undefined) {
return this.getCalendar();
var resourceId = null; // if task id is provided
if (typeof resource === "number" || typeof resource === "string") {
resourceId = resource;
} else {
resourceId = || resource.key;
var config = this.$gantt.config;
var calendarsConfig = config.resource_calendars;
var calendarId = null;
if (calendarsConfig) {
if (this._legacyConfig === undefined) {
this._legacyConfig = legacyResourceCalendarConfig.isLegacyResourceCalendarFormat(config.resource_calendars);
if (this._legacyConfig) {
for (var field in calendarsConfig) {
if (calendarsConfig[field][resourceId]) {
calendarId = calendarsConfig[field][resourceId];
} else {
var calendarId = calendarsConfig[resourceId];
if (calendarId) {
return this.getCalendar(calendarId);
return this.getCalendar();
* Returns the calendar assigned to a task.
* - Returns a calendar assigned via task[gantt.config.calendar_property] if specified.
* - Returns a calendar assigned to the task resource if specified.
* - Returns the global calendar otherwise.
* @param {(string|number|Object)} task - task object or task id
* @returns {object} Calendar object
getTaskCalendar: function getTaskCalendar(task) {
var gantt = this.$gantt;
var taskObject;
if (task === null || task === undefined) {
return this.getCalendar();
} // if task id is provided
if ((typeof task === "number" || typeof task === "string") && gantt.isTaskExists(task)) {
taskObject = gantt.getTask(task);
} else {
taskObject = task;
if (!taskObject) {
return this.getCalendar();
var calendar = this._getOwnCalendar(taskObject);
var groupMode = !!gantt.getState().group_mode;
if (!calendar && gantt.config.inherit_calendar && gantt.isTaskExists(taskObject.parent)) {
// GS-1579 group mode overrides tree hierarchy, iterate using `.parent` property, instead of using eachParent iterator
var currentTask = taskObject;
while (gantt.isTaskExists(currentTask.parent)) {
currentTask = gantt.getTask(currentTask.parent);
if (gantt.isSummaryTask(currentTask)) {
calendar = this._getOwnCalendar(currentTask);
if (calendar) {
if (groupMode && !calendar) {
// if group mode and inherit_calendars is enabled - preserve previously applied parent calendar
// we may need it when groupBy parses grouped data, old parent may be not loaded yet
if (task.$effective_calendar) {
calendar = this.getCalendar(task.$effective_calendar);
return calendar || this.getCalendar();
addCalendar: function addCalendar(calendar) {
// puts new calendar to Global Storage - gantt.calendarManager._calendars {}
if (!this.isCalendar(calendar)) {
var id =;
calendar = this.createCalendar(calendar); = id;
} // validate/check if empty calendar
if (!calendar._tryChangeCalendarSettings(function () {})) {
this.$gantt.callEvent("onCalendarError", [{
message: "Invalid calendar settings, no worktime available"
}, calendar]);
return null;
} else {
var config = this.$gantt.config; = || utils.uid();
this._calendars[] = calendar;
if (!config.worktimes) config.worktimes = {};
config.worktimes[] = calendar.getConfig();
deleteCalendar: function deleteCalendar(calendar) {
var config = this.$gantt.config;
if (!calendar) return false;
if (this._calendars[calendar]) {
delete this._calendars[calendar];
if (config.worktimes && config.worktimes[calendar]) delete config.worktimes[calendar];
return true;
} else {
return false;
restoreConfigCalendars: function restoreConfigCalendars(configs) {
for (var i in configs) {
if (this._calendars[i]) continue;
var settings = configs[i];
var calendar = this.createCalendar(settings); = i;
defaults: {
global: {
id: "global",
worktime: {
hours: [8, 12, 13, 17],
days: [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
fulltime: {
id: "fulltime",
worktime: {
hours: [0, 24],
days: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
createDefaultCalendars: function createDefaultCalendars() {
var config = this.$gantt.config;
isCalendar: function isCalendar(possibleCalendar) {
// because we don't have any way to check without dependency to CalendarWorkTimeStrategy
var props = [possibleCalendar.isWorkTime, possibleCalendar.setWorkTime, possibleCalendar.getWorkHours, possibleCalendar.unsetWorkTime, possibleCalendar.getClosestWorkTime, possibleCalendar.calculateDuration, possibleCalendar.hasDuration, possibleCalendar.calculateEndDate];
return props.every(function (entry) {
return entry instanceof Function;
module.exports = CalendarManager;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/dynamic_resource_calendars.js":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/dynamic_resource_calendars.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function () {
function getResourcesCalendarKey(resourceAssignments) {
return (res) {
if (res && res.resource_id) {
return res.resource_id;
} else {
return res;
var dynamicCalendars = {};
function mergeResourceCalendars(resourceAssignments, manager) {
return manager.mergeCalendars( (assignment) {
var resourceId = assignment && assignment.resource_id ? assignment.resource_id : assignment;
return manager.getResourceCalendar(resourceId);
function getCalendarIdFromMultipleResources(resourceAssignments, manager) {
var key = getResourcesCalendarKey(resourceAssignments);
if (!resourceAssignments.length) {
return null;
} else if (resourceAssignments.length === 1) {
return manager.getResourceCalendar(key).id;
} else if (dynamicCalendars[key]) {
return dynamicCalendars[key].id;
} else {
var tempCalendar = mergeResourceCalendars(resourceAssignments, manager);
dynamicCalendars[key] = tempCalendar;
return manager.addCalendar(tempCalendar);
return {
getCalendarIdFromMultipleResources: getCalendarIdFromMultipleResources
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/legacy_resource_config.js":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/legacy_resource_config.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
module.exports = {
isLegacyResourceCalendarFormat: function isLegacyResourceCalendarFormat(resourceCalendarsProperty) {
// modern format:
//gantt.config.resource_calendars = {
// resourceId: calendarId,
// resourceId: calendarId,
// resourceId: calendarId
// };
// legacy format:
// gantt.config.resource_calendars = {
// "resourceProperty": {
// resourceId: calendarId,
// resourceId: calendarId,
// resourceId: calendarId
// }
// };
if (!resourceCalendarsProperty) {
return false;
for (var i in resourceCalendarsProperty) {
if (resourceCalendarsProperty[i] && _typeof(resourceCalendarsProperty[i]) === "object") {
return true;
return false;
getResourceProperty: function getResourceProperty(config) {
var resourceCalendarsConfig = config.resource_calendars;
var propertyName = config.resource_property;
if (this.isLegacyResourceCalendarFormat(resourceCalendarsConfig)) {
for (var i in config) {
propertyName = i;
return propertyName;
getCalendarIdFromLegacyConfig: function getCalendarIdFromLegacyConfig(task, config) {
if (config) {
for (var field in config) {
var resource = config[field];
if (task[field]) {
var calendarId = resource[task[field]];
if (calendarId) {
return calendarId;
return null;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/calendar_strategy.js":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/strategy/calendar_strategy.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var createCacheObject = __webpack_require__(/*! ./work_unit_cache */ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/index.ts").createCacheObject;
var LargerUnitsCache = __webpack_require__(/*! ./work_unit_cache */ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/index.ts").LargerUnitsCache;
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
var DateDurationCache = __webpack_require__(/*! ./work_unit_cache/date_duration_cache */ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/date_duration_cache.ts").DateDurationCache;
function CalendarWorkTimeStrategy(gantt, argumentsHelper) {
this.argumentsHelper = argumentsHelper;
this.$gantt = gantt;
this._workingUnitsCache = createCacheObject();
this._largeUnitsCache = new LargerUnitsCache(this);
this._dateDurationCache = new DateDurationCache();
this._worktime = null;
this._cached_timestamps = {};
this._cached_timestamps_count = 0;
CalendarWorkTimeStrategy.prototype = {
units: ["year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute"],
_clearCaches: function _clearCaches() {
// cache previously calculated worktime
_getUnitOrder: function _getUnitOrder(unit) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.units.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this.units[i] == unit) return i;
_resetTimestampCache: function _resetTimestampCache() {
this._cached_timestamps = {};
this._cached_timestamps_count = 0;
_timestamp: function _timestamp(settings) {
// minor optimization, store calculated timestamps to reduce computations
// reset cache when number of keys exceeds large number where key lookup may became more expensive than the recalculation
if (this._cached_timestamps_count > 1000000) {
var timestamp = null;
if ( || === 0) {
timestamp =;
} else if ( {
var value = String(;
if (this._cached_timestamps[value]) {
timestamp = this._cached_timestamps[value];
} else {
// store worktime datestamp in utc so it could be recognized in different timezones (e.g. opened locally and sent to the export service in different timezone)
timestamp = Date.UTC(,,;
this._cached_timestamps[value] = timestamp;
return timestamp;
_checkIfWorkingUnit: function _checkIfWorkingUnit(date, unit) {
if (!this["_is_work_" + unit]) return true;
return this["_is_work_" + unit](date);
//checkings for particular time units
//methods for month-year-week can be defined, otherwise always return 'true'
_is_work_day: function _is_work_day(date) {
var val = this._getWorkHours(date);
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
return val.length > 0;
return false;
_is_work_hour: function _is_work_hour(date) {
var hours = this._getWorkHours(date); // [{start: 8*60*60, end: 12*60*60}, {start: 13*60*60, end: 17*60*60}]
var value = date.getHours();
for (var i = 0; i < hours.length; i++) {
if (value >= hours[i].startHour && value < hours[i].endHour) {
return true;
return false;
_getTimeOfDayStamp: function _getTimeOfDayStamp(date, dayEnd) {
var hours = date.getHours();
if (!date.getHours() && !date.getMinutes() && dayEnd) {
hours = 24;
return hours * 60 * 60 + date.getMinutes() * 60;
_is_work_minute: function _is_work_minute(date) {
var hours = this._getWorkHours(date); // [{start: 8*60*60, end: 12*60*60}, {start: 13*60*60, end: 17*60*60}]
var checkTime = this._getTimeOfDayStamp(date);
for (var i = 0; i < hours.length; i++) {
if (checkTime >= hours[i].start && checkTime < hours[i].end) {
return true;
return false;
_nextDate: function _nextDate(start, unit, step) {
return this.$, step, unit);
_getWorkUnitsBetweenGeneric: function _getWorkUnitsBetweenGeneric(from, to, unit, step) {
var dateHelper = this.$;
var start = new Date(from),
end = new Date(to);
step = step || 1;
var units = 0;
var next = null;
var stepStart, stepEnd; // calculating decimal durations, i.e. 2016-09-20 00:05:00 - 2016-09-20 01:00:00 ~ 0.95 instead of 1
// and also 2016-09-20 00:00:00 - 2016-09-20 00:05:00 ~ 0.05 instead of 1
// durations must be rounded later
var checkFirst = false;
stepStart = dateHelper[unit + "_start"](new Date(start));
if (stepStart.valueOf() != start.valueOf()) {
checkFirst = true;
var checkLast = false;
stepEnd = dateHelper[unit + "_start"](new Date(to));
if (stepEnd.valueOf() != to.valueOf()) {
checkLast = true;
var isLastStep = false;
while (start.valueOf() < end.valueOf()) {
next = this._nextDate(start, unit, step);
isLastStep = next.valueOf() > end.valueOf();
if (this._isWorkTime(start, unit)) {
if (checkFirst || checkLast && isLastStep) {
stepStart = dateHelper[unit + "_start"](new Date(start));
stepEnd = dateHelper.add(stepStart, step, unit);
if (checkFirst) {
checkFirst = false;
next = this._nextDate(stepStart, unit, step);
units += (stepEnd.valueOf() - start.valueOf()) / (stepEnd.valueOf() - stepStart.valueOf());
} else if (checkLast && isLastStep) {
checkLast = false;
units += (end.valueOf() - start.valueOf()) / (stepEnd.valueOf() - stepStart.valueOf());
} else {
} else {
var unitOrder = this._getUnitOrder(unit);
var biggerTimeUnit = this.units[unitOrder - 1];
if (biggerTimeUnit && !this._isWorkTime(start, biggerTimeUnit)) {
next = this._getClosestWorkTimeFuture(start, biggerTimeUnit);
start = next;
return units;
_getMinutesPerHour: function _getMinutesPerHour(date) {
var hourStart = this._getTimeOfDayStamp(date);
var hourEnd = this._getTimeOfDayStamp(this._nextDate(date, "hour", 1));
if (hourEnd === 0) {
hourEnd = 24 * 60 * 60;
var worktimes = this._getWorkHours(date);
for (var i = 0; i < worktimes.length; i++) {
var interval = worktimes[i];
if (hourStart >= interval.start && hourEnd <= interval.end) {
return 60; // hour inside a working interval, all hour is a work hour
} else if (hourStart < interval.end && hourEnd > interval.start) {
// hour is partially work time
var duration = Math.min(hourEnd, interval.end) - Math.max(hourStart, interval.start);
return duration / 60;
return 0;
_getMinutesPerDay: function _getMinutesPerDay(date) {
var hours = this._getWorkHours(date);
var res = 0;
hours.forEach(function (interval) {
res += interval.durationMinutes;
return res;
getHoursPerDay: function getHoursPerDay(date) {
var hours = this._getWorkHours(date);
var res = 0;
hours.forEach(function (interval) {
res += interval.durationHours;
return res;
_getWorkUnitsForRange: function _getWorkUnitsForRange(from, to, unit, step) {
var total = 0;
var start = new Date(from),
end = new Date(to);
var getUnitsPerDay;
if (unit == "minute") {
getUnitsPerDay = utils.bind(this._getMinutesPerDay, this);
} else {
getUnitsPerDay = utils.bind(this.getHoursPerDay, this);
while (start.valueOf() < end.valueOf()) {
if (end - start > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 32 && start.getDate() === 0) {
var units = this._largeUnitsCache.getMinutesPerMonth(start);
if (unit == "hour") {
units = units / 60;
total += units;
start = this.$, 1, "month");
} else if (end - start > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 16) {
var weekStart = this.$ Date(start));
if (start.valueOf() === weekStart.valueOf()) {
var units = this._largeUnitsCache.getMinutesPerWeek(start);
if (unit == "hour") {
units = units / 60;
total += units;
start = this.$, 7, "day");
} // if (this._isWorkTime(start, "day")) {
total += getUnitsPerDay(start); // }
start = this._nextDate(start, "day", 1);
return total / step;
_getMinutesBetweenSingleDay: function _getMinutesBetweenSingleDay(from, to) {
var range = this._getIntervalTimestamp(from, to);
var worktimes = this._getWorkHours(from);
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < worktimes.length; i++) {
var interval = worktimes[i];
if (range.end >= interval.start && range.start <= interval.end) {
var minuteFrom = Math.max(interval.start, range.start);
var minuteTo = Math.min(interval.end, range.end);
result += (minuteTo - minuteFrom) / 60;
range.start = minuteTo;
return Math.floor(result);
_getMinutesBetween: function _getMinutesBetween(from, to, unit, step) {
var start = new Date(from),
end = new Date(to);
step = step || 1;
var firstDayStart = new Date(start);
var firstDayEnd = this.$$ Date(start)), 1, "day");
if (end.valueOf() <= firstDayEnd.valueOf()) {
return this._getMinutesBetweenSingleDay(from, to);
} else {
var lastDayStart = this.$ Date(end));
var lastDayEnd = end;
var startPart = this._getMinutesBetweenSingleDay(firstDayStart, firstDayEnd);
var endPart = this._getMinutesBetweenSingleDay(lastDayStart, lastDayEnd);
var rangePart = this._getWorkUnitsForRange(firstDayEnd, lastDayStart, unit, step);
var total = startPart + rangePart + endPart;
return total;
// optimized method for calculating work units duration of large time spans
// implemented for hours and minutes units, bigger time units don't benefit from the optimization so much
_getHoursBetween: function _getHoursBetween(from, to, unit, step) {
var start = new Date(from),
end = new Date(to);
step = step || 1;
var firstDayStart = new Date(start);
var firstDayEnd = this.$$ Date(start)), 1, "day");
if (end.valueOf() <= firstDayEnd.valueOf()) {
return Math.round(this._getMinutesBetweenSingleDay(from, to) / 60);
} else {
var lastDayStart = this.$ Date(end));
var lastDayEnd = end;
var startPart = this._getMinutesBetweenSingleDay(firstDayStart, firstDayEnd, unit, step) / 60;
var endPart = this._getMinutesBetweenSingleDay(lastDayStart, lastDayEnd, unit, step) / 60;
var rangePart = this._getWorkUnitsForRange(firstDayEnd, lastDayStart, unit, step);
var total = startPart + rangePart + endPart;
return Math.round(total);
getConfig: function getConfig() {
return this._worktime;
_setConfig: function _setConfig(settings) {
this._worktime = settings;
_parseSettings: function _parseSettings() {
var settings = this.getConfig();
settings.parsed = {
dates: {},
hours: null,
haveCustomWeeks: false,
customWeeks: {},
customWeeksRangeStart: null,
customWeeksRangeEnd: null,
customWeeksBoundaries: []
settings.parsed.hours = this._parseHours(settings.hours);
for (var i in settings.dates) {
settings.parsed.dates[i] = this._parseHours(settings.dates[i]);
if (settings.customWeeks) {
var minCustomRangeStart = null;
var maxCustomRangeEnd = null;
for (var i in settings.customWeeks) {
var customTime = settings.customWeeks[i];
if (customTime.from && {
var rangeStart = customTime.from;
var rangeEnd =;
if (!minCustomRangeStart || minCustomRangeStart > rangeStart.valueOf()) {
minCustomRangeStart = rangeStart.valueOf();
if (!maxCustomRangeEnd || maxCustomRangeEnd < rangeEnd.valueOf()) {
maxCustomRangeEnd = rangeEnd.valueOf();
from: rangeStart.valueOf(),
fromReadable: new Date(rangeStart),
to: rangeEnd.valueOf(),
toReadable: new Date(rangeEnd),
name: i
settings.parsed.haveCustomWeeks = true;
var currentWeek = settings.parsed.customWeeks[i] = {
from: customTime.from,
hours: this._parseHours(customTime.hours),
dates: {}
for (var d in customTime.dates) {
currentWeek.dates[d] = this._parseHours(customTime.dates[d]);
settings.parsed.customWeeksRangeStart = minCustomRangeStart;
settings.parsed.customWeeksRangeEnd = maxCustomRangeEnd;
_tryChangeCalendarSettings: function _tryChangeCalendarSettings(payload) {
var backup = JSON.stringify(this.getConfig());
if (!this.hasWorkTime()) {
// this.$gantt.assert(false, "Invalid calendar settings, no worktime available");
return false;
return true;
_arraysEqual: function _arraysEqual(a, b) {
if (a === b) return true;
if (!a || !b) return false;
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;
_compareSettings: function _compareSettings(mySettings, thatSettings) {
if (!this._arraysEqual(mySettings.hours, thatSettings.hours)) {
return false;
var myDays = Object.keys(mySettings.dates);
var otherDates = Object.keys(thatSettings.dates);
if (!this._arraysEqual(myDays, otherDates)) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < myDays.length; i++) {
var timestamp = myDays[i];
var myHours = mySettings.dates[timestamp];
var otherHours = mySettings.dates[timestamp]; // day settings not equal
if (myHours !== otherHours && // but still can be two arrays with the equivalent hour settings
!(Array.isArray(myHours) && Array.isArray(otherHours) && this._arraysEqual(myHours, otherHours))) {
return false;
return true;
equals: function equals(calendar) {
if (!(calendar instanceof CalendarWorkTimeStrategy)) {
return false;
var mySettings = this.getConfig();
var thatSettings = calendar.getConfig();
if (!this._compareSettings(mySettings, thatSettings)) {
return false;
if (mySettings.parsed.haveCustomWeeks && thatSettings.parsed.haveCustomWeeks) {
if (mySettings.parsed.customWeeksBoundaries.length != thatSettings.parsed.customWeeksBoundaries.length) {
return false;
for (var i in mySettings.parsed.customWeeks) {
var myWeek = mySettings.parsed.customWeeks[i];
var thatWeek = thatSettings.parsed.customWeeks[i];
if (!thatWeek) {
return false;
if (!this._compareSettings(myWeek, thatWeek)) {
return false;
} else if (mySettings.parse.haveCustomWeeks !== thatSettings.parsed.haveCustomWeeks) {
return false;
return true;
getWorkHours: function getWorkHours() {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.getWorkHoursArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
return this._getWorkHours(, false);
_getWorkHours: function _getWorkHours(date, parsed) {
var calendar = this.getConfig();
if (parsed !== false) {
calendar = calendar.parsed;
if (!date) {
return calendar.hours;
var dateValue = this._timestamp({
date: date
if (calendar.haveCustomWeeks) {
if (calendar.customWeeksRangeStart <= dateValue && calendar.customWeeksRangeEnd > dateValue) {
for (var i = 0; i < calendar.customWeeksBoundaries.length; i++) {
if (calendar.customWeeksBoundaries[i].from <= dateValue && calendar.customWeeksBoundaries[i].to > dateValue) {
calendar = calendar.customWeeks[calendar.customWeeksBoundaries[i].name];
var hours = true;
if (calendar.dates[dateValue] !== undefined) {
hours = calendar.dates[dateValue]; //custom day
} else if (calendar.dates[date.getDay()] !== undefined) {
hours = calendar.dates[date.getDay()]; //week day
if (hours === true) {
return calendar.hours;
} else if (hours) {
return hours;
return [];
_getIntervalTimestamp: function _getIntervalTimestamp(from, to) {
var res = {
start: 0,
end: 0
res.start = from.getHours() * 60 * 60 + from.getMinutes() * 60 + from.getSeconds();
var endHours = to.getHours();
if (!endHours && !to.getMinutes() && !to.getSeconds() && from.valueOf() < to.valueOf()) {
endHours = 24;
res.end = endHours * 60 * 60 + to.getMinutes() * 60 + to.getSeconds();
return res;
_parseHours: function _parseHours(hours) {
if (Array.isArray(hours)) {
var timestampRanges = []; // worktime as seconds range
hours.forEach(function (hour) {
if (typeof hour === "number") {
timestampRanges.push(hour * 60 * 60);
} else if (typeof hour === "string") {
// "12-13", or "12:00-13:00", or "12:00:00-13:00:00"
hour.split("-").map(function (time) {
return time.trim();
}).forEach(function (part) {
var parsed = part.split(":").map(function (time) {
return time.trim();
var value = parseInt(parsed[0] * 60 * 60);
if (parsed[1]) {
value += parseInt(parsed[1] * 60);
if (parsed[2]) {
value += parseInt(parsed[2]);
var timerangeConfig = [];
for (var i = 0; i < timestampRanges.length; i += 2) {
var start = timestampRanges[i];
var end = timestampRanges[i + 1];
var duration = end - start;
start: start,
end: end,
startHour: Math.floor(start / (60 * 60)),
startMinute: Math.floor(start / 60),
endHour: Math.ceil(end / (60 * 60)),
endMinute: Math.ceil(end / 60),
durationSeconds: duration,
durationMinutes: duration / 60,
durationHours: duration / (60 * 60)
return timerangeConfig;
} else {
return hours;
setWorkTime: function setWorkTime(settings) {
return this._tryChangeCalendarSettings(utils.bind(function () {
var hours = settings.hours !== undefined ? settings.hours : true;
var timestamp = this._timestamp(settings);
var calendarConfig = this.getConfig();
if (timestamp !== null) {
calendarConfig.dates[timestamp] = hours;
} else if (!settings.customWeeks) {
calendarConfig.hours = hours;
if (settings.customWeeks) {
if (!calendarConfig.customWeeks) {
calendarConfig.customWeeks = {};
for (var i in settings.customWeeks) {
calendarConfig.customWeeks[i] = settings.customWeeks[i];
}, this));
