You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1705 lines
52 KiB
1705 lines
52 KiB
/* |
Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Open Lab |
Written by Roberto Bicchierai and Silvia Chelazzi |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining |
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the |
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including |
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, |
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to |
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to |
the following conditions: |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be |
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
*/ |
function GanttMaster() { |
this.tasks = []; |
this.deletedTaskIds = []; |
this.links = []; |
this.editor; //element for editor |
this.gantt; //element for gantt |
this.splitter; //element for splitter |
this.isMultiRoot=false; // set to true in case of tasklist |
this.workSpace; // the original element used for containing everything |
this.element; // editor and gantt box without buttons |
this.resources; //list of resources |
this.roles; //list of roles |
this.material; //list of material |
|; //list of tools |
this.minEditableDate = 0; |
this.maxEditableDate = Infinity; |
this.set100OnClose=false; |
this.shrinkParent=false; |
this.fillWithEmptyLines=true; //when is used by widget it could be usefull to do not fill with empty lines |
this.rowHeight = 30; // todo get it from css? |
this.minRowsInEditor=30; // number of rows always visible in editor |
this.numOfVisibleRows=0; //number of visible rows in the editor |
this.firstScreenLine=0; //first visible row ignoring collapsed tasks |
this.rowBufferSize=5; |
this.firstVisibleTaskIndex=-1; //index of first task visible |
this.lastVisibleTaskIndex=-1; //index of last task visible |
this.baselines={}; // contains {taskId:{taskId,start,end,status,progress}} |
this.showBaselines=false; //allows to draw baselines |
this.baselineMillis; //millis of the current baseline loaded |
this.permissions = { |
canWriteOnParent: true, |
canWrite: true, |
canAdd: true, |
canDelete: true, |
canInOutdent: true, |
canMoveUpDown: true, |
canSeePopEdit: true, |
canSeeFullEdit: true, |
canSeeDep: true, |
canSeeCriticalPath: true, |
canAddIssue: false, |
cannotCloseTaskIfIssueOpen: false |
}; |
this.firstDayOfWeek = Date.firstDayOfWeek; |
this.serverClientTimeOffset = 0; |
this.currentTask; // task currently selected; |
this.resourceUrl = "res/"; // URL to resources (images etc.) |
this.__currentTransaction; // a transaction object holds previous state during changes |
this.__undoStack = []; |
this.__redoStack = []; |
this.__inUndoRedo = false; // a control flag to avoid Undo/Redo stacks reset when needed |
Date.workingPeriodResolution=1; //by default 1 day |
var self = this; |
} |
GanttMaster.prototype.init = function (workSpace) { |
var place=$("<div>").prop("id","TWGanttArea").css( {padding:0, "overflow-y":"auto", "overflow-x":"hidden","border":"1px solid #e5e5e5",position:"relative"}); |
workSpace.append(place).addClass("TWGanttWorkSpace"); |
this.workSpace=workSpace; |
this.element = place; |
this.numOfVisibleRows=Math.ceil(this.element.height()/this.rowHeight); |
//by default task are coloured by status |
this.element.addClass('colorByStatus' ) |
var self = this; |
//load templates |
$("#gantEditorTemplates").loadTemplates().remove(); |
//create editor |
this.editor = new GridEditor(this); |
place.append(this.editor.gridified); |
//create gantt |
this.gantt = new Ganttalendar(new Date().getTime() - 3600000 * 24 * 2, new Date().getTime() + 3600000 * 24 * 5, this, place.width() * .6); |
//setup splitter |
self.splitter = $.splittify.init(place, this.editor.gridified, this.gantt.element, 60); |
self.splitter.firstBoxMinWidth = 5; |
self.splitter.secondBoxMinWidth = 20; |
//prepend buttons |
var ganttButtons = $.JST.createFromTemplate({}, "GANTBUTTONS"); |
place.before(ganttButtons); |
this.checkButtonPermissions(); |
//bindings |
workSpace.bind("deleteFocused.gantt", function (e) { |
//delete task or link? |
var focusedSVGElement=self.gantt.element.find(".focused.focused.linkGroup"); |
if (focusedSVGElement.size()>0) |
self.removeLink("from"),"to")); |
else |
self.deleteCurrentTask(); |
}).bind("addAboveCurrentTask.gantt", function () { |
self.addAboveCurrentTask(); |
}).bind("addBelowCurrentTask.gantt", function () { |
self.addBelowCurrentTask(); |
}).bind("indentCurrentTask.gantt", function () { |
self.indentCurrentTask(); |
}).bind("outdentCurrentTask.gantt", function () { |
self.outdentCurrentTask(); |
}).bind("moveUpCurrentTask.gantt", function () { |
self.moveUpCurrentTask(); |
}).bind("moveDownCurrentTask.gantt", function () { |
self.moveDownCurrentTask(); |
}).bind("collapseAll.gantt", function () { |
self.collapseAll(); |
}).bind("expandAll.gantt", function () { |
self.expandAll(); |
}).bind("fullScreen.gantt", function () { |
self.fullScreen(); |
}).bind("print.gantt", function () { |
self.print(); |
}).bind("zoomPlus.gantt", function () { |
self.gantt.zoomGantt(true); |
}).bind("zoomMinus.gantt", function () { |
self.gantt.zoomGantt(false); |
}).bind("openFullEditor.gantt", function () { |
self.editor.openFullEditor(self.currentTask,false, false, false); |
}).bind("openAssignmentEditor.gantt", function () { |
self.editor.openFullEditor(self.currentTask,true); |
}).bind("addIssue.gantt", function () { |
self.addIssue(); |
}).bind("openExternalEditor.gantt", function () { |
self.openExternalEditor(); |
}).bind("undo.gantt", function () { |
self.undo(); |
}).bind("redo.gantt", function () { |
self.redo(); |
}).bind("resize.gantt", function () { |
self.resize(); |
}); |
//bind editor scroll |
self.splitter.firstBox.scroll(function () { |
//notify scroll to editor and gantt |
