@ -1,32 +1,56 @@
import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useMemo, useState, useRef } from 'react'; |
import { Card, Text, Avatar, useTheme, IconButton, FAB, Button, Tooltip, TouchableRipple, Badge } from 'react-native-paper'; |
import { RefreshControl, StyleSheet, View, Alert, PermissionsAndroid, Platform, ToastAndroid, ScrollView, StatusBar } from 'react-native'; |
import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useState, useRef } from 'react'; |
import { |
View, |
StyleSheet, |
ScrollView, |
StatusBar, |
PermissionsAndroid, |
RefreshControl |
} from 'react-native'; |
import { Card, Avatar, IconButton, Button, Text, TouchableRipple, ActivityIndicator } from 'react-native-paper'; |
import { launchCamera } from 'react-native-image-picker'; |
import { useFocusEffect } from '@react-navigation/native'; |
import ImageMarker, { Position, TextBackgroundType } from 'react-native-image-marker'; |
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; |
import { setShipmentData } from '../appredux/actions'; |
import { store } from '../appredux/store'; |
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; |
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs'; |
import { getCoords } from '../utils/geolocation'; |
import { strings } from '../utils/i18n'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import 'moment/locale/id'; |
moment.locale('id'); |
import person from '../assets/images/courier_man.png' |
import uuid from 'react-native-uuid'; |
import { |
BottomSheetModal, |
BottomSheetModalProvider, |
BottomSheetView |
BottomSheetView, |
} from '@gorhom/bottom-sheet'; |
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign'; |
import { requestAccessStoragePermission } from '../utils/storage'; |
import Toast from 'react-native-toast-message'; |
import person from '../assets/images/courier_man.png'; |
import { colors } from '../utils/color'; |
import { getCoords } from '../utils/geolocation'; |
import { strings } from '../utils/i18n'; |
import { PATH_PRESENCE } from '../config/imageFolder'; |
import { storeData, resendFailedAttachments } from '../services/sqlite/attachment'; |
import RequestModule from '../services/api/request'; |
import { requestAccessStoragePermission } from '../utils/storage'; |
// import renderSkeleton from '../components/renderSkeleton';
moment.locale('id'); |
const HomeScreen = ({ route, navigation }) => { |
const theme = useTheme(); |
const request = new RequestModule('presence') |
const { user } = useSelector(state => state.userReducer) |
const [currentTime, setCurrentTime] = useState(moment(new Date())); |
const [existingAttachmentNumber, setExistingAttachmentNumber] = useState(''); |
const [imageData, setImageData] = useState([]); |
const [idData, setIdData] = useState(null); |
const [dataPresence, setDataPresence] = useState([]) |
const [lastPresence, setLastPresence] = useState(null) |
const bottomSheetModal = useRef(null); |
const [refreshing, setRefreshing] = useState(false); |
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); |
const [loadingSkeleton, setLoadingSkeleton] = useState(false); |
const presenceText = lastPresence && lastPresence.length > 0 ? 'presenceOut' : 'presenceIn'; |
const messageText = lastPresence && lastPresence.length > 0 ? 'presenceOutMessage' : 'presenceInMessage'; |
useFocusEffect( |
useCallback(() => { |
let homeTimer = setInterval(() => { |
@ -35,185 +59,333 @@ const HomeScreen = ({ route, navigation }) => {
return () => { |
clearInterval(homeTimer); |
} |
}, []) |
); |
const onRefresh = React.useCallback(() => { |
setRefreshing(true); |
setLoadingSkeleton(true); |
getPresenceHistory(); |
}, []); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (existingAttachmentNumber === '') { |
setExistingAttachmentNumber(uuid.v4()) |
} |
getPresenceHistory() |
getLastPresence() |
resendFailedAttachments(); |
}, []) |
const dummyData = [ |
{ id: '1', date: '2024-02-09', timeIn: '08:00', timeOut: '17:00', shift: "Pagi", duration: new Date(0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0) }, |
{ id: '2', date: '2024-02-10', timeIn: '08:15', timeOut: '17:30', shift: "Pagi", duration: new Date(0, 0, 0, 8, 30, 0) }, |