unsetWorkTime: function unsetWorkTime(settings) {
return this._tryChangeCalendarSettings(utils.bind(function () {
if (!settings) {
} else {
var timestamp = this._timestamp(settings);
if (timestamp !== null) {
delete this.getConfig().dates[timestamp];
} // Clear work units cache
}, this));
_isWorkTime: function _isWorkTime(date, unit) {
// Check if this item has in the cache
var useCache = true; //unit === "day"; // use cache only for days. In case of hours/minutes cache size grows too large and the overhead exceeds the gains
var isWorkUnit = -1;
var dateKey = null;
if (useCache) {
// use string keys
dateKey = String(date.valueOf());
isWorkUnit = this._workingUnitsCache.getItem(unit, dateKey, date);
if (isWorkUnit == -1) {
// calculate if not cached
isWorkUnit = this._checkIfWorkingUnit(date, unit);
if (useCache) {
this._workingUnitsCache.setItem(unit, dateKey, isWorkUnit, date);
return isWorkUnit;
isWorkTime: function isWorkTime() {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.isWorkTimeArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
return this._isWorkTime(, config.unit);
calculateDuration: function calculateDuration() {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.getDurationArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
if (!config.unit) {
return false;
} //return this._calculateDuration(config.start_date, config.end_date, config.unit, config.step);
var self = this;
return this._dateDurationCache.getDuration(config.start_date, config.end_date, config.unit, config.step, function () {
return self._calculateDuration(config.start_date, config.end_date, config.unit, config.step);
_calculateDuration: function _calculateDuration(from, to, unit, step) {
var res = 0;
var sign = 1;
if (from.valueOf() > to.valueOf()) {
var tmp = to;
to = from;
from = tmp;
sign = -1;
if (unit == "hour" && step == 1) {
res = this._getHoursBetween(from, to, unit, step);
} else if (unit == "minute" && step == 1) {
// quick calculation for minutes with 1 minute step
res = this._getMinutesBetween(from, to, unit, step);
} else {
res = this._getWorkUnitsBetweenGeneric(from, to, unit, step);
} // getWorkUnits.. returns decimal durations
return sign * Math.round(res);
hasDuration: function hasDuration() {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.getDurationArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var from = config.start_date,
to = config.end_date,
unit = config.unit,
step = config.step;
if (!unit) {
return false;
var start = new Date(from),
end = new Date(to);
step = step || 1;
while (start.valueOf() < end.valueOf()) {
if (this._isWorkTime(start, unit)) return true;
start = this._nextDate(start, unit, step);
return false;
calculateEndDate: function calculateEndDate() {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.calculateEndDateArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var from = config.start_date,
duration = config.duration,
unit = config.unit,
step = config.step;
if (!unit) return false;
var mult = config.duration >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
duration = Math.abs(duration * 1); // var endDate = this._calculateEndDate(from, duration, unit, step * mult);
// return endDate;
var self = this;
return this._dateDurationCache.getEndDate(from, duration, unit, step * mult, function () {
return self._calculateEndDate(from, duration, unit, step * mult);
_calculateEndDate: function _calculateEndDate(from, duration, unit, step) {
if (!unit) return false;
if (step == 1 && unit == "minute") {
return this._calculateMinuteEndDate(from, duration, step);
} else if (step == -1 && unit == "minute") {
return this._subtractMinuteDate(from, duration, step);
} else if (step == 1 && unit == "hour") {
return this._calculateHourEndDate(from, duration, step);
} else {
var interval = this._addInterval(from, duration, unit, step, null);
return interval.end;
_addInterval: function _addInterval(start, duration, unit, step, stopAction) {
var added = 0;
var current = start;
var previous = new Date(current.valueOf() - 1);
var timezoneDifferenceWithPrevious = current.getTimezoneOffset() - previous.getTimezoneOffset();
while (added < duration && !(stopAction && stopAction(current))) {
var next = this._nextDate(current, unit, step);
if (timezoneDifferenceWithPrevious < 0 && step > 0) {
// the step parameter is for backward scheduling and startDate calcuation
next.setTime(next.getTime() + 60 * 1000 * timezoneDifferenceWithPrevious);
timezoneDifferenceWithPrevious = false;
var timezoneDifference = next.getTimezoneOffset() - current.getTimezoneOffset();
if (timezoneDifference < 0 && step > 0 && unit != "day") {
// the step parameter is for backward scheduling and startDate calcuation
next.setTime(next.getTime() + 60 * 1000 * timezoneDifference);
var dateValue = new Date(next.valueOf() + 1);
if (step > 0) {
dateValue = new Date(next.valueOf() - 1);
var workTimeCheck = this._isWorkTime(dateValue, unit);
if (workTimeCheck) {
current = next;
return {
end: current,
start: start,
added: added
_addHoursUntilDayEnd: function _addHoursUntilDayEnd(from, duration) {
var dayEnd = this.$$ Date(from)), 1, "day");
var added = 0;
var left = duration;
var range = this._getIntervalTimestamp(from, dayEnd);
var worktimes = this._getWorkHours(from);
for (var i = 0; i < worktimes.length && added < duration; i++) {
var interval = worktimes[i];
if (range.end >= interval.start && range.start <= interval.end) {
var minuteFrom = Math.max(interval.start, range.start);
var minuteTo = Math.min(interval.end, range.end);
var rangeHours = (minuteTo - minuteFrom) / (60 * 60);
if (rangeHours > left) {
rangeHours = left;
minuteTo = minuteFrom + left * 60 * 60;
var addHours = Math.round((minuteTo - minuteFrom) / (60 * 60));
added += addHours;
left -= addHours;
range.start = minuteTo;
var intervalEnd = dayEnd;
if (added === duration) {
intervalEnd = new Date(from.getFullYear(), from.getMonth(), from.getDate(), 0, 0, range.start);
return {
added: added,
end: intervalEnd
_calculateHourEndDate: function _calculateHourEndDate(from, duration, step) {
var start = new Date(from),
added = 0;
step = step || 1;
duration = Math.abs(duration * 1);
var interval = this._addHoursUntilDayEnd(start, duration);
added = interval.added;
start = interval.end;
var durationLeft = duration - added;
if (durationLeft) {
var current = start;
while (added < duration) {
var next = this._nextDate(current, "day", step); // reset to day start in case DST switch happens in the process
var hoursPerDay = 0;
if (step > 0) {
hoursPerDay = this.getHoursPerDay(new Date(next.valueOf() - 1));
} else {
hoursPerDay = this.getHoursPerDay(new Date(next.valueOf() + 1));
if (added + hoursPerDay >= duration) {
} else {
added += hoursPerDay;
current = next;
start = current;
if (added < duration) {
var durationLeft = duration - added;
interval = this._addHoursUntilDayEnd(start, durationLeft);
start = interval.end;
return start;
_addMinutesUntilHourEnd: function _addMinutesUntilHourEnd(from, duration) {
if (from.getMinutes() === 0) {
// already at hour end
return {
added: 0,
end: new Date(from)
var hourEnd = this.$$ Date(from)), 1, "hour");
var added = 0;
var left = duration;
var range = this._getIntervalTimestamp(from, hourEnd);
var worktimes = this._getWorkHours(from);
for (var i = 0; i < worktimes.length && added < duration; i++) {
var interval = worktimes[i];
if (range.end >= interval.start && range.start <= interval.end) {
var minuteFrom = Math.max(interval.start, range.start);
var minuteTo = Math.min(interval.end, range.end);
var rangeMinutes = (minuteTo - minuteFrom) / 60;
if (rangeMinutes > left) {
rangeMinutes = left;
minuteTo = minuteFrom + left * 60;
var addMinutes = Math.round((minuteTo - minuteFrom) / 60);
left -= addMinutes;
added += addMinutes;
range.start = minuteTo;
var intervalEnd = hourEnd;
if (added === duration) {
intervalEnd = new Date(from.getFullYear(), from.getMonth(), from.getDate(), 0, 0, range.start);
return {
added: added,
end: intervalEnd
_subtractMinutesUntilHourStart: function _subtractMinutesUntilHourStart(from, duration) {
var hourStart = this.$ Date(from));
var added = 0;
var left = duration;
var hourStartTimestamp = hourStart.getHours() * 60 * 60 + hourStart.getMinutes() * 60 + hourStart.getSeconds();
var initialDateTimestamp = from.getHours() * 60 * 60 + from.getMinutes() * 60 + from.getSeconds();
var worktimes = this._getWorkHours(from);
for (var i = worktimes.length - 1; i >= 0 && added < duration; i--) {
var interval = worktimes[i];
if (initialDateTimestamp > interval.start && hourStartTimestamp <= interval.end) {
var minuteFrom = Math.min(initialDateTimestamp, interval.end);
var minuteTo = Math.max(hourStartTimestamp, interval.start); // var minuteFrom = Math.max(interval.start, currentHour.start);
// var minuteTo = Math.min(interval.end, currentHour.end);
var rangeMinutes = (minuteFrom - minuteTo) / 60;
if (rangeMinutes > left) {
rangeMinutes = left;
minuteTo = minuteFrom - left * 60;
var addMinutes = Math.abs(Math.round((minuteFrom - minuteTo) / 60));
left -= addMinutes;
added += addMinutes;
initialDateTimestamp = minuteTo;
var intervalEnd = hourStart;
if (added === duration) {
intervalEnd = new Date(from.getFullYear(), from.getMonth(), from.getDate(), 0, 0, initialDateTimestamp);
return {
added: added,
end: intervalEnd
_subtractMinuteDate: function _subtractMinuteDate(from, duration, step) {
var start = new Date(from),
added = 0;
step = step || -1;
duration = Math.abs(duration * 1);
duration = Math.round(duration);
var addedInterval = this._subtractMinutesUntilHourStart(start, duration);
added += addedInterval.added;
start = addedInterval.end;
var calculatedDay = 0;
var daySchedule = [];
var minutesInDay = 0;
while (added < duration) {
var dayStart = this.$ Date(start));
var iterateFromDayEnd = false;
if (start.valueOf() === dayStart.valueOf()) {
dayStart = this.$, -1, "day");
iterateFromDayEnd = true;
} //var dayStartTimestamp = this.$ Date(start)).valueOf();
var dayEnd = new Date(dayStart.getFullYear(), dayStart.getMonth(), dayStart.getDate(), 23, 59, 59, 999).valueOf();
if (dayEnd !== calculatedDay) {
daySchedule = this._getWorkHours(dayStart);
minutesInDay = this._getMinutesPerDay(dayStart);
calculatedDay = dayEnd;
var left = duration - added;
var timestamp = this._getTimeOfDayStamp(start, iterateFromDayEnd);
if (!daySchedule.length || !minutesInDay) {
start = this.$, -1, "day");
if (daySchedule[daySchedule.length - 1].end <= timestamp) {
if (left > minutesInDay) {
added += minutesInDay;
start = this.$, -1, "day");
var isWorkHour = false;
var workInterval = null;
for (var i = daySchedule.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (daySchedule[i].start < timestamp - 1 && daySchedule[i].end >= timestamp - 1) {
isWorkHour = true;
workInterval = daySchedule[i];
if (isWorkHour) {
if (timestamp === workInterval.end && left >= workInterval.durationMinutes) {
added += workInterval.durationMinutes;
start = this.$, -workInterval.durationMinutes, "minute");
} else if (left <= timestamp / 60 - workInterval.startMinute) {
added += left;
start = this.$, -left, "minute");
} else {
var minutesInHour = this._getMinutesPerHour(start);
if (minutesInHour <= left) {
added += minutesInHour;
start = this._nextDate(start, "hour", step);
} else {
addedInterval = this._subtractMinutesUntilHourStart(start, left);
added += addedInterval.added;
start = addedInterval.end;
} else {
if (start.getHours() === 0 && start.getMinutes() === 0 && start.getSeconds() === 0) {
var prev = this._getClosestWorkTimePast(start, "hour");
if (prev.valueOf() === start.valueOf()) {
var prev = this.$, -1, "day");
var times = this._getWorkHours(prev);
if (times.length) {
var lastInterval = times[times.length - 1];
start = prev;
} else {
start = this._getClosestWorkTimePast(new Date(start - 1), "hour");
if (added < duration) {
var durationLeft = duration - added;
addedInterval = this._subtractMinutesUntilHourStart(start, durationLeft);
added += addedInterval.added;
start = addedInterval.end;
return start;
_calculateMinuteEndDate: function _calculateMinuteEndDate(from, duration, step) {
var start = new Date(from),
added = 0;
step = step || 1;
duration = Math.abs(duration * 1);
duration = Math.round(duration);
var addedInterval = this._addMinutesUntilHourEnd(start, duration);
added += addedInterval.added;
start = addedInterval.end;
var calculatedDay = 0;
var daySchedule = [];
var minutesInDay = 0;
while (added < duration) {
var dayStart = this.$ Date(start)).valueOf();
if (dayStart !== calculatedDay) {
daySchedule = this._getWorkHours(start);
minutesInDay = this._getMinutesPerDay(start);
calculatedDay = dayStart;
var left = duration - added;
var timestamp = this._getTimeOfDayStamp(start);
if (!daySchedule.length || !minutesInDay) {
start = this.$$, 1, "day");
if (daySchedule[0].start >= timestamp) {
if (left >= minutesInDay) {
added += minutesInDay;
if (left == minutesInDay) {
start = new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate(), 0, 0, daySchedule[daySchedule.length - 1].end);
} else {
start = this.$, 1, "day");
start = this.$;
var isWorkHour = false;
var workInterval = null;
for (var i = 0; i < daySchedule.length; i++) {
if (daySchedule[i].start <= timestamp && daySchedule[i].end > timestamp) {
isWorkHour = true;
workInterval = daySchedule[i];
if (isWorkHour) {
if (timestamp === workInterval.start && left >= workInterval.durationMinutes) {
added += workInterval.durationMinutes;
start = this.$, workInterval.durationMinutes, "minute");
} else if (left <= workInterval.endMinute - timestamp / 60) {
added += left;
start = this.$, left, "minute");
} else {
var minutesInHour = this._getMinutesPerHour(start);
if (minutesInHour <= left) {
added += minutesInHour;
start = this._nextDate(start, "hour", step);
} else {
addedInterval = this._addMinutesUntilHourEnd(start, left);
added += addedInterval.added;
start = addedInterval.end;
} else {
start = this._getClosestWorkTimeFuture(start, "hour");
if (added < duration) {
var durationLeft = duration - added;
addedInterval = this._addMinutesUntilHourEnd(start, durationLeft);
added += addedInterval.added;
start = addedInterval.end;
return start;
getClosestWorkTime: function getClosestWorkTime() {
var settings = this.argumentsHelper.getClosestWorkTimeArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
return this._getClosestWorkTime(, settings.unit, settings.dir);
_getClosestWorkTime: function _getClosestWorkTime(inputDate, unit, direction) {
var result = new Date(inputDate);
if (this._isWorkTime(result, unit)) {
return result;
result = this.$[unit + '_start'](result);
if (direction == 'any' || !direction) {
var closestFuture = this._getClosestWorkTimeFuture(result, unit);
var closestPast = this._getClosestWorkTimePast(result, unit);
if (Math.abs(closestFuture - inputDate) <= Math.abs(inputDate - closestPast)) {
result = closestFuture;
} else {
result = closestPast;
} else if (direction == "past") {
result = this._getClosestWorkTimePast(result, unit);
} else {
result = this._getClosestWorkTimeFuture(result, unit);
return result;
_getClosestWorkTimeFuture: function _getClosestWorkTimeFuture(date, unit) {
return this._getClosestWorkTimeGeneric(date, unit, 1);
_getClosestWorkTimePast: function _getClosestWorkTimePast(date, unit) {
var result = this._getClosestWorkTimeGeneric(date, unit, -1); // should return the end of the closest work interval
return this.$, 1, unit);
_findClosestTimeInDay: function _findClosestTimeInDay(date, direction, worktimes) {
var start = new Date(date);
var resultDate = null;
var fromDayEnd = false;
if (!this._getWorkHours(start).length) {
start = this._getClosestWorkTime(start, "day", direction < 0 ? "past" : "future");
if (direction < 0) {
start = new Date(start.valueOf() - 1);
fromDayEnd = true;
worktimes = this._getWorkHours(start);
var value = this._getTimeOfDayStamp(start);
if (fromDayEnd) {
value = this._getTimeOfDayStamp(new Date(start.valueOf() + 1), fromDayEnd);
if (direction > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < worktimes.length; i++) {
if (worktimes[i].start >= value) {
resultDate = new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate(), 0, 0, worktimes[i].start);
} else {
for (var i = worktimes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (worktimes[i].end <= value) {
resultDate = new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate(), 0, 0, worktimes[i].end);
} else if (worktimes[i].end > value && worktimes[i].start <= value) {
resultDate = new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate(), 0, 0, value);
return resultDate;
_getClosestWorkMinute: function _getClosestWorkMinute(date, unit, direction) {
var start = new Date(date);
var worktimes = this._getWorkHours(start);
var resultDate = this._findClosestTimeInDay(start, direction, worktimes);
if (!resultDate) {
start = this.calculateEndDate(start, direction, "day");
if (direction > 0) {
start = this.$;
} else {
start = this.$;
start = this.$, 1, "day");
start = new Date(start.valueOf() - 1);
worktimes = this._getWorkHours(start);
resultDate = this._findClosestTimeInDay(start, direction, worktimes);
if (direction < 0) {
// getClosestWorkTimePast adds one time unit to the result date after this
resultDate = this.$, -1, unit);
return resultDate;
_getClosestWorkTimeGeneric: function _getClosestWorkTimeGeneric(date, unit, increment) {
if (unit === "hour" || unit === "minute") {
return this._getClosestWorkMinute(date, unit, increment);
var unitOrder = this._getUnitOrder(unit),
biggerTimeUnit = this.units[unitOrder - 1];
var result = date; // be extra sure we won't fall into infinite loop, 3k seems big enough
var maximumLoop = 3000,
count = 0;
while (!this._isWorkTime(result, unit)) {
if (biggerTimeUnit && !this._isWorkTime(result, biggerTimeUnit)) {
// if we look for closest work hour and detect a week-end - first find the closest work day,
// and continue iterations after that
if (increment > 0) {
result = this._getClosestWorkTimeFuture(result, biggerTimeUnit);
} else {
result = this._getClosestWorkTimePast(result, biggerTimeUnit);
if (this._isWorkTime(result, unit)) {
if (count > maximumLoop) {
this.$gantt.assert(false, "Invalid working time check");
return false;
var tzOffset = result.getTimezoneOffset();
result = this.$, increment, unit);
result = this.$gantt._correct_dst_change(result, tzOffset, increment, unit);
if (this.$[unit + '_start']) {
result = this.$[unit + '_start'](result);
return result;
* Check whether this calendar has working time. Calendar has working time only if there are regular working days of week
hasWorkTime: function hasWorkTime() {
var worktime = this.getConfig();
var dates = worktime.dates;
var daysOfWeek = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
var exceptions = [];
for (var i in worktime.dates) {
if (Number(i) > 6) {
var hasRegularHours = this._checkWorkHours(worktime.hours);
var result = false;
daysOfWeek.forEach(function (day) {
if (result) {
var dayConfig = dates[day];
if (dayConfig === true) {
// workday uses global hours
result = hasRegularHours;
} else if (Array.isArray(dayConfig)) {
// workday uses custom hours
result = this._checkWorkHours(dayConfig);
return result;
_checkWorkHours: function _checkWorkHours(hoursArray) {
if (hoursArray.length === 0) {
return false;
var result = false;
for (var i = 0; i < hoursArray.length; i += 2) {
if (hoursArray[i] !== hoursArray[i + 1]) {
result = true;
return result;
module.exports = CalendarWorkTimeStrategy;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/no_work_time.js":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/strategy/no_work_time.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function CalendarDisabledTimeStrategy(gantt, argumentsHelper) {
this.argumentsHelper = argumentsHelper;
this.$gantt = gantt;
CalendarDisabledTimeStrategy.prototype = {
getWorkHours: function getWorkHours() {
return [0, 24];
setWorkTime: function setWorkTime() {
return true;
unsetWorkTime: function unsetWorkTime() {
return true;
isWorkTime: function isWorkTime() {
return true;
getClosestWorkTime: function getClosestWorkTime(config) {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.getClosestWorkTimeArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
calculateDuration: function calculateDuration() {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.getDurationArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var from = config.start_date,
to = config.end_date,
unit = config.unit,
step = config.step;
return this._calculateDuration(from, to, unit, step);
_calculateDuration: function _calculateDuration(start, end, unit, step) {
var dateHelper = this.$;
var fixedUnits = {
"week": 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
"day": 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
"hour": 1000 * 60 * 60,
"minute": 1000 * 60
var res = 0;
if (fixedUnits[unit]) {
res = Math.round((end - start) / (step * fixedUnits[unit]));
} else {
var from = new Date(start),
to = new Date(end);
while (from.valueOf() < to.valueOf()) {
res += 1;
from = dateHelper.add(from, step, unit);
if (from.valueOf() != end.valueOf()) {
res += (to - from) / (dateHelper.add(from, step, unit) - from);
return Math.round(res);
hasDuration: function hasDuration() {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.getDurationArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var from = config.start_date,
to = config.end_date,
unit = config.unit;
if (!unit) {
return false;
from = new Date(from);
to = new Date(to);
return from.valueOf() < to.valueOf();
hasWorkTime: function hasWorkTime() {
return true;
equals: function equals(calendar) {
if (!(calendar instanceof CalendarDisabledTimeStrategy)) {
return false;
return true;
calculateEndDate: function calculateEndDate() {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.calculateEndDateArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var start = config.start_date,
duration = config.duration,
unit = config.unit,
step = config.step;
return this.$, step * duration, unit);
module.exports = CalendarDisabledTimeStrategy;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_calendar_merger.js":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_calendar_merger.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
function WorkTimeCalendarMerger() {}
WorkTimeCalendarMerger.prototype = {
* convert hours array items into objects, e.g. [8, 12, 17, 18] -> [{start: 8, end: 12}, {start:17, end:18}]
* @param {Array} hoursArray
_getIntervals: function _getIntervals(hoursArray) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < hoursArray.length; i += 2) {
start: hoursArray[i],
end: hoursArray[i + 1]
return result;
* Convert ranges config into hours array
* [{start: 8, end: 12}, {start:17, end:18}] --> [8, 12, 17, 18]
* @param {*} intervalsArray
_toHoursArray: function _toHoursArray(intervalsArray) {
var result = [];
function toFixed(value) {
var str = String(value);
if (str.length < 2) {
str = "0" + str;
return str;
function formatHHMM(secondsValue) {
var hours = Math.floor(secondsValue / (60 * 60));
var minutePart = secondsValue - hours * 60 * 60;
var minutes = Math.floor(minutePart / 60);
return hours + ":" + toFixed(minutes);
for (var i = 0; i < intervalsArray.length; i++) {
result.push(formatHHMM(intervalsArray[i].start) + "-" + formatHHMM(intervalsArray[i].end));
return result;
* Build intersection of hour intervals. e.g.