self.gantt.element.stopTime("test").oneTime(10, "test", function () { |
var oldFirstRow = self.firstScreenLine; |
var newFirstRow = Math.floor(self.splitter.firstBox.scrollTop() / self.rowHeight); |
if (Math.abs(oldFirstRow - newFirstRow) >= self.rowBufferSize) { |
self.firstScreenLine = newFirstRow; |
self.scrolled(oldFirstRow); |
} |
}); |
}); |
//keyboard management bindings |
$("body").bind("keydown.body", function (e) { |
//console.debug(e.keyCode+ " ", e.ctrlKey) |
var eventManaged = true; |
var isCtrl = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; |
var bodyOrSVG = == "body" || == "svg"; |
var inWorkSpace=$("#TWGanttArea").length>0; |
//store focused field |
var focusedField=$(":focus"); |
var focusedSVGElement = self.gantt.element.find(".focused.focused");// orrible hack for chrome that seems to keep in memory a cached object |
var isFocusedSVGElement=focusedSVGElement.length >0; |
if ((inWorkSpace ||isFocusedSVGElement) && isCtrl && e.keyCode == 37) { // CTRL+LEFT on the grid |
self.outdentCurrentTask(); |
focusedField.focus(); |
} else if (inWorkSpace && isCtrl && e.keyCode == 38) { // CTRL+UP on the grid |
self.moveUpCurrentTask(); |
focusedField.focus(); |
} else if (inWorkSpace && isCtrl && e.keyCode == 39) { //CTRL+RIGHT on the grid |
self.indentCurrentTask(); |
focusedField.focus(); |
} else if (inWorkSpace && isCtrl && e.keyCode == 40) { //CTRL+DOWN on the grid |
self.moveDownCurrentTask(); |
focusedField.focus(); |
} else if (isCtrl && e.keyCode == 89) { //CTRL+Y |
self.redo(); |
} else if (isCtrl && e.keyCode == 90) { //CTRL+Y |
self.undo(); |
} else if ( (isCtrl && inWorkSpace) && (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46) ) { //CTRL+DEL CTRL+BACKSPACE on grid |
self.deleteCurrentTask(); |
} else if (".taskBox") && (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46) ) { //DEL BACKSPACE svg task |
self.deleteCurrentTask(); |
} else if (".linkGroup") && (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46) ) { //DEL BACKSPACE svg link |
self.removeLink("from"),"to")); |
} else { |
eventManaged=false; |
} |
if (eventManaged) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
e.stopPropagation(); |
} |
}); |
//ask for comment input |
$("#saveGanttButton").after($('#LOG_CHANGES_CONTAINER')); |
//ask for comment management |
this.element.on("saveRequired.gantt",this.manageSaveRequired); |
//resize |
$(window).resize(function () { |
place.css({width: "100%", height: $(window).height() - place.position().top}); |
place.trigger("resize.gantt"); |
}).oneTime(2, "resize", function () {$(window).trigger("resize")}); |
}; |
GanttMaster.messages = { |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.createTask = function (id, name, code, level, start, duration) { |
var factory = new TaskFactory(); |
return, name, code, level, start, duration); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.getOrCreateResource = function (id, name) { |
var res= this.getResource(id); |
if (!res && id && name) { |
res = this.createResource(id, name); |
} |
return res |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.createResource = function (id, name) { |
var res = new Resource(id, name); |
this.resources.push(res); |
return res; |
}; |
//update depends strings |
GanttMaster.prototype.updateDependsStrings = function () { |
//remove all deps |
for (var i = 0; i < this.tasks.length; i++) { |
this.tasks[i].depends = ""; |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < this.links.length; i++) { |
var link = this.links[i]; |
var dep =; |
| = + ( == "" ? "" : ",") + (link.from.getRow() + 1) + (link.lag ? ":" + link.lag : ""); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.removeLink = function (fromTask, toTask) { |
//console.debug("removeLink"); |
if (!this.permissions.canWrite || (!fromTask.canWrite && !toTask.canWrite)) |
return; |
this.beginTransaction(); |
var found = false; |
for (var i = 0; i < this.links.length; i++) { |
if (this.links[i].from == fromTask && this.links[i].to == toTask) { |
this.links.splice(i, 1); |
found = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (found) { |
this.updateDependsStrings(); |
if (this.updateLinks(toTask)) |
this.changeTaskDates(toTask, toTask.start, toTask.end); // fake change to force date recomputation from dependencies |
} |
this.endTransaction(); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.__removeAllLinks = function (task, openTrans) { |
if (openTrans) |
this.beginTransaction(); |
var found = false; |
for (var i = 0; i < this.links.length; i++) { |
if (this.links[i].from == task || this.links[i].to == task) { |
this.links.splice(i, 1); |
found = true; |
} |
} |
if (found) { |
this.updateDependsStrings(); |
} |
if (openTrans) |
this.endTransaction(); |
}; |
//------------------------------------ ADD TASK -------------------------------------------- |
GanttMaster.prototype.addTask = function (task, row) { |
//console.debug("master.addTask",task,row,this); |
task.master = this; // in order to access controller from task |
//replace if already exists |
var pos = -1; |
for (var i = 0; i < this.tasks.length; i++) { |
if ( == this.tasks[i].id) { |
pos = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (pos >= 0) { |
this.tasks.splice(pos, 1); |
row = parseInt(pos); |
} |
//add task in collection |
if (typeof(row) != "number") { |
this.tasks.push(task); |
} else { |
this.tasks.splice(row, 0, task); |
//recompute depends string |
this.updateDependsStrings(); |
} |
//add Link collection in memory |
var linkLoops = !this.updateLinks(task); |
//set the status according to parent |
if (task.getParent()) |
task.status = task.getParent().status; |
else |
task.status = "STATUS_ACTIVE"; |
var ret = task; |
if (linkLoops || !task.setPeriod(task.start, task.end)) { |
//remove task from in-memory collection |
//console.debug("removing task from memory",task); |
this.tasks.splice(task.getRow(), 1); |