{ id: '3', date: '2024-02-11', timeIn: '08:10', timeOut: '17:20', shift: "Pagi", duration: new Date(0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0) }, |
{ id: '4', date: '2024-02-12', timeIn: '08:10', timeOut: '17:20', shift: "Pagi", duration: new Date(0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0) }, |
{ id: '5', date: '2024-02-13', timeIn: '08:10', timeOut: '17:20', shift: "Pagi", duration: new Date(0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0) }, |
{ id: '6', date: '2024-02-14', timeIn: '08:10', timeOut: '17:20', shift: "Pagi", duration: new Date(0, 0, 0, 9, 30, 0) }, |
{ id: '7', date: '2024-02-15', timeIn: '08:10', timeOut: '17:20', shift: "Pagi", duration: new Date(0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0) }, |
]; |
const getLastPresence = async () => { |
const payload = { |
paging: { start: 0, length: 1 }, |
columns: [ |
{ name: 'deleted_at', logic_operator: 'IS NULL', operator: 'AND' }, |
{ name: 'date_presence', logic_operator: '=', operator: 'AND', value: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') }, |
{ name: 'hr_to_project_id', logic_operator: '=', operator: 'AND', value: "1" } |
], |
orders: { columns: ['created_at', 'id'], ascending: false } |
}; |
const result = await request.getDataSearch(payload); |
if (result && result.status === 200) { |
setLastPresence(result.data.data) |
setIdData(result.data.data[0]?.id) |
} |
} |
const getPresenceHistory = async () => { |
if (loadingSkeleton) return; |
setLoadingSkeleton(true); |
const payload = { |
paging: { start: 0, length: 7 }, |
columns: [ |
{ name: 'deleted_at', logic_operator: 'IS NULL', operator: 'AND' }, |
{ name: 'hr_to_project_id', logic_operator: '=', operator: 'AND', value: "1" } |
], |
orders: { columns: ['created_at', 'id'], ascending: false } |
}; |
const result = await request.getDataSearch(payload); |
if (result && result.status === 200) { |
setDataPresence(result.data.data) |
} |
setRefreshing(false); |
setLoadingSkeleton(false); |
} |
const handlePresensiPress = useCallback(() => { |
bottomSheetModal.current?.present(); |
}, []); |
const handlePresensiConfirm = async () => { |
const handleSendPresenceData = async () => { |
try { |
const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( |
PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.CAMERA, |
{ |
title: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionTitle'), |
message: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionMessage'), |
buttonNeutral: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionBtnNeutral'), |
buttonNegative: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionBtnCancel'), |
buttonPositive: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionBtnPositive'), |
}, |
); |
if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) { |
handleLaunchCamera() |
} else { |
} |
} catch (err) { |
console.warn(err); |
const currentDateTime = moment(new Date()); |
getCoords(async ({ lat, lon, timestamp }) => { |
if (lat === null || lon === null) { |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'error', |
text1: strings('presence.errorFetchingLocation'), |
}); |
return; |
} |
const payload = { |
assign_hr_id: 1, |
datePresence: currentDateTime, |
in_time: currentDateTime, |
in_lat: lat, |
in_lon: lon, |
shift: 'Pagi', |
status: 'Present', |
attachment_number: existingAttachmentNumber, |
send_time: currentDateTime |
}; |
try { |
const result = await request.addData(payload); |
if (result.status === 201) { |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'success', |
text1: strings('presence.dataSentSuccessfully'), |
}); |
getLastPresence() |
getPresenceHistory() |
setLoading(false) |
} else { |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'error', |
text1: strings('presence.failedSendDataPresence'), |
}); |
setLoading(false) |
} |
setLoading(false) |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Network error sending presence data:", error); |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'error', |
text1: strings('presence.errorMessage'), |
}); |
setLoading(false) |
} |
}); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Error sending presence data:", error); |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'error', |