* first: [{start: 8, end: 12}, {start:13, end:18}]
* second: [{start: 10, end: 15}]
* result: [{start: 10, end: 12}, {start: 13, end: 15}]
* @param {Array} first
* @param {Array} second
_intersectHourRanges: function _intersectHourRanges(first, second) {
var result = [];
var baseArray = first.length > second.length ? first : second;
var overridesArray = first === baseArray ? second : first;
baseArray = baseArray.slice();
overridesArray = overridesArray.slice();
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < baseArray.length; i++) {
var base = baseArray[i];
for (var j = 0; j < overridesArray.length; j++) {
var current = overridesArray[j];
if (current.start < base.end && current.end > base.start) {
start: Math.max(base.start, current.start),
end: Math.min(base.end, current.end)
if (base.end > current.end) {
overridesArray.splice(j, 1);
return result;
* Reduce the number of ranges in config when possible,
* joins ranges that can be merged
* parts: [{start: 8, end: 12}, {start:12, end:13}, {start: 15, end: 17}]
* result: [{start: 8, end: 13}, {start: 15, end: 17}]
* @param {Array} parts
_mergeAdjacentIntervals: function _mergeAdjacentIntervals(parts) {
var result = parts.slice();
result.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.start - b.start;
var base = result[0];
for (var i = 1; i < result.length; i++) {
var current = result[i];
if (current.start <= base.end) {
if (current.end > base.end) {
base.end = current.end;
result.splice(i, 1);
} else {
base = current;
return result;
_mergeHoursConfig: function _mergeHoursConfig(firstHours, secondHours) {
//var firstIntervals = this._getIntervals(firstHours);
//var secondIntervals = this._getIntervals(secondHours);
return this._mergeAdjacentIntervals(this._intersectHourRanges(firstHours, secondHours));
merge: function merge(first, second) {
var firstConfig = utils.copy(first.getConfig().parsed);
var secondConfig = utils.copy(second.getConfig().parsed);
var mergedSettings = {
hours: this._toHoursArray(this._mergeHoursConfig(firstConfig.hours, secondConfig.hours)),
dates: {},
customWeeks: {}
for (var i in firstConfig.dates) {
var firstDate = firstConfig.dates[i];
var secondDate = secondConfig.dates[i]; // if this key is a working date in both calendars
if (firstDate && secondDate) {
// if at least one of working date is set by hours config - build intersection
if (Array.isArray(firstDate) || Array.isArray(secondDate)) {
var firstHours = Array.isArray(firstDate) ? firstDate : firstConfig.hours;
var secondHours = Array.isArray(secondDate) ? secondDate : secondConfig.hours;
mergedSettings.dates[i] = this._toHoursArray(this._mergeHoursConfig(firstHours, secondHours));
} else {
// date will use global hours
mergedSettings.dates[i] = true;
} else {
mergedSettings.dates[i] = false;
} // transfer and overwrite custom week calendars
if (firstConfig.customWeeks) {
for (var i in firstConfig.customWeeks) {
mergedSettings.customWeeks[i] = firstConfig.customWeeks[i];
if (secondConfig.customWeeks) {
for (var i in secondConfig.customWeeks) {
mergedSettings.customWeeks[i] = secondConfig.customWeeks[i];
return mergedSettings;
module.exports = WorkTimeCalendarMerger;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/date_duration_cache.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/date_duration_cache.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var DateDurationCache = /** @class */ (function () {
function DateDurationCache() {
DateDurationCache.prototype._getCacheObject = function (startDate, unit, step) {
var cache = this._cache;
if (!cache[unit]) {
cache[unit] = [];
var unitCache = cache[unit];
if (!unitCache) {
unitCache = cache[unit] = {};
var stepCache = unitCache[step];
if (!stepCache) {
stepCache = unitCache[step] = {};
var year = startDate.getFullYear();
var yearCache = stepCache[year];
if (!yearCache) {
yearCache = stepCache[year] = { durations: {}, endDates: {} };
return yearCache;
DateDurationCache.prototype._endDateCacheKey = function (startDate, duration) {
return String(startDate) + "-" + String(duration);
DateDurationCache.prototype._durationCacheKey = function (startDate, endDate) {
return String(startDate) + "-" + String(endDate);
DateDurationCache.prototype.getEndDate = function (startDate, duration, unit, step, compute) {
var cache = this._getCacheObject(startDate, unit, step);
var startDateTimestamp = startDate.valueOf();
var key = this._endDateCacheKey(startDateTimestamp, duration);
var endDate;
if (cache.endDates[key] === undefined) {
var result = compute();
var resultTimestamp = result.valueOf();
cache.endDates[key] = resultTimestamp;
cache.durations[this._durationCacheKey(startDateTimestamp, resultTimestamp)] = duration;
endDate = result;
else {
endDate = new Date(cache.endDates[key]);
return endDate;
DateDurationCache.prototype.getDuration = function (startDate, endDate, unit, step, compute) {
var cache = this._getCacheObject(startDate, unit, step);
var startDateTimestamp = startDate.valueOf();
var endDateTimestamp = endDate.valueOf();
var key = this._durationCacheKey(startDateTimestamp, endDateTimestamp);
var duration;
if (cache.durations[key] === undefined) {
var result = compute();
cache.durations[key] = result.valueOf();
// can't populate end date due to logic of end date calculation, current unit tests capture it
// cache.endDates[this._endDateCacheKey(startDateTimestamp, result)] = endDateTimestamp;
duration = result;
else {
duration = cache.durations[key];
return duration;
DateDurationCache.prototype.clear = function () {
this._cache = {};
return DateDurationCache;
exports.DateDurationCache = DateDurationCache;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/index.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/index.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var workunit_map_cache_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./workunit_map_cache */ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/workunit_map_cache.ts");
var workunit_object_cache_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./workunit_object_cache */ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/workunit_object_cache.ts");
var larger_units_helper_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./larger_units_helper */ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/larger_units_helper.ts");
exports.LargerUnitsCache = larger_units_helper_1.LargerUnitsCache;
function createCacheObject() {
// worktime hash is on the hot path,
// Map seems to work faster than plain array, use it whenever possible
if (typeof Map !== "undefined") {
return new workunit_map_cache_1.WorkUnitsMapCache();
else {
return new workunit_object_cache_1.WorkUnitsObjectCache();
exports.createCacheObject = createCacheObject;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/larger_units_helper.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/larger_units_helper.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var LargerUnitsCache = /** @class */ (function () {
function LargerUnitsCache(calendar) {
var _this = this;
this.getMinutesPerWeek = function (weekStart) {
var key = weekStart.valueOf();
if (_this._weekCache.has(key)) {
return _this._weekCache.get(key);
var calendar = _this._calendar;
var gantt = _this._calendar.$gantt;
var minutesPerWeek = 0;
var start = Date(weekStart));
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
minutesPerWeek += calendar.getHoursPerDay(start) * 60;
start =, 1, "day");
_this._weekCache.set(key, minutesPerWeek);
return minutesPerWeek;
this.getMinutesPerMonth = function (monthStart) {
var key = monthStart.valueOf();
if (_this._monthCache.has(key)) {
return _this._monthCache.get(key);
var calendar = _this._calendar;
var gantt = _this._calendar.$gantt;
var minutesPerMonth = 0;
var start = Date(monthStart));
var nextMonth =, 1, "month").valueOf();
while (start.valueOf() < nextMonth) {
minutesPerMonth += calendar.getHoursPerDay(start) * 60;
start =, 1, "day");
_this._monthCache.set(key, minutesPerMonth);
return minutesPerMonth;
this.clear = function () {
_this._weekCache = new Map();
_this._monthCache = new Map();
this._calendar = calendar;
return LargerUnitsCache;
exports.LargerUnitsCache = LargerUnitsCache;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/workunit_map_cache.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/workunit_map_cache.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var WorkUnitsMapCache = /** @class */ (function () {
function WorkUnitsMapCache() {
WorkUnitsMapCache.prototype.getItem = function (unit, timestamp, value) {
if (this._cache.has(unit)) {
var unitCache = this._cache.get(unit);
var subCache = unitCache[value.getFullYear()];
if (subCache && subCache.has(timestamp)) {
return subCache.get(timestamp);
return -1;
WorkUnitsMapCache.prototype.setItem = function (unit, timestamp, value, rawValue) {
if (!unit || !timestamp) {
var cache = this._cache;
var year = rawValue.getFullYear();
var unitCache;
if (!cache.has(unit)) {
unitCache = [];
cache.set(unit, unitCache);
else {
unitCache = cache.get(unit);
var yearCache = unitCache[year];
if (!yearCache) {
yearCache = unitCache[year] = new Map();
yearCache.set(timestamp, value);
WorkUnitsMapCache.prototype.clear = function () {
this._cache = new Map();
return WorkUnitsMapCache;
exports.WorkUnitsMapCache = WorkUnitsMapCache;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/workunit_object_cache.ts":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/strategy/work_unit_cache/workunit_object_cache.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var WorkUnitsObjectCache = /** @class */ (function () {
function WorkUnitsObjectCache() {
WorkUnitsObjectCache.prototype.getItem = function (unit, timestamp, value) {
var cache = this._cache;
if (cache && cache[unit]) {
var units = cache[unit];
if (units === undefined) {
return -1;
var subCache = units[value.getFullYear()];
if (subCache && subCache[timestamp] !== undefined) {
return subCache[timestamp];
return -1;
WorkUnitsObjectCache.prototype.setItem = function (unit, timestamp, value, rawValue) {
if (!unit || !timestamp) {
var cache = this._cache;
if (!cache) {
if (!cache[unit]) {
cache[unit] = [];
var unitCache = cache[unit];
var year = rawValue.getFullYear();
var yearCache = unitCache[year];
if (!yearCache) {
yearCache = unitCache[year] = {};
yearCache[timestamp] = value;
WorkUnitsObjectCache.prototype.clear = function () {
this._cache = {};
return WorkUnitsObjectCache;
exports.WorkUnitsObjectCache = WorkUnitsObjectCache;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/time_calculator.js":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/time_calculator.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var createArgumentsHelper = __webpack_require__(/*! ./calendar_arguments_helper */ "./sources/core/worktime/calendar_arguments_helper.js"),
NoWorkTimeCalendar = __webpack_require__(/*! ./strategy/no_work_time */ "./sources/core/worktime/strategy/no_work_time.js");
function TimeCalculator(calendarManager) {
this.$gantt = calendarManager.$gantt;
this.argumentsHelper = createArgumentsHelper(this.$gantt);
this.calendarManager = calendarManager;
this.$disabledCalendar = new NoWorkTimeCalendar(this.$gantt, this.argumentsHelper);
TimeCalculator.prototype = {
_getCalendar: function _getCalendar(config) {
var calendar;
if (!this.$gantt.config.work_time) {
calendar = this.$disabledCalendar;
} else {
var manager = this.calendarManager;
if (config.task) {
calendar = manager.getTaskCalendar(config.task);
} else if ( {
calendar = manager.getTaskCalendar(config);
} else if (config.calendar) {
calendar = config.calendar;
if (!calendar) {
calendar = manager.getTaskCalendar();
return calendar;
getWorkHours: function getWorkHours(config) {
config = this.argumentsHelper.getWorkHoursArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var calendar = this._getCalendar(config);
return calendar.getWorkHours(;
setWorkTime: function setWorkTime(config, calendar) {
config = this.argumentsHelper.setWorkTimeArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
if (!calendar) calendar = this.calendarManager.getCalendar(); // Global
return calendar.setWorkTime(config);
unsetWorkTime: function unsetWorkTime(config, calendar) {
config = this.argumentsHelper.unsetWorkTimeArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
if (!calendar) calendar = this.calendarManager.getCalendar(); // Global
return calendar.unsetWorkTime(config);
isWorkTime: function isWorkTime(date, unit, task, calendar) {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.isWorkTimeArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
calendar = this._getCalendar(config);
return calendar.isWorkTime(config);
getClosestWorkTime: function getClosestWorkTime(config) {
config = this.argumentsHelper.getClosestWorkTimeArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var calendar = this._getCalendar(config);
return calendar.getClosestWorkTime(config);
calculateDuration: function calculateDuration() {
// start_date_date, end_date, task
var config = this.argumentsHelper.getDurationArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var calendar = this._getCalendar(config);
return calendar.calculateDuration(config);
hasDuration: function hasDuration() {
var config = this.argumentsHelper.hasDurationArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var calendar = this._getCalendar(config);
return calendar.hasDuration(config);
calculateEndDate: function calculateEndDate(config) {
// start_date, duration, unit, task
var config = this.argumentsHelper.calculateEndDateArguments.apply(this.argumentsHelper, arguments);
var calendar = this._getCalendar(config);
return calendar.calculateEndDate(config);
module.exports = TimeCalculator;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/core/worktime/work_time.js":
!*** ./sources/core/worktime/work_time.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var CalendarManager = __webpack_require__(/*! ./calendar_manager */ "./sources/core/worktime/calendar_manager.js"),
TimeCalculator = __webpack_require__(/*! ./time_calculator */ "./sources/core/worktime/time_calculator.js"),
worktimeFacadeFactory = __webpack_require__(/*! ../facades/worktime_calendars */ "./sources/core/facades/worktime_calendars.js"),
utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var manager = new CalendarManager(gantt),
timeCalculator = new TimeCalculator(manager);
var facade = worktimeFacadeFactory.create(manager, timeCalculator);
utils.mixin(gantt, facade);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/css/skins/broadway.js":
!*** ./sources/css/skins/broadway.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) { = {
config: {
grid_width: 360,
row_height: 35,
scale_height: 35,
link_line_width: 1,
link_arrow_size: 7,
lightbox_additional_height: 86
_second_column_width: 90,
_third_column_width: 80,
_lightbox_template: "<div class='gantt_cal_ltitle'><span class='gantt_mark'>&nbsp;</span><span class='gantt_time'></span><span class='gantt_title'></span><div class='gantt_cancel_btn'></div></div><div class='gantt_cal_larea'></div>",
_config_buttons_left: {},
_config_buttons_right: {
"gantt_delete_btn": "icon_delete",
"gantt_save_btn": "icon_save"
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/css/skins/contrast_black.js":
!*** ./sources/css/skins/contrast_black.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.skins["contrast_black"] = {
config: {
grid_width: 360,
row_height: 35,
scale_height: 35,
link_line_width: 2,
link_arrow_size: 6,
lightbox_additional_height: 75
_second_column_width: 100,
_third_column_width: 80
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/css/skins/contrast_white.js":
!*** ./sources/css/skins/contrast_white.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.skins["contrast_white"] = {
config: {
grid_width: 360,
row_height: 35,
scale_height: 35,
link_line_width: 2,
link_arrow_size: 6,
lightbox_additional_height: 75
_second_column_width: 100,
_third_column_width: 80
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/css/skins/material.js":
!*** ./sources/css/skins/material.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.skins.material = {
config: {
grid_width: 411,
row_height: 34,
task_height_offset: 6,
scale_height: 36,
link_line_width: 2,
link_arrow_size: 6,
lightbox_additional_height: 80
_second_column_width: 110,
_third_column_width: 75,
_redefine_lightbox_buttons: {
"buttons_left": ["dhx_delete_btn"],
"buttons_right": ["dhx_save_btn", "dhx_cancel_btn"]
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskDrag", function (id) {
var t = gantt.getTaskNode(id);
if (t) {
t.className += " gantt_drag_animation";
setTimeout(function () {
var indx = t.className.indexOf(" gantt_drag_animation");
if (indx > -1) {
t.className = t.className.slice(0, indx);
}, 200);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/css/skins/meadow.js":
!*** ./sources/css/skins/meadow.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.skins.meadow = {
config: {
grid_width: 350,
row_height: 27,
scale_height: 30,
link_line_width: 2,
link_arrow_size: 6,
lightbox_additional_height: 72
_second_column_width: 95,
_third_column_width: 80
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/css/skins/skyblue.js":
!*** ./sources/css/skins/skyblue.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.skins.skyblue = {
config: {
grid_width: 350,
row_height: 27,
scale_height: 27,
link_line_width: 1,
link_arrow_size: 8,
lightbox_additional_height: 75
_second_column_width: 95,
_third_column_width: 80
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/css/skins/terrace.js":
!*** ./sources/css/skins/terrace.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.skins.terrace = {
config: {
grid_width: 360,
row_height: 35,
scale_height: 35,
link_line_width: 2,
link_arrow_size: 6,
lightbox_additional_height: 75
_second_column_width: 90,
_third_column_width: 70
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/css/skins/terrace.less":
!*** ./sources/css/skins/terrace.less ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/dhtmlxgantt.gpl.ts":
!*** ./sources/dhtmlxgantt.gpl.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var extensions_gpl_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ext/extensions_gpl */ "./sources/ext/extensions_gpl.ts");
var base = __webpack_require__(/*! ./factory/make_instance_web */ "./sources/factory/make_instance_web.js");
var scope = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/global */ "./sources/utils/global.js");
var gantt = scope.gantt = base(extensions_gpl_1.default);
exports.gantt = gantt;
exports.default = gantt;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/click_drag/eventsManager.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/click_drag/eventsManager.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../core/ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var EventsManager = /** @class */ (function () {
function EventsManager(gantt) {
this._mouseDown = false;
this._gantt = gantt;
this._domEvents = gantt._createDomEventScope();
EventsManager.prototype.attach = function (selectedRegion, useKey) {
var _this = this;
var gantt = this._gantt;
var _target = selectedRegion.getViewPort();
this._originPosition = window.getComputedStyle(_target).display;
this._restoreOriginPosition = function () { = _this._originPosition;
if (this._originPosition === "static") { = "relative";
var state = gantt.$services.getService("state");
state.registerProvider("clickDrag", function () {
var result = { autoscroll: false };
return result;
var scheduledDndCoordinates = null;
var startDragAndDrop = function () {
if (!scheduledDndCoordinates) {
_this._mouseDown = true;
scheduledDndCoordinates = null;
this._domEvents.attach(_target, "mousedown", function (event) {
scheduledDndCoordinates = null;
if (gantt.utils.dom.closest(, ".gantt_task_line, .gantt_task_link")) {
state.registerProvider("clickDrag", function () {
var result = { autoscroll: _this._mouseDown };
return result;
if (useKey && event[useKey] !== true) {
scheduledDndCoordinates = _this._getCoordinates(event, selectedRegion);
var eventElement = domHelpers.getRootNode(gantt.$root) || document.body;
this._domEvents.attach(eventElement, "mouseup", function (event) {
scheduledDndCoordinates = null;
if (useKey && event[useKey] !== true) {
if (_this._mouseDown === true) {
_this._mouseDown = false;
var coordinates = _this._getCoordinates(event, selectedRegion);
this._domEvents.attach(_target, "mousemove", function (event) {
if (useKey && event[useKey] !== true) {
var coordinates = null;
if (!_this._mouseDown && scheduledDndCoordinates) {
coordinates = _this._getCoordinates(event, selectedRegion);
if (Math.abs(scheduledDndCoordinates.relative.left - coordinates.relative.left) > 5) {
// add small threshold not to start dnd on simple click
if (_this._mouseDown === true) {
coordinates = _this._getCoordinates(event, selectedRegion);
EventsManager.prototype.detach = function () {
var gantt = this._gantt;
if (this._restoreOriginPosition) {
var state = gantt.$services.getService("state");
EventsManager.prototype.destructor = function () {
EventsManager.prototype._getCoordinates = function (event, selectedRegion) {
var viewPort = selectedRegion.getViewPort();
var viewPortBounds = viewPort.getBoundingClientRect();
var clientX = event.clientX, clientY = event.clientY;
var result = {
absolute: {
left: clientX,
top: clientY,
relative: {
left: clientX - viewPortBounds.left + viewPort.scrollLeft,
top: clientY - + viewPort.scrollTop
return result;
return EventsManager;
exports.EventsManager = EventsManager;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/click_drag/index.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/click_drag/index.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var eventsManager_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./eventsManager */ "./sources/ext/click_drag/eventsManager.ts");
var selectedRegion_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./selectedRegion */ "./sources/ext/click_drag/selectedRegion.ts");
function default_1(gantt) {
if (!gantt.ext) {
gantt.ext = {};
var defaultConfig = {
className: "gantt_click_drag_rect",
useRequestAnimationFrame: true,
callback: undefined,
singleRow: false
var eventsManager = new eventsManager_1.EventsManager(gantt);
gantt.ext.clickDrag = eventsManager;
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
var config = __assign({ viewPort: gantt.$task_data }, defaultConfig);
if (gantt.config.click_drag) {
var clickDrag = gantt.config.click_drag;
config.render = clickDrag.render || defaultConfig.render;
config.className = clickDrag.className || defaultConfig.className;
config.callback = clickDrag.callback || defaultConfig.callback;
config.viewPort = clickDrag.viewPort || gantt.$task_data;
config.useRequestAnimationFrame = clickDrag.useRequestAnimationFrame === undefined ?
defaultConfig.useRequestAnimationFrame : clickDrag.useRequestAnimationFrame;
config.singleRow = clickDrag.singleRow === undefined ? defaultConfig.singleRow : clickDrag.singleRow;
var timeline = gantt.$ui.getView("timeline");
var selectedRegion = new selectedRegion_1.SelectedRegion(config, gantt, timeline);
gantt.ext.clickDrag.attach(selectedRegion, clickDrag.useKey);
gantt.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
exports.default = default_1;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/click_drag/selectedRegion.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/click_drag/selectedRegion.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js");
var helpers_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var SelectedRegion = /** @class */ (function () {
function SelectedRegion(config, gantt, view) {
var _this = this;
this._el = document.createElement("div");
this.defaultRender = function (start, end) {
if (!_this._el) {
_this._el = document.createElement("div");
var node = _this._el;
// const gantt = this._gantt;
var top = Math.min(,;
var bottom = Math.max(,;
var left = Math.min(start.relative.left, end.relative.left);
var right = Math.max(start.relative.left, end.relative.left);
if (_this._singleRow) {
var pos = _this._getTaskPositionByTop(; = pos.height + "px"; = + "px";
else { = Math.abs(bottom - top) + "px"; = top + "px";
} = Math.abs(right - left) + "px"; = left + "px";
return node;
this._gantt = gantt;
this._view = view;
this._viewPort = config.viewPort;
if (typeof config.callback === "function") {
this._callback = config.callback;
this.render = function () {
var node;
if (config.render) {
node = config.render(_this._startPoint, _this._endPoint);
else {
node = _this.defaultRender(_this._startPoint, _this._endPoint);
if (node !== _this._el) {
if (_this._el && _this._el.parentNode) {
_this._el = node;
if (config.className !== "") {
if (!helpers_1.isEventable(this._viewPort)) {
this._singleRow = config.singleRow;
this._useRequestAnimationFrame = config.useRequestAnimationFrame;
SelectedRegion.prototype.draw = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this._useRequestAnimationFrame) {
return requestAnimationFrame(function () {
else {
SelectedRegion.prototype.clear = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this._useRequestAnimationFrame) {
return requestAnimationFrame(function () {
if (!_this._el.parentNode) {
else {
if (!this._el.parentNode) {
SelectedRegion.prototype.getElement = function () {
return this._el;
SelectedRegion.prototype.getViewPort = function () {
return this._viewPort;
SelectedRegion.prototype.setStart = function (startPoint) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
this._startPoint = startPoint;
this._startDate = gantt.dateFromPos(this._startPoint.relative.left);
this._viewPort.callEvent("onBeforeDrag", [this._startPoint]);
SelectedRegion.prototype.setEnd = function (endPoint) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
this._endPoint = endPoint;
if (this._singleRow) {
var pos = this._getTaskPositionByTop(; =;
this._endDate = gantt.dateFromPos(this._endPoint.relative.left);
if (this._startPoint.relative.left > this._endPoint.relative.left) {
this._positionPoint = {
relative: { left: this._endPoint.relative.left, top: },
absolute: { left: this._endPoint.absolute.left, top: }
if ( > {
this._positionPoint = {
relative: { left: this._positionPoint.relative.left, top: },
absolute: { left: this._positionPoint.absolute.left, top: }
this._viewPort.callEvent("onDrag", [this._startPoint, this._endPoint]);
SelectedRegion.prototype.setPosition = function (positionPoint) {
this._positionPoint = positionPoint;
SelectedRegion.prototype.dragEnd = function (endPoint) {
var _a;
var gantt = this._gantt;
if (endPoint.relative.left < 0) {
endPoint.relative.left = 0;
this._viewPort.callEvent("onBeforeDragEnd", [this._startPoint, endPoint]);
// GS-1422. The endDate can be null if we drag the mouse outside the Gantt container
this._endDate = this._endDate || gantt.getState().max_date;
if (this._startDate.valueOf() > this._endDate.valueOf()) {
_a = [this._endDate, this._startDate], this._startDate = _a[0], this._endDate = _a[1];
var tasksByTime = gantt.getTaskByTime(this._startDate, this._endDate);
var tasksByIndex = this._getTasksByTop(,;
this._viewPort.callEvent("onDragEnd", [this._startPoint, this._endPoint]);
if (this._callback) {
this._callback(this._startPoint, this._endPoint, this._startDate, this._endDate, tasksByTime, tasksByIndex);
SelectedRegion.prototype.getInBounds = function () {
return this._singleRow;
SelectedRegion.prototype._getTasksByTop = function (start, end) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var startValue = start;
var endValue = end;
if (start > end) {
startValue = end;
endValue = start;
var startIndex = this._getTaskPositionByTop(startValue).index;
var endIndex = this._getTaskPositionByTop(endValue).index;
var result = [];
for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
var task = gantt.getTaskByIndex(i);
if (task) {
return result;
SelectedRegion.prototype._getTaskPositionByTop = function (top) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var view = this._view;
var index = view.getItemIndexByTopPosition(top);
var task = gantt.getTaskByIndex(index);
if (task) {
var height = view.getItemHeight(;
var itemTop = view.getItemTop(;
return {
top: itemTop || 0,
height: height || 0,
index: index,
else {
var dataHeight = view.getTotalHeight();
return {
top: top > dataHeight ? dataHeight : 0,
height: gantt.config.row_height,
index: top > dataHeight ? gantt.getTaskCount() : 0,
return SelectedRegion;
exports.SelectedRegion = SelectedRegion;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/drag_timeline/eventsManager.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/drag_timeline/eventsManager.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var EventsManager = /** @class */ (function () {
function EventsManager(gantt) {
var _this = this;
this._mouseDown = false;
this._calculateDirectionVector = function () {
var traceSteps = 10;
if (_this._trace.length >= traceSteps) {
var dots = _this._trace.slice(_this._trace.length - traceSteps);
var vectors = [];
for (var i = 1; i < dots.length; i++) {
x: dots[i].x - dots[i - 1].x,
y: dots[i].y - dots[i - 1].y
var resultVector_1 = { x: 0, y: 0 };
vectors.forEach(function (vector) {
resultVector_1.x += vector.x;
resultVector_1.y += vector.y;
var magnitude = Math.sqrt(resultVector_1.x * resultVector_1.x + resultVector_1.y * resultVector_1.y);
var angleDegrees = Math.atan2(Math.abs(resultVector_1.y), Math.abs(resultVector_1.x)) * 180 / Math.PI;
return {
magnitude: magnitude,
angleDegrees: angleDegrees
return null;
this._applyDndReadyStyles = function () {
this._clearDndReadyStyles = function () {
this._getScrollPosition = function (timeline) {
var gantt = _this._gantt;
return {
x: gantt.$ui.getView(timeline.$config.scrollX).getScrollState().position,
y: gantt.$ui.getView(timeline.$config.scrollY).getScrollState().position
this._countNewScrollPosition = function (coords) {
var vector = _this._calculateDirectionVector();
var shiftX = _this._startPoint.x - coords.x;
var shiftY = _this._startPoint.y - coords.y;
if (vector) {
if (vector.angleDegrees < 15) {
shiftY = 0;
else if (vector.angleDegrees > 75) {
shiftX = 0;
var result = {
x: _this._scrollState.x + shiftX,
y: _this._scrollState.y + shiftY
return result;
this._setScrollPosition = function (timeline, coords) {
var gantt = _this._gantt;
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
this._stopDrag = function (event) {
var gantt = _this._gantt;
_this._trace = [];
if (_this._originalReadonly !== undefined) {
gantt.config.readonly = _this._originalReadonly;
if (_this._originAutoscroll !== undefined) {
gantt.config.autoscroll = _this._originAutoscroll;
if (gantt.config.drag_timeline) {
var useKey = gantt.config.drag_timeline.useKey;
if (useKey && event[useKey] !== true) {
_this._mouseDown = false;
this._startDrag = function (event) {
var gantt = _this._gantt;
_this._originAutoscroll = gantt.config.autoscroll;
gantt.config.autoscroll = false;
_this._originalReadonly = gantt.config.readonly;
gantt.config.readonly = true;
_this._trace = [];
_this._mouseDown = true;
var _a = _this._getScrollPosition(_this._timeline), x = _a.x, y = _a.y;
_this._scrollState = { x: x, y: y };
_this._startPoint = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY };
this._gantt = gantt;
this._domEvents = gantt._createDomEventScope();
this._trace = [];
EventsManager.create = function (gantt) {
return new EventsManager(gantt);
EventsManager.prototype.destructor = function () {
EventsManager.prototype.attach = function (timeline) {
var _this = this;
this._timeline = timeline;
var gantt = this._gantt;
this._domEvents.attach(timeline.$task, "mousedown", function (event) {
if (!gantt.config.drag_timeline) {
var _a = gantt.config.drag_timeline, useKey = _a.useKey, ignore = _a.ignore, enabled = _a.enabled;
if (enabled === false) {
var filterTargets = ".gantt_task_line, .gantt_task_link";
if (ignore !== undefined) {
if (ignore instanceof Array) {
filterTargets = ignore.join(", ");
else {
filterTargets = ignore;
if (filterTargets) {
if (gantt.utils.dom.closest(, filterTargets)) {
if (useKey && event[useKey] !== true) {
this._domEvents.attach(document, "keydown", function (event) {
if (!gantt.config.drag_timeline) {
var useKey = gantt.config.drag_timeline.useKey;
if (useKey && event[useKey] === true) {
this._domEvents.attach(document, "keyup", function (event) {
if (!gantt.config.drag_timeline) {
var useKey = gantt.config.drag_timeline.useKey;
if (useKey && event[useKey] === false) {
this._domEvents.attach(document, "mouseup", function (event) {
this._domEvents.attach(gantt.$root, "mouseup", function (event) {
this._domEvents.attach(document, "mouseleave", function (event) {
this._domEvents.attach(gantt.$root, "mouseleave", function (event) {
this._domEvents.attach(gantt.$root, "mousemove", function (event) {
if (!gantt.config.drag_timeline) {
var useKey = gantt.config.drag_timeline.useKey;
if (useKey && event[useKey] !== true) {
if (_this._mouseDown === true) {
_this._trace.push({ x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY });
var scrollPosition = _this._countNewScrollPosition({ x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY });
_this._setScrollPosition(timeline, scrollPosition);
_this._scrollState = scrollPosition;
_this._startPoint = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY };
return EventsManager;
exports.EventsManager = EventsManager;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/drag_timeline/index.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/drag_timeline/index.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var eventsManager_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./eventsManager */ "./sources/ext/drag_timeline/eventsManager.ts");
function default_1(gantt) {
if (!gantt.ext) {
gantt.ext = {};
gantt.ext.dragTimeline = {
create: function () { return eventsManager_1.EventsManager.create(gantt); }
gantt.config.drag_timeline = {
enabled: true
exports.default = default_1;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/extension_manager.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/extension_manager.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var ExtensionsManager = /** @class */ (function () {
function ExtensionsManager(config) {
var _this = this;
this.addExtension = function (name, ext) {
_this._extensions[name] = ext;
this.getExtension = function (name) {
return _this._extensions[name];
this._extensions = {};
for (var i in config) {
this._extensions[i] = config[i];
return ExtensionsManager;
exports.default = ExtensionsManager;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/extensions_gpl.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/extensions_gpl.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var click_drag_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./click_drag */ "./sources/ext/click_drag/index.ts");
var drag_timeline_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./drag_timeline */ "./sources/ext/drag_timeline/index.ts");
var fullscreen_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./fullscreen */ "./sources/ext/fullscreen/index.ts");
var keyboard_navigation = __webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation.js");
var marker = __webpack_require__(/*! ./marker */ "./sources/ext/marker.js");
var multiselect = __webpack_require__(/*! ./multiselect */ "./sources/ext/multiselect.js");
var quick_info_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./quick_info */ "./sources/ext/quick_info/index.ts");
var tooltip_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tooltip */ "./sources/ext/tooltip/index.ts");
var undo_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./undo */ "./sources/ext/undo/index.ts");
exports.default = {
click_drag: click_drag_1.default,
drag_timeline: drag_timeline_1.default,
fullscreen: fullscreen_1.default,
keyboard_navigation: keyboard_navigation,
quick_info: quick_info_1.default,
tooltip: tooltip_1.default,
undo: undo_1.default,
marker: marker,
multiselect: multiselect,
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/fullscreen/index.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/fullscreen/index.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function default_1(gantt) {
function isExpanded() {
var element = (document.fullscreenElement ||
document.mozFullScreenElement ||
document.webkitFullscreenElement ||
return !!(element && element === document.body);
function isFullscreenAvailable() {
return document.fullscreenEnabled ||
document.webkitFullscreenEnabled ||
document.mozFullScreenEnabled ||
var state = gantt.$services.getService("state");
state.registerProvider("fullscreen", function () {
return { fullscreen: isExpanded() };
var backupBodyPadding = {
overflow: null,
padding: null,
paddingTop: null,
paddingRight: null,
paddingBottom: null,
paddingLeft: null
var backupElementSizes = {
width: null,
height: null,
top: null,
left: null,
position: null,
zIndex: null,
modified: false
var backupPositioning = null;
function resetParentPositioning(root) {
var parent = root.parentNode;
var positions = [];
while (parent && {
element: parent,
}); = "static";
parent = parent.parentNode;
return positions;
function restoreParentPositioning(positions) {
positions.forEach(function (record) { = record.originalPositioning;
// expand gantt root element to fullscreen automatically
function setFullScreenSizes() {
var root = gantt.ext.fullscreen.getFullscreenElement();
var body = document.body;
updateSizes(, backupElementSizes);
backupBodyPadding = {
padding: ? : null,
paddingTop: ? : null,
paddingRight: ? : null,
paddingBottom: ? : null,
paddingLeft: ? : null
if ( { = "0";
if ( { = "0";
if ( { = "0";
if ( { = "0";
if ( { = "0";
} = "hidden"; = "100vw"; = "100vh"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "absolute"; = 1;
backupElementSizes.modified = true;
backupPositioning = resetParentPositioning(root);
function restoreSizes() {
var root = gantt.ext.fullscreen.getFullscreenElement();
var body = document.body;
if (backupElementSizes.modified) {
if (backupBodyPadding.padding) { = backupBodyPadding.padding;
if (backupBodyPadding.paddingTop) { = backupBodyPadding.paddingTop;
if (backupBodyPadding.paddingRight) { = backupBodyPadding.paddingRight;
if (backupBodyPadding.paddingBottom) { = backupBodyPadding.paddingBottom;
if (backupBodyPadding.paddingLeft) { = backupBodyPadding.paddingLeft;
} = backupBodyPadding.overflow;
backupBodyPadding = {
overflow: null,
padding: null,
paddingTop: null,
paddingRight: null,
paddingBottom: null,
paddingLeft: null
backupElementSizes.modified = false;
backupPositioning = null;
function updateSizes(source, target) {
target.width = source.width;
target.height = source.height; =;
target.left = source.left;
target.position = source.position;
target.zIndex = source.zIndex;
function addDOMEvents() {
gantt.event(document, "webkitfullscreenchange", onFullScreenChange);
gantt.event(document, "mozfullscreenchange", onFullScreenChange);
gantt.event(document, "MSFullscreenChange", onFullScreenChange);
// For IE on Win 10
gantt.event(document, "fullscreenChange", onFullScreenChange);
gantt.event(document, "fullscreenchange", onFullScreenChange);
var expandGantt = false;
function onFullScreenChange() {
if (!gantt.$container) {
// do nothing if gantt is not yet initialized
var event;
var isBodyExpanded = isExpanded();
if (isBodyExpanded) {
if (expandGantt) {
event = "onExpand";
else if (expandGantt) {
expandGantt = false;
event = "onCollapse";
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
gantt.callEvent(event, [gantt.ext.fullscreen.getFullscreenElement()]);
function cantFullscreen() {
if (!gantt.$container) { // check is gantt initialized or not
return true;
if (!gantt.ext.fullscreen.getFullscreenElement()) {
return true;
if (!isFullscreenAvailable()) {
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-console
var method = console.warning || console.log;
method("The `fullscreen` feature not being allowed, or full-screen mode not being supported");
return true;
return false;
gantt.ext.fullscreen = {
expand: function () {
if (cantFullscreen()) {
if (isExpanded()) {
if (!gantt.callEvent("onBeforeExpand", [this.getFullscreenElement()])) {
expandGantt = true;
// we switch body to fullscreen and then expand fullscreen element to viewport
// we do it to correct display common elements: lightboxes, tooltip etc.