ret = undefined; |
} else { |
//append task to editor |
this.editor.addTask(task, row); |
//append task to gantt |
this.gantt.addTask(task); |
} |
//trigger addedTask event |
$(this.element).trigger("addedTask.gantt", task); |
return ret; |
}; |
/** |
* a project contais tasks, resources, roles, and info about permisions |
* @param project |
*/ |
GanttMaster.prototype.loadProject = function (project) { |
//console.debug("loadProject", project) |
this.beginTransaction(); |
this.serverClientTimeOffset = typeof project.serverTimeOffset !="undefined"? (parseInt(project.serverTimeOffset) + new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60000) : 0; |
this.resources = project.resources; |
this.roles = project.roles; |
this.material = typeof project.material !="undefined"? project.material : []; |
| = typeof !="undefined"? : []; |
//permissions from loaded project |
this.permissions.canWrite = project.canWrite; |
this.permissions.canAdd = project.canAdd; |
this.permissions.canWriteOnParent = project.canWriteOnParent; |
this.permissions.cannotCloseTaskIfIssueOpen = project.cannotCloseTaskIfIssueOpen; |
this.permissions.canAddIssue = project.canAddIssue; |
this.permissions.canDelete = project.canDelete; |
//repaint button bar basing on permissions |
this.checkButtonPermissions(); |
if (project.minEditableDate) |
this.minEditableDate = computeStart(project.minEditableDate); |
else |
this.minEditableDate = -Infinity; |
if (project.maxEditableDate) |
this.maxEditableDate = computeEnd(project.maxEditableDate); |
else |
this.maxEditableDate = Infinity; |
//recover stored ccollapsed statuas |
var collTasks=this.loadCollapsedTasks(); |
//shift dates in order to have client side the same hour (e.g.: 23:59) of the server side |
for (var i = 0; i < project.tasks.length; i++) { |
var task = project.tasks[i]; |
task.start += this.serverClientTimeOffset; |
task.end += this.serverClientTimeOffset; |
//set initial collapsed status |
task.collapsed=collTasks.indexOf(>=0; |
} |
this.loadTasks(project.tasks, project.selectedRow); |
this.deletedTaskIds = []; |
//recover saved zoom level |
if (project.zoom){ |
this.gantt.zoom = project.zoom; |
} else { |
this.gantt.shrinkBoundaries(); |
this.gantt.setBestFittingZoom(); |
} |
this.endTransaction(); |
var self = this; |
this.gantt.element.oneTime(200, function () {self.gantt.centerOnToday()}); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.loadTasks = function (tasks, selectedRow) { |
//console.debug("GanttMaster.prototype.loadTasks") |
//var prof=new Profiler("ganttMaster.loadTasks"); |
var factory = new TaskFactory(); |
//reset |
this.reset(); |
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { |
var task = tasks[i]; |
if (!(task instanceof Task)) { |
var t =,, task.code, task.level, task.start, task.duration, task.collapsed); |
for (var key in task) { |
if (key != "end" && key != "start") |
t[key] = task[key]; //copy all properties |
} |
task = t; |
} |
task.master = this; // in order to access controller from task |
this.tasks.push(task); //append task at the end |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < this.tasks.length; i++) { |
var task = this.tasks[i]; |
var numOfError = this.__currentTransaction && this.__currentTransaction.errors ? this.__currentTransaction.errors.length : 0; |
//add Link collection in memory |
while (!this.updateLinks(task)) { // error on update links while loading can be considered as "warning". Can be displayed and removed in order to let transaction commits. |
if (this.__currentTransaction && numOfError != this.__currentTransaction.errors.length) { |
var msg = "ERROR:\n"; |
while (numOfError < this.__currentTransaction.errors.length) { |
var err = this.__currentTransaction.errors.pop(); |
msg = msg + err.msg + "\n\n"; |
} |
alert(msg); |
} |
this.__removeAllLinks(task, false); |
} |
if (!task.setPeriod(task.start, task.end)) { |
alert(GanttMaster.messages.GANNT_ERROR_LOADING_DATA_TASK_REMOVED + "\n" + ); |
//remove task from in-memory collection |
this.tasks.splice(task.getRow(), 1); |
} else { |
//append task to editor |
this.editor.addTask(task, null, true); |
//append task to gantt |
this.gantt.addTask(task); |
} |
} |
//this.editor.fillEmptyLines(); |
//prof.stop(); |
// re-select old row if tasks is not empty |
if (this.tasks && this.tasks.length > 0) { |
selectedRow = selectedRow ? selectedRow : 0; |
this.tasks[selectedRow]; |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.getTask = function (taskId) { |
var ret; |
for (var i = 0; i < this.tasks.length; i++) { |
var tsk = this.tasks[i]; |
if ( == taskId) { |
ret = tsk; |
break; |
} |
} |
return ret; |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.getResource = function (resId) { |
var ret; |
for (var i = 0; i < this.resources.length; i++) { |
var res = this.resources[i]; |
if ( == resId) { |
ret = res; |
break; |
} |
} |
return ret; |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.changeTaskDeps = function (task) { |
return task.moveTo(task.start,false,true); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.changeTaskDates = function (task, start, end) { |
//console.debug("changeTaskDates",task, start, end) |
return task.setPeriod(start, end); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.moveTask = function (task, newStart) { |
return task.moveTo(newStart, true,true); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.taskIsChanged = function () { |
//console.debug("taskIsChanged"); |
var master = this; |
//refresh is executed only once every 50ms |
this.element.stopTime("gnnttaskIsChanged"); |
//var profilerext = new Profiler("gm_taskIsChangedRequest"); |
this.element.oneTime(50, "gnnttaskIsChanged", function () { |
//console.debug("task Is Changed real call to redraw"); |
//var profiler = new Profiler("gm_taskIsChangedReal"); |
master.redraw(); |