text1: strings('presence.errorMessage'), |
}); |
setLoading(false) |
} |
bottomSheetModal.current?.dismiss(); |
}; |
const handlePresensiConfirm = async () => { |
if (lastPresence && lastPresence.length > 0) { |
try { |
const currentDateTime = moment(new Date()); |
getCoords(async ({ lat, lon, timestamp }) => { |
if (lat === null || lon === null) { |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'error', |
text1: strings('presence.errorFetchingLocation'), |
}); |
return; |
} |
const inTime = moment(lastPresence[0].in_time); |
const outTime = moment(currentDateTime); |
const duration = outTime.diff(inTime, 'minutes'); |
const payloadEdit = { |
assign_hr_id: 1, |
out_time: currentDateTime, |
duration: duration, |
out_lat: lat, |
out_lon: lon, |
}; |
try { |
const result = await request.updateData(idData, payloadEdit); |
console.log("result", result); |
if (result.status === 200) { |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'success', |
text1: strings('presence.dataSentOutSuccessfully'), |
}); |
getLastPresence() |
getPresenceHistory() |
setLoading(false) |
bottomSheetModal.current?.dismiss(); |
} else { |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'error', |
text1: strings('presence.failedSendDataPresence'), |
}); |
setLoading(false) |
} |
setLoading(false) |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Network error sending presence data:", error); |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'error', |
text1: strings('presence.errorMessage'), |
}); |
setLoading(false) |
} |
}); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Error sending presence data:", error); |
Toast.show({ |
type: 'error', |
text1: strings('presence.errorMessage'), |
}); |
setLoading(false) |
} |
} else { |
try { |
const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( |
PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.CAMERA, |
{ |
title: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionTitle'), |
message: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionMessage'), |
buttonNeutral: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionBtnNeutral'), |
buttonNegative: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionBtnCancel'), |
buttonPositive: strings('takePicture.cameraPermissionBtnPositive'), |
}, |
); |
if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) { |
handleLaunchCamera(); |
} else { |
console.warn('Camera permission denied'); |
} |
} catch (err) { |
console.warn(err); |
} |
bottomSheetModal.current?.dismiss(); |
} |
} |
const handleUploadImage = async (dataImage, imageCategory) => { |
const formData = new FormData(); |
for (const { attachment_number, imageFile, type, name, data, description } of dataImage) { |
formData.append('attachment_number', attachment_number); |
formData.append('description', description); |
formData.append('files', { |
uri: imageFile, |
type: type, |
name: name |
}); |
} |
const result = await request.uploadImage(imageCategory, formData); |
} |
const handleLaunchCamera = () => { |
let options = { |
storageOptions: { |
skipBackup: true, |
path: 'images', |
}, |
cameraType: 'front', |
cameraType: 'back', |
maxWidth: 768, |
maxHeight: 1024, |
saveToPhotos: false, |
includeBase64: true |
}; |
launchCamera(options, (response) => { |
launchCamera(options, async (response) => { |
if (response.didCancel) { |
// console.log('User cancelled image picker');
console.log('User cancelled image picker'); |
} else if (response.error) { |
// console.log('ImagePicker Error: ', response.error);
} else if (response.customButton) { |
// console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
// alert(response.customButton);
console.log('ImagePicker Error: ', response.error); |
} else { |
// console.log('response', response);
// response:
// {
// "assets": [
// {
// "fileName": "rn_image_picker_lib_temp_f5afd4ec-a31b-4854-8dc7-5c5dd750e3c6.jpg",
// "fileSize": 595470,
// "height": 1024,
// "originalPath": "file:///data/user/0/com.integrasiautama.ospodduta/cache/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_f5afd4ec-a31b-4854-8dc7-5c5dd750e3c6.jpg",
// "type": "image/jpeg",