var element = document.body;
var requestArguments = element.webkitRequestFullscreen ?
var requestFullscreen = element.msRequestFullscreen ||
element.mozRequestFullScreen ||
element.webkitRequestFullscreen ||
if (requestFullscreen) {
requestFullscreen.apply(element, requestArguments);
collapse: function () {
if (cantFullscreen()) {
if (!isExpanded()) {
if (!gantt.callEvent("onBeforeCollapse", [this.getFullscreenElement()])) {
var requestExitFullscreen = document.msExitFullscreen ||
document.mozCancelFullScreen ||
document.webkitExitFullscreen ||
if (requestExitFullscreen) {
toggle: function () {
if (cantFullscreen()) {
if (!isExpanded()) {
else {
getFullscreenElement: function () {
return gantt.$root;
gantt.expand = function () {
gantt.collapse = function () {
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", addDOMEvents);
exports.default = default_1;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var eventable = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js");
function setupKeyNav(gantt) {
gantt.config.keyboard_navigation = true;
gantt.config.keyboard_navigation_cells = false;
gantt.$keyboardNavigation = {};
gantt._compose = function () {
var parts =, 0);
var res = {};
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var obj = parts[i];
if (typeof obj == "function") {
obj = new obj();
for (var p in obj) {
res[p] = obj[p];
return res;
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/common/keyboard_shortcuts */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/common/keyboard_shortcuts.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/common/eventhandler */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/common/eventhandler.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/common/trap_modal_focus */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/common/trap_modal_focus.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/elements/gantt_node */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/gantt_node.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/elements/nav_node */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/nav_node.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/elements/header_cell */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/header_cell.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/elements/task_row */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/task_row.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/elements/task_cell */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/task_cell.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/modals */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/modals.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard_navigation/core */ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/core.js")(gantt);
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
(function () {
var dispatcher = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.dispatcher;
dispatcher.isTaskFocused = function (id) {
var node = dispatcher.activeNode;
if (node instanceof gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow || node instanceof gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell) {
if (node.taskId == id) {
return true;
return false;
var keyDownHandler = function keyDownHandler(e) {
if (!gantt.config.keyboard_navigation) return; // GS-734 & GS-1078: we don't need keyboard navigation inside inline editors
if (!gantt.config.keyboard_navigation_cells && isInlineEditorCell(e)) return;
return dispatcher.keyDownHandler(e);
var focusHandler = function focusHandler(e) {
if (dispatcher.$preventDefault) {
return false; // do nothing if key-nav focus is already planned
} else if (!dispatcher.awaitsFocus()) {
// otherwise - re-focus key-nav element on gantt focus
var reFocusActiveNode = function reFocusActiveNode() {
if (!dispatcher.isEnabled()) return;
var activeNode = dispatcher.getActiveNode();
if (!activeNode) return;
var domElement = activeNode.getNode();
var top, left;
if (domElement && domElement.parentNode) {
top = domElement.parentNode.scrollTop;
left = domElement.parentNode.scrollLeft;
if (domElement && domElement.parentNode) {
domElement.parentNode.scrollTop = top;
domElement.parentNode.scrollLeft = left;
gantt.attachEvent("onDataRender", function () {
if (!gantt.config.keyboard_navigation) return;
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttRender", function () {
gantt.eventRemove(gantt.$root, "keydown", keyDownHandler);
gantt.eventRemove(gantt.$container, "focus", focusHandler);
gantt.eventRemove(gantt.$container, "mousedown", mousedownHandler);
if (gantt.config.keyboard_navigation) {
gantt.event(gantt.$root, "keydown", keyDownHandler);
gantt.event(gantt.$container, "focus", focusHandler);
gantt.event(gantt.$container, "mousedown", mousedownHandler);
gantt.$container.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
} else {
function getTaskNodeConstructor() {
if (gantt.config.keyboard_navigation_cells) {
return gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell;
} else {
return gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow;
function isInlineEditorCell(e) {
return !!domHelpers.closest(, ".gantt_grid_editor_placeholder");
function mousedownHandler(e) {
if (!gantt.config.keyboard_navigation) return true; // GS-734 & GS-1078: we don't need keyboard navigation inside inline editors
if (!gantt.config.keyboard_navigation_cells && isInlineEditorCell(e)) return true;
var focusNode;
var locateTask = dispatcher.fromDomElement(e);
if (locateTask) {
//var node = getTaskNodeConstructor();
if (dispatcher.activeNode instanceof gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell && domHelpers.isChildOf(, gantt.$task)) {
locateTask = new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(locateTask.taskId, dispatcher.activeNode.columnIndex);
focusNode = locateTask;
if (focusNode) {
if (!dispatcher.isEnabled()) {
dispatcher.activeNode = focusNode;
} else {
dispatcher.delay(function () {
} else {
// empty click should drop focus from gantt, insert of reselecting default node
dispatcher.$preventDefault = true;
setTimeout(function () {
dispatcher.$preventDefault = false;
}, 300);
var onReady = gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
// restore focus on repainted tasks
gantt.$data.tasksStore.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", function (id) {
if (gantt.config.keyboard_navigation && dispatcher.isEnabled()) {
var currentNode = dispatcher.getActiveNode();
if (currentNode && currentNode.taskId == id) {
if (gantt._smart_render) {
var updateRender = gantt._smart_render._redrawTasks;
gantt._smart_render._redrawTasks = function (renderers, items) {
if (gantt.config.keyboard_navigation && dispatcher.isEnabled()) {
var currentNode = dispatcher.getActiveNode();
if (currentNode && currentNode.taskId !== undefined) {
var focusedItemVisible = false;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].id == currentNode.taskId && items[i].start_date) {
focusedItemVisible = true;
if (!focusedItemVisible) {
var res = updateRender.apply(this, arguments);
return res;
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskAdd", function (id, item) {
if (!gantt.config.keyboard_navigation) return true;
if (dispatcher.isEnabled()) {
var columnIndex = 0;
var node = dispatcher.activeNode;
if (node instanceof gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell) {
columnIndex = node.columnIndex;
var nodeConstructor = getTaskNodeConstructor();
dispatcher.setActiveNode(new nodeConstructor(id, columnIndex));
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskIdChange", function (oldId, newId) {
if (!gantt.config.keyboard_navigation) return true;
var node = dispatcher.activeNode;
if (dispatcher.isTaskFocused(oldId)) {
node.taskId = newId;
return true;
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (!gantt.config.keyboard_navigation) return;
if (!dispatcher.isEnabled()) {
}, 500);
gantt.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
function getScopeName(obj) {
if (obj instanceof gantt.$keyboardNavigation.GanttNode) {
return "gantt";
} else if (obj instanceof gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell) {
return "headerCell";
} else if (obj instanceof gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow) {
return "taskRow";
} else if (obj instanceof gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell) {
return "taskCell";
return null;
function getScope(mode) {
var scopes = {
"gantt": gantt.$keyboardNavigation.GanttNode,
"headerCell": gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell,
"taskRow": gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow,
"taskCell": gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell
return scopes[mode] || scopes.gantt;
function findVisibleColumnIndex(columnName) {
var columns = gantt.getGridColumns();
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
if (columns[i].name == columnName) {
return i;
return 0;
var keyNavFacade = {};
gantt.mixin(keyNavFacade, {
addShortcut: function addShortcut(shortcut, handler, scope) {
var scopeObject = getScope(scope);
if (scopeObject) {
scopeObject.prototype.bind(shortcut, handler);
getShortcutHandler: function getShortcutHandler(shortcut, scope) {
var commands = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.shortcuts.parse(shortcut);
if (commands.length) {
return keyNavFacade.getCommandHandler(commands[0], scope);
getCommandHandler: function getCommandHandler(command, scope) {
var scopeObject = getScope(scope);
if (scopeObject) {
if (command) {
return scopeObject.prototype.findHandler(command);
removeShortcut: function removeShortcut(shortcut, scope) {
var scopeObject = getScope(scope);
if (scopeObject) {
focus: function focus(config) {
var type = config ? config.type : null;
var constructor = getScope(type);
var node;
switch (type) {
case "taskCell":
node = new constructor(, findVisibleColumnIndex(config.column));
case "taskRow":
node = new constructor(;
case "headerCell":
node = new constructor(findVisibleColumnIndex(config.column));
dispatcher.delay(function () {
if (node) {
} else {
if (!dispatcher.getActiveNode()) {
} else {
if (!dispatcher.awaitsFocus()) {
getActiveNode: function getActiveNode() {
if (dispatcher.isEnabled()) {
var node = dispatcher.getActiveNode();
var scope = getScopeName(node);
var columns = gantt.getGridColumns();
switch (scope) {
case "taskCell":
return {
type: "taskCell",
id: node.taskId,
column: columns[node.columnIndex].name
case "taskRow":
return {
type: "taskRow",
id: node.taskId
case "headerCell":
return {
type: "headerCell",
column: columns[node.index].name
return null;
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.facade = keyNavFacade;
gantt.ext.keyboardNavigation = keyNavFacade;
gantt.focus = function () {
gantt.addShortcut = keyNavFacade.addShortcut;
gantt.getShortcutHandler = keyNavFacade.getShortcutHandler;
gantt.removeShortcut = keyNavFacade.removeShortcut;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/common/eventhandler.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/common/eventhandler.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.EventHandler = {
_handlers: null,
findHandler: function findHandler(command) {
if (!this._handlers) this._handlers = {};
var shortcuts = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.shortcuts;
var hash = shortcuts.getHash(command);
return this._handlers[hash];
doAction: function doAction(command, e) {
var handler = this.findHandler(command);
if (handler) {
var eventFacade = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.facade;
if (eventFacade.callEvent("onBeforeAction", [command, e]) === false) {
}, e);
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
bind: function bind(shortcut, handler) {
if (!this._handlers) this._handlers = {};
var shortcuts = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.shortcuts;
var commands = shortcuts.parse(shortcut);
for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
this._handlers[shortcuts.getHash(commands[i])] = handler;
unbind: function unbind(shortcut) {
var shortcuts = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.shortcuts;
var commands = shortcuts.parse(shortcut);
for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
if (this._handlers[shortcuts.getHash(commands[i])]) {
delete this._handlers[shortcuts.getHash(commands[i])];
bindAll: function bindAll(map) {
for (var i in map) {
this.bind(i, map[i]);
initKeys: function initKeys() {
if (!this._handlers) this._handlers = {};
if (this.keys) {
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/common/keyboard_shortcuts.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/common/keyboard_shortcuts.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.shortcuts = {
createCommand: function createCommand() {
return {
modifiers: {
"shift": false,
"alt": false,
"ctrl": false,
"meta": false
keyCode: null
parse: function parse(shortcut) {
var commands = [];
var expr = this.getExpressions(this.trim(shortcut));
for (var i = 0; i < expr.length; i++) {
var words = this.getWords(expr[i]);
var command = this.createCommand();
for (var j = 0; j < words.length; j++) {
if (this.commandKeys[words[j]]) {
command.modifiers[words[j]] = true;
} else if (this.specialKeys[words[j]]) {
command.keyCode = this.specialKeys[words[j]];
} else {
command.keyCode = words[j].charCodeAt(0);
return commands;
getCommandFromEvent: function getCommandFromEvent(domEvent) {
var command = this.createCommand();
command.modifiers.shift = !!domEvent.shiftKey;
command.modifiers.alt = !!domEvent.altKey;
command.modifiers.ctrl = !!domEvent.ctrlKey;
command.modifiers.meta = !!domEvent.metaKey;
command.keyCode = domEvent.which || domEvent.keyCode;
if (command.keyCode >= 96 && command.keyCode <= 105) {
// numpad keys 96-105 -> 48-57
command.keyCode -= 48; //convert numpad number code to regular number code
var printableKey = String.fromCharCode(command.keyCode);
if (printableKey) {
command.keyCode = printableKey.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0);
return command;
getHashFromEvent: function getHashFromEvent(domEvent) {
return this.getHash(this.getCommandFromEvent(domEvent));
getHash: function getHash(command) {
var parts = [];
for (var i in command.modifiers) {
if (command.modifiers[i]) {
return parts.join(this.junctionChar);
getExpressions: function getExpressions(shortcut) {
return shortcut.split(this.junctionChar);
getWords: function getWords(term) {
return term.split(this.combinationChar);
trim: function trim(shortcut) {
return shortcut.replace(/\s/g, "");
junctionChar: ",",
combinationChar: "+",
commandKeys: {
"shift": 16,
"alt": 18,
"ctrl": 17,
"meta": true
specialKeys: {
"backspace": 8,
"tab": 9,
"enter": 13,
"esc": 27,
"space": 32,
"up": 38,
"down": 40,
"left": 37,
"right": 39,
"home": 36,
"end": 35,
"pageup": 33,
"pagedown": 34,
"delete": 46,
"insert": 45,
"plus": 107,
"f1": 112,
"f2": 113,
"f3": 114,
"f4": 115,
"f5": 116,
"f6": 117,
"f7": 118,
"f8": 119,
"f9": 120,
"f10": 121,
"f11": 122,
"f12": 123
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/common/trap_modal_focus.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/common/trap_modal_focus.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
(function () {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../core/ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.getFocusableNodes = domHelpers.getFocusableNodes;
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.trapFocus = function trapFocus(root, e) {
if (e.keyCode != 9) return false;
var focusable = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.getFocusableNodes(root);
var currentFocus = domHelpers.getActiveElement();
var currentIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < focusable.length; i++) {
if (focusable[i] == currentFocus) {
currentIndex = i;
if (e.shiftKey) {
// back tab
if (currentIndex <= 0) {
// go to the last element if we focused on the first
var lastItem = focusable[focusable.length - 1];
if (lastItem) {
return true;
} else {
// forward tab
if (currentIndex >= focusable.length - 1) {
// forward tab from last element should go back to the first element
var firstItem = focusable[0];
if (firstItem) {
return true;
return false;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/core.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/core.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.dispatcher = {
isActive: false,
activeNode: null,
globalNode: new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.GanttNode(),
enable: function enable() {
this.isActive = true;
disable: function disable() {
this.isActive = false;
isEnabled: function isEnabled() {
return !!this.isActive;
getDefaultNode: function getDefaultNode() {
var node;
if (gantt.config.keyboard_navigation_cells) {
node = new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell();
} else {
node = new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow();
if (!node.isValid()) {
node = node.fallback();
return node;
setDefaultNode: function setDefaultNode() {
getActiveNode: function getActiveNode() {
var node = this.activeNode;
if (node && !node.isValid()) {
node = node.fallback();
return node;
fromDomElement: function fromDomElement(e) {
var inputs = [gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow, gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell, gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell];
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (inputs[i].prototype.fromDomElement) {
var node = inputs[i].prototype.fromDomElement(e);
if (node) return node;
return null;
focusGlobalNode: function focusGlobalNode() {
setActiveNode: function setActiveNode(el) {
var focusChanged = true;
if (this.activeNode) {
if (this.activeNode.compareTo(el)) {
focusChanged = false;
if (this.isEnabled()) {
if (focusChanged) this.blurNode(this.activeNode);
this.activeNode = el;
this.focusNode(this.activeNode, !focusChanged);
focusNode: function focusNode(el, keptFocus) {
if (el && el.focus) {
blurNode: function blurNode(el) {
if (el && el.blur) {
keyDownHandler: function keyDownHandler(e) {
if (gantt.$keyboardNavigation.isModal()) return;
if (!this.isEnabled()) return;
if (e.defaultPrevented) {
var ganttNode = this.globalNode;
var command = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.shortcuts.getCommandFromEvent(e);
var activeElement = this.getActiveNode();
var eventFacade = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.facade;
if (eventFacade.callEvent("onKeyDown", [command, e]) === false) {
if (!activeElement) {
} else if (activeElement.findHandler(command)) {
activeElement.doAction(command, e);
} else if (ganttNode.findHandler(command)) {
ganttNode.doAction(command, e);
_timeout: null,
awaitsFocus: function awaitsFocus() {
return this._timeout !== null;
delay: function delay(callback, _delay) {
this._timeout = setTimeout(gantt.bind(function () {
this._timeout = null;
}, this), _delay || 1);
clearDelay: function clearDelay() {
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/gantt_node.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/gantt_node.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.GanttNode = function () {};
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.GanttNode.prototype = gantt._compose(gantt.$keyboardNavigation.EventHandler, {
focus: function focus() {
blur: function blur() {},
isEnabled: function isEnabled() {
return gantt.$container.hasAttribute("tabindex");
scrollHorizontal: function scrollHorizontal(dir) {
var date = gantt.dateFromPos(gantt.getScrollState().x);
var scale = gantt.getScale();
var step = dir < 0 ? -scale.step : scale.step;
date =, step, scale.unit);
scrollVertical: function scrollVertical(dir) {
var top = gantt.getScrollState().y;
var step = gantt.config.row_height;
gantt.scrollTo(null, top + (dir < 0 ? -1 : 1) * step);
keys: {
"alt+left": function altLeft(e) {
"alt+right": function altRight(e) {
"alt+up": function altUp(e) {
"alt+down": function altDown(e) {
// undo
"ctrl+z": function ctrlZ() {
if (gantt.undo) gantt.undo();
// redo
"ctrl+r": function ctrlR() {
if (gantt.redo) gantt.redo();
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/header_cell.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/header_cell.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../core/ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell = function (index) {
this.index = index || 0;
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell.prototype = gantt._compose(gantt.$keyboardNavigation.KeyNavNode, {
_handlers: null,
isValid: function isValid() {
if (!gantt.config.show_grid) {
if (gantt.getVisibleTaskCount()) return false;
return !!gantt.getGridColumns()[this.index] || !gantt.getVisibleTaskCount();
fallback: function fallback() {
if (!gantt.config.show_grid) {
if (gantt.getVisibleTaskCount()) {
return new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow();
return null;
var visibleColumns = gantt.getGridColumns();
var index = this.index;
while (index >= 0) {
if (visibleColumns[index]) break;
if (visibleColumns[index]) {
return new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell(index);
} else {
return null;
fromDomElement: function fromDomElement(el) {
var cellElement = domHelpers.locateClassName(el, "gantt_grid_head_cell");
if (cellElement) {
var index = 0;
while (cellElement && cellElement.previousSibling) {
cellElement = cellElement.previousSibling;
index += 1;
return new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell(index);
} else {
return null;
getNode: function getNode() {
var cells = gantt.$grid_scale.childNodes;
return cells[this.index];
keys: {
"left": function left() {
if (this.index > 0) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell(this.index - 1));
"right": function right() {
var columns = gantt.getGridColumns();
if (this.index < columns.length - 1) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell(this.index + 1));
"down": function down() {
var taskRow;
var rootLevel = gantt.getChildren(gantt.config.root_id);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(rootLevel[0])) {
taskRow = rootLevel[0];
if (taskRow) {
if (gantt.config.keyboard_navigation_cells) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(taskRow, this.index));
} else {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow(taskRow));
"end": function end() {
var columns = gantt.getGridColumns();
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell(columns.length - 1));
"home": function home() {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell(0));
// press header button
"enter, space": function enterSpace() {
var node = domHelpers.getActiveElement();;
// add new task
"ctrl+enter": function ctrlEnter() {
if (gantt.isReadonly(this)) {
gantt.createTask({}, this.taskId);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/nav_node.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/nav_node.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.KeyNavNode = function () {};
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.KeyNavNode.prototype = gantt._compose(gantt.$keyboardNavigation.EventHandler, {
isValid: function isValid() {
return true;
fallback: function fallback() {
return null;
moveTo: function moveTo(element) {
compareTo: function compareTo(b) {
// good enough comparison of two random objects
if (!b) return false;
for (var i in this) {
if (!!this[i] != !!b[i]) return false;
var canStringifyThis = !!(this[i] && this[i].toString);
var canStringifyThat = !!(b[i] && b[i].toString);
if (canStringifyThat != canStringifyThis) return false;
if (!(canStringifyThat && canStringifyThis)) {
if (b[i] != this[i]) return false;
} else {
if (b[i].toString() != this[i].toString()) return false;
return true;
getNode: function getNode() {},
focus: function focus() {
var node = this.getNode();
if (!node) return;
var eventFacade = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.facade;
if (eventFacade.callEvent("onBeforeFocus", [node]) === false) {
if (node) {
node.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
if (!node.$eventAttached) {
node.$eventAttached = true;
gantt.event(node, "focus", function (e) {
return false;
}, false);
} //node.className += " gantt_focused";
if (node.focus) node.focus();
eventFacade.callEvent("onFocus", [this.getNode()]);
blur: function blur() {
var node = this.getNode();
if (node) {
var eventFacade = gantt.$keyboardNavigation.facade;
eventFacade.callEvent("onBlur", [node]);
node.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); //node.className = (node.className || "").replace(/ ?gantt_focused/g, "");
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/task_cell.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/task_cell.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../core/ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js"),
replaceValidZeroId = _require.replaceValidZeroId;
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell = function (taskId, index) {
taskId = replaceValidZeroId(taskId, gantt.config.root_id);
if (!taskId) {
var rootLevel = gantt.getChildren(gantt.config.root_id);
if (rootLevel[0]) {
taskId = rootLevel[0];
this.taskId = taskId;
this.columnIndex = index || 0; // provided task may not exist, in this case node will be detectes as invalid
if (gantt.isTaskExists(this.taskId)) {
this.index = gantt.getTaskIndex(this.taskId);
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell.prototype = gantt._compose(gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow, {
_handlers: null,
isValid: function isValid() {
return gantt.$ && !!gantt.getGridColumns()[this.columnIndex];
fallback: function fallback() {
var node = gantt.$;
var result = node;
if (node instanceof gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow) {
var visibleColumns = gantt.getGridColumns();
var index = this.columnIndex;
while (index >= 0) {
if (visibleColumns[index]) break;
if (visibleColumns[index]) {
result = new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(node.taskId, index);
return result;
fromDomElement: function fromDomElement(el) {
if (!gantt.config.keyboard_navigation_cells) {
return null;
var taskId = gantt.locate(el);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(taskId)) {
var index = 0;
var cellElement = domHelpers.locateAttribute(el, "data-column-index");
if (cellElement) {
index = cellElement.getAttribute("data-column-index") * 1;
return new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(taskId, index);
} else {
return null;
getNode: function getNode() {
if (gantt.isTaskExists(this.taskId) && gantt.isTaskVisible(this.taskId)) {
if (gantt.config.show_grid) {
var row = gantt.$grid.querySelector(".gantt_row[" + gantt.config.task_attribute + "='" + this.taskId + "']");
if (!row) return null;
return row.querySelector("[data-column-index='" + this.columnIndex + "']");
} else {
return gantt.getTaskNode(this.taskId);
keys: {
"up": function up() {
var nextElement = null;
var prevTask = gantt.getPrev(this.taskId);
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(prevTask)) {
nextElement = new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell(this.columnIndex);
} else {
nextElement = new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(prevTask, this.columnIndex);
"down": function down() {
var nextTask = gantt.getNext(this.taskId);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(nextTask)) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(nextTask, this.columnIndex));
"left": function left() {