master.element.trigger("gantt.redrawCompleted"); |
//profiler.stop(); |
}); |
//profilerext.stop(); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.checkButtonPermissions = function () { |
var ganttButtons=$(".ganttButtonBar"); |
//hide buttons basing on permissions |
if (!this.permissions.canWrite) |
ganttButtons.find(".requireCanWrite").hide(); |
if (!this.permissions.canAdd) |
ganttButtons.find(".requireCanAdd").hide(); |
if (!this.permissions.canInOutdent) |
ganttButtons.find(".requireCanInOutdent").hide(); |
if (!this.permissions.canMoveUpDown) |
ganttButtons.find(".requireCanMoveUpDown").hide(); |
if (!this.permissions.canDelete) |
ganttButtons.find(".requireCanDelete").hide(); |
if (!this.permissions.canSeeCriticalPath) |
ganttButtons.find(".requireCanSeeCriticalPath").hide(); |
if (!this.permissions.canAddIssue) |
ganttButtons.find(".requireCanAddIssue").hide(); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.redraw = function () { |
this.editor.redraw(); |
this.gantt.redraw(); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.reset = function () { |
//console.debug("GanttMaster.prototype.reset"); |
this.tasks = []; |
this.links = []; |
this.deletedTaskIds = []; |
if (!this.__inUndoRedo) { |
this.__undoStack = []; |
this.__redoStack = []; |
} else { // don't reset the stacks if we're in an Undo/Redo, but restart the inUndoRedo control |
this.__inUndoRedo = false; |
} |
delete this.currentTask; |
this.editor.reset(); |
this.gantt.reset(); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.showTaskEditor = function (taskId) { |
var task = this.getTask(taskId); |
task.rowElement.find(".edit").click(); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.saveProject = function () { |
return this.saveGantt(false); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.saveGantt = function (forTransaction) { |
//var prof = new Profiler("gm_saveGantt"); |
var saved = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < this.tasks.length; i++) { |
var task = this.tasks[i]; |
var cloned = task.clone(); |
//shift back to server side timezone |
if (!forTransaction) { |
cloned.start -= this.serverClientTimeOffset; |
cloned.end -= this.serverClientTimeOffset; |
} |
saved.push(cloned); |
} |
var ret = {tasks: saved}; |
if (this.currentTask) { |
ret.selectedRow = this.currentTask.getRow(); |
} |
ret.deletedTaskIds = this.deletedTaskIds; //this must be consistent with transactions and undo |
if (!forTransaction) { |
ret.resources = this.resources; |
ret.roles = this.roles; |
ret.canAdd = this.permissions.canAdd; |
ret.canWrite = this.permissions.canWrite; |
ret.canWriteOnParent = this.permissions.canWriteOnParent; |
ret.zoom = this.gantt.zoom; |
ret.material = this.material; |
| =; |
//save collapsed tasks on localStorage |
this.storeCollapsedTasks(); |
//mark un-changed task and assignments |
this.markUnChangedTasksAndAssignments(ret); |
//si aggiunge il commento al cambiamento di date/status |
ret.changesReasonWhy=$("#LOG_CHANGES").val(); |
} |
//prof.stop(); |
return ret; |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.markUnChangedTasksAndAssignments=function(newProject){ |
//console.debug("markUnChangedTasksAndAssignments"); |
//si controlla che ci sia qualcosa di cambiato, ovvero che ci sia l'undo stack |
if (this.__undoStack.length>0){ |
var oldProject=JSON.parse(this.__undoStack[0]); |
//si looppano i "nuovi" task |
for (var i=0;i<newProject.tasks.length;i++){ |
var newTask=newProject.tasks[i]; |
//se è un task che c'erà già |
if (typeof ("string" && !"tmp_")){ |
//si recupera il vecchio task |
var oldTask; |
for (var j=0;j<oldProject.tasks.length;j++){ |
if (oldProject.tasks[j]{ |
oldTask=oldProject.tasks[j]; |
break; |
} |
} |
//si controlla se ci sono stati cambiamenti |
var taskChanged= |
| != || |
oldTask.code != newTask.code || |
| != || |
oldTask.start != newTask.start || |
oldTask.startIsMilestone != newTask.startIsMilestone || |
oldTask.end != newTask.end || |
oldTask.endIsMilestone != newTask.endIsMilestone || |
oldTask.duration != newTask.duration || |
oldTask.status != newTask.status || |
oldTask.typeId != newTask.typeId || |
oldTask.relevance != newTask.relevance || |
oldTask.progress != newTask.progress || |
oldTask.progressByWorklog != newTask.progressByWorklog || |
oldTask.description != newTask.description || |
oldTask.level != newTask.level|| |
oldTask.depends != newTask.depends; |
newTask.unchanged=!taskChanged; |
//se ci sono assegnazioni |
if (newTask.assigs&&newTask.assigs.length>0){ |
//se abbiamo trovato il vecchio task e questo aveva delle assegnazioni |
if (oldTask && oldTask.assigs && oldTask.assigs.length>0){ |
for (var j=0;j<oldTask.assigs.length;j++){ |
var oldAssig=oldTask.assigs[j]; |
//si cerca la nuova assegnazione corrispondente |
var newAssig; |
for (var k=0;k<newTask.assigs.length;k++){ |
if([k].id){ |
newAssig=newTask.assigs[k]; |
break; |
} |
} |
//se c'è una nuova assig corrispondente |
if(newAssig){ |
//si confrontano i valori per vedere se è cambiata |
newAssig.unchanged= |
newAssig.resourceId==oldAssig.resourceId && |
newAssig.roleId==oldAssig.roleId && |
newAssig.effort==oldAssig.effort; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.loadCollapsedTasks = function () { |
var collTasks=[]; |
if (localStorage ) { |
if (localStorage.getObject("TWPGanttCollTasks")) |
collTasks = localStorage.getObject("TWPGanttCollTasks"); |
return collTasks; |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.storeCollapsedTasks = function () { |
//console.debug("storeCollapsedTasks"); |
if (localStorage) { |
var collTasks; |
if (!localStorage.getObject("TWPGanttCollTasks")) |
collTasks = []; |
else |
collTasks = localStorage.getObject("TWPGanttCollTasks"); |
for (var i = 0; i < this.tasks.length; i++) { |
var task = this.tasks[i]; |
var pos=collTasks.indexOf(; |
if (task.collapsed){ |
if (pos<0) |