// "uri": "file:///data/user/0/com.integrasiautama.ospodduta/cache/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_10e0c170-69ce-4a1d-8520-82f75945c125.jpg",
// "width": 768
// }
// ]
// }
if (response.assets && response.assets.length > 0) { |
let user_id = user?.id; |
getCoords(loc => { |
// console.log('loc', loc)
if (loc) { |
let imageObject = { |
"user_id": user_id, |
"drop_point_id": selectedDropPoint?.id, |
"image_uri": response.assets[0].uri, |
"image_blob": response.assets[0].base64, |
"lat": loc.lat, |
"lon": loc.lon |
} |
addOverlay(imageObject) |
} |
else { |
setLoading(true) |
try { |
getCoords(async (loc) => { |
if (loc) { |
const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString(); |
const location = { latitude: loc.lat, longitude: loc.lon }; |
} |
const overlayText = `${timestamp}\nLatitude: ${location.latitude}\nLongitude: ${location.longitude}\nCopyright Nawakara`; |
const markedImage = await ImageMarker.markText({ |
backgroundImage: { |
src: { uri: response.assets[0].uri } |
}, |
watermarkTexts: [{ |
text: overlayText, |
positionOptions: { |
position: Position.bottomLeft, |
}, |
style: { |
color: '#ffffff', |
fontSize: 9, |
fontName: 'Arial', |
textBackgroundStyle: { |
padding: 12, |
type: TextBackgroundType.none, |
color: '#00000080' |
} |
}, |
}], |
position: 'bottomLeft', |
color: '#ffffff', |
fontName: 'Arial-BoldMT', |
fontSize: 16, |
scale: 1, |
}); |
}) |
// const tempPath = `file://${RNFS.TemporaryDirectoryPath}/prsensi/${moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss')}.jpg`;
// await RNFS.copyFile(markedImage, tempPath);
} |
} |
}); |
} |
const newImageData = { |
id: 0, |
attachment_number: existingAttachmentNumber, |
imageFile: `file://${markedImage}`, |
description: "-", |
data: response.assets[0].uri, |
type: response.assets[0].type, |
name: response.assets[0].fileName |
}; |
const addOverlay = async (imageObject) => { |
try { |
const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString(); |
const location = { latitude: imageObject.lat, longitude: imageObject.lon }; |
const overlayText = `${timestamp}\nLatitude: ${location.latitude}\nLongitude: ${location.longitude}`; |
if (imageObject.image_uri) { |
const markedImage = await ImageMarker.markText({ |
backgroundImage: { |
src: { uri: imageObject.image_uri } |
}, |
watermarkTexts: [{ |
text: overlayText, |
positionOptions: { |
position: Position.bottomLeft, |
}, |
style: { |
color: '#ffffff', |
fontSize: 8, |
fontName: 'Arial', |
textBackgroundStyle: { |
padding: 10, |
type: TextBackgroundType.none, |
color: '#00000080' |
const resultImage = await handleUploadImage([newImageData], PATH_PRESENCE); |
handleSendPresenceData(); |
} |
}, |
}], |
position: 'bottomLeft', |
color: '#ffffff', |
fontName: 'Arial-BoldMT', |
fontSize: 16, |
scale: 1, |
}); |
await saveToTemporaryFolder(markedImage, imageObject); |
}); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error adding overlay:', error); |
setLoading(false) |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
}; |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error adding overlay:', error); |
} |
} |
const saveToTemporaryFolder = async (markedImage, imageObject) => { |
try { |
const tempPath = `file://${RNFS.TemporaryDirectoryPath}/presensi/${moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss')}.jpg`; |
if (!requestAccessStoragePermission()) { |
return; |
} |
await RNFS.copyFile(markedImage, tempPath); |
const imageBase64 = await RNFS.readFile(tempPath, 'base64'); |
storePhoto(imageObject.user_id, imageObject.drop_point_id, tempPath, imageBase64, imageObject.lat, imageObject.lon) |
reloadPhotos(); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error saving image to temporary folder:', error); |
} |
} |
const handlePresensiCancel = () => { |
bottomSheetModal.current?.dismiss(); |
}; |
const convertDuration = (data) => { |
const hours = Math.floor(data / 60); |
const minutes = data % 60; |
return `${hours} jam ${minutes} menit`; |
} |
return ( |
<View style={styles.container}> |
<StatusBar backgroundColor={colors.blue} barStyle='ligth-content' translucent={true} /> |
<View style={[styles.header, { backgroundColor: colors.blue }]}> |