if (this.columnIndex > 0) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(this.taskId, this.columnIndex - 1));
"right": function right() {
var columns = gantt.getGridColumns();
if (this.columnIndex < columns.length - 1) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(this.taskId, this.columnIndex + 1));
"end": function end() {
var columns = gantt.getGridColumns();
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(this.taskId, columns.length - 1));
"home": function home() {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(this.taskId, 0));
"pagedown": function pagedown() {
if (gantt.getVisibleTaskCount()) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(gantt.getTaskByIndex(gantt.getVisibleTaskCount() - 1).id, this.columnIndex));
"pageup": function pageup() {
if (gantt.getVisibleTaskCount()) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskCell(gantt.getTaskByIndex(0).id, this.columnIndex));
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/task_row.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/elements/task_row.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow = function (taskId) {
if (!taskId) {
var rootLevel = gantt.getChildren(gantt.config.root_id);
if (rootLevel[0]) {
taskId = rootLevel[0];
this.taskId = taskId;
if (gantt.isTaskExists(this.taskId)) {
this.index = gantt.getTaskIndex(this.taskId);
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow.prototype = gantt._compose(gantt.$keyboardNavigation.KeyNavNode, {
_handlers: null,
isValid: function isValid() {
return gantt.isTaskExists(this.taskId) && gantt.getTaskIndex(this.taskId) > -1;
fallback: function fallback() {
if (!gantt.getVisibleTaskCount()) {
var header = new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell();
if (!header.isValid()) return null;else return header;
} else {
var nextIndex = -1;
if (gantt.getTaskByIndex(this.index - 1)) {
nextIndex = this.index - 1;
} else if (gantt.getTaskByIndex(this.index + 1)) {
nextIndex = this.index + 1;
} else {
var index = this.index;
while (index >= 0) {
if (gantt.getTaskByIndex(index)) {
nextIndex = index;
if (nextIndex > -1) {
return new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow(gantt.getTaskByIndex(nextIndex).id);
fromDomElement: function fromDomElement(el) {
if (gantt.config.keyboard_navigation_cells) {
return null;
var taskId = gantt.locate(el);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(taskId)) {
return new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow(taskId);
} else {
return null;
getNode: function getNode() {
if (gantt.isTaskExists(this.taskId) && gantt.isTaskVisible(this.taskId)) {
if (gantt.config.show_grid) {
return gantt.$grid.querySelector(".gantt_row[" + gantt.config.task_attribute + "='" + this.taskId + "']");
} else {
return gantt.getTaskNode(this.taskId);
focus: function focus(keptFocus) {
if (!keptFocus) {
var pos = gantt.getTaskPosition(gantt.getTask(this.taskId));
var height = gantt.getTaskHeight(this.taskId);
var scroll = gantt.getScrollState();
var viewWidth;
if (gantt.$task) {
viewWidth = gantt.$task.offsetWidth;
} else {
viewWidth = scroll.inner_width;
var viewHeight;
if (gantt.$grid_data || gantt.$task_data) {
viewHeight = (gantt.$grid_data || gantt.$task_data).offsetHeight;
} else {
viewHeight = scroll.inner_height;
if ( < scroll.y || + height > scroll.y + viewHeight) {
gantt.scrollTo(null, - height * 5);
} else if (gantt.config.scroll_on_click && gantt.config.show_chart) {
// horizontal scroll activated
if (pos.left > scroll.x + viewWidth) {
// scroll forward to the start of the task
gantt.scrollTo(pos.left - gantt.config.task_scroll_offset);
} else if (pos.left + pos.width < scroll.x) {
// scroll back to the end of the task
gantt.scrollTo(pos.left + pos.width - gantt.config.task_scroll_offset);
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.KeyNavNode.prototype.focus.apply(this, [keptFocus]); // GS-152 if there are scrollbars with custom names, change their scroll position
function scrollGrid() {
var grid = gantt.$ui.getView("grid");
var scrollPositionX = parseInt(grid.$grid.scrollLeft);
var scrollPositionY = parseInt(grid.$grid_data.scrollTop);
var attachedScrollbarHorizontal = grid.$config.scrollX;
if (attachedScrollbarHorizontal && grid.$config.scrollable) {
var scrollbarHorizontal = gantt.$ui.getView(attachedScrollbarHorizontal);
if (scrollbarHorizontal) {
scrollbarHorizontal.scrollTo(scrollPositionX, scrollPositionY);
var attachedScrollbarVertical = grid.$config.scrollY;
if (attachedScrollbarVertical) {
var scrollbarVertical = gantt.$ui.getView(attachedScrollbarVertical);
if (scrollbarVertical) {
scrollbarVertical.scrollTo(scrollPositionX, scrollPositionY);
keys: {
"pagedown": function pagedown() {
if (gantt.getVisibleTaskCount()) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow(gantt.getTaskByIndex(gantt.getVisibleTaskCount() - 1).id));
"pageup": function pageup() {
if (gantt.getVisibleTaskCount()) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow(gantt.getTaskByIndex(0).id));
"up": function up() {
var nextElement = null;
var prevTask = gantt.getPrev(this.taskId);
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(prevTask)) {
nextElement = new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.HeaderCell();
} else {
nextElement = new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow(prevTask);
"down": function down() {
var nextTask = gantt.getNext(this.taskId);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(nextTask)) {
this.moveTo(new gantt.$keyboardNavigation.TaskRow(nextTask));
"shift+down": function shiftDown() {
if (gantt.hasChild(this.taskId) && !gantt.getTask(this.taskId).$open) {;
"shift+up": function shiftUp() {
if (gantt.hasChild(this.taskId) && gantt.getTask(this.taskId).$open) {
"shift+right": function shiftRight() {
if (gantt.isReadonly(this)) {
var prevId = gantt.getPrevSibling(this.taskId);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(prevId) && !gantt.isChildOf(this.taskId, prevId)) {
var parent = gantt.getTask(prevId);
parent.$open = true;
var result = gantt.moveTask(this.taskId, -1, prevId);
if (result !== false) gantt.updateTask(this.taskId);
"shift+left": function shiftLeft() {
if (gantt.isReadonly(this)) {
var parent = gantt.getParent(this.taskId);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(parent)) {
var result = gantt.moveTask(this.taskId, gantt.getTaskIndex(parent) + 1, gantt.getParent(parent));
if (result !== false) gantt.updateTask(this.taskId);
// select
"space": function space(e) {
if (!gantt.isSelectedTask(this.taskId)) {
} else {
// collapse
"ctrl+left": function ctrlLeft(e) {
// expand
"ctrl+right": function ctrlRight(e) {;
// delete task
"delete": function _delete(e) {
if (gantt.isReadonly(this)) {
// open lightbox
"enter": function enter() {
if (gantt.isReadonly(this)) {
// add subtask
"ctrl+enter": function ctrlEnter() {
if (gantt.isReadonly(this)) {
gantt.createTask({}, this.taskId);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/modals.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/keyboard_navigation/modals.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
(function () {
var modalsStack = [];
function isModal() {
return !!modalsStack.length;
function afterPopup(box) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (!isModal()) {
if (!gantt.$destroyed) {
}, 1);
function startModal(box) {
gantt.eventRemove(box, "keydown", trapFocus);
gantt.event(box, "keydown", trapFocus);
modalsStack.push(box); //gantt.$keyboardNavigation.dispatcher.disable();
function endModal() {
var box = modalsStack.pop();
if (box) {
gantt.eventRemove(box, "keydown", trapFocus);
function isTopModal(box) {
return box == modalsStack[modalsStack.length - 1];
function trapFocus(event) {
var target = event.currentTarget;
if (!isTopModal(target)) return;
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.trapFocus(target, event);
function traceLightbox() {
gantt.attachEvent("onLightbox", traceLightbox);
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterLightbox", endModal);
gantt.attachEvent("onLightboxChange", function () {
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterQuickInfo", function () {
gantt.attachEvent("onMessagePopup", function (box) {
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterMessagePopup", function () {
var focusElement = null;
function saveFocus() {
focusElement = gantt.utils.dom.getActiveElement();
function restoreFocus() {
setTimeout(function () {
if (focusElement) {
focusElement = null;
}, 1);
gantt.$keyboardNavigation.isModal = isModal;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/marker.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/marker.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (gantt) {
if (!gantt._markers) {
gantt._markers = gantt.createDatastore({
name: "marker",
initItem: function initItem(marker) { = || gantt.uid();
return marker;
gantt.config.show_markers = true;
function render_marker(marker) {
if (!gantt.config.show_markers) return false;
if (!marker.start_date) return false;
var state = gantt.getState();
if (+marker.start_date > +state.max_date) return;
if ((!marker.end_date || +marker.end_date < +state.min_date) && +marker.start_date < +state.min_date) return;
var div = document.createElement("div");
var css = "gantt_marker";
if (gantt.templates.marker_class) css += " " + gantt.templates.marker_class(marker);
if (marker.css) {
css += " " + marker.css;
if (marker.title) {
div.title = marker.title;
div.className = css;
var start = gantt.posFromDate(marker.start_date); = start + "px"; = Math.max(gantt.getRowTop(gantt.getVisibleTaskCount()), 0) + "px";
if (marker.end_date) {
var end = gantt.posFromDate(marker.end_date); = Math.max(end - start, 0) + "px";
if (marker.text) {
div.innerHTML = "<div class='gantt_marker_content' >" + marker.text + "</div>";
return div;
function initMarkerArea() {
if (!gantt.$task_data) return;
var markerArea = document.createElement("div");
markerArea.className = "gantt_marker_area";
gantt.$marker_area = markerArea;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeGanttRender", function () {
if (!gantt.$marker_area) initMarkerArea();
gantt.attachEvent("onDataRender", function () {
if (!gantt.$marker_area) {
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttLayoutReady", function () {
// GS-1304 - markers should attach when layout is initialized, both on gantt.init and gantt.resetLayout
// wait for "onBeforeGanttRender", so all layout elements will be in DOM
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeGanttRender", function () {
var layers = gantt.$services.getService("layers");
var markerRenderer = layers.createDataRender({
name: "marker",
defaultContainer: function defaultContainer() {
return gantt.$marker_area;
}, {
once: true
gantt.getMarker = function (id) {
if (!this._markers) return null;
return this._markers.getItem(id);
gantt.addMarker = function (marker) {
return this._markers.addItem(marker);
gantt.deleteMarker = function (id) {
if (!this._markers.exists(id)) return false;
return true;
gantt.updateMarker = function (id) {
gantt._getMarkers = function () {
return this._markers.getItems();
gantt.renderMarkers = function () {
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/multiselect.js":
!*** ./sources/ext/multiselect.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js"),
replaceValidZeroId = _require.replaceValidZeroId;
module.exports = function (gantt) {
gantt.config.multiselect = true;
gantt.config.multiselect_one_level = false;
gantt._multiselect = {
_selected: {},
_one_level: false,
_active: true,
_first_selected_when_shift: null,
getDefaultSelected: function getDefaultSelected() {
var selected = this.getSelected();
return selected.length ? selected[selected.length - 1] : null;
setFirstSelected: function setFirstSelected(id) {
this._first_selected_when_shift = id;
getFirstSelected: function getFirstSelected() {
return this._first_selected_when_shift;
isActive: function isActive() {
return this._active;
updateState: function updateState() {
this._one_level = gantt.config.multiselect_one_level;
var active = this._active;
this._active = gantt.config.select_task;
if (this._active != active) {
reset: function reset() {
this._selected = {};
setLastSelected: function setLastSelected(id) {
gantt.$data.tasksStore.silent(function () {
var store = gantt.$data.tasksStore;
if (id) + "");else store.unselect(null);
getLastSelected: function getLastSelected() {
var last = gantt.$data.tasksStore.getSelectedId();
if (last && gantt.isTaskExists(last)) return last;
return null;
select: function select(id, e) {
if (id && gantt.callEvent("onBeforeTaskMultiSelect", [id, true, e]) && gantt.callEvent("onBeforeTaskSelected", [id])) {
this._selected[id] = true;
gantt.callEvent("onTaskMultiSelect", [id, true, e]);
gantt.callEvent("onTaskSelected", [id]);
return true;
return false;
toggle: function toggle(id, e) {
if (this._selected[id]) {
this.unselect(id, e);
} else {, e);
unselect: function unselect(id, e) {
if (id && gantt.callEvent("onBeforeTaskMultiSelect", [id, false, e])) {
this._selected[id] = false;
if (this.getLastSelected() == id) this.setLastSelected(this.getDefaultSelected());
gantt.callEvent("onTaskMultiSelect", [id, false, e]);
gantt.callEvent("onTaskUnselected", [id]);
isSelected: function isSelected(id) {
return !!(gantt.isTaskExists(id) && this._selected[id]);
getSelected: function getSelected() {
var res = [];
for (var i in this._selected) {
if (this._selected[i] && gantt.isTaskExists(i)) {
} else {
this._selected[i] = false;
res.sort(function (a, b) {
return gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex(a) > gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex(b) ? 1 : -1;
return res;
forSelected: function forSelected(callback) {
var selected = this.getSelected();
for (var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {
isSameLevel: function isSameLevel(id) {
if (!this._one_level) return true;
var last = this.getLastSelected();
if (!last) return true;
if (!(gantt.isTaskExists(last) && gantt.isTaskExists(id))) return true;
return !!(gantt.calculateTaskLevel(gantt.getTask(last)) == gantt.calculateTaskLevel(gantt.getTask(id)));
afterSelect: function afterSelect(id) {
if (gantt.isTaskExists(id)) {
// FIXME: quick workaround to prevent re-filtering inside refresh on multiselect
gantt._quickRefresh(function () {
doSelection: function doSelection(e) {
if (!this.isActive()) return false; // deny selection when click on 'expand' or 'collapse' icons
if (gantt._is_icon_open_click(e)) return false;
var target_ev = gantt.locate(e);
if (!target_ev) return false;
if (!gantt.callEvent("onBeforeMultiSelect", [e])) return false;
var selected = this.getSelected();
var defaultLast = this.getFirstSelected();
var isLast = false;
var last = this.getLastSelected();
var multiSelect = gantt.config.multiselect;
var singleSelection = function () {
if (!this.isSelected(target_ev)) {, e);
selected = this.getSelected();
for (var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {
if (selected[i] !== target_ev) {
this.unselect(selected[i], e);
var blockSelection = function () {
if (!last) last = target_ev;else if (target_ev) {
var first_indx = gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex(this.getFirstSelected());
var target_indx = gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex(target_ev);
var last_indx = gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex(last); // clear prev selection
var tmp = last;
while (gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex(tmp) !== first_indx) {
this.unselect(tmp, e);
tmp = first_indx > last_indx ? gantt.getNext(tmp) : gantt.getPrev(tmp);
tmp = target_ev;
while (gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex(tmp) !== first_indx) {
if (, e) && !isLast) {
isLast = true;
defaultLast = tmp;
tmp = first_indx > target_indx ? gantt.getNext(tmp) : gantt.getPrev(tmp);
if (multiSelect && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
if (!this.isSelected(target_ev)) this.setFirstSelected(target_ev);
if (target_ev) {
this.toggle(target_ev, e);
} else if (multiSelect && e.shiftKey) {
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(this.getFirstSelected()) || this.getFirstSelected() === null) {
if (selected.length) {
// select a group of tasks
} else {
// select a task when no task is selected and Shift is pressed
} else {
// no key press or no multiple selection on the mouse click
if (this.isSelected(target_ev)) {
} else if (defaultLast) {
if (target_ev == last) this.setLastSelected(e.shiftKey ? defaultLast : this.getDefaultSelected());
} else {
if (!this.getSelected().length) this.setLastSelected(null);
if (!this.getLastSelected() || !this.isSelected(this.getFirstSelected())) this.setFirstSelected(this.getLastSelected());
return true;
(function () {
var old_selectTask = gantt.selectTask;
gantt.selectTask = function (id) {
id = replaceValidZeroId(id, this.config.root_id);
if (!id) return false;
var multiselect = gantt._multiselect;
var res = id;
if (multiselect.isActive()) {
if (, null)) {
} else {
res =, id);
return res;
var old_unselectTask = gantt.unselectTask;
gantt.unselectTask = function (id) {
var multiselect = gantt._multiselect;
var isActive = multiselect.isActive();
id = id || multiselect.getLastSelected();
if (id && isActive) {
multiselect.unselect(id, null);
if (id == multiselect.getLastSelected()) multiselect.setLastSelected(null);
var res = id;
if (!isActive) res =, id);
return res;
gantt.toggleTaskSelection = function (id) {
var multiselect = gantt._multiselect;
if (id && multiselect.isActive()) {
gantt.getSelectedTasks = function () {
var multiselect = gantt._multiselect;
return multiselect.getSelected();
gantt.eachSelectedTask = function (callback) {
return this._multiselect.forSelected(callback);
gantt.isSelectedTask = function (id) {
return this._multiselect.isSelected(id);
gantt.getLastSelectedTask = function () {
return this._multiselect.getLastSelected();
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
var old_isSelected = gantt.$data.tasksStore.isSelected;
gantt.$data.tasksStore.isSelected = function (id) {
if (gantt._multiselect.isActive()) {
return gantt._multiselect.isSelected(id);
return, id);
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskIdChange", function (id, new_id) {
var multiselect = gantt._multiselect;
if (!multiselect.isActive()) return true;
if (gantt.isSelectedTask(id)) {
multiselect.unselect(id, null);, null);
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskDelete", function (id, item) {
var multiselect = gantt._multiselect;
if (!multiselect.isActive()) return true;
if (multiselect._selected[id]) {
multiselect.unselect(id, null);
multiselect._selected[id] = false;
multiselect.forSelected(function (task_id) {
if (!gantt.isTaskExists(task_id)) multiselect.unselect(task_id, null);
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskMultiSelect", function (id, state, e) {
var multiselect = gantt._multiselect;
if (state && multiselect.isActive()) {
if (multiselect._one_level) {
return multiselect.isSameLevel(id);
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskClick", function (id, e) {
if (gantt._multiselect.doSelection(e)) gantt.callEvent("onMultiSelect", [e]);
return true;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/quick_info/index.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/quick_info/index.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var quickInfo_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./quickInfo */ "./sources/ext/quick_info/quickInfo.ts");
function default_1(gantt) {
if (!gantt.ext) {
gantt.ext = {};
gantt.ext.quickInfo = new quickInfo_1.QuickInfo(gantt);
gantt.config.quickinfo_buttons = ["icon_delete", "icon_edit"];
gantt.config.quick_info_detached = true;
gantt.config.show_quick_info = true;
gantt.templates.quick_info_title = function (start, end, ev) { return ev.text.substr(0, 50); };
gantt.templates.quick_info_content = function (start, end, ev) { return ev.details || ev.text; };
gantt.templates.quick_info_date = function (start, end, ev) {
return gantt.templates.task_time(start, end, ev);
gantt.templates.quick_info_class = function (start, end, task) { return ""; };
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskClick", function (id, e) {
// GS-1460 Don't show Quick Info when clicking on the "+" button
if (!gantt.utils.dom.closest(, ".gantt_add")) {
setTimeout(function () {;
}, 0);
return true;
var events = ["onViewChange", "onLightbox", "onBeforeTaskDelete", "onBeforeDrag"];
var hidingFunction = function () {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
gantt.attachEvent(events[i], hidingFunction);
// GS-957: We don't want to hide QuickInfo when we click on it.
gantt.attachEvent("onEmptyClick", function (e) {
var hideQuickInfo = true;
var parent = document.querySelector(".gantt_cal_quick_info");
if (parent) {
var quickInfoClick = gantt.utils.dom.isChildOf(, parent);
if (quickInfoClick) {
hideQuickInfo = false;
if (hideQuickInfo) {
function clearQuickInfo() {
gantt.ext.quickInfo._quickInfoBox = null;
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", clearQuickInfo);
gantt.attachEvent("onDestroy", clearQuickInfo);
gantt.event(window, "keydown", function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 27) {
exports.default = default_1;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/quick_info/quickInfo.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/quick_info/quickInfo.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var QuickInfo = /** @class */ (function () {
function QuickInfo(gantt) {
var _this = this;
// show at coordinates:
// show(x: number, y: number)
// show for a task:
// show(id: TaskID) = function (id, y) {
if (y === undefined) {
else {
_this._showAtCoordinates(id, y);
this.hide = function (forced) {
var gantt = _this._gantt;
var qi = _this._quickInfoBox;
_this._quickInfoBoxId = 0;
var taskId = _this._quickInfoTask;
_this._quickInfoTask = null;
if (qi && qi.parentNode) {
if (gantt.config.quick_info_detached) {
gantt.callEvent("onAfterQuickInfo", [taskId]);
return qi.parentNode.removeChild(qi);
qi.className += " gantt_qi_hidden";
if ( === "auto") { = "-350px";
else { = "-350px";
if (forced) { = = "";
gantt.callEvent("onAfterQuickInfo", [taskId]);
this.getNode = function () {
if (_this._quickInfoBox) {
return _this._quickInfoBox;
return null;
this.setContainer = function (container) {
if (container) {
_this._container = typeof container === "string" ? document.getElementById(container) : container;
this.setContent = function (content) {
var gantt = _this._gantt;
var defaultContent = {
taskId: null,
header: {
title: "",
date: ""
content: "",
buttons: gantt.config.quickinfo_buttons
if (!content) {
content = defaultContent;
if (!content.taskId) {
content.taskId = defaultContent.taskId;
if (!content.header) {
content.header = defaultContent.header;
if (!content.header.title) {
content.header.title = defaultContent.header.title;
if (! { =;
if (!content.content) {
content.content = defaultContent.content;
if (!content.buttons) {
content.buttons = defaultContent.buttons;
var qi = _this.getNode();
if (!qi) {
qi = _this._createQuickInfoElement();
if (content.taskId) {
_this._quickInfoBoxId = content.taskId;
var titleBox = qi.querySelector(".gantt_cal_qi_title");
var titleContent = titleBox.querySelector(".gantt_cal_qi_tcontent");
var titleDate = titleBox.querySelector(".gantt_cal_qi_tdate");
var main = qi.querySelector(".gantt_cal_qi_content");
var controls = qi.querySelector(".gantt_cal_qi_controls");
gantt._waiAria.quickInfoHeader(qi, [content.header.title,].join(" "));
titleContent.innerHTML = content.header.title;
titleDate.innerHTML =;
if (!content.header.title && ! { = "none";
else { = "";
main.innerHTML = content.content;
var buttons = content.buttons;
if (!buttons.length) { = "none";
else { = "";
var html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
var ariaAttr = gantt._waiAria.quickInfoButtonAttrString(gantt.locale.labels[buttons[i]]);
html += "<div class=\"gantt_qi_big_icon " + buttons[i] + "\" title=\""
+ gantt.locale.labels[buttons[i]] + "\" " + ariaAttr + "><div class='gantt_menu_icon " + buttons[i]
+ "'></div><div>" + gantt.locale.labels[buttons[i]] + "</div></div>";
controls.innerHTML = html;
gantt.eventRemove(qi, "click", _this._qiButtonClickHandler);
gantt.eventRemove(qi, "keypress", _this._qiKeyPressHandler);
gantt.event(qi, "click", _this._qiButtonClickHandler);
gantt.event(qi, "keypress", _this._qiKeyPressHandler);
this._qiButtonClickHandler = function (ev) {
ev = ev || event;
_this._qi_button_click( || ev.srcElement);
this._qiKeyPressHandler = function (e) {
e = e || event;
// @ts-ignore
var code = e.which || event.keyCode;
if (code === 13 || code === 32) {
setTimeout(function () {
_this._qi_button_click( || e.srcElement);
}, 1);
this._gantt = gantt;
QuickInfo.prototype._showAtCoordinates = function (x, y) {
this._quickInfoBoxId = 0;
this._quickInfoTask = null;
if (!this._quickInfoBox) {
this._appendAtCoordinates(x, y);
this._gantt.callEvent("onQuickInfo", [null]);
QuickInfo.prototype._showForTask = function (id) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
if ((id === this._quickInfoBoxId &&
gantt.utils.dom.isChildOf(this._quickInfoBox, document.body)) || !gantt.config.show_quick_info) {
// not show if the quick info is already displayed for this task, or if it shouldn't be displayed
var offset = 6; // offset TASK <> QI-BOX in 'px'
var container = this._getContainer();
var pos = this._get_event_counter_part(id, offset, container.xViewport, container.yViewport);
if (pos) {
this._quickInfoBox = this._init_quick_info(id);
this._quickInfoTask = id;
this._quickInfoBox.className = this._prepare_quick_info_classname(id);
this._show_quick_info(pos, offset);
gantt.callEvent("onQuickInfo", [id]);
QuickInfo.prototype._get_event_counter_part = function (id, offset, xViewport, yViewport) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var domEv = gantt.getTaskNode(id);
if (!domEv) {
domEv = gantt.getTaskRowNode(id);
if (!domEv) {
return null;
var left = 0;
var top = offset + domEv.offsetTop + domEv.offsetHeight;
var node = domEv;
if (gantt.utils.dom.isChildOf(node, xViewport)) {
while (node && node !== xViewport) {
left += node.offsetLeft;
node = node.offsetParent;
var scroll = gantt.getScrollState();
if (node) {
var dx = (left + domEv.offsetWidth / 2) - scroll.x > (xViewport.offsetWidth / 2) ? 1 : 0;
var dy = (top + domEv.offsetHeight / 2) - scroll.y > (yViewport.offsetHeight / 2) ? 1 : 0;
return { left: left, top: top, dx: dx, dy: dy, width: domEv.offsetWidth, height: domEv.offsetHeight };
return null;
QuickInfo.prototype._createQuickInfoElement = function () {
var _this = this;
var gantt = this._gantt;
var qi = document.createElement("div");
qi.className += "gantt_cal_quick_info";
// title
var ariaAttr = gantt._waiAria.quickInfoHeaderAttrString();
var html = "<div class=\"gantt_cal_qi_title\" " + ariaAttr + ">" +
"<div class=\"gantt_cal_qi_tcontent\"></div><div class=\"gantt_cal_qi_tdate\"></div>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class=\"gantt_cal_qi_content\"></div>";
// buttons
html += "<div class=\"gantt_cal_qi_controls\">";
html += "</div>";
qi.innerHTML = html;
if (gantt.config.quick_info_detached) {
var container = this._getContainer();
gantt.event(container.parent, "scroll", function () { _this.hide(); });
this._quickInfoBox = qi;
return qi;
QuickInfo.prototype._init_quick_info = function (id) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var task = gantt.getTask(id);