collTasks.push(; |
} else { |
if (pos>=0) |
collTasks.splice(pos,1); |
} |
} |
localStorage.setObject("TWPGanttCollTasks", collTasks); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.updateLinks = function (task) { |
//console.debug("updateLinks",task); |
//var prof= new Profiler("gm_updateLinks"); |
// defines isLoop function |
function isLoop(task, target, visited) { |
//var prof= new Profiler("gm_isLoop"); |
//console.debug("isLoop :"" - "; |
if (target == task) { |
return true; |
} |
var sups = task.getSuperiors(); |
//my parent' superiors are my superiors too |
var p = task.getParent(); |
while (p) { |
sups = sups.concat(p.getSuperiors()); |
p = p.getParent(); |
} |
//my children superiors are my superiors too |
var chs = task.getChildren(); |
for (var i = 0; i < chs.length; i++) { |
sups = sups.concat(chs[i].getSuperiors()); |
} |
var loop = false; |
//check superiors |
for (var i = 0; i < sups.length; i++) { |
var supLink = sups[i]; |
if (supLink.from == target) { |
loop = true; |
break; |
} else { |
if (visited.indexOf( + "x" + <= 0) { |
visited.push( + "x" +; |
if (isLoop(supLink.from, target, visited)) { |
loop = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
//check target parent |
var tpar = target.getParent(); |
if (tpar) { |
if (visited.indexOf( + "x" + <= 0) { |
visited.push( + "x" +; |
if (isLoop(task, tpar, visited)) { |
loop = true; |
} |
} |
} |
//prof.stop(); |
return loop; |
} |
//remove my depends |
this.links = this.links.filter(function (link) { |
return != task; |
}); |
var todoOk = true; |
if (task.depends) { |
//cannot depend from an ancestor |
var parents = task.getParents(); |
//cannot depend from descendants |
var descendants = task.getDescendant(); |
var deps = task.depends.split(","); |
var newDepsString = ""; |
var visited = []; |
var depsEqualCheck = []; |
for (var j = 0; j < deps.length; j++) { |
var depString = deps[j]; // in the form of row(lag) e.g. 2:3,3:4,5 |
var supStr =depString; |
var lag = 0; |
var pos = depString.indexOf(":"); |
if (pos>0){ |
supStr=depString.substr(0,pos); |
var lagStr=depString.substr(pos+1); |
lag=Math.ceil((stringToDuration(lagStr)) / Date.workingPeriodResolution) * Date.workingPeriodResolution; |
} |
var sup = this.tasks[parseInt(supStr)-1]; |
if (sup) { |
if (parents && parents.indexOf(sup) >= 0) { |
this.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + "\"\n" + GanttMaster.messages.CANNOT_DEPENDS_ON_ANCESTORS + "\n\"" +"\""); |
todoOk = false; |
} else if (descendants && descendants.indexOf(sup) >= 0) { |
this.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + "\"\n" + GanttMaster.messages.CANNOT_DEPENDS_ON_DESCENDANTS + "\n\"" +"\""); |
todoOk = false; |
} else if (isLoop(sup, task, visited)) { |
todoOk = false; |
this.setErrorOnTransaction(GanttMaster.messages.CIRCULAR_REFERENCE + "\n\"" + +" - "+ + "\" -> \"" + +" - ""\""); |
} else if(depsEqualCheck.indexOf(sup)>=0) { |
this.setErrorOnTransaction(GanttMaster.messages.CANNOT_CREATE_SAME_LINK + "\n\"" +"\" -> \"""\""); |
todoOk = false; |
} else { |
this.links.push(new Link(sup, task, lag)); |
newDepsString = newDepsString + (newDepsString.length > 0 ? "," : "") + supStr+(lag==0?"":":"+durationToString(lag)); |
} |
if (todoOk) |
depsEqualCheck.push(sup); |
} |
} |
task.depends = newDepsString; |
} |
//prof.stop(); |
return todoOk; |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.moveUpCurrentTask = function () { |
var self = this; |
//console.debug("moveUpCurrentTask",self.currentTask) |
if (self.currentTask) { |
if (!(self.permissions.canWrite || self.currentTask.canWrite) || !self.permissions.canMoveUpDown ) |
return; |
self.beginTransaction(); |
self.currentTask.moveUp(); |
self.endTransaction(); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.moveDownCurrentTask = function () { |
var self = this; |
//console.debug("moveDownCurrentTask",self.currentTask) |
if (self.currentTask) { |
if (!(self.permissions.canWrite || self.currentTask.canWrite) || !self.permissions.canMoveUpDown ) |
return; |
self.beginTransaction(); |
self.currentTask.moveDown(); |
self.endTransaction(); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.outdentCurrentTask = function () { |
var self = this; |
if (self.currentTask) { |
var par = self.currentTask.getParent(); |
//can outdent if you have canRight on current task and on its parent and canAdd on grandfather |
if (!self.currentTask.canWrite || !par.canWrite || !par.getParent() || !par.getParent().canAdd) |
return; |
self.beginTransaction(); |
self.currentTask.outdent(); |
self.endTransaction(); |
//[expand] |
if (par) self.editor.refreshExpandStatus(par); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.indentCurrentTask = function () { |
var self = this; |
if (self.currentTask) { |
//can indent if you have canRight on current and canAdd on the row above |
var row = self.currentTask.getRow(); |
if (!self.currentTask.canWrite || row <= 0 || !self.tasks[row - 1].canAdd) |
return; |
self.beginTransaction(); |
self.currentTask.indent(); |
self.endTransaction(); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.addBelowCurrentTask = function () { |
var self = this; |
//console.debug("addBelowCurrentTask",self.currentTask) |
var factory = new TaskFactory(); |
var ch; |
var row = 0; |
if (self.currentTask && { |
//add below add a brother if current task is not already a parent |
var addNewBrother = !(self.currentTask.isParent() || self.currentTask.level==0); |
var canAddChild=self.currentTask.canAdd; |
var canAddBrother=self.currentTask.getParent() && self.currentTask.getParent().canAdd; |
//if you cannot add a brother you will try to add a child |
addNewBrother=addNewBrother&&canAddBrother; |
if (!canAddBrother && !canAddChild) |
return; |
ch ="tmp_" + new Date().getTime(), "", "", self.currentTask.level+ (addNewBrother ?0:1), self.currentTask.start, 1); |