<Avatar.Image style={styles.avatar} source={person} /> |
<Avatar.Image style={styles.avatar} source={{ uri: 'https://nawakara-staging-api.ospro.id/assets/files/presence/2024-06/OQ8oglNiCIoCrPX1718098448814614133-0.jpg' }} /> |
<View style={styles.textContainer}> |
<Text style={[styles.welcomeText, { color: theme.colors.surface }]}> |
{strings('home.welcomeMessage')}, Farhan! |
<Text style={[styles.welcomeText, { color: colors.pureWhite }]}> |
{strings('home.welcomeMessage')}, {user?.name} |
</Text> |
<Text style={[styles.subWelcomeText, { color: theme.colors.surface }]}> |
<Text style={[styles.subWelcomeText, { color: colors.pureWhite }]}> |
penuh semangat dan produktivitas |
</Text> |
</View> |
@ -227,15 +399,15 @@ const HomeScreen = ({ route, navigation }) => {
<Card elevation={4} style={[styles.card, { backgroundColor: 'white' }]}> |
<Card.Content> |
<Text variant='displaySmall' style={[styles.boldText, { paddingBottom: 10, textAlign: 'center', color: colors.blue }]}>{moment(currentTime).format('HH:mm')} </Text> |
<Text variant='displaySmall' style={[styles.boldText, { paddingBottom: 10, textAlign: 'center', color: colors.blue }]}>{moment(currentTime).format('HH:mm')}</Text> |
<Text variant='titleSmall' style={{ paddingBottom: 10 }}>{moment(currentTime).format('dddd, DD MMMM - YYYY')} </Text> |
<View style={[styles.row, { justifyContent: 'space-between' }]}> |
<Text variant='titleMedium' style={[styles.boldText, { textAlign: 'center', color: colors.amethystSmoke }]}>Masuk </Text> |
<Text variant='titleMedium' style={[styles.boldText, { textAlign: 'center', color: colors.amethystSmoke }]}>Keluar </Text> |
</View> |
<View style={[styles.row, { justifyContent: 'space-between' }]}> |
<Text variant='bodyMedium' style={{ textAlign: 'center', color: colors.blue }}>Jam </Text> |
<Text variant='bodyMedium' style={{ textAlign: 'center', color: colors.blue }}>Jam </Text> |
<Text variant='bodyMedium' style={{ textAlign: 'center', color: colors.blue }}>{lastPresence && lastPresence.length > 0 ? moment(lastPresence[0].in_time).format('HH:mm') : '-'}</Text> |
<Text variant='bodyMedium' style={{ textAlign: 'center', color: colors.blue }}>{lastPresence && lastPresence.length > 0 && lastPresence[0].out_time ? moment(lastPresence[0].out_time).format('HH:mm') : '-'}</Text> |
</View> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<View style={styles.iconButtonContainer}> |
@ -264,76 +436,95 @@ const HomeScreen = ({ route, navigation }) => {
<Text style={{ color: colors.amethystSmoke }}>Lihat Semua</Text> |
</TouchableRipple> |
</View> |
<ScrollView style={{ flex: 1 }}> |
{dummyData.map((item) => ( |
<Card key={item.id} style={styles.cardPrecense}> |
<Card.Content> |
<View style={[styles.row, { justifyContent: 'space-between' }]}> |
<View style={[styles.row, styles.precenseDate]}> |
<Icon name="calendar" size={20} color={colors.blue} /> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.blue, fontWeight: 'bold', paddingLeft: 3 }}> |
{moment(item.date).format('dddd, DD MMMM - YYYY')} |
</Text> |
</View> |
<View style={[styles.precenseDate, { backgroundColor: colors.semigreen }]}> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.green, fontWeight: 'bold', paddingLeft: 3 }}> |
Shift {item.shift} |
</Text> |
<ScrollView style={{ flex: 1 }} |
refreshControl={ |
<RefreshControl |
refreshing={refreshing} |
onRefresh={onRefresh} |
colors={[colors.blue]} |
progressBackgroundColor={colors.pureWhite} |
/> |
} |
> |
{loadingSkeleton ? ( |
// renderSkeleton(2)
null |
) : ( |
dataPresence.map((item) => ( |
<Card key={item.id} style={styles.cardPrecense}> |
<Card.Content> |
<View style={[styles.row, { justifyContent: 'space-between' }]}> |
<View style={[styles.row, styles.precenseDate]}> |
<Icon name="calendar" size={20} color={colors.blue} /> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.blue, fontWeight: 'bold', paddingLeft: 3 }}> |
{moment(item.datePresence).format('dddd, DD MMMM - YYYY')} |
</Text> |
</View> |
<View style={[styles.precenseDate, { backgroundColor: colors.semigreen }]}> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.green, fontWeight: 'bold', paddingLeft: 3 }}> |
Shift {item.shift} |
</Text> |
</View> |
</View> |
</View> |