if (typeof this._quickInfoReadonly === "boolean") {
if (gantt.isReadonly(task) !== this._quickInfoReadonly) {
this._quickInfoBox = null;
this._quickInfoReadonly = gantt.isReadonly(task);
if (!this._quickInfoBox) {
this._quickInfoBox = this._createQuickInfoElement();
return this._quickInfoBox;
QuickInfo.prototype._prepare_quick_info_classname = function (id) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var task = gantt.getTask(id);
var css = "gantt_cal_quick_info";
var template = gantt.templates.quick_info_class(task.start_date, task.end_date, task);
if (template) {
css += " " + template;
return css;
QuickInfo.prototype._fill_quick_data = function (id) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var ev = gantt.getTask(id);
this._quickInfoBoxId = id;
var allowedButtons = [];
if (this._quickInfoReadonly) {
var buttons = gantt.config.quickinfo_buttons;
var isEditor = { icon_delete: true, icon_edit: true };
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if (this._quickInfoReadonly && isEditor[buttons[i]]) {
else {
allowedButtons = gantt.config.quickinfo_buttons;
header: {
title: gantt.templates.quick_info_title(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev),
date: gantt.templates.quick_info_date(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev)
content: gantt.templates.quick_info_content(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev),
buttons: allowedButtons
QuickInfo.prototype._appendAtCoordinates = function (x, y) {
var qi = this._quickInfoBox;
var container = this._getContainer();
if (!qi.parentNode ||
qi.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "#document-fragment") { // IE8
} = x + "px"; = y + "px";
QuickInfo.prototype._show_quick_info = function (pos, offset) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var qi = this._quickInfoBox;
if (gantt.config.quick_info_detached) {
var container = this._getContainer();
if (!qi.parentNode ||
qi.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "#document-fragment") { // IE8
var width = qi.offsetWidth;
var popupHeight = qi.offsetHeight;
var scrolls = gantt.getScrollState();
var xViewport = container.xViewport;
var yViewport = container.yViewport;
var screenWidth = xViewport.offsetWidth + scrolls.x - width;
var relativePopupTop = - scrolls.y;
var relativePopupBottom = relativePopupTop + popupHeight;
var top_1 =;
if (relativePopupBottom > yViewport.offsetHeight / 2) {
top_1 = - (popupHeight + pos.height + 2 * offset);
if (top_1 < scrolls.y && relativePopupBottom <= yViewport.offsetHeight) {
top_1 =;
if (top_1 < scrolls.y) {
top_1 = scrolls.y;
var x = Math.min(Math.max(scrolls.x, pos.left - pos.dx * (width - pos.width)), screenWidth);
var y = top_1;
this._appendAtCoordinates(x, y);
else { = 20 + "px";
if (pos.dx === 1) { = "auto"; = "-300px";
setTimeout(function () { = "10px";
}, 1);
else { = "auto"; = "-300px";
setTimeout(function () { = "10px";
}, 1);
qi.className += " gantt_qi_" + (pos.dx === 1 ? "left" : "right");
QuickInfo.prototype._qi_button_click = function (node) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var box = this._quickInfoBox;
if (!node || node === box) {
var mask = node.className;
if (mask.indexOf("_icon") !== -1) {
var id = this._quickInfoBoxId;
gantt.$click.buttons[mask.split(" ")[1].replace("icon_", "")](id);
else {
QuickInfo.prototype._getContainer = function () {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var container = this._container ? this._container : gantt.$task_data;
if (container && container.offsetHeight && container.offsetWidth) {
return {
parent: container,
xViewport: gantt.$task,
yViewport: gantt.$task_data
container = this._container ? this._container : gantt.$grid_data;
if (container && container.offsetHeight && container.offsetWidth) {
return {
parent: container,
xViewport: gantt.$grid,
yViewport: gantt.$grid_data
return {
parent: this._container ? this._container : gantt.$layout,
xViewport: gantt.$layout,
yViewport: gantt.$layout
return QuickInfo;
exports.QuickInfo = QuickInfo;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/tooltip/index.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/tooltip/index.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var tooltipManager_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tooltipManager */ "./sources/ext/tooltip/tooltipManager.ts");
function default_1(gantt) {
gantt.config.tooltip_timeout = 30;
gantt.config.tooltip_offset_y = 20;
gantt.config.tooltip_offset_x = 10;
gantt.config.tooltip_hide_timeout = 30;
var tooltipManager = new tooltipManager_1.TooltipManager(gantt);
gantt.ext.tooltips = tooltipManager;
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
selector: "[" + gantt.config.task_attribute + "]:not(.gantt_task_row)",
html: function (event) {
if (gantt.config.touch && !gantt.config.touch_tooltip) {
var targetTaskId = gantt.locate(event);
if (gantt.isTaskExists(targetTaskId)) {
var task = gantt.getTask(targetTaskId);
return gantt.templates.tooltip_text(task.start_date, task.end_date, task);
return null;
global: false
gantt.attachEvent("onDestroy", function () {
gantt.attachEvent("onLightbox", function () {
var isLinkCreate = function () {
var state = gantt.getState();
return !!state.link_source_id;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTooltip", function () {
if (isLinkCreate()) {
return false;
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttScroll", function () {
exports.default = default_1;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/tooltip/tooltip.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/tooltip/tooltip.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../core/ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var Tooltip = /** @class */ (function () {
function Tooltip(gantt) {
this._gantt = gantt;
Tooltip.prototype.getNode = function () {
var gantt = this._gantt;
if (!this._tooltipNode) {
this._tooltipNode = document.createElement("div");
this._tooltipNode.className = "gantt_tooltip";
return this._tooltipNode;
Tooltip.prototype.setViewport = function (node) {
this._root = node;
return this;
}; = function (left, top) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var container = document.body;
var node = this.getNode();
if (!domHelpers.isChildOf(node, container)) {
if (this._isLikeMouseEvent(left)) {
var position = this._calculateTooltipPosition(left);
top =;
left = position.left;
} = top + "px"; = left + "px";
return this;
Tooltip.prototype.hide = function () {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var node = this.getNode();
if (node && node.parentNode) {
return this;
Tooltip.prototype.setContent = function (html) {
var node = this.getNode();
node.innerHTML = html;
return this;
// it is for salesforce, because it proxies event to it own events
Tooltip.prototype._isLikeMouseEvent = function (event) {
if (!event || typeof event !== "object") {
return false;
return "clientX" in event && "clientY" in event;
Tooltip.prototype._getViewPort = function () {
return this._root || document.body;
Tooltip.prototype._calculateTooltipPosition = function (event) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
// top/left coordinates inside the viewport by mouse position
var viewport = this._getViewPortSize();
var tooltipNode = this.getNode();
var tooltip = {
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: tooltipNode.offsetWidth,
height: tooltipNode.offsetHeight,
bottom: 0,
right: 0
var offsetX = gantt.config.tooltip_offset_x;
var offsetY = gantt.config.tooltip_offset_y;
var container = document.body;
var mouse = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(event, container);
var containerPos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(container);
mouse.y += containerPos.y; // to fix margin collapsing = mouse.y;
tooltip.left = mouse.x; += offsetY;
tooltip.left += offsetX;
tooltip.bottom = + tooltip.height;
tooltip.right = tooltip.left + tooltip.width;
var scrollTop = window.scrollY + container.scrollTop; // to fix margin collapsing
// edge cases when the tooltip element can be partially hidden by edges of the viewport
if ( < - scrollTop) { =;
tooltip.bottom = + tooltip.height;
else if (tooltip.bottom > viewport.bottom) {
tooltip.bottom = viewport.bottom; = tooltip.bottom - tooltip.height;
if (tooltip.left < viewport.left) {
tooltip.left = viewport.left;
tooltip.right = viewport.left + tooltip.width;
else if (tooltip.right > viewport.right) {
tooltip.right = viewport.right;
tooltip.left = tooltip.right - tooltip.width;
if (mouse.x >= tooltip.left && mouse.x <= tooltip.right) {
tooltip.left = mouse.x - tooltip.width - offsetX;
tooltip.right = tooltip.left + tooltip.width;
if (mouse.y >= && mouse.y <= tooltip.bottom) { = mouse.y - tooltip.height - offsetY;
tooltip.bottom = + tooltip.height;
return tooltip;
Tooltip.prototype._getViewPortSize = function () {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var container = this._getViewPort();
var viewport = container;
var scrollTop = window.scrollY + document.body.scrollTop;
var scrollLeft = window.scrollX + document.body.scrollLeft;
var pos;
// support for the initial tooltip mode where the tooltip element was attached to the data area of gantt
if (container === gantt.$task_data) {
viewport = gantt.$task;
scrollTop = 0;
scrollLeft = 0;
pos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(gantt.$task);
else {
pos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(viewport);
return {
left: pos.x + scrollLeft,
top: pos.y + scrollTop,
width: pos.width,
height: pos.height,
bottom: pos.y + pos.height + scrollTop,
right: pos.x + pos.width + scrollLeft
return Tooltip;
exports.Tooltip = Tooltip;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/tooltip/tooltipManager.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/tooltip/tooltipManager.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var domEventsScope = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../core/ui/utils/dom_event_scope */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_event_scope.js");
var domHelpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../core/ui/utils/dom_helpers */ "./sources/core/ui/utils/dom_helpers.js");
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var tooltip_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tooltip */ "./sources/ext/tooltip/tooltip.ts");
var TooltipManager = /** @class */ (function () {
function TooltipManager(gantt) {
this._listeners = {};
this.tooltip = new tooltip_1.Tooltip(gantt);
this._gantt = gantt;
this._domEvents = domEventsScope();
TooltipManager.prototype.destructor = function () {
TooltipManager.prototype.hideTooltip = function () {
TooltipManager.prototype.attach = function (config) {
var _this = this;
var root = document.body;
var gantt = this._gantt;
if (! {
root = gantt.$root;
var watchableTarget = null;
var handler = function (event) {
var eventTarget = domHelpers.getTargetNode(event);
var targetNode = domHelpers.closest(eventTarget, config.selector);
if (domHelpers.isChildOf(eventTarget, _this.tooltip.getNode())) {
var doOnMouseEnter = function () {
watchableTarget = targetNode;
config.onmouseenter(event, targetNode);
if (watchableTarget) {
if (targetNode && targetNode === watchableTarget) {
config.onmousemove(event, targetNode);
else {
config.onmouseleave(event, watchableTarget);
watchableTarget = null;
if (targetNode && targetNode !== watchableTarget) {
else {
if (targetNode) {
this._domEvents.attach(root, "mousemove", handler);
this._listeners[config.selector] = {
node: root,
handler: handler
TooltipManager.prototype.detach = function (selector) {
var listener = this._listeners[selector];
if (listener) {
this._domEvents.detach(listener.node, "mousemove", listener.handler);
TooltipManager.prototype.tooltipFor = function (config) {
var _this = this;
var cloneDomEvent = function (event) {
var clone = event;
// making events survive timeout in ie
// tslint:disable-next-line no-string-literal
if (document["createEventObject"] && !document.createEvent) {
// tslint:disable-next-line no-string-literal
clone = document["createEventObject"](event);
return clone;
selector: config.selector,
onmouseenter: function (event, node) {
var html = config.html(event, node);
if (html) {
_this.delayShow(cloneDomEvent(event), html);
onmousemove: function (event, node) {
var html = config.html(event, node);
if (html) {
_this.delayShow(cloneDomEvent(event), html);
else {
onmouseleave: function () {
TooltipManager.prototype._initDelayedFunctions = function () {
var _this = this;
var gantt = this._gantt;
// reset delayed functions in order to apply current values of tooltip_timeout
if (this.delayShow) {
if (this.delayHide) {
this.delayShow = helpers.delay(function (event, html) {
if (gantt.callEvent("onBeforeTooltip", [event]) === false) {
else {
}, gantt.config.tooltip_timeout || 1);
this.delayHide = helpers.delay(function () {
}, gantt.config.tooltip_hide_timeout || 1);
return TooltipManager;
exports.TooltipManager = TooltipManager;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/undo/index.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/undo/index.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var monitor_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./monitor */ "./sources/ext/undo/monitor.ts");
var undo_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./undo */ "./sources/ext/undo/undo.ts");
function default_1(gantt) {
var _undo = new undo_1.Undo(gantt);
var monitor = new monitor_1.Monitor(_undo, gantt);
gantt.config.undo = true;
gantt.config.redo = true;
* entities that require different processing for undoing-redoing changes
* @type {{link: string, task: string}}
gantt.config.undo_types = {
link: "link",
task: "task"
* types of traced actions
* @type {{update: string, remove: string, add: string}}
gantt.config.undo_actions = {
update: "update",
remove: "remove",
add: "add",
move: "move" // move task in grid
if (!gantt.ext) {
gantt.ext = {};
gantt.ext.undo = {
undo: function () { return _undo.undo(); },
redo: function () { return _undo.redo(); },
getUndoStack: function () { return _undo.getUndoStack(); },
getRedoStack: function () { return _undo.getRedoStack(); },
clearUndoStack: function () { return _undo.clearUndoStack(); },
clearRedoStack: function () { return _undo.clearRedoStack(); },
saveState: function (id, type) { return, type, true); }
gantt.undo = gantt.ext.undo.undo;
gantt.redo = gantt.ext.undo.redo;
gantt.getUndoStack = gantt.ext.undo.getUndoStack;
gantt.getRedoStack = gantt.ext.undo.getRedoStack;
gantt.clearUndoStack = gantt.ext.undo.clearUndoStack;
gantt.clearRedoStack = gantt.ext.undo.clearRedoStack;
function updTask(task, oldId, newId) {
if (!task) {
if ( === oldId) { = newId;
if (task.parent === oldId) {
task.parent = newId;
function changeTaskCommandId(command, oldId, newId) {
updTask(command.value, oldId, newId);
updTask(command.oldValue, oldId, newId);
function updLink(link, oldTaskId, newTaskId) {
if (!link) {
if (link.source === oldTaskId) {
link.source = newTaskId;
if ( === oldTaskId) { = newTaskId;
function changeLinkCommandId(command, oldId, newId) {
updLink(command.value, oldId, newId);
updLink(command.oldValue, oldId, newId);
function updateTasksIds(log, oldId, newId) {
var undo = _undo;
for (var i = 0; i < log.length; i++) {
var entry = log[i];
for (var j = 0; j < entry.commands.length; j++) {
if (entry.commands[j].entity === undo.command.entity.task) {
changeTaskCommandId(entry.commands[j], oldId, newId);
else if (entry.commands[j].entity === {
changeLinkCommandId(entry.commands[j], oldId, newId);
function updateLinksIds(log, oldId, newId) {
var undo = _undo;
for (var i = 0; i < log.length; i++) {
var entry = log[i];
for (var j = 0; j < entry.commands.length; j++) {
var command = entry.commands[j];
if (command.entity === {
if (command.value && === oldId) { = newId;
if (command.oldValue && === oldId) { = newId;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskIdChange", function (oldId, newId) {
var undo = _undo;
updateTasksIds(undo.getUndoStack(), oldId, newId);
updateTasksIds(undo.getRedoStack(), oldId, newId);
gantt.attachEvent("onLinkIdChange", function (oldId, newId) {
var undo = _undo;
updateLinksIds(undo.getUndoStack(), oldId, newId);
updateLinksIds(undo.getRedoStack(), oldId, newId);
gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
exports.default = default_1;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/undo/monitor.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/undo/monitor.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var noTrack = {
onBeforeUndo: "onAfterUndo",
onBeforeRedo: "onAfterRedo"
var batchActions = [
var Monitor = /** @class */ (function () {
function Monitor(undo, gantt) {
this._batchAction = null;
this._batchMode = false;
this._ignore = false;
this._ignoreMoveEvents = false;
this._initialTasks = {};
this._initialLinks = {};
this._nestedTasks = {};
this._nestedLinks = {};
this._undo = undo;
this._gantt = gantt;
} = function (id, type, overwrite) {
if (overwrite === void 0) { overwrite = false; }
if (type === this._gantt.config.undo_types.task) {
return this._storeTask(id, overwrite);
if (type === {
return this._storeLink(id, overwrite);
return false;
Monitor.prototype.isMoveEventsIgnored = function () {
return this._ignoreMoveEvents;
Monitor.prototype.toggleIgnoreMoveEvents = function (newValue) {
this._ignoreMoveEvents = newValue || false;
Monitor.prototype.startIgnore = function () {
this._ignore = true;
Monitor.prototype.stopIgnore = function () {
this._ignore = false;
Monitor.prototype.startBatchAction = function () {
var _this = this;
// try catching updates made from event handlers using timeout
if (!this._timeout) {
this._timeout = setTimeout(function () {
_this._timeout = null;
}, 10);
if (this._ignore || this._batchMode) {
this._batchMode = true;
this._batchAction = this._undo.action.create();
Monitor.prototype.stopBatchAction = function () {
if (this._ignore) {
var undo = this._undo;
if (this._batchAction) {
this._batchMode = false;
this._batchAction = null;
Monitor.prototype.onTaskAdded = function (task) {
if (!this._ignore) {
this._storeTaskCommand(task, this._undo.command.type.add);
Monitor.prototype.onTaskUpdated = function (task) {
if (!this._ignore) {
this._storeTaskCommand(task, this._undo.command.type.update);
Monitor.prototype.onTaskMoved = function (task) {
if (!this._ignore) {
task.$local_index = this._gantt.getTaskIndex(;
var oldValue = this.getInitialTask(;
if (task.$local_index === oldValue.$local_index &&
this._gantt.getParent(task) === this._gantt.getParent(oldValue)) {
this._storeEntityCommand(task, this.getInitialTask(, this._undo.command.type.move, this._undo.command.entity.task);
Monitor.prototype.onTaskDeleted = function (task) {
if (!this._ignore) {
this._storeTaskCommand(task, this._undo.command.type.remove);
if (this._nestedTasks[]) {
var children = this._nestedTasks[];
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
this._storeTaskCommand(children[i], this._undo.command.type.remove);
if (this._nestedLinks[]) {
var childrenLinks = this._nestedLinks[];
for (var i = 0; i < childrenLinks.length; i++) {
this._storeLinkCommand(childrenLinks[i], this._undo.command.type.remove);
Monitor.prototype.onLinkAdded = function (link) {
if (!this._ignore) {
this._storeLinkCommand(link, this._undo.command.type.add);
Monitor.prototype.onLinkUpdated = function (link) {
if (!this._ignore) {
this._storeLinkCommand(link, this._undo.command.type.update);
Monitor.prototype.onLinkDeleted = function (link) {
if (!this._ignore) {
this._storeLinkCommand(link, this._undo.command.type.remove);
Monitor.prototype.setNestedTasks = function (id, taskIds) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
var task = null;
var tasks = [];
var linkIds = this._getLinks(gantt.getTask(id));
for (var i = 0; i < taskIds.length; i++) {
task = this.setInitialTask(taskIds[i]);
linkIds = linkIds.concat(this._getLinks(task));
var uniqueLinks = {};
for (var i = 0; i < linkIds.length; i++) {
uniqueLinks[linkIds[i]] = true;
var links = [];
for (var i in uniqueLinks) {
this._nestedTasks[id] = tasks;
this._nestedLinks[id] = links;
Monitor.prototype.setInitialTask = function (id, overwrite) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
if (overwrite || (!this._initialTasks[id] || !this._batchMode)) {
var task = gantt.copy(gantt.getTask(id));
task.$index = gantt.getGlobalTaskIndex(id);
task.$local_index = gantt.getTaskIndex(id);
this.setInitialTaskObject(id, task);
return this._initialTasks[id];
Monitor.prototype.getInitialTask = function (id) {
return this._initialTasks[id];
Monitor.prototype.clearInitialTasks = function () {
this._initialTasks = {};
Monitor.prototype.setInitialTaskObject = function (id, object) {
this._initialTasks[id] = object;
Monitor.prototype.setInitialLink = function (id, overwrite) {
if (!this._initialLinks[id] || !this._batchMode) {
this._initialLinks[id] = this._gantt.copy(this._gantt.getLink(id));
return this._initialLinks[id];
Monitor.prototype.getInitialLink = function (id) {
return this._initialLinks[id];
Monitor.prototype.clearInitialLinks = function () {
this._initialLinks = {};
Monitor.prototype._attachEvents = function () {
var _this = this;
var deleteCacheCooldown = null;
var gantt = this._gantt;
var saveInitialAll = function () {
if (!deleteCacheCooldown) {
deleteCacheCooldown = setTimeout(function () {
deleteCacheCooldown = null;
gantt.eachTask(function (task) {
gantt.getLinks().forEach(function (link) {
var getMoveObjectByTaskId = function (id) {
return gantt.copy(gantt.getTask(id));
for (var i in noTrack) {
gantt.attachEvent(i, function () {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent(noTrack[i], function () {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < batchActions.length; i++) {
gantt.attachEvent(batchActions[i], function () {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onParse", function () {
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskAdd", function (id, task) {
_this.setInitialTask(id, true);
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskUpdate", function (id, task) {
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskDelete", function (id, task) {
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterLinkAdd", function (id, link) {
_this.setInitialLink(id, true);
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterLinkUpdate", function (id, link) {
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterLinkDelete", function (id, link) {
gantt.attachEvent("onRowDragEnd", function (id, target) {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDelete", function (id) {, gantt.config.undo_types.task);
var nested = [];
// remember task indexes in case their being deleted in a loop, so they could be restored in the correct order
gantt.eachTask(function (task) {
}, id);
_this.setNestedTasks(id, nested);
return true;
var datastore = gantt.getDatastore("task");
datastore.attachEvent("onBeforeItemMove", function (id, parent, tindex) {
if (!_this.isMoveEventsIgnored()) {
return true;
datastore.attachEvent("onAfterItemMove", function (id, parent, tindex) {
if (!_this.isMoveEventsIgnored()) {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onRowDragStart", function (id, target, e) {
return true;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDrag", function (taskId) { return, gantt.config.undo_types.task); });
gantt.attachEvent("onLightbox", function (taskId) { return, gantt.config.undo_types.task); });
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskAutoSchedule", function (task) {, gantt.config.undo_types.task);
return true;
if (gantt.ext.inlineEditors) {
gantt.ext.inlineEditors.attachEvent("onEditStart", function (state) {, gantt.config.undo_types.task);
Monitor.prototype._storeCommand = function (command) {
var undo = this._undo;
if (!undo.undoEnabled) {
if (this._batchMode) {
else {
var action = undo.action.create([command]);
Monitor.prototype._storeEntityCommand = function (obj, old, actionType, entityType) {
var undo = this._undo;
var command = undo.command.create(obj, old, actionType, entityType);
Monitor.prototype._storeTaskCommand = function (obj, type) {
if (this._gantt.isTaskExists( {
obj.$local_index = this._gantt.getTaskIndex(;
this._storeEntityCommand(obj, this.getInitialTask(, type, this._undo.command.entity.task);
Monitor.prototype._storeLinkCommand = function (obj, type) {
this._storeEntityCommand(obj, this.getInitialLink(, type,;
Monitor.prototype._getLinks = function (task) {
return task.$source.concat(task.$target);
Monitor.prototype._storeTask = function (taskId, overwrite) {
var _this = this;
if (overwrite === void 0) { overwrite = false; }
var gantt = this._gantt;
this.setInitialTask(taskId, overwrite);
gantt.eachTask(function (child) {
}, taskId);
return true;
Monitor.prototype._storeLink = function (linkId, overwrite) {
if (overwrite === void 0) { overwrite = false; }
this.setInitialLink(linkId, overwrite);
return true;
return Monitor;
exports.Monitor = Monitor;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/ext/undo/undo.ts":
!*** ./sources/ext/undo/undo.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var MAX_UNDO_STEPS = 10;
var Undo = /** @class */ (function () {
function Undo(gantt) {
var _this = this;
this.maxSteps = MAX_UNDO_STEPS;
this.undoEnabled = true;
this.redoEnabled = true;
this.action = {
create: function (commands) {
return { commands: (commands ? commands.slice() : []) };
invert: function (action) {
var _a;
var gantt = _this._gantt;
var revert = gantt.copy(action);
var commands = _this.command;
for (var i = 0; i < action.commands.length; i++) {
var command = revert.commands[i] = commands.invert(revert.commands[i]);
if (command.type === commands.type.update || command.type === commands.type.move) {
_a = [command.oldValue, command.value], command.value = _a[0], command.oldValue = _a[1];
return revert;
this.command = {
// entities that require different processing for undoing-redoing changes (gantt.config.undo_types)
entity: null,
// types of traced actions (gantt.config.undo_actions)
type: null,
create: function (value, oldValue, type, entity) {
var gantt = _this._gantt;
return {
entity: entity,
type: type,
value: gantt.copy(value),
oldValue: gantt.copy(oldValue || value)
invert: function (command) {
var gantt = _this._gantt;
var revert = gantt.copy(command);
revert.type = _this.command.inverseCommands(command.type);
return revert;
inverseCommands: function (command) {
var gantt = _this._gantt;
var types = _this.command.type;
switch (command) {
case types.update:
return types.update;
case types.remove:
return types.add;
case types.add:
return types.remove;
case types.move:
return types.move;
gantt.assert(false, "Invalid command " + command);
return null;
this._undoStack = [];
this._redoStack = [];
this._gantt = gantt;
Undo.prototype.getUndoStack = function () {
return this._undoStack;
Undo.prototype.getRedoStack = function () {
return this._redoStack;
Undo.prototype.clearUndoStack = function () {
this._undoStack = [];
Undo.prototype.clearRedoStack = function () {
this._redoStack = [];
Undo.prototype.updateConfigs = function () {
var gantt = this._gantt;
this.maxSteps = gantt.config.undo_steps || MAX_UNDO_STEPS;
this.command.entity = gantt.config.undo_types;
this.command.type = gantt.config.undo_actions;
this.undoEnabled = !!gantt.config.undo;
this.redoEnabled = !!gantt.config.redo; // GS-873, Redo should work even when the `gantt.config.undo` is disabled.