row = self.currentTask.getRow() + 1; |
if (row>0) { |
self.beginTransaction(); |
var task = self.addTask(ch, row); |
if (task) { |
|; |
task.rowElement.find("[name=name]").focus(); |
} |
self.endTransaction(); |
} |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.addAboveCurrentTask = function () { |
var self = this; |
// console.debug("addAboveCurrentTask",self.currentTask) |
//check permissions |
if ((self.currentTask.getParent() && !self.currentTask.getParent().canAdd) ) |
return; |
var factory = new TaskFactory(); |
var ch; |
var row = 0; |
if (self.currentTask && { |
//cannot add brothers to root |
if (self.currentTask.level <= 0) |
return; |
ch ="tmp_" + new Date().getTime(), "", "", self.currentTask.level, self.currentTask.start, 1); |
row = self.currentTask.getRow(); |
if (row > 0) { |
self.beginTransaction(); |
var task = self.addTask(ch, row); |
if (task) { |
|; |
task.rowElement.find("[name=name]").focus(); |
} |
self.endTransaction(); |
} |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.deleteCurrentTask = function (taskId) { |
//console.debug("deleteCurrentTask",this.currentTask , this.isMultiRoot) |
var self = this; |
var task; |
if (taskId) |
task=self.getTask(taskId); |
else |
task=self.currentTask; |
if (!task || !self.permissions.canDelete && !task.canDelete) |
return; |
var""; |
var row = task.getRow(); |
if (task && (row > 0 || self.isMultiRoot || task.isNew()) ) { |
var par = task.getParent(); |
self.beginTransaction(); |
task.deleteTask(); |
task = undefined; |
//recompute depends string |
self.updateDependsStrings(); |
//redraw |
self.taskIsChanged(); |
//[expand] |
if (par) |
self.editor.refreshExpandStatus(par); |
//focus next row |
row = row > self.tasks.length - 1 ? self.tasks.length - 1 : row; |
if (!taskIsEmpty && row >= 0) { |
task = self.tasks[row]; |
|; |
task.rowElement.find("[name=name]").focus(); |
} |
self.endTransaction(); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.collapseAll = function () { |
//console.debug("collapseAll"); |
if (this.currentTask){ |
this.currentTask.collapsed=true; |
var desc = this.currentTask.getDescendant(); |
for (var i=0; i<desc.length; i++) { |
if (desc[i].isParent()) // set collapsed only if is a parent |
desc[i].collapsed = true; |
desc[i].rowElement.hide(); |
} |
this.redraw(); |
//store collapse statuses |
this.storeCollapsedTasks(); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.fullScreen = function () { |
//console.debug("fullScreen"); |
this.workSpace.toggleClass("ganttFullScreen").resize(); |
$("#fullscrbtn .teamworkIcon").html(".ganttFullScreen")?"€":"@"); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.expandAll = function () { |
//console.debug("expandAll"); |
if (this.currentTask){ |
this.currentTask.collapsed=false; |
var desc = this.currentTask.getDescendant(); |
for (var i=0; i<desc.length; i++) { |
desc[i].collapsed = false; |
desc[i]; |
} |
this.redraw(); |
//store collapse statuses |
this.storeCollapsedTasks(); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.collapse = function (task, all) { |
//console.debug("collapse",task) |
task.collapsed=true; |
task.rowElement.addClass("collapsed"); |
var descs = task.getDescendant(); |
for (var i = 0; i < descs.length; i++) |
descs[i].rowElement.hide(); |
this.redraw(); |
//store collapse statuses |
this.storeCollapsedTasks(); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.expand = function (task,all) { |
//console.debug("expand",task) |
task.collapsed=false; |
task.rowElement.removeClass("collapsed"); |
var collapsedDescendant = this.getCollapsedDescendant(); |
var descs = task.getDescendant(); |
for (var i = 0; i < descs.length; i++) { |
var childTask = descs[i]; |
if (collapsedDescendant.indexOf(childTask) >= 0) continue; |
|; |
} |
this.redraw(); |
//store collapse statuses |
this.storeCollapsedTasks(); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.getCollapsedDescendant = function () { |
var allTasks = this.tasks; |
var collapsedDescendant = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < allTasks.length; i++) { |
var task = allTasks[i]; |
if (collapsedDescendant.indexOf(task) >= 0) continue; |
if (task.collapsed) collapsedDescendant = collapsedDescendant.concat(task.getDescendant()); |
} |
return collapsedDescendant; |
} |
GanttMaster.prototype.addIssue = function () { |
var self = this; |
if (self.currentTask && self.currentTask.isNew()){ |
alert(GanttMaster.messages.PLEASE_SAVE_PROJECT); |
return; |
} |
if (!self.currentTask || !self.currentTask.canAddIssue) |
return; |
openIssueEditorInBlack('0',"AD","ISSUE_TASK="; |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.openExternalEditor = function () { |
//console.debug("openExternalEditor ") |
var self = this; |
if (!self.currentTask) |
return; |
if (self.currentTask.isNew()){ |
alert(GanttMaster.messages.PLEASE_SAVE_PROJECT); |
return; |
} |
//window.location.href=contextPath+"/applications/teamwork/task/taskEditor.jsp?CM=ED&OBJID="; |
}; |
//<%----------------------------- TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT ---------------------------------%> |
GanttMaster.prototype.beginTransaction = function () { |
if (!this.__currentTransaction) { |
this.__currentTransaction = { |
snapshot: JSON.stringify(this.saveGantt(true)), |
errors: [] |
}; |
} else { |
console.error("Cannot open twice a transaction"); |
} |
return this.__currentTransaction; |
}; |
//this function notify an error to a transaction -> transaction will rollback |
GanttMaster.prototype.setErrorOnTransaction = function (errorMessage, task) { |
if (this.__currentTransaction) { |
this.__currentTransaction.errors.push({msg: errorMessage, task: task}); |
} else { |
console.error(errorMessage); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.isTransactionInError = function () { |
if (!this.__currentTransaction) { |