<View style={[styles.row, { justifyContent: 'space-between' }]}> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<Icon name="clockcircleo" size={20} color={colors.black} /> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.amethystSmoke, fontWeight: 'bold', paddingLeft: 3 }}> |
Durasi Kerja |
</Text> |
</View> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.amethystSmoke }}>Masuk</Text> |
<Icon name="minus" size={20} color={colors.amethystSmoke} /> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.amethystSmoke }}>Keluar</Text> |
</View> |
</View> |
<View style={[styles.row, { justifyContent: 'space-between' }]}> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.black, paddingLeft: 5 }}>{item.timeIn} Jam</Text> |
<View style={[styles.row, { justifyContent: 'space-between' }]}> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<Icon name="clockcircleo" size={20} color={colors.black} /> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.amethystSmoke, fontWeight: 'bold', paddingLeft: 3 }}> |
Durasi Kerja |
</Text> |
</View> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.amethystSmoke }}>Masuk</Text> |
<Icon name="minus" size={20} color={colors.amethystSmoke} /> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.amethystSmoke }}>Keluar</Text> |
</View> |
</View> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<Text>{item.timeIn}</Text> |
<Icon name="minus" size={20} color={colors.black} /> |
<Text>{item.timeOut}</Text> |
<View style={[styles.row, { justifyContent: 'space-between' }]}> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<Text style={{ color: colors.black, paddingLeft: 5 }}>{item.duration ? convertDuration(item.duration) : ''}</Text> |
</View> |
<View style={styles.row}> |
<Text>{moment(item.in_time).format('HH:mm')}</Text> |
<Icon name="minus" size={20} color={colors.black} /> |
<Text>{item.out_time ? moment(item.out_time).format('HH:mm') : ''}</Text> |
</View> |
</View> |
</View> |
</Card.Content> |
</Card> |
))} |
</Card.Content> |
</Card> |
)) |
)} |
</ScrollView> |
<BottomSheetModalProvider> |
<BottomSheetModal |
ref={bottomSheetModal} |
index={0} |
snapPoints={['25%']} |
bottomInset={10} |
snapPoints={['27%']} |
detached={true} |
> |
<BottomSheetView > |
<View style={styles.cardContent}> |
<View style={[styles.row, { justifyContent: 'space-between' }]}> |
<Text variant='titleMedium' style={[styles.boldText, { textAlign: 'center', color: colors.black }]}>Ingin presensi sekarang? </Text> |
<Text variant='titleMedium' style={[styles.boldText, { textAlign: 'center', color: colors.black }]}>{strings(`presence.${presenceText}`)} </Text> |
</View> |
<Text variant='bodyMedium' style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: 3, color: colors.amethystSmoke }}>Semoga harimu menyenangkan dengan penuh produktivitas dan semangat </Text> |
<Text variant='bodyMedium' style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: 3, color: colors.amethystSmoke }}>{strings(`presence.${messageText}`)}</Text> |
<Button mode="contained" buttonColor={colors.blue} onPress={handlePresensiConfirm} style={{ borderRadius: 15 }}> |
Presensi Sekarang |
{strings('global.confirm')} |
</Button> |
<Button onPress={handlePresensiCancel} textColor={colors.amethystSmoke}> |
Batal |
{strings('global.cancel')} |
</Button> |
</View> |
</BottomSheetView> |
</BottomSheetModal> |
</BottomSheetModalProvider> |
{loading && ( |
<View style={styles.loading}> |
<ActivityIndicator size="large" animating={true} color={colors.mistBlue} /> |
</View> |
)} |
</View > |
); |
}; |
@ -356,7 +547,7 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
alignItems: 'center', |
borderBottomLeftRadius: 30, |
borderBottomRightRadius: 30, |
paddingHorizontal: 20, |
paddingHorizontal: 10, |
paddingVertical: 30, |
}, |
avatar: { |
@ -404,6 +595,17 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
elevation: 4, |
backgroundColor: colors.pureWhite |
}, |
loading: { |
position: 'absolute', |
top: 0, |
bottom: 0, |
left: 0, |
right: 0, |
alignItems: 'center', |
justifyContent: 'center', |
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)', // Transparent white background
zIndex: 1, |
} |
}); |
export default HomeScreen; |