Undo.prototype.undo = function () {
var gantt = this._gantt;
if (!this.undoEnabled) {
var action = this._pop(this._undoStack);
if (action) {
if (gantt.callEvent("onBeforeUndo", [action]) !== false) {
if (action) {
this._push(this._redoStack, gantt.copy(action));
gantt.callEvent("onAfterUndo", [action]);
gantt.callEvent("onAfterUndo", [null]);
Undo.prototype.redo = function () {
var gantt = this._gantt;
if (!this.redoEnabled) {
var action = this._pop(this._redoStack);
if (action) {
if (gantt.callEvent("onBeforeRedo", [action]) !== false) {
if (action) {
this._push(this._undoStack, gantt.copy(action));
gantt.callEvent("onAfterRedo", [action]);
gantt.callEvent("onAfterRedo", [null]);
// storeUndo:
Undo.prototype.logAction = function (action) {
this._push(this._undoStack, action);
this._redoStack = [];
Undo.prototype._push = function (stack, action) {
var gantt = this._gantt;
if (!action.commands.length) {
var event = stack === this._undoStack ? "onBeforeUndoStack" : "onBeforeRedoStack";
if (gantt.callEvent(event, [action]) === false) {
// commands can be removed from event handler
if (!action.commands.length) {
while (stack.length > this.maxSteps) {
return action;
Undo.prototype._pop = function (stack) {
return stack.pop();
Undo.prototype._reorderCommands = function (action) {
// firstly process tasks and only then links
// in order to ensure links are added not earlier than their tasks
// firstly to 'move' actions and only then updates
var weights = { any: 0, link: 1, task: 2 };
var actionWeights = { move: 1, any: 0 };
action.commands.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.entity === "task" && b.entity === "task") {
if (a.type !== b.type) {
return (actionWeights[b.type] || 0) - (actionWeights[a.type] || 0);
else if (a.type === "move" && a.oldValue && b.oldValue && b.oldValue.parent === a.oldValue.parent) {
return a.oldValue.$index - b.oldValue.$index;
else {
return 0;
else {
var weightA = weights[a.entity] || weights.any;
var weightB = weights[b.entity] || weights.any;
return weightB - weightA;
Undo.prototype._applyAction = function (action) {
var command = null;
var entities = this.command.entity;
var actions = this.command.type;
var gantt = this._gantt;
var methods = {};
methods[entities.task] = {
add: "addTask",
get: "getTask",
update: "updateTask",
remove: "deleteTask",
move: "moveTask",
isExists: "isTaskExists"
methods[] = {
add: "addLink",
get: "getLink",
update: "updateLink",
remove: "deleteLink",
isExists: "isLinkExists"
gantt.batchUpdate(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < action.commands.length; i++) {
command = action.commands[i];
var method = methods[command.entity][command.type];
var getMethod = methods[command.entity].get;
var check = methods[command.entity].isExists;
if (command.type === actions.add) {
gantt[method](command.oldValue, command.oldValue.parent, command.oldValue.$local_index);
else if (command.type === actions.remove) {
if (gantt[check]( {
else if (command.type === actions.update) {
var item = gantt[getMethod](;
for (var prop in command.value) {
if (!prop.startsWith("$") && !prop.startsWith("_")) {
item[prop] = command.value[prop];
else if (command.type === actions.move) {
gantt[method](, command.value.$local_index, command.value.parent);
// GS-680: We should send the changes to the server after we undo vertical reorder
gantt.callEvent("onRowDragEnd", []);
return Undo;
exports.Undo = Undo;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/factory/make_instance_common.js":
!*** ./sources/factory/make_instance_common.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function DHXGantt() {
this.constants = __webpack_require__(/*! ../constants */ "./sources/constants/index.js");
this.version = "7.1.8";
this.license = "gpl";
this.templates = {};
this.ext = {};
this.keys = {
edit_save: this.constants.KEY_CODES.ENTER,
edit_cancel: this.constants.KEY_CODES.ESC
module.exports = function (supportedExtensions) {
// use a named constructor to make gantt instance discoverable in heap snapshots
var gantt = new DHXGantt();
var ExtensionManager = __webpack_require__(/*! ../ext/extension_manager */ "./sources/ext/extension_manager.ts")["default"];
var extensionManager = new ExtensionManager(supportedExtensions);
var activePlugins = {};
gantt.plugins = function (config) {
for (var i in config) {
if (config[i] && !activePlugins[i]) {
var plugin = extensionManager.getExtension(i);
if (plugin) {
activePlugins[i] = true;
gantt.$services = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/common/services */ "./sources/core/common/services.js")();
gantt.config = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/common/config */ "./sources/core/common/config.ts")();
gantt.ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/common/ajax */ "./sources/core/common/ajax.js")(gantt); = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/common/date */ "./sources/core/common/date.js")(gantt);
var dnd = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/common/dnd */ "./sources/core/common/dnd.js")(gantt);
gantt.$services.setService("dnd", function () {
return dnd;
var templatesLoader = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/common/templates */ "./sources/core/common/templates.js")(gantt);
gantt.$services.setService("templateLoader", function () {
return templatesLoader;
__webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/eventable */ "./sources/utils/eventable.js")(gantt);
var StateService = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/common/state */ "./sources/core/common/state.js");
var stateService = new StateService();
stateService.registerProvider("global", function () {
var res = {
min_date: gantt._min_date,
max_date: gantt._max_date,
selected_task: null
}; // do not throw error if getState called from non-initialized gantt
if (gantt.$data && gantt.$data.tasksStore) {
res.selected_task = gantt.$data.tasksStore.getSelectedId();
return res;
gantt.getState = stateService.getState;
gantt.$services.setService("state", function () {
return stateService;
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/utils */ "./sources/utils/utils.js");
utils.mixin(gantt, utils);
gantt.Promise = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/promise */ "./sources/utils/promise.js");
gantt.env = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/env */ "./sources/utils/env.js");
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/datastore/datastore_hooks */ "./sources/core/datastore/datastore_hooks.js")(gantt);
var DataProcessor = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/dataprocessor */ "./sources/core/dataprocessor/index.js");
gantt.dataProcessor = DataProcessor.DEPRECATED_api;
gantt.createDataProcessor = DataProcessor.createDataProcessor;
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/plugins */ "./sources/core/plugins/index.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/dynamic_loading */ "./sources/core/dynamic_loading.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/grid_column_api */ "./sources/core/grid_column_api.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/tasks */ "./sources/core/tasks.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/load */ "./sources/core/load.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/worktime/work_time */ "./sources/core/worktime/work_time.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/data */ "./sources/core/data.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../publish_helpers/void_script_second */ "./sources/publish_helpers/void_script_second.ts")["default"](gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/data_task_types */ "./sources/core/data_task_types.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/cached_functions */ "./sources/core/cached_functions.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/gantt_core */ "./sources/core/gantt_core.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/destructor */ "./sources/core/destructor.js")(gantt);
__webpack_require__(/*! ../publish_helpers/void_script_third */ "./sources/publish_helpers/void_script_third.ts")["default"](gantt);
var i18n = __webpack_require__(/*! ../locale */ "./sources/locale/index.ts")["default"]();
gantt.i18n = {
addLocale: i18n.addLocale,
setLocale: function setLocale(locale) {
if (typeof locale === "string") {
var localeObject = i18n.getLocale(locale);
if (!localeObject) {
localeObject = i18n.getLocale("en");
gantt.locale = localeObject;
} else if (locale) {
if (!gantt.locale) {
gantt.locale = locale;
} else {
for (var i in locale) {
if (locale[i] && _typeof(locale[i]) === "object") {
if (!gantt.locale[i]) {
gantt.locale[i] = {};
gantt.mixin(gantt.locale[i], locale[i], true);
} else {
gantt.locale[i] = locale[i];
getLocale: i18n.getLocale
return gantt;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/factory/make_instance_web.js":
!*** ./sources/factory/make_instance_web.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
__webpack_require__(/*! css/skins/terrace.less */ "./sources/css/skins/terrace.less");
var factory = __webpack_require__(/*! ./make_instance_common */ "./sources/factory/make_instance_common.js");
module.exports = function (supportedExtensions) {
var gantt = factory(supportedExtensions);
if (!gantt.env.isNode) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ../core/ui_core */ "./sources/core/ui_core.js")(gantt);
return gantt;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/index.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/index.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale_ar_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_ar */ "./sources/locale/locale_ar.ts");
var locale_be_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_be */ "./sources/locale/locale_be.ts");
var locale_ca_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_ca */ "./sources/locale/locale_ca.ts");
var locale_cn_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_cn */ "./sources/locale/locale_cn.ts");
var locale_cs_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_cs */ "./sources/locale/locale_cs.ts");
var locale_da_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_da */ "./sources/locale/locale_da.ts");
var locale_de_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_de */ "./sources/locale/locale_de.ts");
var locale_el_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_el */ "./sources/locale/locale_el.ts");
var locale_en_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_en */ "./sources/locale/locale_en.ts");
var locale_es_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_es */ "./sources/locale/locale_es.ts");
var locale_fa_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_fa */ "./sources/locale/locale_fa.ts");
var locale_fi_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_fi */ "./sources/locale/locale_fi.ts");
var locale_fr_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_fr */ "./sources/locale/locale_fr.ts");
var locale_he_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_he */ "./sources/locale/locale_he.ts");
var locale_hr_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_hr */ "./sources/locale/locale_hr.ts");
var locale_hu_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_hu */ "./sources/locale/locale_hu.ts");
var locale_id_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_id */ "./sources/locale/locale_id.ts");
var locale_it_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_it */ "./sources/locale/locale_it.ts");
var locale_jp_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_jp */ "./sources/locale/locale_jp.ts");
var locale_kr_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_kr */ "./sources/locale/locale_kr.ts");
var locale_manager_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_manager */ "./sources/locale/locale_manager.ts");
var locale_nb_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_nb */ "./sources/locale/locale_nb.ts");
var locale_nl_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_nl */ "./sources/locale/locale_nl.ts");
var locale_no_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_no */ "./sources/locale/locale_no.ts");
var locale_pl_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_pl */ "./sources/locale/locale_pl.ts");
var locale_pt_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_pt */ "./sources/locale/locale_pt.ts");
var locale_ro_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_ro */ "./sources/locale/locale_ro.ts");
var locale_ru_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_ru */ "./sources/locale/locale_ru.ts");
var locale_si_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_si */ "./sources/locale/locale_si.ts");
var locale_sk_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_sk */ "./sources/locale/locale_sk.ts");
var locale_sv_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_sv */ "./sources/locale/locale_sv.ts");
var locale_tr_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_tr */ "./sources/locale/locale_tr.ts");
var locale_ua_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./locale_ua */ "./sources/locale/locale_ua.ts");
function default_1() {
return new locale_manager_1.default({
en: locale_en_1.default,
ar: locale_ar_1.default,
be: locale_be_1.default,
ca: locale_ca_1.default,
cn: locale_cn_1.default,
cs: locale_cs_1.default,
da: locale_da_1.default,
de: locale_de_1.default,
el: locale_el_1.default,
es: locale_es_1.default,
fa: locale_fa_1.default,
fi: locale_fi_1.default,
fr: locale_fr_1.default,
he: locale_he_1.default,
hr: locale_hr_1.default,
hu: locale_hu_1.default,
id: locale_id_1.default,
it: locale_it_1.default,
jp: locale_jp_1.default,
kr: locale_kr_1.default,
nb: locale_nb_1.default,
nl: locale_nl_1.default,
no: locale_no_1.default,
pl: locale_pl_1.default,
pt: locale_pt_1.default,
ro: locale_ro_1.default,
ru: locale_ru_1.default,
si: locale_si_1.default,
sk: locale_sk_1.default,
sv: locale_sv_1.default,
tr: locale_tr_1.default,
ua: locale_ua_1.default
exports.default = default_1;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_ar.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_ar.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["كانون الثاني", "شباط", "آذار", "نيسان", "أيار", "حزيران", "تموز", "آب", "أيلول", "تشرين الأول", "تشرين الثاني", "كانون الأول"],
month_short: ["يناير", "فبراير", "مارس", "أبريل", "مايو", "يونيو", "يوليو", "أغسطس", "سبتمبر", "أكتوبر", "نوفمبر", "ديسمبر"],
day_full: ["الأحد", "الأثنين", "ألثلاثاء", "الأربعاء", "ألحميس", "ألجمعة", "السبت"],
day_short: ["احد", "اثنين", "ثلاثاء", "اربعاء", "خميس", "جمعة", "سبت"]
labels: {
new_task: "مهمة جديد",
icon_save: "اخزن",
icon_cancel: "الغاء",
icon_details: "تفاصيل",
icon_edit: "تحرير",
icon_delete: "حذف",
confirm_closing: "التغييرات سوف تضيع, هل انت متأكد؟",
confirm_deleting: "الحدث سيتم حذفها نهائيا ، هل أنت متأكد؟",
section_description: "الوصف",
section_time: "الفترة الزمنية",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "الغاء",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_be.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_be.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Студзень", "Люты", "Сакавік", "Красавік", "Maй", "Чэрвень", "Ліпень", "Жнівень", "Верасень", "Кастрычнік", "Лістапад", "Снежань"],
month_short: ["Студз", "Лют", "Сак", "Крас", "Maй", "Чэр", "Ліп", "Жнів", "Вер", "Каст", "Ліст", "Снеж"],
day_full: ["Нядзеля", "Панядзелак", "Аўторак", "Серада", "Чацвер", "Пятніца", "Субота"],
day_short: ["Нд", "Пн", "Аўт", "Ср", "Чцв", "Пт", "Сб"]
labels: {
new_task: "Новае заданне",
icon_save: "Захаваць",
icon_cancel: "Адмяніць",
icon_details: "Дэталі",
icon_edit: "Змяніць",
icon_delete: "Выдаліць",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Падзея будзе выдалена незваротна, працягнуць?",
section_description: "Апісанне",
section_time: "Перыяд часу",
section_type: "Тып",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "ІСР",
column_text: "Задача",
column_start_date: "Пачатак",
column_duration: "Працяг",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Сувязь",
confirm_link_deleting: "будзе выдалена",
link_start: "(пачатак)",
link_end: "(канец)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Хвiлiна",
hours: "Гадзiна",
days: "Дзень",
weeks: "Тыдзень",
months: "Месяц",
years: "Год",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Адмяніць",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_ca.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_ca.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
@Traducido por Vicente Adria Bohigues -
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Gener", "Febrer", "Març", "Abril", "Maig", "Juny", "Juliol", "Agost", "Setembre", "Octubre", "Novembre", "Desembre"],
month_short: ["Gen", "Feb", "Mar", "Abr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Oct", "Nov", "Des"],
day_full: ["Diumenge", "Dilluns", "Dimarts", "Dimecres", "Dijous", "Divendres", "Dissabte"],
day_short: ["Dg", "Dl", "Dm", "Dc", "Dj", "Dv", "Ds"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nova tasca",
icon_save: "Guardar",
icon_cancel: "Cancel·lar",
icon_details: "Detalls",
icon_edit: "Editar",
icon_delete: "Esborrar",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "L'esdeveniment s'esborrarà definitivament, continuar ?",
section_description: "Descripció",
section_time: "Periode de temps",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Cancel·lar",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_cn.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_cn.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Translation by FreezeSoul
Update 26/10/2015:
Translation of new labels by zwh8800
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"],
month_short: ["1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"],
day_full: ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"],
day_short: ["日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"]
labels: {
new_task: "新任務",
icon_save: "保存",
icon_cancel: "关闭",
icon_details: "详细",
icon_edit: "编辑",
icon_delete: "删除",
confirm_closing: "请确认是否撤销修改!",
confirm_deleting: "是否删除日程?",
section_description: "描述",
section_time: "时间范围",
section_type: "类型",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "工作分解结构",
column_text: "任务名",
column_start_date: "开始时间",
column_duration: "持续时间",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "关联",
confirm_link_deleting: "将被删除",
link_start: " (开始)",
link_end: " (结束)",
type_task: "任务",
type_project: "项目",
type_milestone: "里程碑",
minutes: "分钟",
hours: "小时",
days: "天",
weeks: "周",
months: "月",
years: "年",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "关闭",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_cs.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_cs.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Leden", "Únor", "Březen", "Duben", "Květen", "Červen", "Červenec", "Srpen", "Září", "Říjen", "Listopad", "Prosinec"],
month_short: ["Led", "Ún", "Bře", "Dub", "Kvě", "Čer", "Čec", "Srp", "Září", "Říj", "List", "Pro"],
day_full: ["Neděle", "Pondělí", "Úterý", "Středa", "Čtvrtek", "Pátek", "Sobota"],
day_short: ["Ne", "Po", "Út", "St", "Čt", "Pá", "So"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nová práce",
icon_save: "Uložit",
icon_cancel: "Zpět",
icon_details: "Detail",
icon_edit: "Edituj",
icon_delete: "Smazat",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Událost bude trvale smazána, opravdu?",
section_description: "Poznámky",
section_time: "Doba platnosti",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Zpět",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_da.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_da.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Januar", "Februar", "Marts", "April", "Maj", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"],
day_full: ["Søndag", "Mandag", "Tirsdag", "Onsdag", "Torsdag", "Fredag", "Lørdag"],
day_short: ["Søn", "Man", "Tir", "Ons", "Tor", "Fre", "Lør"]
labels: {
new_task: "Ny opgave",
icon_save: "Gem",
icon_cancel: "Fortryd",
icon_details: "Detaljer",
icon_edit: "Tilret",
icon_delete: "Slet",
confirm_closing: "Dine rettelser vil gå tabt.. Er dy sikker?",
confirm_deleting: "Bigivenheden vil blive slettet permanent. Er du sikker?",
section_description: "Beskrivelse",
section_time: "Tidsperiode",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Fortryd",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_de.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_de.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: [" Januar", " Februar", " März ", " April", " Mai", " Juni", " Juli", " August", " September ", " Oktober", " November ", " Dezember"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"],
day_full: ["Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", " Mittwoch", " Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag"],
day_short: ["So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"]
labels: {
new_task: "Neue Aufgabe",
icon_save: "Speichern",
icon_cancel: "Abbrechen",
icon_details: "Details",
icon_edit: "Ändern",
icon_delete: "Löschen",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Der Eintrag wird gelöscht",
section_description: "Beschreibung",
section_time: "Zeitspanne",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "PSP",
column_text: "Task-Namen",
column_start_date: "Startzeit",
column_duration: "Dauer",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "werden gelöscht",
link_start: "(starten)",
link_end: "(ende)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minuten",
hours: "Stunden",
days: "Tage",
weeks: "Wochen",
months: "Monate",
years: "Jahre",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Abbrechen",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_el.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_el.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Ιανουάριος", "Φεβρουάριος", "Μάρτιος", "Απρίλιος", "Μάϊος", "Ιούνιος", "Ιούλιος", "Αύγουστος", "Σεπτέμβριος", "Οκτώβριος", "Νοέμβριος", "Δεκέμβριος"],
month_short: ["ΙΑΝ", "ΦΕΒ", "ΜΑΡ", "ΑΠΡ", "ΜΑΙ", "ΙΟΥΝ", "ΙΟΥΛ", "ΑΥΓ", "ΣΕΠ", "ΟΚΤ", "ΝΟΕ", "ΔΕΚ"],
day_full: ["Κυριακή", "Δευτέρα", "Τρίτη", "Τετάρτη", "Πέμπτη", "Παρασκευή", "Κυριακή"],
day_short: ["ΚΥ", "ΔΕ", "ΤΡ", "ΤΕ", "ΠΕ", "ΠΑ", "ΣΑ"]
labels: {
new_task: "Νέα εργασία",
icon_save: "Αποθήκευση",
icon_cancel: "Άκυρο",
icon_details: "Λεπτομέρειες",
icon_edit: "Επεξεργασία",
icon_delete: "Διαγραφή",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Το έργο θα διαγραφεί οριστικά. Θέλετε να συνεχίσετε;",
section_description: "Περιγραφή",
section_time: "Χρονική περίοδος",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Άκυρο",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_en.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_en.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
day_full: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
day_short: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]
labels: {
new_task: "New task",
icon_save: "Save",
icon_cancel: "Cancel",
icon_details: "Details",
icon_edit: "Edit",
icon_delete: "Delete",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Task will be deleted permanently, are you sure?",
section_description: "Description",
section_time: "Time period",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Cancel",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_es.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_es.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
@Autor Manuel Fernandez Panzuela -
Update 30/10/2015:
Translation of new labels by Jorge Macias
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Enero", "Febrero", "Marzo", "Abril", "Mayo", "Junio", "Julio", "Agosto", "Septiembre", "Octubre", "Noviembre", "Diciembre"],
month_short: ["Ene", "Feb", "Mar", "Abr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dic"],
day_full: ["Domingo", "Lunes", "Martes", "Miércoles", "Jueves", "Viernes", "Sábado"],
day_short: ["Dom", "Lun", "Mar", "Mié", "Jue", "Vie", "Sáb"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nueva tarea",
icon_save: "Guardar",
icon_cancel: "Cancelar",
icon_details: "Detalles",
icon_edit: "Editar",
icon_delete: "Eliminar",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "El evento se borrará definitivamente, ¿continuar?",
section_description: "Descripción",
section_time: "Período",
section_type: "Tipo",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "EDT",
column_text: "Tarea",
column_start_date: "Inicio",
column_duration: "Duración",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Enlace",
confirm_link_deleting: "será borrada",
link_start: " (inicio)",
link_end: " (fin)",
type_task: "Tarea",
type_project: "Proyecto",
type_milestone: "Hito",
minutes: "Minutos",
hours: "Horas",
days: "Días",
weeks: "Semanas",
months: "Meses",
years: "Años",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Cancelar",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_fa.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_fa.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
dhtmlxGantt Persian (Farsi, fa_IR) locale by Mohammad Shokri
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: [
month_short: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"],
day_full: [
day_short: [
labels: {
new_task: "وظیفه جدید",
icon_save: "ذخیره",
icon_cancel: "لغو",
icon_details: "جزییات",
icon_edit: "ویرایش",
icon_delete: "حذف",
confirm_closing: "تغییرات شما ازدست خواهد رفت، آیا مطمئن هستید؟",
confirm_deleting: "این مورد برای همیشه حذف خواهد شد، آیا مطمئن هستید؟",
section_description: "توضیحات",
section_time: "مدت زمان",
section_type: "نوع",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "عنوان",
column_start_date: "زمان شروع",
column_duration: "مدت",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "ارتباط",
confirm_link_deleting: "حذف خواهد شد",
link_start: " (آغاز)",
link_end: " (پایان)",
type_task: "وظیفه",
type_project: "پروژه",
type_milestone: "نگارش",
minutes: "دقایق",
hours: "ساعات",
days: "روزها",
weeks: "هفته",
months: "ماهها",
years: "سالها",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "تایید",
message_cancel: "لغو",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_fi.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_fi.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Tammikuu", "Helmikuu", "Maaliskuu", "Huhtikuu", "Toukokuu", "Kes&auml;kuu", "Hein&auml;kuu", "Elokuu", "Syyskuu", "Lokakuu", "Marraskuu", "Joulukuu"],
month_short: ["Tam", "Hel", "Maa", "Huh", "Tou", "Kes", "Hei", "Elo", "Syy", "Lok", "Mar", "Jou"],
day_full: ["Sunnuntai", "Maanantai", "Tiistai", "Keskiviikko", "Torstai", "Perjantai", "Lauantai"],
day_short: ["Su", "Ma", "Ti", "Ke", "To", "Pe", "La"]
labels: {
new_task: "Uusi tehtävä",
icon_save: "Tallenna",
icon_cancel: "Peru",
icon_details: "Tiedot",
icon_edit: "Muokkaa",
icon_delete: "Poista",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tapahtuman?",
section_description: "Kuvaus",
section_time: "Aikajakso",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Peru",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_fr.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_fr.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Décembre"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Fév", "Mar", "Avr", "Mai", "Juin", "Juil", "Aoû", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Déc"],
day_full: ["Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi"],
day_short: ["Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nouvelle tâche",
icon_save: "Enregistrer",
icon_cancel: "Annuler",
icon_details: "Détails",
icon_edit: "Modifier",
icon_delete: "Effacer",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "L'événement sera effacé sans appel, êtes-vous sûr ?",
section_description: "Description",
section_time: "Période",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "OTP",
column_text: "Nom de la tâche",
column_start_date: "Date initiale",
column_duration: "Durée",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Le lien",
confirm_link_deleting: "sera supprimé",
link_start: "(début)",
link_end: "(fin)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Heures",
days: "Jours",
weeks: "Semaines",
months: "Mois",
years: "Années",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Annuler",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_he.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_he.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["ינואר", "פברואר", "מרץ", "אפריל", "מאי", "יוני", "יולי", "אוגוסט", "ספטמבר", "אוקטובר", "נובמבר", "דצמבר"],
month_short: ["ינו", "פבר", "מרץ", "אפר", "מאי", "יונ", "יול", "אוג", "ספט", "אוק", "נוב", "דצמ"],
day_full: ["ראשון", "שני", "שלישי", "רביעי", "חמישי", "שישי", "שבת"],
day_short: ["א", "ב", "ג", "ד", "ה", "ו", "ש"]
labels: {
new_task: "משימה חדש",
icon_save: "שמור",
icon_cancel: "בטל",
icon_details: "פרטים",
icon_edit: "ערוך",
icon_delete: "מחק",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "ארוע ימחק סופית.להמשיך?",
section_description: "הסבר",
section_time: "תקופה",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "בטל",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_hr.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_hr.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Translation by Davor
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Siječanj", "Veljača", "Ožujak", "Travanj", "Svibanj", "Lipanj", "Srpanj", "Kolovoz", "Rujan", "Listopad", "Studeni", "Prosinac"],
month_short: ["Sij", "Velj", "Ožu", "Tra", "Svi", "Lip", "Srp", "Kol", "Ruj", "Lis", "Stu", "Pro"],
day_full: ["Nedjelja", "Ponedjeljak", "Utorak", "Srijeda", "Četvrtak", "Petak", "Subota"],
day_short: ["Ned", "Pon", "Uto", "Sri", "Čet", "Pet", "Sub"]
labels: {
new_task: "Novi Zadatak",
icon_save: "Spremi",
icon_cancel: "Odustani",
icon_details: "Detalji",
icon_edit: "Izmjeni",
icon_delete: "Obriši",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Zadatak će biti trajno izbrisan, jeste li sigurni?",
section_description: "Opis",
section_time: "Vremenski Period",
section_type: "Tip",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Naziv Zadatka",
column_start_date: "Početno Vrijeme",
column_duration: "Trajanje",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Poveznica",
confirm_link_deleting: "će biti izbrisan",
link_start: " (početak)",
link_end: " (kraj)",
type_task: "Zadatak",
type_project: "Projekt",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minute",
hours: "Sati",
days: "Dani",
weeks: "Tjedni",
months: "Mjeseci",
years: "Godine",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Odustani",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_hu.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_hu.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Január", "Február", "Március", "Április", "Május", "Június", "Július", "Augusztus", "Szeptember", "Október", "November", "December"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Már", "Ápr", "Máj", "Jún", "Júl", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"],
day_full: ["Vasárnap", "Hétfõ", "Kedd", "Szerda", "Csütörtök", "Péntek", "szombat"],
day_short: ["Va", "Hé", "Ke", "Sze", "Csü", "Pé", "Szo"]
labels: {
new_task: "Új feladat",
icon_save: "Mentés",
icon_cancel: "Mégse",
icon_details: "Részletek",
icon_edit: "Szerkesztés",
icon_delete: "Törlés",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Az esemény törölve lesz, biztosan folytatja?",
section_description: "Leírás",
section_time: "Idõszak",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Mégse",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_id.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_id.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Januari", "Februari", "Maret", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Agustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Desember"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Ags", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des"],
day_full: ["Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jumat", "Sabtu"],
day_short: ["Ming", "Sen", "Sel", "Rab", "Kam", "Jum", "Sab"]
labels: {
new_task: "Tugas baru",
icon_save: "Simpan",
icon_cancel: "Batal",
icon_details: "Detail",
icon_edit: "Edit",
icon_delete: "Hapus",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Acara akan dihapus",
section_description: "Keterangan",
section_time: "Periode",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Batal",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_it.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_it.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Update 29/12/2015:
New labels translation by ARCANGELI CLAUDIO
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Gennaio", "Febbraio", "Marzo", "Aprile", "Maggio", "Giugno", "Luglio", "Agosto", "Settembre", "Ottobre", "Novembre", "Dicembre"],
month_short: ["Gen", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mag", "Giu", "Lug", "Ago", "Set", "Ott", "Nov", "Dic"],
day_full: ["Domenica", "Lunedì", "Martedì", "Mercoledì", "Giovedì", "Venerdì", "Sabato"],
day_short: ["Dom", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Gio", "Ven", "Sab"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nuovo compito",
icon_save: "Salva",
icon_cancel: "Chiudi",
icon_details: "Dettagli",
icon_edit: "Modifica",
icon_delete: "Elimina",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Sei sicuro di confermare l'eliminazione?",
section_description: "Descrizione",
section_time: "Periodo di tempo",
section_type: "Tipo",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Nome Attività",
column_start_date: "Inizio",
column_duration: "Durata",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "sarà eliminato",
link_start: " (inizio)",
link_end: " (fine)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minuti",
hours: "Ore",
days: "Giorni",
weeks: "Settimane",
months: "Mesi",