console.error("Transaction never started."); |
return true; |
} else { |
return this.__currentTransaction.errors.length > 0 |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.endTransaction = function () { |
if (!this.__currentTransaction) { |
console.error("Transaction never started."); |
return true; |
} |
var ret = true; |
//no error -> commit |
if (this.__currentTransaction.errors.length <= 0) { |
//console.debug("committing transaction"); |
//put snapshot in undo |
this.__undoStack.push(this.__currentTransaction.snapshot); |
//clear redo stack |
this.__redoStack = []; |
//shrink gantt bundaries |
this.gantt.shrinkBoundaries(); |
this.taskIsChanged(); //enqueue for gantt refresh |
//error -> rollback |
} else { |
ret = false; |
//console.debug("rolling-back transaction"); |
//compose error message |
var msg = "ERROR:\n"; |
for (var i = 0; i < this.__currentTransaction.errors.length; i++) { |
var err = this.__currentTransaction.errors[i]; |
msg = msg + err.msg + "\n\n"; |
} |
alert(msg); |
//try to restore changed tasks |
var oldTasks = JSON.parse(this.__currentTransaction.snapshot); |
this.deletedTaskIds = oldTasks.deletedTaskIds; |
this.__inUndoRedo = true; // avoid Undo/Redo stacks reset |
this.loadTasks(oldTasks.tasks, oldTasks.selectedRow); |
this.redraw(); |
} |
//reset transaction |
this.__currentTransaction = undefined; |
//show/hide save button |
this.saveRequired(); |
//[expand] |
this.editor.refreshExpandStatus(this.currentTask); |
return ret; |
}; |
// inhibit undo-redo |
GanttMaster.prototype.checkpoint = function () { |
//console.debug("GanttMaster.prototype.checkpoint"); |
this.__undoStack = []; |
this.__redoStack = []; |
this.saveRequired(); |
}; |
//----------------------------- UNDO/REDO MANAGEMENT ---------------------------------%> |
GanttMaster.prototype.undo = function () { |
//console.debug("undo before:",this.__undoStack,this.__redoStack); |
if (this.__undoStack.length > 0) { |
var his = this.__undoStack.pop(); |
this.__redoStack.push(JSON.stringify(this.saveGantt())); |
var oldTasks = JSON.parse(his); |
this.deletedTaskIds = oldTasks.deletedTaskIds; |
this.__inUndoRedo = true; // avoid Undo/Redo stacks reset |
this.loadTasks(oldTasks.tasks, oldTasks.selectedRow); |
this.redraw(); |
//show/hide save button |
this.saveRequired(); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.redo = function () { |
//console.debug("redo before:",undoStack,redoStack); |
if (this.__redoStack.length > 0) { |
var his = this.__redoStack.pop(); |
this.__undoStack.push(JSON.stringify(this.saveGantt())); |
var oldTasks = JSON.parse(his); |
this.deletedTaskIds = oldTasks.deletedTaskIds; |
this.__inUndoRedo = true; // avoid Undo/Redo stacks reset |
this.loadTasks(oldTasks.tasks, oldTasks.selectedRow); |
this.redraw(); |
//console.debug("redo after:",undoStack,redoStack); |
this.saveRequired(); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.saveRequired = function () { |
//console.debug("saveRequired") |
//show/hide save button |
if(this.__undoStack.length>0 ) { |
$("#saveGanttButton").removeClass("disabled"); |
$("form[alertOnChange] #Gantt").val(new Date().getTime()); // set a fake variable as dirty |
this.element.trigger("saveRequired.gantt",[true]); |
} else { |
$("#saveGanttButton").addClass("disabled"); |
$("form[alertOnChange] #Gantt").updateOldValue(); // set a fake variable as clean |
this.element.trigger("saveRequired.gantt",[false]); |
} |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.print = function () { |
this.gantt.redrawTasks(true); |
print(); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.resize = function () { |
var self=this; |
//console.debug("GanttMaster.resize") |
this.element.stopTime("resizeRedraw").oneTime(50,"resizeRedraw",function(){ |
self.splitter.resize(); |
self.numOfVisibleRows=Math.ceil(self.element.height()/self.rowHeight); |
self.firstScreenLine=Math.floor(self.splitter.firstBox.scrollTop()/self.rowHeight) ; |
self.gantt.redrawTasks(); |
}); |
}; |
GanttMaster.prototype.scrolled = function (oldFirstRow) { |
var self=this; |
var newFirstRow=self.firstScreenLine; |
//if scroll something |
if (newFirstRow!=oldFirstRow){ |
//console.debug("Ganttalendar.scrolled oldFirstRow:"+oldFirstRow+" new firstScreenLine:"+newFirstRow); |
var collapsedDescendant = self.getCollapsedDescendant(); |
var scrollDown=newFirstRow>oldFirstRow; |
var startRowDel; |
var endRowDel; |
var startRowAdd; |
var endRowAdd; |
if(scrollDown){ |
startRowDel=oldFirstRow-self.rowBufferSize; |
endRowDel=newFirstRow-self.rowBufferSize; |
startRowAdd=Math.max(oldFirstRow+self.numOfVisibleRows+self.rowBufferSize,endRowDel); |
endRowAdd =newFirstRow+self.numOfVisibleRows+self.rowBufferSize; |
} else { |
startRowDel=newFirstRow+self.numOfVisibleRows+self.rowBufferSize; |
endRowDel=oldFirstRow+self.numOfVisibleRows+self.rowBufferSize; |
startRowAdd=newFirstRow-self.rowBufferSize; |
endRowAdd =Math.min(oldFirstRow-self.rowBufferSize,startRowDel); |
} |
var firstVisibleRow=newFirstRow-self.rowBufferSize; //ignoring collapsed tasks |
var lastVisibleRow =newFirstRow+self.numOfVisibleRows+self.rowBufferSize; |
//console.debug("remove startRowDel:"+startRowDel+" endRowDel:"+endRowDel ) |
//console.debug("add startRowAdd:"+startRowAdd+" endRowAdd:"+endRowAdd) |
var row=0; |
self.firstVisibleTaskIndex=-1; |
for (var i=0;i<self.tasks.length;i++){ |
var task=self.tasks[i]; |
if (collapsedDescendant.indexOf(task) >=0){ |
continue; |
} |
//remove rows on top |
if (row>=startRowDel && row<endRowDel) { |
if (task.ganttElement) |
task.ganttElement.remove(); |
if (task.ganttBaselineElement) |
task.ganttBaselineElement.remove(); |
//add missing ones |
} else if (row>=startRowAdd && row<endRowAdd) { |
self.gantt.drawTask(task); |
} |
if (row>=firstVisibleRow && row<lastVisibleRow) { |
self.firstVisibleTaskIndex=self.firstVisibleTaskIndex==-1?i:self.firstVisibleTaskIndex; |