years: "Anni",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Chiudi",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_jp.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_jp.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Translation by Genexus Japan Inc.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"],
month_short: ["1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"],
day_full: ["日曜日", "月曜日", "火曜日", "水曜日", "木曜日", "金曜日", "土曜日"],
day_short: ["日", "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土"]
labels: {
new_task: "新しい仕事",
icon_save: "保存",
icon_cancel: "キャンセル",
icon_details: "詳細",
icon_edit: "編集",
icon_delete: "削除",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "イベント完全に削除されます、宜しいですか?",
section_description: "デスクリプション",
section_time: "期間",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "キャンセル",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_kr.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_kr.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Translated by
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["1월", "2월", "3월", "4월", "5월", "6월", "7월", "8월", "9월", "10월", "11월", "12월"],
month_short: ["1월", "2월", "3월", "4월", "5월", "6월", "7월", "8월", "9월", "10월", "11월", "12월"],
day_full: ["일요일", "월요일", "화요일", "수요일", "목요일", "금요일", "토요일"],
day_short: ["일", "월", "화", "수", "목", "금", "토"]
labels: {
new_task: "이름없는 작업",
icon_save: "저장",
icon_cancel: "취소",
icon_details: "세부 사항",
icon_edit: "수정",
icon_delete: "삭제",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "작업을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
section_description: "설명",
section_time: "기간",
section_type: "Type",
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "작업명",
column_start_date: "시작일",
column_duration: "기간",
column_add: "",
link: "전제",
confirm_link_deleting: "삭제 하시겠습니까?",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "작업",
type_project: "프로젝트",
type_milestone: "마일스톤",
minutes: "분",
hours: "시간",
days: "일",
weeks: "주",
months: "달",
years: "년",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "취소",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_manager.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_manager.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var LocaleManager = /** @class */ (function () {
function LocaleManager(config) {
var _this = this;
this.addLocale = function (name, locale) {
_this._locales[name] = locale;
this.getLocale = function (name) {
return _this._locales[name];
this._locales = {};
for (var i in config) {
this._locales[i] = config[i];
return LocaleManager;
exports.default = LocaleManager;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_nb.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_nb.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Januar", "Februar", "Mars", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Desember"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des"],
day_full: ["Søndag", "Mandag", "Tirsdag", "Onsdag", "Torsdag", "Fredag", "Lørdag"],
day_short: ["Søn", "Mon", "Tir", "Ons", "Tor", "Fre", "Lør"]
labels: {
new_task: "Ny oppgave",
icon_save: "Lagre",
icon_cancel: "Avbryt",
icon_details: "Detaljer",
icon_edit: "Rediger",
icon_delete: "Slett",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Hendelsen vil bli slettet permanent. Er du sikker?",
section_description: "Beskrivelse",
section_time: "Tidsperiode",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Avbryt",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_nl.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_nl.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Januari", "Februari", "Maart", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Augustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "mrt", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"],
day_full: ["Zondag", "Maandag", "Dinsdag", "Woensdag", "Donderdag", "Vrijdag", "Zaterdag"],
day_short: ["Zo", "Ma", "Di", "Wo", "Do", "Vr", "Za"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nieuwe taak",
icon_save: "Opslaan",
icon_cancel: "Annuleren",
icon_details: "Details",
icon_edit: "Bewerken",
icon_delete: "Verwijderen",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Item zal permanent worden verwijderd, doorgaan?",
section_description: "Beschrijving",
section_time: "Tijd periode",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Taak omschrijving",
column_start_date: "Startdatum",
column_duration: "Duur",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Koppeling",
confirm_link_deleting: "zal worden verwijderd",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (eind)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "minuten",
hours: "uren",
days: "dagen",
weeks: "weken",
months: "maanden",
years: "jaren",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Annuleren",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_no.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_no.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Januar", "Februar", "Mars", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Desember"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des"],
day_full: ["Søndag", "Mandag", "Tirsdag", "Onsdag", "Torsdag", "Fredag", "Lørdag"],
day_short: ["Søn", "Man", "Tir", "Ons", "Tor", "Fre", "Lør"]
labels: {
new_task: "Ny oppgave",
icon_save: "Lagre",
icon_cancel: "Avbryt",
icon_details: "Detaljer",
icon_edit: "Endre",
icon_delete: "Slett",
confirm_closing: "Endringer blir ikke lagret, er du sikker?",
confirm_deleting: "Oppføringen vil bli slettet, er du sikker?",
section_description: "Beskrivelse",
section_time: "Tidsperiode",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Avbryt",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_pl.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_pl.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Styczeń", "Luty", "Marzec", "Kwiecień", "Maj", "Czerwiec", "Lipiec", "Sierpień", "Wrzesień", "Październik", "Listopad", "Grudzień"],
month_short: ["Sty", "Lut", "Mar", "Kwi", "Maj", "Cze", "Lip", "Sie", "Wrz", "Paź", "Lis", "Gru"],
day_full: ["Niedziela", "Poniedziałek", "Wtorek", "Środa", "Czwartek", "Piątek", "Sobota"],
day_short: ["Nie", "Pon", "Wto", "Śro", "Czw", "Pią", "Sob"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nowe zadanie",
icon_save: "Zapisz",
icon_cancel: "Anuluj",
icon_details: "Szczegóły",
icon_edit: "Edytuj",
icon_delete: "Usuń",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Zdarzenie zostanie usunięte na zawsze, kontynuować?",
section_description: "Opis",
section_time: "Okres czasu",
section_type: "Typ",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Nazwa zadania",
column_start_date: "Początek",
column_duration: "Czas trwania",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "zostanie usunięty",
link_start: " (początek)",
link_end: " (koniec)",
type_task: "Zadanie",
type_project: "Projekt",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minuty",
hours: "Godziny",
days: "Dni",
weeks: "Tydzień",
months: "Miesiące",
years: "Lata",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Anuluj",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_pt.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_pt.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Updated by Jorge Albernaz Martins
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Janeiro", "Fevereiro", "Março", "Abril", "Maio", "Junho", "Julho", "Agosto", "Setembro", "Outubro", "Novembro", "Dezembro"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Fev", "Mar", "Abr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Out", "Nov", "Dez"],
day_full: ["Domingo", "Segunda", "Terça", "Quarta", "Quinta", "Sexta", "Sábado"],
day_short: ["Dom", "Seg", "Ter", "Qua", "Qui", "Sex", "Sab"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nova tarefa",
icon_save: "Salvar",
icon_cancel: "Cancelar",
icon_details: "Detalhes",
icon_edit: "Editar",
icon_delete: "Excluir",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "As tarefas serão excluidas permanentemente, confirme?",
section_description: "Descrição",
section_time: "Período",
section_type: "Tipo",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "EAP",
column_text: "Nome tarefa",
column_start_date: "Data início",
column_duration: "Duração",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "Será excluído!",
link_start: " (início)",
link_end: " (fim)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Projeto",
type_milestone: "Marco",
minutes: "Minutos",
hours: "Horas",
days: "Dias",
weeks: "Semanas",
months: "Meses",
years: "Anos",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Cancelar",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Restrição",
constraint_type: "Tipo Restrição",
constraint_date: "Data restrição",
asap: "Mais breve possível",
alap: "Mais tarde possível",
snet: "Não começar antes de",
snlt: "Não começar depois de",
fnet: "Não terminar antes de",
fnlt: "Não terminar depois de",
mso: "Precisa começar em",
mfo: "Precisa terminar em",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "Tipo de filtros",
resources_filter_label: "Ocultar vazios"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_ro.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_ro.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Traducere de Ovidiu Lixandru:
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Ianuarie", "Februarie", "Martie", "Aprilie", "Mai", "Iunie", "Iulie", "August", "Septembrie", "Octombrie", "November", "December"],
month_short: ["Ian", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Iun", "Iul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
day_full: ["Duminica", "Luni", "Marti", "Miercuri", "Joi", "Vineri", "Sambata"],
day_short: ["Du", "Lu", "Ma", "Mi", "Jo", "Vi", "Sa"]
labels: {
new_task: "Sarcina noua",
icon_save: "Salveaza",
icon_cancel: "Anuleaza",
icon_details: "Detalii",
icon_edit: "Editeaza",
icon_delete: "Sterge",
confirm_closing: "Schimbarile nu vor fi salvate, esti sigur?",
confirm_deleting: "Evenimentul va fi sters permanent, esti sigur?",
section_description: "Descriere",
section_time: "Interval",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Anuleaza",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_ru.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_ru.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Январь", "Февраль", "Март", "Апрель", "Maй", "Июнь", "Июль", "Август", "Сентябрь", "Oктябрь", "Ноябрь", "Декабрь"],
month_short: ["Янв", "Фев", "Maр", "Aпр", "Maй", "Июн", "Июл", "Aвг", "Сен", "Окт", "Ноя", "Дек"],
day_full: ["Воскресенье", "Понедельник", "Вторник", "Среда", "Четверг", "Пятница", "Суббота"],
day_short: ["Вс", "Пн", "Вт", "Ср", "Чт", "Пт", "Сб"]
labels: {
new_task: "Новое задание",
icon_save: "Сохранить",
icon_cancel: "Отменить",
icon_details: "Детали",
icon_edit: "Изменить",
icon_delete: "Удалить",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Событие будет удалено безвозвратно, продолжить?",
section_description: "Описание",
section_time: "Период времени",
section_type: "Тип",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "ИСР",
column_text: "Задача",
column_start_date: "Начало",
column_duration: "Длительность",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Связь",
confirm_link_deleting: "будет удалена",
link_start: " (начало)",
link_end: " (конец)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Минута",
hours: "Час",
days: "День",
weeks: "Неделя",
months: "Месяц",
years: "Год",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Отменить",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "начните вводить слово для фильтрации",
resources_filter_label: "спрятать не установленные"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_si.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_si.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Januar", "Februar", "Marec", "April", "Maj", "Junij", "Julij", "Avgust", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"],
day_full: ["Nedelja", "Ponedeljek", "Torek", "Sreda", "Četrtek", "Petek", "Sobota"],
day_short: ["Ned", "Pon", "Tor", "Sre", "Čet", "Pet", "Sob"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nova naloga",
icon_save: "Shrani",
icon_cancel: "Prekliči",
icon_details: "Podrobnosti",
icon_edit: "Uredi",
icon_delete: "Izbriši",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Dogodek bo izbrisan. Želite nadaljevati?",
section_description: "Opis",
section_time: "Časovni okvir",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Prekliči",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_sk.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_sk.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Január", "Február", "Marec", "Apríl", "Máj", "Jún", "Júl", "August", "September", "Október", "November", "December"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Máj", "Jún", "Júl", "Aug", "Sept", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"],
day_full: ["Nedeľa", "Pondelok", "Utorok", "Streda", "Štvrtok", "Piatok", "Sobota"],
day_short: ["Ne", "Po", "Ut", "St", "Št", "Pi", "So"]
labels: {
new_task: "Nová úloha",
icon_save: "Uložiť",
icon_cancel: "Späť",
icon_details: "Detail",
icon_edit: "Edituj",
icon_delete: "Zmazať",
confirm_closing: "Vaše zmeny nebudú uložené. Skutočne?",
confirm_deleting: "Udalosť bude natrvalo vymazaná. Skutočne?",
section_description: "Poznámky",
section_time: "Doba platnosti",
section_type: "Type",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Späť",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_sv.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_sv.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
Translation by Peter Eriksson
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Januari", "Februari", "Mars", "April", "Maj", "Juni", "Juli", "Augusti", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December"],
month_short: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"],
day_full: ["Söndag", "Måndag", "Tisdag", "Onsdag", "Torsdag", "Fredag", "Lördag"],
day_short: ["Sön", "Mån", "Tis", "Ons", "Tor", "Fre", "Lör"]
labels: {
new_task: "Ny uppgift",
icon_save: "Spara",
icon_cancel: "Avbryt",
icon_details: "Detajer",
icon_edit: "Ändra",
icon_delete: "Ta bort",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort händelsen permanent?",
section_description: "Beskrivning",
section_time: "Tid",
section_type: "Typ",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Uppgiftsnamn",
column_start_date: "Starttid",
column_duration: "Varaktighet",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Länk",
confirm_link_deleting: "kommer tas bort",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (slut)",
type_task: "Uppgift",
type_project: "Projekt",
type_milestone: "Milstolpe",
minutes: "Minuter",
hours: "Timmar",
days: "Dagar",
weeks: "Veckor",
months: "Månader",
years: "År",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Avbryt",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_tr.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_tr.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* updated by @levkar at
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Ocak", "Şubat", "Mart", "Nisan", "Mayıs", "Haziran", "Temmuz", "Ağustos", "Eylül", "Ekim", "Kasım", "Aralık"],
month_short: ["Oca", "Şub", "Mar", "Nis", "May", "Haz", "Tem", "Ağu", "Eyl", "Eki", "Kas", "Ara"],
day_full: ["Pazar", "Pazartesi", "Salı", "Çarşamba", "Perşembe", "Cuma", "Cumartesi"],
day_short: ["Paz", "Pzt", "Sal", "Çar", "Per", "Cum", "Cmt"]
labels: {
new_task: "Yeni görev",
icon_save: "Kaydet",
icon_cancel: "İptal",
icon_details: "Detaylar",
icon_edit: "Düzenle",
icon_delete: "Sil",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Görev silinecek, emin misiniz?",
section_description: "Açıklama",
section_time: "Zaman Aralığı",
section_type: "Tip",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Görev Adı",
column_start_date: "Başlangıç",
column_duration: "Süre",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Bağlantı",
confirm_link_deleting: "silinecek",
link_start: " (başlangıç)",
link_end: " (bitiş)",
type_task: "Görev",
type_project: "Proje",
type_milestone: "Kilometretaşı",
minutes: "Dakika",
hours: "Saat",
days: "Gün",
weeks: "Hafta",
months: "Ay",
years: "Yıl",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Ýptal",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/locale/locale_ua.ts":
!*** ./sources/locale/locale_ua.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var locale = {
date: {
month_full: ["Січень", "Лютий", "Березень", "Квітень", "Травень", "Червень", "Липень", "Серпень", "Вересень", "Жовтень", "Листопад", "Грудень"],
month_short: ["Січ", "Лют", "Бер", "Кві", "Тра", "Чер", "Лип", "Сер", "Вер", "Жов", "Лис", "Гру"],
day_full: ["Неділя", "Понеділок", "Вівторок", "Середа", "Четвер", "П'ятниця", "Субота"],
day_short: ["Нед", "Пон", "Вів", "Сер", "Чет", "Птн", "Суб"]
labels: {
new_task: "Нове завдання",
icon_save: "Зберегти",
icon_cancel: "Відміна",
icon_details: "Деталі",
icon_edit: "Редагувати",
icon_delete: "Вилучити",
confirm_closing: "",
confirm_deleting: "Подія вилучиться назавжди. Ви впевнені?",
section_description: "Опис",
section_time: "Часовий проміжок",
section_type: "Тип",
/* grid columns */
column_wbs: "WBS",
column_text: "Task name",
column_start_date: "Start time",
column_duration: "Duration",
column_add: "",
/* link confirmation */
link: "Link",
confirm_link_deleting: "will be deleted",
link_start: " (start)",
link_end: " (end)",
type_task: "Task",
type_project: "Project",
type_milestone: "Milestone",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
weeks: "Week",
months: "Months",
years: "Years",
/* message popup */
message_ok: "OK",
message_cancel: "Відміна",
/* constraints */
section_constraint: "Constraint",
constraint_type: "Constraint type",
constraint_date: "Constraint date",
asap: "As Soon As Possible",
alap: "As Late As Possible",
snet: "Start No Earlier Than",
snlt: "Start No Later Than",
fnet: "Finish No Earlier Than",
fnlt: "Finish No Later Than",
mso: "Must Start On",
mfo: "Must Finish On",
/* resource control */
resources_filter_placeholder: "type to filter",
resources_filter_label: "hide empty"
exports.default = locale;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/publish_helpers/void_script_second.ts":
!*** ./sources/publish_helpers/void_script_second.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// all builds except for evaluation version get this mockup
// the evaluation build gets actual codes
exports.default = (function () { });
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/publish_helpers/void_script_third.ts":
!*** ./sources/publish_helpers/void_script_third.ts ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// all builds except for evaluation version get this mockup
// the evaluation build gets actual codes
exports.default = (function () { });
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/env.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/env.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
var isWindowAwailable = typeof window !== "undefined";
/* eslint-enable no-restricted-globals */
var env = {
isIE: isWindowAwailable && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") >= 0),
isIE6: isWindowAwailable && !XMLHttpRequest && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0,
isIE7: isWindowAwailable && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 7.0") >= 0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") < 0,
isIE8: isWindowAwailable && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8.0") >= 0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") >= 0,
isOpera: isWindowAwailable && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") >= 0,
isChrome: isWindowAwailable && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0,
isKHTML: isWindowAwailable && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") >= 0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Konqueror") >= 0),
isFF: isWindowAwailable && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0,
isIPad: isWindowAwailable && >= 0,
isEdge: isWindowAwailable && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") != -1,
isNode: !isWindowAwailable || typeof navigator == "undefined"
module.exports = env;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/eventable.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/eventable.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
var EventHost = function EventHost() {
this._silent_mode = false;
this.listeners = {};
EventHost.prototype = {
_silentStart: function _silentStart() {
this._silent_mode = true;
_silentEnd: function _silentEnd() {
this._silent_mode = false;
var createEventStorage = function createEventStorage(obj) {
var handlers = {};
var index = 0;
var eventStorage = function eventStorage() {
var combinedResult = true;
for (var i in handlers) {
var handlerResult = handlers[i].apply(obj, arguments);
combinedResult = combinedResult && handlerResult;
return combinedResult;
eventStorage.addEvent = function (handler, settings) {
if (typeof handler == "function") {
var handlerId;
if (settings && {
handlerId =;
} else {
handlerId = index;
if (settings && settings.once) {
var originalHandler = handler;
handler = function handler() {
handlers[handlerId] = handler;
return handlerId;
return false;
eventStorage.removeEvent = function (id) {
delete handlers[id];
eventStorage.clear = function () {
handlers = {};
return eventStorage;
function makeEventable(obj) {
var eventHost = new EventHost();
obj.attachEvent = function (eventName, handler, settings) {
eventName = 'ev_' + eventName.toLowerCase();
if (!eventHost.listeners[eventName]) {
eventHost.listeners[eventName] = createEventStorage(this);
if (settings && settings.thisObject) {
handler = handler.bind(settings.thisObject);
var innerId = eventHost.listeners[eventName].addEvent(handler, settings);
var handlerId = eventName + ':' + innerId; //return ID (ev_eventname:1)
if (settings && {
handlerId =;
return handlerId;
obj.attachAll = function (callback) {
this.attachEvent('listen_all', callback);
obj.callEvent = function (name, eventArguments) {
if (eventHost._silent_mode) return true;
var handlerName = 'ev_' + name.toLowerCase();
var listeners = eventHost.listeners;
if (listeners['ev_listen_all']) {
listeners['ev_listen_all'].apply(this, [name].concat(eventArguments));
if (listeners[handlerName]) return listeners[handlerName].apply(this, eventArguments);
return true;
obj.checkEvent = function (name) {
var listeners = eventHost.listeners;
return !!listeners['ev_' + name.toLowerCase()];
obj.detachEvent = function (id) {
if (id) {
var listeners = eventHost.listeners;
for (var i in listeners) {
listeners[i].removeEvent(id); //remove event
var list = id.split(':'); //get EventName and ID
var listeners = eventHost.listeners;
if (list.length === 2) {
var eventName = list[0];
var eventId = list[1];
if (listeners[eventName]) {
listeners[eventName].removeEvent(eventId); //remove event
obj.detachAllEvents = function () {
for (var name in eventHost.listeners) {
module.exports = makeEventable;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/extends.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/extends.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function (d, b) {
for (var p in b) {
if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
function __() {
this.constructor = d;
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/global.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/global.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
var globalScope;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
globalScope = window;
} else {
globalScope = global;
/* eslint-enable no-restricted-globals */
module.exports = globalScope;
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js */ "./node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js")))
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/helpers.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/helpers.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var units = {
"second": 1,
"minute": 60,
"hour": 60 * 60,
"day": 60 * 60 * 24,
"week": 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
"month": 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
"quarter": 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 3,
"year": 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
function getSecondsInUnit(unit) {
return units[unit] || units.hour;
function forEach(arr, callback) {
if (arr.forEach) {
} else {
var workArray = arr.slice();
for (var i = 0; i < workArray.length; i++) {
callback(workArray[i], i);
function arrayMap(arr, callback) {
if ( {
} else {
var workArray = arr.slice();
var resArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < workArray.length; i++) {
resArray.push(callback(workArray[i], i));
return resArray;
function arrayFind(arr, callback) {
if (arr.find) {
return arr.find(callback);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (callback(arr[i], i)) {
return arr[i];
function arrayIncludes(arr, item) {
if (arr.includes) {
return arr.includes(item);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] === item) {
return true;
return false;
} // iframe-safe array type check instead of using instanceof
function isArray(obj) {
if (Array.isArray) {
return Array.isArray(obj);
} else {
// close enough
return obj && obj.length !== undefined && obj.pop && obj.push;
} // non-primitive string object, e.g. new String("abc")
function isStringObject(obj) {
return obj && _typeof(obj) === "object" && === "function String() { [native code] }";
} // non-primitive number object, e.g. new Number(5)
function isNumberObject(obj) {
return obj && _typeof(obj) === "object" && === "function Number() { [native code] }";
} // non-primitive number object, e.g. new Boolean(true)
function isBooleanObject(obj) {
return obj && _typeof(obj) === "object" && === "function Boolean() { [native code] }";
function isDate(obj) {
if (obj && _typeof(obj) === "object") {
return !!(obj.getFullYear && obj.getMonth && obj.getDate);
} else {
return false;
function isValidDate(obj) {
return isDate(obj) && !isNaN(obj.getTime());
function arrayFilter(arr, callback) {
var result = [];
if (arr.filter) {
return arr.filter(callback);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (callback(arr[i], i)) {
result[result.length] = arr[i];
return result;
function hashToArray(hash) {
var result = [];
for (var key in hash) {
if (hash.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return result;
function arraySome(arr, callback) {
if (arr.length === 0) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (callback(arr[i], i, arr)) {
return true;
return false;
function arrayDifference(arr, callback) {
return arrayFilter(arr, function (item, i) {
return !callback(item, i);
function throttle(callback, timeout) {
var wait = false;
return function () {
if (!wait) {
callback.apply(null, arguments);
wait = true;
setTimeout(function () {
wait = false;
}, timeout);
function delay(callback, timeout) {
var timer;
var result = function result() {
result.$pending = true;
var args =;
timer = setTimeout(function () {
callback.apply(this, args);
result.$pending = false;
}, timeout);
result.$pending = false;
result.$cancelTimeout = function () {
result.$pending = false;
result.$execute = function () {
var args =;
callback.apply(this, args);
return result;
function sortArrayOfHash(arr, field, desc) {
var compare = function compare(a, b) {
return a < b;
arr.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a[field] === b[field]) return 0;
return desc ? compare(a[field], b[field]) : compare(b[field], a[field]);
function objectKeys(obj) {
if (Object.keys) {
return Object.keys(obj);
var result = [];
var key;
for (key in obj) {
if (, key)) {
return result;
function isEventable(obj) {
return obj.attachEvent && obj.detachEvent;
} //GS-1090: A task should be able to have the id = 0
function replaceValidZeroId(id, rootId) {
if (checkZeroId(id) && !checkZeroId(rootId)) {
id = "0";
return id;
function checkZeroId(id) {
if (id === 0) {
return true;
return false;
function findBinary(array, target) {
// modified binary search, target value not exactly match array elements, looking for closest one
var low = 0,
high = array.length - 1,
while (low <= high) {
i = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
item = +array[i];
prev = +array[i - 1];
if (item < target) {
low = i + 1;
if (item > target) {
if (!(!isNaN(prev) && prev < target)) {
high = i - 1;
} else {
// if target is between 'i' and 'i-1' return 'i - 1'
return i - 1;
while (+array[i] == +array[i + 1]) {
return i;
return array.length - 1;
module.exports = {
getSecondsInUnit: getSecondsInUnit,
forEach: forEach,
arrayMap: arrayMap,
arrayIncludes: arrayIncludes,
arrayFind: arrayFind,
arrayFilter: arrayFilter,
arrayDifference: arrayDifference,
arraySome: arraySome,
hashToArray: hashToArray,
sortArrayOfHash: sortArrayOfHash,
throttle: throttle,
isArray: isArray,
isDate: isDate,
isValidDate: isValidDate,
isStringObject: isStringObject,
isNumberObject: isNumberObject,
isBooleanObject: isBooleanObject,
delay: delay,
objectKeys: objectKeys,
isEventable: isEventable,
replaceValidZeroId: replaceValidZeroId,
checkZeroId: checkZeroId,
findBinary: findBinary
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/is_headless.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/is_headless.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./env */ "./sources/utils/env.js");
module.exports = function (gantt) {
return utils.isNode || !gantt.$root;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/placeholder_task.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/placeholder_task.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
* Check the over task or draggble task is placeholder task
module.exports = function isPlaceholderTask(id, gantt, store, config) {
// return false;
var config = gantt ? gantt.config : config;
if (config && config.placeholder_task) {
if (store.exists(id)) {
var item = store.getItem(id);
return item.type === config.types.placeholder;
return false;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/promise.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/promise.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! bluebird */ "./node_modules/bluebird/js/browser/bluebird.js");
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/task_tree_helpers.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/task_tree_helpers.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function copyLinkIdsArray(gantt, linkIds, targetHash) {
for (var i = 0; i < linkIds.length; i++) {
if (gantt.isLinkExists(linkIds[i])) {
targetHash[linkIds[i]] = gantt.getLink(linkIds[i]);
function copyLinkIds(gantt, task, targetHash) {
copyLinkIdsArray(gantt, task.$source, targetHash);
copyLinkIdsArray(gantt, task.$target, targetHash);
function getSubtreeLinks(gantt, rootId) {
var res = {};
if (gantt.isTaskExists(rootId)) {
copyLinkIds(gantt, gantt.getTask(rootId), res);
gantt.eachTask(function (child) {
copyLinkIds(gantt, child, res);
}, rootId);
return res;
function getSubtreeTasks(gantt, rootId) {
var res = {};
gantt.eachTask(function (child) {
res[] = child;
}, rootId);
return res;
module.exports = {
getSubtreeLinks: getSubtreeLinks,
getSubtreeTasks: getSubtreeTasks
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/timeout.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/timeout.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function checkTimeout(host, updPerSecond) {
if (!updPerSecond) return true;
if (host._on_timeout) return false;
var timeout = Math.ceil(1000 / updPerSecond);
if (timeout < 2) return true;
setTimeout(function () {
delete host._on_timeout;
}, timeout);
host._on_timeout = true;
return true;
module.exports = checkTimeout;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./sources/utils/utils.js":
!*** ./sources/utils/utils.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var helpers = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers */ "./sources/utils/helpers.js");
var plainObjectConstructor = {}.constructor.toString();
function isCustomType(object) {
var constructorString = object.constructor.toString();
return constructorString !== plainObjectConstructor;
function copy(object) {
var i, result; // iterator, types array, result
if (object && _typeof(object) == "object") {
switch (true) {
case helpers.isDate(object):
result = new Date(object);
case helpers.isArray(object):
result = new Array(object.length);
for (i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
result[i] = copy(object[i]);
/* case (helpers.isStringObject(object)):
result = new String(object);
case (helpers.isNumberObject(object)):
result = new Number(object);
case (helpers.isBooleanObject(object)):
result = new Boolean(object);
if (isCustomType(object)) {
result = Object.create(object);
} else {
result = {};
for (i in object) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.apply(object, [i])) result[i] = copy(object[i]);
return result || object;
function mixin(target, source, force) {
for (var f in source) {
if (target[f] === undefined || force) target[f] = source[f];
return target;
function defined(obj) {
return typeof obj != "undefined";
var seed;
function uid() {
if (!seed) seed = new Date().valueOf();
return seed;
} //creates function with specified "this" pointer
function bind(functor, object) {
if (functor.bind) return functor.bind(object);else return function () {
return functor.apply(object, arguments);
function event(el, event, handler, capture) {
if (el.addEventListener) el.addEventListener(event, handler, capture === undefined ? false : capture);else if (el.attachEvent) el.attachEvent("on" + event, handler);
function eventRemove(el, event, handler, capture) {
if (el.removeEventListener) el.removeEventListener(event, handler, capture === undefined ? false : capture);else if (el.detachEvent) el.detachEvent("on" + event, handler);
module.exports = {
copy: copy,
defined: defined,
mixin: mixin,
uid: uid,
bind: bind,
event: event,
eventRemove: eventRemove
/***/ })
/******/ });