self.lastVisibleTaskIndex = i; |
} |
row++ |
} |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Compute the critical path using Backflow algorithm. |
* Translated from Java code supplied by M. Jessup here |
* |
* For each task computes: |
* earlyStart, earlyFinish, latestStart, latestFinish, criticalCost |
* |
* A task on the critical path has isCritical=true |
* A task not in critical path can float by latestStart-earlyStart days |
* |
* If you use critical path avoid usage of dependencies between different levels of tasks |
* |
* WARNNG: It ignore milestones!!!! |
* @return {*} |
*/ |
GanttMaster.prototype.computeCriticalPath = function () { |
if (!this.tasks) |
return false; |
// do not consider grouping tasks |
var tasks = this.tasks.filter(function (t) { |
//return !t.isParent() |
return (t.getRow() > 0) && (!t.isParent() || (t.isParent() && !t.isDependent())); |
}); |
// reset values |
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { |
var t = tasks[i]; |
t.earlyStart = -1; |
t.earlyFinish = -1; |
t.latestStart = -1; |
t.latestFinish = -1; |
t.criticalCost = -1; |
t.isCritical = false; |
} |
// tasks whose critical cost has been calculated |
var completed = []; |
// tasks whose critical cost needs to be calculated |
var remaining = tasks.concat(); // put all tasks in remaining |
// Backflow algorithm |
// while there are tasks whose critical cost isn't calculated. |
while (remaining.length > 0) { |
var progress = false; |
// find a new task to calculate |
for (var i = 0; i < remaining.length; i++) { |
var task = remaining[i]; |
var inferiorTasks = task.getInferiorTasks(); |
if (containsAll(completed, inferiorTasks)) { |
// all dependencies calculated, critical cost is max dependency critical cost, plus our cost |
var critical = 0; |
for (var j = 0; j < inferiorTasks.length; j++) { |
var t = inferiorTasks[j]; |
if (t.criticalCost > critical) { |
critical = t.criticalCost; |
} |
} |
task.criticalCost = critical + task.duration; |
// set task as calculated an remove |
completed.push(task); |
remaining.splice(i, 1); |
// note we are making progress |
progress = true; |
} |
} |
// If we haven't made any progress then a cycle must exist in |
// the graph and we wont be able to calculate the critical path |
if (!progress) { |
console.error("Cyclic dependency, algorithm stopped!"); |
return false; |
} |
} |
// set earlyStart, earlyFinish, latestStart, latestFinish |
computeMaxCost(tasks); |
var initialNodes = initials(tasks); |
calculateEarly(initialNodes); |
calculateCritical(tasks); |
return tasks; |
function containsAll(set, targets) { |
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { |
if (set.indexOf(targets[i]) < 0) |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
function computeMaxCost(tasks) { |
var max = -1; |
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { |
var t = tasks[i]; |
if (t.criticalCost > max) |
max = t.criticalCost; |
} |
//console.debug("Critical path length (cost): " + max); |
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { |
var t = tasks[i]; |
t.setLatest(max); |
} |
} |
function initials(tasks) { |
var initials = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { |
if (!tasks[i].depends || tasks[i].depends == "") |
initials.push(tasks[i]); |
} |
return initials; |
} |
function calculateEarly(initials) { |
for (var i = 0; i < initials.length; i++) { |
var initial = initials[i]; |
initial.earlyStart = 0; |
initial.earlyFinish = initial.duration; |
setEarly(initial); |
} |
} |
function setEarly(initial) { |
var completionTime = initial.earlyFinish; |
var inferiorTasks = initial.getInferiorTasks(); |
for (var i = 0; i < inferiorTasks.length; i++) { |
var t = inferiorTasks[i]; |
if (completionTime >= t.earlyStart) { |
t.earlyStart = completionTime; |
t.earlyFinish = completionTime + t.duration; |
} |
setEarly(t); |
} |
} |
function calculateCritical(tasks) { |
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { |
var t = tasks[i]; |
t.isCritical = (t.earlyStart == t.latestStart) |
} |
} |
}; |
//------------------------------------------- MANAGE CHANGE LOG INPUT --------------------------------------------------- |
GanttMaster.prototype.manageSaveRequired=function(ev, showSave) { |
//console.debug("manageSaveRequired", showSave); |
var self=this; |
function checkChanges() { |
var changes = false; |
//there is somethin in the redo stack? |
if (self.__undoStack.length > 0) { |
var oldProject = JSON.parse(self.__undoStack[0]); |
//si looppano i "nuovi" task |
for (var i = 0; !changes && i < self.tasks.length; i++) { |
var newTask = self.tasks[i]; |
//se è un task che c'erà già |
if (!("""tmp_")) { |
//si recupera il vecchio task |
var oldTask; |
for (var j = 0; j < oldProject.tasks.length; j++) { |
if (oldProject.tasks[j].id == { |
oldTask = oldProject.tasks[j]; |
break; |
} |
} |
// chack only status or dateChanges |
if (oldTask && (oldTask.status != newTask.status || oldTask.start != newTask.start || oldTask.end != newTask.end)) { |
changes = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$("#LOG_CHANGES_CONTAINER").css("display", changes ? "inline-block" : "none"); |
} |
if (showSave) { |
$("body").stopTime("gantt.manageSaveRequired").oneTime(200, "gantt.manageSaveRequired", checkChanges); |
} else { |
} |
} |
/** |
* workStartHour,endStartHour : millis from 00:00 |
* dateFormat dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm |
* working period resolution in millis or days |
*/ |
GanttMaster.prototype.setHoursOn = function(startWorkingHour,endWorkingHour,dateFormat,resolution){ |
//console.debug("resolution",resolution) |
Date.defaultFormat= dateFormat; |
Date.startWorkingHour=startWorkingHour; |
Date.endWorkingHour=endWorkingHour; |
Date.useMillis=resolution>=1000; |
Date.workingPeriodResolution=resolution; |
millisInWorkingDay=endWorkingHour-startWorkingHour; |